August 27, 2009
PreventDisease Website
The science of
incrementalism is a very simple and effective method
of working to achieve a specific goal.
It relies on many small changes enacted over
time in order to create a larger broad based change. World powers have
embraced this systematized knowledge and applied it to the gradual
deterioration of human health for one purpose - control.
In order to control humanity, you need to control their health.
long-term planning to effectuate this concept has taken thousands of years
to perfect and model, but today the intended results are undeniable. The
theories and hypotheses have been effectively molded and cloaked into
practical applications. Their surreptitious nature has fooled billions of
people who could not even acknowledge the existence of this paragon. That
is, until now.
We can no longer deny the systemic and gradual destruction of health. It is
everywhere and worldwide. We are passive observers and painful bearers. We
have chosen the ignorant path to health for far too long and it is time to
realize why.
If we analyze the process of how health has been
taken from us, we can better appreciate how to take it back.
What is Eugenics?
Behind every door, under every rock, as far back as can documented,
has always been found to play a crucial role in orchestrating human health
and its direction.
One aspect of eugenics is the belief in
modifying the qualities of humans to discourage reproduction of inheritable
undesirable traits. For example, Nazi eugenics were racially-based social
policies that targeted those humans they identified as "life unworthy of
life", including but not limited to the criminal, degenerate, dissident,
feeble-minded, homosexual, idle, insane, religious, and weak.
Eugenicists advocate specific policies that (if successful) they believe
will lead to a perceived improvement of the human gene pool.
Since defining what improvements are desired or
beneficial is perceived by many as a cultural choice rather than a matter
that can be determined objectively (e.g., by empirical, scientific inquiry),
eugenics has often been deemed a pseudoscience. The most disputed aspect of
eugenics has been the definition of "improvement" of the human gene pool,
such as what is a beneficial characteristic and what is a defect.
Some of the most destructive dictators in the last century, Joseph Stalin,
Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler were all influenced by some type of concept or
ideal involving eugenics. Regardless of its intent, eugenics throughout
history has only led to the mass slaughter of innocent human beings.
The most sinister dictatorships and communist paradigms killed approximately
175 million people in the 20th century. Many historians worldwide have
suggested that the worst of tyrannical governments ended with Mao. However,
that was only the beginning of an era, or a change in the ways the
eugenicists approached and exercised their control over governments and
humanity itself.
Why settle for millions of deaths through any
regime, when there are easier more effective ways to kill billions under the
cloak of good will?
By the time Mao had well established his destructive path, the eugenicists
had already devised a long-term plan of genocide that conventional weaponry
could never match. Soft kill weapons integrated within vaccines, all
consumables and the environment would ultimately provide the most effective
platform for human extermination.
Bilderberg Group,
Trilateral Commission,
Council of Foreign Relations and various other world shadow
governments have all assisted in the creation of an invisible empire with
strong ties to eugencists.
There are many theories on exactly who presides
as the master puppeteers for modern day eugenics, but for the purposes of
this discussion, we will maintain that the global elite and world powers are
the eugenicists. They all have a unilateral mission and their controllers
are irrelevant.
It is the universal eugenics ideal that must be
Keep The World
Poisoned Indefinitely!
Eugenicists and the global elite have long advocated for draconian
population reductions over the past several centuries.
For example,
Thomas Malthus argued that the
population growth, by the poor, inevitably outstrips food production and
leads to a massive retaliation from Mother Nature (i.e., Malthusian
His infamous “Malthusian Controls” which are taught to every
first year sociology student, has become a cornerstone belief for many
modern day globalists who advocate population control by any means
This radical and dangerous idea promotes the
unproven notion that the poor deserve to die because there are too many of
them for the Earth to adequately support. Malthus believed that higher wages
and welfare should be withheld from the great unwashed because he believed
that these two factors would allow the poor to survive and exponentially
breed, thus compounding the overpopulation problem.
Under the guise of population control, and through the precise science of incrementalism, eugenics has been able to passively and globally achieve its
goal with little or no physical force to the masses.
Step by step, simply through the process of
introducing junk science, political manipulation and compartmentalization of
public officials, we have witnessed the gradual advancement of,
It is the perfect plan to destroy human health,
create zero population growth and reap the profits in the process.
Sustainable profits continue because the disease based system continues to
treat, rather than prevent disease. A sick patient is a profitable one and
easily manipulated. The eugenicists are well aware of this fact. There is no
viable business model in the prevention of disease and its mere suggestion
is ludicrous to the eugenicists. Disease prevention contradicts their
objectives and coincidentally interferes with profits.
Many people are suspicious to the reality of this premise dismissing it as
However, when discussing the facts and asking
appropriate questions, it is difficult if not impossible to dismiss the
maliciousness of the eugenics agenda.
We know cigarettes cause cancer, so why
do we continue selling them?
We know
fluoride causes cancer, so why do
we continue fluoridating the water supply?
We know pesticides cause cancer, so why
do we allow them in the conventional food system?
We know vaccines contain heavy metals
and preservatives which cause neurological damage in children, so
why do we continue inoculating?
We know polysorbate 80, potassium
sorbate, sodium benzoate, MSG,
aspartame, soy lecithin, and
countless others are lethal to the human body, so why do we not ban
these additives?
We know the dangers of genetically
modified (GM) foods, so why do we continue using GM soy, corn and
many others in the food supply for illegal human experiments?
The list of questions goes on and on.
Regardless of the industry, every time the dangers of specific toxins are
exposed, they are replaced with other types of toxins, sometimes more
virulent than the original. This is especially evident in the manufacture of
injectables including vaccines, insulin and other pharmaceutical
applications. The goal invariably continues on the same path - to keep world
populations saturated with the highest levels of disease inducing poisions
It is also important to highlight that regardless of the industry, the
eventual discovery of how these toxic substances negatively affect human
health is always decades behind what the eugenicists have already confirmed
to be detrimental to humanity.
How Does
Incrementalism Work?
If the public witnessed the price of gasoline increase by 120% in one day,
there would likely be outrage and riots.
However, the same increase over an extended
period of time of 5 years, regardless of its validity or invalidity compared
to true market price, will instigate little or no resistance from the
public. This is a factual example in both the United States and Canada from
2003 to 2008.
It clearly demonstrates the power of
incrementalism on
human psychology. Minimize confrontation and maximize results.
The incremental approach commanded by the eugenicists employs the most
effective methods of reducing any obstruction by international
confrontations over intractable issues such as population reduction.
Furthermore, their approach relies on resolving any conflict issues that
could threaten their ability to advance their interests.
This greatly reduces the magnitude of problems
that could otherwise not be eliminated with any other method previously
For example, in the 20th century, it can be postulated that most, if not all
of the international conflict issues around population reduction could not
be solved by basic round table discussions. Military force was a natural and
unfortunate consequence of these failures. An alternative form of compliance
would inevitably be required to avoid successive military confrontations.
The eugenicists then learned to apply many different types of incremental
"treatments", some of which required the cooperative efforts of contending
political parties within the international community. Others were
implemented unilaterally.
Similarly, while some treatments were relatively
easy to implement, others required that politcial and public officials
developed new dispute-handling skills or secure the assistance of outside
For instance, if any disputes arose regarding the scientific validation of
vaccines or their effectiveness, controlled opposition and fictitious
medical specialists would be used to fabricate statistics and data in
reputable medical journals to sway opinion.
Many politicians and public health officials
would then unknowingly use the fabricated information to validate the
eugenicists mandate. For every new disease, an additional increase in
vaccine dosage or frequency would be applied. For each new vaccine, a study
would be falsified to justify its effectiveness and requisite belief
Unlike other forms of dispute resolution used by competing governments, the
incremental approach was a workable strategy in situations where
resolution-based approaches were not effective. By infiltrating politicians
and developing small-scale interventions, governments could be easily
coerced into accepting the false model designed by the eugenicists. In most
cases, this would also allow for the resolution of sub-issues before moving
on to the more substantive issues in contention.
Again, the historical administration of vaccination programs serves as a
typical illustration of this strategy.
For every sub-issue and counter approach raised
by intergovernmental public health agencies, such as vaccine toxicity or
schedule frequency, world health agencies and medical establishments would
consistently fall back on the false model incrementally developed through
the decades to validate vaccine program initiatives. Any intervention by
those opposed to the prescribed mainstream approach are criticized,
chastised or simply ignored regardless of the validity of their arguments.
The delusive foundation of vaccination programs
are reinforced over and over again since their power resides not on truth,
but on repetition of the incremental infrastructure itself.
The Multi-tiered
Approach to Destroy Health
Vaccinations were never invented with the intention of preventing
Their sole purpose was to create the most
dangerous and repulsive system of blood poisoning to kill the undesirables
and control the population. Vaccines have always been and continue to be the
most effective bioweapon ever employed by the eugenicists. Many medical
experts agree that vaccines are likely the single biggest cause of chronic
illness in developed nations.
The 18th century saw the first vaccine produced for any disease. The 19th
century produced 7 vaccines. With the advancement of medical technology,
there were more than 20 additional major vaccines developed in the 20th
century. Some vaccine researchers have estimated that the number of new
vaccines in the 21st century could well exceed 500 with over 100
vaccines currently under development.
In the United States alone, 36 vaccinations are
recommended for children by the time they reach 6 years of age.
The 20th century also served as a breeding ground for the
development of thousands of deadly chemicals that were specifically designed
to disrupt the nervous, reproductive, immune and hormonal systems of the
human body causing cancer, infertility, heart disease, diabetes, brain
damage and other illnesses and disorders.
bisphenol A (BPA)
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDT)
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)
...and many others were all invented in the last
200 years ago.
However, under the pretense of increasing the
manufacturing sector, their integration within developed societies has
conveniently devastated human health.
After the second industrial revolution, targeted
industries increasingly integrated these chemicals into all end applications
such as plastics, cosmetics, lubricants, toys, food storage devices,
building materials, pharmaceutical and nutritional supplements, cosmetics,
lubricants, insecticides, electrical components, coolants, furniture,
upholstery and many other applications.
The intention was to embed as many toxins as possible within the fabric of
society. A few hundred chemicals in the 19th century quickly became tens of
thousands. We currently use more than 110,000 chemicals to sustain our
modern way of life. Not only do we have unacceptable limits of contaminants
in our food, air and water, but we are constantly "upping the ante."
Every year, we “invent” more than 2,000 new substances, most of them
contaminants, which are emitted into the environment and which are
consequently present in food, air, soil and water. We come into contact with
more than 500 of these contaminants every day, and there are already
approximately 200 chemicals in the average person's body fat at any given
These numbers will certainly rise for future
generations unless the world adopts more responsible manufacturing
New disease symptoms that cannot be diagnosed are occurring at record rates
worldwide. The National Academy of Sciences estimates that 15% of the
population has Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), however,
physicians who practice environmental medicine estimate that chemical
sensitivity affects up to 50% of today's population.
Many scientists had exposed the harm of many of these chemicals, but it took
decades for the information to reach the public. The eugenicists are masters
at ensuring that the release of such information strictly coincides with
their best interests. Whistleblowers who expose classified information and
against the eugenics agenda, have historically been executed by black
operations worldwide.
Modern day examples include dozens of
assassinated microbiologists who have
worked with government agencies and were a threat to expose the true nature
of the
H1N1 swine flu agenda, or
free energy inventors who have been terminated because they had
workable solutions to obtain clean and abundant sources of energy.
The weaponization of food has also become a hallmark of modern day eugenics.
Once world powers had acquired the knowledge to biochemically transform the
food supply, it would quickly become one of the most successful strategies
to control the health of the global populace and propel genocidal
interventions when necessary.
The use of petroleum-based fertilizers, genetically modified organisms,
irradiation and sewage sludge are just a few of the common practices which
sterilize the nutritional value of food.
By incorporating agricultural poisons such as pesticides and herbicides, and
gradually expanding their manufacture and use in the latter part of the 20th
century, a system to chemically alter all conventional fresh produce was in
Agricultural poisons are now among the most widely used chemicals in the
world. The United States and Canada allow more exposure to pesticides than
almost every other industrialized nation.
They are sprayed on forests, lakes, city parks,
lawns, and playing fields, and in hospitals, schools, offices, and homes,
and are contained in a huge variety of products from shampoos to shelf
paper, mattresses to shower curtains.
Pesticides and herbicides have been
confirmed to be a significant risk factor is causing cancer, infertility and
neurological disorders. 100% of
pregnant women have pesticides in their placenta.
GM foods have also been an effective weapon in the manipulation of the food
supply. Since James Watson and Francis Crick cracked the genetic code in
1953, the human engineering of genes has been a possibility. But it took two
decades for their discovery, which won them the Nobel Prize in 1962, to
yield results in the lab and two more for GM products to appear in the
In the 1990s, biotechnology moved out of the laboratory into farms and
became a boom industry. In 1990 the first GM food, a yeast, was approved in
the UK. The government of Canada was testing at least 50 different types of
genetically modified foods on their population by 1993, and this was without
the consent of their citizens.
Spearheaded by the eugenicists,
Monsanto company has been the largest player in the GM foods
They have single handedly made the United States
the world's biggest producer of GM foods, pesticides and herbicides. Founded
in 1901, Monsanto has manufactured industrial chemicals (e.g. sulphuric
acid), plastics and synthetics, and saccharin, a carcinogenic artificial
sweetener. It has also produced or granted production licenses for most of
the world's toxic PCB's which are now mostly banned worldwide.
By the 1940's, Monsanto had begun focusing on plastics and synthetic fabrics
like polystyrene (still widely used in food packaging and other consumer
products), which once ranked fifth in the Environmental Protection
Agency's listing of chemicals whose production generates the most total
hazardous waste.
During World War II, Monsanto played a significant role in the Manhattan
Project to develop the atom bomb.
Following the war, they championed the use
of chemical pesticides in agriculture, and began manufacturing the herbicide
2,4,5-T, which contained dioxin, a toxin which Monsanto knowingly used to
contaminate a wide range of products.
Between 1975 and 1981 a research program was established in Monsanto's
Agricultural Division to strategize the advancement of genetically
modified organisms. By the mid 1990's, more than 50% of the world's
conventional soy and corn (the two most integrated foods), were genetically
We now have three major categories of GM foods:
crops (i.e. soy, cotton, canola, and corn),
dairy products, meat, enzymes and additives created from GM bacteria and
The eugenics researchers and
Monsanto scientists have known about the dangers associated with
GM foods for decades. Potentially disastrous effects are inevitable from
undetected harmful substances in the development process of
A popular method used by scientists is to systematically create plants that
produce their own pesticides by using genes from bacteria. They would do
this by using genes from bacteria that produce their own pesticides.
The bacteria are called Bt for
Bacillus Thuringiensis and the pesticidal toxin it creates is
called Bt-toxin.
Scientists would make millions of copies of
these genes, which are either shot into millions of cells or infected into
the cell by bacteria. The hope is that some of the genes make it into the
DNA of some of those cells. The problem is, they never know what part of the
chromosome the new gene is being introduced into.
Before they multiply and insert the gene construct, they add an antibiotic
resistant marker gene.
This new gene creates a protein that protects
the cell from a specific antibiotic. Next, they dowse that plate of cells
with antibiotics. It kills off most of the cells except the very few where
the transgene made it into the DNA-where the antibiotic resistant gene is
functioning. Thus, the surviving cells are antibiotic resistant.
surviving cells are cloned into GM plants. Each cell of each plant now
contains the gene that produces the Bt-toxin. It also contains the
antibiotic resistant gene, which is now in our food.
If antibiotic resistant genes transfer, they might create super diseases,
resistant to antibiotics. Viral proteins might suppress our own body's viral
defenses, or the proteins may be toxic. If the Bt gene transfers, it could
theoretically turn our intestinal flora into living pesticide factories,
possibly for the long term.
The biotech industry is also well aware that the viral promoters they insert
into genes can actually turn on other genes. This may cause it to
overproduce its protein in high volume, which might be an allergen, toxin,
carcinogen, or anti-nutrient.
GM foods are an imminent threat to humanity's food supply. Besides the
ethical concerns, genetic pollution is self-perpetuating. It can never be
reversed or cleaned up. Genetic mistakes will be passed on to all future
generations of a species. Wind, rain, birds, bees, and insect pollinators
have begun carrying genetically-altered pollen into adjoining fields,
polluting the DNA of crops of organic and non-GM farmers.
This has been happening all over the world for
more than a decade.
Theoretically, it genetic pollution continues,
it could obliterate the world's natural organic food supply. Use of
herbicide-resistant crops will also lead to a accelerated increase in the
use of herbicides, resulting in even
greater pollution of our food and water
with toxic agrochemicals.
This is the world the eugenicists have primed for future generations.
and Political Control
If governments are so concerned with the health and welfare of their people,
then why would they persist in developing an infrastructure of agencies and
departments whose policies precisely direct the opposite? How have millions
of public officials participated in the demise of public health?
Through compartmentalization, dimensions of
public policy have translated these imposed false assumptions and junk
hypotheses of health and extended them into functional instruments of
procedure and action.
For example, a director of public health will not question the directives
from federal or regional health authorities, just as a public health
coordinator will not question orders from his or her public health director.
This hierarchical system operates in every country in the world, running all
facets and divisions of government. If people want to keep their jobs, they
do not question higher authorities.
All venomous practices by modern day eugenics (and historically) are
completely amalgamated within the political and public policies of
government. Moreover, they are always imposed under the pretense of
advancing our health, safety, environment or economy.
Although eugenics policies or consequences of alternative policy instruments
are continually evaluated by successive generations, the maintained
hypotheses imposed include perfect implementation with almost no feedback
effects from interest groups and coalition formations.
This is what allows
the continuous maldistribution of political influences in government
This is also the basis for the conceptualization
of bargains and compromises that are undertaken to shape government
directives that are acceptable to those who have the greatest capacity to
obstruct such structural reforms, as well as to others who have stakes in
the outcome.
In essence, public health policies are never advanced to the benefit of the
people. They are simply a controlled instrument that eugenicists have used
to incrementally tip the scales of authority in their favor. As long as
eugenicists control world powers, corporations, governance and policy, the
long-term advancement of human health is unattainable.
An prime example of how eugencists use corporations and political control to
dominate governance is the advancement of
Codex Alimentarius.
Established in 1963, Codex Alimentarius
is the thinly-veiled propaganda arm of global conglomerates who do
everything they can to control and limit individual options to maintain or
increase health.
This collection of international standards and
codes of practice is scheduled to be implemented on December 31, 2009 in the
U.S. and Canada. According to the projections of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and
mineral guideline alone.
Among a plethora of other dangerous guidelines,
it will also reintroduce carcinogenic pesticides that were banned worldwide
in 1991.
It's About Controlling
The Media
The resistance offered to counteract the momentous strength of the eugenics
movement has been futile.
The failures to combat and halt their progress
are largely attributed to the ignorance and programming of world populations
the mainstream media.
More than 95% of the world's media is owned by six companies who all
conspire to promote the eugenicist's lies, deceptions and disinformation.
The suppression of competition and the establishment of local monopolies on
the dissemination of news and opinion have characterized the rise of these
media empires.
Many have persisted for well over a century,
injecting complete fallacies and rewriting the historical record of
humanity, while continually promoting the eugenics archetypes of lie, cheat
and steal. They have, without question shaped public perception to their
will. Aside from the internet, they essentially remain unopposed.
The internet has been a crucial medium in bringing truth to the people.
Sophisticated alternative news sources, web portals, radio, blogs, email and
chats have allowed more people to seek and learn the facts online. For this
reason, there has been an aggressive push by the eugenicists to censor the
internet before the masses awaken to the reality of their false paradigm.
World powers have already arranged for the
modification of the Internet from a free
and public structured network, to a private, fee-based and fully censored
system by 2011. A successful conversion of internet backbones to a
privatized central hub (mirroring the distribution of network television),
will certainly end most digital forms of free speech.
There are currently more than one million pages
online devoted to stopping internet censorship.
How to Break Free From
The Cycle
We must unite and realize that we are not victims of circumstances, we are
the creators of circumstances. The eugenics agenda would not have survived
as long as it has without billions of people cooperating and accepting it as
Gandhi said it best:
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
Gandhi also said we have to be the change we
want to see in the world. It will not be possible to defeat the eugenicists
without changing ourselves and the way we live.
Some basic recommendations to break free:
Lead a simpler life
Grow your own garden
Get plenty of sunlight
Get plenty of rest
Eat together as a family and interact
with each other
Eat organic fresh foods and as many raw
foods as possible
Refuse to drink or eat any food with
additives or artificial flavors
Refuse to buy clothing or furniture
manufactured with toxins
Read about nutrition and exercise and
then put theory into practice
Learn as much as possible about aging
and immunity
Learn about the 5 do's and don'ts to
improve your health
Research and use multiple sources to
validate everything you read
Activate higher brain levels by
Take responsibility for your health
Find your purpose
Become active in informing others
Create a website, newsletter or blog
The solutions are incredibly simple, but so many
people are entrenched in the programming of false societal values and
beliefs, that many of these recommendations are very daunting for most.
However difficult or tedious the adaptation process may be, the only limits
we place on ourselves are those we believe in. If we cannot change
ourselves, what power will we ever have to change others and our world?
It starts with you.
Population Control
The Eugenics Connection
END GAME - Official Movie Eugenics
Eugenicists' Quotes