by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
August 30, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with a human representative-contactee
of the extraterrestrial governance council known as the
Council it has been revealed that the war of liberation against a 4th
dimensional Orion Grey and Draco reptilian alliance has been won by
the forces of the Andromeda Council as of the 3rd quarter of 2011.
The attempted the occupation of Earth,
our Moon and Mars by this grey-Reptilian alliance is over. The
defeated grey-reptilian forces have been sent via
Stargate into the
far reaches of our universe.
The Andromeda Council representative states in his ExopoliticsTV
interview that the forces of the 4th dimensional Orion grey and
Draco reptilian forces that remain on Earth consist of small pockets
of isolated forces around such as Washington, DC.
According to the Andromeda Council representative, the defeat of the
Orion Grey and
Reptilian occupation force on Earth, moon and Mars
has the effect of leaving
the Illuminati and
Anunnaki power
structure on Earth, moon and Mars without any effective 4th
dimensional back-up.
Any attempt by the remaining grey and reptilian
forces to assist Illuminati “false flag ET invasion” will be
defeated, and any false flag ET invasion will fail.
interview with Andromeda Council representative
Andromedan Earth representative/contactee
The human representative of the Andromeda Council states he has been
given the Andromedan name “Tolec.”
Tolec is a well-adjusted 20-year
career professional in the computer industry. In his ExopoliticsTV
interview, Tolec states he was first contacted in 1993 by his
principal Andromedan contact who took him on three time travel
journeys via Andromedan space craft to the 1840s western U.S.
visiting the same 1840s family to observe their live journey.
Tolec states that his Andromeda contacts ended subsequent to the
1993 contacts until the Andromedan Council contacted him again in
September 2010.
In his above ExopoliticsTV interview, Tolec states that he receives
information updates from his Andromeda Council contacts in a number
of modalities:
Telepathic communication with Andromedan
Automatic writing from Andromedan
Communication in the dream state with Andromedan
Visions from the Andromedan representatives
Interdimensional travel of his soul essence to a venue of
communication, such as an Andromedan ‘biosphere”
According to Tolec,
the Andromeda Council has a number of “biospheres” or large
planetoid-like spherical spacecraft stationed around Earth.
One such
biosphere has 26 stories and a staff of 50,000.
Galactic Governance
- What is the Andromeda Council?
Andromeda Council is a reported galactic governance council
composed of selected star system representatives that carry out
governance and development functions in a selected areas of the
populated and organized universe.
According to Tolec, and Andromeda Council contactee and
“The chaired members of the Andromeda Council
comprise a total of twelve (12) distinct representative council
member races.
“The Council has a non-voting Chairman from the
star system Zenetae,
planet Tishtae, and a non-voting Vice-Chairwoman from the
system Mirach, planet Terial, both in the Andromeda constellation.
These two people, as many on the Andromeda Council, live and vibrate
in a 4th dimension/density reality. There is one council member per
“Many of the member races of the Council are acknowledged throughout
the Universe to be some of the same races that originally seeded
Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, as evidenced by the
variety of humans on the planet today. It is said these races have
already been through the process of transformation, of upliftment -
the elevated vibration, density, and spiritual consciousness of the
4th dimension.
“Members of the Andromeda Council are from the star systems &
planets listed below:
Star System: Arcturus - Planet: Pitolla
Star System: Antares - Planet: Nikotae
Star System: M103 - Planet: Legola
Star System: Procyon - Planet: Kaena
Star System: Vega - Planet: Percula
Star System: Capella - Planet: Pershea
Star System: Polaris - Planet: Ventra
Star System: Sirius A - Planet: Toleka
Star System: Deneb - Planet: Ritol
Star System: Tau Ceti - Planet: Xeta
Star System: Alhena - Planet: Degaroth
Star System: Betelgeuse - Planet: Etorth
“Members of the Andromeda Council not holding one of the senior,
twelve (12) chaired seats hold board positions of: Investigation,
research, deliberation, and advisement to the Andromeda Council.
They do this on thirteen (13) unique, sub, joint councils or
advisory boards. There are 5-6 people on each joint council or
advisory board. Collectively, these advisory boards represent in
excess of 400+ representative planets from three (3) star systems
including Arcturus.
Therefore, the majority, the greater percentage
of the advisory board members comes from different star systems &
planets other than the planet where a chaired Andromeda Council
member is from.
There is a chairperson, or otherwise named, to each
advisory board.
They are as follows:
Higher Dimensional Realm Advisory Board
Star System Membership Review Board
Galactic Federation of Planets Review Board
Exobiology Galaxy Advisory Board
(Sirius-Andromeda Council Member) (Chair)
Xenobiology Galaxy Advisory Board
(Procyon-Andromeda Council Member) (Chair)
Oceanography Galaxy Advisory Board
Space Travel Dimensional Flight Technology Review Board
Planetary Medical Advisory Board
Universe Education Observation & Advisory Board
Telepathy and Vocal Communication Observation & Advisory Board
Galaxy Sector Planetary Exploration Discovery & Assessment Team
Military Threat Level Assessment & Advisory Board
Spiritual & Emotional Mastery Dimensional Assessment & Dev'l
According to Tolec,
“There are also other affiliated councils, or
races, some formal members of the Andromeda Council, some not,
willing to help the people of planet Earth in its process of
“One of the affiliated councils is
the Galactic Federation which is
a federation of star systems and planets of benevolent beings. The
Galactic Federation is comprised of approximately 140 star systems,
and at present 300 planets.
It is lead by a Chairman from the
Tau Ceti star system which itself has a formal seat, is a senior chaired
member of the Andromeda Council. The Federation's lead planet is - Xeta.
“It is expected over the course of the next few years as planet
Earth adjusts to its new life in the 4th dimension - as well as
being part of a greater family of intelligent life that is thriving
across the cosmos - planet Earth will be invited as a single member
to join the Galactic Federation.”
1999 Andromeda Council meeting about grey/Reptilian occupation of
In his renewed contacts starting September 2010, Tolec states that
the Andromeda Council informed him that the Council had met and
decided on a
war of liberation of Earth, Moon and Mars around 1999
Earth time.
The Orion greys and Draco Reptilians were abusing the people of
Earth, and beaming negative frequencies at Earth from
Moon and
Phobos, a moon of Mars.
The Andromedans had gone forward in time and had discovered that if
the grey-Reptilians were allowed to go on with their abusive
occupation of Earth, Moon and Mars, the grey-Reptilians would
establish a “tyranny” in this sector of the universe.
The Andromedans themselves and a great many star systems would be
affected negatively.
Therefore, the Andromedan Council decided to set aside the law of
non-intervention and wage a war of liberation that has gone on for
approximately nine years to the 3rd quarter of 2011.
A war in space
Andromeda Council representative Tolec states,
“A war in space, in
many cases happening just outside of 'Earth space’ over the course
of approximately nine (9) years of Earth time, is as of this third
quarter of 2011 in the final cleanup phase. This war is finally
over. Done. Finished.
As Tolec for the Andromeda Council, I can tell
you my colleagues had a long, hard, difficult war. I will add, this
war is being won by ‘the good guys’… by the combined forces of the
member star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council, those with
Earth and Earth humans best interests in their hearts, minds &
"This proxy war to free Earth, from thousands of years of negative
energy bombardment, manipulation and control, was fought on behalf
of Earth - by star system & planetary council member races of the:
Andromeda Council. Those members that bore the brunt of the burden
did the greatest amount of fighting included: Arcturus, Tau Ceti,
and Procyon. The contributions of the Procyon people were especially
valuable because they learned the weaknesses of these malevolent
menaces - they learned how to 'sniff ' them out & beat them. The
people of Procyon just recently liberated themselves within the past
12 years of Earth time.
“So that the Council could intercede on Earth’s behalf, extensive
discussions were held, and a new law was passed over-riding what is
ubiquitously known as the 'Prime Directive' of non-interference? A
conscious, collective decision was made by the Council to break
precedent and do this... because Earth's people living a 3rd
dimensional life just did not have the 4th dimensional physiology,
knowledge, tools, or technology to win.
“This war was fought to secure the total freedom of planet Earth and
her people from the menacing interference of primarily two
regressive races: Reptilians from the star system Alpha Draconis &
Hydra, and a specific variety of renegade ‘Greys’ now living in the
Orion star system. These Greys are the progeny of Zeta Reticulans
who have not been home to Zeta Reticuli 1 or 2 in at least a few
thousand years.
“Earth is not the only planet they have terrorized. From what I have
learned, there are at least another 21 planets that need to be freed
from these menaces. Fortunately, they can be beaten, as indicated by
the liberation of the Procyon people from these malevolent, self
centered, self-serving... life draining entities.
Note: of the Grey races, the prime ancestor race - the original Reticulans from the binary star system Reticuli - the ones who in
their waning days exhibited awareness of themselves, their
fallibility, and the fragility of life, and realizing the pending
death of their race - these original Zeta Reticulans not affiliated
with the Draco Reptilians, were willing to share all they had
learned. Due to their humility, the Andromeda Council intervened,
stepped in and helped relocate them to a completely different star
system. These people, the original Zeta Reticulans, no longer live
in the Zeta Reticuli star system.
“All other known variety of renegade Greys causing problems on Earth
are being dealt with, and are being removed from their underground &
undersea bases on Earth, as are the Draco Reptilians. Their
operational bases established for years on Mars, and Mars & Earth’s
moons, have already been cleared out of these beings.
“Likewise, about 5,000 ‘crossbreed’ aka hybrid Grey / Human life
forms, programmed since birth, will need to be removed from Earth
and deprogrammed so that they can evolve on their own into free
thinking, free willed beings. And, since they are a new sentient
life form, they will re-locate to their own new 3rd dimension
“Back to the war - the primary reason for this war was to negate &
eliminate the effect of what is believed to be - thousands of years
of negative energies constantly beamed to planet Earth, as well as
etheric implant technologies, utilized by a Draco Reptilian and Grey
Orion alliance that has put and kept many Earth humans manipulated,
controlled, and in a continued state of fear, anxiety & insecurity;
and to eliminate for good these malevolent entities who desired to
continue to use, manipulate & steal people as a natural resource,
and drain other precious resources from planet Earth... all the
while controlling and 'enslaving' a large percentage of an unaware
and helpless Earth human population."
Tolec concludes,
“The Council felt Earth's people deserved an
opportunity, a real chance to evolve on their own after
thousands of
years of manipulation, control and unaware enslavement.”
Congruent with statements of other Andromedan contactees
The information that Tolec states the Andromeda Council gave him is
congruent with other information reportedly independently given to
other contactees by other extraterrestrial or interdimensional
sources naming themselves the “Andromeda Council.”
One independent Andromedan contactee source states,
“The Andromedan
Council is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that
come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is not
a political body. What they have been recently discussing is the
tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects
[Ed. Note - The 139 star system membership is the
definition of the Galactic Council as given by Tolec]
“Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they
have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy
occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They have
traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to
further track it down to Earth, Earth’s Moon and Mars - those three
“The very first meeting the Andromedan council had was to decide
whether or not to directly intervene with what was going on here.
According to
Morenae, there were only 78 systems that met this first
time. Of those 78, just short of half decided that they wanted
nothing to do with us at all, regardless of the problems. I think it
is really important that you know why they wanted nothing to do with
“We are talking about star systems that are hundreds of millions of
light years away from us. Even some who have never met us. They just
knew the vibration of the planet reflected those on it. The reasons
why they wanted nothing to do with us is that from their
perspective, Earth humans don’t respect themselves, each other or
the planet.
What possibly can be the value of Earth humans?
Fortunately, the majority of the council gave the opinion that
because Earth has been manipulated for over 5,700 years, that we
deserved an opportunity to prove ourselves - to at least have a shot
at proving the other part of the council wrong.
“They want everything extraterrestrial on the planet, in the planet
and Earth’s moon out of here. The reason for this is that they want
to see how we will act when we are not being manipulated. We are all
being manipulated, and my first suggestion is to throw your
television set away. I can’t tell you how sincere I am about that.
They are teaching you what to think, not how to think. If you give
that up, you become a robot. You become sheeple.”
Congruent with 1964 U.S. Intelligence estimate on greys and
The statements of these two independent Andromedan contactees
regarding damaging effects of an attempted Orion grey and Draco
Reptilian occupation of Earth, Moon and Mars are congruent with U.S.
intelligence and whistleblower estimates about grey and reptilian
plans (prior to their defeat) for the Earth-moon-Mars.
As this reporter has
written earlier,
“In his book, Michael Prince
reveals that in 1964 U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that a
Grey/Reptilian extraterrestrial alliance had a timetable for a
planetary takeover of Earth sometime during the 2000 - 2030 period.
"He writes,
'On April 15th, 1964, two US intelligence personnel met
under Project Plato with the Greys in the New Mexico desert to
arrange a meeting on April 25th at Holloman air force base in New
This meeting was to renew the treaty that had started in
1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve
the problem of the Greys and Draco reptilians.
The upper levels of
US intelligence now believed the Greys and Dracos had this planet
time-tabled for invasion and takeover between the years 2000 and
Washington, DC - No false flag ET attack
Regarding the possibility of a future false flag ET attack, Tolec
"The Andromeda Council (AC) is very aware of the - much
higher than average - number of UFO 'sightings' over this relatively
small area of land, Washington D.C., known as the seat of our
nation's government.
"The AC first showed me a grid, a network of underground tunnels,
spreading out from
Washington D.C. upward toward the hills... where
the remaining greys & reptilians are still roaming around attempting
to cause trouble.
The greys are currently positioning themselves at
strategic underground tunnel locations at various points underneath
the city - preparing for a coordinated 'false flag', fake attack
event. The AC intelligence people are keenly aware of these
"However, the greys & reptilians, are 'fighting for their lives',
they know the game for control & power is slipping away, and is
almost 'up'. They know the war is over. They know they have lost.
They are 'playing their last hand'.
"Out of the total number of sightings, only a small percent are real
physical craft.
The percentages of holographic vs. real physical UFO
craft are as follows:
Total UFO ships over Washington DC 100%
Grey and reptilian holographic UFO ships 65%
Cabal/Earth-based UFO ships 10%
Andromeda Council-based cloud-ships or orbs of Light 13%
Grey and reptilian physical UFO scout craft 12%
"The AC knows about this visual 'display' of craft, they are not
overly concerned, they are monitoring this situation, and they do
understand why it is being done in such a concentrated manner:
"Saturation of UFO Visual Images
The reptilians & greys, in
collusion with the 'Controllers'/Illuminati/Cabal, in a last ditch
attempt to incite fear into the human populace (having known for
100s & 1,000s of years that humans have a very strong visual memory
& and a very strong, emotional response & connection to visual
memory) these malevolent entities are attempting to incite fear with
this saturation of visual images of "UFOs" - much like the
entertainment media (the movie industry which is controlled by the
'Controllers'/Illuminati/Cabal) is doing this summer, it is no
different: producing, promoting & showing large scale movies of ETs
invading Earth, or attacking Earth, blowing up cities, killing
hundreds of people, etc... [with television back-up: think
"Falling Skies" - below video] all in an attempt to promote a sense of
fear... and an attempt to retain control. An attempt.
"In summary, their plans are not going to work. an attack by the
Greys and/or Reptilians, even
a "false flag" event - coordinated with
help by - the "Controllers/Illuminati/the Cabal, a staged fake
attack, will not happen.
"The AC intelligence network already in place will advise the
council of the near future fake attack - and - right before it would
happen our AC people will intervene and shut down the process before
it can even manifest or happen. That is to say, the AC would '...
pull the plug.'"
Tolec concludes,
"As a result of the failure of this planned 'false
flag', fake attack event - the greys & reptilians in those
underground tunnels are going to try to make a run for it, leaving
'D.C. flying to a centralized location of underground bases still
operating here on Earth.
AC based craft of various types will follow
& chase down the greys & reptilians to this central location,
capture them, take them & put them into a
stargate... and send
them to the far reaches of the Universe. These are the same kind of
actions the AC has already used to get rid of, to relocate, greys &
reptilians at the tail end of the war in space."
End of the New World Order - Aftermath of the end of the Orion
grey-Draco Reptilian war
A victory of the Andromeda council forces as reported by Tolec, if
confirmed, means that now Earth will not have to face any ongoing
enslavement by the occupying 4th dimensional Grey-Reptilian force,
or its 3rd dimensional rollout known as the
New World Order (NWO).
The New World Order, having lost its galactic originators and backup
in the Orion Greys and Draco reptilians, appears to ultimately at a
dead end.
"It is known by the Chief Medical Officer, and staff,
of the medical team of the Andromeda Council that a large percentage
of Earth's population was unknowingly implanted and negatively
affected by Grey etheric & physical implant technology... meant to
keep Earth humans in a state of anxiety, fear, manipulation and
"Though some physical implants have been found and removed by Earth
physicians, at Earth’s current stage of evolution & technology it
does not yet have the means to detect, measure or eliminate the
Greys' use of etheric implants.
"Now, in the final cleanup phase of this war, and beyond, for
Earth's freedom, the Andromeda Council medical team is working
tirelessly, and will continue to do so, to clean up the mess, the
implants, the resulting spiritual, psychological & emotional impact
& damage, and multiple problems the Greys have created as they have
unlawfully sought to enslave an unaware human population on this
"Earth's people have a right to a fresh, clean, new, beginning...
free from the serious residual, psychological & emotional effects
brought on by
the Greys,
the Reptilians, and all their technology."
Tolec concludes,
"The healing process of the human race must
continue, and will continue, throughout the transition &
transformation time as Earth and her people move into the higher
spiritual vibration of the 4th dimension... as healthy, free,
sovereign human beings."
How to
evaluate the Andromeda Council report of the victory over the
grey/Reptilian occupation?
The Andromeda Council report
Andromeda Council report is
based on one human individual’s report - Toltec’s - of
interactive dimensional communications with a source that
has identified itself as a representative of the “Andromeda
There are no independent third-party witnesses to
these communications between Tolec and the source
identifying itself as the Andromeda Council.
Reasons to grant credence
There substantive reasons to
grant this human individual Tolec, the source identifying
itself as the “Andromeda Council” and the substance of their
report that the Orion grey and Reptilian extraterrestrial
faction credence as being exactly what they are, namely:
Tolec indicates he is a
20-year veteran of the computer industry of good moral
character and a stable family life. Tolec has provided
this reporter with some limited information about his
personal life that appears to substantiate this as true.
Tolec indicates his need to continue to earn a living in
the finance-computer sector as a primary reason to hide
his human identity.
Tolec was contacted by an
Andromedan representative in 1993 and taken on three
time travel journeys via space ship to the visit a U.S.
family in the 1840s west. Scenarios such as this are
common in the extraterrestrial contactee literature.
There are independent
contactee statements that the Andromedan Council exists
as a
Galactic Governance Council, and was concerned
about the impacts of the Orion Grey and Draco Reptilian
occupations of Earth, Moon and Mars.
Independent researchers have
concluded that U.S. Intelligence was concerned about an
Orion Grey and Draco Reptilian occupation of Earth
sometime in 2000-2030. Independent eyewitnesses have
stated that building a common defense perimeter with
Mars against a 4th dimensional extraterrestrial enemy
from outside the solar system was one of the purposes of
the U.S.
bases on Mars.
Independent researchers have
concluded that the Orion Grey and Draco Reptilians
extraterrestrials have been defeated and are no longer a
presence on the Earth.