You have gathered, in
such great numbers, in this piazza in Turin, as hundreds of
thousands of people all around the world show their opposition
to the establishment of a global tyranny.
For months now,
despite the deafening silence of the media, millions of citizens
from every nation have cried out their "NO!"
No to the pandemic
folly, No to the lockdowns, to the curfews, to the imposition of
vaccines, to the health passports, to the blackmails of the
totalitarian power enslaved to the elite.
It is a power that
reveals itself as intrinsically evil, animated by an infernal
ideology and driven by criminal purposes. A power that now
declares that it has broken the social contract and considers us
not as citizens but as slaves of a dictatorship that today is a
health dictatorship and tomorrow will be an ecological
This power is so convinced of having now succeeded in its silent
coup d'état that it shamelessly slaps us in the face not only
with the ideology that motivates it but also with the religion
that inspires it.
This very day on the Quirinal Hill - the
Palace that was once the residence of the Supreme Pontiffs in
the City of Rome - an exhibition is opening that is
emblematically entitled "Inferno," whose centerpiece is
Rodin's sculpture The Gates of Hell, completed between 1880 and
This work was intended to serve as the entrance of the
Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, and its model was also
presented at the 1900 Paris Exposition to seal the Masonic and
anti-Catholic nature of that event.
What's more,
for years now
the idol of Moloch from the set for the film Cabiria has stood
at the Colosseum.
So we have the demon who devours children, the
"Gate of Hell" inspired by Charles Beaudelaire's poems
Fleurs du
mal (Flowers of Evil), and also the "Festival of Blasphemy" a
few days ago in Naples.
In the city of San Gennaro (Saint
Januarius), with the permission of the municipal government,
posters were displayed showing horrible blasphemies against God,
to celebrate freedom of thought and speech by insulting the
They tell us clearly:
they are servants of the devil, and as
such they claim the right to assert themselves, to be respected,
and to spread their ideas.
And not only this:
in the name of a
usurped power - a power that according to the Constitution ought
to belong to the people - they demand our obedience to the point
of self-harm, the deprivation of the most elementary rights, and
the cancellation of our identity.
These courtesans of power, whom no one has elected and who owe
their appointment to the globalist elite that uses them as
cynical executors of their orders, have since 2017 declared in
no uncertain terms the society that they want to achieve.
In the
documents about the Agenda 2030 that are found on the website of
World Economic Forum we read:
"I own nothing, have no
privacy, and life has never been better."
Private property, in
the plan of the globalists promoted by
Klaus Schwab 'Rothschild',
will have to be abolished and replaced by a universal income
that allows people to rent a house, survive, and buy what the
elite have decided to sell them, perhaps even sunlight and the
air they breathe.

This is not a dystopian nightmare:
this is exactly what they are
preparing to do, and it is no coincidence that in these weeks we
are hearing talk about the revision of land registry estimates
and incentives for the restructuring of real estate.
First they
make us go into debt with the mirage of restoring our house,
then the banks foreclose and rent it to us.
The same thing
happens with work: today they tell us that we can work if we
have the "green pass," a juridical aberration that uses the
psycho-pandemic to control us, trace our every movement, and
decide if, where, and when we can go out and come home.
Agenda 2030 also includes electronic money, obviously, with the
obligation to buy and sell with a card that is linked to the
"green pass" and to social credit.
Because the health emergency
and the now-imminent ecological emergency effectively
legitimizes those who hold power to create a system for
evaluating our behavior, such as is already in force in China
and Australia.
Each of us will have a certain score, and if
someone is not vaccinated, if he eats too much meat, if he does
not use electric cars, he will have his points reduced, and he
will not be able to use certain services, travel by plane or
high-speed rail, or he will have to pay for his own medical care
or resign himself to eating cockroaches and earthworms in order
to regain the points that will allow him to live.
I repeat:
is not a hypothesis of some "conspiracy theorist," but facts
that are already happening, while the regime media extol the
usefulness of a subcutaneous chip that simplifies everything,
combining the green pass, the identity card, the credit card,
and the tax record.
But if today it is possible to prevent us from working simply
because we do not submit to an illegitimate, discriminatory, and
oppressive rule,
what do you think will stop these tyrants from
deciding that one day we cannot go out to restaurants or go to
work if we have participated in an unauthorized demonstration,
or if we have written a post on social media supporting home
remedies, against the dictatorship, or in favor of those who
protests against the violation of their rights?
What will stop
them from pressing a button and preventing us from using our
money, only because we are not registered in a certain political
party or because we have not worshipped Mother Earth, the new
"green" idol venerated even by
They want to deprive us of our very means of subsistence,
forcing us to be what we do not want to be, to live as we do not
wish to live, and to believe in things we consider to be a
blasphemous heresy.
"You have to be inclusive," they tell us; but they hurl
themselves against us, discriminating against us because we want
to remain sane, because we consider it normal that the family is
composed of a man and a woman, because we want to preserve the
innocence of our children, because we do not want to kill
children in the womb or the elderly and sick in their hospital
"Our model for society is based on brotherhood," they reassure
us; but in this society people can be brothers only by denying
and blaspheming our common Father.
For this reason we see so
much hatred towards Our Lord, the Blessed Mother, and the
For this reason, under the pretext of celebrating the
Supreme Poet, they have not made an exhibition about Heaven, but
rather about Hell, which has become the place to be desired and
achieved here on earth.
"We respect all cultures and religious traditions," they
specify; and it is indeed true that all of the idols and
superstitions find a place in the ecumenical Pantheon of the new
Universal Religion desired by Freemasonry and the Bergoglian
But there is only one religion that is banned: the true
Religion that Our Lord taught to the Apostles, the Religion that
the Church proposes to us for belief.
It is indeed true that in
the globalist melting pot all cultures find acceptance, with the
exception of ours.
The barbarism of polygamy, rudeness,
incivility, opprobrium, everything that is ugly and obscene and
offensive has the right to manifest itself and impose itself;
and at the same time, with the utmost coherence, civilization -
true culture, the treasures of art and literature, the
testimonies of our Faith expressed in churches, monuments,
paintings, and music - all of these must be banned so there can
be no confrontation between them.
There is no term of comparison
that shows how horrible the world that they long for is, and how
preferable is the world that they have made us deny and despise.
The lie reigns, and there is no citizenship for the truth.
have experienced this in recent months, seeing with what
brazenness the mainstream has delivered propaganda on behalf of
the pandemic narrative, censuring every discordant voice; and
today those who are not in agreement with the System are not
only derided and discredited but are even criminalized, pointed
out as public enemies, and passed off as madmen on whom
compulsory health treatment should be imposed.
These are the
means that every totalitarian regime has used to deal with
political and religious adversaries.
Everything is repeating
itself, right before our eyes, in a much more subtle and slimy
Conversely, those who bow down to the tyranny and offer it
their fidelity are publicly praised, seen on all the television
programs, and pointed out as an authoritative reference.
Our protest against the green pass must not stop at considering
this specific event, however illegitimate and discriminatory,
but must expand to the overall picture, knowing how to identify
the aims of the globalist ideology, those who are responsible
for this crime against humanity and God, and those who are
accomplices and who are our possible allies.
If we do not
understand the threat that looms over us all, limiting ourselves
to protesting only one detail - albeit a glaring one - of the
entire project, we will not be able to mount a strong and
courageous resistance.
A resistance that ought to be based not
on the simple request for freedom - however legitimate and
shareable - but rather on the proud claim of respect for our
identity, culture, civilization, and Faith that made Italy great
and that animated every expression of the life of our fathers,
from the most humble to the most exalted.
The green pass is only a further step towards the Gate of Hell
that is displayed today on the Quirinal Hill, a brazen outrage
carried out by those who believe they are immovable and that
they enjoy powerful protection.
We do not have the billions [of dollars] of
George Soros and
Bill Gates.
We do not have philanthropic foundations, and we do
not bribe politicians to make them allies.
We do not have
television stations or
social media with which to share our
We are not organized like the proponents of
the Great
Reset, and we have not hypothesized pandemic or economic
But, you see, even in our apparent weakness, despite not even
succeeding in having visibility on television or social media;
despite being disorganized and little inclined to demonstrate
and protest - since this has always been the prerogative of
professional revolutionaries and the anarchists of the Left -
nevertheless we have something they do not have.
We have the
Faith, the certainty of Our Lord's promise:
"The gates of hell
will not prevail."
And we are likewise animated by an interior
strength that is not our own, and that recalls that serene
courage with which the persecuted Christians faced persecutions
and martyrdom - a force that frightens those who do not have a
heart, that terrifies those who serve an ideology of death and
lies, who know that they are on the side of the eternally
They forget, these wretched servants of
the New Order, that
their order is a dystopia, indeed an infernal dystopia, that is
repugnant to all of us precisely because it does not consider
that we are not made of electromagnetic circuits but rather of
flesh and blood, passions, affections, and acts of generosity
and heroism.
Because we are human, made in the image and
likeness of God. But the demons are not able to comprehend this:
and for this reason they will fail miserably.
We respond to Rodin's Gate of Hell with the Ianua Coeli, the
Gate of Heaven:
the title with which we invoke the Most Holy
May she who in the Book of the Apocalypse strikes the
head of the ancient Serpent be our Queen and our Leader in
battle, in view of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
And so that this day on which you publicly and courageously
demonstrate your opposition to the impending tyranny does not
remain sterile and deprived of supernatural light, I invite you
all to join me in reciting the words the Lord taught us.
Let us
do so with fervor, with an impulse of charity, invoking the
protection of Our Lord and His Most Holy Mother over all of us,
our families, our Homeland, and the entire world: Our Father,
who art in heaven...