by Noel Huntley
excerpted from Chapter 8
"ETs and Aliens - Who Are They? and
Why Are They Here?"
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Are you afraid of reptiles?
Almost everyone is afraid of some
species of reptile. One may wonder why this is. Some people will
comment in agreement with this that naturally one is uncomfortable
with them on the basis of their appearance. But is this really a
justifiable reason?
We tend to cringe from spiders but not flies. Spiders are basically
no more fearful or ugly in appearance than flies, or many other
acceptable insects. Perhaps the reptilian fear connects with our
past and the alien entities that have controlled us for so long.
Notice the extent to which serpents are
used by us as symbols, for example, the medical association logos
consisting of two coiled serpents referred to as the caduceus, and
the dragons of royalty emblems, viz:
Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon
Sovereignty; not to mention the alignment of many ancient
monuments with the Draco (dragon) constellation.
Some further and positive examples of
reptilian associations are:
that the Sirians used symbols to
depict themselves and this is why Noah received information
about the ark from a 'serpent'
the kundalini energy at the base
of the spine, described as a coiled serpent ready to strike
and rising up the spine in a snake-like manner, aligning the
chakras in enlightenment and activation of the 12-strand DNA
(see appendix)
Mayan Great Calendar, based
on the ratio 13/20 (serpent fangs regrow every 20 days and
there are 13 scales to a side in the diamond pattern of
interlocking squares on the serpent's (Ahau Can's) skin)
The calendar aids the awakening serpent
(kundalini) and is an archetypal guide for transmutation, and
demonstrates that the future creates the present.
As a further point, channeling has
indicated that our blood would be green if we didn't utilize oxygen,
say, nitrogen instead, as some ETs do. Thus the skin would be
greenish, resembling the reptile color.
Once upon a time, about a million years ago actually, planet Earth
was invaded by the Drakon. Yes, this is spelled correctly but you're
right it does relate to dragons and presumably the origin of the
term 'dragon'. More specifically Atlantis was menaced by the Drakon.
And yes, there's little doubt that Atlantis was real - a large
continent in the Atlantic ocean.
The Drakon came from reptilian extraterrestrials far within the
galaxy and are now higher dimensional (not within our frequency
This original ancient race consists of
highly intelligent and benevolent beings which are now said to be
located in harmonic universe number 3; we are in harmonic universe
number 1.
We can think of these universes in
layers, that is, tiered but connected by portals - like black holes
or worm holes. Now, as appears to be fairly common amongst many
races, a digressive strain developed within this civilization.
The Drakon is the name given to this
deviant strain, which separated from the dominant race of benevolent
beings - presumably the Drakon were banished or simply left behind
as the parent race ascended; this is not unusual.
This group has caused the most
disruptive contamination of the human DNA. Amazingly, even Darwinism
is in accord with a reptilian-origin theory and academics have
recognized similarities between the reptilian brain and the human
The R-complex (reptilian complex)
component in the brain functions to give dinosaur-type traits:
Thus the Drakon are a reptilian race
fragmented from the original civilization, endowed with a negative
character and evil purposes due to a blocked heart centre and
inability to feel compassion for others.
They are highly intelligent beings,
upright in physical appearance, with war-like and aggressive
natures, and they came to inhabit a star system in the Orion
The ancient reptilians, in attempting to bring some organization to
this area of the galaxy, have become scattered throughout many
systems and originally came to Earth 225 million years ago. We are
now approaching a complete time cycle of this period in which
Earth's position is now in the same location spatially it was in the
galaxy 225 million years ago. Thus this is the start of a new stage
in biological evolution.
The name Draco has been used in
literature for a planet in this Orion system, plus references to
Draconian Alliance, and that these particular Orions wish to bring
Earth under the Draconian Empire.
To continue, about one million years ago the Drakon came to Earth
from Orion.
They were expert geneticists and
scientists and experimented with the human genetic code, creating
hybrids. These hybrids are known as the Dracos - a combination of
human and Drakon traits achieved by contamination of the human
genetic code.
The Dracos consider Earth their
birthright and have been manipulating this planet to a large degree
for about half a million years from underground. The Dracos are
tall, around seven feet, with human-looking bodies but with scales
and reptilian faces. In addition to facial appearance they also
resemble the Drakon in temperament. Moreover, their overall
appearance is more lizard-like than dragon.
The reptilian races are also called the
It might be of interest to mention that the Drakon tampered with the
DNA of the dinosaurs at this time (about one million years ago),
which according to extraterrestrial information were a creation from
other ET experiments about 375,000,000 years ago.
(The reader should not get bogged down
with orthodox historical time periods since all such education is
based on the context of a single human civilisation on this planet -
there were many. Time estimations can be very confusing, in
particular, since space-time is basically nonlinear.)
Note that most of the Drakon information
here was obtained from the extraordinary books, Voyagers, volume 1
and 2, by Anna Hayes transmitted from the Guardian Alliance. (Anna
Hayes' material is not channeled.)
The result of these new experiments by the Drakon on the genetic
code of the dinosaurs, into which their own genes were spliced with
traits of an aggressive nature, was the creation of the carnivorous
dinosaurs, for example, Tyrannosaurus Rex.
These fearsome monsters referred to as
Drakon monitors were used to subdue and control the human
For those readers interested in satanic information the Dracos
possessed a genetic configuration known as the '666' - a
mutation imposed by the Elohim (advanced beings from higher-universe
dimensions) on certain species to prevent interbreeding. The '666'
refers to disabling of the 6th overtone in each of strand one, five
and six. That is, three 6s. See Appendix for 12-strand DNA
Now the Drakon and the hybrid Dracos also created the chupacabras
that some readers will have read about in magazines and foreign
newspapers recently, with claims of dinosaur-type appearances of
these small (human-sized) lizard creatures.
The genetic distortion of human DNA created by the Drakon threatened
the continuation of the human species.
With the assistance of the Anunnaki ETs
from the star system Sirius A, plans were made to dispose of the
Drakon problem on Earth. (Note that this is not the Anunnaki
resistance that is an ally of the Dracos.)
They devised a method for utilizing the
power from the Earth's grid to destroy the underground habitats of
the Drakon and Dracos.
The plan failed, however, creating an
explosion within the Earth's crust, causing climactic upheavals,
earthquakes, slight pole shift, flooding, and land-mass destruction.
This resulted in a small global ice period but lasting several
thousands of years, causing unhealthy climactic effects and many
humans to go underground, and the Dracos to leave or fail to
Humans eventually returned to the surface and endeavored to rebuild
their lives but the interbreeding with the Drakon had contaminated
the genetic lines. Several other ET groups that came to Earth
exploited these negative circumstances to conduct further genetic
As a result of the distorted human
blueprint some primitive man varieties were created and also more
ape-like forms. Thus on this basis these particular species of
primitive man and ape came from intelligent man not the other way
In case of any confusion, one may wonder if the Dracos and Drakon
came from the astronomically recognized constellation named Draco.
Not unless this is an amazing synchronicity. The pattern of stars of
the Draco system is in fact a Dragon but these creature symbols and
images for constellations normally have no significance; they are
just a method of identifying stars and they act as a mnemonic.
Now humans were very vulnerable to being controlled.
According to the Voyagers volumes the
civilization at that time consisted of Atlanians (Atlanteans)
and Lamanians (Lemurians)
which, due to the initial Dracos/Drakon DNA contamination, from
which further mutations were created, the races fragmented and
became warring.
The Atlanians began to disregard the Law
of One.
At this point
the Anunnaki, a race with reptilian
traits and friendly with the Dracos, came to earth bringing a creed
that was a distortion of the Law of One. The Anunnaki created
teachings that would make them appear as Gods to humans, promoting
easier submission.
Their teachings were also designed to
disempower women and to inhibit their resistance to the Anunnaki
The Anunnaki thus created a hybrid human-Anunnaki, who was referred
to as
the Nephilim, around 950,000 years
Most extraterrestrial species have deviant offshoots and the
Anunnaki (from
Sirius A, mentioned previously) were no exception.
The name of these advanced beings, 'Anunnaki',
presumably derived from their king or god Anu. The Anunnaki lineage
apparently goes back to the Elohim, who in turn are a digression
from the Elohei - beings from a higher-dimensional universe who very
much oversee and monitor the human race's development.
Now this strain of spiritually-deficit beings eventually inhabited
planet Nirbiru. This planet has
been written about by
Zecharia Sitchin in his books
and also channeled sources. The planet Nibiru is apparently larger
than Jupiter and unexpectedly is a member of our own solar system.
It could be called the twelfth planet if
we accept that the planetoid Chiron is included in the tote and also
the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, which are fragments
remaining after the break up of Maldek, an earlier planet of our
solar system.
Astronomers have now corroborated the existence of the body named
Nibiru - though there is still speculation as to whether it is a
Nevertheless there appears to be
agreement on its wide elliptical orbit taking it out towards the
Pleiades system some 400 light years away with a period of 3,600
years to orbit our sun once.
There is contradictory information
regarding this planet's orbital position at this time.
It is probably some 1000 years distant
from our Sun. Other information states it is close to penetrating
the outer known orbit of our solar system. Though further reports
indicate this is some other body, comet, etc. Energy-wise the planet
links our sun with the Sirius system.
Nibiru used to be the outer most planet of Sirius A but is now the
outer planet of our solar system. It was captured about half-
a-million years ago and Nibiru now links our sun with the Sirius
system. This planet is inhabited by the Anunnaki, which will be a
resistance group from Sirius A and the Elohim, mentioned above, from
higher frequencies.
In addition to the name Anunnaki the
designation Nibiruans is also used, and occasionally the name
Nephilim (we shall see, however, Nephilim is the name given to the
hybrid human/Anunnaki). Note that the Nephilim is referred to in the
Bible as the 'gods' who interbred with the 'daughters of men'.
We shall adhere to the more commonly used term Anunnaki.
These resistance Anunnakis are on
favorable terms with the reptilian Dracos and have some common
genetics. Thus the Anunnakis are also of reptilian strain but, in
addition, are said to have a metallic biology. They apparently
thrive on nuclear radiation and did introduce uranium to planet
Earth thousands of years ago. They think rather than feel, much as
many humans do today.
Thinking is a linear process and
combined with lack of feeling will engender a predator race.
People on Earth have served them well.
They learned the science of alchemy when on Sirius A from the
Pleiadians, enabling them to manipulate base metals into precious
metals. With this alchemy and its knowledge of subtle vibrations
they thought they could convert their metallic biology and become
more flesh and blood while on Earth.
Note the energy relationships of Nibiru,
which is male, and Earth, which is female, and the not-so-surprising
abuse of Earth - the typical theme of masculine energy dominating
over feminine energy.
Owing to the great extent of its orbit and the variations in
energies and climate, which result from this, the Nibiruans/Anunnaki
also varied somewhat in their mental and physical outlook as the
orbit was traversed. Preparations were made long before the entrance
into the solar system, in particular, since its motion in orbit is
counter to the other planets of this system.
Thus every 3,600 years there is the potential for disruption of one
kind or another as it enters into the vicinity of the Sun. The
following disasters have been attributed to the impact of Nibiru
entering our solar system.
The break-up of Maldek, which now is
evidenced as the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. This
relates to the knowledge that the 'fallen angels' of Maldek failed
to rehabilitate their spirituality, resulting in the karmic
destruction of the planet.
The surface of Mars was destroyed by the
disturbance of the passing huge planet. The civilization at that
time knew some hundreds of years beforehand that they were a
'target' of this wayward planet and built cities underground. On
another occasion Jupiter was either struck by Nibiru or wrenched
violently by the turbulent fields, causing a large fragment to break
off Jupiter, now know as Venus.
Another example of the effects of
Nibiru's counter orbit within our solar system was the creation of
the year for planet Earth as 365¼ days from its previous period of
360 days, which occurred 104,000 years ago.
There was, however, an example in which Nibiru's arrival into our
system was beneficial to us. Sirius very much relates to the origins
of our energy and planet - sustenance for Earth is apparently
received from Sirius. Sirians appended a core crystal to Nibiru to
act as carrier to bring this crystal to Earth's core -
presumably at the nonphysical level - for the transference of codes
required for humanity's evolution.
(However, could this have been from
negative Anunnaki Sirians, and that this is the diodic crystal
placed at Stonehenge to block a principal grid line, and
correspondingly block our DNA development? - see
Anna Hayes' material.)
Let us go back prior to the habitation of Nibiru by the Anunnaki.
A group of the Anunnaki visited Earth
from Sirius A. Interbreeding took place between the male Anunnaki
and female humans. Their electromagnetic energies, however, were
incompatible, resulting in mutations, deformities, etc.
To digress for a moment here, we might mention that eventually these
malformed entities were destroyed in the Great Flood (or a great
flood - there were more than one), except for one physical type,
which we discovered and named 'Neanderthal man'.
The spiritual reason for this was to
allow such a body with appropriate limitations and handicap to be
used for souls to incarnate into who required lessons that such an
experience would fulfill.
Thus Neanderthal man existed
concurrently with advanced Atlanteans.
Now, at that time, cremation was the
method of disposing with dead bodies, but some of these Neanderthal
mutant hybrids, who did not wish to mingle with the city group and
preferred a more rural existence, failed to continue this practice,
resulting in the present-day discovery of Neanderthals but not
The material from the Guardians of Anna Hayes' tapes states
that Neanderthal man was the genetic combination of ape, human and
Anunnaki. It was a slave race created to mine gold for the Anunnaki.
Returning to the breeding program and the formation of Anunnaki-human
hybrids around 950,000 years ago, they were successful and possessed
greater intelligence than humans but lacked in spirituality giving
rise to a heavily materialistically oriented society. These hybrids
are the Nephilim (as indicated earlier, the pure Anunnaki have also
been called the Nephilim).
As a result of this undesirable contamination of genetics, the
Elohim, more spiritually evolved beings, created gaps in their DNA
to facilitate transplants to erase the destructive Anunnaki strains.
These gaps, which we have inherited, are termed 'junk DNA' by our
scientists today. The gaps still contain all the information - the
cellular memories and the silica matrix, etc. - but the units are
It is important to understand that to tamper with the genetic code
it is not necessary to address each person individually - a
gargantuan task. The DNA codes are also formatted within the Earth's
grid system and can thus be reconfigured holistically and
collectively at this level. (The grid system is a form-holding
energy field; a template.)
This 'interference' from the Elohim upset the Anunnaki on Sirius A,
resulting in a 1,200-year war, during which most of the Anunnaki
relocated to planet Nibiru.
From Nibiru they visit Earth every 3,600
years - the period of their orbit around our sun. The planet is
within our system and sufficiently close to Earth for about 125
years, during which their technological capabilities are sufficient
to traverse the distances by spacecraft.
This, note, is not a very advanced form
of propulsion but is in keeping with the principle of symbiosis
between technology and consciousness. If consciousness is not
benevolent and sufficiently spiritually advanced it cannot create
advanced harmonic propulsion systems to travel great distances
They apparently visit Earth as though it were a grand hotel. They
have considered that they own us and have a particular liking for
Earth energies, though now regret the stern and negative measures
they used to manipulate us, giving rise to a corrupt society
matching their own - like the child picking up the bad habits of its
parents. They are at present apparently infiltrating our world.
This may be conducted astrally but they
do have the ability to mask their reptilian appearance.
The Anunnaki clearly were one of the types of god of our mythology.
They wished for a harmonious relation with humans but at the same
time exercised negative control. The rule over man was one that gave
limited freedom, ranging up to satanic suppression when necessary to
keep humans in their subservient role.
According to the book
The Pleiadian Agenda,
silica based elements were used by the Anunnaki in their genetic
experiments with humans, giving greater potential for mind control.
As an aside, our silica-based
technologies, for example, computers, will assist our evolution into
4D. Also the Bible's statement that we were made in the image of
God is referring to the Anunnaki gods. The silica-based
experiment apparently failed though since we were designed for a
carbon base.
The present attitude, however, of the Anunnakis to humans is much
better, as with other negatively inclined aliens, such as the Zetas,
who are all realizing the great role each is playing in the
Humans at that time lacked high mental development but were
apparently much more right-brain attuned than today. That is, they
were in harmony with nature to a great degree and feelings and
perception were more 4D - the heart chakra was more open. The
interbreeding from these gods of Nibiru with the Earth females and
the consequent disharmony of energies 'knocked the women into 3D'
and the resonant aspects of language sounds in communication
degenerated into pure identification - words merely
representing objects in a detached manner (as is the case today).
This led to a split into many tongues,
and further, a split amongst ourselves.
Thus the incompatibility of the electromagnetic energies in the
breeding experiments caused deterioration of the human race. The
Anunnaki discovered that the nuclear radiation from uranium
'infiltrated' the emotional body of humans causing implantation of
belief systems - a powerful tool for programming.
The Anunnaki were experts in the science
of genetics and took great interest in DNA splicing of different
species, including humans, creating human-animal mutants. The
original intention was to upgrade the human race genetically but the
Nibiruans became carried away with curiosity at the extreme forms of
creatures they could create.
According to Hilarion's material they soon lost sight of their
positive purpose to advance the genetic stream of the human group
and created varieties of human-animals with massive distortions of
the human genetic blueprint.
Amongst the more notable and successful
of the mutants or 'monsters' that were created was the half-horse,
half-man beings known in our mythology as centaurs. The experiments
succeeded in altering the genetic codes of humans and horses and
mixing them to produce a viable creature that was capable of
reproducing itself. That is, it could not only survive but procreate
its own kind.
Now these centaur forms were strong and fast and were chosen
spiritually by a race of beings from another star system for
incarnational purposes. They were from a highly advanced
civilization which had evolved into higher realms, leaving behind a
relatively small group, a few thousand, which had failed in this
ascension process.
Their numbers were too small to handle
their complex civilization and they volunteered for what was
referred to as the centaur experiment.
Thus even though they were stragglers of
the advanced group they were quite advanced relative to humans and
volunteered to embody this human-horse form, in particular, because
karmically they had lacked a proper appreciation of their previous
physical forms and had neglected the body.
Thus the Pan kingdom of fawns evolved existing in harmony and
cooperation with the humans race. Since that time, however, man has
sunk to a lower level through greed, selfishness and ego
development, resulting in man's blindness to the Pan kingdom or any
of the numerous other kingdoms on planet Earth.
These beings can see us, our worlds
interpenetrate, but man's increasing shortsightedness prevents even
an acknowledgement of the presence of these other life forms - in
effect we have degenerated into a lower-frequency band.
The original reason for the Anunnaki visits to Earth and their
considerable interest was their need for a new genetic matrix.
Since Earth was a by-product of the
implosion of Sirius B, creating the fragments Earth, Nibiru, Sirius
C and the remaining Sirius B, our planet and Nibiru are consequently
About half-a- million Anunnaki began
landing on Earth with repeated visits every 3,600 years. Around
3,500 BC they apparently founded the Sumerian civilization.
At the present time the Anunnaki are the main threat to mankind on
planet Earth. Their goal is to reverse the DNA code sequence by
blocking the Earth grid time matrix form-holding the 12-dimensional
spectrum that corresponds to the 12th strand DNA
(see below insert for description of the '12-strand DNA').
Substantial basic information is given in the book Voyagers,
volume 2, on the 12-strand DNA. Humans have two biological
strands, structured in the double-helix manner.
In addition, we have strands three
to twelve but these are 'unplugged' - they are not active. None
of these are biological but are electromagnetic, extending into
higher frequencies from strand three to strand twelve - they
would be patterned within space, and nested internally
The electromagnetic strands may be
described as etheric, and there could be considered to be twelve
etheric in number and two physical, since each of the physical
biological strands have etheric counterparts.
The DNA is made up of minute templates of crystallized
frequencies (sound and light magnetically grouped into frequency
patterns - remember all matter and energy is in effect made up
of frequency packets). These are called DNA Seed Codes.
Crystallized energy is in effect condensed energy - sometimes
these structures, depending on the frequencies, manifest as
visible and detectable matter.
These seed codes are templates for DNA strands and consist of 12
magnetic particle units (called Base Codes) and 12 electrical
antiparticle units (called Acceleration Codes).
Now a Crystal Seal keeps the 12 particles and 12 antiparticles
separate in each strand. Each seal has the frequencies of each
strand. The seals keep the particles polarized (not unified) and
locked into that dimensional strand - the particles and
antiparticles are prevented from coming together and being
unified. This creates and isolates the space-time conditions for
that dimension.
When a Seed Crystal Seal is released, the 12 particles and 12
antiparticles fuse (particle to antiparticle). These are
positioned 'horizontally' and this fusing or integration results
in a frequency increase.
Now there are also 12 Star Crystal Seals in the DNA that keep
particles and antiparticles separate in adjacent strands. Each
Star Crystal Seal is composed of half the frequencies of the DNA
strand below and half of those of the DNA strand above.
These Star Crystal Seals are
positioned 'vertically' between the strands (actually going
There are also 12 dormant codes (genes). If the Star Crystal
Seals are not activated, the dormant codes will remain dormant.
The 12 dormant genes are called Fire Codes, or the Silica
Matrix. When a Star Crystal Seal is activated a dormant gene is
This then allows a Star Crystal
Seal, which is located between the strands, to be released,
enabling the upper strand to fuse with the one below - the DNA
strands plug into one another. Thus there is a vertical and
horizontal unification and integration taking place.
Due to genetic mutation only a small proportion of humans carry
the full Silica Matrix. Under these conditions the Fire Codes
(of the Silica Matrix) are broken down by distortions in the
The Star Crystal Seeds cannot be
activated without the functional Silica Matrix and the body
cannot achieve cellular transmutation.
The distortions, however, can be
corrected. Thus correcting the distortions enables the full
Silica Matrix to exist - that is, the dormant genes can
now be released when the Star Crystal Seeds are activated.
In summary, a single Seed Crystal Seal when released will enable
the Base Codes to plug into one another in one strand. Then the
Star Crystal Seal will release, which separates a strand from an
upper (higher-frequency) strand, enabling the upper strand to
plug into the lower one, and so on for the other strands.
In the years 2012 to 2017 the so-called stellar bridge will
form, that is, frequency alignment of the spirals/vortices of
certain galaxies will occur with the spiral/vortex of our solar
system and the spiral/vortex of Earth, including
higher-dimensional counterparts of Earth.
These are called stellar spirals.
Their alignment will download
frequencies from the higher dimensions into the Earth's grid,
creating the opportunity for DNA advancement and ascension of
The Anunnaki have 11 strands but in
reverse sequence - hence their planet enters our solar system in
reverse orbit.
If they can block the frequencies above
11D (eleven dimensions) and reverse the code sequence up to and
including 11D they can live permanently on Earth. Our planet,
however, would then orbit in reverse.
Now if the time matrix is reversed up to 12D (and with 12D
frequencies severed) it creates a system within a system. This means
assistance from higher frequencies, universes, realms, is blocked,
and Earth becomes isolated from higher sources. The more advanced
beings above 12D cannot enter their consciousness into a matrix of
reversed codes without causing distortions in their consciousness.
The Drakonians (Drakons, Dracos), although also requiring 12D to be
blocked and who are less of a threat to us, are 10- strand DNA and
do not want the grid codes operating at 11D for their compatible
environment. Thus they wish to destroy the Anunnaki. (See Anna
Hayes' material for full details.)
One of the purposes of the human race is to re-align the planetary
grid system, which is part of what is called the Universal Templar
Complex - this is the real quest for the Holy Grail.
Clearly it will require a sufficient
number of people to wake up to the deception of a re-written history
and what is happening now.
We have explained that the Dracos are hybrids of humans and Drakon,
and that their appearance is reptilian:
six to seven feet tall
green/brown scales
clawlike four-fingered, webbed
snakelike faces, a cross between
human and dragon, with a central ridge from top of the head
to the snout
eyes with vertical slits and
golden irises
They can survive for weeks on one large
meal. Ones higher in rank have appendages like wings and are said to
attain a much greater stature.
The original reptilians, or Lizzies - from which the Drakon,
mentioned in Chapter 1, originated - were introduced to our system
about 225 million years ago. It is of interest to note that the
Nibiruans were taught life sciences by the Lizzies.
Our solar system is entering the same
place in the galaxy that the Lizzies obtained control of, 225
million years ago. This cycle (end/beginning node) will coincide
with the year 2012 in the harmonic convergence of several cosmic
Members of this group, along with the Greys/Zetas and the hybrid
Dracos-Zeta, have formed an alliance with the secret government. The
MJ-12 has become well-known as consisting of the government members
who interact with the aliens, and are familiar with the
alien/government agenda for this planet; though the aliens are in
fact secretly manipulating them.
The Dracos, even though part human of the Drakon-human hybrid, have
chosen the path of separation from Source and in opposition to the
Law of One. Their aim is domination by force with subsequent control
and enslavement of the human race in complete violation of the
universal law of non-interference of free will of other species.
Their justification for this negative
action is that being a human hybrid, planet Earth is their
birthright, in addition to the basic context they have, that the
reptilian race is one of the oldest in the galaxy and has overseen
the human race since its inception.
The reptilians are known for their infiltration methods and for
masquerading as Light beings, and seemingly siding with the
benevolent influx of knowledge, but creating and channeling false
data, subtly presented to give enough truth to create deception.
Their planet in the Orion sector is sometimes referred to as
Draconis, which comes under the Reptoid Federation, a source of much
conflict and wars prior to their invasion of Earth as the Drakon a
million years ago. Then, as mentioned, they created the Drakon-human
hybrid under total influence of the Drakon violent and aggressive
The Dracos are now behind much of the satanic rituals and widespread
black magic, which have been on the increase for sometime and is
acknowledged in much literature, including government reports and
The Dracos can apparently infiltrate and
manipulate the human race by either taking on the human form when it
contains sufficient reptilian genetics, and shape-shifting this form
between humans and Dracos, or can as a detached being control a
human body with the requisite proportion of genes.
Nevertheless, let us emphasise that the basic reptilian race is
benevolent and, for example, they contributed towards the plan for
the human species on Earth, even if they did present challenges, and
were present as observers at this time for thousands of years. In
fact an anti-reptilian prejudice runs through our solar system. For
example, on Maldek they interfered with society and government,
replacing leaders, etc. but much of it was 'police' work with
positive intentions; nevertheless not always appreciated and
sometimes feared.
According to Anna Hayes' material we can trace the Dracos lineage to
the Seraphim who digressed from the Seraphei. From this Seraphim
ancestry both the bird and reptilian lines developed and also this
made its particular contribution to the human DNA.
the MJ-12 (secret government group
that liaises with the aliens) was formed when Truman was in
power and prior to that presidents knew of the alien situation.
After the formation of MJ-12, however, leaders were given
information on a need-to- know basis - limited and often erroneous
The Greys, becoming better known as
the Zetas, that is the small aliens with large heads, are a very
segregated race and a negative offshoot of the original Zetas; they
work under the Dracos.
The Greys - and a small
proportion of Zetas - are subservient to the Dracos
The hybrids, which are Dracos-Zetas,
are particularly under Dracos control
These aliens are said to operate from
vast underground installations and cities; several million
inhabitants has been indicated.
They have developed extremely advanced
mind-con- trol technologies, and are able to influence human minds
via television, computers and other electrical devices, even when
the appliances are merely plugged in and not switched on.
Now one of the largest dimensional portals on this planet is
controlled by the reptilians. It is in the Middle East, and is some
1000 miles in diameter. They have used this area for the creation of
underground bases, which they operate. The portal is ideally located
to infiltrate negative energies into the Middle East to create chaos
and hatred amongst the Arabs and Jews, fostering unrest, strife, and
There are vast installation networks of tunnels and cities within
the Earth, housing many civilizations, including native ones and ETs.
There is not only a huge amount of space potential in the Earth but
other dimensional spaces exist which can be approached via, for
example, electromagnetic corridors.
These reptilians consider themselves one of the oldest races in the
universe and superior to other species. They live a life based on
fear and one which does not honour other life forms. They live off
the nourishment of fear in others. They have set Earth up with
devices that can broadcast and magnify the emotional turmoil on this
The resulting turbulent, chaotic energy
is absorbed by them and sustains them.
As mentioned
above the symbolism of the serpent and its connection to
ancient gods and reptilian images of ancient cultures are rampant
throughout the world. The Reverend John Bathhurst Deane wrote
that the symbolic worship of the serpent was so common in Greece
that Justin Martyr accuses the Greeks of introducing it into the
mysteries of all their gods.
Also consider the Chinese interest, fear
and respect of dragons.
Around 52,000 years ago the Dracos secretly were allowed to return
to Earth. They began, however, infiltrating Lemuria and built an
extensive network of lairs and tunnel systems between
Lemuria and
They proceeded to terrorize the
inhabitants of Lemuria, which eventually extended to Atlantis. An
attempt was made to free Earth of this Dracos menace.
Meetings were held by the various races to end the Dracos problem.
Utilising crystal generators they endeavoured to seal the Dracos in
their underground lairs using highly focussed beams of energy. The
attempt, however, backfired and a massive explosion resulted,
involving considerable volcanic activity, and earthquakes upon both
Lemuria and Atlantis; though Lemuria suffered severe land-mass
Populations went underground. After
returning to the surface it took generations to rebuild and for the
Earth to balance its grid system. The Atlanteans never equalled its
development before this disaster.
Most of the Dracos were evacuated by their Anunnaki resistance
accomplices. The Arc of the Covenant (see Appendix) was damaged and
this was realigned by the Elohim.
The book
Voyagers, volume 2, covers this
subject in some detail. It explains that the true information on
the nature and meaning of the Arc has been withheld from man for
a long time.
The Arc of the Covenant wasn't the
chest containing the Rod and the Staff, though there were powers
associated with the Rod and the Staff, nor was it the Ankhs,
possessing even greater potencies. The Arc is an energy device
involving much more multidimensional concepts.
The Arc was created 840,000 years ago; originally named the Arch
of the Covenant of Palaidor (an agreement amongst the
Palaidorians - consisting of several races - to help humans). It
is a portal bridge between the Sphere of Amenti in the Andromeda
galaxy and Earth's core via the Great pyramid to enable the
third seeding of the human race to take place.
Originally the pyramid was meant as a harmonic resonance chamber
for pulling in multidimensional energies from deep space and
from Sirius B using a great Ankha in the capstone, with the
additional purposes to fortify the portal of the Arc of the
Covenant and serve as an interdimensional teleportation centre.
It is situated on the heart chakra of the Earth.
Apparently Noah's Arc was not a boat. It refers to the Arc of
the Covenant in the Great Pyramid, and the description in the
Bible refers to the passageway leading to the Arc. Noah
sheltered in the inner-Earth from the Great Flood via the
This understanding of the Arc is
revealed in Howard Middleton-Jones' and James Wilkie's book
Then as a safeguard the portal
connecting to the Arc was moved to Egypt.
According to UFO researchers and channeling, Earth populations are
apparently manipulated from Dracos-Zeta underground complexes. Thus
human genetic traits acquired from the Drakon-human (Dracos) hybrid
agenda enable them to infiltrate human society undetected - to use
human bodies either directly or indirectly.
David Icke's book
The Biggest Secret covers this
Since 1983 to the present the Dracos-Zeta Resistance has been
creating hybrids and human clones for their evil purposes. Human
clones can be used for infiltration purposes. Women are abducted and
their human fetuses removed at around seven months gestation to be
infused with Dracos-Zeta genetic material.
They are returned but as these humans
grow up they are unaware of their ET association and can be
subliminally directed by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance via the DNA and
neurological structure.
We might add that the Guardian Alliance
also in turn abducts these people to disable these gene codes and
return them to normal life.
Now the alliance between the Dracos and Zeta is one without
allegiance; it is not based on harmonious cooperation - merely one
of exploitation and self-serving needs. As the Guardians foresaw,
this proved an added danger to Earth.
The main goal of the Dracos-Zetas at
present is to create a frequency fence (see Appendix) on the planet,
which would become effective after 2003.
A combination of the infiltration scheme
and the frequency fence would interfere with the plans for Earth's
ascension into new dimensions and the necessary DNA changes. (The
frequency fence relates to alien-government experiments, including
the Philadelphia Experiment - see
the chapter ET/Government Interactions.)
The drastic problem became apparent to the Guardians in 1984 as they
traced this outcome by examining future probabilities. The future
path showed more danger than anticipated. This probability revealed
that in 2976 AD Earth would be destroyed.
It was perceived that the reduced Earth's grid vibrations, due to
the Dracos-Zeta project, in the presence of the ascension portal
(called the 'Sphere of Amenti' by ETs - see Appendix) would explode
the grid (a holding pattern, formatting Earth's energy fields).
hus in this future probability, the
Guardians removed the 'Sphere of Amenti' (referred to in the Bible
as the 'Pearly Gates of Heaven') but as a result of this subsequent
setback (removing the sphere), any further hope of ascension was
prevented, and the Dracos-Zetas took control over the Earth's
population, in which the human's collective came under the control
of the Zeta mass-mind.
Moreover, once Earth came under Dracos-Zeta manipulation, the Dracos
in this probability attacked and dominated the Zetas.
The Dracos then took over Earth and used
Earth (at a lower-dimensional level) for storage of photo-nuclear
waste, resulting from the manufacture of photonic energy). This
procedure, however, caused a massive explosion in 2976 AD,
destroying Earth.
Upon discovering this, the Guardians informed the resistance Zetas
of the Dracos betrayal, offering them assistance and relocation if
they would give up the plan for infiltration and control of Earth.
Nevertheless, the Zetas refused. (As we shall see later this seems
typical of the Zetas' failure in matters of communication and
understanding of other beings.)
Although the Guardian Alliance could easily overpower the Dracos and
Zetas, a forced confrontation would cause damage to Earth's grid and
the collective fields.
A further plan has been devised,
involving many ETs throughout the galaxy, known as the 'Bridge Zone
Project' - see Voyagers, volume 2.
The group of ETs - Pleiadians and others - channeling
B. Marciniak's book tell us
that ten of the DNA strands of our original 12-strand DNA were
unplugged by the reptilians, leaving us with the two biological
Conversely the Voyagers books tend to
imply that this 'unplugging' was due to the 'fall' of man (these
apparently incompatible concepts could still be reconciled though).
Now in addition to the obvious reasons for this (disassembling the
DNA to prevent man's ascension), a specific purpose given in
Alex Collier's
material was that according to the Andromedans, humans
are related to a group known as
Paa Tal - a name used by the reptilians.
The Dracos apparently have legends about
'Paa Tal' - a warring race from the Draconian point of view that was
creating human life forms opposed to Draconian philosophy.
In fact the Paa Tal created life forms
with full expression contrary to the purposes of the Dracos; hence
the need for these particular reptilians (reptoids/Dracos) to limit
man's abilities.