O'Brien'sExtraterrestrials Website
The following books may be used as
references for further information on this story:
"YEAR 1998.04.04 - Armageddon took
place. This took place on the 4th dimension. (Excerpt from "An
Overview of Extraterrestrial Races by Rolf Waeber"
- Note the matching dates)
Did the Biblically-prophesied Battle of
Armageddon occur on Sunday April 4th, 1998?
Some Lightworkers have good reason to
believe it did. However, many people may not have even noticed! The
events took place on the 4th density on this date and were, in the
estimate of those participating, mind-boggling. Two battles were
waged on this date, with a preliminary skirmish the day before, the
outcome of which started the ultimate abandoning of earth takeover
plans by several Extra Terrestrial (ET) races.
This week's events became the culmination of a long plan by the
light forces to stop this planned Alien takeover. It was done in a
surprising and a very powerful and ultimately beneficial way.
This series of letters from Jack O'Brien and Ruth Angela
PICTURE PAGE shows the buildup to
the battle. Other Lightworkers were participating without
knowing why they were being drained of energy or the sequence of
events that led up to these battles. Jack has written about his
friendship with the Devas and in particular Sir Henry, a Deva
assigned to him. (See
This was his first experience using his
growing intuition outside of this area. It turned out to be a very
interesting adventure.
To Jack from Ruth: Saturday 4th April 1998
My boyfriend, "Fred" has had
his free will taken over by people in the government who do not
want him to say anything about what he knows. They have been
very clever in taking away his choice to be free, they have used
mind control and torture and have threatened him. In the
meantime it is possible they might kill him …which I guess is
the illusion of the darkness... that death is possible at all.
However this would leave me with a broken heart.
To Ruth, same day:
I had an Email letter from a
friend who was complaining about the heavy work load she and her
fellow employees are under at the public library where she
works. So I wrote her that I had placed a dome of peace and
tranquility over the library and she could add to it. She wrote
back that the day after the dome was in place, her fellow
employees had remarked about how calm and peaceful the
atmosphere had become.
I am leading up to my having received permission from my Higher
Guidance (can I, should I, may I) to create a protective shield
around Fred to produce an area of safety and mental clarity if
he would accept it. This should prevent prying psychics from
monitoring his thoughts, but should allow his reaching out in
love to you.
If this shield holds despite anything the aliens or
the psychics can do, they may decide to release him from their
grip on him. If this power I am using is indeed from a Divine
source, they will come to realize that it has ultimate power and
fooling with it could create a backlash they could not
anticipate. So nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Note: Fred is a brilliant astronomer specializing in Mars, and
Ruth, through her telepathic communication with him, is
convinced that he has been on Mars several times helping build
underground cities for the military/alien conspiracy.
Considering what he knows about their activities, they could not
release their complete control over him.
Jack's letter continues:
By the way, one of the
entities around me, who the psychic portrait painter described,
is a Guardian Angel 15 feet tall (she was looking up at the
ceiling as she described him). She said that he would fold his
wings around me to protect me from any harm when needed, and
that his protection had already been used without my being aware
of any danger.
(This may not be a coincidence, but this is the
second time I have composed this letter. My computer made a
fatal error and wiped out my first attempt.)
Note: This was the beginning many breakdowns in correspondence
apparently caused by the aliens involved in the secret
military/government coalition, in their attempt to thwart
correspondence between Ruth and Jack to indicate that it was
being monitored and that they did not like what we were doing.
Once Jack's typewriter started printing letters which did not
correspond to the keys he was pressing. He finally had to reboot
his computer to correct the problem. Other times letters were
sent but not received.
About twice a week Jack's phone
would ring, there was no dial tone and there was no answer.
During the latter part of this adventure, Jack became aware that
the CIA had started monitoring this correspondence on a
round-the clock basis since Ruth lives in Hawaii and Jack lives
in the central US, and they are both late-nighters, and sometime
sleepless. So their correspondence could have occurred almost
any time during any 24-hour period.
Jack wrote Ruth the first names of
the three people taking shifts monitoring these writings, their
location, and described the office they were working in. The
fact that this correspondence was being monitored live and sent
on to headquarters suggested its importance. By then we were
making big waves, and the CIA was vitally interested.
To Jack: Same day
Back in April of '97 the
aliens had come to me and asked me to leave Fred alone and I
They said,
"He belongs to us."
And I said,
"He belongs to himself… and he
chooses to be with me."
The barrage of attacks began and I
was abducted in June and implanted with things in my leg... I
still have 3 neat holes where they put some instrument in to the
hole and took my tissue; I had plates put into my heart chakra
to stop me from sending love to my beloved... so much stuff and
they have done all this to Fred and a lot more so his body only
functions to keep him alive.
To Ruth: Same day
The shield around Fred is
apparently in place and holding. I was told a couple of hours
ago to get ready to witness a battle. Then about a half hour
later Freckles, my little one-eyed Cocker Spaniel started
barking in the direction of my stove. She walked over to it with
her ears as erect as a Spaniel's ears can get, and when she got
within about two feet away from the stove, she slowed down and
then looked around as if she had just walked through what she
was looking at.
I was later told that this was a
guardian angel getting ready to protect me. Freckles is
apparently psychic. She can see and hear entities and bring them
to my attention by barking and looking at them. I can tell how
tall they by how high up her head is tilted. If she barks
frantically, I know it is a negative alien. Just a growl
indicates someone she knows. This alerts me to turn up my
intuition and get more details. Sometimes I sense her conveying
additional information.
During the entire episode which followed I felt absolutely no
uneasiness, only a feeling of complete protection. Then I was
told that protective angels were gathering around me.
A little while later I received the message that "it has begin."
All I sensed was like a collision of ideas and a couple of
minutes later I was told "it is over."
Upon tuning in on this episode, I was told that 50,000 Reptilian
forces, involved in protecting
the Anunnaki ET control over
their mental slaves such as Fred, had mustered their strength
and charged towards me, but were stopped by a massed group of
Warrior Angels numbering about 100,000, who were protecting me.
There was only one charge by the negative forces, but when they
saw the massive show of strength pitted against them, they
retreated. None of the warrior angels were injured
(I questioned this statement and was
told that yes indeed, angels can get injured in that they can
lose a considerable amount of their strength.)
I then received the message that the
aura of secrecy Fred was involved in had been broken and he is
now free of their influence and control.
I received some confirmation of this confrontation from the Deva
who is in charge of the "wee folk" (one-foot tall people) who
inhabit the area. She told me that she had seen the gathering of
Warrior Angels and then the "clash of ideas" which took only a
few seconds. Then it was over. She said that I have great power,
such that I could kill all her little people in one angry
I'm getting the impression that the
more I use whatever power I have been given in a responsible
manner, the more is allotted to me. Also the show of protection
suggests that there is more for me to do. What with all the
angels around me, I shouldn't feel lonesome leading a hermit's
life on top of a small remote mountain.
As I contemplate this situation, I believe that the negative
forces are thinking all will be lost if they lose this
challenge, so they will strike again.
To Jack: Same day
Jack my dear friend:
I concur
with all you have said. I felt the SAME thing today. I knew I
was being Used and Abused on some level, but I am not sure how
many angels protected me, but I always know how far I can go and
how far I cannot go. I found a phone number on my caller ID from
a gov. agency that is an unlisted phone number.
I know that building this phone is
in, it used to be my ex-husband's office building and is now
used for spying on American citizens... monitoring phone calls
etc... and joint task force operations for the Fed operations; so
they called my home for some reason but left no message. So I
figure they are getting anxious about Fred. Your Sir Henry
seemed to be the best hope left.
THANK YOU and now you know what we
are all up against.
To Jack; Same day
I sure hope that you are all
right. I am aware as I write that something is like an attack
here.. but I did not feel this before now. I hope that you are
all right. I have to report carefully to you as I am aware that
our mail is not private and may be monitored. How else could
they know so much about your helping me?
The improvements have been
incredible to my friend. Fred says that he is "very, very, very,
very, very happy with what I did yesterday." I had to tell him
it was not all my work. When we work as a team in concert, you
and I, we can effect great improvements. This particular type of
evil that my friend is involved with is the essential key to
breaking the cycle of power and control that has for so long
governed this part of the world. It is over now. The castles are
crumbling and the power base is being eroded. We are being given
the tools to do this.
I do hope I hear from you today so I
know you are okay.
From Jack, same day
I am OK. Last night I started
getting the sniffles, so I stopped them by moving an imaginary
filter through my body designed to remove all cold-causing
energies. Then this morning I started getting the sniffles again
and once again did my clearing, both times removing some
negative energy.
But this time I started to spread my
filter out into my personal reality area outside my aura, and
was immediately warned not to do this. Beyond my shield there
were camping many negative entities who were trying to break
through Had I extended my filter outside my shield of
protection, it could have opened the opportunity for negativity
to creep in big time.
Apparently my personal shield is holding, and the best the
negatives could do was to affect the air I was breathing. So I
just sat tight, then suddenly everything brightened and I felt a
lot better and was informed that the negativity had gone.
Since a large convocation of angels protecting me during the
first and brief onslaught, I feel sure that they are on standby
to form another defense line if another attack is forthcoming.
So the bottom line is I feel
protected, but that does not mean that I can let my guard down.
I do not believe that I would ever
have been led into this project if there were any chance that we
would lose. When Mother Earth (Gaia) moves into the 4th, and the
5th density, any negativity will either be destroyed or else
moved into another dimension appropriate for the entities
involve, which means that their complete hierarchy and defense
system on earth will be dismantled in the process.
So any victory for them would be
short lived anyway. I hope that they can see that. I would not
want to be an instrument of their total destruction which is
what will happen if they strike again.
The angelic forces know what the negative forces are up to. This
why they were ready and waiting when they attacked the first
time. Can this negativity not see that the moment they formulate
another attack, it will be immediately detected and ultimately
neutralized by the same Angelic forces whom they confronted the
first time?
The angelic forces also feel that they cannot risk
loss and so they won't lose. I am rambling, but I feel inspired
to put this in writing, hoping that this message actually is
monitored. I put my life completely in the hands of All that Is
which is Unconditional Love.
No power can prevail against it.
To Jack: Same Day
The morning of the attack
against you, I had just done that... PUT EVERYTHING into the
hands of God and did what came through me to do. It is always
unexpected, unique.. out of the blue and spontaneous. My friend
is MUCH happier... he is happy! I have not heard these words from
him in a very, very long time. If we were a king and queen and
had a court, we would give you a knighthood for your help!!
I know Fred feels much release and
great happiness, the first in about, well since October of 96 I
To Ruth, Sunday 5th of April, 1998
You were justified in your
concern over my safety. I have been in the midst of a battle. I
have copied below the notes I took as it was going on and
immediately after because I did not want to lose any details. I
will copy these notes without comment. This is what I was either
told or what I felt. It is so unbelievable that it needs
verification by your strong intuition.
It is 10:00 PM CST. I have had the shakes for about a half hour.
I asked my guides if I could go outside and water my dog, and
was told "No, not now." then I asked if there was something
going on, and was advised to hush (apparently there was a
gathering of warrior angels again and they didn't want me to
reveal their presence by my thoughts. So I waited silently.
I was advised "When we give you the word, go outside and lock
the door behind you. You can witness the battle." A minute later
I was told "Do it now!" So I went out into the eight-foot wide
breezeway between my house and garage. I could see nothing but
clear sky and stars and normal darkness surrounding my back
yard. But I was still shaking and not from fright but apparently
from the tremendous clash of energy.
I was told what was transpiring as it occurred. There was an
enormous group of fighting warrior angels extending far beyond
the approximately five-acre flat top of the little mountain on
which I live. They were in a pitched battle with the negative
reptilians numbering about 50,000 who had retreated previously
without engaging in battle. This was what was causing my shakes.
Then the shaking ceased for a moment and I could hear a voice
saying "We must retreat, we have lost."
I was told that the area
around my house and into the sky was strewn with abandoned
reptilian light swords and shields.
Then I heard a voice say,
must return and fight. We have lost and the only thing left for
us to do is die. We have lost everything."
I started shaking
violently again as the battle apparently started up once more. I
was told that they kept coming on, marching over their abandoned
weapons in the face of withering energy from the angels'
A high-ranking Warrior Angel explains.
"Now there are none left. It is
a disastrous defeat unheard of in the annals of positive
forces versus negative forces." The opposition was not only
negative, it was totally evil."
"There are many of our soldier angels wounded, stripped of
their power but able to get up and move toward shelter where
they will be reenergized over the next several days. There
is nothing to compare this defeat of their forces and
victory of ours. They poured all they had into the fray but
it was not enough and they knew it. Yet they chose death
rather than admit defeat. There was no love left in them so
they were not able to be salvaged. What a tremendous loss.
It didn't have to be. You told them in your letter to Ruth
that they didn't have a chance and would be destroyed. Yet
they came willing to meet their death. It was an
unbelievable act of misplaced, even stupid bravery from our
viewpoint, but from theirs it was a noble sacrifice for a
lost cause."
"Now we must warn you, there are still remnants of negative
forces drifting around. We must round them up and transmute
their energy in order to eliminate any remaining negativity.
Otherwise this area will be scheduled for destruction in
Mother Earth's blind and desperate effort to throw off this
unbearable yoke of negativity she has been carrying for so
long. The agonizing desperation of the enemy has even
permeated the soil here."
But now Gaia is speaking:
"I would never abandon anything
Jack has done in my defense. All will be made right and you
do not have to worry about destruction. Jack is one of my
favorite people. He will never be harmed in any way by
anyone or any negative force. He still has much to do in my
freeing the world of sickness and death. When we reach the
5th density in two years, death will be vanquished. You may
live out your life in serenity, knowing that you can make
your transit at any time you so desire and take your earth
body with you since it will be imperishable."
"As soon as the entire earth is vibrating with the swept
clear frequencies of Slim Spurling and his coworkers, the
transition to the fourth density will start. It will be much
milder than originally anticipated due to the sudden and
complete change of mankind in relation to the destruction of
my body. Many will transit when I start my land/water
rearrangement in order to balance the new rotational speed
and axis of the 4th density earth. It will not be long now."
(Note: the latest word is that the
earth's rotational axis will not change in relation to itself
but will change in relation to the sun, producing less seasonal
"You are my beloved workers and
I honor you in what you have done in my behalf. Be at
(Note: the predicted earth changes
have not occurred on the anniversary date of the second battle.
But several signs point to its beginning in earnest before the
middle of 1999)
To Jack From Ruth
(after having received the above message)
Salutations to the Goddess Gaia... and her forces of LOVE and her
being now awake and in control of HER property... Yes!!!~~
To Ruth Monday April 6 1998
My dog Freckles has been
barking constantly most of the day. when I let her out the front
door this morning, she would face different directions as she
barked. Then I received a message,
"We have cleaned off your
driveway and are working our way around your house, picking up
littered swords and shields. We carted off the bodies last night
after the battle was over. It was a real mess, bodies and armor
stacked two ors three bodies high."
Then around 1:00 PM Freckles started barking out the large solar
collecting picture windows facing south. So I finally decided to
check on the Deva named Alice who is in charge of the Elementals
or wee folk who live in a nearby area. She said that there was a
great battle raging around my house last night and even inside
my house which is why I was told to get outside and lock the
This small area between the garage and house was the only
place where there was not hand-to-hand fighting. The entire area
around my house and even in my house was littered with bodies
and armor. But it is pretty well cleared off now.
Alice said,
"Your dog is barking at the tall
pile of armor just outside window (the first of eight solar
windows which are located 10 feet off the ground.).
She said the armor is stacked up to
the window and spreading across to adjacent windows. About then
I noticed Freckles moving over to the second window while she
continued to bark, substantiating this statement.
Alice continued,
"I can't believe the carnage
that was taking place.
"The Negatives were running right
into the light ray weapons used by the Warrior Angels.
made no attempt to dodge the fire.
"They simply ran into it
and dropped dead.
"My Elementals were scared to death, but
they went underground and didn't come out until I called
them out this morning. So they missed the battle. It is just
as well as they are very peaceful creatures."
Then I asked my guides what they
were doing with the bodies and the armor. I was told that a hot
fire was created which broke these down into energy elements
which were dispersed into the atmosphere.
Jack continues Tuesday April 7
As I type this report, my dog
starts barking and I become aware of a group of high level
entities standing in front of me and I was given this message:
"We salute you for your bravery
in facing this challenging experience. We knew that you
would rise to the occasion. The world is a different place
now that Sir Henry, Ruth and you have broken the seal on
government secrecy. You will indeed read about the release
of people held in captivity underground in Nevada. Thanks
for a job well done".
Then the spokesman indicated that
this message was from my guides.
Confirmations of these battles have come from lightworkers.
This is a report from "Fuzzy" in
Interesting report.
The only
error I can see with it the extreme personalization. That
is, the reports you sent imply that Jack was alone in
assisting spirit or even in feeling the battle. This
happened, not just at Jack's house, but at everyone's house
(in spirit, one place is all places - a matter of relativity
- time and space are not separated in when and where except
in the perception of lower densities).
What I am saying is that
thousands of us felt it was us involved, though Jack is the
only one I am aware of who claims to have personally
communicated with the angels who were engaged in the battle.
Yet all those whose goal is to
raise Gaia were tapped for energy inputs. I have friends all
over the world who each claim to have been drained Saturday
and Sunday , though few of us seem to have known it involved
an astral battle. We could all feel some tremendous deadly
energy. It felt kind of like standing in the middle of a
psychic war zone.
I congratulate Jack for his personal commitment and
participation and for the report of his perceptions of the
events. I, personally, am still a bit down from all this and
it might take me a while to clean off my spiritual/mental
sword and resheath it. Much sorrow at such destruction (our
judgment of their evil does not change the fact that
termination of any living energy is a waste).
Jack's response
This is the most amazing
thing I have ever heard of or participated in. Actually we were
all personally involved in the mass effort to overthrow this
source of evil.
You remember Ruth, that in some recent letters I asked for input
to confirm these events since I am a relative newcomer in this
field, and I was questioning the reality of it all. But now I
have overwhelming confirmation with Fuzzy saying that thousands
all over the world had been drained by "something" that occurred
Saturday and Sunday. That's all the confirmation I could hope
Now my mind is really boggled, but I feel greatly honored in
having played a part in this awesome struggle in which intuitive
people from around the world were apparently involved.
Please convey to your other
correspondents my sincere thanks for their contributions, and
they should realize that as they read my Email correspondence
describing my experiences, that they were there in spirit. It
was a unified effort.
Jack continues his report
4/9/98 Thursday noon
A while
ago my dog Freckles started barking furiously at something
standing in front of my picture windows. The windows were sealed
with a 1" thick reflective insulation cover to block out excess
heat. So what she was barking at was not outside.
Then I sensed the presence of my 20-foot tall Guardian Angel I
have named Big John. My dog has gotten used to his presence so
that was not the problem. Then Big John said I would be visited
by some Reptilian envoys when I was ready. I said I would be
happy to receive them and I surrounded the house with an aura of
Then the spokesman of the Reptilian group stepped forward and
laid his sword and shield at my feet. I told him that I was
defenseless since I had nothing to defend. He said he could see
that. Then he said that he wanted to make peace with me. He said
they had attacked me without good cause since I was only
carrying out orders from a higher authority and they now could
see that using force to win battles was not the way any more.
Diplomacy and cooperation was the better way.
So they offered peace in exchange for acceptance. I said this
was a good trade and offered my hand to seal the agreement. It
was met with the envoy's hand and we made contact. I thanked him
and honored him for his intelligence and peaceful intent. Then
the group left.
My dog had quit barking as soon as our meeting started. I could
only barely sense the presence of the Reptilian envoy, but I
could hear him very well. Somehow, using telepathic
communication automatically translates thoughts into the
language of the receiver. This is the only way I can explain
this and other communications with several different alien races
described in this report ever taking place. When they mentally
projected their thoughts, it was as if I was hearing myself
speak. However as this Reptilian envoy spoke to me several times
since then, I have been able to sense his presence or
personality a little.
As I write this report, I can "see" in my imagination his sword
lying on top of the shield left on the floor where we stood. So
in my imagination I took them and placed them on the wall over
the picture windows where we had talked. I'm glad Roger Kerr
went into detail in describing his making peace with several
alien groups.
It gave me advanced instructions on
how to handle the situation.
I believe that I cam see physical
signs of the battles that had apparently occurred in and around
my house in the etheric plane. There are wild dogwood trees
scattered through the woods around my hilltop house. They were
starting to blossom and form leaves during the time of these
battles. The dogwood trees less than a hundred feet of my house
started producing smaller and badly distorted blossoms and
leaves on branches facing my house.
One dogwood branch had been bent to
the ground by a fallen limb. It produced normal blossoms and
leaves, having been protected by the ground and a large tree
trunk shielding it from my house. In addition the closest
hickory trees to my house all showed leaf growth retarded in
direct proportion to their proximity to my house. See
So I contacted the Dogwood tree Deva about these anomalies. She
said that the nearby dogwood trees were seared by the intense
heat during the battles and that they were permanently damaged.
I have just had a short conversation with the "wee people"
leader named "Amicus" whose clan lives a short distance from my
house in a little valley. He said that he was present when my
Guardian Angel ushered in the group of aliens as soon as they
expressed their peaceful intent. My dog is starting to growl
now. Amicus says that it is not one of his group.
But he sees the tall alien who just
visited me. So I tune in and the Reptilian says that it was
surprisingly easy to talk face to face with a human. He wants to
do it again on a friendly basis. I tell him it is a good idea
and I am looking forward to the meetings. I remind him that I am
only one person. But he says this is not true, that I am a
representative of all humanity. (He was not aware that humans
operate independently, and do not have the "hive" instinct which
they do, with a mental connection with each other)
He says he wants to bring his leader
to meet me soon. I tell him I would welcome the opportunity to
meet such a high ranking authority. Then I mention that I have
seen several of his cousins, the snakes around my property. He
says he wants nothing to do with snakes. He doesn't like them
any more than I do.
I show him the sword and shield displayed on the wall. He turns
the sword from horizontal to angling downward across the shield,
symbolizing a sheathed sword. He says he likes this arrangement
I ask him what I should call him. He
says that it would be just as well that I not call him by name.
He prefers cooperation between the two races, but separation and
not intimacy. So be it. He says he does not like the aura of
love around my house. He is not used to this feeling. So it is
removed and replaced with cool but friendly respect.
This suits him just fine.
He says he will be back.
4/9/98, 1:30 PM
I just got another visit from
the reptilian envoy. I suspected it was he because I became
aware of a presence behind me as I sat at my desk, and my dog
was looking up behind me and barking softly, indicating a
familiar personality. The Reptilian brought along his superior
who had a rank equivalent to a Major.
The Major said,
"My Lieutenant told me that you
had the keys to the Kingdom."
This stunned me for a moment, then I
said I wasn't aware that I had those keys.
He answered,
"Yes you do, and we want you to
open the door so we can speak to your God you call All That
I told him that you did not need
keys. We are all living creatures having access to All that Is
inside us. We only need to know that he is Unconditional Love,
and by opening to this, he is present.
He said,
"We would like to be exposed to
this. We do not have it in our culture or in our being."
I answered that every living
creature has this Unconditional Love, but most of us have
forgotten. I told him,
"If you want to receive it,
close your eyes and say 'To All that Is, I wish to receive
your Unconditional Love'."
He did. So I asked,
"What do you see or feel?"
He said
"I see a ball of glowing energy
approaching me very fast."
I could see it, too. It was a oval
about 3 feet high and covered with small yellowish tongues of
flame. Then I saw it impact his chest and he staggered back a
step. He actually started glowing a little. It took him about a
half minute to regain his composure.
He said,
"I have received it but it is a
strange feeling. I will take it back to my race and share
I told him this gift was only mine
to give, not to keep.
"As you share, it will grow."
A little while later I was standing
at my island counter in the kitchen and noticed Freckles looking
up behind me and growling a little again. So I tuned in and
received the following message:
"We want to thank you for
sharing your secret on how access All that Is.
"We are spreading
this love all over our kingdom and everywhere our race is now
"We may never be able to thank you for this gift, but
know it is changing our culture and traditions. Barriers are
starting to fall.
"We do not how much change is
occurring but we know it is removing barriers to our advancement
which we could otherwise not overcome.
"We are well advanced
technically but primitive in our relationship to others in
our own race and to other races. This will open up new
avenues of contact. Our whole race will one day pay you
homage. The courage you showed when we approached you and
you said "I am defenseless" and faced us unafraid will go
down in our history books as a display of the utmost
courage. At the time we did not know that you had the power
of All that Is behind you. Now we know."
Saturday 4/11/8:25 AM
I just had another visit from the
Reptilian representative. Among other things he said that I
should prepare for another attack, this one from a renegade
group who believe I have betrayed their race by giving them
access to the Unconditional Love source.
So I sent a message in my imagination to this group that if they
try to attack, they will be destroyed just as 50,000 of their
brave warriors were, since I have the power of Unconditional
Love behind me which is invincible. They must join their fellow
warriors who have given up their swords and shields for
negotiation and diplomacy. Since they cannot win by force, they
must choose peaceful means to affect their goals and they cannot
do this without the power of unconditional which is available to
them for the asking, just as it for all sentient life forms.
As I write this, I am given the information that they have
received this message and they now see that their cause is
futile. They will allow themselves to be led into the light by
their fellow warriors who have surrendered to this flaming light
of love.
[A friend asked Jack in a later Email if there had been another
battle last night between two other alien groups over
jurisdiction over the earth now that
the Reptilians have
released their control. I was told that these two groups ready
to do battle ran into the organized warrior Angels who are now
increased in number to approximately 1,000,000.
They cannot, they will not allow the
earth to be dominated again by any other than those led by
unconditional love.
So the battle apparently didn't last long.
It would have been interesting to see these two alien groups
starting to battle each other and finding themselves being
surrounded by a force of 1,000,000 Warrior Angels, ready to take
on the winner. I am also given to understand that the angel
guard that has been stationed around me since last week end, has
been called off and reassigned. The danger is apparently over.]
Freckles growls again and I am receiving thanks from the
Reptilians for the message to the renegade group. They have
agreed to lay down their weapons, but have not come to grips
with the reality of what they must do to join their comrades.
Freckles is now barking furiously and I feel surrounded by this
renegade group who wishes to be given the gift of Unconditional
So I ask them to say,
"To All that Is I wish to
received the gift of Unconditional Love."
As I wait, they do this and
immediately they indicate that it has been received just as I
had promised. They say they will leave now so my dog will quit
barking, and they thank me for the gift I have bestowed on them.
They number about 2,000. But wait - there are more - thousands
They have come from different parts
of the Reptilian's universe to receive this gift of
Unconditional Love. They come from the star system Rigel where
there are two planets they inhabit. Now Freckles has calmed
down. She still growls a little but the continuous barking is
over. She is a good watch dog. She watches intently as this
ceremony progresses.
Freckles starts barking a little again. I am told that a total
of 50,000 have just been "baptized into the light" of God's
love. This completes the transformation of their entire race.
Saturday 4/11 11:00 AM.
It's been busy around here.
About a half hour ago after receiving all these guests, Freckles
started barking loudly and looking straight out of the
south-facing picture windows located about 10 feet off the
I was thinking,
"Oh no, not another Reptilian!"
impressions started flooding my mind. This was no Alien. It was a female
Warrior Angel, of high rank.
She walked toward me, knelt down,
bowed her head with her sword pointed toward me with the tip
touching the floor, her shield held vertically at her left side.
As I was getting over my surprise and wondering what was going
on, she remained in the kneeling position for perhaps 15
seconds, which seemed like forever, not speaking.
Then I realized that she was paying
homage. She then rose and started a brief conversation in which
she said that she held me in great honor in facing the onslaught
of Reptilian warriors, with my calmness warding off any attack
as her warriors were busy doing battle. She said they didn't
have to shield me because I put up no resistance so there was
nothing to be attacked.
I commented that I got us all in trouble when I placed an
impenetrable shield around Fred. She said that it was important
to do this because they were sure it would mobilize the aliens
into attacking and they were preparing for this for months.
There had to be a showdown and this was the time for it.. She
thanked my for my willingness to take on the whole
government/alien combination. My so stating in my letter to Ruth
and my also stating that I had put my trust in the Unconditional
Love of "All that Is" got their attention.
They didn't know what this was, but
they soon learned.
When they were defeated so soundly, they realized that this was
a force far greater than they could muster. It was for this
reason that they came to me asking to receive this Unconditional
Love. Their leader was correct in his stating that neither his
culture or his being had this. And since it represent a power
beyond theirs which up until then they were justifiably proud,
they wanted it. So they got it.
Their leader was well chosen to
receive the impact of the flaming "Presence" of God without
flinching. It was not what he had expected. It was more, far
more than he could ever have anticipated. But he knew his race
needed it in a world (the earth) which was apparently governed
by it. So he was willing to endure whatever it took to get it.
The Warrior Angel ended the conversation by stating that since
she was no longer needed on earth she will go to another planet
in need of her help.
Based upon this last statement, this battle I had witnessed as
did so many others around the world, may actually have been the
long-awaited Battle of Armageddon in which Good was pitched
against Evil with the whole world at stake.
I had only a few moments rest, then Freckles announced another
visitor. I was hesitant about receiving any more but I was told
that this was for my own good. So I tuned in and was told that I
no longer had any more obligations to enter into conflicts or
This was over and done with.
"However there are other
projects for which you have already signed up, but they will
all be pleasant. "So Have a nice day."
The speaker did not identify
himself. But it doesn't matter, I needed that. All is quiet for
a while.
Freckles starts her furious barking again. I hear my guide say
that there is a small creature who wants to see me. He insists
on it. So I say if he comes in peace, I welcome him. I start to
put an aura of love around the room and am told not to do that.
The visitor doesn't understand this.
So I sense a short being I assume to be a "Gray" alien who walks
up to me, kneels, and asks for this gift of Unconditional Love
from All That Is. I suspect that he represents one of the two
races who have just battled over who controls the earth after
the Reptilians relinquished control, and they, too, were soundly
defeated by the overwhelming power of the massed Warrior Angels.
So I ask him to say on behalf of his
race the simple prayer of acceptance,
"To All that Is, I thank you for
giving me your gift of Unconditional Love."
He says he has received this gift
and he will give it to others of his race.
All is quiet once more.
The Freckles announces another
visitor. I am told this is the enemy of the Grays, who also want
this gift since he has come to respect its unbelievable power
which they have witnessed.
I cannot make out the form, but as I
start up the same spiel, I am transported to a platform
surrounded by these beings. I tell them that I have a gift to
give them, the same one I have just given to the Grays, their
former enemy. When I finish leading them through the short
prayer, I ask if they have received the gift. They say that they
have and they will spread it to the rest of their race.
Freckles is quiet, then barks again. I sigh and tune in. I am
told it is an envoy from the Pleiadian Council. She says that
what she has witnessed today is the most remarkable
transformation she could ever hope for..
"Race after race received the
infilling of unconditional love.
"They now feel totally
accepted as one with All that Is.
"You could not have given
this gift had you not believed so completely in its reality
and power.
"We will now leave you but we will be back with
another gift.
"This one you can see and feel."
I see a bright pinpoint of light
next to my computer for an instant apparently as a sign that
this is true. Freckles has finally quit barking...
It is almost 2:00 PM.
To Jack from Ruth: Saturday April 11
I am so thrilled about this
reconciliation. How amazing Jack. Today... more developments... I
had gone to my therapists and entered a sky council with Quan
Yin again from last week. Therapist took notes for me. The
aliens coming to me to receive this gift and return to their
people transformed, transmuted, filled with this wonderful
With this little white piece of love
inside them, they change instantly from being so warrior-like
and dominant, and then go back shining with light and love. It
is so thrilling..! They are indeed noble.
One tall being like Darth Vadar in
black leather said,
"We do not want to offend you
anymore with your forces against us. I am an emissary and I
came here because we do not know what else to do."
More emissaries came including the
grays. They surrendered, too. They just wanted to find a source
of energy they explained because they were dying. I saw them as
a very thin gray... This was all the life force they had and it
was shared by the whole race of them.
(Ruth directed them back in time to the intersection where they
chose to remove all the emotions from their genetic makeup. They
had determined that this was necessary to prevent another civil
war using nuclear weapons which just about annihilated their
race and drove them underground to escape radiation poisoning...
But this had also removed the source of love energy from All
that Is, and without it they had started losing their racial
group energy. She had them choose a new alternate path of
unconditional love which she saw go all the way up to
the Pleiades)
The gray emissary said,
"We thought we had everything
just as we wanted it to take over your planet.
"We had the
politicians, the scientists, the food supply and the market
all under our control. And then this force came that we have
never known before.
"We know we are defeated.
"We have no
more control.."
It was incredible to feel this
ability to heal and love these beings who have so little love in
them… Jack this is so thrilling.. I feel like a kid.
Quan Yin
said of Saturday 4th April, 1998,
"this is a day that will go down
in the history of the Universe as a super wonderful day for
light workers together as ONE we said to these warriors 'Go
and sin no more.'"
This made me weep.
I am awed and full of wonder. I am
so thrilled to be alive to see this.
From Jack's log, 4:00 PM same day
Freckles has spent the entire
afternoon periodically going to the picture windows and barking
loudly. I would calm her down, and soon she would start up
again. I finally asked my guides what was going on, and I was
told that there were thousands of Reptilians touring the area
where the damage of the two battles last week end is still
apparent in the 4th density where they exist...
I was told that one group would tour
the area and leave, then another group would take its place. The
fact that Freckles calms down briefly about every 20 minutes is
due to the calm when there is no alien ship on my lawn. I
understand that this will come to an end after tonight.
That will be a relief for both
Freckles and me.
5:30 PM
I have added the light-proof
insulating covers in all windows. Freckles has now quit barking.
Note: I must add that this receiving of unconditional
love is not the same as the infilling of the Holy Spirit, God's
go-between connection to our false world in which we believe He
is not present.
Instead this is actually the waking
up to God's presence already dwelling in every sentient
creature, but apparently most alien races have no awareness of
this presence.
Easter Sunday afternoon 4/12, from Jack's log
Freckles has been barking for
short periods since early afternoon. Then I notice the more or
less regular timing intervals between barks. So I start timing.
She would jump up from napping, run to the picture window area
and look straight ahead (12 feet off the ground) and start about
3 minutes of barking at least 25 times since early afternoon, in
6 to 10-minute intervals. It is now 4:45 PM.
I finally had to ask my guides what
was going on and was told that a large UFO craft landing and
taking off periodically at the downward sloping edge of my south
lawn in front of the picture windows. So I tuned into this
situation and said that this was my property and I would
appreciate knowing what is going on.
I receive the answer apparently from
a Reptilian representative:
"No it isn't.
"It is our
"We have been given permission by All that Is to
build a memorial to our fallen comrades.
"We were defeated in what was
our greatest military humiliation, but it turned out to be
our greatest victory, since we have all been filled with
unconditional love by Jack's God All that Is.
"Actually it is everyone's
since we are all a part of All that Is, but we did not know
it until now."
I was really curious about what this
memorial looked like. My "third eye" was just opening and I
could not see 4th density reality very well. So I contacted
Scott Eldridge, an Email friend who is an instructor at a school
for psychic development, and asked him to tune in on the
memorial erected by the Reptilians in my back yard.
Here is his report:
I took a look at the structure in
your property, and this is what I saw psychically. I'm not good
on the specific visual look of things seen from my sixth chakra.
I more get information about the energy with a few 3D-type
The thing seem skewed in terms of its orientation to your house.
It appears to be oriented on or aligned somehow to a star system
(or something) that is at about 290 degrees (little north of
west) and maybe 60 degrees up from the horizon. (I suppose the
orientation could change depending on the time. I was looking in
real time at 12:30 PM on Saturday.)
The bottom part of the structure appears to be made from or
filled with war stuff from the battle. Around the top part is an
energy that I would call a variation on what you called, I
think, unconditional love, God's light... The variation is that
its vibration is of a kind that they can have, that resonates
with a similar spark within them (those who visit). It's a
different energy from what works for you but then they're in a
different place, on a number of levels.
The "elevators" go up to a space in which I see a wall or plaque
covered in "writing." Seems to be the story of the battle. The
purpose, as I see it on an energy level is that it allows those
who visit to move some energy within them that needs to move,
and move out, before the energy that surrounds the room can come
in and begin to feed their own matching spark. I see grief over
the battle and old anger, possibly so old they don't recognize
its presence within them any longer, as energies needing to
move. Each visitor takes back what they can.
Seems their race has been really shaken up by the occurrences.
Some few were injured in the battle and survived, but most seem
to be gone, their life force neutralized back to
non-individualized energy, no longer a part of the race...
Somewhat like the scene in star Wars where Obi Wan feels the
shock in the "Force" when a whole planet is destroyed.
I also see visitors, as they pass your house on the way to the
memorial, making a bowing gesture of respect. You appear to have
become an intergalactic holy man.
Of Course everyone sees and reads energy differently, and your
mileage may vary. But food for thought. You might want to check
with Sir Henry, another source, about what I said before passing
it on. I an, in fact curious, as to the meaning of the
structure's orientation.
Jack replied
Wow! During a lot of these
episodes I wrote to you about, I seemed to be sort of "out of
it", like I was following a script I had been rehearsing for a
long time, and I was playing a role I had signed up for a long
time ago. It still seems unreal. But your letter adds
confirmation from an authority which I greatly respect. So I
deeply appreciate your looking into this situation for me.
Here is a subsequent letter to Scott from Jack:
Scott: It seems that I have a Reptilian adviser, the one who
first appeared to me and laid his sword and shield at my feet.
He is now the official curator and guide to the memorial his
race erected in my back yard. Here is his description of it:
He says that the sword part of the building is indeed tilted at
60 degrees from vertical because that is the angle of their
sword when it is in its sheath. They have found that it can be
drawn quicker by the opposite hand if the sword is angled
downward and backward when hanging on their belt, instead of
straight down. In other words the tilted angle is meaningful to
those in his race as being a peace symbol. This makes perfect
sense, and confirms your impression.
The 290 degree orientation takes
advantage of a group of house-sized rocks located directly west
of my house with the tallest located a little north of west of
my house which is apparently the anchoring point of the sword
The visitor's area is made of a large transparent hemispherical
dome (made in four 90 degree sections) which encloses the lower
end of the stainless steel blade. The elevators go up to the
smaller hemispherical dome on top of the larger one where the
energy transfer takes place. This dome has a dark blue tint. By
the way, the Lieutenant says the steel sword is symbolic. They
use light energy swords ala Star Wars.
He also says different races have
different days allotted to them so there will not be
intermingling of the races, but the memorial has done a lot to
reconcile any differences because they all have great respect
and honor for their war dead.
From Jack's log, April 15
This is a letter channeled
from Sir Henry, the Deva. It pretty well summarized his work in
this effort, and provides some predictions for the future.
Dear Jack:
Much has transpired since I last reported in. We have been up to
our eyeballs in work, saving the planet from the "bad guys" who
have now left the earth clean and unspoiled, ready to be
occupied by the "good guys" who are immersed in unconditional
love from, as you call Him, "All that Is". Actually that is a
good name because it says it all and is not connected with any
I was with you both times the battles raged around your house.
You acted wisely and responsibly to this display of power, by
ignoring it. You were defenseless so you were out of it, despite
the fact that it was you they were after.
But all is peaceful now. I am still working with the Aliens,
making the feel welcome in a brand new world without their
domination. In fact that is my new assignment, to be Earth's
ambassador to alien envoys from all over the galaxy who are
interested in reviewing the battle ground and observing the
magnificent structure being erected in your back yard.
I wish you could see it, it is
beautiful. It has your name engraved on a plaque in the
entrance, and the gifts showered on you by the forgiven aliens
are on display in the entrance also, as you requested. With your
permission, I will take the sword and shield off your wall and
also place it on display with this group.
In regard to what I have been up to, I have visited Fred in his
negative prison and led him into the light as I have done so
many times before for others. This time he had enough experience
with the negatives, since he was powerless to neutralize any of
their power. He had to come out into the light in order to
regain his strength and be re-inserted into his physical body.
Some day he will provide all the
proof that you need that the experiences you have had over the
past couple of weeks were very real, and were of utmost
importance as you and many other Light Workers completed their
assignments in bringing about the overthrow of the negative
aliens who have so long ruled the earth, going back centuries,
as is chronicled in several channeled reports on Spiritweb.org.
(Note: a year later Fred feels he is
still not completely free of alien domination, though I feel it
is reverting to old habits rather than true reality, and he
still cannot remember any details of his more than two years of
total mental domination and control by the
Anunnaki Aliens.)
I have also had conversations with Mother Earth as to her plans
for this area in the immediate future.
She says she has developed an aura
of protection around Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas in
addition to several other places that are not going to
experience any appreciable changes. But not so for the rest of
the world. All outside this shield will experience various
degrees of damage and death, for reasons not known to me, but as
part of Her plan to establish a Heaven on Earth. She did not
think it would be possible for centuries, but it will happen
within the next two years, before the year 2,000 is ushered in.
You will be contacted by the Government to tell what you know
about the complete about face of the Reptilians and some of the
Grays who have had a strangle hold on the governments and
economy of not only the U.S. but most other nations of any
global importance.
It is time now to rebuild and look forward to a meaningful
existence on earth. It's about time.
But for me and my band of Elementals, we shall be assigned to
different galaxies to carry the seeds of Unconditional Love
which is the essence of All that Is, into the worlds around the
universe. The seal of this secret has been broken by you and
your fellow workers, and released to the entire universe. It is
a long time coming. This is similar to the work I just completed
in spreading the Spurling wave forms around the world, but on a
galactic scale. I am really looking forward to these
assignments, as I travel from one galaxy to another, bringing
this gift to those who are ready to receive. Most are, as the
word continues to spread.
Goodbye for now, and I will keep in touch with you and your
You are not finished with me yet!
Yours in love, Unconditional Love,
Sir Henry
Further notes from Jack's log
I had hoped at the time it
would be the final ending. But I was wrong. Subsequent
adventures were still to come. In addition the following
information on the future of the Reptilian 4th density Memorial
located in my back yard is included here for continuity.
Postcript: This morning, August 6, 1998, I was becoming
annoyed at my psychic Cocker Spaniel going to the south picture
windows from which I had removed the insulating covers, and
barking every twenty minutes. I knew she was barking at the
arrival of another 4th dimensional shuttle craft loaded with
visitors going to the shrine erected by the Reptilians behind my
house. Then a group of high ranking Andromedans requested an
audience with me, which was immediately granted. I was told that
this memorial shrine was only temporarily located in my back
The shrine is scheduled to be
dismantled and moved to a permanent location in the Andromeda
Galaxy and on the Andromedan home planet in the near future,
where it would be on display on a similar hill, a replica of its
present surroundings. They said that it had served its purpose,
in that it and its history is now permanently recorded in the
archives of all alien races who have had any dealings with the
earth at any time period in the past, amounting to seventeen
races in all.
Was advised that the six reformed
Dark Lords were creating an addition to this memorial in honor
of Roger for all the work he has done in opening them up to the
concept of Unconditional Love. They said they would never have
accepted this gift from All that Is had it not been for his
This addition was a gold crown
around the upper sphere composed of six scallops with a large
diamond at the intersection of each scallop, representing the
six Dark Lords, 3 in our universe and three in the Dark
Universe. As of the posting date of this story, the shrine has
been moved to the Andromedan home planet as scheduled.
But the
than taken its place, where a model of this Memorial is on
Letter received on 12/28/00 from
someone reading the Armageddon Chronicles
Jack O'Brien:
Your website page of: PART 2
Freeing Mental Slaves from Captivity seems to be down,
probably the gov't trying to stop the info... Would be great
if you could bring it back up....
Thanks again.
I reinstalled this file, and
immediately my internet connection locked up, preventing Email
letters from being received or sent, and also locking up all
programs using USER32.DLL which was apparently moved to an
inaccessible location in my computer. I asked my Guides to
locate in the astral plane a person knowledgeable with computers
and with physical manifestation capabilities to fix this
This was apparently done, because
within a few minutes I was told to test the computer, it still
had the problem. Then I was told to shut off the computer and
re-start it. When I did, the problem was fixed. Uploading this
note to my website was the first project I tried in order to be
sure. Your being able to read it is proof of the repair job
being done from the "other side". It's great to have friends in
high places.
Here is the answer I sent to notify of this problem:
"Part 2 is re-installed and the
monitoring and control equipment used to delete this file is
fried. The dudes doing this deletion and computer lockup
under the direction of the secret gov't have all turned in
their resignations as a result of a very shocking experience
they had.
Thanks for the info. I'll check on the integrity of this
file occasionally"
This was not the end of the secret
government's interference. I will add a little detail to this
adventure. Every time I have logged onto my Index page for about
a month, just after the New Additions appeared on my monitor, I
would get a sign "Transfer interrupted" for about a second, then
the remainder of the Index page would appear. (Apparently this
part of my Index page was being monitored so any new additions
could be checked out.)
So after getting my Netscape up and
running again, I searched out the cause of the interruption. It
was coming from Denver. About a year ago I did the same astral
search job and found a room in downtown Denver full of
eavesdropping equipment, and intuited the names of the three men
taking shifts in monitoring the equipment. I wrote a letter to
myself in which I told them I was aware of my monitored email
and I was flattered that they thought I was a sufficiently
valuable source of information that the CIA (I thought) was
monitoring my Email.
But when this computer glitch happened and I traced it to the
same source, and this time I knew it was the Secret Gov't behind
it, I mentally fried their equipment and temporarily locked the
door to their monitoring room as the room filled with smoke. I
finally unlocked the door, and gave them each a shock that
stunned them and one hit his head on a desk as he dropped to the
floor and is hospitalized with a head injury.
They have all resigned their jobs. I
placed a protection around them so they would not be killed by
their former employer for fear they would reveal to the public
what they were up to and who they were working for, with the
edict that anyone trying would be electrocuted.
I logged onto my Index page and the "Transfer Interrupted" sign
didn't show up, and the complete page was downloaded
immediately. But the next day the same sign appeared. This time
I traced the monitoring device to the Pentagon. I received
permission from my Guidance to fry their equipment also, and to
stun the operators with an electric shock. Immediately after, I
logged onto the Index page and the "transfer interrupted"
message was gone and the complete page was loaded without any
I have intuited that those who were
stunned and watched their monitoring equip go up in smoke have
all requested transfer to another department. I will continue to
check for further monitoring and continue my smoking and
stunning edict until the monitoring is halted. If you find that
those in the
Secret Government are successful in terminating me,
I am laying a clear trail to their doorstep.
This secret government headquarters
is located on the second floor in the north wing of the Pentagon
building. It is disguised as a records storage area with access
to this section from the first floor directly below. You may
check the floor plan and find that the records storage area is
much smaller than the complete north wing area. Also if you find
this file inaccessible at a later date, advise me. This would be
another obvious secret government attempted coverup.
In order to check the validity of this adventure, I described it
in an Email letter to my intuitive friend Jaya (Alara) Andrews
which included in part:
A few days later I checked into
this and and my guidance indicated that this whole
monitoring scheme had been completely dismantled and the
conspiracy had been shut down with key members hauled off to
jail and charged with innumerable counts of conspiracy,
etc., and there would be no more snooping. What do your
guides say about this?
Jaya's Guides' answer:
"Correct... there should be no
more snooping.
"The monitoring program has been shut down...
since you had put their location on the net, those in charge
couldn't believe that someone hadn't notified you, or
"betrayed" them in some way.
"So, they shut down and made a
show of taking key members away to "jail"... supposedly... in
actuality, they were taken to hospitals to be
"They won't see the light of day
for quite some time, if ever again."
So most of my information was
But now I am picking up the thought
that "those in charge" have gone into hiding and ultimately the
entire operation will be exposed and they will be hunted down
and charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government. No
doubt "those in charge" will be reading this further revelation,
and they may elect to turn themselves in and do a plea bargain
attempt in return for "telling the whole story" which otherwise
would never be told.
So I need to add that this
terminates my involvement in this story and I am letting others
put an end to it.
What follows are excerpts of Email
letters between Ruth (ruth@aloha.net) and Jack (jobrien@yournet.com)
plus comments added later by each, starting Thursday afternoon June
It involves the problems Ruth's friend
Fred was continuing to have in X, a town in the desert southwest,
working for the secret government/alien coalition in that area.
Apparently there is a vast network of laboratories located beneath a
nearby mountain (and elsewhere) in which workers are programmed
through injections, hypnosis and implants to be under the total
mental control of the aliens they work for.
Their minds are compartmentalized so
they will forget what they are working on when they go home and then
recall this information when they return to work the next day.
Received from Ruth
4:18 PM Thursday
June 25th 1998
I had a really Bad night with
visitors of every type of ET creature I can think of.. they were
so bossy and once again told me "We own Fred." I am sure it is
the Anunnaki. I really wish there was some way to deal with them
and take care of them once and for all. We must have to learn
something here.. and we are not getting it. Do you think? I am
so sad that all your work only got Fred a new job and not
complete freedom, but at least he has his life.. some do not
have that even.. and some do not even have the ability to
communicate at all with the outside world.. being shut up.
[Ruth had taken a trip some weeks before this to Fred's place of
work in a small college in X to try to see him and help him, but
he was not allowed to see her. She went to his college driving a
dismal 300 miles alone. She did magic and chants all the way to
try to bring some energy into the desert where only depression
seemed to hang.
Her guidance said just to go to
places where the energies would be altered by her presence and
energy. So she went with the intention of sending love into
Fred's office. Just as she entered the town of X a fox dashed in
front of her car and she took it as a sign that she would be
protected from harm. She was. She found the college on a small
hill and her intuition sensed it was a cover for an underground
access to a nearby airport.
So then she could understand how he
had been taken away on weekends. Although she was observed by
someone all the time she was near Fred's office, she took her
shoes off and did a Goddess spin on the grass and sent joy
energy down into the ground and then linked it up to the
Pleiades above. She never saw or heard from Fred]
Ruth's letter continues
My little trip to X to put
some joy into the place was a big deal for me.. but I wonder how
much I can do on a larger scale..! We'll just have to do it and
trust that my work and your work and everyone's work counts.
Everyone knows their Gov. is doing illegal things with our
money.. WE ALL know. What and who is going to blast it open?
Some how I feel I am going to be part of that.. and YOU. I do
not know how yet.
I spent the night calling on all my buddies out there to come
here and straighten these F***'s out… Sorry about the language..
but I am sick of them... Totally!.
Sent by Jack 5:38 same day
I checked with the Galaxy
Being (a Group Spirit of all sentient creatures in the Milky
Way) who said she would check into the Anunnaki group. It was my
gut feeling that there was a small group still doing dirty
tricks, not realizing that their main body had left a few weeks
ago. She was back in less than a minute saying that there were
just a few left doing their thing and she thought I could speak
directly to them without getting covered with negativity.
So I mentally called them together and said that the main body
of their race had received the gift of Unconditional Love from
All that Is (God) and left for home. I said I could give them
the same gift and this would allow them to also go home. They
agreed. I could feel the impacts of the power of Unconditional
Love hitting them.
After it soaked in, they thanked me for the
gift and I told them this would be their ticket through
the Stargate which Roger had opened, if this is the path home.
Also I asked that they contact Fred
and tell him directly that he was released from any contracts
that were in force.
I am receiving info on
the Anunnaki.
A group has gathered around me and their
spokesman indicates that they have gathered all of their group from
all over the world (numbering over 2,000) and have passed on the
Unconditional Love gift, which they could do since they have
telepathic interconnection they can use when needed.
They thanked me profusely and said that
they know now why their leaders had left in such a hurry. They were
expecting them to be back but they never showed up. They said that
they had their own route back to their home world, not
the Stargate. So
they are gone, and no remaining negativity.
When I started this investigation, I realized that this could place
Fred in deep trouble, but I had an inner conviction that it would
have the opposite effect. Also the shield I had placed around him is
still intact, but he may be acting as if it isn't.
I am getting impressions and comments that there is lots of activity
in X. People are packing up and leaving the town in droves.
The spell is broken.
Sent by Jack
6:35 PM : Same day.
A while ago I felt X was in
utter confusion, people coming out of underground laboratories
some having been imprisoned for years. They are having a hard
time adjusting to the light. Then I could visualize everybody
grabbing cars and heading out of town.
Now I believe that X is a virtual
ghost town. There are no cars left. Everyone has gone. My spirit
adviser commented in almost bewilderment a while ago,
"You really threw the manure in
the fan at X. Congratulations. We were hoping someone would
step in and shut that city down."
My dowser is going wild confirming
all this.
Received from Ruth
7:00 PM: Thursday
25th June, 1998
Jack this came from Fred
(quote from Jack: I believe that it is a totally new ball game.)
Fred's answer: "It IS a totally new ball game since this Monday!
Do you "know" what happened?"
[Ruth discovered after this letter that Fred was referring to a
being - a tall light being from the Pleiades who came through
the facility and basically changed the whole energy of it,
releasing all the held prisoners and dismantling the power
(quote from Jack: I am getting impressions and comments that
there is lots of activity in Yuma. People are packing up and
leaving the town in droves.)
Fred's reply: "They actually are. One quarter of my whole
Division faculty is leaving now."
Sent by Jack
7:10 PM
It's hard to keep up with the
activity around here. Freckles (my psychic dog) started barking
her fool head off. I tuned in and sensed that a crowd was
gathering outside my house. I was told that there were aliens of
all descriptions who were in charge of getting the world back in
order, gathering and milling around, not knowing what to do,
except to rejoice at what has been transpiring at X and
apparently other places in the world formerly controlled by the
So following your [Ruth} suggestion to go ask a tree if you want
the truth, I went outside and leaned against my favorite tree to
focus my attention. I received the message that I had just
broken the back of the secret government/alien conspiracy and it
was no more. It said that there were so many entities around,
both alien and spirit, that I was walking through them, there
being no room for them to move out of the way.
They were all around my house. (They
exist in the 4th or higher densities, which are vibrating at a
higher rate and thus invisible, like fan blades disappearing
when the fan is turned on.)
I am beginning to feel the excitement of the moment is ebbing
and being replaced with a happy glow as everyone returns to
their regular activities, apparently all over the world.
Sent by Jack
7:30 PM
I need to write these things down as
they occur or I will forget them.
As I mentioned to you on the phone,
shortly after the crowd started dispersing around my house, I
sensed the presence of Gaia. She congratulated my breaking open
the long-festering spiritual sore of X which I had apparently
cut into when I worked with the Anunnaki group to give them the
Unconditional Love treatment.
She said that it has been a pain in
her side for years, and now it is gone. Your work Ruth pouring
love energy into the area, and no doubt others also, apparently
started the sore coming to a head. I didn't have to do much
convincing the Anunnaki to receive the Love treatment, it was as
if they were expecting it. So a lot of groundwork must have been
done to allow this to come off so smoothly.
Fred said he detected a strong shift
last Monday, the summer solstice, and today is Thursday, so I
apparently gave it the final touch.
Ruth replies
This day should be called
VICTORY day! I have called everyone I can think of to tell them
it is OVER the worst is over... I am so glad to get the story of
Gaia... I love her. I met her here I Hawaii at the eclipse last
Feb. She was so androgyn. It was she who I planted everywhere
that I went... I literally stuck her into the earth at each of my
Fred still seems pretty locked into his state of having to lie
and hide his true self. Do you think even he knows his true
Jack Answers
Freckles has been barking
frantically for the last half hour. I finally tuned in and
discovered that several of the Anunnaki had a message for me.
They said that they had remained behind, and were still
releasing all the contracts and obligations they had placed on
the many people who worked for them, but within the next day or
two, everything would be leveled, energy-wise.
They said that they felt that this
was the least they could do, in view of the terrible things they
were responsible for during the past several years. The presence
of Unconditional Love in their being has completely turned them
around in their agendas. They are showing great compassion to
stay around to fix as much damage as they can.
The power of Unconditional Love is
truly amazing.
Your mentioning making a movie of this whole affair is a nice
idea, but with the entire story woven around the power of
Unconditional Love which is the essence of God (All that Is),
each major religion would insist on inserting some of their
doctrine and the name of their Deity in order to make it a
"truer" description of God, which would only add distortion.
This is why I referred to God as "All that Is". It is a neutral
but as complete a description as I could find.
And then with Charlton Heston
playing God, the feminists would be up in arms. You can't
Received from Ruth
1:08 AM Friday
(Ruth lives in Hawaii, 4 hours earlier than CDT)
(copy of letter to a friend)
IT is over.. The work we have been
doing to release this really bad stuff there is complete. People
there were imprisoned in their bodies.. unable to control their
own destinies.
They were robots in every way. They
had to work and do just as they were told and all this from
inside their heads. They had implants which allowed them to only
see one particular type of way. A programmed way. It was like a
mind control Nazi camp gone to hell in a basket. The words will
come out now and reveal all that was really happening there. It
was also a sort of Area 51 with Fred's college as a front for
the underground machinations and secret experiments.
I am quite sure that it will be
discovered that he has gone to Mars from there. But it is OVER...
and with it the beginning of the fall of whole secret gov.
entity. I have been working to this end for years as have many
of you. IT is here.. It may not appear to be different in the
daily news but if you tune in you will probably confirm that
something shifted this week... after the Solstice.
It is wonderful. IT will make all the difference to the planet
now. I was really mad last night and invited every being I
could think of to come and help... The Andromedans, the
Ashtar Command, the Federation,
Quan Yin, my guru Muktananda and Bhagwan Nityandand, Jesus,
Shiva, Ganesha, Uli, you name it..
I was pulling them all in to get the
secret gov. out of this country and to have them be gone
Received from Ruth 4:00 AM Friday
Message from Springs (a
highly evolved Lightworker in Hawaii) Aloha Ruth.
My you have been busy in the last
24! I am very pleased that you are participating and witnessing
the changing of the forces. As of the eclipse on Feb. 26, the
Federation of the Higher realms made a decision to enter the
"game of life" we created for ourselves and ordered all ET's to
leave this dimension of the 3rd.. they all have to be off by the
year 2000.
When the Galactics were voting on
whether to enter our free-will zone to help us, many voted "no"
because we have created our victimhood by giving away our power
thru fear. We got a reprieve because it was accepted that we had
been tampered with and it was not entirely our fault. Once all
ET's are gone it will be shown (to the higher realms) what our
intent really is and if we are in Divine alignment. You can rest
now and celebrate completion of the battles.
EnJOY your new life free of fear and
filled with Light in total peace and abundance. I'm proud of
Jack Friday 26th June, 1998
I had a visit by the Anunnaki
at 10:30.
Their spokesman stated,
"we have unlocked 200 cells
under X and freed the inhabitants. There are no more
controlled humans. They have all been set free. A total of
10 secret areas worldwide, involving over 2,000 Anunnaki
have been released from our control."
"We are all going home now. We are sorry for all of the
damage we have done and suffering we have caused to
humanity. It was all selfishly motivated. We thought we
could conquer the world by controlling the stock market,
banks, military, even the religious institutions. But we
failed to take into consideration the enormous cost in grief
and suffering. For this we are truly sorry.
To help make amends, we had
planned on giving you the technique of total conquering of
all diseases by the power of thought. We originally
understood that these were all caused by weakness in the
body but we understand now that in a free-will society,
sickness has a purpose, so the person must face up to the
emotional causes before a permanent cure can be had. This
will be the future goal of all religions: to remove all
semblance of fear, shame and guilt which are the primary
These emotions cannot exist when
we are all filled with Unconditional Love from All that Is.
We bid you goodbye now, and we thank you for giving us the
greatest gift imaginable: Unconditional Love from All that
Is. It is changing our whole society. We have a new purpose
in life: to spread love, not fear-based control."
At 11:00 AM Friday a representative
of the Pleiadian group arrived, introduced as always by my dog
Freckles barking. I was told to be sure to include the above
message in my report.
She said that it is exactly the
message the Anunnaki wanted to convey.
Ruth's add on ending
While I was meditating in my
home today, Friday, a group of American Indians from the desert
area I traveled through to see Fred came to visit me and they
thanked me for my work for them and clearing their land of the
evil energies of the secret government. They said that my
salutations to their sacred places as I passed through, woke up
the energies beneath the earth and helped them activate their
own methods for clearing the area.
As of this point my friend Fred is about to take on a new job
I am not sure he is entirely clear about what he has
been involved with. He is still somewhat unable to grasp the
situation fully. From my guidance about his state of health, it
indicates that he is probably worse off than most of the victims
of this horror chamber as he had been more conscious of the
dreadful violations of human and universal laws that were being
perpetrated on his friends and colleagues.
The others were not so conscious. He
has had the hardest task as he knew what was going on and he was
trying to help others. He has fought the hardest to maintain his
sanity and control of his life and heart and he has had the most
damage done to his mind. I do not feel the story is over for him
But for the city of X, and the beleaguered victims of that
hell-hole, the worst is over.
From the 26th of June to the 23rd of September 1998, Fred was still
under the mind control of the military/civilian /ET conspiracy
although the ETs had long ago checked out. He was provided with a
woman "keeper" named Angie also under
mind control, to keep track of
him since the mental shield Jack had placed around him prevented
their maintaining complete control over him. He was given the mental
suggestion that they were married.
Ruth flew from Hawaii to the U.S. and
drove to X to see Fred, but he was not there. Fred and Angie moved
to California where he joined the teaching staff of a college. Ruth
once again flew from Hawaii to the U.S. and drove to his college and
had lunch with Fred and renewed their close friendship.
Then on the 23rd of September, Ruth sent the following letter to
Jack I have very clear
communications with Fred. He is in bad shape again. They do not
allow the letters and the phone calls are being monitored by a
psychic force now. I feel the negativity again. It is not as
strong as it was before... but something is "back" and trying
again to control him. He was sort of let lose in the early part
of Aug. He says that if I do not hold on to him... he will be
totally lost as no one else has a clue what he is going through.
He says that "she" is acting so
badly and it is all as she is programmed to do (she does not
have a clue) and it is all designed to destabilize and humiliate
him so he will keep off balance and feel "controlled." Until we
find out who is doing this... he will not be free. I urge you to
turn all your energies on the controllers of this situation...
they are human probably with robotic negativity and could be the
ones that Carol has identified.
It was very clear that there is an
active - force field between us now... to keep us apart...
Both Jack and Ruth had become
intuitively aware of their Email being monitored by the CIA. In fact
Jack intuited that this was being done in Denver and described the
details of the room that three agents plus a backup were working in.
The fact that this monitoring was going
on round the clock suggested that the CIA was vitally interested in
the information we were passing to each other.
Of all the stories in my Website, this one is the least verifiable,
at least as the time of posting.
By its very nature, the conspiracy lived
on secrecy, and it apparently died in the same manner. Great efforts
are still being taken by those formerly involved, both human and
alien, to hide the details. So, until the day verification is
forthcoming, I suggest that this be considered a Science Fiction
As a matter of fact, this may be the
best way to treat most of the information in my Website. In the
meantime, the information sources listed at the beginning of Part 1
above, make good bedtime reading.
Happy nightmares!
Jack O'B
Jack wrote the following letter on Sept. 23,
Ruth: I concentrated on Fred
and detected human manipulation. I had been looking for 'ET'
manipulation which is gone. So I followed it back to the source
in the Pentagon.
This is the remnant of the secret
government/military/alien conspiracy. They are trying
desperately to keep a lid on this whole affair. I confronted
them with a growing sense of enormous power being accumulated. I
told them that unless they released this control completely NOW
the Warrior Angels would destroy them and their life energy
would dissolve into neutral energy and their souls would be
gone. Utterly vanished. Like they never existed.
This is how the Warrior Angels handled the 50,000 Reptilians in
the first battle of Armageddon. The professional psychic Scott
Eldridge confirmed that there was nothing left of the Reptilian
organized life energy, as did the lightworker nicknamed Fuzzy
(now Rich, richamab@ioa.com) who said of this episode "our
judgment of their evil does not change the fact that termination
of any living energy is a waste." It was returned to the source.
I mentioned that sometimes I hear a loud POP when I think of
some important truth, an indication that my Guidance agrees with
what I am writing... Well I just got one. This is a physical
manifestation that I had been waiting for to confirm that I was
doing the right thing.
They said they needed a day to release all these controls. So I
said that tomorrow evening at 3:00 PM I would have to have some
indication that they have disbanded, or the Warrior Angels would
disintegrate their offices which I understand are in the east
wing of the P***gon. It will simply disintegrate and fall in a
rubble heap. I understand that it will take one hour for this to
I was inspired to do this, and I felt I shook them to their
foundations. So I will hope to read or hear something about this
revelation tomorrow, or the threatened destruction mentioned
above would happen. This is a very real threat which I was asked
to make.
They are aware of the power I was accumulating since some of
them are clairvoyant. I had reestablished a shield around Fred
several days ago in which only those in the light could enter,
so I am sure this has made some difference. but it has become
put up or shut up time for their releasing not only their
controls of Fred but also of his buddies.
My CIA buddies need to take heed of this plan of either
revelation or destruction because the P***gon will look odd with
only four sections and a rubble heap. They are aware of the
spiritual power I can muster. The spirit of all those remaining
with the secret government will simply cease to exist tomorrow
evening. Running away will not help.
They are in one place as
far as Spirit is concerned if they remain a part of this
coalition. It will be as if they never existed. So tomorrow
evening the secret military/government will no longer exist, one
way or another, because there will be nobody left to run it, one
way or the other.
I was inspired by All that Is on this one.
Jack wrote to Ruth
I am glad that you have
detected a difference in Fred. I just tuned in on him and he
told me he feels completely free, like a new man. I asked the
"free spirit" (who describes himself as a junior angel) to check
in at the Pentagon and see what was going on. He reported the
same thing as I had felt, that there was desperate activity in
the secret government branch of the P***gon, with files being
opened to the legitimate military personnel.
I contacted Gaia and asked if there was something of a permanent
nature in front of the building, such as a marble or concrete
statue or sign which she could disintegrate to show what she
could do to an entire wing of the P***gon. She chose an entrance
sign of some kind, and proceeded to first crumble it to dust in
the 4th density followed by its crumbling to dust in the 3rd. I
had remembered reading some writings of a channeler Tom Smith
dated 1992 about Gaia having to pulverize all concrete
structures and bridges in her attempt to return earth to her
former pristine beauty.
Much of this destruction has been
eliminated or greatly modified since then due to the efforts of
the Lightworkers, but I was reminded of this when I reviewed my
warning letter to the secret military/government conspiracy. It
was this type of destruction I had visualized which would happen
to the secret government wing of the P**agon if they did not
disband immediately and remove all controls from such people as
I believe the requirements for disbanding have been or are being
met, so I asked Gaia to just produce a sample of what she said
she could do if necessary. She said that she had wanted to
destroy the entire P***gon Building, but had held herself back
to enable humanity to mend its ways and stop its trashing of her
and humanity itself.
So let me know if you see pictures or reports of the entrance
sign to the Pentagon being converted to a dust pile from some
unknown cause.
(There has been no public confirmation of this action as of
early 1999. I feel the press was told that the entrance sign was
being revised and was intentionally demolished to make room for
the new one.)
I just made a final check and was told that this division of the
Pe***gon had shut its doors for the last time. There are no more
personnel working there. It is now an archive for research and
reference only. If this turns out to be true, the secret
government/military/alien conspiracy is no more.
[As of early 1999 there has been no public confirmation of the
P***gon sign replacement, nor the closing down of a section of
this building. However I feel that this section has been gutted
of all records having to do with the secret
government/military/alien conspiracy, which are stored in the
vast records warehouse. With this wing now dedicated to
legitimate military activity, there would be no remaining
physical evidence of the presence of any former secret activity,
unless the records could be found.]
So it is probably better to close
the book on this part of the story.
Jack wrote on 9/15/98
I was told a while ago by a
Warrior Angel that during a group meeting of those working on
the secret government/military/ET conspiracy (minus the ET
connection because they are no longer a part) one of their
chiefs was disintegrated into a pile of dust in a flash of light
as he was walking to the podium to address the group.
The Warrior Angel said he had been
authorized by All that Is to perform this deed in full view of
the assembly in order to let them know what they would be in for
if they continued to hold this conspiracy together. This meeting
took place yesterday afternoon for the purpose of explaining
what they would have to do in order to not be annihilated. This
was a graphic demonstration of this bleak prediction.
The Warrior Angel said that this particular person was at the
very head of the conspiracy, and his Higher Self had volunteered
to submit himself to this treatment in order to accelerate the
disbanding of this coalition. His soul was not snuffed out. Only
his physical body was. But this so electrified the rest of the
attendees, that they submitted their resignations immediately
and fled the premises.
On the way out, many of them drove by the sign in front of the
P***agon, made of concrete and steel and marble, which was
earlier reduced to rubble by Gaia as a sample of what would
happen to the east wing of the Pentagon if this conspiracy was
not immediately disbanded.
I did a mental check of the P***gon this morning and I could see
a sort of "black hole" in one wing in an otherwise active
environment in which no regular activity was going on. Instead
there were people poring over records and making notes. The
Military was writing up a detailed synopsis of what they were
uncovering, and all members of Congress and the President were
to be briefed. (the latest as of Sept. 24 is that this whole
affair will be bottled up until it is felt that the public would
be able to handle this open admission that a secret
government/military/alien coalition had existed for years under
the very noses of the legitimate military high command.
The final message I received from my Guides was that I was not
to do anything else. I had performed exactly as I was supposed
to, and the only disappointment was in my postponing this action
so long. It had been planned for some time. Ruth called on the
phone earlier this evening and said that Fred had not showed up
at the college all day and she was worried. I immediately picked
up that he was ill.
The Warrior Angel said that when all
the controls were lifted last night, he became fully aware of
all the atrocities he had witnessed and it was too much for him.
He sort of went off his rocker for a while. But he is in control
of himself now for the first time in a long time, and he would
be back on the job tomorrow. He is still pretty shaken by this
experience, but it had to happen, and he was well enough along
on his return to reality that it didn't take long for him to
sort things out and get hold of himself.
So I plan to do nothing more, as I was requested, and just see
what develops. Sue said that she had picked up a lot of
negativity down deep in the earth.
It is my understanding that it will
gradually dissipate because its energy source has been
As of early April, 1999, the latest word on Fred, the scientist
formerly under the psychic control of the Anunnaki ETs, and who is
the central figure in this story, is now starting to remember his
experiences which up until had been totally blocked from his mind.
This message to Ruth from Jack
dated 5/6/99
is the latest on Fred
Ruth: I just came across your
snail mail letter dated 4/24 in which Fred was greatly concerned
about your safety if you continue to contact him in any fashion.
If he divulges anything of his past to you, both he and you are
in grave danger. He was apparently doing OK but still was unable
to connect with his past.
I picked it up planning to file it and received an intuitive
message not to put it away. Fred was being attacked big time. So
I tuned in and he was absolutely covered from head to toe with
implants, and there one Anunnaki who was still putting them in.
So I immediately started removing them and placing them in the
Anunnaki doing the dirty work. But it was slow going and I
sensed that he was not going to make it. So I pulled my trick of
going back through time in my imagination, to before he started
receiving them, about two hours, switched to an alternate
reality, put multiple shields around him and went forward in
time to the present moment, adding internal shields as the outer
shield became saturated with implants.
I kept removing the implants from the shields and putting them
in the Anunnaki. He started weakening, and I told him any he
removed he wouldn't get back.
The bottom line is that the Anunnaki died from his own implants,
and when called to the scene, my insectoid friend Olivia with
healing powers, checked Fred over and said he would have died
also had I not gone back in time and placed the shields around
him to receive the implants. I feel that there was some divine
intervention in this episode because beside getting a sudden
warning that he needed help, I am sure there were still some
unremoved implants in Fred when I returned with him from the
past, but they simply disappeared. He seems to be OK now. It's
as if it never happened.
Then I tuned in on the 19 Anunnaki who were also behind this
murder attempt, and found they were a part of about 50,000
Anunnaki who had not received the Unconditional Love gift and
were on their own planet. But the 20 had been sent to do away
with Fred because he was improving much faster than his fellow
former mental slaves, and at this rate the Anunnaki knew that he
was starting to get his memory back and would start spilling the
beans pretty soon about the dastardly deeds many of their fellow
Anunnaki did in one of their underground cities near X in the
desert southwest.
I understand that the Anunnaki are desperate to establish a
colony on earth in order to escape the harsh environment of
their planet and have petitioned the
Galactic Council for this
privilege... And this unreformed group were doing everything in
their power to keep this human mental slavery story from getting
out. I suspect they would have wound up killing the rest of the
2,000 humans their fellow Anunnaki had enslaved before they
started remembering.
So I first invited the 19 to receive
the UL gift, and they were ready, in view of what had happened
to the other member of their team. Then I contacted the
approximately 50,000 holdouts, who were also eager to receive
the gift, in view of what they had just been told. So they also
received the gift. They were apparently not part of the Anunnaki
group who we had been dealing with in the past, and could not be
convinced to receive the UL gift from those returning to their
home planet from earth.
Then I checked on the removed implants and found they had come
from a large stash in a storage room back in the underground
city of X. I gathered them all up and asked the Galaxy Being*
if she wanted them. She said they could kill her if she absorbed
them all. So I contacted the Quasar Being**,
and he said he would take them off my hands but I got the
feeling that he really didn't want to.
Galaxy Being: The Collective Consciousness of all Sentient life
in the Milky Way galaxy.
** Quasar Being: The Collective
Consciousness of all Sentient life in ten Galaxies.
So I decided to toss them into the
4th density sun, which would consumed them. But when I checked
the storage room, I noticed that they were exiting the room in a
single file line, and they were strung out in a long line as
they approached the Sun, allowing them to enter one at a time. I
guess the one-at-a-time approach reduced the harmful effects
even to the 4th density sun.
As things stand now, I believe there are no longer any Anunnaki
who have not received the UL gift. So this whole scenario was
set up to provide this outcome.
Fred is OK, and was never in real
danger since in a higher level all the players had volunteered
to play out their roles, knowing the positive outcome in
advance. And all the Anunnaki are no longer hostile. I get the
impression that things are moving along quite fast toward the
ascension. Things keep speeding up. Sue says she is feeling
etheric earthquakes, which I believe are precursors of 3rd
density ones.
Some day the final chapter of this conspiracy will be written.
It will include the long term rehabilitation of the
approximately 2,000 robotized people who were under the complete
mental domination of the Anunnaki ETs in their pursuit to
dominate the whole earth, until they received the gift of
Unconditional Love from All that Is.
The expansion of this Unconditional
Love throughout the entire Universe, and into Alternate
Realities and Universes is continuing