by Dr. Tim Coles
New Dawn 196 (Jan-Feb 2023)
NewDawnMagazine Website

On the surface, the men who rule the world are
central and
investment bankers:
those who print money and create money from thin
air in the form of loans.
I say "men" because almost all of them are
In addition, the men who run the world are law and private
enforcement agencies.
The central and private bankers cannot survive
without the judges, police, and hired goons that enable their
arrest for non-compliance, fines for failure to pay debts,
The men who run the world are, on the surface, also the founders,
CEOs, and majority-shareholders of multibillion-dollar monopolies,
the internet monolith Alphabet
the tech behemoth Apple
the software monopoly Microsoft
the drug giant
BlackRock - the asset manager that owns the bulk of those firms'
The CEOs of these companies meet several times a year at the
Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum
Many of these elites operate in the even-smaller circles of secret
societies and fraternal orders.
In 2011, BlackRock's co-founder and
current CEO, Larry Fink, sat in the United Grand Lodge of England's
Freemasonic Hall and urged the European Union, of which Britain was
then a member, to inject $2 trillion worth of central bank money
into the global economy to head off recession. 1
Fink's colleagues in
Wall Street and the City of London Corporation had
crashed the
economy in 2007-08 with their reckless gambling.
Their intervention
led to more than a decade of low-growth, low-wages and enormous
top-down profits.
The men who rule the world control thought with their
privately-owned media.
CNN and other broadcasters are owned by
Warner Bros Discovery, which in turn is owned by BlackRock and other
asset managers
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post (WashPo)
eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar owns The
Centibillionaire Elon Musk owns Twitter
With campaign donations and propaganda, these and
other rich men own politicians.
A record-breaking one billion dollars in
lobbying in the US was spent in the first quarter of 2022 alone.
I say these men run the world "on the surface" because, as we shall
see, an enormous secret apparatus operates in the name of national
security which seeks to control the direction of these men and their
In 2018, Jeff Bezos's estimated wealth surpassed $100 billion,
making him the world's first centibillionaire for two decades.
made his money, in part, by enjoying US federal government subsidies
in the form of tax breaks - literally paying nothing in some years
- and basing his business on computers and the internet, both of
which were developed with public money after WWII.
Generally, Amazon
is notorious for not paying staff a living wage, hiring corporate
spies, busting potential unions, and controlling warehouse staff
with CCTV-linked to algorithms that punish transgressions, such as
going to the toilet.
In 2000, Bezos founded his space venture arm,
Blue Origin, which in 2021 won millions of dollars worth of taxpayer
money from the Pentagon's Space Force to develop cryogenic fluid
management systems for the New Glenn rocket - a heavy-lift orbit
Technically, Microsoft founder and CEO
Bill Gates became a centibillionaire briefly in 1999, with the so-called
".com" bubble,
before seeing his wealth dip below that figure.
All that changed in
2019 when his wealth surpassed $100 billion, where it has remained
ever since.
Like Bezos, Gates enjoyed handouts from the nanny state
in the form of procurement contracts, low taxes, and early dibs on
innovations in non-computing fields, like geo- and genetic
engineering, and particularly injectable products.
Under cover of
saving black children from malaria and other diseases, Gates's
Foundation has made a fortune pedalling
genetically-modified crops
alleged vaccines, which need to be cooled in order to "work."
The lucrative, patented cooling technology is the most profitable
part of the new jab technology, which interests Gates the most.
Like Bezos and the rest of them, government responses to the
'pandemic' led Gates to double his wealth 4 as people
were locked down and used his Microsoft products.
Gates also bet on various "vaccine stocks."
The world's richest man, at the time of writing, is Elon Musk:
person born into wealth 6 and who, through his Neuralink company,
thinks it's "cool" to torture primates by snatching them from their
mothers, raising them in cages, and forcing them to participate in
experiments that include wiring their brains to microchips, which
will one day be implanted into humans...
Musk's lithium battery firm,
Tesla, relies on minerals acquired from Third World countries.
the style of the more right-wing elements of the US Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), Musk tweeted about the US-backed putsch in
"We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it."
Like Bezos's Blue Origin, Musk's SpaceX has enjoyed Pentagon contracts to save it
from ruination. Musk recently supplied satellites to
Ukraine in its
war with Russia.
Like Bill Gates buying favorable media coverage of
himself and Bezos purchasing WashPo, Musk has taken over Twitter,
branding himself as a saviour of the kind of speech that the
neoliberal elite has gradually censored over the last few years.
But these men are not free to do as they wish, despite the godlike
status they try to portray.
Melinda Gates implied during a TV interview that she left her
husband partly because of his association with the child rapist and
trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, who was part of an intelligence agency
plot to entrap and blackmail wealthy and influential people.
intelligence has had to deny plausible rumors that it is
investigating Musk as a threat to national security because he
reinstated former US President Trump's Twitter account.
The men with the most influence over national politics and economics,
are those who work in the shadows...
For instance, the "magic wall" of
CNN gives Americans the supposed results of democratic elections.
But not only are the candidates of elections
bought by lobbyists, the "magic wall" that purports to show election
results was the product of the company Perceptive Pixel, a
start-up funded by the Central Intelligence Agency's venture capital
firm, In-Q-Tel. 8
then-head of politics, David Bohrman, first saw the "magic
wall" at a military-intelligence event. 9
In other words,
CNN viewers receive
their election data indirectly from the CIA.
Bill Gates's Microsoft
acquired Perceptive Pixel in 2012...
(In-Q-Tel is named after Q in the
James Bond movies. The original Bond novels were written by the
British Naval officer, Ian Fleming. Bond's cypher was 007: the
real-life cypher of the occultist and cryptologist, John Dee, a spy
for Queen Elizabeth I.)
Unlike CEOs and corporate co-founders who have their own private
intelligence units and investigators, 10 the military and
intelligence apparatus can and does murder and threaten to murder
whoever it deems a threat to "national security" - a vague phrase
that, in reality, does not mean the security of you or me, but
rather, the given elite's grip on power.
controlled media
complex is quick to say that the Russian state murders rival
politicians and dissident journalists but claims "accident" or "suicide" when Western states do the same to irksome citizens.
For instance, after the journalist Gary Webb exposed CIA cocaine
trafficking in the 1980s, he supposedly killed himself with two
bullets to the head.
Agencies rely on a gullible culture and media
plants to tell the public that any investigation into foul play is
crazy conspiracy theorizing.
During his stint at the LA Times, Ken Dilanian worked closely
with the CIA, asking for their approval for stories and to suggest
stories. 11
In mid-2021, Dilanian, then at NBC, downplayed the
lab-leak theory of SARS-CoV-2. 12
It turns out that the US had
outsourced dangerous gain-of-function experiments to China via a
non-profit called the EcoHealth Alliance [for more on this, see the
interview with Prof. Jeffrey Sachs in
New Dawn Special Issue Vol 16
No 6].
In part, intelligence agents also rule the world by taking over
local investigations. After 9/11, for example, New York police
arrested Israelis who were seen appearing to celebrate the attacks.
The case was transferred to the FBI, then run by the longest-serving
director Robert Mueller, who let them flee to Israel.
Intelligence agencies and their political supporters compel judges
to drop certain cases. In 1989, US Attorney General Dick Thornburgh
prevented evidence against a former CIA station chief from being
heard in a federal court under the Classified Information Procedures
This led the judge to dismiss all charges. 13
The agencies can
do anything they like while protecting their agents from exposure
under legislation like the Intelligence Identities Protection Act.
Even if the higher-ups disagree with a particular operation, they
protect the given agency's reputation by shielding the rogue agents
from public scrutiny.
But agents and officers are not all-powerful. They merely exert
influence by having a de facto license to kill. The public execution
of John F. Kennedy in 1963 was a display of who runs the United
In those days, it was Freemasonic networks operating in the
CIA, FBI, and military intelligence.
Freemasonry as an institution
did not necessarily condone or have anything to do with the murder,
but rather, the agents and individuals involved in the assassination
happened to be high-ranking Masons:
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover,
Kennedy's replacement Lyndon B. Johnson
Abraham Zapruder who
captured the killing on camera
Today, multimillion-dollar companies and the people running them are
already powerful, so it does not take much for agents to threaten
non-compliant CEOs into doing the bidding of the intelligence
This mafia form of politics makes agents operating in
intelligence circles more powerful than CEOs, who become those
agents' puppets.
It has been five decades since
the Church Committee
of the US Congress attempted to launch a serious investigation into
agencies' structures and operations.
Ex-agents hope to become - or have become - politicians: for
example, in the US, Matt Castelli (Democrat), Will Hurd
(Republican), Elissa Slotkin (Democrat), and Abigail Spanberger
In an interview with the multimillionaire podcaster Joe Rogan, the
Facebook (Meta) co-founder Mark Zuckerberg said that,
company's decision to limit information favorable to US President Donald Trump was due to pressure from the intelligence agencies,
which claimed that Trump and his supporters were a threat to US
national security - again, meaning to the interests of certain
"Liberal" legacy media ignored the story, and the right wing
focused upon it as proof of a political agenda against Trump.
Zuckerberg was saying nothing new.
In December 2020, weeks before
the 6 January events, he had testified to Congress and made the same
remarks. Zuckerberg:
"In the weeks leading up to the election, the
Director of National Intelligence, the Head of the FBI, and the
bipartisan leaders of the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence reminded Americans about the threat posed by
foreign influence operations...
Along with their public warnings, and as part of the
ongoing cooperation that tech companies established with government
partners following the 2016 election…" 14
Hardly anybody noticed.
Twitter co-founder and billionaire Jack Dorsey said virtually the
same thing during his Congressional question and answer session.
In addition, Meta has hired ex-CIA and FBI agents to police content.
Here is a small sample:
CIA contractor Hagan Barnett
US Army
Officer Joey Chan
CIA analyst Cameron Harris
Department of Defense
project manager Sherif Kamal
DoD Intelligence Officer Suzanna
FBI threat investigator Ellen Nixon
Marine Corps
Intelligence Officer Neil Potts
CIA targeting officer Scott Stern
CIA senior analyst Mike Torrey
FBI supervisory special agent Emily Vacher
CIA counterintelligence specialist Bryan Weisbard
This tells us several things.
First, no matter how wealthy and
powerful somebody may be, in this case Zuckerberg and Dorsey, they
are usually afraid of intelligence agencies and bend to their will,
even when doing so is economically harmful to the corporation (in
this case downgrading and limiting content).
Second, the given
President's power depends on whether or not the media support him
("him," because at the time of writing, no women have entered this
office in the US).
Third, major influence can be wrought upon an
election by politically-motivated intelligence agencies - in this
case, killing a damaging story about the opposition candidate's son
(Hunter Biden).
Fourth, their influence over corporations often
involves having words with the CEOs. This is usually sufficient to
push them in the desired direction.
There is an entire network of corporate-intelligence operatives
influencing business and politics.
A few years ago, the business press reported that Deutsche Bank,
HSBC, and JPMorgan were hiring former intelligence and military
operatives, ostensibly to stop rogue traders.
These include,
Big banks buy politicians with campaign donations
and intelligence agencies work for those banks and influence
politics. 16
BlackRock is the biggest asset manager and institutional investor in
the world.
Together with State Street, Vanguard, and others like
Fidelity, it has a controlling institutional stake in,
(which owns Google and YouTube)
Facebook (Meta)
America's other giant corporate monopolies, as well as big pharma,
big oil, big real estate,
...and much more.
President Obama selected
Tom Donilon as National Security Advisor. Donilon went on to chair
the BlackRock Investment Institute. President-elect Biden even
considered picking him to head the CIA. 17
Biden also filled the Treasury with BlackRockers.
"BlackRock is
becoming one of Wall Street's key D.C. conduits," says the business
journal Bloomberg.
Biden's Treasury choice as senior advisor on
Russia and Ukraine is Eric Van Nostrand, former BlackRock managing
Biden already wanted former BlackRock "Sustainability"
head, Brian Deese, to head his National Economic Council.
President Kamala Harris's Chief Economic Advisor was another
ex-Obama flunky, namely Mike Pyle who before working for Harris was BlackRock's
Chief Investment Strategist. 18
• • •
These are the kind of people who meet annually at the World Economic
Forum (WEF),
Bilderberg Group, and other exclusive dining clubs to chat,
off the record, about the direction of the world they are trying to
impose on the rest of us in the name of "democracy" and "security"...
They have already succeeded in undermining real democracy, in
injecting billions of people with an experimental product under the
guise of countering a global health emergency, and are now using
taxpayer money and the cloak of national security to create,
a new
era of biological manipulation to shift from the data economy to the
biotech economy...
In addition to the multitude of behind-the-scenes players like
intelligence agents, the men who rule the world have some public
faces, too, like
Bill Gates... the so-called philanthropist buying
America's farmland and openly using "charity" as a way of making
more money for himself...