by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
July 8, 2011
Examiner Website
A subtle psyops - psychological warfare
operation - intended to engender public fear and apprehension around
Comets Elenin, Levy and Honda (all expected to pass near Earth in
the Fall of 2011) may be part of a future false flag environmental
war attack on specific human settlements and populations using the
HAARP-Chemtrails tectonic and weather warfare system.
NASA officials, the
White House, and specific information operatives
formerly associated with NASA such as
Richard C. Hoagland are each
releasing public statements that infer or explicitly
state that Comet Elenin’s near passage to Earth may create an
“extinction level event (ELE)”.
NASA email and video to employees
Recently, NASA took the unusual step of sending an
explicit disaster
preparedness email to its employees, stating,
"NASA is the only
federal agency responsible for its people’s safety and well-being
here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety
and emergency preparedness.
Over the past year, Administrator Bolden
has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for
the entire NASA family.
Family and personal preparedness plans are
key to protecting our families and communities during potential
emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes."
White House
letter - Smoking gun that Elenin is a threat or Psyops promoter?
On Oct 15, 2010, the
White House issued a letter highlighting the
hazards of near earth objects including comets. One fair
interpretation of the White House letter is that its timing may be
part of the Comet Elenin psyops.
One source that is reporting on the White House promotion of the
Comet Elenin psyops as though it were a genuine threat states,
“Comet Elenin: White House letter
addresses "US Must Prepare For Comet Collision With Earth"
"We had previously reported how Planetary Alignments with Comet
Elenin Causing Big Earthquakes. And about Comet Elenin HUGE
MASS, as objects with smaller mass having short elliptic al
Orbit, from 2 up to 1000 years or so like Asteroids or Comets.
The fact that Elenin comet (C2010 X1) enters our solar system
close to the ecliptic with a Period of ~11,800 Years (Long
Period Orbit), makes this Object very dangerous.
"In latest development now we learns 10 page letter is already
out on the web since October 2010, which proves that US NASA and
the White House know about ELENIN and consider it “a real
threat” (On October 11, 2011 Elenin will be only 0.246au away
from Earth; that’s a quarter of the distance to the sun.) it`s
possible even more dangerous against earth than we understand.
"They are calculating and preparing to if possible take action
against this Comet. John Holdren, director of the White House
Office of Science and Technology Policy, or OSTP, outlines plans
for “(A) protecting the United States from a near-Earth object
that is expected to collide with Earth.
"Interestingly, Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) was only 'discovered'
by civilian Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010, in the official
White House letter below, written back in late October 2010, the
White House addressed the possibility of an Comet/Asteroid
striking the Earth.
"The terminology used in this letter, along with several other
facts that have emerged in the time since the letter was
written, lead us to believe that our 'shadow' government and
elements within NASA have long known that anticipated effects of
the arrival of Comet Elenin would indeed be much greater than
they are telling the public. In fact, we believe that the White
House letter below may be the 'smoking gun' to help prove that
the government indeed does know that the potential consequences
facing planet Earth from this comet will be far more disastrous
than what they are “officially” telling the public.
"In breaking down this letter, it’s important to address several
questions that have since more recent information come to light.
After the letter above clearly shows how important it is to
monitor such incoming objects due to their propensity to
“change” orbit? Why was it that NASA turned off the granddaddy
of all NEO (Near Earth Objects) telescopes & SETI ATA this year?
"Flashback Quote:
"The WISE spacecraft will remain in
hibernation without ground contacts awaiting possible future
use." The SETI ATA has been in hibernation - a safe mode of
sorts, where “the equipment is unavailable for normal
observations since April 15, 2011.
Why are we
not getting any straight information from mainstream media about
Comet Elenin 2011 while most Google searches on Elenin will
bring you straight to the alternative news sites throughout the
Yet the evidence suggests that Comet Elenin is no threat and the
White House and NASA communications and other actions are part
of a psyops to make it seem that Comet Elenin is a threat.
Hoagland, Sorcha Fall, Elenin and disinformation psyops
notorious disinformation website,
Sorcha Faal, openly
Mr. Hoagland’s predictions about coming Earth catastrophes
associated with Comet Elenin as in psyops terms.
Sorcha Faal reports,
“July 7, 2011
“Top US Space Expert Issues Catastrophic Warning On Comet Elenin
“By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
“A grim warning was issued this past week by the former NASA
consultant and noted US space expert Richard C. Hoagland that
the newly discovered comet named Elenin, designated C/2010 X1,
that is fast approaching our Sun is under “intelligent control”
and heralds a warning to all humanity of a great Global
catastrophe soon to come.
“According to Hoagland’s report, the significance of the name
‘Otto Matic’ being associated with Comet Elenin lies with it
only being able to be associated with a video game developed by
Pangea Software, published by Aspyr Media and then released to
the public on 11 September 2001, the same day the United States
suffered a crippling attack.
“Hoagland further asserts in his report that is “beyond
coincidence” that Comet Elenin is scheduled make its closest
approach to the Sun on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks,
11 September 2011, and that on 11 November 2011 (11-11-11) its
orbit will carry it into a “grand alignment” between itself, the
Earth and other planets in our Solar System.
“For the ‘secret meaning’ hidden from normal public view about
Comet Elenin, Hoagland says, one must know about the ‘Otto Matic’
video game,
“It should, likewise, be noted about this comet that its Russian
discover may itself be a ‘secret code’ in that the first three
letters of his first name contains the exact constellation Comet
Elenin is approaching our Earth from (LEOnid) and the first
three letters of his last name eerily gives the most dreaded
designation a comet can have, ELE… Extinction Life Event. “
Russian astronomer
LEONID ELENIN comes out to debunk the "Extinction Level Event"
Readers can watch a video interview in which Leonid Elenin, a
29-year-old Russian astronomer on the staff of the International
Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC), comes out publicly on
Russian TV to debunk the catastrophe psyops circulated by entities
such as NASA, the White House, and information operatives such as
Richard C. Hoagland.
In this interview, among other facts, Mr. Elenin states that the
photographic effects that have been interpreted by a number of
analysts, including
Richard C. Hoagland, Dr. Michael E. Salla of the
Exopolitics Institute and others are in fact effects caused by
photographic artifacts and not evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs
following Comet Elenin.
Mr. Elenin also states in the interview that a false Facebook
account was opened under his name and that this account has been
instrumental in promoting the Comet Elenin catastrophe psyops.
This reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has previously reported on the
deep interpenetration of Facebook and the total information access
program of the U.S. Department of Defence, raising questions as to
whether the false Facebook identity may be part of a covert black
budget strategy around Comet Elenin to create the conditions for a
another false flag environmental war attack on the heels of the
March 11, 2011 Fukushima tectonic warfare attack, triggered by the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system.
Please refer to:
Facebook at 517 million users suppresses ET/UFO
disclosure with cointelpro spying, censorship
Comet Elenin is not a
danger to the earth
science-based source dedicated to debunking the attempted Leonid psyops states,
"Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) is a comet discovered by
Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010.
Elenin was
using a robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico. Mr. Elenin is
an amateur1 astronomer from Lubertsy City, Russia, near Moscow. He
is a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute, works as a
researcher at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian
Academy of Sciences), is married, and is bilingual (Russian and
He volunteers with the International Astronomical Search
Collaboration, and runs a website at
http://SpaceObs.org. He has had
a passion for astronomy since childhood, and studies minor Solar
System objects and variable stars.
He has discovered more than 10
variable stars and numerous asteroids, and now, a comet.
"On December 11th, 2010, Leonid Elenin posted news on his site of a
'new and interesting object' discovered during a 'routine survey of
the sky on Dec. 10, 2010'.
The discovery was made at the independent
Russian remote observatory ISON-NM, which is located near Mayhill,
New Mexico. The observatory is operated under the Russian project
ISON (International Scientific Optical Network). His observations
were confirmed by Aleksei Sergeyev and Artyom Novichonok at Madinak
Observatory in the Ukraine.
"Initially the comet was thought to be a short period comet, with
aphelion near the orbit of Jupiter, and a perihelion inside the
orbit of Earth. However, over a week after its discovery, the Minor
Planets Center at Harvard published the orbital elements8, revealing
that the perihelion would be near Mercury! It was still unclear as
to whether this was a rogue (a one time event) or a periodic comet.
Further observations and calculations show that its period is on the
order of 10,000 years, and that this is likely its first pass
through the inner solar system. This leads to the prospect of a very
bright comet in 2011.
"According to the
JPL Small Body Database, C/2010 X1 is a Hyperbolic
Comet, meaning that it will not return.
However, Leonid Elenin has
calculated that due to perturbations to the comet's orbit from the
gas giant planets, that the orbit of his comet will be modified to a
long-period elliptical orbit, and that it will return in about
10,000 years. Comet Elenin is in an orbit that is close to the plane
of the ecliptic. It is currently just past opposition and about
3 times farther away from us than we are from the sun.
"In August 2011, Elenin will become a naked-eye visible object, as
it sweeps in closer to the sun than the Earth is.
"By September 1st, 2011, Comet Elenin will approach the orbit of
Mercury, and it will reach Perihelion on September 5th. In just a
little over a month it will have traveled from the orbit of the
Earth to the Orbit of Mercury. At this point it will be so close to
the sun from our vantage point that it will be completely hidden.
However, it will be visible on solar-observing spacecraft such as
"On October 17th, 2011, Comet Elenin will make its closest approach
to the earth. However, its distance to the Earth will still be huge,
nearly a quarter of the distance between the earth and the sun.
Seeding the
Comet Elenin psyops
There appears to be a concerted effort by a command and control
network within NASA, the White House, and amongst information
operatives like Richard C. Hoagland to create a fear-based psyops
around Comet Elenin.
Functionally, the psyops appears to be
attempting to create a collective fear or “buy in” by some portion
of humanity of coming comet-caused catastrophe.
This fear or meme
may be necessary to carry off a planned Fall 2011 false flag
catastrophe incorporating the symbology of destructive comets, the
Mayan calendar and an End of the World motif.
The Comet Elenin psyops falsely links a coming Fall 2011-Spring 2012
catastrophe with “astronomically-caused catastrophes” such as the
2004 Boxing Day tsunami and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima
In fact, the Indonesia and
Fukushima tsunamis
were in both, false flag environmental war attacks triggered by the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system.
One source states,
“Instead of being excited about the possibility
of a naked-eye visible comet, some people are making some very
strange and wild claims about the comet, or about Leonid Elenin.
Some people are apparently questioning whether Leonid Elenin is even
a real person, despite the fact that he is acknowledged as a
contributor in various scholarly journal articles since 2009.
Elenin will
not collide with the earth
“At its closest approach, Comet Elenin will be 34 million kilometers
(21 million miles) away from the Earth. It will also be 4 million
kilometers (2.4 million miles) above the orbit of the earth.
The Earth will not pass through Elenin's Tail
“A common misconception of comets is that the tail streams out
behind the comet. Even if that were the case, the images and video
above show that we would not pass through the tail. However, the
tail of a comet does not stream out behind the comet's path, but
rather points away from the sun.
As such, the tail will never be in
a position to cross the path of the earth.
“Even if the earth were to pass through the tail of the comet, the
only effect on the earth would be a nice show of meteors. Perseid
meteor shower occurs every year between August 9 and 13 when the
Earth passes thru the orbit of Comet Swift-Tuttle.
Comet Halley is
the source of the Orionid shower in October.
Leonid Elenin
is a real person
The Comet Elenin psyops seems to include erasing Mr. Elenin’s real
human identity and substituting a coded message for his public
“It has been claimed that "Leonid Elenin" does not, in
fact, exist, but that instead his name is a 'coded message'.”
article quoting Richard C. Hoagland’s
of an extinction level event threatened by Comet Elenin states,
should, likewise, be noted about this comet that its Russian
discover may itself be a “secret code” in that the first three
letters of his first name contains the exact constellation Comet Elenin is approaching our Earth from (LEOnid) and the first three
letters of his last name eerily gives the most dreaded designation a
comet can have, ELE… Extinction Life Event.”
One expert, Don Yeomans,
states about C/2010 X1,
"So you've got a
modest-sized icy dirtball that is getting no closer than 35 million
kilometers," said Yeomans. "It will have an immeasurably miniscule
influence on our planet. By comparison, my subcompact automobile
exerts a greater influence on the ocean's tides than comet Elenin
ever will."
NASA's David Morrison on Comet Elenin states,
“The comet never comes
close to the Earth, but it is expected to be visible in binoculars
during August and October. Part of the Internet chatter concerns its
Comets are exceedingly small and enveloped in a tenuous cloud
of gas and dust, so the only way to be sure of their actual
dimensions is to visit with a spacecraft. This means its mass is
less than one billionth the mass of the Earth. Needless to say, we
will not be aware of the tiny gravitational pull from Elenin."
HAARP-chemtrails weapons system, not Elenin, triggered Fukushima
Contrary to the assertions of the Comet Elenin psyops meme, the
Fukushima earthquake-tsunami of March 11, 2011 was, according to the
best available evidence, triggered by the HAARP-aerosol chemtrails
tectonic weapons system, most probably the
HAARP facility in Tromso,
Although some scientists, such as Dr. Mensur Omerbashich of Bosnia,
claim that Comet Elenin was responsible for the March 11, 2011
Fukushima event, the forensic evidence indicates that the Fukushima
earthquake was triggered by the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system.
Hypothetically, Comet Elenin may have figured in the March 11, 2011
Fukushima environmental warfare false flag operation in at least two
The HAARP-chemtrails weapons
system may have taken advantage of the specific planetary
alignment of Comet Elenin with Earth on March 11, 2011 to
trigger an earthquake that otherwise would not have taken
place. This alternative is consistent with the principles of
environmental warfare, which uses the forces of natural
systems, including astronomical systems, against target
populations or structures.
The perpetrators of the March
11, 2011 Fukushima environmental warfare false flag
operation may have synchronized their triggering of the
HAARP-chemtrails weapons system with specific planetary
alignments of Comet Elenin so as create a psyops deception
that there was a causal connection between Comet Elenin and
the Fukushima earthquake.
HAARP-chemtrails weapons system caused Fukushima disaster
The following articles as interviews contain irrefutable forensic
evidence that the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system as causally
responsible for the
March 11, 2011 Fukushima disaster.
Leuren Moret - Fukushima HAARP
nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks
Leuren Moret - Fukushima tectonic
nuclear warfare monitored by world partners
Comet Elenin,
2004 Indonesia Boxing Day tsunami, Fukushima, and a coming natural
Dr. Mensur Omerbashich also argues that planetary alignments caused
the December 26, 2004 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami in which
250,000 persons lost their lives.
One observer
“The debate over Elenin's
significance has been dramatically changed with the emergence of
a Bosnian scientist who has released a remarkable paper tracking
the relationship between planetary alignments and seismic
(earthquake) activity on the Earth.
Dr. Mensur Omerbashich
claims that since 2006, comet Elenin has had a measurable impact
on the Earth's seismic activity. If Dr. Omerbashich is correct,
then we can expect a rapid surge in seismic activity in terms of
major earthquakes as Elenin approaches the Earth during the
latter part of 2011.
“Dr. Omerbashich's paper was released on April 11, 2011 and is
titled "Astronomical Alignments as the cause of ~M6 +
seismicity." His basic idea is that as planetary bodies align
with the Earth, that seismic activity increases. He provides
historic data on large earthquakes, greater than magnitude 6,
and how these have occurred during planetary alignments.
example, he notes that the 9.1 earthquake that hit Indonesia on
December 26, 2004 causing over 230,000 deaths around the Indian
Ocean, occurred when the Earth, Mercury and Venus were in
alignment. At first, the planetary alignment thesis seems
puzzling since it's not obvious what is happening during an
alignment that would cause seismic behavior on Earth.
“Dr. Omerbashich doesn't explain the dynamic processes behind
planetary alignments and how these impact on seismicity. He
simply provides historic data suggesting that physical processes
are indeed occurring during an alignment that cause the seismic
Yet, forensic analysis since the 2004
Boxing Day tsunami has clearly shown that this event was more
probably than not an environmental warfare false flag operation,
involving the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system, and perhaps 4th
generation nuclear weapons.
See, for example:
The same observations regarding the possible relationship of
planetary alignments with regard to the March 11, 2011 Fukushima
false flag operation can be applied planetary alignment and the
false flag operation of the Dec. 26, 2004.
The perpetrators of the Dec. 26 2004 false flag environmental
warfare tsunami may have taken advantage of planetary alignments to
use the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system (and 4th generation nuclear
weapons) to trigger an earthquake and tsunami that would otherwise
not have taken place.
Alternatively, the perpetrators of the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami may
be using some alleged planetary alignment as a “cover” or pretext to
explain an environmental war event like the HAARP-triggered false
flag operation Indonesia tsunami.
11.11.11, IIXXII, and
"Head for higher ground"
The Comet Elenin psyops meme is being promoted by such official
agencies as the U.S. White House and NASA, and by established
information operatives like Richard C. Hoagland with a protected
position in widely heard alternative media like Coast-to-Coast AM.
The Comet Elenin psyops has begun to infect communications and
relationships on social media like
Facebook, for example.
Here is an example of an exchange on Facebook between a
correspondent and this reporter regarding Comet Elenin and a
mysterious symbol "IIXXII" that is somehow associated with an
anticipated catastrophe linked to the Comet Elenin in Oct. 2011.
correspondence suggest how deeply the Comet Elenin may be affecting
people's actions, as the correspondent recommends that this reporter
not be in Los Angeles, CA. to present at an event on 11.11.11. (November
11, 2011), and vacate his residence in Vancouver, B.C. for higher
ground furring the remainder of Nov. 2011.
"A friend would like to know what the symbol "IIXXII"
means. He said he posted it on his wall and with in hours an
Illuminati heir befriended him. The meaning I have found for IIXXII
is infinity; interestingly enough one of the symbols I came across
was a winged serpent over an unwinged serpent in a circle eating
each other's tail.
"IIXXII as a date is November 20th
2011, this is the same date as
comet Elenin aligns with the earth and the sun at its closest point.
If Elenin could be a Psyops mind game to cover over the use of
space-based weapons, I would have to believe something very
significant is going to happen in November. Should we say goodbye to
Japan and the West Coast?
Alfred, you may want to move to higher
ground. IIXXII has me very concerned! Please let me know if you come
across anything with this number - symbol."
"We ran intensive interdimensional probes on IIXXII and
found the following: IIXXII - and the comets, etc. - are a meme that
someone is trying to push now to mount a false flag. If no one buys
into the fear, no false flag occurs. We are scheduled to be in LA on
11.11.11 and Vancouver BC rest of Nov. 2011.
Probe states reality is
safe there during Nov 2011. Would suggest you let go of any fears or
concerns about IIXXII as meme generation and move into positive
timeline meme reality. In Light, Alfred"
How to evaluate Comet Elenin and the Elenin psyops
The best available scientific and forensic evidence shows that,
more probably than not:
Comet Elenin is not a hazard to Earth.
Past catastrophes such as the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and the
March 11, 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami are in fact
environmental warfare false flag operations triggered by the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system.
Comet Elenin is an ordinary comet, is not accompanied by nor is
an extraterrestrial space ship.
An attempted Comet Elenin psyops is underway to create a meme of
fear and have some critical mass of the human population “buy into”
this meme, thereby facilitating the planned false flag operation.
The planned false flag operation could include HAARP-chemtrails
weapons systems deployment to create environmental events such as
earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. with consequent damage and nuclear
leakage from nuclear power plants.
If the human population fails to
buy into this false flag (as it failed to do in the
H1N1 virus false
flag operation), the false flag operation fails.
We should be outspoken in exposing those who attempt to promote
the Comet Elenin psyops. In the words of the AIDS awareness movement
of the early 1980s, "Silence = Death".
Are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline? Or are you on a
2012-13 catastrophic timeline? Part 1
Are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline? Or are you on a
2012-13 catastrophic timeline? Part 2