by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
September 11, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
In an exclusive 2-part ExopoliticsTV interview with this reporter
released September 11, 2011, a representative of the
Andromeda Council has spoken in depth about updates he has received from the
Andromeda Council for communication to Earth.
These Andromeda Council updates include an extensive discussion
Comet Elenin and its nature and function in leading a
succession of celestial bodies that will reportedly be entering the
solar system.
According to the Andromeda Council’s representative, these pending
celestial body upgrades to our solar system include:
brown dwarf destined to make
our solar system a binary solar system
a new planet inhabited by an
advanced 3rd dimension intelligent human civilization
the negotiated passage of the
inhabited planet Nibiru over our solar system so as to avoid
entering our solar system, an outcome negotiated by the
Andromeda Council itself in order to break the cycle of
predation on Earth’s humanity by Nibiru’s inhabitants,
The Andromeda Council’s update also
includes a discussion of earth changes that humanity might expect in
the remainder of 2011, as well as during the 2012-13 period.
According to the Andromeda Council, these reported new changes in
the solar system are a necessary part of a transformation by
dimensional shift of
the entire solar system, including planet
2011 - The end
of the Orion grey & Draco reptilian occupation
In a prior interview with this reporter, the Andromeda Council
representative discussed the end of the successful war by the
Council member star systems against an Orion grey and Draco
reptilian faction that was intent on occupation of Earth.
For easy reference, information as to what the Andromeda Council is
and who Tolec (an Earth human representative of the Council) is
be found here.
ExopoliticsTV interview with Andromeda
Council representative
Update on Elenin
Comet Elenin and a celestial body upgrade of our solar system
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, the Andromeda Council representative
(Tolec) discusses the role of
Comet Elenin and a succession of three
important celestial bodies that are following Comet Elenin in a form
of intelligently-designed convoy.
Tolec states that, according to the Andromeda Council, the function
of this celestial body upgrade is a part of the evolution of our
solar system from a 3rd dimension to a 4th dimension solar system
and will include Earth and our human civilization in this
transformation by dimensional shift.
Tolec discusses key aspects of this celestial body upgrade of our
solar system.
A written summary of these reported coming upgrades,
according to the Andromeda Council, is below.
For an extended discussion of each of the items,
including important material not included in this article, please
listen to Parts I and II of the ExopoliticsTV interview (above).
The Facts about each of these Celestial Bodies
“What is - Elenin?
ANSWER: “It is a natural celestial body, a small comet, but made up
of more rock than ice and gas. It literally ‘clears the way’ for the
arrival of Tekoma (Tay koe-mah), a
brown dwarf about the size of
Uranus, trailing behind it. Elenin with its elliptical orbit will
come into Earth’s solar system, in a manner of speaking deposit
Tekoma, and then leave.”
“Many people on Earth are aware of a pyramid shape that now
seems to be located in place of, or covering Elenin. What is this
ANSWER: “We are aware of technology, a monitoring device if you
will, that is projecting a pyramid shaped force field over the
general area of comet Elenin. It seems only when a problem would
occur in space would this device be activated such as it was. It
seems this technology is also keeping Elenin and Tekoma on course to
minimize possible disruptions by Tekoma to Earth’s solar system.”
“Then why is Elenin coming toward Earth’s solar system?”
ANSWER: “Elenin is simply clearing the way for Tekoma.”
“Will the arrival of Elenin itself directly cause any
disruptions or Earth changes?”
ANSWER: “no.”
“Then what is Tekoma?”
ANSWER: “It is a brown dwarf about the size of the planet Uranus. It
should arrive in Earth’s solar system approximately this coming
mid-October 2011; and is expected to settle into this solar system
as a new, albeit smaller, not quite as bright - second sun. It is
expected to settle in place between Venus & Earth but much closer to
Venus, than to Earth.”
[Editorial Note: During the ExopoliticsTV interview, when asked
about the physical visibility of Tekoma stated that the Andromeda
Council has indicated that Tekoma is now “cloaked” by a
technological cloak or shield and invisible to Earth. Tolec stated
he did not know when the “cloaking” mechanism would be removed, and
Tekoma become visible as a “2nd Sun” in our solar system. Readers
are encouraged to listen to the above 2-part ExopoliticsTV interview.]
“What about the possible disruptions to this solar system, more
importantly to Earth, with the arrival of Tekoma?”
ANSWER: “A combination of multiple Andromeda Council biospheres, you
could also call them planetoids, these are essentially very large
star ships. They each have a compliment of a few thousand crew
people. Collectively these biospheres will project their combined
force fields to envelop and buffer planet Earth and many other
planets in Earth’s solar system as Tekoma arrives. Their efforts
will, as much as possible, minimize the potential vibratory effects
and disruptions to planet Earth as Tekoma arrives and settles into
“Isn’t there already a brown dwarf occasionally visible to Earth
- next to Earth’s Sun?”
ANSWER: “Good question. Yes there is.
It has been there for a long
time. It is in the process of turning from red to brown. However, as
measured from your Sun, it is approximately 3 billion light years
distant away from your Sun. Because of its distance, you on planet
Earth rarely see it.”
“Why is Tekoma coming to Earth’s Solar system?”
ANSWER: “This event, its arrival, is part of its own evolution.
“It is also the destiny of this solar system to become a binary star
system. As a result, Tekoma will also lighten your night sky, that
is to say it will make your night sky brighter.
From this point forward your night sky will look much more like
twilight through-out the various night times occurring around your
8a. “What will Earth’s night sky look like with Tekoma in it?”
“Night time: people on Earth will see Tekoma as a mixture of pale
yellow & pale orange color at around 8 o’clock, as you would say, on
a clock face.
Nihohia will seem to have horizontal bands of pale
pink/pale purple/pale blue colors, and its moon will be seen as pale
bluish white color at just due ‘northeast’ of 7 o’clock. You would
see your own Earth moon at around 2PM. Compared to the daytime,
these new celestial bodies will all look bigger at night.”
8b. “What will Earth’s day time sky look like with Tekoma in it?”
“Day time: people on Earth will continue to see the Sun, large &
yellow; Tekoma, the brown dwarf, as a body of light, a very small
sun throwing off an orange color.
Tekoma, compared to your sun, will
be about the size of what you would call a new, unused, pencil
eraser head. Nihohia, the planet, would be about the size of - if
you took a well used pencil and made a dot on a piece of paper
that’s how big Nihohia will appear to be; and its moon as if you
made a dot with a fine point pen that’s how big its moon will appear
to be.
Perspectively, all would be located, if you think of your sun
as a round clock face, all would be located in the lower right hand
corner at around between 4-5 o’clock.”
“Then what is Nihohia?”
ANSWER: “Nihohia (Nee-hoe-hee-ah) is a small planet accompanying
Tekoma. It is smaller than Pluto, and it brings a very small moon
with it. Both are in orbit very close to Tekoma.
There are humans
living under the planet surface of Nihohia in underground cities.
Some people are what you would call Caucasian looking, and
some are soft,
pale blue skinned looking
who are distant cousins heritage first written about in the oldest texts of
ancient India.
The races of Nihohia have inter-mixed as well. A
person from Earth speaking Hindi today would in some manner be able
to speak with these people. They are very calm, harmonious, peaceful
people. They are also very highly evolved people. They do not fight
among themselves, at all.
It is their destiny to come to this solar
system, to evolve into the 4th dimension, and to help Earth people
with their own multi-faceted transition and transformation into this
There are underground tunnels that go to the various central cities
where these people live today. They have technology. Specifically
they have a force field in place to shield their planet. The force
field protects their planet so that it will not break up, or be
destroyed during their travels.
Their moon has some space stations
underground with people living in them. The same force field
technology protecting Nihohia - protects its moon. These people have
been moving around the cosmos in Nihohia for about a 100,000 years,
and in a cordial friendly way they have communicated with many other
civilizations & peoples along their journey.
They are currently a
3rd dimensional world with 3rd dimensional people. They will
transform into a 4th dimension world just like Earth. So will their
“What about Nibiru?”
ANSWER: “It is a planet about the size of Jupiter. It is trailing
somewhat behind Tekoma.”
“Is it inhabited; are there people living on, or underground,
the planet Nibiru?”
ANSWER: “Yes. There are 4th dimensional people living on
Nibiru’s people became 4th dimensional within the past 2,000 years
of Earth time. They would be known to the people of Earth as - the
Anunnaki. But in reality
the Anunnaki are only a small portion, a
small clan of the majority of the people who are known as the - Nibi
“What is going to happen in terms of Nibiru entering Earth’s
solar system?”
ANSWER: “Nothing. Nibiru will not enter Earth’s Solar system. On
behalf of the people of Earth, and the people of Nibiru - the
Andromeda Council has negotiated with the people of Nibiru to not
interfere with the people of Earth. As part of this negotiation the
Andromeda Council has secured the help of 5th dimensional beings to
use their technology to push the trajectory of Nibiru [and its
moon(s)] to literally pass far over the top of Earth’s solar
“Therefore, there will be no ‘cause & effects’, no Earth changes
caused from Nibiru passing over the top of Earth’s Solar system.
None. To Earth’s solar system, it would feel as if a gentle breeze
would be blowing by.”
“Approximately when, which month of Earth time, will Nibiru
pass over the top of Earth’s solar system?”
ANSWER: “Nibiru is projected to pass over the top of Earth’s solar
system approximately sometime between late November to mid-December
2011. Again, to Earth’s solar system it would only feel as if a
gentle breeze would be blowing by, nothing more.”
“Even though 5th dimensional beings will use their technology
to push the planned trajectory of Nibiru to instead pass over the
top of Earth’s solar system; will there still be any cause & effects
from Nibiru on this solar system; in terms of evoking any Earth
changes or disruptions?”
ANSWER: “No. There will be no cause & effects from Nibiru passing
over Earth’s solar system.”
Earth changes 2012-13 & galactic energy fields In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states that any earth changes
during the period 2012-13 are apt to be triggered by galactic energy
fields. The Andromeda Council “biosphere” large spacecraft, Tolec
states, will be generating a “force field” to minimize Earth Changes
during the 2012-13 period, as well as during the remainder of 2011.
In the FAQ, Tolec states,
“What might be the primary cause of any possible Earth changes
that are being openly discussed by so many Earth people; having to
do with 2012 & beyond?"
ANSWER: “Most of the possible Earth changes being discussed
projected to happen
from 2012 - throughout all of 2013 - would be
caused by highly charged magnetic energies at the core of a black
hole at the center of the galactic equatorial plane that Earth’s
solar system is about to cross.
black hole, and
the band of
higher faster frequency energy in the galactic equatorial plane
zone, both are projected to cause magnetic disturbances resulting in
the literal increased & agitated vibration of planet Earth. This
band of energy vibrates at a 4th dimensional frequency that Earth &
its solar system is in the process of just now entering, and will
vibrate at for the foreseeable future at least a few thousand years.
“Again, keep in mind, as the web site indicates, there are a number
of Andromeda Council flagged biosphere’s which are projecting 'force
fields' around the planet Earth to minimize as much as possible the
agitating energy of the black hole, and the heightened vibration of
the 4th dimension. It remains to be seen how severe, or not, the
agitation to planet Earth will be.
“But there will be change to the planet. In order for Earth to
evolve it must adjust, and it must become balanced again. In order
for Earth to become balanced, the shifting of the earth’s crust must
happen to put the planet back into alignment.”
Andromeda Council & Virginia earthquake of August 23, 2011
During his ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states that the
August 23,
2011 Virginia earthquake was not a tectonic event.
Rather, Tolec
states, the extremely shallow earthquake felt as far north as
Ottawa, Canada was the result of Andromeda Council energy weapons
directed at destroying remaining Orion grey and Draco reptilian
underground bases
under Washington D.C. and adjacent areas.
Tolec’s statement regarding the Virginia earthquake is congruent
with independent findings of journalist Robert M. Stanley.
In a statement to this reporter, Mr. Stanley indicates,
“Here are 6
anomalies re: the DC earthquake that are fascinating. I suspect one
or more of the underground cities around DC were blown up or sucked
into a
Mr. Stanley continues,
“Unusually Shallow Depth
The initial
hypocenter (depth) of the quake reported by the establishment media
was, wait for it, wait for it, only 0.1 miles or about 528 feet (161
meters) deep.
That's right, AFP announced the depth with certainty,
'The Pentagon, the US Capitol and monuments in the nation's capital
were all evacuated after the 5.9-magnitude quake, which was shallow
with its epicenter only 0.1 miles underground.'
The depth was later
adjusted to a more believable 3.7 miles (5.95 kilometers) beneath
the surface.
Still, shallow-focus quakes usually only occur in areas
abundant in seismic activity, like the ring of fire. And the depths
of those shallow-focus earthquakes are usually in the tens of
kilometers deep.
The Earth's crust in the Eastern U.S. where
fault lines are more healed' is described by CBS News as 'older and
colder' than out West. Which, according to Wikipedia, means it
should have been a deep-focus earthquake with a depth ranging from
300 to 700 kilometers. Certainly not one barely below the Earth's
“Former White House Air Force One officer Wilbur Allen lived in the
Philippines for many years and knows what a real earthquake feels
like. He said that the recent DC quake felt more like a
nuclear-level explosion.
“Jim Garamone, a Pentagon employee, said the shock evoked memories
of the September 11 attack on the building. He said that his first
thought was ‘I hope it's not a bomb or plane.’”
How to evaluate the Andromeda Council information on predicted
changes in our solar system
Credibility of Tolec
As stated previously, there are
substantive reasons to grant this human individual Tolec
Tolec indicates he is a 20-year veteran of the computer industry
of good moral character and a stable family life. Tolec has provided
this reporter with some limited information about his personal life
that appears to substantiate this as true. Tolec indicates his need
to continue to earn a living in the finance-computer sector as a
primary reason to hide his human identity.
Tolec was contacted by an Andromedan representative in 1993 and
taken on three
time travel journeys via space ship to the visit a
U.S. family in the 1840s west. Scenarios such as this are common in
the extraterrestrial contactee literature.
There are independent contactee statements that the Andromedan
Council exists as a galactic governance council, and was concerned
about the future of humanity and planet Earth.
At the same time, researchers of
extraterrestrial contactees have
noted a pattern of
extraterrestrial civilizations
giving a contactee misinformation or disinformation, especially
about subjects such as planetary and earth changes.
One purpose of this reported practice by specific extraterrestrial
civilization has been the apparent protection of their contactees
from attack by hostile Earthling human power structures.
purpose of this practice is to encourage ET contactees and the wider
human public,
According to Prof. Jim Deardorff, a researcher of extraterrestrial
“A possible alien goal closely related to this is to
discourage us from accepting their every word or action as truthful
or non-deceptive.
This will tend to cause those who recognize the
reality of the alien presence to continue to think logically and
scientifically for themselves, and not lapse into an unhealthy
dependence upon the aliens for information.
Instead, every alien
communication and apparent action will need to receive close
scrutiny as to its veracity.”
When asked in the ExopoliticsTV interview what his reaction would be
if none or only some of the predicted celestial body changes in fact
occurred, Tolec replied that this would not diminish the credibility
of his information regarding the end of the Orion grey/Draco
reptilian war, as they are “separate and unrelated issues.”
Comet Elenin
The Andromeda Council states that Elenin is,
natural celestial body, a small comet, but made up of more rock than
ice and gas… with a technology, a monitoring device if you will,
that is projecting a pyramid shaped force field over the general
area of comet Elenin.”
This information is congruent with some current analysis of
Comet Elenin, and a tetrahedron-shape that seems to be covering the comet.
One researcher states,
"The recent conflicting conclusions on comet Elenin do appear to be a premature dismissal of it as a weak
insignificant comet about to break up, or having already broken up
as its discoverer now believes due to a drop in its brightness.
contrast, the tetrahedral geometric structure observed by [Richard
Hoagland suggests that it is more than just an ordinary comet,
and in fact is an artificial object protected by an advanced
geometric energy shield - a space ship.
If Elenin is not a comet but
an artificial structure, that may explain changes in its brightness.
This may be why there appears to be so much disinformation
surrounding Comet Elenin trying to deflect public interest from it.
Hoagland’s claims, startlingly as they are, appear to be supported by
the most recent satellite images of Elenin showing a unique
geometric structure surrounding it.
Indeed, something extraordinary
may be about to happen as Elenin approaches its September 11
perihelion, and other key dates during its passage between the Earth
and Sun."
Brown dwarf Tekoma and inhabited planet Nihohia (Nee-hoe-hee-ah)
The Andromeda Council update is that two “cloaked” celestial
bodies are following Comet Elenin in tandem in an intelligently
designed operation to establish Tekoma as a 2nd Sun in our solar
system, and Nihohia as a 3rd dimension inhabited planet in symbiotic
relationship with Earth.
Tekoma’s changing our solar system into a
binary solar system with two suns is described as part of the
transformation by dimensional shift of our solar system to the 4th
As Tekoma and Nihohia are reportedly now “cloaked” it is impossible
to verify their existence until the decloaking.
Betelgeuse, the second sun The “second sun” scenario is being commonly discussed.
One report
"Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily.
Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of
Southern Queensland outlined the scenario to
Betelgeuse, one of the night sky's brightest stars, is losing mass,
indicating it is collapsing. It could run out of fuel and go
super-nova at any time. When that happens, for at least a few weeks,
we'd see a second sun, Carter says. There may also be no night
during that timeframe.
"The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012, Carter says...
or it could take longer. The explosion could also cause a neutron
star or result in the formation of a black hole 1300 light years
from Earth."
Tyche, brown dwarf CNN and other mainstream media are now reporting the approach of a
brown dwarf to the outer reaches of our solar system.
Readers can view
below, a CNN report on the brown dwarf star by Ali Velshi:
An Independent (UK) report on the giant celestial body states,
"The IAU would also have the final say about the gas giant's name. To the
Tyche was the goddess responsible for the destiny of cities.
Her name was provisionally chosen in reference to an earlier
hypothesis, now largely abandoned, that the Sun might be part of a
binary star system with a dim companion, tentatively called
that was thought responsible for mass extinctions on Earth. In myth,
Tyche was the good sister of Nemesis."
The report continues,
"Professors Matese and
Whitmire first proposed
the existence of
to explain why many of these long-period
comets were coming from the wrong direction.
In their latest paper,
published in the February issue of Icarus, the international journal
of solar system studies, they report that more than 20 per cent too
many of the long-period comets observed since 1898 arrive from a
band circling the sky at a higher angle than predicted by the
galactic-tide theory.
"No other proposal has been put forward to explain this anomaly
since it was first suggested 12 years ago. But the Tyche hypothesis
does have one flaw. Conventional theory holds that the gas giant
should also dislodge comets from the inner
Oort Cloud, but these
have not been observed.
"Professor Matese suggests this may be because these comets have
already been tugged out of their orbits and, after several passes
through the inner solar system, have faded to the point that they
are much harder to detect.
"So if it is real, Tyche may not only be disrupting the orbits of
comets, it may also overturn an established scientific theory."
As reported by the Andromeda Council, the “cloaking” of Tekoma and
its reported inhabited planet companion Nihohia, and the time-frame
of their “decloaking” and Tekoma’s assuming its orbit between Venus
and Earth as our solar system’s 2nd Sun are as yet unknown,
unverifiable, and potentially non-congruent with current scientific
knowledge of celestial bodies approaching the solar system.
The Andromeda Council description of the
planet Nibiru
is congruent with descriptions of Nibiru from other sources.
Andromeda Council source states that,
According to other sources, Nibiru, an unascended planet of an
ascended star system in
Sirius, has a 3600-year orbit. Nibiru’s last
visit to Earth was in the year 0 AD, and Nibiru is not due in the
solar system until 3600 AD.
Earth Changes
Regarding 2012-13 earth changes, Tolec stated he
was told by the Andromeda Council,
This Andromeda Council statement is congruent with reliable
scientific information as to the possible impact of galactic energy
fields on earth changes during the 2012-13 period.
One report states,
"Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev says that both
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 satellites reveal that our sun, as well as
our entire solar system, is now moving into an interstellar energy
Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George
Mason University says this interstellar energy cloud is turbulent. Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the
atmospheres of our planets and especially our sun.
As this interstellar energy
cloud continues to excite/charge the sun, it causes the
sun to become more active, resulting in greater output
from the sun, i.e.: bigger and more frequent solar storms and CME’s
resulting in the
Carrington event.
interstellar cloud of
electrical energy is also absorbed by the Earth, and scientists have
found that it results in more earthquakes, all while dramatically
effecting our weather here on earth.
When asked how long will it
take our sun to pass through this interstellar energy cloud, Dr. Dmitriev replied,
interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged particles through
which our solar system is slowly moving through.
"When Dr. Dmitriev was asked what are the implications of all this
for earth he replied, 'Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from
now, but in ones of years'… in that this global catastrophe is
basically right around the corner setting the stage for NASA’s
latest solar storm warning 2012-2013."
4th Dimensional Earth
The Andromeda Council reports that this
celestial body upgrade in our solar system is a destined part of
Earth’s evolution as part of the transformation by dimensional shift
of our solar system to the 4th dimension.
This scenario is congruent with some key aspects of a
shift transformation predicted by former Russian Cosmonaut Dr.
Marina Popovich, PhD and her scientific colleagues Dr. Popovich and
Dr. Lidia Andrianova.
“Consciousness unification of humanity is proposed as the positive
outcome in the Russian scientists’ hypothesis and discovery. The
Earth cataclysms are seen as a trigger for unification of human
consciousness to come together and ascend to a new dimension of
“This aspect of the Russian scientists’ hypothesis and discovery is
congruent with the 'unity consciousness' model of the time
acceleration matrix of the Mayan Calendar, popularized by such
scholars as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman and Barbara Hand Clow.”
One significant difference between the Russian scientists model and
the Andromeda Council model is the degree and ferocity of Earth
changes, and their function in triggering humanity’s new “4-D”
Under the Russian scientists’ model, humanity shifts
to the 4th dimension as a survival strategy from unbearable Earth
changes in the 3rd dimension, starting in the 2011-13 time period.
The Andromeda Council’s representative has indicated that Council
“force fields” generated by its biosphere space ships will be
deployed so as to protect and buttress Earth and humanity from
destructive Earth changes during the 2011-13 time period.
Earth and humanity’s transformation by dimensional shift to the 4th
dimension can take place along a positive, rather than a
catastrophic timeline.
In added communication with this
reporter Tolec states,
"Please understand, there will
likely be some earth quakes, sea quakes, volcanoes popping off,
plate tectonic shifts, tidal waves, tsunamis, etc, changes that
will likely or possibly… continue to happen.
"But, as I said, I am not a 'prophet'. Nor do I want to play
that role.”
"The degree to which people react to any of these upcoming
events as they happen, and the severity, or not, of these
events, and how they 'handle' these events in their own lives...
will each depend on their own spiritual & emotional awareness...
and maturity.”
"And, yes. With the combined force fields of various Andromeda
Council biospheres... they are going to do their utmost best to
minimize & mitigate the agitation and disruption of planet Earth
as much as possible.
As we discussed, there are going to be so
many factors affecting 'changes' to this solar system & planet
solar flares (CMEs)
entry of Tekoma & Nihohia lodging
themselves into orbit near Venus
the highly agitating magnetic
energy of the black hole
the naturally higher vibration of the
4th dimension, etc.
"But also remember, there are
25 possible time lines, including
the 'main', predominant one. This results in 25 possible
"Because of all of these factors... we just don't know right now
how severe, or not, the effects, the Earth changes will be on
this planet. But like I said, and my Andromeda Council contacts
have said: change will happen, including the rotation of your
planet's outer crust 90 degrees, so that this planet can come
back into balance and evolve. It is all about evolution, and
"Specifically as regards the Russian scientist's statement that,
'...humanity shifts to the 4th dimension as a survival strategy
from unbearable Earth changes in the 3rd dimension.'"
"The position of the Andromeda Council about this solar system,
including Earth, migrating and transforming into a 4th
dimensional vibratory state is simply that - it's our destiny.
We are simply at the stage of evolution... at this moment of
time in the epoch life of this solar system and planet Earth...
that we evolve. It is simply time. It is this planet, and her
peoples, moment in time to evolve... and to have a 4th
dimensional existence.”
"As you know, with many life forms on Earth, much of what an
existing life form is must be transformed, stripped away, shed,
or die off in order for it to evolve. Much like a young boy
becomes a young man, a young girl becomes a young woman, and
just like a woman's pregnant body changes, adjusts & expands -
Earth too must go through its uncomfortable adjustments, its
labor pains, and the momentary intense pain of child birth.
Earth too must adjust & prepare herself for this new beginning,
for her new life as a 4th density world... a far more colorful,
vibrant, & beautiful 4th dimensional world. Just like a
caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. It births a new life
form. There is no difference."
"How this will exactly happen and manifest various changes on
Earth, and to what degree of severity Earth will experience
these changes during its evolution & transformation into 4th
dimension life… I don't know the exact answers.
Only that
evolution & transformation will happen. It is our destiny."