by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
August 16, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
A group of prominent Russian scientists, including Russian cosmonaut
Dr. Marina Popovich, PhD, as well as Victoria Popova,
Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. (http://www.ourtransition.info/) have announced a
discovery of extraterrestrial communications in pictograms that
extraterrestrial intelligence has placed in crop circles and in
stone monuments around the world.
The group has created a dictionary of
over 250 extraterrestrial pictograms for interpreting crop circles
and stone monuments such as,
"Stonehenge and Avebury stone
circles in the UK,
Machu Picchu, Chavin de Huantar and the
Lines in Peru, the pyramid of Chichen-Itza and
the pyramids of
the moon and the sun in Mexico and the Moai of
Easter Island and
Dr. Marina Popovich, PhD, Victoria
Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. write in their
co-authored book “Letters of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - The
Last Warning”,
“Extraterrestrial civilizations
(ETC) warn: the weakening of Earth's magnetic field has reached
a critical value, and threatens the life of mankind. ETC’
instructions in crop circles indicate how to escape from global
cataclysms which will begin very soon.”
ET pictograms
predict global cataclysms
The Russian scientist group states that the extraterrestrial
pictograms communicate that,
“Extraterrestrial civilizations
(ETC) predict three preliminary catastrophes followed by global
cataclysms of a magnitude beyond anything experienced in living
memory. There will be a short time period between all these
They continue,
“ETC warn that civilization has to
be pre-informed about the scenario of global cataclysms [before
the] beginning [of the] event. A civilization that is not
informed has no chance to make the Transition in time and to
prolong life.
First pre-cataclysm will be related with
interruption of global system of communication - phone,
Internet. Pre-informed civilization will avoid shock and chaos
of super-powerful disaster and has a chance to make the
Transition in time.”
The Russian scientist group,
“emphasizes that this is a natural
cycle of the planet. Part of this process is the development of
human consciousness to a point where humanity will have a
‘window of opportunity’ to make the transition to a higher plane
of existence.
They explain that this point in history can be
seen as a kind graduation for humanity to a higher and more
subtle level of experience, a type of metamorphosis for humanity
connected with ascension. Nobody can be
saved individually, as
the transition can be made only through the synchronous
unification of human consciousness."
The Russian scientist group states,
“The time for humans to escape the
devastation through the unification of consciousness will be
shortly after the first pre-cataclysm.
After second
pre-catastrophe humanity will have no chance to prolong life
because number of people [remaining alive] will be not enough to
start up the mechanism of the transition.
In the future humanity
will join a galactic community of evolved extra-terrestrial
civilizations, linked through consciousness.”
Cosmonaut Dr.
Marina Popovich
Dr. Marina Vasilieva Popovich,
"(born July 20, 1931) is a retired
Soviet Air Force colonel, engineer, and legendary Soviet test
pilot who holds 107 aviation world records set on over 40 types
of aircraft.
She is one of the most famous pilots in Russian
history, and one of the most important female pilots of
all-time. Marina Vasilieva became a Soviet Air Force pilot and
in 1964, a military test pilot. She authored nine books and two
Among many other awards, she has been honored as
Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Courage (presented
personally by Vladimir Putin in June 2007) and a star in the
Cancer constellation bears her name."
Popovich and
One source states,
"Dr. Marina Popovich has been
outspoken about UFO reality. She wrote a book called UFO
Glasnost (published in 2003 in Germany) and given public
lectures and interviews.
She has mentioned over 3000 UFO
sightings by Soviet military and civilian pilots. Although
qualifying that her statements are not official, she says that
the Soviet Air Force and KGB have fragments of five crashed UFOs
in their possession.
The crash sites mentioned were,
Dalnegorsk (1986)
Popovich said debris was analyzed and the
conclusion was that it wasn't manufactured on Earth with
terrestrial technology In 1991, she also displayed what she
claims is the last photo taken by the
Russian probe Phobos 2,
before it lost contact with Earth and disappeared.
This photo
shows an unexplained cylindrical figure, which could be a camera
scientists Popova and Andrianova
Barkhausen effect
According to their biographies,
"Dr. Victoria Popova has over 100
scientific publications and 14 patents. She is the best inventor
of NCC HS. Dr. Lidia Andrianova has over 50 scientific
publications and 4 patents.
Their dissertations were based on
research of the
Barkhausen effect and its application for
nondestructive testing and evaluation of ferromagnetic
materials. Later we understood that just the Barkhausen effect
can explain the mechanism of global cataclysms beginning…
On the
basis of decoded information we have written 12 books. Two of
our books we have published in co-authorship with Dr. Marina Popovich.”
One source states,
"The Barkhausen effect is a series
of sudden changes in the size and orientation of ferromagnetic
domains, or microscopic clusters of aligned atomic magnets
(spins), that occurs during a continuous process of
magnetization or demagnetization.
The Barkhausen effect offered
direct evidence for the existence of ferromagnetic domains,
which previously had been postulated theoretically.
Heinrich Barkhausen discovered that a slow, smooth increase of a magnetic
field applied to a piece of ferromagnetic material, such as
iron, causes it to become magnetized, not continuously but in
minute steps."
Russian scientists explaining extraterrestrial
Russian scientists Popova and Andrianova have created a series of 15
brief videos in English outlining the critical components of their
Cataclysms predicted by ET pictograms
According to the Russian scientist group, the ET pictograms predict
a model that shows the Earth undergoing a series of three specific
cataclysms, followed by a general state of cataclysmic upheaval.
A weakening of the Earth's magnetic field is the specific mechanism
that the Russian scientists hold will trigger this age of cataclysm
that will be started by three "pre-cataclysms".
As to the extent and
timing of the first pre-cataclysm, the Russian scientists state,
"The first of these pre-cataclysms is imminent - an extraordinary
event which surpasses all natural powers known by humanity.
scientists claim a catastrophic seismic event will emanate from the
west coast of Peru in the area of the
Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly at
the intersection of the Humboldt and the El Niño currents in the
Pacific Ocean.
An area of the United States from the Gulf of Mexico
to the Great Lakes will be inundated as a result of a tsunami.
According to prophecy of
Edgar Cayce - famous American prophet -
during several minutes the waters of the Mexican Golf will joint
with Great Lakes. This catastrophe will have a devastating impact on
the whole central and south Pacific region, with the likelihood of
mega-tsunamis hitting the Eastern seaboard of New Zealand and
The tsunami may even affect the north-western coast of
Africa and the shores of Western Europe, but the brunt of the
cataclysm will focus on Eastern coast of North America.
The second
and the third pre-cataclysms will be much stronger."
Unification of human consciousness and ascension to a higher state
is survival outcome
The Russian scientist group state that their interpretation of ET
communications is that the only way that humanity will survive is
through a process of consciousness transfer to a higher dimension.
This appears to be a process similar to
the "ascension" process
described by other scientists such as Bulgarian scientist Dr. Georgi
Stankov, who
states that dimensional ascension in 2012 will be the
only way that humanity can escape a cataclysmic "hell" on Earth (a
term the Russian scientists use also).
Referring to this consciousness unification and "ascension" process,
the Russian scientist group states,
"The only way for salvation is
humanity Transition on another safe level of material world through
the united consciousness.
ETC inform that in order of transfer
through levels of parallel worlds is required a body transformation.
Earth civilization can make the Transition only on the Highest level
of the material world.
This Transition requires not a body
transformation, but body destruction. This destruction can be made
only by laser as a result of the united consciousness action. ETC
warn that Earth civilization due to insufficient consciousness
perfection has very weak action of the united consciousness.
So, for
laser appearance is required huge power of the united consciousness
ETC represent the required high homogeneous cellular
structure of the civilization united cell with resonance activity.
Synchronous unification of civilization’ consciousness will cause
the laser beam which will remove our bodies from the level of global
cataclysms. Simultaneously we will resurrect at the Highest level of
the material world without cataclysms. (planets
A and B?)
This way humanity will escape
global cataclysms and prolong life in the new cycle of the
Correction with two categories,
Everyone will be
responsible for the actions he makes today. This is the scenario of
our Transition - the only way for salvation."
ET - Necessary to inform human population
The Russian scientist group emphasize that it is imperative and
necessary to inform the human population of these coming cataclysms.
The group states,
"Civilization has to be pre-informed. ETC
(Extraterrestrial civilizations) insist to
spread widely the information about upcoming cataclysms and the
Transition as the only one way to prolong life of Earth humanity.
ETC warn that humanity has to make the decision about the Transition
as quickly as possible because after the first pre-cataclysms it
will be very difficult to do it.
This is related with disconnecting
of phone and Internet communications in the result of super-powerful
disaster. Not informed civilization has no chance to make the
Transition in time and to prolong life."
The Russian scientist group states,
"ETC inform that global
cataclysms will never stop and will become only stronger because the
purpose of global cataclysms is the destruction of our planet.
it is impossible to hide in bunkers which are popular today and are
sold in many countries and wait till they end."
How to evaluate the Russian scientist group’s working hypothesis and
There are multiple working hypotheses raised in the Russian
scientist group’s reported discovery.
Each working hypothesis can be
evaluated according to independent evidence that tends to support
the hypothesis, as is normally done in the scientific method.
Crop circles, stone monuments, Extraterrestrial pictograms and ET
The Russian scientist group claims it has spent 15
years studying crop circles and stone monuments that contain ET
pictograms such as the
Nazca Lines in Peru.
Their working hypothesis
is that “All extraterrestrials’ pictograms in stone transmit
preliminary information about the development of consciousness.
circles transfer the emergency information and instructions for
[humanity’s] salvation [from cataclysm].
The Russian scientist group have completed a
dictionary of ET
pictograms and 12 books supporting this working hypothesis.
Independent research supports the hypothesis that crop circles and
pictograms are ET communications.
Evidence supportive of impending potential Earth cataclysm
Earth magnetic field & Earth cataclysms
The Russian scientist
group develop the working hypothesis that ET communications warn
that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening which will cause a period
of initial cataclysms followed by a period of indefinite cataclysm.
In fact, NASA has concluded that
holes in the Earth magnetic field
are thought to be one of the factors that could amplify the effects
of solar storms,
cause severe earth changes during 2011-13 solar
cycle 24.
Mainstream media reporting of gas giant or brown dwarf outside
Mainstream media such as The Independent and
CNN have been
reporting the existence of a giant celestial body four time the size
of Jupiter - perhaps a gas giant or
brown dwarf star or planet -
outside the solar system beyond Pluto.
View a CNN report on the brown dwarf star by
Ali Velshi:
One report on the giant celestial body states,
"The IAU would also
have the final say about the gas giant's name.
To the Greeks, Tyche
was the goddess responsible for the destiny of cities.
Her name was
provisionally chosen in reference to an earlier hypothesis, now
largely abandoned, that the Sun might be part of a binary star
system with a dim companion, tentatively called
Nemesis, that was
thought responsible for mass extinctions on Earth.
In myth, Tyche
was the good sister of Nemesis."
The report continues,
Matese and Whitmire first proposed
the existence of Tyche to explain why many of these long-period
comets were coming from the wrong direction.
In their latest paper,
published in the February issue of Icarus, the international journal
of solar system studies, they report that more than 20 per cent too
many of the long-period comets observed since 1898 arrive from a
band circling the sky at a higher angle than predicted by the
galactic-tide theory.
"No other proposal has been put forward to explain this anomaly
since it was first suggested 12 years ago. But the Tyche hypothesis
does have one flaw. Conventional theory holds that the gas giant
should also dislodge comets from the inner Oort Cloud, but these
have not been observed.
"Professor Matese suggests this may be because these comets have
already been tugged out of their orbits and, after several passes
through the inner solar system, have faded to the point that they
are much harder to detect.
"So if it is real, Tyche may not only be disrupting the orbits of
comets, it may also overturn an established scientific theory."
Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev warns of imminent global
catastrophe from photon belt
One report states,
Alexei Dmitriev says that both
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 satellites reveal that our sun, as well as
our entire solar system, is now moving into an interstellar energy
Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George
Mason University says this interstellar energy cloud is turbulent.
Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the
atmospheres of our planets and especially our sun. As this
interstellar energy cloud continues to excite/charge the sun, it
causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater output
from the sun, i.e. bigger and more frequent solar storms and CME’s
resulting in the Carrington effect.
This interstellar cloud of
electrical energy is also absorbed by the Earth, and scientist have
found that it results in more earth quakes, all while dramatically
effecting our weather here on earth.
When asked how long will it
take our sun to pass through this interstellar energy cloud, Dr. Dmitriev replied,
interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged particles through
which our solar system is slowly moving through.
When Dr. Dmitriev was asked what are the implications of all this
for earth he replied, 'Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from
now, but in ones of years'… in that this global catastrophe is
basically right around the corner setting the stage for NASA’s
latest solar storm warning 2012-2013."
Evidence supportive of the “consciousness unification and ascension”
2011-13 Catastrophic and positive timelines
In the course of
research on potential impending transitional changes during the
2012-13 time horizon, this Examiner reporter has identified what
can be described as two parallel realities, each buttressed by
independent sets of data and personal and institutional decisions -
a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline and a 2012-13 positive future
The two parallel 2012-13 timelines are quite opposite in nature.
cataclysmic timeline envisions 2012-13 as a time when the Earth is
hit by destructive,
“solar flares, large meteors, tsunamis,
world-wide coastal inundations, mega-catastrophe.”
The positive
timeline envisions 2012-13 as follows:
The empirical evidence for the parallel existence of a catastrophic
and a positive timeline may in fact reflect the empirical evidence
for the existence of (1) the Earth in cataclysm, and (2) the unified
consciousness and the "ascension process", as predicted by the
Russian scientists' hypotheses and discoveries.
See "Are
you on a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline? Or are you on a
2012-13 positive future timeline?".
Benefits of investigating the Russian scientists hypothesis and
discovery Just because there is supportive evidence for a hypothesis and a
proposed discovery does not mean that it is totally correct.
hypothesis may be totally correct, partially correct, or totally in
The above supportive empirical data provide prima facie
evidence that the Russian scientists’ hypothesis and discovery
should be taken seriously and publicly discussed, along with other
information regarding the risk of impending Earth cataclysm.
One of the most pressing issues raised by the Russian
scientists’ hypothesis and discovery is that of the timing of these
hypothetical cataclysms.
Their website now states that the first
“pre-cataclysm” may occur in late August 2011. That date is so soon
to the date of this article (August 16, 2011) that we will know soon
If the first “pre-cataclysm” does not occur at the end of August
2011, then does their entire hypothesis lose credibility? What are
the parameters of timing in this case?
The scale of the impending cataclysms as described in the
Russian scientists hypotheses is beyond comprehension and historical
They state that the purpose of the cataclysms is “to destroy
the Earth.”
This hypothesis is congruent with the “ascension” hypothesis, as set
out by the Russian scientists, and such other proponents of the
“ascension” hypothesis as Dr. Georgi Stankov, Anthony Kane, and
George Kavassilas.
Dr. Georgi Stankov - Scientist
- Universal law supports collapse
of economy in 2011, ascension in 2012
Anthony Kane - 2012 - Dr. Martin Luther King relative, contactee,
brings UFO/ET message of dimensional shift in 2012
George Kavassilas - Expert ET contactee
- Half of humanity ascends
to 5th dimension on March 21, 2013
Scientifically congruent
A separate issue is whether this scale of
cataclysmic destruction is congruent scientifically congruent with
the known earth sciences.
Consciousness unification
Consciousness unification of humanity
is proposed as the positive outcome in the Russian scientists’
hypothesis and discovery.
The Earth cataclysms are seen as a trigger
for unification of human consciousness to come together and ascend
to a new dimension of existence.
This aspect of the Russian scientists’ hypothesis and discovery is
congruent with the “unity consciousness” model of the time
acceleration matrix of the Mayan Calendar, popularized by such
scholars as Dr.
Carl Johan Calleman and
Barbara Hand Clow.
Under the unity consciousness model,
the singularity at the core of
our universe is now emanating an intentional ‘pre-wave’ to a final
9th wave of universal, ‘enlightened universal consciousness’ that
will, according to some, begin on March 9, 2011, end on October 28,
From then on the singularity at the core of our universe will
emanate constant ‘enlightened universal consciousness.’
singularity at the center of our galaxy (the galactic center ‘black
hole’) modulates this universe consciousness energy wave as well.
This is, by any standard, exceedingly good scientific news.
Universal alternating energy wave movements have been a feature of
our universe, since the Big Bang, and it is these wave movements
that have shaped the nature of consciousness in our universe over
the past 18 billion years.
This past weekend’s commencement of a seven month ‘pre-wave’ is a
preparation for the commencement of the ninth and final wave of
singularity emanations (from March 9 - October 28, 2011) of
‘enlightened universal consciousness’ itself - the culmination of
all alternating energy wave movements since the creation of our
universe in the Big Bang itself.
After October 28, 2011, as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman stated,
That milestone marks the
beginning of final preparations for entry of Earth into a
long-prophesized Golden Age of Utopia, or ‘2012-13 positive
The ‘pre-wave’ of unity consciousness - like all universe energy
wave emanations, creates the ‘meme’ or story content of our personal
and our collective reality.
These discoveries about the
consciousness energy emanating from the interdimensional portal at
the core of our universe are suggesting that our highest thoughts
and ‘memes’ are/may in fact be sourced from the energy waves of the
universe singularity, mediated through the galactic singularity -
the black hole at the center of our galaxy the Mayans called
The singularity of our solar system is Sol, our sun - a
portal to other galaxies, according to physicist
Nassim Haramein.
These universe singularity energy waves serve as carrier waves of
‘the universe’s mind and spirit software’ - the way that the
intentional universe (some call it source, the ‘sea of Light’ or
God) lets us know of its intention for consciousness in the entire
As a practical matter, does it matter if you are tuned in
and commit to the 9th Universal consciousness universe energy wave?
Yes - the universe energy waves we humans tune in and commit to
determine our planetary status and how we reach our potential as a
Will Earth be a dystopia or a utopia?
The good news is that our
universe singularity is now emanating ‘utopia’ consciousness waves
on its alternating energy carrier waves.
The more we humans are
individually and collectively tuned into the universal energy wave
of ‘enlightened universal consciousness,’ and committed to achieving
unity, non-dualistic consciousness, then the stronger the ‘positive
timeline’ becomes, and the more rapidly we achieve our potential as
a planet - “a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status.”
Thus, the transformation and unification of human consciousness can
occur over time without the trauma of planetary cataclysm or
“ascension” to another dimension.
Our “unity consciousness” is the
new dimension. See "Universe singularity now emanating pre-wave energy for
'enlightened unity consciousness'."