Part 1
The Phenomenon of Anton Parks
Has Anton Parks, French self-educated author, produced in
Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres an epic accounting, a mythology, a saga of science fiction and heroic fantasy, or a "history" book?
Parks' work remains unclassifiable as it poses the essential questions: What was happening on the earth before the coming of man? What led to and provoked the advent of the human civilizations?
The author of Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres enthralls thousands of readers around the world with his epic report on the origin of human civilization. But let us not be mistaken: in this novelistic form, Parks may have restored to us our true genesis, that which figures in the Sumerian texts, clairvoyantly decrypted and presented without complexity.
Nexus Magazine (French Edition) Nos. 43-44, Spring-Summer 2006
We are the fruit of complex interactions with extraterrestrial entities that we have long taken for the "Gods". Far from the paradigms of Darwinism and creationism, Parks proposes an exogenesis of humanity based on the decryption of great fundamental myths, but also on Sumerian and biblical texts.
A fascinating voyage to our ultimate origins.
Karmapolis in Nexus Magazine (French Edition) No. 50, May-June 2007
Anton Parks'
Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres (Volume One of the series) might be a novel, constructed to illustrate via a gripping narrative the author's insights into a human prehistoric background - rather a prehuman historic background - gained through his deep linguistic analysis of ancient Mesopotamian languages: Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian.
However, Parks himself does not believe his books to be works of fiction. Rather, they are a transcription of experiences he had - through an imposed virtual reality projection, or a parapsychological mind meld, or some other process for which we cannot even propose a name - that intruded upon and overwhelmed his daily life for many years.
Before reading his books, one needs to know what they are. The best way to begin to understand is through Parks' own description of how he acquired his information. For this we turn to
a penetrating interview of Parks conducted by
Alain Gossens of [K1].
The wide-ranging interview also serves as a précis of the trilogy, and as such was an aid in organizing and beginning to write these pages, which also incorporate information from private communications with Anton Parks, and from the books themselves, when they are published.
One other important first detail for English-speaking readers: no English-language translation of Parks' books or the interview has been undertaken.
We will not attempt a close translation on these pages either, but the importance of Parks' work seems so great that we are moved to provide English-speaking readers with a summary and discussion of the basic facts contained in them.
Ádam Genisiš
Anton Parks Describes his Experiences
(See [K1])
Parks' experiences began at the age of 14, in 1981, with a series of "flashes" that would occur at any hour of the day, and completely beyond his control. These eventually evolved into "visions" that took place from once to three times each day.
The visions seemed somehow to be related to or triggered by the ambient light at the time of their occurrence. The light in the visions had the same "spectrum" as the surrounding light.
They came as "jets of light" from above, penetrating the top of his head, at the level of the "seventh principal chakra." They would instantly disconnect him from his surroundings and move him into complete scenes, including the aspect of sound.
He would find himself "inside" a certain being, and usually would find the same set of "personages" around him.
These living experiences would take from two to up to ten minutes. Yet if there were people around Parks at the time the visions occurred, they did not seem to notice that anything special had happened, which leads Parks to believe that he would have been gone for only a few seconds at most, in their time.
Parks struggled to comprehend the source of these visions, and their meaning.
It was not until the end of the 90s and much research that he came to understand that they were related to the Sumerian civilization and to a language from which the Sumerian language emerged.
...It took some time to put order into all this history
- the different personages and their characters, their numerous names, the different races, the planets, the dimensions
- all that had not been clear at the beginning, especially since I was receiving the information via these disordered "flashes".
Order and comprehension came naturally over the course of years, without doubt due to the growing amount of information that I was able to accumulate.
And there was this sensation of "deja vu", of knowing or recognizing the personalities of the players.
It is a world apart, truly separate from ours, but so alive and, in spite of all, so close to us in many ways...
I discovered by chance the Sumerian literature very late, toward the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2000. Yes, that was a shock and above all a supreme motivation for me to write the Chronicles.
Certain places described in the Mesopotamian documents, and most of the the principal personages, are relatively in accord with what I received, but the tablets lack many details and numerous elements... and in fact not all is in accord with my "visions". The warp and woof of the story that I relate are found however on some clay tablets; this is why I have no doubt this "capacity" to interpret the symbolism of the Mesopotamian documents.
Parks also began to consider aspects of reincarnation theory in trying to comprehend what was happening to him.
The personage whose identity Parks assumed in his visions bore the name of "Sa'am," and it was Sa'am's "destiny" that Parks was retracing.
Sa'am belonged to a group of "reptilian" races known as the Gina'Abul, and these are the divinities who are written about on the Mesopotamian tablets.
Sa'am had a certain crystal that was called "Gírků." The information that Parks was receiving was in some way coming from the crystal, which led him to wonder if the experience was being played out in his mind by the crystal or if he really was this "Sa-am" who owned it.
After many years of living with these visions, Parks found that they were taking too much of his life, and he began a process of reducing and blocking them. This took many months, but the phenomenon eventually disappeared, in 1991 around the time of the first Persian Gulf War.
Coming to terms with the experience, Parks decided that it was not necessary to know for certain if he truly was the Sa'am personage, although in the depths of his being he is convinced that it is so. Perhaps this was what led him to begin a study of ancient Mesopotamian texts. He and his associates were soon shocked to find that the history they related was practically identical to what he had received - or lived through - in his visions.
Pursuing an interest in the Sumerian language, and aided by his "flashes," Parks discovered the "linguistic code of the "gods".
Eventually what became most important was the need to write and publish the information he was gathering. He began this task in the period 2000-2001.
His work, when complete, will consist of four volumes, containing strict transcriptions of what he received over a period of ten years, plus subsequent research inquiring into the possible validity of the visions.
From Author's Note to Ádam Genisiš:
At the time that The Secret of the Dark Stars was impressed upon me, I did not know how to reveal the source of all this history. It didn't seem to be channelling, properly speaking. To explain that it was all revealed to me on a daily basis over a dozen years through the intermediary of uncontrollable "jets of light" hardly enchanted me.
This situation was so trying for me that it is difficult now to even recall it clearly. Years of this had shattered my life.
I had opted not to speak of it, at least at first, thinking that "those who know" would see clearly from what it came. As to most of the other readers, those who are a little less "in the know", I imagined that they would be content to take this information as that found in an essay on the origin of humanity, or even as a novel, given that the narrative is written in that form. When one has important information to communicate, all these methods are good...
But choosing the manner of transcribing this series did pose a problem for me, and for a long time. Several years ago, when I finally decided to begin writing, I started to compose the first volume in the form of an essay. But after a good hundred pages, I realized that I would not be able to include all the details that I had received. So I abandoned this approach and wrote the central part of the book
- that is to say the history - as a narrative. That allowed me to put in the full specificity of this story without "taboos" and I was able to preserve the singular sensation of finding myself in the body of the principal personage, just as I had it at the time that I had received all this.
Then I preserved the contents of my historico-mythological and linguistic investigations for the notes at the bottom of the pages and for the appendices, as I have done with the present work.
This explains why two different writing styles coexist in the volumes of this series.
Comparison with the Work of Other Researchers
Parks has examined the translations of Samuel Kramer, Jean Bottéro, Marie-Joseph Seux, Thorkild Jacobsen, René Labat, and André Caquot.
While they differ from one another,
their core information is the same, and Parks and his associates couldn't help noticing a surprising similarity between his flashes and the basic story written down on the ancient clay tablets - certainly more than 5000 to 6000 years old!
It was all Parks could do to refrain from plunging too deeply into these translations, so as to continue to preserve intact the history as he had received it, which contained numerous elements that were totally absent from the tablets.
He found striking similarities on concepts having to do with cloning, well detailed on the tablets, which have also been discussed by modern authors
Zecharia Sitchin,
R. Boulay, and
David Icke.
Most important was information relating to the central personage known in Parks' first volume as Sa'am, who took other names while on the Earth - though no more was spoken of this in the interview. Many of the personages introduced in Le Secret came to Earth and persisted into the Sumerian, Egyptian, and "Biblical" epochs under various names.
All of these are discussed in Ádam Genisiš.
On Nibiru and Gold
Parks writes (Le Secret, Note 4):
We will see that the first humans on the African continent were procured over a period of several millennia for the purpose of mining gold for the "Celestial Bestiary."
In the course of your reading, you will learn why gold was so important for the Gina'abul. You will see that my ideas are totally original and absolutely to be distinguished from those put forward by independent researchers who claim to have read on the clay tablets (I must ask where???) that the Sumerian "gods" inhabited a planet named
Nibiru (or
Neberu) and that the gold served them as an active component in the fashioning of its atmosphere which no longer retained sunlight (sic!).
I don't know where this information came from, but quite clearly not a single clay tablet claims that Nibiru (or Neberu) is the original planet of the Sumerian "gods" called Anunna
Races]; on the contrary, the only celestial habitation that is mentioned, quite rightly, is
Duků of which we will speak again and again.
Note also that
Duků is actually the name of a planet, but also became the name of an orbiting habitat that the Celestial Bestiary, once confined to the Earth, constructed in order to survive. The Sumerians used this same name to designate chapels in the ancient cities of Eridu and Nippur. These cult places symbolized the terrestrial manifestation of the " primordial hills" of the "gods."
In the second work of this series, we will equally evoke the
Dukug of which the sense is strictly the same and which was the name of the mountain where the Celestial Bestiary established itself at the edge of the Mesopotamian plain.
The language in which Parks received his information was completely unlike French, yet he knew it as though it were his native tongue.
For some years he had believed the language to be Hebrew, but was disabused of this idea through the use of a Hebrew syllabary (a set of signs or symbols representing the sounds that make up the words. Since these constituent sounds have their own meanings, one can use this tool to decompose and understand the complex meanings of complete words).
It is this focus on the phonetic values of the syllables that distinguishes Parks' linguistic methodology. These exhibit a common base among numerous ancient languages.
Parks learned that the codification of languages was associated with the existence of castes in the society he had experienced in his visions: that of the Gina'abul (Sumerian word for lizards). By the end of the 1990s Parks understood that the phonetic values of the Gina'abul were to be found in both the Sumerian and Akkadian syllabaries.
The Sumerian language, he points out, embraces a system that was totally formed from its first appearance and which has undergone only rare developments over time. Sumerian belongs to no known linguistic group, while Akkadian - a language spoken in the north of Mesopotamia and structured from the Sumerian syllabary - is the ancestor of Assyrian and
Babylonian, themselves belonging to semitic groups such as Hebrew and Arabic.
In fact, Parks found that there actually is a single Sumero-Assyro-Babylonian syllabary on which are based the principal words of numerous ancient languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dogon, Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hopi, Japanese, Latin, the Germanic languages and many others.
These syllabaries could be used to decompose certain biblical terms and to understand their deep meanings.
Decomposing a word required knowledge of the context that had led to the original assembling of its terms. For example, he explains, the Sumerian Gina'abul can be decomposed as GINA-AB-UL ("veritable ancestor(s) of the splendor"). When one understands the excessive vanity of the beings Parks experienced, one is not surprised by this
Take the name Adam, which we are supposed to believe comes from the Hebrew in relation to the terms adama (clod of earth?) or adôm (red). Parks is unaware that any author has considered the Sumerian Á-DAM, which means "beasts, animals, flocks" or "levy (?), establishment, installation or colonization," all subsumed under "inflict!"
If Á-DAM were to designate persons, they would be "beasts, animals, levied, established, installed," or even "colonized, inflicted."
The idea of an enslaved being, totally submissive to "gods," is reinforced in the equivalent of the term Á-DAM in Akkadian, which is Nammaššű, translated phonetically in Sumerian as nam-maš-šű, "the demi-portion to charge."
What could be more precise?
Parks applies this method to determine and verify in detail virtually every translatable term in connection with the history he relates. In Le Secret, the number of words that he did not decompose with the aid of the Sumero-Akkadian syllabary could be counted on the fingers of one hand. He believes he is the first to use this decomposition method.
The syllables of Sumerian and Akkadian words allow Parks to decompose the principal words of other ancestral languages: Chinese, Hebrew, ancient Greek, Latin, Germanic and Amerindian languages, etc. That leads to a unified understanding of all languages, but discussion of this will have to await the later volumes in the series.
Parks does provide in the current volume the accents and numeric labeling of syllables that are part of his system.
Origins and Sequences
The Emeša language (the "matrix language" or "heart of the language") is the original language of the Gina'abul females, who Parks thinks - though he did not see this directly - developed slightly earlier than the male Gina'abul.
From this mother language the females (Amašutum) created the
Emenita (male) language for the use of the males and for communication between the males and the females.
Meanwhile, the original (Emešŕ) language was then abandoned as long as peace prevailed.
Later, during the Great War, the females were captured and oppressed by the male Gina'abul, the famous Ušumgal and Mušgir (see
Races), who had discovered the secret of their feminine sexual power.
A group of these males wished to imprison the females and make them submit to abominations so as to seize that power for themselves.
The females, confined by the males, developed Hermetic rites and other secrets in order to protect themselves.
As writing became too dangerous, and as many females were unable to use telepathy, a talent enjoyed by all of the males, and needing to be able to communicate among themselves with full confidence, they reactivated and brought up to date the Emešŕ, with its supplementary linguistic particles, and used it again for secret communication between themselves.
Karma One: In your first work, Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres, you presented a codification of Earth's ancient languages through the use of the syllabary of the Sumerian-Akkadian spoken by the ancient "gods". Your demonstrations were striking. In Ádam Genisiš you continued with your reasoning and explained to us that this codification had the objective of destabilizing the world of the "gods" and not that of the humans as the Bible indicates.
Anton Parks: The Sumerian and Akkadian languages are the
basis of all the idioms and terrestrial languages; I think that the
multitude of examples that I have been able to place in my two first works
Decoder] demonstrates
this very well. In a manner of speaking, all the commonly-used terms of the
ancient languages have been codified thanks to the Sumerian or the
The reason for this codification is the war that separates the world of the
"gods" from the one found on the clay tablets composing the Mesopotamian
mythology. Even before the last wave of the "gods" arrived, there already
existed two distinct languages: Emešŕ ("matrix language") of the females,
encompassing all the particles that can be found in Sumerian and Akkadian;
and Emenita ("male language"), used by the males.
For reasons tied to an ancient conflict between the male and female
Gina'abul (the lizard "deities"), the priestesses already were using a sort
of coded language for secret communications between themselves. This same
linguistic agency is found on Earth as the Emešŕ (matrix language) and
Emesal ("refined language") spoken by the "goddesses" and the earthly
priestesses in the more recent epoch, while male humans used Emegir
("princely language"), also known as Emean ("heavenly language")... that is
to say, Sumerian, which is derived from its ancestor Emenita.
Despite many attempts to reconcile Sumerian with other languages, Sumerian
remains completely apart, belonging to no known linguistic family. Only
Akkadian seems to belong to the Semitic languages. Nevertheless, the
affinity of Akkadian with Sumerian is seen in the use of the verbal form at
the end of each sentence, a particularity not found in any language said to
be Semitic.
Certain linguists have said that it appears to be a Sumerian influence and
that the Akkadians had adapted their writing to the Sumerians. I don't agree
with this opinion, because the Akkadian writing sprang up at the birth of
the Sumerian cuneiform (approximately 2500 B.C.) and the Semitic carriers of
the Akkadian were present at least around 2600 B.C. Recent research
distinctly demonstrates this... Moreover, Akkadian appeared fully-formed
from its debut, "as though descended from heaven", which makes this language
the most ancient of the Semitic branch...
As far as concerns the cuneiform writing that is today the most visible
evidence of a complex and structured ancient Near-East history, I remind
readers that this appears to be a purely terrestrial form of writing,
invented by humans and not by the "gods". I would add that the epic accounts
found on the Mesopotamian tablets retrace in part historic events that, very
often, were not contemporaneous with their (human) drafters.
Looking again at the dialect of the Assyrians and Babylonians, it is very
clear to me that Akkadian is derived from the "matrix language" possessed by
the "Digir" priestesses ("divinities") of the Mesopotamian pantheon.
The males (the Anunna) were in conflict with them. Moreover, as I
demonstrate in my first two books, Sa'am-Enki was more on the side of the
Nindigir or Amašutum females than on the side of his creator An and An's
right arm Enlil.
It is actually Enki who mixed the language of Man according to the writings
on the tablets; it is he who codified [encoded?] the languages as a means to
break Enlil's domination over the human beings who originally all spoke but
one language:
"Formerly, there was a time when the countries of Šubur,
of Hamazi, of Kalam (Sumer) where are spoken so many languages, the
country and principality of the divine laws, Uri, the country provided
with everything necessary, the country of Martu that rested in security,
the entire universe and all the peoples together, rendered homage to
Enlil with one single language. However, the Father-Lord, the
Father-Prince, the Father-King Enki, [...] the Father-Lord was angry....
"[...] Enki, the Lord of Abundance, whose commandments are certain, the
Lord of Wisdom who scrutinizes the Earth, the chief of the gods, the
Lord of Eridu, gifted with Wisdom, changed the words of their mouth, put
discord there, in the language of Man, which had once been unique"
Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta
Extract from a tablet in the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford
I explain in the first book that the codification secretly
organized by Enki and his people, the Nungal, that is to say the "watchers"
or B'nai Elohim (sons of the Elohim), made use of the totality of the
original dialect (Emešŕ, the "matrix language") of the priestesses.
The creation of new dialects from the full Sumero-Akkadian syllabary was
made possible not only through the repeated use of particles said to be
Akkadian - originally unknown to the male "gods" - but equally through the
inventive criss-crossed and tangled employment of the three principal
elements that form a sentence: the subject of the action, the object, and
the verbal form.
As will be indicated in the third volume of this series, the appearance of
the Akkadian language is one of the last maneuvers of the rebel clan to
counteract the domination of the Ušumgal-Anunna (Yahvé)
over Mesopotamia, which is where the monarchy of the "gods" was principally
Enki is sometimes named MUŠDA in Sumerian. This epithet defines him as being
the "grand architect" or even the "mason" of the world, but the
decomposition of this term into MUŠ-DA gives us "powerful reptile". This
crafty reptile, responsible for the cloning of humanity and the codification
of the languages of Earth, is no other than the biblical serpent, he who
foiled the plan of Yahvé in Eden, at a time when under the orders of this
same Yahvé.
Enki, "the reptile", recalls in every way the Sumerian term EME-ŠID
("lizard"), whose strict definition EME (language, word, tongue) + SID (to
memorize, recite in a loud voice, enumerate) renders for us "he who
enumerates the language(s)" or "he who recites the word"!!!
As I demonstrate in my two first works, the Old Testament is a mediocre
counterfeit that outrageously uses the much more ancient Mesopotamian and
Egyptian traditions...
I know that readers and independent researchers will claim that the
different possibilities offered by the game of Sumero-Akkadian homophony
explains why it will always be possible to decode in foreign terms...
Clearly they are perfectly correct to think this and this is why the code
was difficult to break in the past, even by the Gina'abul who spoke Emenita
or Emegir (Sumerian) to perfection...
Likewise, since vowels differ according to the regions of the globe and
particularly in the Orient, some will not understand the phonetic choices
that I make to decode various terms. I wish to make clear that every
phonetic possibility is possible, even at times substituting vowels that we
know to be nonexistent in certain languages.
Take for example the Egyptian name of Isis, which is Aset or Iset, according
to interpretations. We obtain: A-SÉ-ET "source of the foreknowledge of life"
or I-SÉ-ET "lamentations of the foreknowledge of life". These two
constructions convey a perfect definition of the person of Isis as source,
that is to say "mother or mourner (of Osiris) responsible for the
foreknowledge of life (Horus)".
Gerry Zeitlin and I have realized a schema from the understanding that I
have been able to pull from this history of the matrix language. Gerry's
work is remarkable in the degree to which it permits me to materialize and
authenticate concepts and data that would have been difficult for me to
present or circulate on my own. Our collaboration is very important. Gerry
has created several diagrams for Ádam Genisiš that also appear on his site
in which he analyzes my work meticulously.
The use of Emešŕ was forbidden to males and more particularly to the subgroup named Anunna (see
For their part, the males communicated in Emenita (litt: "male language"), known to us as Sumerian. The Gina'abul priestesses also used Emenita, which they themselves had constructed, for communicating with the males.
The various Gina'abul idioms, such as those of the Abgal and the Sukkal, and the Emesal that was "implanted" during the Paleo-Babylonian epoch, were composed from the much richer mother syllabary. This is also true of Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian), which did not evolve from Sumerian at all, as believed by Oriental language experts.
It's easy to understand their misconception, as they have only inscriptions on tablets to work with, and human writing did evolve, varyingly within the different Mesopotamian regions, beginning with the primitive Sumerian pictograms of 3500-4000 BCE, whose purpose was to tally the riches of the "gods," and leading to the Assyrian cuneiform.
But the spoken languages were introduced, modified, replaced from time to time, and did not evolve.
Parks insists that the peoples of this planet from the dawn of humanity have expressed themselves via idiomatic structures all taken from the Emešŕ, including Emenita, which we know as Sumerian. (Parks sometimes uses the term Gina'abul-Sumerian as a reference to Emešŕ.)
Meanwhile, the Gina'abul held their code closely.
The original Gina'abul that arrived and spread out over this planet were in profound discord among themselves. The numerous idioms that were dispersed resulted from this "intestinal bad blood" that continued for millennia. The Gina'abul required veritable dictionaries for each human ethnic group in order to play at communicating with them.
The most irksome task for the faction to which Sa'am belonged
- the rebels made up of the Amašutum, the Nungal, and the Abgal - was having to systematically recreate new terms to replace any that had been discovered by their consanguine enemies. The task was anything but simple, and the idioms were difficult to translate, sometimes creating extended dialects, but that permitted them to disorient for many millennia the Anunna subgroup (see
Races), which was the majority on the planet.
The Sumerian immigrants (this will be explained in the second and third books) named the Gina'abul Emenita language Emegir ("princely language") and sometimes Emean ("heavenly language" or "language of heaven"). This language, basically formed from invariant nominal and verbal roots, on which were added different suffixes and prefixes, produced a sophisticated grammatical articulation, finally resulting in a highly refined dialect.
The Akkadian language (and its syllabary) appeared totally formed from one day to the next, apparently subsequently to the Sumerian. How this came about will be explained in Volume 3: The Awakening of the Phoenix.
For their part, the Gina'abul idioms were voluntarily elaborated in a distinctly archaic fashion, producing an aspect of slang when compared with the basic language.
So there is a code that is always present in the ancient languages of Earth. Some consonants may have changed over time, but this is infrequent.
In connection with this code, note that the grammatical conventions of the Gina'abul-Sumerian language differ from those of the codifications. In the language, verbal chains are placed at the end of sentences. This is rarely the case in the codifications, where the verb can even at times be found at the beginning of an Emenita term. This discrepancy was premeditated as a means of obscuring the decoding. Remember that the males did not have access to the Emešŕ terms of which the code consisted.
The purpose of all this was to provide a means of communicating clandestinely and succinctly with humans. Succinctness was achieved by using simple grammatical rules in the encoding, and by using systematically invariable terms, with suffixes and prefixes generally suppressed.
Parks is adept in the use of the Gina'abul code, and exploits it frequently and highly convincingly to plumb the inner meanings and also the historic references embedded in the words of many languages. For these web notes I have created a
Decoder to centralize this aspect of Parks' work. The
Decoder is really the heart of the Notes. Readers may benefit from studying it, as it is constructed not only for reference but also to fulfill a teaching function. Some of Parks' most important discoveries can be found there.
Most of the translations or decodings discussed by Parks are of individual terms or words, in which the rules of translation are simpler than for complete sentences in the Emesa and Emenita languages. Even a novice can easily follow these translations of two-, three-, or even four-syllable words.
In the Gina'abul language the context of situations is important, as only the specific circumstance results in a term being constructed in such or such a manner. The rebel Gina'abul knew the context of the words and the keys of the different particles that they used to create the terms one finds today in Sumerian.
The translation of certain words is hindered when they are taken out of their context, especially considering that the Gina'abul-Sumerian language possessed concepts and realities having nothing to do with those of present-day society. That makes all the difference, and it is also for this reason that our language specialists have not been able to detect their codification.
Parks writes:
The complexity of the Emenita language used by the Sumerians lies essentially in its numerous homophones (syllables with similar pronunciation) which are distinguished by their length or phonetic force. In order to differentiate between the numerous homophonic cuneiform signs on the tablets unearthed in Mesopotamia, the French Assyriologist F. Thureau-Dangin developed, in the 1920s, a system of accents and numeration for each sign.
A current explanation of this system for denoting Sumerian "logograms," and a substantial listing of them, is available in the online document
Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 by
John A. Halloran.
Please turn now to the Example 1. at the top of the
Decoder page to see how the words for "King" in six diverse languages can all be decoded by Parks' method, producing the concept of "King" with various nuances.
Example 2. on the terms for "Woman" in many languages both introduces and gives initial evidence for the central proposition of the entire set of books by Parks: the widespread pre-modern understanding of the true nature of the female:
"She who transmits at one time the power and the understanding!"
This is a remembrance of the transformation of Adam in the garden of the "gods."
This precise example contains the greatest secret that has ever been hidden from humanity and the code that derailed the Anunna faction for many millennia.
The Meaning of Religions
Refer to the decompositions of the Old Testament words Ish (first man) and Ishsha (first woman). In the Sumerian, the particles mean, respectively, ancestral or primordial androgyne, and the heart or womb or entrails of the ancestor.
Genesis indicates that Ishsha was pulled from the side of Ish, implying that man was antecedant to woman. [However the history that will be revealed in Parks' later books will indicate that] Ish and Ishsha were created as part of the primordial androgyne human that lived on Earth long before the arrival of the Gina'abul who changed the human genetic code. Moreover, very numerous traditions from around the world report that primordial man was not only androgyne, but hermaphrodite.
The rabbis who were charged with compiling the texts of Genesis from the Mesopotamian traditions found at Babylon at the time of the exile of the Hebrews between -586 and -539, discovered the embarrassing androgyne primordial IŠ7 and were not able to totally suppress it. Thanks to a subtle maneuver, the ancestor, masculinised, became officially Ish (man) and was
confounded with him.
When the "gods" of the Mesopotamian traditions transformed the genetic code of the primordial androgyne ancestor (IŠ7), they cut this being in two and created thus a man and a woman.
The manipulation executed on the man does not appear in the text of Genesis, because IŠ7 (androgyne ancestor) is metamorphosed into Ish (man)...
...and then the rabbis fabricated the story of Yahve-Elohim making Ish fall into a torpor at which time Ishsha was fashioned from his side etc.
Parks' series, Les Chroniques du Gírků, promises to reveal practically everything on the authentic genesis of humanity and our origins. Today we have only sparse traces of this history. The most significant are those graven on the Mesopotamian tablets and some of them have been stolen from Iraq and are now circulating on a profitable black market.
These clay tablets trace the history of a group of immigrants named
who descended here many millennia ago to exploit the multiple riches of our planet. The individual known as
Sa'am, whose life became known to Parks through years of total-immersion memory flashback experiences, lived among these felons during his entire history.
Parks states that only 5 to 10% of the elements contained in his chronicles are found on the clay tablets from Mesopotamia. The history of humanity has been skillfully deformed over time in order to protect those who imposed themselves on Earth and equally to preserve, unbeknownst to us, their descendents who continue to work secretly on their behalf.
Thus, for example, at the time of the writing of the Assyro-Babylonian tablets,
the "feminine cult" was deliberately suppressed and diverted to the advantage of a more and more dominant patriarchy.
One of the greatest coups of the Anunna faction was their taking advantage of a totally exceptional situation which, in one brief moment, had dispersed humanity over the Earth. Beginning at that time, multiple religions were invented with the sole aim of
disorganizing you, leading you into error... more precisely, limiting you!
This is of key importance because the religions permitted the usurpers of the planet to break up the people and create bloody conflicts. Today, the religions are too often the direct cause of conflicts and wars. Thanks to religions and their deliberately deceptive disparities (since in principle all religions possess the same precepts!) the different beliefs permit killing one's fellow man in the name of God! In the course of the most sinister centuries and millennia in the history of this planet, religions have caused the death of millions of individuals.
Today religious conflicts make it possible to "administer" the size of the Earth's population and to make huge profits from manufacturing more and more murderous arms.
This may make some laugh, others perhaps less, but the term religion, taken from the Latin religio, is very precise to our eyes. Christian linguists are pleased to explain that the term derives from the Latin verb ligare which signifies to bind, implying that religion binds or rebinds human beings between themselves. But it would be fair to emphasize that the same term means equally to subject in the language of ancient Rome. Moreover, again in Latin, the words religio and obligatio (obligation or debt) often have the same sense.
Before translating the hidden sense of religio with the aid of our syllabary, you must know that close to several thousand years ago, when your ancestors had the opportunity to record their legends, doctrines and beliefs, that is to say their religion, the only available medium was clay, or stone cut in the form of tablets. It is from these tablets, notably those of Babylon, that the data could be transmitted with care and convey the manna of information that served the intellectuals of the community of Israel in the compiling of many passages of the Old Testament.
Is it not also from these tabulations of the laws established by "God" that the Judeo-Christian religion received its first commandments? It is truly on the tablets that the people of the ancient near East listed and diffused the different dogmas that served to construct what is considered the world's first religion.
Speaking of those tablets, observe (see
Decoder Example 3: RELIGION) that the decomposition of the Latin religio defines religion as a system for training sheep with the aid of tablets! (To understand how tablets inscribed with instructions were potentiated and remain effective today, see
How does it happen that a Latin word can be interpreted in this way? Again, it is because the ancient languages are Gina'abul dialects. This strange concept will be supported again and again throughout Parks' works.
In the course of your reading, especially in Ádam Genisiš, you will learn that the Celestial Bestiary that fell on the Earth had the sorry tendency to assimilate the Earth ancestors to animals, in fact, to small livestock, more precisely sheep! This concept may seem strange, but it was widespread in the past.
Take the simple example of ancient Egypt where the sheep were called Undu (or Undju) and the people Undut (or Undjut). The respective transcriptions of these terms in Sumerian [see
leaves no doubt: UN-DU7 = horned rabble; UN-DŮ-UT = the population that casts the metal of light (gold).
That being said, in view of the organization of present society and despite the millennia that separate us from the highest antiquity, I am completely convinced that the ideology that assimilates the people to animals has truly never changed.
Refer to
Decoder Example 3: RELIGION for more examples of what Sumerian phonetic deconstruction reveals about the meaning of words for "religion" in various languages.
Introducing the Kadištu
[Extracted from the GMSS Interview]
The Kadištu "Life Designers" are the guardians of key places in the universe. Their objective is to cause to reign a form of organization and of "discipline" that emanates from "the Source" that one could assimilate to
God. In this, one could think of them as "angels of God".
Despite their high technology and their extreme intelligence, the Kadištu are not on a mission to resolve all problems. Insofar as concerns the history of the Earth and its development, the Life Designers seem to have chosen to leave the Earth, even though it be a sacred place, in the hands of the
Gina'abul reptilians.
This does not appear to be an abandonment, rather a
transitional retreat, because to this day the Life Designers have not ceased to keep an eye on their creation. On the human level, this can seem to be taking a very long time, but to the Life Designers of the Universe, it is nothing.
The Kadištu normally do not interfere in the development of races in full evolution
- in this case the Gina'abul reptilians.
I imagine that it was simpler to let the Gina'abul resolve their family problems among themselves, as there exists in the bosom of the reptilian family the Amašutum group - the females - who truly form a part of the Life Designers.
I am thinking equally that the Homo type originally of the Earth and the Solar System has a karma that is connected to the reptilians, given that the Homo type has on numerous occasions been genetically manipulated by these same Gina'abul reptilians...
In his interviews, Parks provides glimpses of the numerous races at play in his works: those that make up the Kadištu collective and the Gina'abul races, a large part of whom are in conflict with the Kadištu. The female Gina'abul, however, are the Amašutum priestesses, who belong to the Kadištu.
This is an example of the complex relationships and interactions that make up Parks' story.
Kadištu |
Akkadian: Qadistu, evoking high-ranking priestesses. Sumerian: NU-GIG, meaning "non-evil" but also "the image of evil" - sacred prostitutes. Related to the Latin caduceus. Emissaries of "the Original Source," they live in "higher dimensions" called "Angal." Role is to unify the species of the universe. Very powerful but do not interfere in the affairs of beings evolving in the "reduced frequencies." |
Abgal |
Kadištu subgroup. Genetically affiliated with Gina'abul, but considered amphibians, with genes of a far-off amphibian race. Sages of the Gagsisá (Sirius) system. A Gina'abul rebel race**. |
Amašutum |
Female Gina'abul*. "Mother Lizards." "Proud People of the Serpent." Eternal symbol: two intertwined serpents. Priestesses. Kadištu subgroup, therefore also associated with the principle of "good and evil." Life Designers. Dwell in several regions of the universe, such as Ursa Major, Hyades, Pleiades, Orion. A Gina'abul rebel race**. |
Ama'argi |
Terrestrial Amašutum, specially created in our solar system by the Gina'abul females of Margid'da (Ursa Major), undoubtedly cloned from the genetic library there. They have tails, as do the other Amašutum. Dark-skinned. Peaceful. A Kadištu race. Their home is the Abzu of Uraš. Their sovereign is Queen Dim'mege (see
Personages). |
Ameli |
Semi-etheric Kadištu race originating in the star system of Bun (Aldebaran, α Tauri) and still based there. Had permitted the Ušumgal to maintain a colony of Měmínu in that system but drove them out after the Great War. The Měmínu were relocated in Mulmul (Pleiades). This in turn forced a new line of Amašutum to progrressively withdraw from Mulmul and its Ubšu'ukkinna system, eventually to settle in Gišda (the Hyades). |
Sukkal |
Kadištu subgroup having the form of birds. "Cousin of the Gina'abul." The Sumerian word "sukkal" means "messenger." In the Sumerian and Assyro-Babylonian traditions, the Sukkal are humanoids with the body of a bird and large wings on the back. The Greek term "anggelos" also means messenger and refers to beings with functions similar to biblical angels. Important Life Designers. Urbar'ra (Lyra). |
Urmah "Army of the Elohim" |
Warriors / Life Designers. (UR-MAH, "great warrior", also "lion" in Gina'abul-Sumerian). Logo: the lion.
Felidae or feline. Feline-humanoid appearance; actually resembles a lion. Always seen with claws; unknown if natural or artificial. They are from the Orion constellation. The official army or celestial militia of the Kadištu, who often referred to them concerning problems of rule. For that reason, the Urmah were found at several times in our solar system. |
Namlú'u Primordial Human [see
Decoder] |
Prodigious androgyne race assembled by the Kadištu on Uraš (Earth). Highly respected because it combined the genetic patrimony of numerous Life Designer species. |
Kingú |
Akkadian Quingu. Sumerian: KIN-GU = "ruler over the Earth (or regions). Logo: the eagle. Princely root stock of the Gina'abul. At war with the Ušumgal. Three types: whites [Kingú-Babbar, grand royals; Te (Aquila)], reds [warriors-cleaners; Ušu (Draco)], greens [the people, also warriors]. Most Kingú possess a mark on the forehead, like a third eye. |
Kingú-Babbar |
Royal albino Kingú, originally the dominant authority in the constellation Ušu (Draco), where they created the Ušumgal. Relocated to Urbar'ra (Lyra) with the Ušumgal, whom they left there at the time of the Great War. Resettled in the constellation Te (Aquila). Some are present in our solar system, originally from Te, and are central to events described in Parks' second book, Ádam Genisiš. They are in conflict with
the Anunnaki and their descendants. Solitary, do not like to mix with others, because they feel superior to the rest of the Gina'abul. These are the largest of all the Kingú. Some possess wings and horns; others absolutely none. Those in our solar system have hardly any wings and no horns. Among all the Gina'abul, most closely resemble humans. They bear the emblem of Urin (the eagle). |
Red Kingú |
Just beneath the Kingú-Babbar in the social order. Specialists in war; soldiers. Reddish skin. Have tail, horn, and wings. When the Kingú-Babbar left Ušu, the Red Kingú remained to govern in their place. |
Kingú People |
Workers and warriors. These are the Kingú who take part in the battles on Duků at the end of Book 1. Greenish skin (a little lighter than that of the Anunna). |
Imdugud (Anzu) |
Mix of Kingú-Babbar (royal albinos) and Urmah. Depicted emblematically in Sumerian and Akkadian imagery as half eagle, half lion, respectively representing their genetic roots. White skin (like the Kingú-Babbar), sometimes described by Parks as fair-skinned. Appear "Nordic" but with a slight "animal" look in their eyes, an aspect that is connected with their genes. They resemble humans, often with blue eyes, and are very tall. Emit barking or whistling sounds. Always seen with claws; unknown if natural or artificial. Solitary. Originated in Tiamate (our Solar System) well before 300,000 y.a., which is when the Anunna arrived. Originally created to watch over the terrestrial reserve and above all to serve to reconcile the Gina'abul and the Kadištu Life Designers. They had the reputation of being peaceable, not "looking for trouble" - unlike their Kingú-Babbar creators. They are always found in the background of the works of the Kadištu, with whom they have courteous relations. |
Ušumgal |
"Grand Dragons," later Sumerian term for their gods and sovereigns; descended from Kingú-Babbar; creators of the Annuna and other races. The Ušumgal Council of Nalulkára were survivors of the Great War. |
Šutum |
Male Gina'abul*. "Lizard" in Sumerian. Created by Abzu-Abba to impregnate the Amašutum, but their reproductive abilities were in decline. They suffered from a disease of unknown cause. Originally, laborers, working for the entire race of Gina'abul. Margid'da (Ursa Major). |
Nungal |
Great Lords. "Fallen Angels". Book of Enoch: watchers. Bené Elohim (Sons of the Elohim). Those who coupled with human females without authorization of
Yahvé (An-Enlil). Akkadian: Igigi. Male. Created (in great haste) by Sa'am and Mamitu-Nammu (see
Personages) from Imdugud genes on which Abzu-Abba had been experimenting. Considered as Life Designers although no knowledge of cloning. Followers of Osiris and Horus. A Gina'abul rebel race**. |
Anunna |
Warriors. "Angels of Yahvé". Created by An and Ninmah on Duků, Mulmul (Pleiades), from a genetic patrimony discovered by Ninmah on Nalulkára. No doubt the cell line was enhanced Šutum. Wars among the Gina'abul brought them to the Earth.
Anunnaki = "Anunna of the Earth." Have manipulated humans for millennia. |
Mušgir |
"Furious reptile" - winged dragons. Assyrian: "Pazuzu". Can easily move between the "first and third
dimensions." Originally created in Lyra by Ušumgal; An and Ninmah produced a second line on Duků, Mulmul (Pleiades), using a cell line discovered by Ninmah on Nalulkára. Have tail, horns, and wings. May be compared to the numerous gargoyles that haunt churches and cathedrals.
Měmínu |
Dogon: ant. Known to us as
"grey" ETs. They are genetically-engineered descendents of the Mušgir
- wingless, smooth-skinned, diminutive. Originally created by Ušumgal with reprogrammed Mušgir genes, as part of a program in which the Mušgir participated voluntarily. Later numerous other Měmínu races were created from cells fabricated by the Kingú. They know how to take orders. Slaves of the male Gina-abul. |
UKU3-BI "lower multitude" UGU4-BI "simian" |
The Ukubi were created by the Kingú for food (same as we treat our cattle) and by the "royals" and later by the Ama'argi to fulfill the orders of the "royals" (who tightly controlled them at that time). But Nammu clandestinely improved the race, rendering them autonomous (so they could defend themselves against the Kingú).
Parks has found a Sumerian legend that supports this statement.*** |
Early Human |
Genetic combination of Original Human, Gina'abul, simian. Sa'am was continuing what his mother had done with simians. A first humanoid version, the first Ádam, a mixture of Ukubi, Ama'argi, and green-skinned Kingú, served as workers in Edin. Note that the Kingú themselves bore no responsibility for this creation. Their cells were included to mark the domination of the Ušumgal-Anunna over the Kingú
- to humiliate them. Following that, Sa'am, with the support of his mother and two sisters, clandestinely improved the race under the noses of An and Enlil. They added cells of the Namlu'u, thus in a fashion "humanizing" the Ádam. These beings were black-skinned. Having Ama'argi within their genetics, they had tails. The Sumerian name for them is Sag-gi-ga, meaning "black slave". The Kingú then countered by asking Sa'am to add their Kingú-Babbar genes (from Tiamate) to the Sag-gi-ga, resulting in a white-skinned human, which would mark their supremacy over the royals. They intended these to dominate the blacks.
This being was named Lú-bar6, meaning "white man". Word play: Lú-bara means sovereign man; Lú-bar-ra means "alien" or "foreigner". Enki and his associates wound up clandestinely improving these beings also, again to give them more autonomy. These are early human races, not those of today. A more complete picture is presented in the section
Creating Humans. The entire scenario is one of races' quests for power over one another. It is not a matter of growing fingers to pick berries, or tails to swing from trees, as our academicians would have us believe. |
*According to our strict human ideology about what may be considered human, the Gina'abul are not human beings. Therefore Parks does not refer to Gina'abul women and men, but rather females and males.
**Who are the "rebel races"? Designation as "rebel race" refers to events following the arrival and establishment of the fugitive Anunna in our solar system. This is treated in Ádam Genisiš. The Kingú races had already been mortal enemies of the Gina'abul for a very long time. They are not considered as "rebels"; they
created the Gina'abul, and furthermore the true "rebels" are consciously aligned with "the SOURCE", which they are not. Note that the memory of their having taken refuge underground on Uraš after local military defeats has contributed to misleading concepts of "fallen" angels. Now that you have our definition, would you classify the Namlú'u as a rebel race? How would you classify the modern human race?
***"They were ugly and menacing, scattered to the edge of the world, at the entrance of the underworld. They also appeared solitary, held in their emplacements, alone and isolated, but appearing menacing enough. Dark little half-brothers and sisters. Thus, this must have been a different and improper creation of Nammu with another god, but perhaps also an experimental creation of the gods..."
Extract from the Sumerian tablet "How Ereškigal Chose the World Below"
This statuette (above) representing a Mušgir is identified with the Assyro-Babylonian demon
Pazuzu, a demon connected with the subterranean world and with parallel worlds. It is armed with large wings and its body is covered with scales. The universe of
demons was very present in the Mesopotamian spirit, to the point that the Mušgir-Pazuzu was considered one of the most powerful demons. Because of this, it was often used as an amulet, affording benefits of its good grace against the other infernal entities.
Several amulets of this type have been found in the foundations of Mesopotamian houses.
On the back of its wings appeared the following inscription:
"I am Pazuzu, son of Hanpa. The king of the evil spirits of the winds that rage violently from the Šadű (KUR in Assyrian), it is I!"
Namlú'u (Primordial Human)
"The old men tell that in the beginning of the world, God created a man and gave him responsiblity for all the creatures. This man went out every day from his house very early in the morning to visit God's property
- that is, all that is found here on the Earth. And he would always return home very late in the evening, and very tired. But in spite of his great fatigue, he had to make his report to God on the state of health of all the creatures."
Oral Tradition of the Lumwe of Zaďre
From the 2007 Karmapolis interview in Nexus [N]:
Karma One: In your narration, the initially-created, original human (Namlú'u) is an extraordinary being, quasi superior to his creators and almost omnipotent, belonging to several dimensions, gifted with capacities of astonishing clairvoyance, capable of reading anyone's thoughts. This original human seems singularly close to the Source, namely the World Creator or "God".
Just who are these creators of the Namlú'u? Why did they create such astonishing beings? And why in this form?
Anton Parks: I sincerely believe that the Namlú'u have a perpetual existence somewhere in
Angal (the higher dimensions).
The term NAM-LÚ-U18 ("immense human beings") was used by the "gods" and the Sumerians to designate this primordial humanity. Later the term was used to refer to the Sumerians who were the first humans in Mesopotamia, those who were in contact with the "gods" found in the Bible under the names Yahvé and Elohim.
The departure of the Namlú'u from our dimension was
synchronized with the arrival of
the Anunna on the Earth.
The Namlú'u are beings who embody uncommon capabilities. They were created "all at once" by the Kadištu (Life Designers) who seeded life on this planet. They were in a manner of speaking the guardians of the Earth before the arrival of the Anunna.
There are gnostic texts, such as The Secret Book of John (NH2-1.28) that announce that:
This being was fashioned by "the creators", in the image of
God (the Source) and conforming to their respective appearance. This perfect primordial being combined the various powers with which they (the creators) had been endowed, both physically and psychologically.
The Namlú'u were approximately four meters in height. They could detect thoughts and most importantly had the ability to displace themselves very rapidly from one location to another through the use of the Merkaba, the field of individual light of which the transmutation, through the use of the chakras and the Kundalini, permitted one to metamorphose into a vehicle of ascension.
The term Merkaba means "chariot" in Hebrew, but I demonstrate in Ádam Genisiš that this word can equally be translated in Egyptian, for example:

More information about the Namlú'u may be found in the section
Guardians of Uraš.
Continuing with the interview [N], Parks responds to the first part of the question pertaining to the Kadištu:
The creators of the Namlú'u are thus these famous KAD4-IŠ7-TU ("ancient assemblers of life") [Decoder] corresponding to the Life Designers denoted as Elohim in the Bible. The Hebrew term Elohim decomposed in Sumero-Akkadian gives EL-Ú-HI-IM, "the powerful exalted ones who mixed the clay (or the clay beings: man).
The Kadištu assembled the Namlú'u with an eye to combining their science in a common creation on the planet located at the heart of a commercial route that embodied a zone of free will and exchanges in our universe.
The Kadištu professed to be in service to the Source that one could, briefly, equate to "God"...
From an earlier interview [K1]:
The Kadištu live in "higher dimensions" (Angal) and very few of them can enter our third dimension; this doesn't facilitate direct contact and explains their circuitous fashion of approaching us.
They observe us more than ever before, and communicate via the intermediary of people they contact directly or telepathically. But such communications must be undertaken with great care, because of the possibility of wrong interpretation of what was received.
Furthermore, there are many contacts in the form of abductions conducted by the Greys, who are usually in the service of the Gina'abul.
This wooden statuette from
the Dogons of Africa represents the widely-discussed Nommo, who they claim brought the first language to humans (see
It is identical to Sumerian representations of the amphibian Abgal "sages" (said to be advisors to Enki) and the Akkadian Apkallű.
Anton Parks (private communication) reports that this image is the closest we have to depicting the Abgal race of the Gagsisá (Sirius) system. The Dogon, of course, had always claimed that Sirius was the home of the Nommo.
There are many suggestive connections. Recall that, according to Sumerian history, Enki had dominion over the Abzu, believed by the Sumerians to be a kind of underground sea deep beneath their feet (while Sitchin thinks the term refers to water engineering projects, bodies of water, and/or deep Africa).
Parks translates Abzu as the hollow domain at the center of all planetary bodies. Sa'am was the lord of all Abzus in the Gina'abul system.
He also had webbed fingers, by the way, greenish blood, and other indications of Abgal genetics.
Discussion by Mamitu-Nammu, soon after the arrival with Sa'am and others on Uraš:
The Urmah are formidable warriors. They make up the principal militia of the Kadištu. When difficult situations must be disentangled, the Urmah are generally designated to restore order. We consider them as the army of heaven, sometimes as the soldiers of final resort. They can be quite ferocious.
They will withdraw from combat only on request of the High Council.
One of the only ways to differentiate [physically] the Nungal (or Kingú) from the Imdugud is by the shape of the skull. That of the Imdugud is elongated, but less so than the other two (and the rest of the Gina'abul). I think this is because of the Urmah genetics.
Likewise, the Abgal also possess a slightly elongated skull, but not like that of the Gina'abul.
This would apply to the Abgal that you have
presented on your pages [above right]. Do not forget that this appears to be the design of a statuette made by the Dogon of Mali. It is not a personal representation of an Abgal. Even if I find it somewhat acceptable, the fins are much too large and its head is not elongated at all, as it normally would be, a little bit.
Their original home is found in Sipazianna (Orion)
Several Gina'abul colonies ruled by three queens who escaped the Great War are found to be placed near Urmah. This seems to be an exceptional situation as the Urmah are quite independent. In each case, this rapprochement has brought fruits in the form of a remarkable hybrid race.
The Urmah has done the same here with the royal Babbar, producing the Imdugud.
Whenever possible, Kadištu who can evolve without too much difficulty in the KI frequency attach themselves and mix with species who are in difficulty to raise their frequency level. This activity of the Urmah works to reequilibrate the Gina'abul conscience through mixing with it.
Here, a small group of Urmah in the bosom of the Kadištu charged with the planning of Uraš made possible the establishment of a climate of minimal security. Each planner was thus enabled to bring his stone to the edifice of this natural park. The Sukkal were responsible for the insertion of oviparous vertebrates.
The Nim, with the head of an Uh
(insect), are the creators of the divers arthropodes that one finds here.
Nim: Term found in the Sumerian of which the diverse meanings are quite explicit:
flying insect
elevated (high) being
The Abgal of Gagsisá
(Sirius) [see
Worlds] are occupied in large part with the marine fauna and above all with the Šim-Kúšu (whales) and the Kíg-Ku (dolphins) whose principal role was to reequilibrate the vibratory rate of the KI that was extremely low at the epoch when the Kingú had filled Uraš with gigantic Hušmuš (savage reptiles).
It was the Urmah who had the heart-rending mission to cleanse the planet by directing a demolishing projectile. Thanks to this intervention, followed by the introduction of the Šim-Kúšu
(whales) and the Kíg-Ku (dolphins), the frequency of the KI was able to increase considerably, affording it a vibratory rate altogether unique.
Since that time, certain Gina'abul, such as the red Kingú, have had difficulty in sojourning more than 5 full Ud
(days) in the KI of Uraš. The Babbar and Imdugud seem, on the other hand, to tolerate this frequency well.
As with UR-MAH (litt: "grand warrior"), the Sumerian term PIRIG designates also a "lion". We know that the lion symbolizes royalty. Is it so astonishing to see that the homophones PIRIG2 and PIRIG3 signify respectively "shining" and "light"?
It is useless to insist on the fact that over the centuries, or we could say millennia, royalty was expected to bring light to the peoples of the Earth. Numerous ethnic groups from portions of the Earth such as the Bantus (Africa, south of the equator), associate celestial fire (the sun) with the lion.
Phonetic decomposition of PIRIG in Sumero-Akkadian gives such connotations as "understanding", to govern, watch over, arm... qualifications altogether appropriate to the life-designer warriors called Urmah. Add to that the fact that the place of residence of the Urmah is Orion [see
Worlds]. And on the charts of the heavens, one often sees Orion represented with a lion's skin on his body or on his shield.
In Greek mythology, Orion is a redoubtable hunter. He is the lover of Eos, a great Mother Goddess.
Robert Graves, in his work on Greek mythology, indicates " that Eos would be derived from the Indian Goddess-Mother Usha, with fingers of blood".
When we decompose Usha in Sumerian as UŠ-A, we obtain "the water of foundations" or "the source that elevates". Also, the Greek Eos is translated as E4-ÚS "the water that guides" or É-ÚŠ, "the home of the blood".
This indicates to us that Orion sustains the cult of the Goddess-Mother, she who possesses the "elevating blood" that we have evoked in
[Le Secret, but not yet encountered on this page. Find the discussion at
Initiations (1).]
It is exactly what the Urmah do in their combat against the Gina'abul males: they support a part of the Gina'abul females (the Amašutum) and protect them from the males, or Kingú (the dragons).
Also, Orion pursues the Pleiades in the sky
Worlds, "Sky Orientation 4" chart]. The "chance" fact is that the Urmah are the enemies of the Gina'abul called Anunna, born exactly in Mulmul (the Pleiades).
Finally, note that in effecting a strict composition of the term SIPA-ZI-ANNA (Orion in Sumerian), one obtains "faithful guardian of the heavens", which is once again in accord with the role of the Urmah. As always, all is in in accord!
The Kadištu in their great numbers have brought their knowledge not only to the confection of the Namlú'u, but also to the different varieties of Adam (animals). You have not yet seen an Urmah with your own eyes.
As their name indicates, their visage resembles that of a Pirig (lion). Their feline aspect is not without rapport with the felides that they have introduced here.
The frequent closeness between the Urmah and Ti-ama-te (the solar system) is not recent. It is common to see them lurking in the neighborhood when the progressive retreat of the emissaries of the Source seems inevitable.
This shows us that we can remain confident, the Kadištu always keep an eye on this world...
The birthplace of the Gina'abul was in the constellation Draco, which they call Ušu, but numerous conflicts that punctuated their history resulted in the creation and separation of subraces and their spread throughout "our universe."
Some remain in Ušu, but the Ušumgal and the majority of the Amašutum are in Nalulkára (in Ursa Major), the Kingú in Te (the Eagle), the Mušgir and the Měmínu (Greys) in Urbar'ra (Lyra), and some Amašutum are found in Mulmul (the Pleiades) where the Anunna were also created.
And it is war that has caught up the Anunna on the Earth.
A great many Sumerian tablets relate the adventures of the Anunna on the blue planet -
the Anunnaki - in a sort of extended ode to these Anunna warriors. The chronicles show in detail how they became established and controlled the humanity that they genetically transformed from livestock for their greater pleasure, because the Anunnaki are somewhat lazy. This is how they came to be considered like gods (or, to be more direct, "God") in the eyes of humanity.
Unfortunately for these Anunnaki, who continue to secretly direct human affairs, humans are in full mutation and will soon jump dimensions... an historic moment long awaited in the history of humanity.
This subject has been mentioned elsewhere on a sister website; for example, see
A Synthetic Myth.
Amašutum: Designers of Life
This is a Gina'abul female (i.e., an Amašutum). The drawing is a reproduction by
Anton Parks of a statuette uncovered at Ur. Parks is certain that the shape of the head is incorrect, and he is working on a series of drawings that will show the elongation extending backward, rather than upward, as in the images of an African-Egyptian shown below.
In any event, she is wearing a wig.
According to Parks, all Gina'abul races shared this general look. The variations were mainly in the skin coloring and the degree of cranial elongation.
The "lozenges" on the shoulders are similar to those worn by Mayan high dignitaries.
To the Maya, these circles symbolize the OL, that is to say "perception" or "conscience", "the way", and "the memory".
At the same time, the Mayan OL is the equivalent of the Sumerian UL that evokes "the past", "an adornment", "a star", "the splendor", and the verb "to shine", as UL5 signifies "privilege" and "protection".
These circles or lozenges placed on the shoulders of Sumerian gods and Maya personages of high rank symbolize the crystals or ME in which were stored the knowledge of the "gods"...
Quartz crystals were the key to successful cloning.
The Amašutum, female Gina'abul, are considered a Kadištu subgroup because of their affiliation and devotion to this semi-Divine race. As such, they are supreme Life Designers.
Note that I am translating Parks' word planificateur as "Life Designer," as opposed to the usually more correct "planner." This is in reference to the current raging debate over Intelligent Design. The Life Designers or planners, whatever one wishes to call them, are
superbly-skilled geneticists.
Thus, when deprived of the of the reproductive role of the Šutum (male Gina'abul), the Amašutum were easily able to preserve their line and multiply their numbers through genetics and their ability to
clone to infinity. And where all the Šutum carried their unchanging original genetic material, the Amašutum possessed a great variety of facial appearances and characters, making each of them a unique and remarkable being.
The lifespan of the Amašutum was eternal, because, as opposed to the Šutum, their bodies would periodically undergo the Gibil'lásu (renewal of the skin), similar to the
process seen in snakes and certain other reptiles.
There were rumors that certain among them could undergo death and resurrection.

Amašutum (thus Kadištu) terrestrials. Their name conveys the sense of "remission of divine damages" but strict translation from Sumerian gives the meaning "brilliant and sustaining (or restoring) mother".
The Ama'argi and their queen, Dim'mege, live in the heart of the Abzu (the subterranean world), in the city of Šŕlim (Sumerian: heart of eternity).
Their original mission on Earth had been to restore the planet which had been damaged by multiple military actions and genetic manipulations conducted by the Kingú. (This might be a reference to the development of the dinosaurs.)
At a later period, the Ama'argi were directed by their queen, Dim'mege (see
Personages), to oversee the human slaves working in the agricultural domains of the Anunna.
The Sumerian symbol AMA (at right), used to form the term AMA-AR-GI, represents a sacred stele or pillar attributed to sky divinities worshipped by humans in a religious cult. The star in the middle indicates "divinity".
"We devour beings like you. You will have to deal with me, my little fish..."
That charming statement was hurled at Sa'am by a Kingú Babbar leader, upon having his life spared by Sa'am. They and the Red Kingú are extremely arrogant, and were rumored to have actually eaten Gina'abul, whom they consider to be their inferiors.
Their ancient conflict with the Gina'abul reptilians was known to early human civilizations the world over, and depicted in many works of art as eagles confronting serpents.
The struggle of the eagle and the serpent found on a soapstone bas-relief in Nippur, ca 2500 B.C.E. Parks provides a congruent illustration from the Mexican Codex Borgia Fejervary-Mayer Plate 42, and also shows the Garuda Solar Eagle (Indian) and the Hopi Kwataka "eagle-man" each devouring serpents. See Example 4 in the
Decoder for linguistic analysis.
But why Sa'am as a fish? This will be amply explained in succeeding pages!
The migrations of the Kingú-Babbar are described in a later section,
Worlds. Those who settled in Ti-ama-te (the solar system) did so under an agreement with the Kadištu (Life Designers). They had always made trouble for the Ama'argi and for Mamitu in her operations on Uraš.
The Babbar of Ti-ama-te did not practice cloning; by nature they reproduced by natural means. While no Amašutum-Babbar were produced in the solar system, the Babbar persisted in kidnapping (abducting?) certain Ama'argi, right under the noses of the Kadištu.
The reason had to do with differences in skin pigmentation and the fact that the Babbar line of Ti'ama'te was slowly disappearing. At any rate, the Ama'argi put a stop to the kidnapping by capturing some Babbars themselves, and placing them at their service (though treating them well). Since then, relations had been more tranquil.
The above-mentioned agreement required the Kingú-Babbar to cooperate with the Urmah Life Designers in creating "the common confection" Imdugud.

The Sumerian designation Imdugud means "high storm", or "noble blood". The particle IM is often associated with "clay", but in the context of filiation, "blood"
- or even "humanity". (IM-DUGUD is not the only term that associates royalty with blood; the Sumerian word URIN
- eagle, blood, emblem - is itself very explicit.)
The Imdugud correspond to the Anzu or Zu of the Akkadian tablets. Totally a part of the Gina'abul family, they are issues of two warrior peoples
- Kingú-Babbar and Urmah (see
Genealogy). But they possess a certain form of wisdom via the Urmah, who are "Life Designers".
Their reason for being created as such is as follows: To obtain authorization to move into the solar system (well before the creation and the venue of the Anunna) the Kingú-Babbar had to accept mixing their genes with the Kadistu Urmah line, thus creating a new species.
They are a particularly solitary, white-skinned race. Like the Kingú, they detest having to associate with others. They will do it only in their own interest. They are difficult to approach, even by a Gina'abul or a Kadistu.
Due to their mixed genetic background, they were influenced or obliged by their Kingú genitors to function as neutral agents or messengers capable of adjudicating problems between the Kadištu and the Gina'abul of Tiamate. But they were "covered" by the Kingú-Babbar, and that made them enemies of the Anunnaki (terrestrial Anunna), who have used them ever since winning the war in our system.
Parks does not know if the Imdugud maintain these relations with the Kingú and Anunna today. He wonders if they may be the "Tall
Whites" observed living on the Nellis Range in Nevada. (See
Possible Extended Encounter with the Imdugud.)
Měmínu (Greys)
MĚMÍNU Drawing by Anton Parks
Parks writes in his Karmapolis [K1] interview:
"Měmínu" is the term that I received [for "the Greys"] in the epoch [from which I derive my memories].
How surprised I was to find it later among the Dogons of Mali for whom this word means "ant".
Decomposed in Sumerian, it gives MĚ-MÍ-NU, "responsible for hostile (or negative) duties"
This translation is even more interesting because
Credo Mutwa names the "Grey" Mantindane or "the torturers" in Zulu
It is my understanding that the "Greys" came originally from Lyra, the place where numerous Gina'abul colonies are found. [The "Greys"] work as a group and function like ants. They function as a race of workers in service to their reptilian creators.
Various Gina'abul lines have fabricated Měmínu in the past. There are several kinds of them in different regions. Those that are associated with the solar system and that were therefore created by the Kingu (royal Gina'abul) are larger than the others and have hair.
There is abundant proof of the presence of "Greys" in the solar system, if only by the different cases of abductions reported every year around the globe.
In truth, I don't know what has happened to the Měmínu we see today. Their destiny seems to have changed somewhat as they appear to possess a sort of autonomy that they had not had for thousands of years. The story that I relate (thus, that I have received) ends more than 2000 years ago.
My knowledge was gained in that epoch.
Parks adds in Le Secret that the Měmínu possess bases "in the four corners of our universe." He also mentions that the Amašutum had a horror of them due to the scornful and glacial manner of these dwarfs.
As to their physique, it was not sophisticated like ours. The Měmínu had been conceived without any exterior beauty; they were all small, had a gray color, no ears, no eyelids, only two holes for a nose, and no lips. They stared with large black elongated eyes that were empty, cold, and without emotion.
Actually, he says, there were several types of Měmínu. Here he is speaking of the ones that served his people in the epoch described in this segment of his long history.
Anunna and Nungal
Note: Parks' design of Sa'am's profile has been published in the 3rd edition of Le Secret;
The Anunna were proposed as a race of warriors to defend the Amašutum against an unseen and amorphous enemy who in fact did not exist. (This dynamic, which we have seen in our time, clearly has ancient roots.)
Sa'am, created as asexual (but later modified) was offered by An as the prototype for this race. An had argued that being asexual, they would be without distractions and better soldiers.

A Gina'abul male (Anunna, Nungal, etc.). As with the female, the drawing is a reproduction by Parks of a statuette from Ur, and the elongation of the cranium is incorrect: it should be rearward, exactly as in the example of the African-Egyptian.
An additional point concerning the ME (seen here, as also with the female figure): the equivalent term in Akkadian is Parsű: "the knowledge of sovereignty", and also PŔR-SU: "that which is deployed on the body".

Reconstruction of Tutankhamun from CT scan of mummy.
Supreme Council of Antiquities / National Geographic Society / AP
Note shape of head. |
However, Tiamata required a sexual (male) race for her Amašutum sisters, since the Šutum were dying out. Sa'am volunteered to create the princely Nungal race for that purpose and to be their leader.
Neither race would have the power of Gibil'lásu (see above), which would have conferred eternal life. However, they were to be long-lived.
The Nungal were a derivative of the Imdugud.
They definitely had the Kadištu orientation - it was inculcated into them - and were considered "Life Designers" probably for that reason although they did not have the capability of cloning. As Kadištu, they were badly treated by the Anunna-Ušumgal, while being warmly accepted by the Ama'argi, with whom they at times found refuge in their Abzu domain.
The Nungal are the Igigi - those who were called "The Watchers" in the Bible, the ones who mated illegally with the human species.
They were a source of great embarrassment to Sa'am when, soon after arrival on the Earth, they unexpectedly molted
- a thing they were never meant to do - showing new skin that was white like that of the Kingú-Babbar, with whom they were ultimately affiliated. Sa'am-Enki had assembled the genetic material for the Nungal before the hasty departure from Margíd'da to Duků, partly from genes belonging to Abzu-Abba's experiments. Mamitu had wished to verify the cells that they had selected, but Sa'am had declared that they had not the time and they had to content themselves with indications inscribed on the containers of the genes.
As was later revealed, Mamitu had known very well what cells they were using: she had secretly switched the cells in the containers, fully intending to bring a new Kadištu strain into the equation. But she was disappointed that Sa'am had not exercised due diligence.
Regardless of the reason for it, Sa'am, Mamitu and more particularly the Nungal themselves paid dearly for this situation, because the terrestrial Anunna, recognizing them to be a sub-race of their enemy, the Kingú, used the Nungal for a very long time as slaves. It is for example the Nungal who were commissioned to dig the Tigris and Euphrates to supply water for the future cities of the Anunnaki "Gods".
Sa'am-Enki, under the insistent request of his own people, finally responded by creating the Ádam specimens to save his Nungal. The Anunnaki then put the Ádam to work as slaves.
Today's human is far removed from the Namlú'u, the original or primordial humanoid created by the Kadištu to watch over the animals of the planetary garden that was Uraš (Earth).
As precisely stated in Genesis (1.26), the human was the last specimen to have been integrated into the living reserve of the Life Designers.
The aim of this reserve was to assemble the genetic knowledge of the emissaries of the Source. The original human being was highly respected, because it combined within itself the genetic patrimony of numerous Life Designer species....
Allied races gifted the Namlú'u with several parts of their body structure. Designers of Life such as the Ameli brought the principal element of their marvelous semi-etheric body. All Designers of Life contributed a bit of themselves toward the realization of the Namlú'u.
The Namlú'u thus were magnificent beings, the issue of the collective heritage of the combined sciences of the Kadištu. They were for this reason the living guardians of the knowledge of our universe....
One of the most remarkable manipulations of the Gina'abul is to have alienated the human being in order to produce an animal to serve themselves. For that, the Gina'abul began with the original human that they then mixed with their own genes and those of apes.
The particular mixture that the Gina'abul must have had to cook up in order to obtain their Á-DAM resulted from a composition completely impossible to realize today by human scientists.
It required the same type of manipulation that the Kadištu had used to assemble the original human. It is Enki, the son of An and Nammu, who was charged with this doleful dirty work under the constraints that will be described in the second book.
I name this genetic combination "mixed blood" in the first book.
[What does the genetic record have to say? Obviously that is a huge subject, one that we (your Open SETI / End of Enchantment writers) have not adequately researched. However a recent article,
Humans, chimps may have bred after split suggests that researchers are currently confused, to say the least. A fundamental element of the problem that can cause huge confusion is that of timing of events in the record.
That is because all DNA research assumes that DNA slowly "drifts" due to accumulated mutations, and this assumption is inconsistent with a "genetic intervention" model, which we surely have here. Therefore in the present case none of the conclusions can be correct.]
The sad aspect of the Á-DAM-animal is attested to by many traditions - notably in the apocryphal texts which are documents from the same period as the biblical scriptures, but were not admitted by the Church. Why not? Because these texts seriously undermine the official version.
Apocryphal Book of Adam, extracts from Chapters 13 and 15, éditions Robert Laffont, 1980:
Who has plunged me into this infinite sadness of evil angels of fetid odor and abominable form? Who has thrown me into the midst of these evil genies? Must I grow in a milieu that I detest, among beings whose works I abhor? Must I take their form, that I live in their dwelling-place? Why has my primitive form changed? Ah! That they would allow me to return to the peaceful sojourn, there to which my heart yearns. That they would return me to the celestial assemblies and the conferences and the prayers filled with peaceful enfusions, that they may illumine me with the light from on high and that I be finally cast from this envelope of opprobrium. How long will I be bound to this body of clay?
Apocryphal The Apocalypse of Adam, gnostic Nag-Hammadi texts, N-H Codex 5, éditions Ganesha, 1989:
Since (the) God has fashioned me of earth, and Eve at the same time, I went with her toward a glory that she had perceived in the eon from which we issued. This one taught me by one word the knowledge of the eternal
God. Then we came to resemble the great eternal angels: we were superior, in effect to the
God who had fashioned us and to the powers that are with him, but that we know not now. Then, sore with wrath,
God, master of the eons and the powers, split us... Since then, we have been instructed, like men, of mortal things. Then, we knew the
God who had made us. Because we were not independent of his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And in consequence, our hearts were obscured...
Credo Mutwa... names the reptilians who direct this world "the Chitauli," meaning "dictators" in Zulu. ...this term can be translated into Sumerian....
Decoder for "Chitauli" and "Gina'abul / lizard(s)".]
Humanity possesses a prodigious destiny. The aim of humanity is not to reproduce the errors of the reptilians who intended to genetically diminish them, who posed as their creators!
To continue with the discussion of cloning and creating, next see
To Be a Clone.
We have not finished discussing the characteristics of the modern human and the circumstances under which they were imparted! This is taken up in the second book, Ádam Genisiš, and in these pages under the heading
Creating Humans.
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