7. Dawn of A New Cosmic Day
The Gnosis by Montalk
9 June 2011
Spanish version
This article and the next
concern cosmic cycles, the end of the world
as we know
it, alien timewars,
and the Big Picture of what it all
means. |
Demiurgic Weaponry in
Indian Mythology
the Atlantean and subsequent cataclysms, technologically
advanced survivors fractured into various populations that colonized
separate areas around the globe.
Wherever they went, they
commandeered the local native population. It was typical for a small
number of fair skinned elite to rule over a vast population of
darker skinned primitives.
One group of survivors colonized Northern India and became the
Indo-Aryans, whose symbol was
the swastika. They impressed upon the
natives the foundations of the Vedic culture, which included the
caste system, complicated metaphysics, technological instructions,
and myths encoding the antediluvian history of their people.
took up elite roles as scientist-priests, known as Brahmins, and
were the earliest of the Brahmin kings. The same pattern played out
elsewhere with the Chinese, Celtic, Meso-American, Sumerian and
Egyptian cultures.
The Indo-Aryan culture contributed significantly to what was later
woven into the two major Indian epics, the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Like the Old Testament, there is a layer of technological
information embedded in these myths. As is well known, the Indian
epics contain detailed information on flying vehicles called
Another example is the divine weaponry employed in their wars, which
are fundamentally demiurgic in operation.
Professor Jarrod Whitaker wrote an interesting paper systematizing
the use of demiurgic energy in divine weaponry:
[I]n no other mythological corpus is the concept of divine weapons
more developed and more complex than in the two Indian epics.
[T]he divine weapons cannot be properly understood without a
comprehensive examination of the concept of tejas or "fiery energy."
[B]ecause tejas govern the way the divine weapons operate in the
mythology, the primary aim of the following paper is to outline its
"intrinsic laws" and to codify them systematically into a working
[T]he fire of the divine weapons is not the element itself, but the
more subtle energy-substance tejas or "fiery energy". These are not
weapons of fire per se, but weapons of energy.
The Sanskrit word derives from the root tij- meaning
"to be sharp".
[…] By the time of the Upanisads, tejas surpasses other
energy-substances while incorporating their diverse roles. It
becomes the central creative principle of the supreme god, and
furthermore, the energy of all movement and activity (rajoguna) in
the universe.
It is further ascribed to be the subtle essence of the
Hindu atman or "soul", and thus "is the ever-changing energy which
passed on along the downward current of evolution and taken back
into evolution." (Whitaker,
Divine Weapons and Tejas in the Two Indian Epics.
Indo-Iranian Journal, 2000. Volume 43 #2, pp. 87-113)
Apparently tejas was their term for
etheric energy.
It is that which
comprises the lower part of the soul, permeates creation, and
ultimately weaves linear time and space. It is demiurgic energy in
every sense.
Whitaker then quotes Magnone:
"As an energy, tejas is eminently transferable, and the effects of
its transfer are different according to whether the broader or
narrower notion of tejas is applied. In the former event, the grant
of tejas is coextensive with creation, and its confiscation
with dissolution."
Etheric energy is the substrate of reality, and matter is but its
condensation or epiphenomenon.
It is the Universal Solvent, the
primary agent involved in the Alchemical dictum "Solve Et Coagula"
or "Dissolve and Coagulate." What the Demiurge creates, the Demiurge
destroys. The significance of this will be elaborated later in the
Magnone continues:
"When tejas is intended in
the narrower sense, i.e., as the cause of mere excellence, and
not generally of existence, then its acquisition and loss do not
entail an absolute inception or cessation, but simply a
promotion or demotion to or from a higher level of existence."
This is precisely the other function of etheric energy within the
human organism, to enable perception of higher realms and
transubstantiation or translation into same.
The cycles of higher
and lower etheric energy concentrations on Earth dictates the
cyclical proximity of our environment from the higher ones inhabited
by inter-dimensional humanoids.
Whitaker comments:
On the gross level, tejas preserves its ancient connections with
fire and heat, and when possessed by persons or objects suggests the
English words "glory", "majesty", "ardor", and "splendor." On the
subtle level, as an energy, tejas is responsible for knowledge, and
when in excess is highly destructive.
Ark of the Covenant was associated with a glowing plasmatic
vortex known as the Shekhina, meaning "Glory of the Lord."
explained, the Shekhina was the veritable "soul" of the device, the
entitized thought-form anchored to the Ark Stone. The glowing energy
field itself was an intense etheric vortex that precipitated
electrical charges and hence ionized the air. The Ark conferred
illumination to prepared initiates but destruction to others.
Ark was therefore an example in Semitic lore of the same type of
divine weaponry mentioned in the Indian epics.
What is central is the mental relationship divine weapons have with
their wielder as they reside in the mind. Furthermore, divine
weapons are closely connected with such emotions as rage and anger.
When unleashed they invoke all the raw power of a warrior's fury,
infused with the tejas of the gods, and thus are capable of laying
waste hundreds of opponents in one concentrated act of violence. […]
Most divine weapons are named after the deities who preside over
them, and, in general, they manifest the natural phenomena
associated with the particular powers they reflect. […]
The divine weapons are also sentient beings, who often appear
anthropomorphically. They can even assume therianthropic forms,
which in a bestial fury tear their victims apart.
personification of divine weapons develops to the point in the Puranic literature where the Sudarsana discus, as one example, is
not only "capable of following Visnu's instructions and acting
independently of him, but it is also capable of feeling emotions
like wrath and dissatisfaction."
Ultimate, all divya astras are weapons of a single divine energy - tejas. This energy is channeled into the physical world by their
wielders, who, with the correct mantras and, more importantly, their
own reserves of tejas, control the energy by uniting it with a more
tangible weapon, most commonly an arrow, or the energy can be simply
released on its own.
Divine weapons are far more destructive and
efficacious than ordinary weapons (sastras) and their use enhances a
warrior's natural prowess in combat.
However, this weaponry
represents immense and often volatile power, and is reserved for the
greatest of heroes, putting them in direct communion with the gods,
as any warrior possessing a divine weapon can unleash the energy of
the gods in the human realm.
Again, demiurgic technology may employ entitized
thought-forms to
automate tasks.
In the previous article this was stated in regard to
Gray alien automatons and alien ships that carry out commands
delegated to them.
In the case of the Ark of the Covenant, the inhabiting entity Yahweh
was precisely one of wrath and dissatisfaction. Yahweh was not
localized to the Ark Stone like some kind of etheric CPU, but was
rather a cosmological intelligence that the Ark Stone tapped into
like a computer terminal into a remote server, just as in the Indian
epics the weapons were often possessed by the tejas of various gods.
The warrior combining his etheric energy with a mantra to activate
the weapon and channel the "energy of the gods" is precisely what
the Mosaic Priests employed. Recall that the Great Pyramid functions
as a vocal resonator while the shape itself concentrates etheric
The Ark Stone in the King's Chamber must have been used to
"unleash the energy of the gods in the human realm" and thereby
Yahweh, aka
the Corrupted Demiurge, to enter the human realm
much more deeply than before.
Whitaker describes the basic principles of etheric warfare:
Firstly, tejas is harnessed, absorbed, neutralized, and contained by
other entities that possess tejas themselves. Tejas is the active
substance required to deal with tejas. Secondly, various qualities
of tejas affect the outcome of the neutralization process. Here a
priest's tejas is superior to a warrior's tejas.
Furthermore, these
qualities define the hierarchy of tejas. Thus, not only does one
need greater quantities of tejas, but to defeat and opponent of
superior tejas one needs more potent energy, which is illustrated by
Visvamitra's concern to attain brahmanhood in order to gain access
to brahmatejas.
Different grades of etheric energy exist.
As explained,
lower grade
energy can be harvested from freshly boiled plants and cereals
higher grade from sacrificed animals
even higher from sacrificed
emotional energy of extreme joy or anger can likewise
produce it
But none compares to the quality, quantity, and
vibration of etheric energy channeled directly from the Logos, hence
the Grail Stone, activated by those initiated into the Christ
consciousness, was more powerful than its earlier cruder function as
the Ark Stone, which was powered by animal sacrifices and blind
It's not just the quantity or amplitude of the energy that
matters, but the quality or frequency.
When Vasistha absorbs and contains the Brahma astra, its tejas is so
intense that the brahman is transformed, making him more violent and
a threat to the universe. The incoming fiery energy is so excessive
that flames shoot forth from his skin. In a verse that encompasses
the neutralization process, the text even implies that the brahman
could lose control of himself.
Vasistha is told: "You must contain
the tejas with your own tejas!" […] an intake of excessive energy
can cause uncontrollable rage or self annihilation. […] Clearly, one
must possess adequate tejas to handle an intake of new energy.
Frank Joseph emphases in
Opening the Ark of the Covenant that the
Ark Stone induced megalomania in many of its operators, tyrant
pharaoh Akhenaten being an example.
The Levite priests underwent
special training that elevated their own etheric energy levels and
qualities before they could even handle the Ark.
The function of
special gear they wore, such as the mysterious breastplate worn by
Aaron (Moses' brother), is revealed by what Whitaker says next:
Various kinds of amulets (mani) appear throughout the Vedic
literature, which bestow upon the wear many different
energy-substances, including tejas, when bound to a part of the
body. […]
This is also the case with other items and materials, such
as a gold plate, which bestows upon the wearer its innate tejas.
Thus, the innate energy of these items is drawn upon to augment
one's own energy pool.
As for excessive energy causing fiery discharges, the Ark was known
for this, but it also brings to mind spontaneous human combustion
caused by premature kundalini activation.
It further relates to the
ancient Gaul warriors who went into battle without combustible
clothing. They wore only metal neck torcs, open ended metal rings
fitted around their necks, which were identical in function to
Lakhovsky coils, or electromagnetic resonators that raise etheric
energy levels in the wearer. The Celts/Gauls were among the last
remnants of the post-Atlantean superhuman culture, and the Druids
were their equivalent of the Indian Brahmins.
The above merely illustrates the use of demiurgic technology in
common combat. But its effects are not limited to the battlefield.
The central theme of this Gnosis article is that demiurgic
technology can have global or universal effects.
Whitaker cites one
The cataclysmic evil (sumahan dosah) of the
divine weapons is so
devastating that it can destroy the universe. This is a striking
statement considering the importance of the divine weapons.
At its
strongest, dosa translates as "evil", but means at least a "fault",
"deficiency" or "detrimental effect." Therefore, what is the "detrimental effect" that can bring about the end of the universe?
[…] By drawing upon themes already encountered with the principles of
the divine weapons the answer can be simply stated: if a divine
weapon struck a being of insufficient tejas (alpatejas), its
inherent tejas will not be neutralized; moreover, the divine weapon
will take the tejas of its victim(s), causing it to increase in
size, and after many such incidents it will possess enough energy to
threaten the universe.
This is the cataclysmic danger in the divine
This occurs in one of the longest divine weapon episodes.
The Narayana astra is directed at the human footsoldiers and begins
to swell to such proportions that the universe is nearly destroyed.
It is only by Krsna's invention and his direct concern with cutting
off the divine weapon's access to any potential fuel sources than
the Narayana astra is finally countered.
The preceding analysis assumes that a divine weapon will appropriate
the tejas of an inadequate target. This can be verified as the text
reveals more about the nature of the divine weapons in the warning
that identifies their misuse as a dosa or "evil."
That is but one example of the misuse of demiurgic technology, in
this case an etheric chain reaction that would consume the whole
world if given the opportunity.
Wilhelm Reich explained how orgone
energy flows from low concentrations to high concentrations;
thunderstorms inherently do this by gathering it from the
surrounding environment in a chain reaction until discharging the
energy via lightning and precipitation.
Point being that if an extreme influx of etheric energy meets an
insufficiently prepared recipient, the low-to-high energy flow may
mean the recipient is annihilated when his/her/its etheric
foundation is vacuumed away.
As will be discussed below, this is one
possibility we face regarding
2012 type phenomena.
Ambient Etheric Energy Cycles
Finally, Whitaker touches on what will become the presiding theme
for the remainder of this article:
The last principle pertaining to the divine weapons is Arjuna's loss
of them after Kuruksetra war. There are two central factors that
relate to the loss of the divine weapons:
the change in
the yugas or "cosmic
the subsequent loss of tejas
By the epic period, a complex system of cosmological time had
developed based on the four ages of the cosmos (yugas) that make up
one complete cyclic age of existence (mahayuga).
The four successive yugas are characterized by progressively decreasing lifespans,
virtues, and quality of human life. The Ramayana takes place in the
Treta yuga, while the Mahabharata is set at the end of the Dvapara
yuga. At the end of the great Kuruksetra war Kali yuga begins.
present age of the universe, Kali yuga, is characterized by the
final decline of the dharma and a general sense of suffering and
impurity. The world and human beings are at their worst in all
It is this general sense of deterioration in Kali yuga that
can be specifically correlated with the loss of the divine weapons
due to an intrinsic decline in the potential tejas available to all
mortals, including warriors.
This speaks of a great decline in the ambient etheric energy field
that triggers the onset of a spiritual dark age.
Frank Joseph pins
the end of the Kuruksetra war to around 3150 B.C., which is when the
final post-Atlantean advanced civilization broke up and migrated
around the globe.
Those arriving in Central/South America, for
instance, established the Long Count calendar (aka the
Calendar) whose most commonly accepted starting point is August
14th, 3114 B.C.
There are other calendars around the world that also
start around that time. The Long Count calendar is one that measures
linear time, so the Mayans referred to its beginning as the
beginning of time as we now know it.
Of course, ambient etheric energy varies in a complicated way over
time and geographic locale, somewhat like graphs of economic
indicators that contain major cycles and numerous sub-cycles along
with random variables thrown in. Thus it's not a smooth four-stage
sinusoid as the four yugas might imply.
In short, the world was once
more etherically charged, and will be again.

See above my theoretical
graph of etheric energy cycles
based on the subharmonics of Earth's
precessional cycle.
Turns out the Platonic Year is identically how
long it takes light to travel
between Earth and the Galactic Center,
suggesting some kind of coupling mechanism.
To turn to the loss of the divine weapons:
the Kuruksetra war is
resolved, and Kali yuga commences. […] Arjuna begins to lament his
defeat, and blames his inability to employ his divine weapons on the
nature of fate.
The divine Vyasa drives the point home when he
informs Arjuna:
"He who was once powerful loses
that power, and he who was once lord is ruled by others.
Your astras, which have accomplished their mission, have
gone and they will return in the future to your hand when
the [appropriate] time arrives."
loss of the divine weapons is thus due to the workings of fate (daiva)
and time (kala), and one manifestation of time is the yugas.
The loss of the divine weapons can also be correlated with a loss of
tejas. […] If Arjuna has lost his tejas it would explain the reason
behind the mysterious disappearance of his divine weapons. Without
the correct quantity of tejas Arjuna will be unable to control or
employ the divine weapons successfully. […]
The sage Vyasa informs
Arjuna that his weakness in battle is for the following reason:
"Power, intuition, tejas,
and foresight exist in times of prosperity, an they perish
in opposite conditions… All this has its root in time, which
is the principle cause of the universe…
Time thus unexpectedly takes it
all away again. [The wise man] knows in yuga after yuga that
the natural law dharma is crippled in one foot, and that the
life expectancy and energy of mortals follow the rules of
the yuga."
The epic authors are suggesting that in the world in which they
live, Kali yuga, no one can own or employ divine weapons of the
caliber portrayed in Dvapara yuga.
This is because of a decline in
the potential amount of tejas any given individual can acquire. If
the divine weapons are left in Arjuna's possession, his de-energized
state would put the universe (not to mention himself) in jeopardy,
since the divine weapons will not be able to be controlled.
the divine weapons are withdrawn from circulation, so to speak, and
returned to their divine owners.
And there we have an answer to the mystery of why humanoid aliens
bestow and retrieve demiurgic technology, including the Ark/Grail
stone, from the human sphere at certain times.
They do so in concert
with ambient etheric energy cycles. These cycles not only dictate
when it's even possible to openly use such devices within the Earth
realm, but may also determine when it becomes necessary to use them.
All this will be made clear below.
Take note, however, that the ebb
and flow of etheric energy over time applies more to us "mortals"
who languish in times of low energy like fish flopping aimlessly at
low tide, while the alien beings withdraw to the ocean and remain
fully immersed and mobile.
In summary, what can be gathered from the Indian epics is that there
once existed an age where etheric energy levels were high enough
that demiurgic technology was in common use for the common good.
Eventually the seeds of corruption took root and competing factions
arose that inevitably fell into war.
Their wars used demiurgic
technology for destructive purposes, including certain misuses that
threatened the very existence of the world.
Subsequently, ambient etheric energy levels declined and these weapons could no longer be
used as effectively within the human realm. Their superhuman owners
largely withdrew the devices and the disempowered human remnants
went on their way as mere ordinary mortals, into the well of linear
time and limited existence.
Thus began the onset of a spiritual dark
age in which we still exist.
But as mentioned, even within the dark age there have been localized
spikes in etheric energy levels, 2300-1100 B.C. being an example,
which is the time period when the Ark Stone entered into Egyptian
and Semitic history, and 450-1300 A.D. when the Grail Stone appeared
in European and Arabian history. According to the Indian epics,
these devices will surface once more, like Excalibur from the lake,
to be used in a time of need; it shall occur when the ambient energy
levels rise to where they once were.
Mayan Long Count calendar, whose starting point coincides with
the onset of the Kali yuga, reaches the end of its 5124 year cycle
on December 21st, 2012.
For this and many other reasons, we may
expect that the years, decades, or centuries to follow will see the
return of the Etheric Tide, the reactivation of demiurgic
technologies in the Earth sphere, and the resumption of open
communion with otherworldly beings.
The alien disinformation agenda
to acclimatize our ignorant and skeptical culture to
the alien
presence is advance preparation.
Alchemical Evolution of Mankind
This "Etheric Tide" theory brings up an important parallel to
The physical and spiritual evolution of mankind has always
been punctuated by cyclical cataclysms. Each cataclysm destroyed the
existing order and triggered a period of chaos that eventually gave
birth to a more sophisticated order. Our civilization now stands at
the cusp of another such discontinuity.
Like the cycle of
reincarnation, the death and rebirth of civilization is an
Alchemical process paralleling the production of the Philosopher's
In Alchemy, a mineral solution imbued with crude etheric energy is
allowed to putrefy in a vessel so that biological activity brings
the etheric charge to a higher order. The vessel is then heated to
distill off a liquid containing the living etheric essence.
remnant matter is heated until dry, then the distillate is mixed
back into it; what does not dissolve is filtered out. The resulting
solution is incubated for some time before the distillation process
repeats. Over succeeding repetitions, a portion of the dried matter
becomes increasingly etherized until the final steps trigger its
quantum transformation into a quasi-living substance.
When tinged
with gold, this transformed substance becomes
the Philosopher's
On Earth, crude etheric energy enters the food chain and ascends
upwards, driving the proliferation of life, evolution of
consciousness, and production of higher soul energies in sentient
beings. When conditions are ripe, a quickening process distills the
"chosen" from the "damned." The latter undergo further tribulations
that decimate their numbers and liberate their soul energies.
survivors and harvested soul energies represent the distillate, the
seed and nutrient, derived from the old civilization. Both pour into
the post-cataclysmic world to initiate a new civilization of higher
order; surviving remnants of the old who cannot adapt die out.
Civilization begins anew and grows until reaching ripeness once
With each cycle, the population evolves somewhat in terms of
conscious sophistication.
After sufficient repetitions, portions of
the population most amenable to spiritualizing influences undergo a
transformation into superhuman existence, especially in the final
stages where additional catalysts come into play.
These superhumans
join the ranks of the parallel hidden meta-civilization mentioned
previously that thrives outside linear time while civilizations
within linear time continue to rise and fall. They are like the
developing spiritual core within an individual that transcends and
survives birth and death.
But as much as human evolution parallels production of the Stone,
there are some important differences.
Whereas an individual makes
the Philosopher's Stone, numerous cosmic Alchemists are involved in
our case, each with their own idea of where to go with human
In the case of the Stone, some Alchemists make it to give themselves
eternal youth and perfect health. For them it's a source of etheric
nourishment. Likewise, some cosmic Alchemists derive nourishment
from our soul energies, and they have advanced our evolution only to
produce a higher grade of this energy for themselves.
Monroe's account of
loosh production in Far Journeys illustrates
this perfectly. And just as the Philosopher's Stone becomes fatal
when multiplied beyond a certain order of power and therefore
useless as a panacea, so would humanity become useless as a source
of etheric and astral food should we acquire sufficient superhuman
status; therefore the predatory cosmic Alchemists are deeply
invested in keeping us down, using cataclysms only as a kind of
winepress to produce their precious ambrosia.
Some Alchemists tinge the Stone with gold or silver to produce more
of the same. Likewise, cosmic Alchemists may aim to tinge our
superhuman descendants with an impulse to create more like
themselves, for good or bad depending on the tingeing.
(An example
Fourth Density graduates polarizing either
Service-to-Self or
Service-to-Others depending on what existing Fourth Density forces
they encounter and align with. In other words, new superhumans who
encounter the already existing meta-civilization will be tinged by
the ideologies of its various factions).
Some Alchemists employ the luminescent properties of a highly
refined Stone to produce ever-burning lamps, and likewise some
cosmic Alchemists could be aiming to potentialize mankind into
shining beacons of divine power.
When immensely scaled up in power, size, and complexity, the
Philosopher's Stone becomes the Ark Stone or Grail Stone, demiurgic
technologies capable of large scale reconfigurations of matter,
energy, space, and time.
Likewise, superhumans who achieve even
higher levels of spiritual evolution asymptotically approach the
creational capabilities of the Infinite Creator.
Why is this parallel between Alchemy and human evolution important?
First, because it says something about what this planet will face in
the near future. As mentioned, our civilization stands on the cusp
of another cataclysm.
Unlike previous ones, this may be our final.
And like the final distillation in Alchemy, additional etheric
catalysts may be involved to boost the transformation. For instance,
there is good chance our solar system will be irradiated by the
tidal wave of etheric energy.
The psychological,
spiritual, and perceptual changes induced by elevated etheric energy
levels, along with the heliophysical and geophysical impact of same,
accounts for a broad range of signs foretold in numerous end times
Second, because a dictum of Alchemy states,
"Solve Et Coagula" or "Dissolve and Coagulate."
This is the aforementioned process of
order dissolving into chaos, and chaos precipitating into a new
order. It is symbolized in the myth of the phoenix bird, which burns
itself to ashes only to emerge as a worm that grows once again into
the bird.
And it is contained in the "Illuminati" slogan
"ordo ab
chao," order from chaos. As I will show in this article, the final
step of our Alchemical evolution involves dissolution of reality as
we know it and its reconfiguration into a new higher order.
The only
question concerns whom shall forge the new order? That is the crux
of this demiurgic war.
Effects of the Etheric Tide
Let's look more closely at the effects of increased ambient etheric
energy levels.
First, because etheric and life-force energy are essentially the
same, health and longevity will increase for those acclimated to
that quantity and quality of energy. But if the influx rate of
energy is too great, there is risk of overwhelming the fragile
etheric energy circuits of the body and causing injury. Likewise, if
the quality of the energy is mismatched, either the body fails to
receive it or else receives the wrong type to its own detriment.
the Etheric Tide is gradual enough that generations can slowly
acclimate to it, that would be ideal.
Bible researchers believe our
antediluvian ancestors had life-spans in the hundreds of years;
Nordic aliens likewise have life-spans in the centuries, and
Alchemists who imbibe the Elixir of Life can do likewise. This would
become the norm should ambient etheric energy saturate a society
acclimated to it. The primordial Golden Age, a bygone age of peace
and plenty without premature death or disease, would have required
such conditions.
Second, there would be activation and growth of latent psychic
organs in the etheric body of humans. By default, humans are
currently born with very limited psychic abilities because neither
our crippled genetics nor the ambient etheric levels support their
development. For such people, it takes disciplined occult training
to activate and develop these abilities.
As both
Fore and the
Breeze contactee explained, aliens naturally emit high levels of
etheric energy and, through a proximity effect, can cause psychic
activation in nearby humans. In the case of an Etheric Tide, a
natural phenomenon would do likewise to receptive members of the
The result would be increased intuition, clairvoyance,
and other
supernatural powers.
Ambient etheric energy levels provide
a nutritive medium for the further development of psychic organs,
leading eventually to the types of powers now only seen in aliens
and occult masters.
Third, since through astral projection, hypnopompic states, and
trained clairvoyance it is already possible to see otherwise cloaked
or phased out ships in the skies and alien beings around us, an
Etheric Tide would force their visibility on a far wider scale.
Aliens will then be unable to hide their presence, hence the alien
disinformation campaign now underway to acclimate the public for
their open "arrival."
Fourth, a shift in consciousness brought on by etheric activation
would unlock otherwise inaccessible memories and mental
perspectives. This includes alien
abduction/contact memories and
past life memories. During the onset of an abduction or contact, an
individual usually goes into an altered state of consciousness due
to the proximity induction effect.
This state of consciousness is
termed Left Side Awareness or Second Attention in
Carlos Castaneda's
Memories recorded in this state become inaccessible when the abductee returns to normal mundane consciousness because it's like
an antenna retracting and losing the signal. An Etheric Tide would
extend the antenna, causing a person to flip over from the mundane
mental perspective to the alternate higher one. In cases where an
individual has been cached with hidden knowledge and instructions,
these would activate at that time.
Thus the activation of
alien-implanted knowledge is not so much caused by a hypnotic
trigger, but an etheric activation. Consequently, an Etheric Tide
would kick several alien agendas into play regarding their human
The access of hidden knowledge and instruction is said to
occur during a time of great chaos, which matches the characteristic
effects of an Etheric Tide.
Fifth, once perception of etheric energy and paranormal phenomena
becomes commonplace, demiurgic technology develops quickly and
naturally. Without clairvoyant perception, building devices that
employ etheric energies is a matter of guesswork, but perception
allows observation and the derivation of a science.
We also know
from alienology that electronic devices tend to malfunction in the
presence of alien ships; there are also people who can't wear
watches because they always stop working when worn. These are the
same people who tend to fry out electronics and turn off street
lights in their proximity. These are examples of etheric fields or
specific fluctuations in them causing electrical anomalies.
physics terms, it fluctuates the physical constants and likely
affects local electron densities, indicating a relationship between etheric energy and the divergence of the magnetic vector potential.
The Etheric Tide may interfere with our electrical systems, further
forcing the development of demiurgic technology as an alternative.
The increased perception and availability of etheric energy makes
this inevitable.
Sixth, the generation of thought-forms becomes easier and more potent
since there is more ambient raw material available for their
creation, and consequently the responsiveness of reality to thoughts
and feelings greatly increases. Reality would then become more
plastic, having been softened by the "Universal Solvent" so to
speak. Etheric energy is the medium that translates impulses between
matter and consciousness.
More of it means mind has greater command
over matter. Additionally, these conditions would force greater
mental and emotional discipline in people, since they will no longer
have the luxury of being an internal cesspool while maintaining an
external appearance of equipoise; when inner and outer become more
congruent, external consequences of detrimental thoughts and
feelings come all the sooner.
In a worst case scenario, those who cannot master themselves will
fall victim to their own self-generated delusions, go insane, and
This is already happening in people whose unbounded paranoia
creates thought-forms and physical manifestations that further
validate their paranoia, creating a runaway feedback loop that ends
in schizophrenia and death.
Another problem would be paranormal
entities like demons, ghosts, and astral critters becoming more
tangible, but that depends on how well they take up the specific
quality of energy provided by the Etheric Tide; in any case,
clairvoyant perception would make them more visible regardless, and
that will further affect the sanity of people.
Conditions that once
fostered common acceptance of fairies, elves, elementals, djinn,
ghosts, etc… will return.
All this assumes people don't suffer from illness and cancer first
from being unable to properly assimilate the Etheric Tide. It's
already the case that emotional blockages that produce resistance
against the free flow of life-force energy can cause illness and
cancer; similar resistance occurs when one fails to keep up with the
currents of the Etheric Tide, namely by hanging on stubbornly to old
Matrix Control System reactions and outlooks.
Hence, we are looking at the possibility of mass psychosis and
illness in certain stubborn sectors of the population.
The result is
a filtering effect on humanity, just like the filtering out of
solids that fail to dissolve in the Alchemical distillate. The
filter is further enhanced by the fact that, since thoughts and
feelings bend probability, it is in times of chaos that one must
rely the most upon good fortune and divine grace to make it through,
which can only be earned through corresponding elevation of heart
and discipline of mind.
Aside from sheer resourcefulness,
synchronistic protection coupled with increased clairvoyance and
intuition is how the forebears of future humanity will make it
As an aside, whether through technology or sufficient activation of
superhuman abilities, advanced forms of either should allow one to
phase out of regular space-time as needed, becoming invisible to
those still mired in it.
One would then naturally have access to the
parallel meta-civilization composed of beings who have already
achieved likewise.
Physical Cataclysm
While another round of cataclysm appears to be on the horizon,
cataclysm is not always a necessary catalyst for growth. But that
doesn't prevent it from happening anyway. Even so, unavoidable
obstacles can still serve as catalysts for growth if used as such.
In this case, cataclysm could be an unavoidable side-effect of the Etheric Tide, the same way pain is a side-effect of the birthing
Earth and Sun are sensitive to etheric energy.
As Wilhelm
Reich discovered,
orgone energy affects nuclear decay rates, meaning
it affects reality at the quantum level. But since solar output as
well as Earth's seismic, volcanic, and tectonic activities are
dependent on nuclear decay processes, changes in ambient etheric
energy levels would impact the same.
Recent scientific studies
indicate that solar activity affects nuclear decay rates on Earth,
likely due to a change in neutrino flux, which itself may be linked
to etheric energy. In any case, the result of an Etheric Tide would
be freak solar flares and CMEs as well as a massive increase in
earthquakes, volcanoes, and continental plate shifts.
Expanding Earth Theory of
Neil Adams (and Cliff High's
Planet Model) further suggests a change in the size of Earth.
is clear from the fact that continent edges match each other on all
sides, indicating Earth used to be a lot smaller. That's also why
dinosaurs were so large, due to lower gravity levels. The question
has always been where the extra matter comes from when the planet
bulks up.
Well, it comes from the center of the planet/star where
space-time is most stressed and a dimensional portal exists; etheric
energy seems to affect the aperture of this portal, which determines
how well energies from the other side translate into matter on our
It's precisely the same with the Ark Stone or Grail Stone, where an
input of etheric energy (animal sacrifice in the case of the Ark
Stone) allows for the manifestation of physical foodstuffs.
In other
words, the Earth expanding upon irradiation by an Etheric Tide is
merely a planetary version of what happens in the Ark Stone. It's
demiurgic geophysics. This does, however, suggest the possibility
that, just as the Ark Stone required a specific mental command to
specify what to materialize, so might the specific reconfiguration
of Earth be dependent upon the collective thought-forms of mankind.
In that sense, how consciousness responds to the Etheric Tide might
determine the severity, location, and nature of events constituting
the accompanying cataclysm.
Etheric Dissolution of Reality
The biggest threat, or welcomed opportunity, would be an Etheric "Tsunami," whereby the world gets slammed by a shockwave of etheric
The Physics of 2012, I theorized that a traveling event
horizon possibly originating from the super black hole at the
Galactic Center could hit us. In that article, I explained how an
event horizon would eject us into hyperspace where consciousness
alone would decide what space-time timeline we would emerge back
Well, if not a traveling event horizon, then a sufficiently intense
etheric field would rip space-time all the same. Or put in terms of
the Gnosis series paradigm, an Etheric Tsunami would utterly
dissolve our reality just as the Universal Solvent of the Alchemists
dissolves metals into quantum soup. In this malleable state of
chaos, consciousness acts as the tingeing agent determining what new
order emerges.
An Etheric Tsunami would disconnect us from our
current timeline and provide the grandest of all pivot points upon
which not only the future, but the new past hinges.
But can nature alone provide such an impulse to dissolve reality?
That seems just as unlikely as nature creating random nuclear
explosions on our planet. Only technology concentrating the forces
of nature can create consequences so severe. Therefore instead of an Etheric Tsunami originating from the cosmos, it could be the use of
demiurgic technology during a more gentle Etheric Tide that
dissolves and reconfigures space-time.
That seems to be its primary
function anyway, to serve as the central axis of a wider timeline
pivot region made possible by the Etheric Tide.
Again, these technologies are bestowed upon humans when ambient
etheric energy levels are elevated, for then are such devices not
only more charged up, but reality itself is more malleable. In
ancient Egypt and proto-Israel, the Ark Stone was involved in
reorienting our timeline toward one where we now stand on the brink
of an overt alien takeover and global totalitarian system.
It stands
to reason that an upcoming Etheric Tide would also see the
reactivation of the Grail Stone or devices like it.
Even in ancient Egyptian times when ambient etheric energy levels
were elevated, the Ark Stone required additional life-force energy
from sacrificed animals to convert thoughts into foodstuffs, alter
the local geography, and other seemingly miraculous actions. These
same space-time re-engineering feats were accomplished by the Grail
Stone without animal sacrifice, and instead with higher vibrational
energy received from the Logos by Gnostic initiates.
The implication
is that, if the Etheric Tide primes conditions for deployment of the
Stone, reconfiguration of reality may then occur along at least two
through the cataclysmic slaughter of billions providing
the etheric and astral energy needed for an Ark Stone activation,
which would reformulate the world into deeper conformity with the
Corrupted Demiurge
through the Gnostic awakening of
sufficient individuals to provide the etheric and astral energy
needed for a Grail Stone activation, which would reformulate the
world into deeper harmonization with the Logos
In other words,
negative forces may be counting on the energy harvested from mass
suffering and deaths to fuel their reconfiguration of our reality
into theirs.
Clearly the use of such devices allows a smaller group to decide the
outcome of the greater collective, hence the Stone acts as a lever
of sorts.
Who will employ it?
Probably those whose personal
destinies are intertwined with the alien time-war and Grail/anti-Grail drama; the question won't personally matter to the rest
of the population who are karmically indifferent to whether reality
reorganizes into one timeline or another. As it stands, mankind has
existed for thousands of years in complete indifference to the fact
that their world is a composite construct of changes effected by
superhuman forces engaged in a cosmic chess match.
In summary, whether through the power of nature, the power of
consciousness, or the power of technology, demiurgic principles have
the function of revolving or bending the world around a chosen
The center is a pivot point that moves the world without
itself being moved, signifying something beyond space-time where the
archetypal commands reside that determine in what manner the world
is reoriented. For instance, consciousness alone has this power, as
evident in the practice of reality creation.
Nature has this power
in the case of the Etheric Tide inducing physical changes in Sun and
Earth, or the Philosopher's Stone inducing changes in lead to
produce gold. And technology has this power in devices like the
Grail Stone that can bend the timeline and reconfigure reality in
ways greater than either mind or nature alone can.
High Demiurgic
power is the power to intentionally de-collapse and re-collapse the
quantum wave-function; it is the ultimate creational power, that of
the Prime Mover.
Dawn of a New Day
- The Awakening of the World Soul
Etheric energy is the substrate of physical reality.
Changes in the etheric induce changes in the physical. At weak levels the change is
merely probabilistic, while at strong levels it produces direct
reconfigurations of matter and energy. This is merely a question of
whether quantum biasing occurs at the subatomic or macroscopic
But it may be equally said - and this is absolutely crucial to
understand - that a certain etheric pattern sustains a certain
physical pattern. Thus every particular configuration of space,
time, matter, and energy is held that way by an underlying "base
level" thought-form, the common denominator shared by elements of
that configuration, which perpetuates the default behavior of that
All additional thought-forms merely deviate the system's
probabilistic behavior away from this default.
In the case of the
Philosopher's Stone, it is the intense etheric
power and gold-tinged qualities of the Stone that overcomes the base
level thought-form that otherwise holds the pattern of "lead" in
place. For humans, this same base level thought-form perpetuates the
laws of physics and moves the physical body toward entropic
disintegration, whereas the human etheric body is an additional
thought-form that counters this and allows for continuation of life.
On a cosmological scale, the Demiurge sustains the world as we know
it, thus it qualifies as the default thought-form defining our
space-time existence.
It is a World Thought-form or World Soul. The
Corrupted Demiurge is a parasitic entitized addition or extrusion
that biases the course of events toward anti-spiritual ends. The
impulse of the divine Logos, via the Christ thought-form, produces
counter-influence nudging things toward spiritual ends instead.
This brings us to the Rosicrucian doctrine of the World Soul.
anonymous theosophist writing under the name Magnus Incognito
explains it best in
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians (1918):
The Rosicrucian concept of the World Soul
- the First
Manifestation - corresponds to similar conceptions found, in various
forms, in most of the ancient occult teachings of the several great
esoteric schools of philosophy.
In some philosophies it is known as
the "Anima Mundi," or Life of the World, Soul of the World, or World
Spirit. In others it is known as the Logos, or Word. In others, as
the Demiurge.
The spirit of the concept is this: that from the
unconditioned essence of Infinite Unmanifestation there arose an
Elemental and Universal Soul, clothed in the garments of the most
tenuous, elemental form of Matter, which contained within itself the
potency and latent possibility of all the future universes of the
new Cosmic Circle, or Cosmic Day. […]
The concept of the World Soul, in some form of interpretation and
under some one of many names, may be said to be practically
universal. Among many of the ancient schools of philosophy it was
taught that there was an Anima Mundi, or World Soul, of which all
the individual souls were but apparently separated (though not
actually separated) units.
The conviction that Life was One is
expressed through nearly all of the best of ancient philosophies;
and, in fact, in subtly disguised forms, may be said to rest at the
base of the best of modern philosophies. […]
The Demiurge was the Life of the World, or Universal Life, of which
all the innumerable lives of finite creatures are but sparks in the
flame or drops of water in the ocean.
And, yet, in its true sense,
the concept of the Demiurge was not identified with that of God, but
was rather a concept of the First Great Manifestation of God, by
means of which He creates and sustains the World. […]
But it must be always noted that in the Secret Doctrine of the
Rosicrucians the World Soul is not regarded as the Infinite Reality,
but merely as the First Manifestation thereof, from which all
subsequent manifestations proceed and into which they are finally
The World Soul is not Eternal, but, on the contrary,
appears and disappears according to the rhythm of the Cosmic Nights
and Days.
This ties into the yuga cycles, the variations in the density and
quality of etheric energy permeating our world, the
imminent Etheric
Tide, and the influence of additional thought-forms like Yahweh and Christ injected into the system.
All of these may be interpreted as
fluctuations in the state of the World Thought-form, and hence the
world itself. Greater fluctuations produce greater world changes.
In Rosicrucian terminology, the influx of an Etheric Tide represents
an awakening of the "World Soul" and the "Dawn of a New Cosmic Day."
How is it an awakening?
As Rudolf Steiner observed, when we go to
sleep the etheric body expands and decouples from the physical body
and hovers nearby. Just enough remains in the body to maintain life
processes, but not enough to allow perception or induced movement by
the mind. The etheric body largely withdraws from the physical,
forcing the latter into a vegetative state for the duration of
Awakening consists of the etheric body lowering back into the
physical and fully coupling with it, allowing consciousness to
resume control over the physical body.
The same process applies to our world. As will be explained more
thoroughly in the next article, at some point the World Thought-form
underwent a process analogous to our entering sleep. Its etheric
body withdrew from the physical and consequently the ambient etheric
energy levels went down significantly. Matter, energy, and space-time
as we know them are left in a vegetative state, by default
unresponsive to the whims of consciousness.
Hence the eventual Etheric Tide represents the return of the World Etheric Body and the
awakening of the World Thought-form, which will allow consciousness
to once more resume control over matter, energy, and space-time.
various etheric energy cycles in history are analogous to the stages
of sleep: various REM cycles interrupted by periods of inactivity or
intermediate periods.
Jordan Maxwell,
Goro Adachi, and other synchromystic researchers
have been tracking ubiquitous symbolism in media, culture, politics,
esoterica, etc… pertaining to the "dawn of a new day", "return of
the king", "birth of Lucifer", "the Green Sun", "a New World Order",
and other veiled allusions to something profoundly new and
world-changing on the horizon.
But few if any suspect it could be an Etheric Tide awakening the World Soul.
It's not just the rising of
some new political order, not just the establishment of some world
religion, not even just the resetting of civilization through
physical cataclysms, but a cosmological event capable of
transforming our reality from the quantum level up.
The Cosmic Sleep
According to conventional psychology, what play out in dreams are
symbolic representations of subconscious dynamics.
But the term
"subconscious" is just an umbrella term signifying that which lies
beyond the immediate knowledge of the conscious mind. Think of it as
an elevator door, a gateway to all other floors of the building from
the sunniest rooftop to the darkest basement.
Through the
subconscious, our dreams may be influenced by higher positive
beings, negative opportunistic feeders, unsorted residual memories
from the previous day, health issues that disturb the somatic
consciousness of the body, etheric thought-forms, and soul energy
imbalances. The dream environment symbolically stages these
influences before us, in our unawareness since upon entering sleep
we tend to lose awareness that we are even sleeping.
So it is with our world when the ambient etheric energy levels
changed, when we entered the so-called Kali Yuga.
Not only has the
World Soul fallen asleep and the World Etheric largely withdrawn
from the World Physical, but we are now living in a World Dream of
What does a World Dream even mean? It means an illusory state
of existence divorced from the true existence, from the realm beyond
our limited space-time bubble. It means a state where consciousness
is obliviously and helplessly subjected to symbolic dramatizations
of dynamics originating beyond that limited existence.
Is this not what we know of our reality right now, that forces
beyond our realm are orchestrating what happens here, that we are
like fish in an aquarium to these beings?
When we experience
synchronicities, omens, or number sightings, doesn't it seem like
intelligences beyond the veil of physicality are inserting encoded
messages into our environment? How can they do this unless they are
doing it from outside space-time? Space-time as we know it is none
other than the World Dream Environment. There are beings outside the
World Dream who influence what happens here.
Sleeping and dreaming are not just convenient metaphors in this
case, but phenomena involving the interaction between the same
physical, astral, etheric, and spiritual elements. These
interactions and elements are as valid on the human scale as the
cosmological scale. As above, so below.
And just as our own psychological structure mirrors the cosmological
structure, as explained in the first Gnosis article, so will
awakening of the World Soul be mirrored by our own potential
awakening thanks to an increase of ambient etheric energy levels.
The final result will be a state of
existence where individual consciousness exercises superior command
over matter, energy, and space-time. This condition is termed "Fourth Density" by
the Ra and
Cassiopaean materials.
What we are possibly facing with the Etheric Tide is the awakening
of the World Thought-form or World Soul from its languished
condition, like the ill-stricken Grail King Amfortas being restored
to full health by the Grail, or Sleeping Beauty awakening with a
prince's kiss that also brings the Kingdom out of its thorn-riddled
Magnus Incognito concludes:
The World Soul, at the Dawn of the Cosmic Day, may be said to be
like a dreamer freshly awakened from a deep sleep, and striving to
regain consciousness of himself.
It does not know what it is, nor
does it know that it is but an Idea of the Eternal Parent. If it
could express its thought in words it would say that it has always
been, but had been asleep before that moment.
It feels within itself
the urge toward expression and manifestation, along unconscious and
instinctive lines - this urge being a part of its nature and character
and implanted into it by the content of the Idea of the Eternal
Parent which brought it into being. Like the newborn babe, it
struggles for breath and begins to move its limbs.
And as it
struggles and moves, there comes to it a response from all of its
nature, and its active life begins. And here we leave the World
Soul, for the moment, struggling for breath and striving to move its
limbs (figuratively speaking, of course).
The Enemies of Awakening
Unfortunately there are antagonists who have greatly profited from
our spiritual coma; the World Dream has afforded them an environment
removed from greater Creation, an environment now populated by dim
souls helpless as fish at low tide.
Archonic powers reign as kings
over an empire of dreams.
The prime antagonist against spiritual lucidity is
the Corrupted
Through its influence, the World Dream has become a World
Nightmare unwilling to release its grip; the human race has become
its prisoner. In the first Gnosis article, I explained how
physicality imprinting upon the Demiurge gives rise to a predatory
extension committed to ideals of materialism, just as the world
imprinting upon our soul creates ego.
The same can be explained in
terms of waking/dreaming, where the World Dream has given power to
an entity dedicated to the ideals of spiritual sleep.
While one might think the Etheric Tide shall put an end to all this,
keep in mind that the Corrupt Demiurge's agents - from negative
alien deceivers to their human shadow military cohorts - have been
preparing to endure and capitalize upon the coming changes instead
of trying to stop them. They are aiming to maintain and secure their
control in a Fourth Density environment.
Or put another way, the
Corrupted Demiurge seeks to expand its tyranny beyond the current space-time bubble, beyond the current provisional timeline, into what
comes after and beyond. It aims for transubstantiation from our
current dream world into the Real World -
Fourth Density and up - so
that it may reign there as well.
Awakening of the World Soul does not by itself guarantee what will
awaken and reign. Will the original and rightful Logos resume
control, or will the Corrupted Demiurge extend its dominion?
To draw another metaphor, the Demiurge is like a computer, the Logos
the operating system, Corrupted Demiurge the virus, Christ the
antivirus program, and lesser thought-forms are various executables.
Our current Cosmic Sleep is equivalent to
"Safe Mode," whereby
reality now runs at lower resolution with higher functions disabled.
When we finally come out of Safe Mode through a reboot, what will be
in control - the operating system or the virus?
If the latter,
awakening would simply result in a higher sleepwalker or zombie,
fully animated but mentally and spiritually defunct. Then mankind
would become nothing more than etherically enhanced instruments of
ego, both their own and the World Ego, hence they would become
superhuman vessels for the Corrupted Demiurge; after all, that is
what higher negative forces are already.
The key danger we face is that our spiritual rebirth becomes a
spiritual abortion, that instead of graduation to a higher positive
environment there occurs transition to a higher negative
environment. In other words, the key danger is that Earth becomes
Fourth Density Service-to-Self planet; that is the ultimate goal of
the negative alien agenda.
How can they achieve it?
Since they cannot stop the Etheric Tide,
they would need to secure control of the other two factors:
demiurgic technology
The Etheric Tide energizes,
human consciousness modulates, and demiurgic technology
reconfigures. Sufficient reconfiguration would afford them total
In context of the Lucifer Rebellion myth, this would amount to
Lucifer reacquiring the jewel that fell from his crown and
completing the rebellion to become King of the World. That is what
the negative
secret societies mean when they speak of the
"return of
the Sun King" and the other occult phrases tracked by synchromystics.
They await the total triumph of their prime demiurgic benefactor.
Seat of the World Soul
The sleep metaphor continues when we consider how the pineal gland
functions as a regulator of wake and sleep via its periodic release
of melatonin and DMT.
Melatonin establishes conditions conducive for
sleep while
DMT triggers the final projection into the dream state.
What is the technological analogue to the pineal gland? None other
the Grail Stone.
Melatonin and DMT are loosely analogous to the
Etheric Tide and Etheric Tsunami; the first has a priming function,
the second a decoupling function.
pineal gland has traditionally been considered as the seat of
the soul, while the Grail Stone is the seat of the World Soul or
Demiurge. The Grail Stone can reconfigure physical reality via its
"root access" to the Demiurge. Additionally, the Grail Stone is
oracular, allowing communication from hyper-dimensional
intelligences just as the third eye, associated with the pineal
gland, allows visual perception of information from beyond space-time.
The jewel in Lucifer's crown is represented in Indian mythology as a
jewel embedded in the forehead and is equated with the third eye.
Hence there are symbolic connections and functional analogues
between the Grail Stone, pineal gland, and the third eye. One can
see this everywhere. Consider how the Great Pyramid with its vowel
resonators and Ark Stone placement mimics the human vocal tract and
pineal gland placement; operation of the Great Pyramid may have
paralleled the process of stimulating the pineal gland through
overtone chanting.
Overtone chanting at skull-resonant frequencies
produces spherical standing waves that converge upon the pineal
gland, which is located at the skull's precise geometric center.
Just as stimulation of the pineal gland opens one up to other
realms, so may operation of
the Great Pyramid have opened access to
other demiurgic intelligences such as the Yahweh entity.
connections worth mentioning are the secret society obsession with
pine cone symbolism and the mathematical fact that pine cone
geometry is a type of vortex; vortex symbolism figures prominently
into the Grail subject and will be discussed in the next article.
The most important parallel between the Grail Stone and pineal gland
is that, just as the latter regulates wake and sleep, so may the
Grail Stone have played an instrumental role in the transition
between Cosmic Wake and Cosmic Sleep. Use or abuse of the Grail
Stone is what may have knocked us into the World Dream in the first
This is just another way of saying abuse of demiurgic
technology corrupted the timeline.
It's only a matter of interpretation whether we entered into Cosmic
Sleep, underwent a Fall into this darkened realm, or were deviated
onto a corrupted timeline. These are all different ways of framing
the same problem.
To better explain how demiurgic technology may
have corrupted our timeline, a discussion on timeline dynamics is in
How do thought-forms tie into timeline dynamics?
Once created, they
ceaselessly pursue their programming until the astral archetypes
delineating their objectives are fully manifested in the physical.
That is their demiurgic function, to take an archetypal template and
realize it in the physical. Usually they do this by exerting
pressure upon the timeline at quantum bifurcation points, bending it
toward the probable futures where their objectives are fulfilled.
Thought-forms may be interpreted as strange attractors located in the
future, pulling various timeline pathways toward them like magnets
attracting iron particles along their magnetic field lines.
The prime objective of the Demiurge is to fashion the Universe, to
generate and perpetuate physicality.
This objective is met every
second as the Demiurge or World Thought-form collapses quantum wave
functions into tangible configurations, like a sliding zipper
meshing together separate strands into a single line. Hence linear
time ticks on with or without our participation.
The Demiurge is responsible for time itself, just as an author is
responsible for time within a novel's plot, or the subconscious for
time in a dream.
Lesser thought-forms, which are but extrusions of
the Demiurge, respectively modulate the properties of time according
to their archetypal impulse. Weaker thought-forms merely have
probabilistic influence, nudging the course of events toward one
probable future instead of another, while stronger thought-forms
could conceivably reformulate the entire timeline. An author may
feel a weak impulse and merely change the direction of the story, or
a strong impulse and rewrite it from scratch.
Christ and Yahweh signify the diametrically opposed primary
extensions of the Demiurge rooted in divergent probable futures.
one probable future, the Christ thought-form has accomplished its
objective of spiritualizing matter, restoring all fallen souls, and
placing physicality back under the reign of the Logos. In the other
probable future, Yahweh has fully matterized spirit, enchained
higher souls into the darkest of conditions, and thereby secured for
itself the most exquisite energy source.
Each exerts its influence upon the timeline, each represents a
particular state, aspect, or extrusion of the World Thought-form, and
each sends its feedback flow into the present from our perceived
future. In turn, we send our feedback flow into the future via the
causal consequences of how we respond physically, mentally, and
emotionally. Our response increases or diminishes the strength of
either future/thought-form via the past-future feedback loop.
While the Logos is beyond even the Demiurge and is an eternal
intelligence beyond time, the Christ impulse appears to be a
provisional thought-form active within linear time as a probability
current flowing toward the best of all possible outcomes.
Yahweh is one flowing toward the worst. None can deny that these
worlds exist as probable futures; it follows from the simple fact
that not all futures are equal, thus some are better than others,
and there exists the best and worst among them.
Christ and Yahweh are completely goal oriented like any thought-form,
ceaselessly working to fulfill their objectives, one toward ultimate
balance and the spiritualization of matter, the other toward
ultimate imbalance and deadening of spirit.
Consequently, our
timeline is under competition by two primary opposing time loops, or
equivalently, our world is the intersection between higher and lower
realms. This dynamic is represented in the Gnostic Christian symbol
the vesica piscis, two circles intersecting.
The late Philip K. Dick, science fiction author and modern Gnostic,
speculated on the matter as follows:
The Logos is not a retrograde energetic life form, but the Holy
Spirit, the Parakletos, is. If the Logos is outside time,
imprinting, then the Holy Spirit stands at the right or far or
completed end of time, toward which the field flow moves (the time
flow). It receives time: the negative terminal, so to speak.
to the Logos in terms of embodying world-directives and
world-organizing powers, but at a very weak level, it can
progressively to a greater degree overcome the time field and flow
back against it, into it, impinging and penetrating. It moves in the
opposite direction. It is the anti-time. So it is correct to
distinguish it from the Logos, which so to speak reaches down into
the time flow from outside, from eternity or the real universe.
The H.S [Holy Spirit] is in time, and is moving: retrograde. Like
tachyons, its motion is a temporal one; opposite to ours and the
normal direction of the universal causal motion.
Equilibrium is achieved by the Logos operating in three directions:
from behind us as causal-time-pressure, from above, then the final
form, the very weak H.S. drawing toward perfection each form. But
now equilibrium as we know it is being lost in favor of a growing
ratio of the retrograde teleology.
This implies we are entering,
have entered, a unique time: nearing completion of the manifold
forms. Last pieces are going into place in the over-all pattern. The
task or mode of the H.S. is completing. Not beginning, not renewing
or maintaining, but bringing to the end, to the close.
An analogy
would be the transit of a vehicle from one planet to another; first
stage is the gravity of planet of origin; then equilibrium of both
planets in terms of their pull; then the growing pull of the
destination gravity-field as it gradually takes over and completes
the journey. Beginning, middle, end.
At last one senses the
receiving field engage, and then correct.
(Philip K. Dick,
In Pursuit of Valis, pp. 64-65)
Corruption of the timeline stems from the corruption of the
Demiurge, for the Demiurge is time.
Both the quality of time and the
fabric of history were affected by this corruption. If the Demiurge
is responsible for time in general, the Corrupted Demiurge is
responsible for linear time in particular, for the limitations
imposed by linear time are favorable to its agenda.
Those who
succumbed to the Corrupted Demiurge underwent a Fall into the
limited space-time bubble we are now accustomed to, a realm where
time marches ceaselessly forward toward entropy, atrophy, and decay
and the senses are confined to the domain of matter and
electromagnetic energy.
These conditions, which define the Cosmic
Sleep, serve to increasingly isolate us from true reality. Were it
not for the influence of Spirit/Logos, every last one of us would be
matrix puppets.
Hence the influence of Logos, which intervened through the Christ or
Holy Spirit thought-forms as a direct counter-reaction to the threat
of the Corrupted Demiurge, may be said to be working "over and
against" linear time.
It counters linear time not by creating a
reversed linear time flow, but a nonlinear type of time harmonized
with the Logos.
(In mathspeak: imaginary time.
Tachyons don't move
backwards in time, but propagate in imaginary time. The opposite of
causality is not reverse causality, but acausality).
It works
through synchronistic, nondeterministic, critical point intervention
instead of cold mechanistic calculation. It works through the
butterfly effect. Many of the parables attributed to Jesus pertain
to this.
The Dissolution of Linear Time
As with the Philosopher's Stone transmuting matter, sufficient
etheric energy can also override linear time.
The meta-civilization
can exist outside linear time because they possess a quantity and
quality of etheric energy that places them beyond the grasp of the
particular World Thought-form that still holds us firmly in linear
time. The implication is that the Etheric Tide irradiating Earth may
loosen that grip.
Put another way, the Dawn of a New Cosmic Day, which represents a
major transformation of the Demiurge, would signify a major
transformation in the nature of time as well. Time could change
toward nonlinearity: variable time rate, selectable location along
the timeline, and greater malleability in what directional heading
time takes.
Right now, linear time marches steadily forward like
involuntary muscle movements during sleep, such as breathing, while
nonlinear time is like consciousness returning to the body and
resuming voluntary control.
The Etheric Tide poses both a dilemma and opportunity for the
Corrupted Demiurge. While the dissolution of linear time would
undermine the control it has enjoyed so far in our history, it can
still reign afterwards should nonlinear time be successfully
harmonized with its parasitic objectives.
This has already happened in certain probable futures, futures from
which negative time travelers originate.
These alien manipulators
are entirely steeped in nonlinear time, for they use time travel
freely, but even so they are saddled with limitations that force
them to rely on cold calculation to pursue their agendas.
Even with
their nonlinear and demiurgic abilities, it seems they get befuddled
and undermined by the even more subtle, synchronistic, and
incomprehensible maneuvers of the Logos.
Time-wars and Thought-forms
Nonlinear time makes the past accessible and reconfigurable.
our reality is accessible and reconfigurable by beings who operate
beyond linear time. This necessarily includes forces from our own
probable futures who have already undergone the Etheric Tide and
broken free from linear time, be they positive or negative.
time travel is possible, it will happen sooner or later,
therefore it already has happened at some point in the future, hence
we are being visited by time travelers from our perceived future.
This would be mere philosophizing were it not for alienology
research confirming that time travelers do indeed comprise a portion
of the alien presence.
The other portions consists of meta
civilizations that previously transcended linear time. Regardless of
where within linear history the moment of transcendence was
achieved, once beyond, one "joins the club" so to speak.
Warring among meta-civilization factions has the appearance of a
time-war. As they attempt to reconfigure the past in their favor, we
would experience a tug of war that continually adjusts our
trajectory into the future. The subtler details are explained in
Timeline Dynamics.
The more our trajectory points toward
their particular probable future, the stronger and more tangible
they become to us. That is mathematical fact in quantum physics.
This feedback loop resembles thought-forms acquiring energy and
tangibility and is intimately tied into that process:
Better probable futures are ones that have more of the Christ
impulse defining their World Thought-form, worse probable futures
have the Yahweh or Corrupted Demiurge impulse underpinning theirs.
The best of all possible futures is entirely of Christ/Logos, the
worst entirely by Yahweh/Corrupted Demiurge.
These are the "alive
cat" vs. "dead cat" outcomes in our cosmic
Schrödinger's Experiment.
Currently the two states are superimposed, both outcomes exist in a
mixed state, which is why both influences are simultaneously active
in our world.
Quantum indeterminacy is what even allows probable futures to
retroactively influence the choices that gave rise to them.
The more
significantly a choice impacts the future, the more strongly it
experiences competing feedback flows from those probable futures.
That is another reason why the Ark/Grail Stone was capable of
hosting the Yahweh or Christ intelligences, because its power to
change the timeline was so immense that the probable futures issuing
from these changes had an equally immense degree of feedback flow,
hence allowing full blown manifestation and communication.
The same
can be said of historical figures like Joan of Arc who changed the
course of history in response to visions she received.
So it should
be mentioned that certain people, places, times and events have
greater impact on the future than others, and the future feedback
flow is correspondingly greater upon them. That flow carries with it
not only probabilistic, emotional, intuitive, and mental biasing,
but can also attract the interest and direct influence of time
travelers from affected futures.
Time travelers are inherently aligned with the World Thought-form
defining their timeline. There is a symbiotic relationship between
them and their presiding World Thought-form.
Even if they don't call
these forces so by name, it seems some time travelers ultimately
serve Christ/Logos, others Yahweh/Corrupted Demiurge. They harness
demiurgic probability currents the same way sailing fleets employ
ocean currents to reach their destinations.
This is just another way of saying that alien agendas fit within
cosmological agendas. It also means alien technology is attuned to
different demiurgic currents, hence the Stone functions one way if
hitched to the Yahweh current and another when coupled to the Christ
current, in each case serving to reinforce the feedback loop between
present and the best/worst future by altering history accordingly.
The symbiotic relationship between aliens and their demiurgic
benefactor can be seen in certain examples drawn from alienology
the highly positive types seem to function as emissaries of
the Logos on missions to restore balance and assist our gnostic
the more Luciferian or rather pantheistic types
(negative Nordics and
Reptilians for instance) pretty much worship
the Corrupt Demiurge since its "blood" powers their demiurgic
technology and sustains their livelihood
As will be mentioned again
in the next article, the latter is metaphorically depicted in the
movie Dark City where the Strangers ritualistically turn toward a
giant underground machine bearing a metallic face and psychically
interface with it in order to "tune" the surface human world into an
alternate configuration.
Apparently the Etheric Tide only increases the stakes in the
cosmological conflict between Logos and Corrupt Demiurge instead of
resolving it.
That makes sense if the Etheric Tide merely has a
priming function. Then the decoupling function would belong to
demiurgic technology, which achieves its peak potency during an
Etheric Tide for maximum timeline and reality reconfiguration.
Hence the Grail Stone may be the "doomsday device" or "captured
flag" that ends this phase of the conflict.
That the device requires
an Etheric Tide to achieve its full potential would explain why the
time-war hasn't ended sooner, back when it was in the hands of the
Mosaic Priesthood or Grail Knights, since the Etheric Tide has not
yet arrived. The best and worst probable futures are still in
quantum superposition.
The "Stone that Fell from Heaven" was brought here on purpose (by
the "Neutral Angels" according to Grail lore), lowered into our
space-time bubble like a slim jim or coat hanger to lock/unlock the
door from the inside to competing hyper-dimensional influences. To
be more accurate, the Grail is the lock and key to our reality.
Altogether, one could say its primary role is to begin and end
timelines, while its secondary role is to bend the timeline along
the way depending on who controls it.
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