by Paul Von Ward
HamptonRoadPub Website
What Do Metaphysical
Sources Say'
In the search for understanding of Advanced Beings (ABs), metaphysical
material provides a good place to start. It includes information or
knowledge about the universe or history that originates beyond
ordinary human consciousness or that cannot be perceived by the
so-called objective or physical senses. It comes in many forms,
under many names and, because of its nature, must be handled with
In considering metaphysical materials, an experienced former editor
(Sara Benjamin-Rhodes) had this to say:
"No source of information is without
distortion. Even the clearest channels are not, nor have they
ever been, 100 percent accurate. Even within information that is
'mostly true' there is some... that is not true. Even within...
[the] 'mostly false' there is some truth."
Therefore, knowledge from any source
ought to be checked for its correspondence with historical or other
evidence before one accepts it as reliable.

In a book like this, one cannot begin to cover the range of
contemporary and historical metaphysical material humans have
received from and/or about ABs. Humankind has communicated with
gods, angels, departed humans, ethereal beings, light bodies, and
the collective consciousness throughout recorded history.
People have taken advantage of a
non-electromagnetic 'Morse code' of energetic transmissions that
somehow conveys information from one level of consciousness in the
universe to another. Without understanding how the decipherment
process works in their brain, humans have reacted to it. (See the
www.issc-taste.org for accounts of sane people experiencing
inner voices.)
Such communications have resulted in dreams and prophecies that
launched new religions, scientific inventions that shaped industrial
society, inspirations that led to new heights in human creativity,
and answers to problems mundane and cosmic. There can be no doubt
about the awe-inspiring power of both the sources and material, even
when a recipient feels the underlying intention may be questionable.
After all, the source has a power the
human does not: the capacity to access the human and initiate the
William Blake (1757-1827, English artist, poet, and visionary
seer) said many of his poems were dictated by the 'Immortals' the
gods and goddesses of other worlds he saw through his inner vision.
The past-life memories of noted twentieth-century author Taylor
Caldwell contained authenticated details of ancient and modern
medicine, foreign languages, historical personalities, and
(seemingly realistic) material on lost civilizations.
They provided the basis for numerous
best-selling novels. Many people believe prophecies of Nostradamus
(sixteenth-century French physician and clairvoyant) have come true.
They claim his one thousand published inner visions have already
accurately predicted four centuries of major events and still extend
almost two millennia into the future.
Edgar Cayce, considered by many to be America's
greatest psychic, lived from 1877 until 1945 and produced more than
14,000 documents of telepathic-clairvoyant 'readings' given for more
than 6,000 different people over 43 years. They covered everything
from medical diagnoses to past lives, from prehistory to a cosmology
of the universe. While in a trance, oracles at Delphi in ancient
Greece received information and insights that guided the politics of
a Golden Age. In 1921, noted artist and sculptor
Walter Russell
received a body of scientific knowledge ahead of its time through 39
days of 'inner illumination'.
One can cite numerous examples, but
these show the range.
In writing this book, metaphysical information has provided
important pieces of the puzzle. The following random selection of
material does not attempt to demonstrate either the authenticity of
the various sources or the reliability of the channels.
Like historical and scientific material,
no single source alone can claim the label 'ultimate truth'
regarding ABs or human history.
With no particular attribution of relative importance, this survey
starts with selected channeled material purporting to describe
Pleiadian interest in humans and their perspective on Earth history.
Pleiades are a star system in the
constellation Taurus estimated to be 500 light years from Earth.
Many know it in the night sky as the 'Seven Sisters' centered on Alcyone. Numerous books, websites, and individual psychic channels
offer Pleiadian views on everything from the nature of the universe
to desirable personal habits.
Noted writers include, among others,
Barbara Marciniak,
Barbara Hand Clow, Lia Shapiro,
Billy Meier, and Amorah Quan Yin.
The Pleiadians have been important to humans for at least 60,000
years. That's how long
the Dogon of Mali in Africa claim Pleiadian
connections in human history. Similar myths can be found among those
of ancient Greece and China. Writers
Jose Arguelles and Aluna Joy
Yaxk'in link Mayan and Pleiadian cosmologies.
According to
Arguelles, the Mayans may have tracked and communicated with the
Other Central and South American
peoples, particularly the Toltecs and the Incas, included the
Pleiades in their rituals. In more recent times, Swiss UFO
researcher Billy Meier reported contacts with Pleiadians in the
1970s, and Barbara Marciniak began to channel them in 1988.
Marciniak's book
Bringers of
The Dawn set the stage for an outpouring of Pleiadian
material in the 1990s. The AB collective she channeled claims to
have common ancestors with humans. Marciniak says they are concerned
that we come to understand our true legacy and take responsibility
for ourselves rather than remaining subject to ABs who have their
own interests at heart.
These Pleiadians say some of their ancestors came to Earth in the
distant past, seeded the planet with love and creativity, and gave
some of their DNA to the human species. This shared DNA is why they
consider us their distant cousins. They want to help us remember who
we are, develop our telepathic skills, learn how we are connected to
all facets of the universe, and understand our earlier incarnations
on Earth.
They tell us that another group of ABs
'(creator gods) raided the Earth about 300,000 B.P. and rearranged
human DNA. This point began a new phase in human history where we
were disadvantaged by the DNA manipulation. They say
the ABs spoken
of in the Babylonia/Sumerian tablets were those who enslaved humans
at that time. They also say these ABs engaged in nuclear warfare
among themselves and left a legacy of radiation.
A favorite source for information on Pleiadians is the well-known
writer and consciousness researcher Barbara Hand Clow. In her
1995 book,
The Pleiadian Agenda, the voice of
a being who called itself Satya of Alcyone (the brightest of
the 'Seven Sisters' stars) described AB involvement in human
Satya says Pleiadians have mingled with
humans as our teachers for 26,000 years.
Satya says Pleiadians tried to help
humans avoid an atmospheric-based cataclysm, including a pole shift,
around 11,000 B.P. (allegedly caused by Earth entering their star's
photon belt). The Pleiadians allegedly tried to help the survivors
afterwards by leading them to better locations. (Remember this later
during my discussion of Noah.)
The channeled voices claim that in addition to Pleiadians there have
been several interventions by other groups of ABs, including:
The Anunnaki who ruled Earth for
thousands of years, whom we learned to worship as gods,
including Anu who said he was our Lord. Satya said the
Anunnaki were from planet
Nibiru, which long ago shifted
from an orbit around star
Sirius A to become the Planet X of
our solar system.
The Maya (Timekeepers) from a
star near Alcyone in the Pleiades, from whose name came the
Maya of Central America, and who visit Earth when their
planet cycles nearby. They allegedly left the last time in
the ninth century C.E., a date that coincides with
archaeologists' estimated fall of the Mayan civilization.
The Sirians who have long had
our best interests at heart.
Amorah Quan Yin's Pleiadian
voices describe a planetary system (ours) embedded in a larger star
system with the Pleiades at the center (also see Arguelles on this
This celestial organism operates in
several dimensions, where human souls have experienced many
different stages of development.
Before Earth, some of those stages
involved incarnations on Venus, Mars, and Maldek, the name for the
planet subsequently smashed into the asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter. (Note Rudolf Steiner's perspective on this, following
Theosophy, a philosophy grounded in metaphysical materials
transmitted by ABs through H. P. Blavatsky in the late
nineteenth century, holds that humans have gone through several
physical forms on Earth. According to Blavatsky, humanity in its
second (Lemurian) and third (Atlantean) stages of civilization
benefited from recurrent visits by the 'gods.'
Theosophists believe that in the middle
of the Lemurian era (14 to 16 million years ago) external forces (ABs)
helped our evolving ancestors come into full physical form. (It is
interesting to note that the earliest date attributed to fossils of
proto-Ramapithecus by some paleoanthropologists is 14 million
years ago.)
Regarding the Atlantean era, theosophy
implies humans received outside help in 'the use of fire, the
building of cities, and the development of metallurgy.'
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the Austrian founder of
anthroposophy, or what might be called modern spiritual science,
wrote that 'the spirit world was open to him from birth.'
Akin to the theosophical movement in a
number of ways, his work introduced a multidimensional perspective
of reality to many fields of endeavor, from farming to science,
education, and philosophy. He saw humans as incarnations of souls
involved in a long process of evolution that had taken them to
various planets for different stages. On each planet humans
experienced several body types and stages, repeating epicycles
within cycles.
On Earth, he said, there have been five 'root races' (Polarean,
Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan), each containing
subraces that progressively developed different aspects of the
modern human.
ABs, or 'divine messengers,' led by a
being called Manu, assisted throughout this long process.
Humans descended to this world from an astral world and have
remained connected to the advanced knowledge contained in the
Akashic Records.
(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's concept of
noosphere and Carl Jung's collective unconscious
reflect this notion of a memory pool [the Akashic Records]
encircling the Earth.)
Of the many routes to metaphysical information, an interesting one
came out of research done with support of the U.S. government's
intelligence community. Called
scientific remote viewing (SRV),
the process involves sending a part of one's consciousness to 'see'
a remote location and 'bring back' useful information about the
This psychic method of reconnaissance
has been used with success by military and civilian intelligence
officers and by private individuals. Sometimes the SRVers reported
encounters with non-corporeal beings and experienced new aspects of
ethereal reality, including unintended impacts of our own
projections on the process.
One college professor who was trained by a former U.S. government
SRVer has reported on one form of ABs. Courtney Brown, in his
Cosmic Voyage, identified a group
of nonphysical beings who are based in the Earth's atmosphere who
were labeled 'Midwayers' by the military.
According to SRVers, the Midwayers'
purpose throughout history has been to help humans develop their
potential by subconsciously providing useful information to us.
The famed psychic
Edgar Cayce provided an
interesting twist on the notion of information coming to humans
through the subconscious from ABs. Believing in reincarnation, Cayce
also believed that numerous souls (the super- and subconsciousness
of physical beings) awaiting a rebirth can communicate their wisdom
through the subconscious to living humans.
Since Cayce's time, literally thousands
of individuals, including the SRVers mentioned, have reported
communications with ABs in realms that appear similar to what he
A Sirian
Devin, an AB of particular interest, given the extensive
Sumerian documentation of
the Anunnaki race from
Nibiru, speaks through a human
named Jelaila. Devin claims to be a member of the '9-D
Nibiruan Council' serving aboard the spaceship Pelegai from the
Sirius star system. It describes Nibiru and its ruling families in
terms consistent with
Zecharia Sitchin's synthesis of the Anunnaki
story (more details later on).
Anu is named as the patriarch of Nibiru
who has recently passed on his authority to his sons Enlil and Enki.
This ruling family is described as a hybrid of several races,
including human and reptilian (remember the myths about the princess
and the dragon), that reflects the tensions among the belief systems
of various races. Devin says Nibiru's leadership (popularly known as
Planet X and a member of the 'Galactic Federation') has
played a role in settling disputes among the Anunnaki warring
In a vein compatible with Earth's cataclysmic history documented by
widely respected authors D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair
(see chapter 10), Devin describes Nibiru/Planet X's periodic passing
near Earth in its elliptic around the Sun, and how its passages
affect our Earth and current events on Nibiru. Devin says our
collective unconscious (like the Akashic Records) carries
memories of the great cataclysms that occurred with the passing of
Nibiru through our solar system.
Devin claims the effects of the passage are dependent on the level
of consciousness and social development of humans. (The explosion of
AB-god cults discussed in chapter 20 may be associated with the last
passage of Nibiru.)
The next passage will be different,
according to Devin, who says,
'our world is experiencing
unprecedented elevations in consciousness... evolving at a pace
that is beyond any expectation.'
He further states,
'Since free will is a major
component... [humans] are the ones who determine the[ir]
Regression Hypnosis Reveals
Use of hypnotic regression to explore past-life memories has
uncovered information relevant to earlier AB lifetimes alleged by a
great number of people. Hypnotherapist and prolific author
Dolores Cannon has discovered many cases where humans have
memories of being inhabitants of other planets. These memories
support the hypothesis that humans are hybrid beings whose genetic
memories combine extraterrestrial and Earth events.
Cannon believes that humans have a soul or consciousness that
transcends many lifetimes, and that none of us originated on the
young planet Earth. One of her subjects reported a lifetime in an
unnamed community near Qumran (home of the Essenes and the Dead Sea
He described flying 'watchers' who
exuded a special energy or light and never set foot on the ground,
but taught the human community and praised its members for holding
on to the teachings handed down from
Atlantis. The hypnotized subject
suggested that the Star of Bethlehem was something like a
spacecraft. Its crew ('messengers') described in advance the
selection of Jesus' parents and birth date.
In another case, Cannon heard a woman's description of having lived
in Africa in ancient times as a man who saw a 'UFO.' The man
received telepathic messages about the place of the craft's origin
and life there and why it was important to humans. He did everything
he could do to make it return, but the craft never contacted him
again. Another subject reported a lifetime when he was coerced to
become the pilot of a craft engaged in extraterrestrial warfare. He
believed himself to be an integral part of the craft, as if it
responded to his thoughts.
He reported involvement in a conflict
that destroyed life on a planet.
Another subject reported a life to Cannon as a space traveler who
arrived on Earth in a reconnaissance mission and became involved in
teaching very primitive humans new construction and cultural skills.
At the end of her hypnosis session, this woman had the sense she had
somehow, back then, inappropriately interfered with the 'locals.'
She apparently chose to be reborn several times on Earth to
compensate for her interference.
Another subject reported having been part of a research/technology
transfer team responsible for helping primitive humans solve a
mystery behind their dying crops. She and her colleagues traveled in
a bubble to protect themselves from toxins attacking local plants
and animals. They took some of the humans away to ensure their
survival, but she felt called to return and help the victims. In
another case, the subject thought of himself as a hybrid from alien
and Earth parents.
He served as a teacher (with knowledge
received aboard some sort of spacecraft) to help primitive humans
improve their lives.
Hypnotic Regression
Taylor Caldwell, mentioned earlier, subjected herself to
hypnosis from which came,
'remarkable passages that revealed a
baffling knowledge of medicine, the Bible, Atlantis, and Lemuria.'
Her detailed descriptions of Atlantis
provide geographical data that has aided in later searches for this
fabled land. She also described in this 1913 manuscript (as a
13-year-old girl) the process of nuclear fission before Einstein
thought about it and the atom bomb that did not materialize until
World War II.
In her 1967 novel, Dialogue with the Devil, a product of automatic
writing, Caldwell reported conversations between the archangelic AB
siblings Lucifer and Michael and described unknown planets and other ABs. The view that emerges in this novel is that beings from another
planet would come and wreak havoc on Earth (as predicted in the Old
Testament book of Joel) as they had done on an unknown planet called
This would permit the intervention by
more Advanced Beings to bring an end to an era of irresponsible
behavior and establish a new age.
'Ascension' Material
Scores of books were written in the late twentieth-century's
Ascension movement. This movement has the premise that humans are
approaching a new phase in evolution that involves a transformation
in human consciousness, one that will reconnect us with ABs and
dimensions of existence higher than our 3-D world. Many of these
books comprise messages from various 'ascended masters,' beings no
longer incarnate who have in different ways already ascended to that
next level.
This cosmology starts with the assumption of ABs as being 'way
showers' for humans; they provide humans with advice and moral
support on their journey. The book Crystal Star: A Guide to
Ascension exemplifies this genre of metaphysical information. It
purports to represent ABs such as Sananda (the etheric Jesus),
Ashtar (who represents a group of human and angelic beings from
several galaxies), the Archangel Michael, and St. Germain.
These sources speak of the intervention
of flesh-and-blood beings on Earth in times past and present, but
they stress that nonmaterial beings now surround humans and seek to
help us learn to be our true selves.
St. Germain speaks of a hierarchy of ABs,
including the Elohim referred to in the Bible, who have various
creative powers.
Many individuals have gained a reputation as modern prophets, people
who receive messages from one source or another about future events.
Gordon-Michael Scallion, best known for his 'future maps' of North
America, channels material he receives from what he calls 'a group
of intelligences... within.' Scallion's sources say Earth-human
contact with ABs has been going on for millions of years, from the
first projection of souls (early human forms of consciousness) 18
million years ago, through Atlantean times (ending 11,600 years
ago), into the historical period of Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, and
The 'intelligences' say two forms of human-AB contacts continue
today, Scallion reports. One is the 'messengers' predominantly from
the Pleiades and Sirius who communicate telepathically, offering
humans assistance for the coming Earth changes. These messengers
sometimes present themselves in physical form but generally appear
as light or inner voices. They are not to be confused with another
category of ABs, those beings involved with UFO sightings and human
abductions. The messengers use the human inner senses to communicate
directly with human minds when our 'brain vibrations' are congruent
with theirs.
Scallion's messengers confirm former civilizations on Mars and on a
tenth planet involving beings not unlike life-forms on Earth. These
beings no longer exist in our solar system, but other dimensions of
conscious beings do, including some on our moon.
A group of educators and scientists from
Mars, at the termination of civilization there, moved to Earth and
'melded' with some 'mixed creatures' who were already evolving on
Earth, Scallion reports. They began a 'colonization' on a continent
in the area of the Pacific known as 'Lumania.'
The people of this civilization grew to
a great stature and later moved into a part of Africa.
Jesus from the
Other Side
Quite a number of books have been published purporting to be
messages from Jesus, adding to or modifying the biblical material
about him. Some purportedly represent his efforts to clear up any
historical misunderstanding of who and what he was, to set the
record straight.
One has Jesus saying,
'The purpose of this writing is to
free up the many misconceptions which people have held about me
through the ages... to clarify the entire human drama of the
crucifixion and everything I stood for at that time.'
Another, which has a profound ring of
historical authenticity, has Jesus reviewing the book:
'The foregoing is an astonishingly
accurate account of my life and thoughts... consider this my
second coming.'
Such books portray a different Jesus
from that of the New Testament and one more compatible with various
first-century accounts later rejected by
the Nicean Council in 325
Some interesting aspects of the above sources become immediately
evident. First, despite the wide variety of nonhuman sources and
human channels, a remarkable amount of consistency exists among the
substantive themes, if not the terminology or detail. In the social
sciences an analyst would say, 'The degree of internal congruency is
significant.' Second, the degree of similarity with other fields of
knowledge (scientific and historical) also surprises me.
I had not expected so much congruence
between metaphysical materials and more conventional areas of
The internally consistent information may be briefly summarized as
Human origins lie in the stars, whether from DNA from ABs
being mixed with human or humans inhabiting other planets in earlier
stages of development.
Physical and nonphysical ABs have intervened
in human development in both positive and negative ways.
While some have sought to encourage
human self-determination, others have pursued control of humans for
their own purposes.
Intervention has taken various forms: teaching,
technical assistance, and advice.
Humans have
natures and can access other levels of consciousness.
The ABs have
fought among themselves on Earth to the detriment of human progress.
The presence of ABs was used to create
the idea of God for control purposes.
Most AB sources urge humans to
control their own destiny.
ABs have been called many names in both metaphysical and historical
This has led to confusion that has hindered the
development of a human consensus about the true nature of gods.
According to the sources cited so far, from the beginning of human
consciousness, individuals have had visions of nonphysical beings,
heard voices, received channeled material, and come face-to-face
with ethereal and flesh-and-blood ABs.
Since the label applied to each
experience depends on the perceiver's culture, strangers to that
culture don't realize that they perceive the same reality.
Before we get too carried away with this material, we must do a
reality check. Could humans just be making it up and then, through
our subconsciousness, feeding our own fantasies back to ourselves.
We can guard against this possibility by using a variety of
materials, from different ways of knowing and periods of history.
Using all epistemologies 'the approach
taken in this book' makes it less likely that we project phantasms
into the noosphere and then merely tune in to them when in altered