16 - Within a Hyper-Advanced Alien Community

How many aliens are there among the ”three ellipticals” population?


One hyper-advanced alien said -X3’s “three ellipticals” faction numbers 1.3 x 10n times the number of Verdant individuals. In other words, they could be more, or less in number.


After several years of interactions with -X3, we’ve observed that he doesn’t represent a mature, independently organized population. Instead, he seems to be a lesser dependent of the so-called “three ellipticals” faction of hyperversals.


-X3 has been seen taking instructions from, and coordinating with, “three ellipticals” hyperversals, so the 1.3x number mentioned by one hyperversal probably refers to the larger aggregation. Given such numbers, it may be safe to assume that -X3’s “three ellipticals” faction is limited to our edge of Virgo, or but a fraction of the Virgo supercluster.


Hyperversals certainly tend to the rest of Virgo, but the “three ellipticals” group has tried to make us think they have it all wired, whether that’s true, or not. The “three ellipticals” faction is unabashedly mega-population in their outlook, but there are indications they may not be up to the standards of some hyperversals.


Marginally more independent, conspicuously counter posed hyperversals air critiques that suggest there’s good, safe precedent for humans who choose to remain independent of the Verdant-IFSP mega-population. We’ve heard a larger, framed-as-Virgo critique of the Verdant-“three ellipticals” combination. There appears to be diversity among hyperversals.

At a later juncture, a hyperversal stated that more programmatic mega-populations are 1.3 times more numerous (in total number of individuals) than smaller, or independent aggregations.



* It may only be coincidence that the 1.3 figure matches the more loosely-stated 1.3 x 10n ratio of the “three ellipticals” compared to Verdants. Part of the ambiguity re their numbers has to do with the fact that they consider new populations less dangerous if they’re absorbed by a larger collective, hence the “three ellipticals” subculture doesn’t want us to assume that independence is always the way to go. Part of the ambiguity apparently owes to the exigencies of posing a critique of the “three ellipticals” faction role in the Verdant case. There are complex, universe-wide ecological considerations that would be hard to discern were we to take the 1.3 to 1 ratio too literally. It’s a prickly subject, given Verdant expansion in our vicinity.

On the one hand, no one wants to encourage Verdants to think they can spawn without limit in order to be a power in our intergalactic neighborhood.


On the other hand, hyperversals consistently state that hyperversals learned to moderate their numbers. Each hyperversal mega-population appears to be tasked with monitoring the ecology of a number of younger mega-populations. So, a given hyperversal population like the “three ellipticals” group may be less in number than are more recently evolved aliens.


However, hyperversals know that younger aliens who fail to moderate population growth will suffer a lack of resources and good graces in the future, when they will have to contend for habitable replacement planets. So, from the hyperversal perspective, new aliens must be taught to moderate, yet conflict must be avoided.

For those who might wonder whether a population like Verdants could take over the en-tire Virgo supercluster, the prospect is dim.




Journey through the Virgo supercluster






There are too many competitors, all of whom have to deal with major, great-scale crises involving other populations.


Common sense within any galaxy would compel moderation. The question is whether Verdants have become a kind of problem child, in a sense, analogous to a badly behaved high school class in which the teacher (the “three ellipticals” faction) can only manage the mayhem, rather than impose tight controls. Imagine an entire universe of similar dilemmas.

However, given their more advanced technology, hyperversals can out-stage upstarts like Verdants. Hyperversals communicate and interact on a scale that Verdants can only imagine. They ultimately control the universal ecology.

To date, hyperversals have been cryptic and not forthcoming about some aspects of their history. They sometimes suggest that the response to questions about their background is answered within a subtly expanded awareness surrounding the consideration. In other words, they don’t chew on the words one at a time, which leaves some humans wondering.


Of course, hyperversals may think that if a human doesn’t quite assimilate their replies, then he or she may not be ready to comprehend them.

The sharpest criticism of the “three ellipticals” faction is that their strategy appears to be Malthusian. Humans have questioned whether the “three ellipticals” faction has a tendency to think too much about themselves and how they’ll be affected if too many recently evolved aliens try to drag, en masse, into an extended universe cycle. Indeed, for all we know, this same kind of dialogue has gone on for many billions of years. It appears to be a process of give and take.

In response to concerns about their strategy of competing tensions among humankind, -X3 replies that the roundness we see in him (his tendency to round all considerations up to the universal level or down to zero, the absence of passion) is a kind of non-viciousness. Meanwhile, some humans will see it as an insular, if not elitist distancing that some hyperversals fail to recognize in their own, peculiar way.


One obvious critique is that the “three ellipticals” faction’s divisive policies and coordination with Verdants are framed to thwart broad, universal scale interactions by more recently evolved aliens - a pre-emptive strategy. -X3 replies that they need to work with all populations, including some offenders, in order to steer everyone toward a sustainable ecology, hence we’ve seen some hyperversals act in liaison with Verdants, while, at the same time, other hyperversals are sharply critical of Verdants.


Again, -X3 appears to be an engineered intermediary for the so-called “three ellipticals” sub-group. He and others like him may have been specifically designed to work the Verdant-gray-human interaction.

There have been disjointed, disturbing moments during human-hyperversal interactions, to date. For example, there’s a recurring argument that revolves around the following: Some hyperversals, who argue for immersion within the one-ness and cohesion of their sub-sector of the universe, say that humans need to sacrifice in order to bring themselves up to minimum standard.


They say we will more quickly become healthy, ecological non-sexuals, if we do so. Meanwhile, there’s a catch:

hyperversals who tend to lump all consideration into the one, singular notion of their sub-sector can suffer defects of mind that they don’t quite see beyond.

Those hyperversals and their genetically engineered intermediaries who linger at the margins of acceptability, who are tasked with conflict-ridden security work toward such “oneness,” tend to bias the process by seeing through a murky filter.

You may wonder: what does that mean? How might it actually occur, in real life?


Here’s how:

A hyperversal who must track Verdant manipulations in this vicinity can become coarse, if not arrogant, compared to more healthy hyperversals.

Humans have witnessed just that. It helps to remember that we live on an outlying fringe of the Virgo supercluster.


More concentrated, urbane populations deep within Virgo may be of more interest to hyperversals. As a result, the Verdant regime may have gone too long without correction. However, if I’m not mistaken, some hyperversals are aware that it’s dangerous to allow Verdants to dunder in and militarize our vicinity, to thumb their noses at the populations of this and other galaxies.

Generally speaking, when older, more experienced hyperversals try to steer younger populations toward a better standard, they may, at times, rationalize what they do in terms of cold perspectives of old (their own antecedent assumptions, plus the need to end specious proliferation). In the end, although hyperversals have more advanced science, they probably live in isolation from recently evolved populations. They have legitimate reasons for obscuring themselves. They don’t want recently evolved aliens to grab up and copy their technology.


They don’t want unqualified upstarts to jeopardize the larger ecology.

So, older hyperversals use hybrid and other intermediaries to interact with recently evolved aliens. Based upon what we’ve seen, such intermediaries are smarter and have larger brains than aliens like Verdants or grays. They live within more advanced technology. Their networks and capacities are greatly beyond those of Verdants.

Although sentient, some hyperversals appear to have engineered certain “emotional” genes out of themselves, hence they can watch Verdants manipulate crimes against humanity without feeling much.


In part, this is due to the fact that hyperversals live at great remove in terms of custom, habit and experience. Hyperversals and their intermediaries who do security work can be inwardly cynical about the contorted affairs of lesser aliens. So, hyperversals come with a lot of baggage, so to speak. Their societies are very old.

So, where does that leave us?


We’re now learning that vast numbers of hyper-advanced aliens (hyperversals) manipulate and steer recently evolved aliens toward better ecology yet sometimes make mistakes. For example, hyperversals and their genetically-engineered intermediaries may assume that human error is genetically based, or that extremes of human violence and greed represent solely human shortcomings. Meanwhile, we have evidence that IFSP operatives have directly manipulated human events.

Due to complications in the Verdant IFSP, hyperversals sometimes intervene in a messy, Verdant-related situation, then withdraw and “discuss” it among themselves telepathically, using mind-activated technology. Such discussions can, at times, degrade into diagrammatic, instantaneous resonation, rather than thoughtful conversation.


As a result, mistakes are made and people may suffer. This is an important aspect of human-hyperversal interactions.

* Later, we’ll discuss the ironies of diagrammatic resonance in place of thoughtfulness, a distinction that cuts across, and separates some offenders from more thoughtful others.


Although widely traveled and accustomed to studying lesser aliens, some hyperversal societies may be relatively stagnant.


They change little during our lifetimes, while human society changes rapidly. So, from our perspective, it might at times seem as though hyperversals fail to comprehend the dangers of our predicament. They aren’t as vulnerable as we are.

However, one key aspect of hyperversal life should favor at least a shaded understanding of our situation. If, as hyperversals insist, the universe has been extended (or intra-cycled) at least once, then it should have been extended before that, perhaps over and over again, if not continuously in an alt-cycle sense. Humans have heard subtle talk in this regard.


This suggests that successively more advanced hyperversals exist and should, by now, be capable of non-visibly monitoring the latest generation of hyperversals in order to tend to what they do. Being less burdened by the need to herd newly evolved aliens toward a basic universal ecology, older generations of hyperversals may have preserved their vital sensitivities.


They should be able to sympathize with decent humans, although they probably live longer and risk a kind of emotional desiccation.



* One hyperversal (reportedly from a recent generation of hyperversals) suggested that hyperversals from successively earlier generations may be even more prone to condemn a potentially dangerous new population of sexuals. It was a sobering moment.

What do we know about interactions between hyper-advanced aliens?


Over time, I’ve witnessed some of their inter-communications and critiques of one another. The tone and character of such communications is subtle, framed in terms of a greater scale of alternate cycle gravitic resonance - fine and sometimes elusive but mostly transparent details embedded in a slightly deeper realm of hyperspace. Their science is more complex and is premised on a better, basic understanding of the universe.


It’s as though they begin from a greater variety of understandings - across a variety of different horizons, so to speak.

Nonviolence among hyperversals appears to be the understood rule, although political and cultural disagreements definitely occur. In some such cases, each “side” may try to assert a larger, more enduring premise for his or her actions. Nonetheless, in a case like that of Verdant IFSP intervention here on Earth, dissenting (or counter-posed) hyperversals, or, in some cases, categorically more advanced hyperversals, feel free to assert that humans need to know basic details about Verdants. Should you appeal to hyperversals about such, be sure that you embody a higher standard.


Some hyperversals offer complex yet easily understood critiques of Verdant excess and Verdant use of manipulated violence (violence that’s framed to seem indirect).


Complex statements about human feelings and a human kind of existential predicament are offered. Sometimes, a hyperversal will make a statement (verbal, graphic and deep with subtle details) about a typical human’s daily work or social predicaments, essentially showing that hyperversals have some of the same feelings. This is done deliberately.

When humans discuss a topic, we often reference a variety of national and cultural viewpoints. Hyperversals communicate in ways that suggest a vastly larger awareness.


For example, in one case mention was made about the Markarian Chain of galaxies that curl out from the center of the Virgo supercluster.


Markarian's Chain is a stretch of galaxies that forms part of the Virgo Cluster.

It's called a "chain" because, when viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line.

It was named after the Armenian astrophysicist, B. E. Markarian, who discovered it in the mid 1970s.

Member galaxies include M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435.

It's located at RA 12h 27m and Dec +13° 10′.


The best human representation is just a photo, but the hyperversal representation was much deeper and was detailed in ways that I could only begin to appreciate - showing a number of different (integrated) aspects of large elliptical galaxies that involved mergers of entire galaxies, some of them ongoing.


Imagine seeing a telepathic map of the politics, dynamics and culture of Europe for example, if you had never seen such a thing.


Many of the details would be there, yet you wouldn’t have enough background information to absorb it all. In other words, mitigating any outward vulgarity in hyperversal disagreements are the fantastically complex, multicultural, historical and scientific understandings that hyperversals share, even if they aren’t always part of the same universal bailiwick.

Some hyperversals are keenly aware of legal implications in daily events, which suggests that they, too, are bounded by basic legal considerations.

  • What’s the basis for such legal distinctions?

  • Is it formalized, or is it simply about what all societies share in common?

It’s possible that among hyperversals, law takes on a unified character, i.e. merged or finely integrated values for scientific, ecological, and crime-specific considerations.


What does that mean?


An earlier chapter describes a topological structure of mind (and language). Legal definitions based on the topology of alternate-cycle commonality can be more precise than is concretized, singular wordform, which can be propped up for deceptive misuses. When legal definitions are fractionally interlinked so that you can see them all at the same time, they’re easier to comprehend.


So, among hyperversals and other aliens, unified values and definitions help to integrate entire categories of meaning in order to make sense of the universe. This allows for a greater back and forth conversation between more ideas so that they can agree on intermediate values more effectively. When hyperversals communicate, they do so with multiple implications - topologically.

We can easily imagine a universal code against murder, violence, and destruction, yet we also see that a population like Verdants may try to shrug off some universal standards by arguing in favor of Verdant authority in a physical location - a departure that can degrade into petty, if not infantile ideas about the universe.


For example, what rules apply when one galaxy overuses negative cycle energy and speeds the universal clock, thus depleting universal resources and shortening the duration of surrounding galaxies? Such a problem may have arisen when a hyperversal said that a “three ellipticals” hyperversal responded to a disturbance to his large elliptical galaxy, causing him to leave his (loosely construed) “retirement garden” to attend to the matter. On the other hand, it more likely meant he’d retired after the Centaurus A merger crisis but was sent in our direction.


The problem may have been Verdant overuse of negative cycle energy and ∆t (or “alt t,” as hyperversals refer to it). Meanwhile, we’ve seen corrupt, controlling tendencies among “three ellipticals” hyperversals (more on this later). A counter posed, or competing hyperversal said that from the perspective of more refined societies, the three ellipticals/Verdant combination can seem “like an alien hell.” At junctures, some hyperversals point to the hack manipulations of groups like the IFSP and warn of the dangers therein.

When a large galaxy like Centaurus A merges with a spiral galaxy, there are likely trillions of refugees who must flee radiation danger zones and find available planets to live on.


Under such circumstances, all populations in merging galaxies, and in some surrounding galaxies, must limit their population growth because, on a predictable epic scale, galaxies merge regularly. In Virgo, our next-door galaxy supercluster, galaxies are merging right now, and many more formed Virgo’s numerous large elliptical galaxies.

All large galaxies are the product of mergers. In other words, the only way to safely and peacefully maintain order in the universe is for surrounding galaxies to accommodate at least some refugees of galaxy mergers. Merging galaxies must agree on emergency contingencies, and all merging populations must try to reduce their numbers in order to be able to better transport to new locations, or, in some cases, share planets if they agree to do so. It’s an inescapable part of life in this universe.


There is no way around it.

Meanwhile, in M83, a galaxy right next to Centaurus A, Verdants apparently ignored the plight of their Centaurus A neighbors.


Rather than limit their population numbers to an understandable 50 trillion or so, given their security environment, Verdants went hog wild and actually grew their population many times larger than what is safe and sustainable. Just when Centaurus A aliens needed help and cooperation during the last 200 million years of their galaxy merger, Verdants defied universal norms and grew to 500 trillion aliens.


That simple, unadorned fact tells us something is drastically, structurally wrong in Verdant society. Their population numbers leap out, on first inspection, and suggest that nearly all aliens in surrounding galaxies would be wary of a Verdant incursion. Other populations are expected to respect the universal equivalency between populations in order to preserve resources and provide a check on population problem cases, yet Verdants ignored the universal equivalency. For us, that is a warning signal.

So we need to examine the Verdant-gray aggregation carefully, at a safe distance, rather than naively allow them bases in our star system. Obviously, aliens in the 50-100 galaxies near M83 will be similarly wary. It’s a matter of simple common sense. Phillip Krapf now reports that he was dropped from the Verdant “diplomatic” approach and was replaced by a younger person.


Verdants gave Krapf the cold shoulder after he asked questions and published details that Verdants might consider embarrassing, i.e. he wrote that a Verdant lied about Verdant use of advanced energy weapons. Such developments underscore the need be wary of an aggressive, self-described alien “colonizer.”

When a population grows so large and acquisitive, it tends to ignore the pleas of other aliens. A regime of 500 trillion energy-demanding aliens doesn’t really think, in the human sense of carefully balanced planning and analysis. Instead, it tends to lurch out in search of what it wants or needs, without considering others’ rights. In that sense, the Verdant population is an essentially faceless, unresponsive aggregate. We’ve seen Verdants who are sullen, presumptuous, and deceptive - which is to be expected, given what we know about their empire.

When cited for violating the intergalactic ecology, Verdants offer a variety of tacky excuses. For example, they pose the IFSP’s various conscript planets as a kind of window dressing to cover for the Verdant population explosion. Cases of the sort underscore the
need for larger conventions and carefully metered constraints on any population.

Our Milky Way-Andromeda galaxy group wraps into the larger Virgo supercluster and is being pulled by the Canes I galaxy group, which blends directly into Virgo.


Meanwhile, the Verdants’ more distant Centaurus A galaxy group is moving away from us at 457 kilometers per second. So, our community is here, around us, not way over there in Centaurus A. It’s most ironic that Verdants and old Centaurus A aliens are here, trying to mob up our situation and convince us that we need to conform with their wants and needs. Compared to aliens in our galaxy group, Verdants took far too much, and that’s their recurring problem (not ours).

The first and foremost mind and energy resonance space for us is the community around us. It’s essentially a vast, orb-like configuration that resonates into nearby galaxies (not Centaurus A) and across Virgo. It’s a much more intelligent configuration. Rather than allow ourselves to be drawn into Verdants’ distant, greedy debacle, if we orient ourselves re: our closer, more modest neighbors, our planet will be safer and better. But first we will have to block Verdants out in order to concentrate on neighbors and neighboring galaxies.


For example, within 10-20 light years distance, we may find a small planet with physiologically smaller, gentler native aliens who developed a shared social identity early. Within 30 light years we can expect to find a variety of sharing, peaceful societies.

In some alien bureaucracies, we can expect to see a wide range of physiological and psychological conditions relating to age, inflexibility of government routine, and desensitization due to having worked with relatively backward regimes like ours for long periods of time. Since aliens have been engineered to live longer than humans, the subject is of prime importance.


After years of communicating and interacting with aliens, I've noticed that some older aliens (like the pre-noted colonizers) tend to forget basic lessons of their earlier education. They tend to discard the cautions and reservations taught them during (their equivalent of) university years and rely, instead, on their personal insights.

Although alien medicine is more advanced than ours, in some cases alien psychology hasn't kept pace with alien medical technology. As a result, we see long-lived aliens, i.e. so-called Verdants described by Phillip Krapf who live many times longer than humans, aliens who are physiologically intact yet sometimes emotionally are degraded.


One hyperversal hinted that some hyperversals live “11 million years,” believe it or not, which is 550 times longer than Verdants and 139,240 times longer humans. Krapf was told that Verdants live for 20,000 years, which is 224 times longer than a human.

In old aliens, a kind of psychic deadening can occur, an emotional desiccation that can lead to some of the symptoms of senility among active, working aliens (rigidity, reluctance to learn new ideas, strangely mechanical routines repeated over and over again). Worse yet, such aliens regard themselves as relatively young compared to older working peers and may off-handedly dismiss the suggestion that some of their best sensitivities have withered, over time.


They may not be aware that they've changed.

Imagine how it would be to live for thousands of years, to have tended to wars and sabotage on a place like Earth, to have orchestrated campaigns of brutal destruction, or worse yet, the ruin of an entire planet. Emotional sensitivities that wither aren’t easily regained, and brain connections die as a result. Although humans get old and die within several. decades of brutal wrongdoing, Verdants don’t.

They live on for thousands of years. The science that gives them prolonged life can’t resuscitate vital sensitivities, which are a critical dimension of basic, functional intelligence. As a result, Verdants responsible for too many abuses are like walking dead. They don’t feel for their victims. Sensitivities of the sort will have died hundreds, if not thousands of years earlier.

For humans, that can be a major problem. When ranking figures in an off-world regime like that of Verdants become too callous, younger Verdants may not be able to overcome their elders’ rigid consensus. The result can be a deeply seated bias, a misreading of highly dynamic events here on Earth, for example. In the end, due to structural inertia, older offending elements may succeed in painting all human affairs solely in terms of the Verdant agenda.


Outranked, younger Verdants who might otherwise object to abductions and conflict-propagation refrain from expressing themselves for fear of career consequences. As happened to the gray planet, the results can be catastrophic.

Verdants reply that although their intervention may have ruined the gray planet, grays are now less dangerous non-sexuals who “serve others,” rather than themselves. The question is whether they were tricked into serving Verdants and whether the death of the gray planet, then IFSP breeding and use of gray survivors is a kind of pyramid scheme that depletes the universal ecology more than would have happened had the gray planet survived. The “three ellipticals” hyperversal faction comments on the subject at intervals.


They suggest that had grays not been so desperate, grays might not have decided to become non-sexual.

This is an important question because if IFSP operatives steer human conflicts toward the brink as happened to grays, the IFSP will occupy the area and use human refugees. What court hears such cases? Is it all but a soap opera for doddering, insensitive hyperversals tired of haggling with aggressive sexuals? The only court of binding relevance is the press and media of a target people before their planet has been trashed, not afterwards.


After losing their home planet prematurely, survivors pose no challenge to the IFSP, unless they tell their story elsewhere.


Hyperversals may look at such cases from a variety of perspectives, but, if their own inner animal is allowed to reign over higher faculties, such planet trashing can be seen as seeding the universe with showcase non-sexuals. The death of a planet like Earth could simply be dismissed as a lower order debacle with primitive, museum-like qualities, while hyperversals live on in technological splendor.

There are some in the anonymous hyperversal mainstream who, due to age-related rigidity and indifference, may think that all primitive aliens are what they are because they’re failed spirits trapped by low order impulses - as if a god-like order of being places them there, accordingly. Humans would like to think hyperversals wouldn’t be so unscientific, yet, in the aged resonance of hyperversal groupthink, a variety of unspoken assumptions can distort reasoning about newly evolved aliens.

Is there gender among hyperversals?


Apparently there is, but among non-sexual populations the distinction isn’t as graphic as it is for humans. I’ve listened to some hyperversals who seem to know the feelings and impulses of sexuals from a subjective perspective.


So, it’s reasonable to assume that some hyperversals either prefer to be sexual or choose a mixed sexual/non-sexual strategy in order to retain genetic diversity and hardiness. Hyper-advanced science can go in a variety of directions. It can verge on seemingly unfathomable new categories then assume a different kind of character.


For a more earthly analogy, consider the following. When humans become honest enough to observe and respect the intricate logic that already exists in Earth’s resonant ecology, then human science will graduate into a new category. Hyperversals both see and feel into a greater spectrum of resonance with nature in the universe.


There may already be a more advanced order of being that they, too, must observe and respect in order to better themselves.

Among hyperversals, the notion of species might stretch the human idea of possibilities. One hyperversal says that hyperversals tend to be non-sexual, which, if true, would be encouraging. Imagine what the universe would be like, over time, if they were all sexuals.

I assume, as appears to be the case, that “at present,” hyperversals may be more modest in number than more recently evolved populations, yet hyperversals are far more capable. The problem with estimating hyperversal population numbers is that our notion of time is definitely not the limit elsewhere, even though we’re beginning to understand the nature of time and hyperspace. Overall, there may be more hyperversals than recently evolved aliens.

When hyperversals can both see and ascertain that you understand their terms of existence, the basic universal assumptions of their lives, they are more sympathetic - especially if you live by similar standards. They go out of their way to emphasize that the entire universe continuously strives to return to, or integrate as, a unified, collective entity (its true basis - which is sometimes distorted by pretension and misconcept).


Some hyperversals have nurtured and helped us develop a larger understanding that we can never sufficiently express gratitude for, although we can begin by humbly spreading universal standards. As a result of some hyperversals’ efforts in tandem with those of other neighboring aliens, we now have a preliminary critique of Verdants.


Over time, we’ll probably refine our critique to acknowledge that even though we may not agree to be part of the IFSP, some of its efforts will, in the end, have helped us to evolve.

It’s all part of a very large drama involving numerous galaxy groups. One hyperversal showed where Verdants have lightly fingered into at least six galaxy groups (five surrounding groups plus our Andromeda-M33-Milky Way group). Given that we all wrap into the Virgo supercluster, we must coexist with our neighbors but should do so on mutually more evolved terms.


Meanwhile, hyperversals possibly exchange information on a universal scale. In comparison, Verdants are small-scale, strange as that may sound to some. At intervals, we hear limited mention about events deep within Virgo and interactions between superclusters.

At one point, a hyperversal said that the (boy in the bubble) –X3 who I and others communicated with is like I am in comparison to all of humanity: advanced in some ways, but not broadly representative of the aggregate, in other ways. At another time, a hyperversal said the human image of –X3 only goes about as far as Aunt B. of Andy of Mayberry does in comparison to the rest of the United States (yes, those were the words).


It was probably reference to the fact that –X3 is a prototypical dependent of the “three ellipticals” sub-group, which appears to be tasked with monitoring and interacting with Verdants and the IFSP.

At times, the politics of larger interactions can strain and distort hyper-advanced aliens’ approach to humankind. Sometimes, it seems as though a given hyperversal group’s desire to control other aliens rivals their attention to the basic ecology. Moments of the sort involve psychological and structural ironies, some of which may have little to do with humans, more to do with the history and experience of long-lived hyperversals.


In other words, humans are seen through the filter of political ironies involving other aliens in, or affecting, our galaxy group. We may also be mistaken for having the same tendencies as did our less-educated, war-like predecessors, some of whom may have been marginally manipulated (at some remove) through alien intervention.

It helps to imagine how it might be for an entirely different, advanced species to look down on strange “hair-heads,” as one hyperversal humorously suggested we might be seen at a glance. For an alien who has lived thousands, if not millions of years, the current human generation may seem transitory and uncertain. Past human history was a sordid, often bloody parade of self-serving primitives who took often too much while claiming to do so in the name of God, although rarely, if ever, allowing fair and free discussion about the nature of “God” and the universe.


Even now, our government tries to deny that intelligent life exists on other worlds.

When hyperversal control freaks dunder in and start to manipulate, it helps to remember that any and all individuals in the universe are capable of error. I sometimes note one error in particular, actually a bundling of errors.


It has to do with the fact that the entire universe is the only definitive “singular” quantity. It can’t be observed as a whole, but can only be modeled as a relatively faint and subtle near-whole. When a given regime or group of manipulators peers out at all the rest they sometimes make the mistake of assuming that they definitively encompass the entire universe. When other competing structures do the same, we see a fairly simple, but dangerous irony: the one group’s structured observation (modeled as nearly-singular) is distorted and amplified by the second group’s structured observation(s).


In other words, it’s the mathematical equivalent of STRUCTURE x STRUCTURE, which is error prone. Rather than divide their observations into the larger commonality, they multiply their error, instead. So we see too many whole-numbered misconceptions, not enough humility and forbearance.

When a limited group of hyperversal manipulators tries to lord it over a large variety of other distorted structures (i.e. when hyperversals push Verdants to do convenient dirty work), the result is cold, cruel and destructive. Even among the best aliens there are structural distortions, but in corrupt and materialistic alien interactions, distortions are worse. That’s further complicated by old-age syndromes and the elimination of genes for emotion, in some cases.


The best a newly evolved population can do is simply recognize that it’s dangerous to immerse in the contorted maelstrom of alien offenders. It’s safer to observe them from a distance and work to organize larger, better relationships.

When Verdants and their cohorts dunder in, disastrously overpopulated and aggressive if not destructive of entire planets, humans must step back to study the phenomenon carefully and not succumb to the bully temptation to leap in and trade away human sovereignty, nearby planets, and more (especially when this galaxy needs to reduce population because it will merge in the future).


Instead, we need to remember that part of the human elite is corrupt and ready to waste the lives of billions, to squander the planet’s ecology in exchange for a parrot’s perch on some puny IFSP starship.


Their first strategy is to say “we” can cut a deal with the IFSP, that, in fact, they already have! A tiny human elite will say certain technologies can be “ours” if we just play along, even though the deal is bought with the blood of innocents and funded through narcotics trafficking by government shadow agencies.

To survive decently, we can’t wait for the worst to happen. Instead, we must act on a global scale, not merely in one nation. Change of the sort can’t be bought in a store or made solely on the Internet.

Alien math and science show that the most intelligent and enduring choices are finer and more subtle, hence more universally capable and sustaining.


We don’t neeed to withdraw from all alien interactions, but we need to raise public awareness of aliens before we become a kind of IFSP slave-market. When the majority says no, we won’t let an offending minority destroy our planet - we won’t play along with the IFSP’s destructive “Earth Changes” strategy of manipulated conflicts and earthquakes, the old regime will grind to a halt.


Some IFSP operatives will try to escape, but for now, they want to squelch all news of their crimes and silence public figures who can expose them at any moment. To survive, we must take risks and reach a wider audience. This isn’t a time to hide from reality and merely pamper one’s own, small family.

At times, Verdant-related hyperversals try to slow my teaching of basic hyper-dynamics to humans. They try to change the topic when I point out hyperversals’ modes and concepts. Such diversions have various motives - some hyperversals think the wrong humans may learn too much, while others want to obscure their own, misguided doings.


Their diversions tend to be abrupt and coarse, and involve offenders who seem to be bundled into Verdant-manipulated terracides and more. To some readers this may seem a cold slap in the face, but it’s a fact of life. The politics of the 21st century feature a variety of alien populations. They’re already here, so it’s better to investigate them than be deceived.

Taken as a whole, hyperversals have tried to evolve beyond low-order, animal impulses. Nonetheless, some of the following may discomfort people who shy away from investigative reporting.


Perhaps it’s best to say what’s about to be said in terms of a two (or more) sided analogy:

  • On the one hand, in order to escape being caught within that hell-like event horizon of destroyers and extreme violators, we need to be more honest and studied, more humble and sensitive.

  • On the other hand, it’s nice to know that if we persevere and help re-generate a more gently abiding universe we can be part of a larger, hyper-intelligent community.

The physics of the universe allow for shared thought, although the worst among us try to deny the fact.


Mass destruction is a dead end that mass offenders pretend not to notice. Meanwhile, a better way is ever regenerated yet takes commitment and effort.

No one in the universe is immune, in that regard. You won’t be accepted and integrated into greater orders of mind if you don’t behave accordingly. You simply won’t be a match. Hyperspace can be ordered in terms of such distinctions, within certain limitations.

Sometimes, –X3’s lack of concern about the misdeeds of his “three ellipticals” associates suggests they won’t act effectively, although we must (being more vulnerable).

  • Will they try to thwart our attempts to interact with close neighbors?

  • Will they toss bones into our efforts, rationalizing it all in their own, peculiar terms?

If their (presumed) trade with Verdants is too comfy, we may suffer, as a result.


Some hyperversals reply that our brush with the IFSP will force us to expand our awareness before we dunder off and attempt to portray neighboring aliens as potential enemies. After our brush with Verdants, our closest neighbors will seem mild in comparison and we’ll be better informed about aliens.

The “three ellipticals” faction argues that greater interactions are necessary for survival, yet their divisive politics tend to thwart universal-scale interactions by newcomer aliens. The question is whether offending hyperversals create division in order to arrogate that role for themselves.


The first alien interlopers who arrive here will try to obscure their own history and the presence of a larger, more considerate diversity. A good person sees past them, but a killer-regime acolyte will be tempted to jump in with the worst, as seems to be the Verdant strategy.


The sewer squad will take care of them, ironically.

  • Are hyperversals’ pre-emptive behaviors intended to avert reckless newcomers before they can do too much damage?

  • Does a larger universal convention already exist regard- ing such offenders?

  • In other words, are Verdants a small-scale balance of powers pawn, or are they population offenders being steered toward confrontations that may help to moderate Verdant wastefulness?

As is usually the case, truth probably lies in both scenarios.

Nonetheless, “three ellipticals” aliens seem to be dancing around the obvious: they’re implicated in a number of staged-as-though-IFSP communications, and Verdants know it (although Verdants aren’t equal to it). On the other hand, hyperversals have a breadth of perspective that Verdants lack; they’re better in various ways.


Although we catch them doing run-on, crappy routines ad nauseum while also criticizing Verdants at intervals, they don’t want us to dwell on embarrassing details. In all fairness, by tending to what populations like Verdants do, hyperversals can tease out the details so potential victim populations can see it all more clearly. This, in turn, lets Verdants know they’re being monitored. In the past, some Verdants have let slip that they see the hyperversal community constraint as suffocating, at times.


Again, –X3 appears to be a prototype used to both showcase what a gray-human-hyperversal hybrid is like, and to rationalize harm done to aliens like grays during Verdant interventions.

At times, the “three ellipticals” subculture tends toward nightmarish extremes of cocoon-like, obliterative propaganda. At such times, they tend to rationalize Verdant crimes at every turn and try to fill up the mindspace of observing humans with distractions and diversions. Such diversions are dense and impulsive, sometimes infantile. Ironically, “three ellipticals” hyperversals cut themselves off from larger alternatives by doing so.


That could be a fateful irony of the fact that propaganda has triumphed over critique, plus the fact that those hyperversals had a history of exploitation. It’s as though the original, specious impulse that caused both the “three ellipticals” faction and Verdants to take too much has never been entirely corrected. However, hyperversals do think and listen - they have to see further than Verdants.

The “three ellipticals” subculture (or what’s posed as a subculture) seems to cloud its own ability to comprehend the equal validity of alternative structures. Sometimes they try to make it seem as though the “three ellipticals”/Verdant regime is all we need to know about. That may be the result of internal monoculture in some alien mega-populations, i.e. their intrusive propaganda, past exploitation of target populations, and the resource priorities of a problem case hyperversal regime.


“Three ellipticals” figures suggest that a pre-emptive approach is in our best interest because it prevents us from making wrong-headed mistakes with native neighbors before we adjust to alien norms.


Meanwhile, a counter-posed hyperversal critique is both known by, and appears to include, at least some of the same hyperversals. Smoothly textured, mixed human-alien community mindform already resonates with our neighbors, and hyperversals don’t try to avert that. In other words, they see that we can make independent contact with near neighbors.

We’ve seen one or two “three ellipticals” aliens give orders to –X3, much like Verdants do with grays. Conspicuous display of rank could suggest insecurity or unresolved conflict and the possibility of larger, supercluster questions about their approach to newly evolved aliens.


At times, the two “three ellipticals” aliens I’ve observed and have debated with for years, now, listen to inputs of what appear to be senior overseers. However, in their security services there’s no officer-enlisted distinction. In any case, if hyper-advanced aliens on duty here do wrong, a mixed human-alien community (via extension of mind into hyperspace) can easily see beyond them. Easily.

In short, the hyperversal I call –X3 may have no independent historical origin. He appears to be a hybrid designed to attend to Verdant-gray-human interactions. The “three ellipticals” faction (as it appears or is posed) could be a problem regime out on the fringes of the Virgo supercluster. It’s a relief that less destructive hyperversals with better judgment appear to monitor what they do.


Of course we’ve only recently begun to know hyper-advanced aliens. The two, counter posed factions of hyperversals that we see (pro-Verdant and critical of Verdants) may simply reflect a democratic diversity of ideas and considerations among hyperversals who must tightly converge complex, if not fateful evolutionary alternatives for us, at this time. Advanced aliens must work to evolve us so that we pose no threat to a non-violent ecology.

Meanwhile, the survival of life on Earth hangs in the balance, in part due to the IFSP’s crude intervention.


Because millions have died as a result of IFSP operatives’ schemes (see the history of those noted above), the tendency of IFSP strategists is to act as though the death of human innocents makes IFSP manipulators of such deaths holy, in some strange way. We see this kind of crap in human politics, also.

* I discuss the Verdant case at intervals because it’s highly political and is often mentioned by hyperversals. It helps to illustrate alien thought about a number of subjects. Rather than let Verdants dominate our thought (which seems to be their intention), please remember that, for us, the first and foremost resonance space in all that we do is that of neighboring galaxies and the Virgo supercluster.

Speaking more generally, one hyperversal made the following caricatured comment:

At a juncture when hyperversal policy was in question, he showed a large expanse of space, in the middle of which was a huge, soft blue-gray orb-space (hyperversal community) that dominated the entire scene.

And out in further reaches of space, orbiting in a neat little circle around the central orb-space were small orb-spaces bobbing along, one after the other, like little boats in a bathtub (as if to signify more recently evolved groups of aliens). As is typical of hyperversals, the comment can be construed in various ways.

Over time, we’ve observed Verdants defer to “three ellipticals” hyperversals, smoothly cognizant of their existence. In fact, when pressured and criticized regarding IFSP direct operatives’ crimes against humanity, one Verdant impulsively blurted out that the Verdant strategy had been cleared with a hyperversal population.


Ironically, as is noted in a later chapter, there’s evidence that “three ellipticals” hyperversals directly contributed to the Verdants’ genetic development.


Verdants may, in part, have smoothed the way for own their expansion by doing three things: offering biological and other materials in trade with one or a few local group(s) of hyperversals, agreeing to configure their energy networks in a way that’s compatible with hyperversals, and promising to change some sexual populations to non-sexuals.

The fact that hyperversals reportedly steered Verdants to Earth’s location suggests that there’s a trading and technology interaction between those hyperversals and Verdants. We can assume that “three ellipticals” hyperversals need large quantities of resources, which can’t be reaped from empty space. They need diverse genetic and manufactured materials, plus minerals.


Given that Verdants have the most opportunistic, hence easily manipulated (large) regime on this fringe of Virgo, “three ellipticals” hyperversals likely trade with them on some scale.


This poses the ghastly possibility of the IFSP’s drone-like use of lesser aliens to do IFSP dirty work like mining and materials processing, which could then, in some part, be skimmed off by “three ellipticals” hyperversals. Both the hyperversals in question and Verdants rely on heavy industry (for flight craft, technology, installations, fabricated materials, and energy networks), and massive interstellar industrial production requires huge quantities of resources. That kind of need tends to eclipse humanitarian concerns.


So, the question is whether manipulated violence and planet kills are regarded as merely secondary aspects of their prime concern: maintenance of their lifestyle.

In other words, the worst (but not all) hyperversals may think Verdants can be used to essentially steal time from, if not eliminate, some newly evolved populations (stealing time as it relates to Δt and mass/energy). Of course, hyperversals clearly worry about crude Δt abuses by newly evolved aliens. One advanced hyperversal suggested that Bearden’s Δt, a change of time caused by electrogravity, is really a kind of “alternate t” (alt t) in a larger sense, which apparently involves greater (and hopefully finer) categories of gravitic energy convergence.

The fact that a Verdant-abetting group of hyperversals is here looking over the shoulder of the IFSP’s manipulated violence scheme may be due to a larger order in the universe in which all offending parties move in train in what, to them, may seem like a one-way river of time. Meanwhile, better minds can exceed such offenders, accordingly.


One hyperversal suggested that after observing hyperversal offenders, we’ll be able to see how hyperversals can say that the death of some planets (and species) can come back to haunt a manipulator. Ultimately, various aliens’ crude impulses may bundle into one another - both as an irony of the universal ecology, and to make management of such offenders easier. More advanced aliens act in a way that isn’t merely right for their time, but is best for all of time.

Sometimes, it seems as though a basic test of hyper-advanced aliens’ competency is their simple vulnerability. Those who seem too smugly certain of themselves tend to be strangely weighted. Their presumption is almost singular, weighted (in an e.t. way) toward their physical being, or regime. It’s as though they seem too condensed, when, instead, finer minds resonate out across the universe, less confined by singular pretension.

Rather than over generalize about hyperversals, I should note that callous hyperversals may represent the lowest of their kind, those whose impulses tend to be bunched, ever so singularly, into the nearest specious scheme like that of Verdants.

Ultimately, humans need to be concerned about some equalitarian societies that cut themselves off from others in the universe.


Some equalitarian societies live in relative luxury, although on fairly equal terms - unlike humankind’s rich vs. poor scheme at present. Hyperversals live in relatively easy, unmolested techno-splendor. They travel the universe. They get universal news, and they live for millions of years, according to at least one hyperversal’s report.


As a result, some hyperversals can be subtly condescending, as if to suggest that the hell of IFSP destruction and criminality that we’re going through is intended to dissuade us of our sexuality - for ecological reasons. *In other words, too bad that our government has been hijacked, but if left as we are, humans could become a threat.

The question, from our perspective is: a threat to what, or whom? One of the most bluntly spoken hyperversals has stated that there is no legal order to rely on. His drift was that humans must conform within a hierarchical kind of schema, or perhaps perish.


Meanwhile, there’s a precisely defined, if not mathematical order of being in all that happens, nearly Tao-like consequences, albeit more active in character than is the traditional Taoist outlook. It’s inconceivable that hyperversal societies don’t have carefully evolved legal structures, although some may assert that humans haven’t signed legitimate treaties with off-world governments.

Ironically, humans who fawningly accept IFSP dogma don’t hear a word about hyper-advanced aliens. Instead, they hear infantile remarks about “angels” and invisible others, instead. And why do IFSP aliens omit mention of hyperversals? Apparently, it’s because some Verdants want to play God and take the lion’s share of whatever they can get - for Verdants, primarily.


One Verdant tried to convince Phillip Krapf that Verdants are the only superpower, when, instead, they aren’t even remotely like such an entity.



* The greater order of being isn’t about power and control but interaction on more evolved, mutual terms, irrespective of technological prowess.

Absence of sexuality among some hyperversals has made them more civilized and capable but I’ve noticed that some will dunder into a place and, whether wittingly or not, play to an epic sense of grandeur.


They can sit and watch humans die by the millions, in part due to IFSP manipulations. Meanwhile, hyperversals openly explain what’s going on, even though we can’t adequately compete with IFSP goons when our public remains uninformed, our government hijacked by cabal elements who, whether they know it or not, work to divide and corrupt humankind to the IFSP’s advantage.


Watching from a distance, an old and detached yet supposedly healthy hyperversal can observe, adding his or her own, expansive sense of drama to it all - while our planet gets trashed by a criminal regime that cuts secret deals with the IFSP.

One hyperversal remarked that such a situation can drive a planet to death, a people to slave-like desperation, and, in the end, life has simply been extinguished. Ironically, potential problems for hyperversals will have been eliminated.

Ours wouldn’t be the first planet ruined by a misguided intervention. Humans are getting a preliminary look at a kind of Munchhausen's syndrome among aliens, yet few such aliens will admit to it. Instead, they glibly suggest that we could eliminate the evil gene or engineer our sexuality out in order to get along better.


Meanwhile, if government whistleblowers are correct, a corrupt human cabal has been introduced to the genetic tools needed to do so but they work in secret to secure themselves, rather than help humankind. Were human science to develop an enzyme that extends human life (like the enzyme that Buck Institute and other scientists have developed), big corporations would say, no, they couldn’t market such a thing because it would force them to pay pensions for years beyond what they’ve planned.


So, as ghastly as it may sound, progress of the sort is unlikely under the current regime. It denies that aliens exist yet does secret deals with them. It uses men like David Rockefeller’s brother, Laurance, to trivialize public concern by making minor, token reference to “unidentified flying objects” or ufo’s, when they know that many alien craft have been fully identified for years.

We could try to paint a happy face on our exopolitical (off-world political) dilemma, as one hyperversal suggested we do, but that would be irresponsible.


Hyperversals need to hear critiques. Hyperversal aliens exist and are fallible. We can’t treat them as though they don’t have coldly detached, age-related limitations. There are offenders in some of their security and policy sections who have technology for which they, alone, could never be responsible.

One hyperversal noted that, rather than repeat a well proportioned good behavior scheme wherever possible, some offending hyperversal individuals (and subcultures) will try to screw up on purpose, then try to impose an authoritarian imprimatur, or role model, on the spectacle - thus reinforcing and acting out the desired authority role.

Apparently, some Verdants suffer the same defect. With pathetic, post-apocalyptic populations like the “grays” in tow, some Verdants engage in a subtle kind of thrill-seeking (re: self/regime importance) while trying to use some of the most corrupt humans on this planet.


The question is whether Verdants see the dangers in doing so. Verdants may think they can get ahead by being the most coldly calculating aliens in our inter-galactic neighborhood, but there’s one most important catch: the Verdant home galaxy will probably be Dt (or alt. t) depleted and dangerous long before other, surrounding galaxies (M83 has an unusually high number of supernovas).


Then, Verdants will either have to drastically reduce population or go begging and try to get control of extra-galactic terrain through abductions and mobbed up technology schemes like their intervention here. Whether Verdants admit it or not, there are major obstacles to doing so. Hyperversals have repeatedly stated that all suitable galaxies are deeply inhabited.


Hyperversals should know - they’re partly responsible for ensuring that all galaxies moderate and reduce population in order to preserve the universal ecology.

Meanwhile, Verdants move in on other galaxies and take advantage of vulnerable populations. In order to pull that off, they must sell hyperversals on the cold, brutal efficiency of IFSP manipulations - as though Verdants are helping to get rid of potentially war-like offenders, while evolving other aliens.

We can see the hypocrisy in it. Verdants are the worst population offenders we’ve encountered, to date. They sneak in and seek trade with, or control of, vulnerable populations. They run the clock on other galaxies and hope that hyperversals will see them as a vulgar, but necessary mixer - forcing galaxies to interact.


Meanwhile, Verdants told Krapf they were intellectually marginalized by a change back to sexuality. They change mates every few decades or so - out of boredom.


They use epic amounts of energy and take more for themselves than any other (known) population along this small fringe of Virgo. They take 9.1 planets for themselves for every home planet occupied by lesser conscript aliens.


According to Phillip Krapf’s numbers, they spawn another 18.49 billion Verdants for every 5.5 billion aliens on a conscript planet.

Is that good ecology?

Worse yet, there are indications that some in the Verdant bureaucracy dismiss previous generations of hyperversals as ineffective old geezers, in a sense, and try to take advantage of them, even though hyperversals are far more advanced and capable, albeit removed from the struggles of newly evolved populations.

Etched into my memory is one morning more than a year after first learning about hyper-versals when there were a series of callous remarks by a seemingly-hybrid intermediary alien whose energy network and associations (plus observations by other aliens) suggest that he may either work with, or be cognizant of, an older, pre-existing generation of hyperversals who make certain, discreet appearances in ways that suggest more advanced capabilities.


The seeming hybrid coldly and distantly said sexuals can be so dangerous that the deaths of some potentially-dangerous sexuals’ planets are unavoidable.


He repeated such remarks as though oblivious to the fact that humans are endangered by the IFSP’s aggressive manipulations. It was as though we were allowed no time to educate our people before the IFSP does too much damage. The hybrid appears to work for an old hard-liner whose job it is to be blunt about such scenarios. The old hard-liner has made a variety of remarks, some encouraging, and others coldly distant and Orwellian.

Distressed by the predicament, I couldn’t help thinking that humans live in a remote location that may best be described by way of analogy.


If the visible universe were but our one, single planet, we would live in a tiny hamlet (Earth) hiding in the shadow of a potential volcano (our future merged elliptical galaxy) adjoining a tiny, remote island (the Milky Way) that’s part of a group of islands (the local galaxy groups) situated somewhere near a valley of cities (the Virgo supercluster).


Some hyperversals who attend to our situation may be like a floating consulate on a large craft far out in the ocean. They try to perform their responsibilities according to a certain plan. In this analogy, Verdants would be a single tribe living in a number of villages on a few tiny islands far from larger population centers (population centers like the Horologium supercluster or the Shapley supercluster of galaxies).

The greater population centers of the universe may not hear much about our distant, relatively small predicament.


They have other crises to attend to. In terms of the analogy above, the death of the gray's planet would like Nauru, a small, forested South Pacific island that was mined and depleted by foreign companies that left the island a treeless, desert wasteland. Meanwhile, the gray planet isn’t merely ruined; it’s completely, irrevocably dead and grays have been removed to work on what, by way of analogy, is yet another island in a tacky little casino that fancies itself economically important.

In other words, humans should be aware that Verdants may try to play up to more advanced hyperversals by posing an implicit deal:

the Verdants will do grotesque dirty work yet stay in touch.


Verdants will abduct and/or genetically improve some new populations. Verdants will also help kill off some dangerous new populations and will help avert the risk that aliens in the vicinity will interact with each other independent of hyperversal inputs.


Verdants may try to sell the scheme by saying it spreads non-sexuality and reduces the number of independent worlds. As a result of Verdant ruthlessness, lesser aliens will come crawling to hyperversals in desperation - seeking the consideration of anyone more capable than the Verdants.

Meanwhile, if so meager yet quick a learner as myself (and those in communication with me) can see through such a scheme at this early date, thanks to persistent coaching from native aliens and hyperversals put off by Verdants, then the Verdant scheme to buddy up to hyperversals may be in trouble.


Ironically, Verdant expansion probably causes competing, non-IFSP aliens to interact more tightly together. Rather than avert alien interactions outside of the Verdant network, Verdant excess will cause a larger counter convention to cohere.

Now, here's an unexpected irony: we, as a newly evolved people, need to remember that hyperversals can be highly civilized. They seem to be sensitive to human suffering, and, due to their relatively insular remove from people like us, some hyperversals can sometimes seem like the former children of gentle, trusting societies. They’re categorically more civilized than Verdants and have a greater, finer kind of insight, which can be enormously helpful.


Nonetheless, Verdants seem to have found a way to manipulate hyper-advanced aliens’ vulnerabilities.

To appreciate how that might be done, you need to see the full galactic outlines of Verdant expansion: their many planets, the vast rake of resources to please their crowd, their desire to travel and sexually indulge beneath the light of billions of distant stars. Verdants pose the full scale of their empire - direct use of energy on a galaxy+ scale, mining of resources in smaller surrounding galaxies, and experiments with the genes of any aliens they can get their hands on - in order to take maximum advantage of hyperversal aliens.


Verdants over bred to grotesque extreme when hyperversals were busy with the Centaurus A merger crisis. Some Verdants think of entire star systems as energy and minerals reservoirs waiting to be exploited.



* They don’t ask for permission to do so, but they can be repelled.

Meanwhile, the most advanced hyperversals are non-sexuals:

neither as harsh and predatory, nor as territorial as Verdants.

The difference between non-sexuals and sexuals is one of the defining themes of life in this universe.


Some hyperversals have moderated their numbers, certainly their primitive impulses. They live within community/ communities of mind, a much more advanced social premise. Meanwhile, Verdants aren’t yet a community of mind; they don’t treat others as equals.

Verdants have found a way to twist and manipulate some hyperversals for Verdant gain. In their animal-like rush to take too much, Verdants, like spoiled children, have learned to traumatize lesser populations in order to take advantage of them. Through the IFSP’s direct operatives, they essentially sponsor and manipulate mass killing, i.e. the many crimes against humanity promoted by, and profiting, the IFSP’s direct human operatives. In other words, Verdants coldly and methodically threaten the survival of entire planets - Verdants worsen tensions and conflicts in order to profit by doing so.

Verdants spokespersons say that’s but a tangential irony of their larger, cosmic responsibilities, yet Verdants use target populations’ resources and pepper surrounding star systems with small, token surrogate populations who work for the IFSP. Verdants make cold criminals of deeply-infiltrated direct operatives yet turn around and tell hyperversals that Verdants need to be on the scene to tend to such crimes (as though all people on the target planet are as dangerous as the IFSP’s worst direct operatives).


Verdants may feel a compulsion to foul humans in order to be able to later say that we, humans, were violent and cruel so we can’t turn around and claim that Verdants are cruel for having manipulated numerous terracides. This is a very real issue of our time. Verdants may want us either keep quiet or say that “(name of a ruined planet) died for YOUR sins, too,” so to speak.

And the hyperversals?


Of course they monitor such doings, in part appalled, although some orchestrate offenders like the Verdants.


Verdants have learned to maneuver people(s) like us into atrocious spectacles, orgies of violence and religious warfare, extremes of (partly Verdant-sponsored) greed and pretension to #1 military status, which leads to IFSP control of resources. Like bizarrely spoiled children, the most corrupt Verdant manipulators have learned that the more ghastly and atrocious the planet-killing spectacle, the more aghast and in thrall are some hyperversals - who may try to help the struggling peoples.


Some hyperversals may respond with epic gestures and help provide greater universal context, noting possibilities that seem obvious to hyperversals yet aren't attainable by humans, at present. Nonetheless, it makes hyperversals feel good to offer some guidance - which Verdants probably see as superfluous. The IFSP sometimes moves in for the kill and plays hyperversals for sheer, specious gain.

Some of the worst hyperversals do material deals with Verdants and may profit by Verdant overkill. Various human and alien community researchers have probed the relationship to ascertain details. There’s much we don’t know.


Hyperversals certainly monitor and influence the extent to which hyperversals and other known aliens use gravitic energies, either shortening some galaxies’ energy duration or possibly changing the rate and orientation of galaxy mergers. The question is to what extent that motivates their steering of aliens like Verdants.

Meanwhile, Verdants try to sell their scheme to hyperversals by saying that although Verdants and their human operatives profit by causing war and irreparable damage to Earth’s environment, Verdants will try to make humans into non-sexuals via the Verdant breeding program. Verdants argue that the degradation (or death) of planet Earth will have been worth it.


I’ve witnessed such argument at various junctures. Verdants occasionally boast that they physically dominate at least one large galaxy (containing more than 100 billion stars). Because they’ve attended to a variety of alien populations, Verdants say that as a mega-population they’re like the ancient ancestors of many hyperversals.


In short, Verdants argue that their understandings more closely approximate those of hyperversals than do the smaller, isolated perspectives of lesser populations, so hyperversals should see the logic in the IFSP’s design.

After the Fukushima area earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns of 2011 in Japan, hyper-advanced aliens hinted that we needed to check for a Verdant role in triggering the quake. Repeated checks strongly indicated possible direct Verdant responsibility for causing the quake.


And then, over a period of a week, advanced (non-IFSP) aliens stated that Verdants used their gravitic technology directly to cause the earthquake and tsunami, apparently in order to aggravate human economic tensions and fears as part of the IFSP’s so-called Earth Changes destabilization strategy (a sudden, sharply accelerated cascade of disasters).


Hyper-advanced aliens reported that there had been a Verdant onboard vote, presumably by ranking Verdants, which was 3-2 in favor of causing the earthquake directly.


Prior to the disaster, Verdants had acted as though they would never do such a thing (a direct weapons use of gravitic technology against innocent people). After being identified for having directly caused the disaster using Verdant technology, Verdant rationale began to dribble out - comments about how it was intended to help sabotage human elites.


Our probing quickly and easily located the five ranking IFSP aliens who voted on the action, in particular what appears to be a bossy, top-ranking Verdant male that other IFSP aliens clearly fear (apparently because of his role in previous destruction).


He appears to have been a deciding vote and was verbally cited for mass crimes, a pre-planned use of gravitic technology that killed thousands of innocents and children. Remember, he’s a roughly 5’ 7” alien with slit-like eyes, not a human. Given his rank, caution and minimal disturbance is advised. There are advanced alien indications that he brashly favors colonizer elements on a Verdant base planet noted on page 175, and an advanced alien said he enjoys privileged access to Verdant females at onboard “mixers.”

One hyperversal who is apparently older, if not more evolved than –X3 said Verdants are seen as a test case that will force Virgo supercluster populations to organize in order to limit offenders of the sort.


If such is the case, then Verdants aren’t entirely favored by hyperversals. Instead, Verdant corruption is expected to spur others to do better. Hyperversals have a way of rounding out problems of the sort by placing them in larger perspective, which is to be expected, although it can fall short of universality by mistaking the event horizons of a single galaxy and certain hyperversals’ technology for the sum total of the universe - I’ve seen this; it is most immodest.

In large-scale interactions between aliens, the errors of any one population either stimulate a larger corrective response or a failure among the given population - a crisis in which more advanced parties can offer guidance and further insight.



* Some hyperversals would say that with time and patience, advanced consciousness should prevail anywhere, at any time. In other words, all quantities derive from the whole, which is deeply inter-dimensioned with a finer, gentler kind of genius.    


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