by Thierry Meyssan from VoltaireNetwork Website
Translation by Roger Lagassé
Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin
(photo from 2018).
may not solve anything at all.
This war was not caused by an expansionist desire of Russia, as Atlanticist propaganda assures us, but by real problems.
By simply acknowledging a change in borders, we will not address the root causes.
in defiance of its given word; an expansion that directly threatens the security of Russia, whose borders are too large to be defended.
In order to expand in Ukraine, NATO supported neo-Nazi groups that it placed in power and who have installed their laws in this country.
Added to this has been the resurgence of a supposed conflict of civilizations between European and Asian values. There will be no real peace as long as the West does not respect its own given word...
It will probably persist beyond peace.
Throughout 1990 the question arose whether German
reunification would mean that East Germany, by joining West Germany,
would enter
or not.
For example, the French territories in the Pacific (Réunion, Mayotte, Wallis and Futuna, Polynesia and New Caledonia) were not covered.
This issue is very important for the Central and Eastern European states that were attacked by Germany during the Second World War.
In the eyes of their populations, seeing
sophisticated weapons being installed on their borders was worrying.
Even more so for Russia, whose immense borders (6,600 kilometers)
are indefensible.
Consequently, NATO should rule out an,
The three occupying powers of Germany, the United States, France and the United Kingdom, therefore made repeated commitments not to expand NATO towards the East.
The Moscow Treaty (12 September 1990) assumed that a reunified Germany would not claim territory from Poland (Oder-Neisse line), and that no NATO bases would be present in East Germany. [2]
President Boris Yeltsin described the meeting they had just had as "disastrous", provoking laughter from President Bill Clinton. It is indeed better to laugh than to cry.
President Boris Yeltsin therefore harangued his counterpart, Bill Clinton, at the Budapest summit (5 December 1994) of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE).
He declared:
Bill Clinton replied:
At this summit, three memoranda were signed, including one with independent Ukraine.
In exchange for its denuclearization, Russia, the
United Kingdom and the United States committed to refraining from
resorting to the threat or use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of Ukraine.
However, at the NATO summit in Madrid (8 and 9
July 1997), the heads of state and government of the Alliance
announced that they were preparing for the accession of the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Poland. In addition, they are also considering
that of Slovenia and Romania.
It had a declaration adopted establishing the
principle of free membership of any sovereign state in the alliance
of its choice and that of not taking measures for its security to
the detriment of that of its neighbors.
All promises have been broken...!
In it, he discusses "geopolitics" in the original sense, that is, not the influence of geographical data on international politics,
According to him, the United States can remain the world's leading power by allying itself with the Europeans and isolating Russia.
Now retired, this democrat offers the Straussians a strategy to keep Russia in check, without however proving them right. Indeed, he supports cooperation with the European Union, while the Straussians wish on the contrary to slow its development (Wolfowitz doctrine).
In any case, Brzeziński would become an advisor
to President
Barack Obama.
Monument in Lviv to the glory of the criminal against Humanity Stepan Bandera
This is because the two rival US geopoliticians, Paul Wolfowitz and Zbigniew Brzeziński, had formed an alliance with the "integral nationalists" (i.e. with the disciples of the philosopher Dmytro Dontsov and the militia leader Stepan Bandera), [4] at a conference organized by the latter in Washington in 2000.
It was on this alliance that the Department of Defense had bet, in 2001, when it outsourced its research into biological warfare to Ukraine, under the authority of Antony Fauci, then Health Advisor to Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
It was also on this alliance that the State
Department had bet, in 2014, with the Euromaidan color revolution.
They allowed Dmytro Dontsov's ideology to become the historical reference.
For example, today, the Ukrainian population attributes the great famine of 1932-1933, which caused between 2.5 and 5 million deaths, to an imaginary desire of Russia to exterminate the Ukrainians; a founding myth that does not stand up to historical analysis, [5] in fact, this famine affected many other regions of the Soviet Union.
Moreover, it is on the basis of this lie that Kyiv managed to make its population believe that the Russian army wanted to invade Ukraine.
Nazification is more complex than we think:
In France, it is already present in the
Gendarmerie (which, by the way, has never made public its report on
the Boutcha massacre).
During the Second World War, the Nazis murdered many people, first by shooting and then, from 1942, in camps.
The Slavic civilian victims of Nazi racial ideology were more numerous than the Jewish victims (about 6 million if we add the people killed by shooting and those killed in the camps).
Moreover, since some victims were both Slavic and Jewish, they are included in both assessments.
After the massacres of 1940 and 1941,
approximately 18 million people from all backgrounds were interned
in concentration camps, of whom 11 million in total were murdered
(1,100,000 in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp alone). [8]
The victory against racial ideology founded today's Russia.
The Russian people see themselves as the slayers of racism.
The West adopted various measures against what symbolized Russia. Of course, unilateral coercive measures (abusively called "sanctions") were taken at the government level, but discriminatory measures were also taken at the citizen level.
Symbolically, we accepted the idea that Russia is not European, but Asian (which it also partially is).
We rethought the Cold War dichotomy, opposing the
free world (capitalist and believer) to the totalitarian specter
(socialist and atheist), into an opposition between Western values
(individualist) and those of Asia (communitarian).
I noted three years ago that the New York Times' 1619 Project and President Joe Biden's wok rhetoric were in reality, perhaps unwittingly, a reverse reformulation of racism. [9]
I note that today President Donald Trump shares the same analysis as me and has systematically revoked all of his predecessor's woke innovations.
But the damage is done:
Some government agencies have even banned it from their employees in what is nothing other than a denunciation of the "yellow peril."
the author of "War and Peace", be censored as Ukraine does, where his books are burned because he was Russian?
However, the most important thing is elsewhere.
To live together, we need not to threaten the
security of others and to recognize them as our equals. This is much
more difficult and does not only involve our governments.
Indeed, during the Second World War, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed at the Atlantic Summit that after their common victory, they would impose their law on the rest of the world.
It was only under pressure from the USSR and France that they accepted the UN statutes, but they continued to flout them, forcing Russia to boycott the organization when they refused the People's Republic of China the right to sit on it.
The glaring example of Western duplicity is given by the State of Israel, which tramples on a hundred resolutions of,
This is why, on December 17, 2021, when the war in Ukraine was looming, Moscow proposed to Washington [11] to prevent it by signing a bilateral treaty providing guarantees for peace. [12]
The idea of this text was, nothing more, nothing less, that the United States renounce the "rules-based world" and fall in line with international law.
This right, imagined by the Russians and the French just before the First World War, consists solely,