by Edward Slavsquat
October 25, 2024
EdwardSlavsquat Website

The Kazan Declaration
This seems like
if you are
in BRICS...
BRICS just wrapped up its
summit in Kazan.
Probably you heard about this momentous event
from meticulously researched independent media articles discussing
how BRICS just delivered a DOUBLE DEATHBLOW to the globalists...
This is very good news.
Let us celebrate together by reading the BRICS'
Kazan Declaration, published on October 23. (English
Russian, compliments of the
Kremlin's official website.)
Please, I beg you - read this Declaration and share it with all your
The Kazan Declaration is not just a
massive victory for BRICS, it is a victory for all decent
freedom-loving people on Earth.
Here are a few highlights from this historic
BRICS supports "global
governance" and "the central role of the United Nations in the
international system"
"[W]e reaffirm our commitment to
multilateralism and upholding the international law,
including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the
Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable
cornerstone, and the central role of
the UN in the international
system, in which sovereign states cooperate to maintain
international peace and security, advance sustainable
development, ensure the promotion and protection of
democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all as
well as cooperation based on solidarity, mutual respect,
justice and equality.
We further emphasize the urgent need to
achieve equitable and inclusive geographical representation
in the staff composition of the Secretariat of the United
Nations and other international organizations in a timely
"We reiterate our commitment to improving global governance
by promoting a more agile, effective, efficient, responsive,
representative, legitimate, democratic and accountable
international and multilateral system."
BRICS supports the
leading role of the IMF in global finance
"We reaffirm our commitment to
maintaining a strong and effective Global Financial Safety
Net with a quota-based and adequately resourced
IMF at its center."
BRICS supports the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development
"We stress the universal and inclusive
nature of
the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development
Goals, and that implementation should take into account
different national circumstances, capacities and levels of
development, whilst respecting national policies and
priorities and in conformity with national legislation."
BRICS supports
public-private partnerships to help nations achieve their
Sustainable Development Goals
"We recognize that the use of blended
finance is an effective way to mobilize private capital to
finance infrastructure projects.
We note the important role of
multilateral development banks and development finance
institutions, in particular national development banks, in
institutionally scaling up the use of blended finance and
other instruments, and thereby contributing to the
achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in
accordance with country-specific needs and priorities.
To this end, we commend the work of the
BRICS Public-Private Partnership and 17 Infrastructure Task
Force and endorse its Technical Report on Infrastructure
Projects Blended Finance."
BRICS supports the
reduction and removal of greenhouse gases to combat climate
"We reiterate that the objectives,
principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), its Kyoto Protocol
and its
Paris Agreement, including
its principles of equity and common but differentiated
responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC) in
the light of different national circumstances, must be
We condemn unilateral measures introduced
under the pretext of climate and environmental concerns and
reiterate our commitment to enhancing coordination on these
We will strengthen cooperation on a whole
range of solutions and technologies that contribute to the
reduction and removal of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).
We also note the role of carbon (CO2)
sinks in absorbing GHGs and mitigating
climate change, whilst also
highlighting the importance of adaptation and stressing the
need for the adequate provision of the means of
implementation, namely financial resources, technology
transfer and capacity building."
"We underscore the critical need for active climate
adaptation projects, moving beyond research and forecasting
to the implementation of practical solutions, advancing
renewable energy, sustainable financing, low-emission
technologies, and sustainable development investments, while
highlighting the importance of collective action and
international cooperation to address the adverse impacts of
climate change and ensure inclusive, equitable climate
BRICS supports the
creation of carbon markets
"We recognize the important role of
carbon (CO2) markets as one of the drivers of
climate action, and encourage enhancing cooperation and
sharing experiences in this field.
We oppose unilateral measures introduced
under the pretext of climate and environmental concerns and
reiterate our commitment to enhancing coordination on these
We welcome the adoption of the MoU on the
Carbon Markets Partnership
as a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge, experiences
and case studies of developing carbon markets and discussing
the potential intra-BRICS cooperation on carbon markets to
exchange views on potential cooperation under Article 6 of
the Paris Agreement among the BRICS countries."
BRICS supports the World
Health Organization (WHO) and its "central coordinating role" in
strengthening "the international pandemic prevention,
preparedness and response system"
"We reiterate our support to the central
coordinating role of the World Health Organization (WHO)
in the implementation of multilateral international efforts
to protect public health from infectious diseases and
epidemics and commit to reform and strengthen the
international pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
We recognize the fundamental role of
primary health care as a key foundation for Universal Health
Care and health system's resilience, as well as on
prevention and response to health emergencies.
We welcome fostering closer ties among
BRICS health institutions responsible for sanitary and
epidemiological health and well-being, prevention,
preparedness and response to epidemic prone communicable
diseases and health impact following disasters and encourage
further exploring opportunities for knowledge sharing,
exchange of expertise and undertaking joint projects in the
health sector."
BRICS supports the
development of 'safe' & 'effective'
"We support the initiatives of the BRICS
R&D Vaccine Center, further development of the BRICS
Integrated Early Warning System for preventing mass
infectious diseases risks and the operations of the BRICS TB
Research Network.
We welcome the outcomes of the 79th
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) HighLevel
Meeting on AMR, committing to a clear set of targets and
actions, including reducing the estimated 4.95 million human
deaths associated with bacterial antimicrobial resistance
(AMR) annually by 10% by 2030.
We express concern about the growing
threat of AMR to all sectors of the economy, in particular
healthcare, and note the timeliness of holding the first
BRICS Conference on AMR in May 2024."
BRICS supports "digital
transformation" using 5G and other "emerging technologies"
"Recognizing the importance of creating
an enabling, inclusive, and secure digital economy and that
digital connectivity is an essential prerequisite for
digital transformation as well as social and economic
growth, we emphasize the need to strengthen cooperation
among BRICS countries.
We also recognize that emerging
technologies such as 5G,
satellite systems, terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks,
have the potential to catalyze the development of the
digital economy.
We acknowledge that resilient, safe,
inclusive and interoperable digital public infrastructure
has the potential to deliver services at scale and increase
social and economic opportunities for all."
And so on and so forth...
Multilateralism for...
Just Global
Development and Security vs. Building a Just World and a Sustainable
The world is at a crossroads.
There are two distinct visions for the future of
You must choose one and then argue with
strangers on the internet who are inadequately enthusiastic
about your choice, which is perhaps the most meaningful and
consequential choice you will ever make; your choice will
literally change the trajectory of human history.
So please choose wisely.
Let me be more specific.
The theme of this year's BRICS summit was,
"Strengthening Multilateralism for Just
Global Development and Security".
I think we all understand why BRICS chose this
theme - because it is very meaningful and profound.
In sharp contrast, the G20 (which includes the USA and many other
Unipolar Satanic West nations...) will be meeting next month in
Rio de Janeiro to
discuss "Building a Just World and
a Sustainable Planet".
The contrast could not be more extreme...
like day and night...
Let's play a quick game.
Which of these two statements is from BRICS'
Kazan Declaration?
Statement A:
"We reaffirm our support for the
rules-based, open, transparent, fair, predictable,
inclusive, equitable, non-discriminatory, consensus-based
multilateral trading system with the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) at its core, with special and
differential treatment (S&DT) for developing countries,
including Least Developed Countries and reject the
unilateral trade restrictive measures that are inconsistent
with WTO rules."
Statement B:
"We express our support for actions aimed
at reaffirming that a rules-based, non-discriminatory, fair,
open, inclusive, equitable, sustainable and transparent
multilateral trading system, with WTO at its core, is
indispensable; [we support] policies that enable trade and
investment to serve as an engine of growth and prosperity
for all... Fostering a favorable trade and investment
environment for all."
Statement A is from BRICS' Multipolar
Sustainable Agenda 2030 Freedom Vision Declaration
Statement B is from the Second G20 Foreign
Ministers' Call to Action on Global Governance Reform,
published exactly one month ago on September 25, 2024, and
available on
the website of the US State Department.
And yet... these statements, issued by totally
different Poles, are oddly similar...
What could this possibly mean?
It's a mystery, but pro-Putin conservative Russian media has
scandalous hypothesis:

After combing through the Kazan Declaration, Katyusha
It is obvious that the goals of the
unification of the countries of this seemingly "alternative to
the Atlanticist" bloc are declared to be practically the
same as those in the UN declaration "Pact
for the Future" recently adopted at the
Future Summit in New York.
Both the stated goals and the proposed image
of the future BRICS association are the same, and everything is
even written in the same globalist newspeak...
That is, we have before us a sadly familiar model of
globalization, only not for the countries of the
Atlantic bloc and their satellites, but for Eurasia and the
"global South"... including Africa, and South America.
[BRICS] is a kind of subproject
from the same curators... in any case, this is precisely
what follows from the text of the Kazan Declaration.
Yeah, but... Zerohedge said that Putin
was presented with a
gimmick BRICS peso, and that I
should be excited about that.
I am excited. I am...
But I just thought that maybe you would like to know what BRICS said
about BRICS when it met in Kazan.