by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD,
30 May 2013
UFO Citizen Hearing
witnesses Bassett, Huneeus and Greer’s anomalous
eye and body part movements may indicate
brain-mind entrainment by manipulatory
extraterrestrials or advanced
military-intelligence nanotechnology as part of
a global control agenda
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Director Stephen
Bassett’s startling anomalous eye movements

Hearing on Disclosure Witness
Dr. Steven Greer's
anomalous eye movements
Upon investigation there is an emerging
pattern of forensic evidence demonstrating anomalous eye movements
among leaders in a faction of UFO/ET "Disclosure" advocates that
bears serious further examination and that may be an indication of
their witting or unwitting functional brain-mind entrainment
by manipulatory extraterrestrials or advanced military-intelligence
UFO/ET "Disclosure" advocates demonstrating these anomalous
eye movements include,
...all of whom presented testimony before
six former members of the U.S. Congress at the recent Citizen
Hearing on Disclosure held April 29-May 3, 2013 at the National
Press Club in Washington, DC, each seeking a policy of
self-disclosure by the U.S. government of an “extraterrestrial
presence” without any informed consent from the citizenry, such as a
national referendum.
The Data - Citizen
Hearing witnesses & anomalous eye and body part movements
The Citizen Hearing witnesses demonstrating anomalous eye movements
include the following:
Citizen Hearing
Director/Witness Stephen Bassett
The following 1:13 video
demonstrates the startling anomalous eye movements exhibited
by Citizen Hearing Director/Witness Stephen Bassett.
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Director...
Stephen Bassett’s
anomalous eye movements
The above video is a composite of the opening segment an
October 5, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred
Lambremont Webre, where Citizen Hearing director Stephen
Bassett exhibits anomalous eye movements at 00:16 into the
original video interview.
Viewers’ comments on Stephen Bassett’s anomalous eye
movements are graphic enough that they bear repeating here
for purposes of shared human perception:
pwpg0516 - ‘OMG
did you see Bassett's eyes? ewwwww that was scary’;
PERICOCAPO1978 - ‘AT 00:16 he looks like a zombie or
Barnacle100 - ‘Reptoid >>>>> ?’; mirandansa
- ‘00:16 He's calibrating his human eyes that he put on
right before this interview. :-)’
Olip57 - ‘If you pause
it at 00:16 ... it's scary’
LowEndBCC - ‘oh dam that
is scary’
Flemming Bengtsen - ‘Did Steven Bassett just
"Disclose" himself..?’
Olip57 - Creepy eyes at
the beginning. What was that??’.
Citizen Hearing Witness
Antonio Huneeus
The following 1:55 video focuses
on the anomalous eye movements of Citizen Hearing witness
Antonio Huneeus of OpenMIndsTV.
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Witness...
Antonio Huneeus'
anomalous eye movements
This video also focuses briefly on other possible anomalous
eye movements at the Citizen Hearing by persons adjacent to
Antonio Huneeus.
Antonio Huneeus’ anomalous eye movements are sufficiently
vivid that Alejandro Rojas, Antonio Huneeus’ colleague at
OpenMindsTV, comments:
OMG, this is soooooo creepy. I work
with this guy!”
Nicole Anderson comments: “What the heck
was that?! He sure is funny looking, made me laugh!! But
seriously, what an odd ‘person’. I don't care HOW nervous I
would be, I still wouldn't look like an
alien... something’s wrong there... def wrong...”
Citizen Hearing Witness Dr.
Steven Greer
The following video and
photographs demonstrate a range of anomalous eye movements
by Citizen Hearing Witness Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the
Disclosure Project.
Video - This 3:23 video by Spanish journalist Rafael
Palacios and author of the book “Extraterrestres: el secreto
major guardado” ["Extraterrestrials: the most guarded
secret”] sets out a series of eye and body part [tongue]
anomalies by Dr. Steven Greer and specific witnesses at the
May 9, 2001 press conference of the Disclosure Project at
the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Witness...
Dr. Steven Greer's
anomalous eye and body part [tongue] movements
Photographs (FIG. A & B) - These two photographs, Figure A
(above) and Figure B (below), are selected from a larger
such sample of photographs demonstrating a number of
apparent anomalous body movements by Dr. Steven Greer.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Witness
Dr. Steven
Greer's anomalous body part [finger] movements
Brain-Mind Entrainment
between Citizen Hearing witnesses Huneeus & Greer
The following 2:13 video
demonstrates apparent coordinated brain-mind entrainment
between Citizen Hearing Witnesses Antonio Huneeus and Dr.
Steven Greer.
Brain-Mind Entrainment between Citizen Hearing witnesses...
AntonioHuneeus & Dr. Steven Greer
What is
triggering and controlling
...these anomalous eye and body movements of
Citizen Hearing witnesses?
One easy skeptical response is that the reported anomalous eye and
body part movements of Citizen Hearing witnesses Messrs. Bassett,
Huneeus and Greer are photographic artifacts or medical or nervous
conditions that are solely related to the individual in question.
Probably a good 35% - 50% of individuals
may come to this conclusion after examination of the above evidence
in the absence of any further context.
Another 65%-50% of the individuals who examine the above visual
evidence may have their visual and intellectual curiosity piqued as
to whether the anomalous eye and body part movements they have just
witnessed may be a meaningful and reliable indicator of,
entrainment by manipulatory extraterrestrial races
or by advanced
military-intelligence mind control nanotechnologies seeking to
control human attitudes,
...through control of apparent UFO/ET “opinion
leaders” such as Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and Greerin in controlled
venues such as the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.
Some of the alternative possibilities that Exopolitical experts who
have viewed the above forensic evidence have listed include:
Extraterrestrial walk-ins
One hypothesis is that the
anomalous eye movements may indicate that one or more of
Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer may be Extraterrestrial
“walk-ins” of specific species of extraterrestrials who have
taken over the respective bodies of Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus,
and Greer, vacated by their original human souls and
Extraterrestrial behavioral
An alternative hypothesis is
“Extraterrestrial behavioral entrainment” accounts for the
anomalous eye movements.
Under this hypothesis, specific
species of extraterrestrials may have “taken over” the
thoughts, mannerisms, behaviors, and operational agendas of
Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer through meme control or
some form of remote behaviour modification.
Extraterrestrial eye-masking
One speculative hypothesis
states that Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer may each be
a non-Earth extraterrestrial using specialized eye wear to
mask the true eyes of their native species.
Questions to be
addressed include: how did these extraterrestrials
“displace” the terrestrial versions of Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer, each of whom has an extensive
terrestrial bio?
Mind control entrainment by a
human agency
The anomalous eye and body
movements of Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer may be the
result of remote advanced nano-mind control technology
applied by military-intelligence agencies.
Under this
alternative, the brains, neurological systems, and
personalities of Bassett, Huneeus and Greer are entrained by
military-intelligence nano-mind control technologies to act
out agendas of these agencies that in turn may be
cybernetically directed by predatory dimensional
Covert alteration of above video
tapes by Cointelpro unit hacking You Tube
Yet another speculative
hypothesis is that each of the anomalous eye and body part
movements in the above You Tube samples are the result of
covert alteration by a Cointelpro unit that can hack You
Tube Videos.
The purpose of this hacking would be a disinformational psyops to discredit Messrs. Bassett,
Huneeus, and Greer and by extension the UFO and Exopolitics
Recent advances in scalar
military-intelligence nanotechnologies
Recent advances in military-intelligence scalar nanotechnologies
make it technologically feasible that Messrs. Bassett, Huneeus, and
Greer are each under brain-mind entrainment of these
and hence promoting agendas of military-intelligence agencies and
the governmental and financial/banking interests whom these
agencies serve.
The following Panel of EU Experts on these nanotechnologies and
their applications sets out in detail a scenario of how Messrs.
Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer may have become brain-mind entrained to
a super grid of super quantum computers operating in a quantum
The Transhumanist Agenda
Human Robotization and Nano Implant
Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan from
the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment
with Alfred Lambremont Webre
EU Experts Mind Control Slavery
Nano Implant Technologies
Human Robotization
Neurological Weapons
Torture Gang Stalking
Using detailed research, the EUCACH.ORG panelists describe
Transhumanist Agenda that is now using advanced scalar technologies,
super quantum computers, a quantum cloud, a super grid of over 1000
grids that is connected to HAARP for global coordinated mind control
of a growing population of human robots that are created via these
technologies for a global control and enslavement agenda.
In a 2-hour wide-ranging Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre on the
Transhumanist Agenda, Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and
Melanie Vritschan, three experts from the European Coalition Against Covert
Harassment, revealed recent technological advances in human robotization and nano-implant technologies, and an acceleration of
what Melanie Vritschan characterized as a “global enslavement
Shift from electromagnetic to scalar waves
These technologies have now shifted from electromagnetic wave
scalar waves and use super quantum computers in the quantum cloud to
control “pipes” a reference to the brains of humans that have been
taken over via DNA, via implants that can be breathed can breach the
blood-brain barrier and then controlled via scalar waved on a
Over 1000 grids worldwide are now connected into a mind
control super grid that is connected
to HAARP as a master planetary
mind control machine, according to EUCACH.ORG.
Six million brain-entrained humans in the European Union alone
Several years ago, one conservative estimate of the number of
individuals whose brains had been entrained into the super grid was
set at 6 million persons in the European Union alone, and now is
estimated to be greater.
EUCACH.ORG performs free RF radio frequency
readings for citizens to ascertain if these individuals are being
targeted with scalar nanotechnology control weapons.
In a recent public RF testing in London,
UK, 40% of the participating public tested positive for emitting RF
frequencies, and indication that they were being subjected to
non-consensual scalar mind control.
In one public testing, 100% of public
participants tested positive. One targeted individual testing
positive for RF frequencies was a five-year old child, indicating
that children are at risk of human robotization in
the Transhumanist
Homeopathic gold is effective protection
Technologies that were thought effective against electromagnetic (EMF)
mind control frequency weapons are not effective against these new
scalar wave technologies.
EUCACH.ORG research has found that
homeopathic gold is effective in protecting a targeted individual
against the scalar wave intrusions of the super-grid.
Can the Transhumanist Agenda be stopped?
Magnus Olsson of EUCACH.OTG estimates that the Transhumanist Agenda
can be slowed and stopped, with significant progress on protecting
targeted individuals happening in the coming decade.
One focus of
activity is alerting public awareness through media, including a
series of interviews that will be aired on Russia Today (RT) and
other mainstream outlets.
Another focus is legislative, with
activity at the European Parliament, although the group concedes
that a global ban is necessary.
European Coalition Against
Covert Harassment -
Mind Control -
Brain Computer -
The Research Laboratory -
White TV -
What is the intent of this apparent
brain-mind entrainment of specific UFO/ET “Disclosure” opinion
leaders and where else does this pattern of "brain-mind" entrainment
The goals of this apparent brain-mind entrainment of specific UFO/ET
“Disclosure” opinion leaders appears to be identical with that of
the “Transhumanist” agenda, that is “global coordinated mind control
of a growing population of human robots that are created via these
technologies for a global control and enslavement agenda.”
Whether these prototype "robotized" humans - such as Messrs.
Bassett, Huneeus, or Greer may be - are created directly via
dimensional manipulatory extraterrestrial entrainment technologies,
or via the now sophisticated Illuminati owned, military-intelligence
run super quantum computer, quantum cloud, super-grid nanotechnology
brain-mind entrainment system that is operational planet wide on
Earth, the result may be the same.
The goal of the infiltration of the “ET/UFO Disclosure movement”
still remains that of global control and enslavement through global
mind control of "robotized" humans, of which by reliable reports
there were more than 6 million in Europe alone several years ago.
Objective - Exclusion
of participants in solar system extraterrestrial programs
In the specific case of the "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" venue,
one specific strategic objective of the cybernetically-controlled
brain-mind entrained "robotized" human witnesses such as Messrs.
Bassett, Huneeus, and Greer appears to have been the absolute and
rigid exclusion of all known whistleblowers to the U.S. government's
secret programs dealing with U.S.-Martian extraterrestrial
relations, which are known to have been operational since at least
As stated in my communication to Sen. Mike Gravel (Dem/Lib-AK) of
the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Panel prior to the Hearing (for
which he thanked me), “I was on an international panel several years
ago you on PressTV (presstv.ir).
It is unfortunate that such a
distinguished public servant as yourself will be denied the
opportunity to hear first hand eye witness testimony from former
U.S. chrononauts who have interacted with the Martian
extraterrestrial civilization and are well versed in U.S.-Martian
extraterrestrial relations, which remain highly classified.
I have
now interviewed five whistleblowers, each of whom has visited the
U.S. secret facilities on Mars.
The organizers of the Citizen
Hearing have intentionally, in breach of public trust, acted to
prevent any of the former U.S. chrononauts, servicemen, and
scientists who served on Mars and have dealt with the Martian
extraterrestrial civilization to appear at this hearing, despite our
10-year involvement in its planning.
“You and the other members of Congress will be denied this first
hand testimony solely because of the intentional gatekeeping and
cover-up by organizers Steve Bassett and others.
Instead these
former members of Congress will be served up second-hand, old-news
UFO/ET research that is over a decade old and that our cadre
presented when I was a Disclosure Project witness in the Disclosure
Project process in May, 2001.” [1]
The strategic result of this intentional omission that was initially
caused by an apparent cybernetically controlled, brain-mind
entrained "robotized" human robotic organizer/director [Stephen
Bassett] and implemented by apparent brain-entrained key witnesses
such as Huneeus and Greer is to continue a 60-year vague, tortuous
debate on,
“whether there are UFOs and whether they are piloted by
This is a structural debate that was introduced
into the UFO and Exopolitical discourse in the late 1940s by
military-intelligence infiltrators and has been continued ever since
as a public “bafflegarb” mind control mask with the objective of
hiding ongoing U.S.-Extraterrestrial liaison programs.
At present, reliable whistleblower witnesses from U.S. -
Extraterrestrial liaison programs of 40 years standing can provide
detailed testimony as to the Extraterrestrial visitation programs,
and as to U.S. bases on other inhabited planets, and U.S. programs
of visitation to other inhabited planets.
One result of the intentional omission of whistleblower witnesses to
the U.S. colonization program of Mars and the Martian human
extraterrestrials [2] is a cover-up of the parties behind this Mars
colonization program, which violates the 1967 U.N Outer Space Treaty
to which the U.S. is a signatory.[3]
Parties behind
Transhumanist Agenda
When asked for individuals and institutions operationally involved
in this new mind control super grid and
Transhumanist Agenda, Dr.
Henning Witte indicated that his was his personal opinion that the
Agenda is Illuminati controlled, and is implemented by
military-intelligence agencies in a pyramidal organization.
At the
top of the Pyramid is the Mossad, which serves as the
military-intelligence arm of the Rothschild bloodline banking
Next on the mind control implementation pyramid are U.K.
agencies such as MI6 and MI6, closely connected to the British Crown
and City of London Illuminati bloodline banking families.
At a third
tier are the Russian and U.S. military-intelligence agencies (KGB,
A lower level of the pyramid includes the Swedish and
German military-Intelligence agencies.
The U.S. Defense
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a leader in research on the
scalar and nano-technologies for robotization and neurological
torture of humans, including so-called “Smart Dust” or Morgellons,
as well as the FUA, the Swedish counter-part of DARPA, and the Nobel
Prize recipient Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden, according
When asked in he believed the Wallenberg Foundation
may also be involved in funding mind control research, Henning Witte
responded that he agreed it was plausible.
ExopoliticsTV has
reported that the Wallenberg Foundation may be funding the Tromso
Norway HAARP facility which is responsible both for the Norway
Spiral of Nov. 1, 2009 at the time of Illuminati asset Barack
Obama’s Nobel Prize speech, and for the March 13, 2011 Fukushima
HAARP nuclear false flag event.[4]
VOTE NOW - Brain-Mind
Entrainment Data & the Future of the Exopolitical Movement
The brain-mind entrainment data presented in this article, while
preliminary in nature, raises prima facie questions about the future
of the Exopolitical movement.
If it is factually true that such
opinion leaders in the UFO/ET "Disclosure" movement are brain-mind
entrained due to manipulatory extraterrestrial or
military-intelligence advance nanotechnology and hence acting out
their controller's agendas, then this fact needs to be publicly
exposed and discussed.
Because of the controversial nature of the subject matter of this
article, readers are urged to vote below and register their opinions
in the comments section below as to which applies to Messrs.
Bassett, Huneeus, or Greer:
The eye and body part anomalies
are photographic anomalies or specific physical conditions
The eye and body part anomalies
are the result of covert Cointelpro hacking of You Tube
The eye and body part anomalies
are the result of a manipulatory extraterrestrial
The eye and body part anomalies
are the result of brain-mind entrainment by advanced
military-intelligence nanotechnologies
[1] Citizen Hearing intentionally
misleads former Sen. Mike Gravel on nature of U.S. relations
with extraterrestrials, by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
[2] Is Upcoming ‘Citizen’s Hearing’ is an ET cover-up and
disclosure fraud? by Alfred Lambremont Webre
How NASA, Media, & "Disclosure" groups coverup Life on Mars,
with Alfred Lambremont Webre
[3] Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in
the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and
Other Celestial Bodies
[4] Leuren Moret: Japan, U.S., Canadian governments complicit in
radiation cover-up