InformationLiberation Website
In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This
seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much
more than the confines of this worldly system.
It is the seeker, who
understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and
makes the choice to go into the unknown.
The process of awaking has begun,
the discovery is underway. 2009
Alan Watt
A Course in Deprogramming
Reality Check - Alan Watt
May 05, 2012
YouTube Website
Alan Watt, (the thinking man's
David Icke) in this video talks about how
the Illuminati uses mind control on the
Profane to set up the
New World Order.
Here is a small extract.
"Charles Galton Darwin the grandson of Charles
Darwin, said that "every civilization has really been a form of slavery for
the people," and he was all for it.
That was a NATURAL ORDER according to
him and of course those who are trained in power and control of the people
are trained in this technique since birth. They're brought up listening to a
different version of reality than someone brought up in a local housing
They're told that the realities of life the predators should be at the
top the natural order. They're predators of course because they're such
As good predators they can't tell the children how they're
really feeding off them or manipulating them for different ends because
children don't understand these things and those with the low IQ's you know
the little people at the bottom of the hill you've got to keep them in the
Video Transcript
Transcribed by Linda
April, 2006
CuttingThroughTheMatrix Website
"The Future" You don't know me from the wind You never will, you never did. I'm the little Jew who wrote the Bible. I've seen the nations rise and fall. I've heard their stories, heard them all, But love's the only engine of survival. Your servant here, he has been told To say it clear, to say it cold, It's over, it
isn't going any further. And now the wheels of heaven stop, You feel the devil's riding crop, Get ready for the future, it is murder. Things are going to slide in all directions. Won't be nothing, nothing you can't measure anymore. The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold And it has overturned the order of the soul. When they said “repent” - I wonder what they meant.
Leonard Cohen
Singer, Songwriter
Alan Watt:
Hi. I'm Alan Watt and some of you have heard me on radio
broadcasts going back to '98 on the "Sweet Liberty" broadcast and short-wave
Jackie Patru was the host and we still do an occasional Wednesday
night on Internet only this time, and we have been for the last year or so.
On these programs, we've discussed the histories of
mind control basically.
We've gone through the histories of ancient religions, how they started up
with civilizations, and the meaning of civilization. The money system which
is part and parcel with religion in the system called civilization. The
techniques to control the peoples, which haven't really changed that much.
The same techniques are used, only on a much larger scale, plus they have
children in school to start the indoctrination process early into giving
them a type of version of reality, of which, generally, they will never
question their whole life long.
Many, many thousands of years ago, civilizations rose and fell; and really,
by “civilization,” we're talking about the creation of "artificial systems."
Money, of course, is an unnatural thing to use for barter. It's of no use in
itself. It's supposedly a tool. That's how it's pushed over through
economics; it's a tool which helps barter. It's helps barter, you see, by
using a third party; and of course, those who introduce the money ultimately
control those who barter and those who buy.
From money, of course, they build cities. Cities are an artificial hive - a
"beehive" as Plato called them; and through cities, these civilizations
really are one civilization under many faces. Through the cities, they could
- because they must use money in a city and they can't draw anything in a
They can't feed themselves. They're totally artificial.
A culture
which is fluid and flexible is not a natural thing. At least we don't know
what natural culture ever was, but it's definitely flexible and pliable, and
is a science in culture creation, is still ongoing. Those who know how to
manipulate it and to start in the cities, where, once they have money on the
go and they've trained the people outside to accept money for their food
products and so on, they then build standing army from within the city.
the standing army they go outside the city and conquer other peoples - force
them into the system.
Force them to use money. Give them a religion and really THEY'RE REALLY
Charles Galton Darwin (the grandson of Charles Darwin) said, "every
civilization has really been a form of slavery for the people," and he was
all for it. That was a NATURAL ORDER according to him; and of course, those
who are trained in power and control of the people are trained in this
technique since birth.
They're brought up listening to a different version of reality than someone
brought up in a local housing area. They're told that the realities of life,
the predators should be at the top the natural order.
They're predators of
course, because they're such hypocrites. As good predators, they can't tell
the children how they're really feeding off them or manipulating them for
different ends, because children don't understand these things. Those with
the low IQ's, you know the little people at the bottom of the hill, you've
got to keep them in the dark, the profane.
PROFANE in Masonry means "those in the darkness," base people, which is a
real hypocrisy in itself, because it's like breaking the legs of cow and
then kicking the cow because they can't get up.
That's the hypocrisy of this
system and that's how they view the public. They've broken our legs and they
hate us because we can't get up. We're pathetic; and of course, they claim
that we need them. It's like saying that the mice in the fields need the
From the days of Babylon and then before Babylon, they called them
the Harappans. This is the name that's been stuck on these people by historians,
just to give them a name, but the Harappan culture extended all the way from
Egypt right through the Middle East to China. Now they're unearthing
pre-Sumerian Harappan cities on trade routes; and of course they must use
the money system to live that very high standard of living, these merchants,
and they even had in-door plumbing. Something that some people today don't
have even in Canada and some places.
If you go into the Minoan cultures, you'll find the Minoan's in the Aegean
Sea controlled all the trade routes. They controlled all the merchandising
on the sea, land and everything. They also had in-door plumbing and central
heating, even, and hot water for bathing in and showers and they lived, I
assume, a beautiful lifestyle. They had painted frescos in every room, hand
painted and it was just a wonderful existence for this high ancient elite,
who obviously didn't create the culture themselves or the system.
They had got it from a previous civilization in turn; and so it comes to
this empire, so we're looking at people down through the ages who are
intergenerational and who pass their system on to the next. Now of course
that does seem to be what this is all about, because DYNASTIES AND POWER
When they do move, because it was their turn to lose in
warfare, because they have turns, you see. War is to create change and to
make profit, not for what the public thinks it's for.
Sometimes the ones who decide “we'll lose this time,” they will actually
move to, generally, their enemy’s camp, which is their friends, and share
the loot and bring up their children and slap the name of the country on
them; and they don't care what they call the country.
just move.
They move, all down through the ages. They bring on catastrophes
to an empire when they've used that empire up and they've already created
another one to move into and then they flatten the old one and move on. This
has been the system for thousands and thousands of years at least.
The trick of Darwin was to make you think we just evolved in 200,000 BC and
before that, he even said 10,000 BC, which is rubbish. This whole evolution
thing is actually a Masonic doctrine. It's nothing to do with what we think
it's meant to be. It's a Masonic doctrine.
Darwin just was pulled out of the
hat by the Royal Society, which was a Masonic scientific establishment
chartered by the British Crown to exist.
He basically gave the "On The Origin of Species" et cetera to justify the right of certain types to rule; and he
wasn't talking about other animals or animals. He was talking about
themselves over us. Evolution is a caste system. It's to verify a caste
system, to reinforce it and of course, it's worked very well up until now.
Going back to the Minoan's, we know they also shared and they were probably
very much so a part of the ancient Egyptian elite, because the frescos on
their walls have the same imageries, styles, techniques used as you'll see
in the frescos inside some of the tombs inside-in Egypt.
They even had the
little curls down at the front locks of the youth that they used to depict
youth in Egypt.
Yes, they make perfect sense. A real elite wouldn't live in a place where
they could be easily attacked. They would have a front - an empire or a city
and come in and out of it certainly, but they would also have somewhere
safe, such as in the middle of the Aegean Sea. We know, for instance, that
in a circle in the Aegean Sea of little islands, which are left after a
volcano goes down, they had that huge island there at one time.
Islands like Thera are the remains from when the tropic volcano sinks into the ocean, so
these little fringe ones remain and become separate little islands; and
that's where we get much of the Minoan history from.
Interesting, the Minoan's used a
double-headed axe in their religious
ceremonies, the symbol of the fascia, which is from down through the ages.
We're looking at something the Catholic Church used afterwards, thousands of
years later.
Minoan's were around 5,000 to 6,000 BC and here is the same symbology used by their own Catholic church, who simply inherited their
culture from the Greeks who moved into Rome. The elite, that is, of course,
and brought all this symbology with them.
The Greeks got it from the Minoan's. This is an endless stream of symbology,
down through the ages, of language, you might say, which they understand
very well; and which some very high Masons understand; and which some
people, who are natural adepts, can figure out themselves, but there’s not
[many] of them.
Catholic Church
used this Minoan fascia of the axe with
the bundle of rods around it, meaning, "strength was in numbers."
When you
get one twig you can break it easily, but you get a whole bunch of them in a
bundle and try to break it in one go, it's harder; and so the nobility-the
ruling elite must stick together at all costs, you see. In the middle of the
bundle is the main shaft of the fascia - the actual axe itself.
This is also in the Senate in the Congressional Hall in the U.S., where Mr.
Bush now gives his speeches and every other one before him has.
On either side, you'll see the fascia symbols or system, often elite,
encircling the center shaft and they're all tied together. They're bound
together by oaths, you see, in blood and money and so on - and their own
secret religion. Yes, we're creating a system going back way, way back into
the mists of time.
Civilization to the elite is that which is ABNORMAL.
They create the ABNORMAL. They are the deviants so they create the ABNORMAL.
Nothing normal can come out of deviancy. That makes sense.
You've got an artificial system which "CONNED". The word CON, COHEN, CAIN,
KAHN, KING all comes from the same root of PRIEST. They conned people to use
money and then of course they could create their cities. Hire people for a
standing army. You can't get a bunch of guys together to go and conquer
anybody if you don't have some means of keeping them there - some kind of a
reward. They'll just go home eventually, get bored and fed up.
Money is always the key to this civilization, this building process:
building of cities, empires, society itself.
Freemasons like Albert Pike and
Mackey and a whole bunch of other ones are always extolling their own
virtues of being able to build society, build culture. In the Middle Ages,
where they built their cathedrals and their big huge churches and so on,
they'd often build them either next to or on top of existing ones; and so,
as they're building new one, they're demolishing the old. The old age, the
system is buried and demolished as they're building up the new one.
We have an elite who've used war, money, cities, culture creation, religion
and all the things that come into the culture festivals, generally based on
lunar and solar and stellar mythologies, to keep the people in check. Keep
them happy, dumbed-down, stupid and obedient more than anything else,
because obedience is so important.
Of course, the sun god (below video) was one of the
greatest ones they've used down through the ages up until the present; and
it's a reincarnated sun god.
You see, it's the same old thing rehashed over
and over where the invisible god, the "Grand Architect of the Universe," as
the Masons call him, always chooses a son - his own son to push life into the
world, because they claim that without it, we the profane are dead, you see.
In a sense, they're right because if you don't know reality, you are dead;
because living as a human means you're a sentient, aware, fully conscious
being. You'll find in all religions they have the same terminology. You find
it in Christianity, too, where Jesus says to the guy, "let the dead bury
their dead," and ministers don't dwell on that because they can't really
fathom it out.
How can those that are walking around bury the dead? It's
because life doesn't mean you're animated, which is the big con today.
Everybody's rushing around in their cars as fast as they can go and they
think they're living because they keep moving and they don't do shopping
lists anymore.
They've got to just keep moving and have noise blaring all
the time, and music playing or something, you see, because they're scared to
Those who do not think for themselves are classified as the DEAD, in all
George Orwell used that even in his "1984" book, where Winston and his
girlfriend are caught by the thought police before being taken to the
Ministry of Love - for torture. That's what he says when they're first caught,
"we are the dead." That's a little Masonic giveaway, meaning that if they
had been really alive, they would have never been caught like this.
Of course, there are many, many degrees of waking up from the dead. In
Freemasonry they have a substitute a bunch of rungs on a ladder, called
degrees, for the idiots who join it at the bottom to get up, thinking that
one day they're going to get hit the big magic number and they're going to
be a full-fledged high Chutzpah, you see, and they get virtue.
right? They're taught virtue.
All these drunkards and guys who've done everything everybody else has done
suddenly have virtue.
They think,
“oh my goodness, I'm a 32nd Degree Mason
of the Scottish Rite and I am illumined and I've got virtue. I've got
....as they cross their palms with silver in their handshakes and pay
each other off, you see, and take all the freebees from the society to live
You know, cheaper taxation assessments with a nudge, a wink, a nod and a
handshake to the assessor; and the same thing with the policeman that
catches them speeding.
“Is there no one to help a poor widow's son?”
Why is
that? Why?
You get all this rubbish you see. These guys are just bottom feeders.
They're low-end predators, because who else would join a “society with
secrets,” as they call themselves, without knowing what it's all about?
they know is what the Masons make sure that everyone's always known.
“If you
join us, you get up the ladder in life. You get little special favors.”
This is the rubbish you see that goes into Freemasonry. They're low-level
bottom feeders, because they want all the little freebees and it doesn't
matter to them if their neighbor, who's a profane one - now this guy who's
exactly the same as them is now profane. If he gets a bigger tax assessment
and he has to pay his speeding charges and so on, it doesn't matter to him,
this guy's suffering while he's not.
That's the Masonic Creed. It's a
‘scratch my back and I'll scratch yours’ dogma.
Of course it doesn't stop there because a circle is 360 degrees. These are
the prunes that don't go up terribly high, especially first generation
Masons, because there's also a breeding program involved. They can trace us
back down, again, way back to
Sumer and so on of intergenerational breeding
and selective breeding.
Don't let Darwin think that he came up with this
idea himself.
In fact, you'll find it today in history, his grandfather had already
written a book about it long before he did; and there's a Masonic dogma he's
preaching: the right to rule by an elite. A superior intellectual elite who
are not afraid to use aggression and kill if need be.
Always for your own
sake, you understand. That's a good predatory excuse, but somehow they can
rationalize that; but then, we are the children and what do we know? You
can't scare the children by telling them the truth; and in a sense, at the
stage we're at today, that is true. In a sense, it's very true.
The children
don't want to hear it.
You've got an endless seam of merchandising, money lending, interest
gathering priesthoods going down through the thousands and thousands of
years, and intergenerational families who are taught a different reality
than the ones at the bottom.
They go to the little red schoolhouses. In
Britain, it's little red-brick schoolhouses, as the elite refer to them. Of
course, their universities are also granite stone, whereas the ordinary muck
can go to the red-bricked universities.
Margaret Thatcher, back in the early '80s, came under fire, in a sense (if
that's possible) for subsidizing private schooling for the wealthy, using
tax money to subsidize the wealthy. She rationalized it by telling the
truth, as they very often do.
She said,
“This is where your future leaders
are coming from."
Your future industrial leaders, political leaders,
economists and so on, they come from these schools and this is where they
meet each other. They'll grow up in life knowing each other and they'll all
be in the right positions. She was telling the truth, so there's nothing
strange about that.
They do tell the truth very often.
It's the public, when they hear it, they say,
“I know I heard that, but they
can't really mean what they say.”
The public were trained this way, you see.
You train the abused to love the abuser. The public can't quite fathom this
and so they make excuses for them:
“I guess she had a bad day to say what
she said,” or, “The problems that she's got on her plate, I don't blame
You see this is the rationale.
An intergenerational elite with many priesthoods in Sumer had so many
priesthoods dealing with the legal system and real estate and subdivisions
of real estate and wills, death duties and taxes and so on - everything that
bureaucracies do today. Some of them change their clothing. They wear suits
and ties today or white coats like scientists.
This system has gone down through the ages always taking themselves to
another place and destroying that which was left behind them, yet leaving it
in such a way - leaving some low level controllers there to make sure it's
standardized. That way when you get a bigger empire over here, they can then
lump this back into it again, the old one; so they create bigger and bigger
This is part of the “great work,” as they call it. They claimed
again, 4,500 BC, "The Big Idea," as Mr.
George Bush, Sr. called it: "The Big
The BB - TO BE OR NOT TO BE, says Shakespeare, for those who know.
On we go, down through the ages, until we see their target in sight; and
they've told us, the age you see of Aquarius. There's many reasons for
Aquarius being Aquarius. First off, even in the New Testament, because Jesus
was the sign of Pisces, a fish - Fisherman of men. The first guys he recruits
were fisherman, the philosopher king, Pythagoras type of thing...
The Electi
used the fish symbol wherever they went as a sign of Christianity, before
they used the cross; and in fact, the cross was used for the inner sect
because there's always an exoteric for the public and a real meaning for the
The cross was always used as a symbol of the sun, but the fish, of course,
was for the public - for the profane. Aquarius has ruled for over 2,000-odd
years and now we're going to Aquarius.
In the New Testament they have
Jesus saying, going into town and you see a
guy carrying a picture of water (which is Aquarius of course) and you borrow
his coat. Then you see right in there they give you the clue that this would
be the time for the next coming of man, the new type.
The age in Aquarius of
peace and understanding.
Peace is not peace as you
know it.
Peace comes when there's absence of consciousness and opposition to
this agenda.
That's what they mean by peace.
Peace comes when there's not
enough of you to cause trouble and those that are left don't have a
functioning brain to use.
That's peace, hence the rush towards
chips and
chipping the brain and implants and stuff like that, and a totally
controlled society.
They want peace.
They don't want to give us all this media nonsense
- this
constant propaganda to keep us running in circles and chewing the grass like
good little sheep. It takes away from their profits, because they want pure
profit, you see. They want 100% profit from us; and they've got to allow us
to entertain ourselves, to keep us obedient and grazing and sports and
circuses and all that kind of thing you see, and buying toys, junk from
The rewards - little Pavlovian rewards at the end of the month.
That's all taken from their ultimate profit and that upsets them because
it's not efficient enough.
Otherwise, you can sell your body parts as an inducement and get some profit
from investment.
We've gone down through a horror show, down through the
ages of watching people being oppressed. Doing what they do naturally, which
is to resist, so you have force; and for every force, there's an equal and
opposite reaction. Then, of course, then they control the conflict to bring
it the conclusion, the synthesis of it all; and before you know it, we've
just moved into where they want us to go.
WE ARE THE SHEEP. They are the
Good shepherds pat the sheep.
They know them by name. The sheep come up to them and like them because
sheep don't know what they're there for. They think that they're there to be
They don't know - they don't even ask,
“Why does the Shepherd spend
so much taking care of us and talking to us?”
That's because the sheep don't
know what they're there for. They don't know their function is to feed the
Shepherd. Make a profit as they take the wool and fleece them, you
see - that's a good shepherd.
A bad shepherd sharpens the knives in front of the sheep and slaughters
one - the rest of them are terrified. They run off when they see them.
good shepherd wears a suit and tie and says,
“I promise to help you.”
Whatever category you put yourself into, which are pigeon-holes
- ready made
pigeon-holes you put yourself. I'm left wing. I'm right wing. I'm up. I'm
down. Whatever it was. It's their system and they lead you to where they
want you to go, which is the Abattoir; but you're not supposed to know that
until it happens. Poor things. You don't frighten the children.
Therefore, you tell them what they call in Masonry the
They give
us noble lies all the time,
“We can't tell the people the truth, poor
things, they wouldn't understand.”
They've had debates down through the
thousands of years and many of them need it for work, of course, when they
needed lots of labor they bred them up until they procreate, multiply and so
on, and they did.
They slaved away quite willingly for their masters. When
there's too many of them, the elite would get together and say lets have a
war and cull some off, and they do that too. Since really the 1500’s, when
the Rosicrucian movement broke into the surface openly, in England, that's
when the real push was on for now a more expert run society.
In the 1700’s, it really took off with all the different writers amongst the
interbred elite, like
Charles Darwin.
Charles Darwin's family only interbred
with one other family for generations and that was the Wedgwood family, the
famous pottery Wedgwood’s of England, and his grandfather married one. This
father married one.
Charles married one and then when his wife died, he
married his mother's sister, another Wedgwood. They're all Wedgwood’s and
Darwin's all mixed together, you see, until they bring some other outside
blood - to Galton's, another sweet bunch who believed in population reduction.
They end up with, or Charles did, anyway, had ten children from his first
wife and even died in childbirth or two died in insane asylums very young.
Too interbred, you see.
That's part of the program initiated by the elite through Rosicrucianism,
when they had to build up a middle class to manage what was coming, the
industrial era, needing a middle class of obedient middle class people, who
would in turn look down their noses at the people they just left at the
bottom of the heap.
The middle classes would become very snobbish. They had
their own version of Masonry. Not a noble order like the elite had. They had
a version which they didn't know there was anything else except the one they
They thought this was,
“I've made it. I'm finally up the mountain.”
This con-game's gone on and on and on. Of course in the 1700’s, with the
French Revolution we see it coming to a new open dimension, what you see is
it opening up where they actually killed off (during the revolution)
thousands and thousands of ordinary French peasants. It wasn't just the
elite they were going after, they wanted to cull off what they thought was
excess population in the provinces of France.
They towed them out in barges
and blew them up, and stuff like that. Very sweet, and this was their idea
of a scientifically run society by an intellectual elite, and this has gone
right on until today.
We are now run by so many bureaucracies and expert NGO groups that speak for
us, even though we don't know who they are. This is who's running the world
A world run by the "Natural Order," they call it, just the
intellectual elite, those who have proven, as H.G. Wells said, they have
proven to history and to the wealthier families have accumulated for
centuries that they are the natural elite. They have the right to control
the lesser, you see, those in profane, those guys at the bottom of the hill
You know, the guys that Moses left behind... That's the story about
Moses, of course.
It was
a myth that was born from Egypt and before that from India. It's nothing to
do with a person as such or a wandering captive people. It's the "Natural
Order," according to the mystery religion, because the so-called Israelites,
who had been slaves, were still slaves, were still base people.
In the
story, which is exoteric and esoteric, they're down at the bottom of the
mountain and it's lightning and thunder going around there, so they can't
get up. They can't follow Moses up the mountain, because only the illuminant
man, you see - the illuminant man, the one who's illumined and has spirit.
You're creatures of instinct, as Paul said in the New Testament.
The mob, who are slaves, stay slaves basically and they stay there; and of
course, being slaves and dumb and stupid, they make a golden calf because
the slaves, the base ones, want a two-legged or at least a four-legged
something solid anyway to worship. They don't want a god or something that
they can't see, feel and touch.
They want to worship something physical; and
so Moses the illumined one goes up the mountain, up the degrees, up the
scale to talk to God. He went where the rest could not follow. That's what
it means. That's the simple esoteric story of it. Moses in Egyptian means
"CHILD". Unless you become as a child you cannot see the kingdom of heaven.
Ramses is as child of Ra. Thothmoses is as child of Thoth; and on and on we
We've been under tremendous mind control for such a long time - the law under
intense control. The Masons again in their own publications will tell you
there's a Masonic push to have universal education, the same education
worldwide, to standardize a bunch of schmucks who never question reality.
Who accept reality as it's presented to them from birth - and that's what good
management means. The schmucks don't know they're schmucks.
When you see the people coming out of colleges and universities, they wear
the cloak - the cloak used to be always black for Saturn. Now they use red
ones. I've noticed they're very popular. I saw a pinkish-red actually, which
is even more telling for both sexes.
If you're an architect or an engineer, you understand technical drawings.
You see things in a way differently from other people, because most people
see the solid front of an object. They don't see the different aspects: the
front view, the top view, the side view. They can't put a picture in their
minds, but the architect does; and of course, when you're wearing a little “hod,”
as the brick masons call it, they used a hod where they carried the bricks
up the ladder.
That's what they put them on; and that square represents
that, you see, the squaring of the head. The round head is not natural, the
rolling stone, and has the perfect squared head you see. The "ashlar," as
they call it in Masonry, is now perfected; so, nature wasn't good enough. By
themselves, they will perfect nature and that's what they say in Masonry.
They're here to perfect that which was left imperfect.
Guess what that
means? Everything, including you...
You look from the top view on these little square heads, and people with the
gowns on and dresses, and you'll see that. You'll see the square. If you
were to see the head and then you think you see square and the circle within
the middle of the squaring of the circle.
You see that's what it means: The
squaring of the circle; The squaring of your brain; A brick in the wall.
really means that you've got a quality approval stamp on you by those who
run the system, that they've dumbed you down and you're now stupid enough to
work in their system and fork over 40 to 50% of your our earnings to them.
In the old days they needed slave drivers. Slave drivers take away from your
profit; and who watches the slave drivers? We are self-maintained slaves
through money that we think is natural like gravity, simply because it
exists in our time when we live; and that's how easy it is to control us.
Whether you're producing or consuming,
with all the sales taxes, you're still paying lots of tax money. That goes
back to the elite, of course, who use the money for big projects, which we
all supposedly call public projects, big huge projects like building
railroads across continents and gas works in Britain and water works and
roadways. Then when they have it all working and all the problems ironed
out, they sell it to each other for peanuts, you see.
That's called
progress; and all these schmucks keep doing it.
People watch this down through the centuries in Europe as these huge
projects were built up by the taxpayer. We're all working for the common
good, the common good and then, gee whiz, one day they tell you we can't go
on like this you know. It's too expensive. We need to have more professional
people with a motive, a profit motive to take care of us.
An incentive to
make things work, so they could pick it up for a raffle; and of course, one
of the handful of the elite Masonic buddies gets to win it for peanuts. It's
a beautiful world, this road to progress, this destiny of progress.
It's never been defined to the public exactly where you're going; and that's
not by chance. Although, it is told you legally through movies and novels
and even songs. That's called "predictive programming", because legally they
must tell you what they're doing, and they do all the time in the movies and
novels and music.
Plato described the whole technique. Today, we call it a form of
indoctrination of "predictive programming."
Which means that through fiction
or through anything - you're enjoying yourself, you're being entertained
under cover. ENTERTAIN. “TAIN” comes from tin, the cover. When you're “under
the cover”, your censor part of your mind is not working. If it's not
working, you're unaware that you're being downloaded like a computer.
the little emotional techniques they use, and you're identifying with a hero
or the female as the heroine (and those people in-between, these days) and
all that kind of stuff, once you start identifying the characters, they've
got you - because they can take you anywhere, no matter what that character
As long as you identify this much with them, they then can take you
that much into where they want you to go emotionally.
Therefore, when the
real things started happening in your own life, you say,
“This is kind of
familiar to me” and you don't object to it, because you're thinking, “I
guess it's the only way we could go in society in this particular area. I
guess it's a natural evolution,” but then your mind was prepared, because
these guys are the shepherds you know.
They've another bunch of slaves and
scientists that work for them, who do this mind control business; and they
farm us, to an extent.
First of all, they know where they want to grow in this field with the crop
they want to grow, and how high, and how many. They first prepare the land.
They cut the brush. They plow it. They harrow it. They do all the necessary
groundwork. Then they sow the seed and watch it grow and cultivate it.
Watch what they do with your mind, in preparation for every event that will
happen in your life, in every major event in your life. You'll see it all
through movies, especially in this day and age. In the last century (in the
20th century) it was primarily novels and stage plays and music halls et
cetera, but today it's in everybody's TV.
The one-eyed set, the eye of
Lucifer or Ra, you know, the Te-Levi-Zion.
Then they program it right into
you for entertainment, and then you see it happening in your life and you
“I guess that's okay. It's sort of natural, isn't it,” and you don't
think anymore beyond that.
Where did the idea come from in the first place?
It's marketed to you through entertainment and that's the prime for reason
for entertainment.
It's not for you to sit and have music while you chew the grass like good
little sheep. It's to program you. That's why you have to have BIG BUCKS to
get into the entertainment industry. You have to pay BIG BUCKS and you must
be qualified in being a very high degree Mason who knows the scores, as they
say, because they can't let any Joe Blow come in.
Plato said that thousands of years ago.
You're taught it comes from the grass roots, you
see, and withers or blossoms, or weeds that grow. It doesn't - because they
can't allow anything to come from the grass roots because it's not in their
They never tell the unforetold consequences that the simplest,
seemingly innocent thing could possibly do, the rippling effects and what it
would affect and so on. Everything comes from the top down in this culture
creation business; and it's always been that way in civilization. What
normality was, we haven't a clue.
Prior to the incoming of these characters with their system
- the ancient
system of money, conology, you know priesthoods and merchandising and
rulerships. Ruler, of course, comes from the ruler. The ruler they use in
school, the ruler. Everything is Masonic terminology.
Cane (Cain) is the
same thing too. He's a priest; he's also a builder. Cain was the first
artificer, the first scientist, who made things with metals and so on,
weaponry. You have a ruler. A cane is also a ruler. They used to use the
canes - the bulrushes to make rulers in ancient Middle East.
They rule us and they measure us, you see. A good ruler “weighs you in the
balance,” as they say, and if you're found wanting, he won't have you around
because he wants efficiency. That's where we're going today with pure
efficiency, school to work. School to work.
Now when you listen to the elite talking, if you ever mix amongst them,
you'll hear them discuss this kind of stuff quite freely.
“Oh the people
need us. The masses, the peasants, the profane, they need us.”
It's like
saying the mice in the field need that hawk; and so they rationalize this
They can never look at themselves honestly, because good psychopaths cannot.
They run on ego, super ego. That's why they're
PSYCHOPATHS and they get
their way regardless of the consequences to anyone around them, because they
have no empathy for others.
They can work together, as long as they're
working towards a common goal and they're always sharing the loot, but the
time obviously comes when good psychopaths have to turn on each other. It
will eventually come one day as the throne of the world comes into sight and
each one wants his name chiseled in stone, as they always do, these guys.
statue and his name chiseled in stone. He's the first king of the whole
entire planet. They're all chomping at the bit to get it. The co-operation
won't last forever. That doesn't help the masses, of course, because in the
meantime they are being called off.
Population control counsels were held by Britain under
Thomas Malthus in the
1700’s. They discussed
methods of culling off the excess people through
disease or creating housing schemes, basically on swamp-lands and unhealthy
areas. Stuff that we did to the American Indians, in other words.
Put them
in areas where they can't eat very well and the climate isn't the best and
the swamp eating mosquitoes or whatever and plagues breakout. They even had
it worked out, under Malthus, that the poor houses that they created, where
they threw you in when you were broke or you owed money for your rent, as
most folks did. They rented in Britain, for instance, in Europe; and if you
didn't have money, they’d throw you in a debtors prison, which costs you
money, by they way.
That was added to what you owed.
Then they kicked you
out into the poor house where you were forced to work until you died, and
you didn't last long. In the poor house, most women and children lasted six
months at the most, and this was called a more efficient way of disposing of
the “POOR UNFORTUNATES,” as they called them.
This is the REAL HISTORY, which isn't hidden if you want to find it.
not a nice drama like a docudrama like TV or Anne of Green Gables, all the
rubbish that they feed you. People get most of their history today through
romantic novels and stuff like that. There was nothing romantic about the
1700’s, the 1800’s or the 1900’s. For most people it was a horror show. That
horror show has been slightly alleviated at the moment, because the biggest
change of all is coming into view, the completion of the "Great Work."
know, the one that started 4,500 BC, where they see themselves running the
world in a scientific manner. The natural order or the stupid ones, they
won't exist if they're too stupid; and there'll be no free thought or free
opinion. We see it all today with all the political correctness and all this
kind of stuff being forced down our throats. It's actually being
implemented; and unfortunately, the people themselves are their own worst
It's like the "Matrix One" movie, because they show you in the Matrix movie,
since the elite, themselves, they ultimately give you those movies. You're
cheering on the guy you think is the good guy, but you've got it all mixed
up, you see. This is themselves they're talking about. The new and Neo
Anderson, Andra from the Greek Andros - man, Neo ANDERSON -
The new SON OF
MAN, The new messiah. The new messiah. The Superman with all these
You see that's where Superman comes from. It's the superpowers.
That's what gets us into the next age. Those who can't do that will not be
allowed into the next age. It's no coincidence it’s identical, this
Freemasonry of the European elite. There's no coincidence. It's identical
within dualistic theology, a caste system.
There's a Hinduism, too, at the end of the ages. Those who are unworthy to
come into the next must perish. They must not be allowed into the next age;
and so we see the massive spraying in the skies.
We see all the
being dished out, people getting sicker - adolescent arthritis now.
Inoculations, more and more of them, and all the propaganda on television
that we're force-fed through - it's always law - always law series or
hospital series and drama and detectives and DNA swab-testing and all this
stuff. It's all training you, you see.
It's all propaganda to make you OBEY these AUTHORITIES, these specialists.
Law, medicine and the courts and science DNA and scientific techniques of
finding things out, you see. It's training you to accept this as a natural
order, because it's nothing like the reality. Nothing like the reality, but
it is good entertainment and it's good programming for the people, and
towards an end that they don't even think about, because they're not taught
to think.
The first thing you learn in school is to "repeat after me." If you repeat
after me, you get a little gold star and if you're not repeating and you're
very good at repeating, then people call you clever. That's nothing to do
with being clever. That's being a good parrot. Repeating after me is a good
parrot. That's what they want because then you get the quality approval
stamp. Square your head, you're now unnatural. You're dumb enough to get
into their system.
That's the real system we live within.
It's quite funny really, tragically funny, because they can't tell the
people we have been killing you. They can't tell them. Don't tell the
children what you're doing – “the poor things wouldn't understand, poor
dears.” We find the same thing with Afrikaners in Africa.
That's how they
talked about the blacks.
“Well, you see, you can't help them because they're
children really. They have children's mentality so you can't really be
straightforward with them.”
That's how the elite treat all of us.
To the elite, the peasantry of China is no lower than the peasantry in
Europe or the Americas; because they believe in elite breeding and the elite
breeders of every country rule every country; therefore, it's one big club.
You've proven your worth to join. You're “worthy,” as they say in
Second generation Masons or first generation Masons can't get terribly high
unless they marry an Eastern Star and bring up a son, an offspring. A
special - it's a breeding program. You'll see it in the Rosicrucian books,
where they keep tongue-in-cheek hinting for the very stupid, because it's
meant to pickup every stupid into these societies; and through almost
stumbling over each other, they tell you that selection is very important.
SELECTIVE BREEDING is what they're getting at; and “don't let the lower head
rule the upper head” is what they say to them, and nobody understands that.
That's why it's always in their language. It's a breeding program.
A first
generation Mason can't get up terribly high, even in the second degree of
the Scottish Rite; but if he marries an Eastern Star, who, again, is up two
generations, then the offspring can go higher - the son of the Mason and then
the third generation can go much higher still. Therefore, you're breeding
upwards through selective breeding and they've wisely chosen for you at that
level, just like the nobility’s wives have always been chosen for the men.
What you do in your free time when you're not breeding is up to yourselves,
as long as you're both kept in a good financial style. She can do what she
wants and you can do what you want. There's no love there. LOVE is something
which is FAIRLY NEW that's been MARKETED TO THE PUBLIC; because people, even
in the past, in the lower orders of things, married out of necessity, male
and female; and they really didn't have a good life, either one.
When the Normans came into Britain and introduced this wonderful system of
lordship over the public, and also subservience to the king, the head
chutzpah; and then you have the lords and the feudal lords below them; and
the sub-lords they're servicing and their own patch to guard over and
use - the peasantry were bought and sold with the land.
In English, they
elected to change it to SERFS.
They didn't like the word slavery because “we're a Christian country and we
can't have that in our history books, so we call them serfs.” 90% of the
public were serfs, you see, and they were bought and sold with the land. It
started from the time of the Norman invasion, which brought civilization to
This is the same civilization through slaughtering people, massively
financially backed as well. Just many years in the making this, and
tremendous logistics in keeping them all supplied at sea and land, was much
bigger than WWII, and costs and the whole thing and time.
This is an ancient system coming through here backing it heavily; and it was
WHICH THEY DID, and they were terrible rulers. They were inhumane, terribly
The Normans came in and they had the "Doomsday Book" created. The "Doomsday
Book" was an inventory of all that they owned. All that the king owned
- and
that was people, livestock, houses, children, chickens, everything. It was a
complete inventory of whole land that he owned.
That was nothing new because
the ancient pharaohs had the same system in Egypt; and it was nothing new
because the Normans also - a lord would put out his son to a relative, to an
uncle or whatever, another lord and he would become taught the ways of
knighthood through this relative. That was traditional with Normans.
When you jump back to the pharaohs, they did the same thing, because their
sons would get sent off to a different "satrapy," they called them, little
princes-satrapy. They get brought up and taught the ways of being noble and
a warrior, a knight, you see. The same bunch all down through history.
same techniques: money, priesthoods, power, slaughter, armies and the people
have to produce.
The Normans allowed the peasantry to keep maybe 40% or so, or 60% of their
crops, and there was no intensive farming then. They didn't have all the
high-tech stuff they do today, so crops weren't often terribly huge; but the
lord would take 40% or even 60% of yours and keep enough for his staff and
his armies, and sell all the rest for profit. Then profit had to be split
all the way up to the king at the top.
GANG SYSTEM. We have these Normans taking that off. Today, when you work out we are
allowed to keep, if you work through all the taxes, hidden taxes and so on,
purchases taxes and income taxes and property taxes, you're paying more than
that yourself, today, so it's pretty well the same.
The only difference is
they don't have to send the army around through the forest to slaughter you
and beat you into submission, to make you pay up, because we do it
willingly, because we're trained to do it willingly. We're trained better.
There are many sides to this whole system here. On today's talk, all I'm
really talking about is the physical side of things, some of it. It's
incredibly clever. It's by using sciences which are not taught to the
general public - the mind control manipulation.
They have perfect understand of their prey. They're the perfect predator.
That's why, on their coat of arms, they have all these predatory animals.
Albert Pike, the Grand Master, the big Pope of Scottish Freemasonry, in the
1800’s, said,
"we make no apologies for nature."
Then he goes on to tell the
different animals they hunt. In other words, they make no apologies for
being called predators, and that's their natural order.
At the bottom of course, the schmucks at the bottom, they go to the
Lodge and 1, 2, 3 degrees, and think, “I've made it.” These guys are little
prunes who walk around collecting charity money. That's the cover for the
guys at the top - sudden virtue. They have sudden virtue.
They want to help people now, as they call it, “freebees” that they're
getting through the system. Yes, there's one side, which is all sides,
perfect understanding of human nature - all kinds, types of human nature.
Perfect understanding.
Nothing is new under the sun, as they say. There's also a religion behind
this; and their religion on one level is very Darwinistic. Darwin only
espoused what they had already believed themselves for many thousands of
In the movie, "2001,"
Arthur C. Clarke, very high Freemason gives you the
agenda of High Freemasonry. Not the “schmuckdom” freemasonry but the high
stuff. He gives you their agenda and their philosophy and their religion in
the movie. At the beginning of the movie "2001," made in the 1960’s, they
show you the ape-man, you know the hairy guys supposedly, and the new guys
are terrified of the darkness.
They'd go to their caves at night, and in the
morning, they go across the watering bowl and meet this other tribe of
ape-men. They shake their fists and go through a little dance, a song and
dance, and then they muffle off on their own separate ways; and that's how
things have gone on forever. The little sequences around - they're showing you
there's a big part, you see, it’s part of their religion.
You'll understand all this later; and this way, you've got a tree brush
shaped like a big snake you see, and some of the emblems - these are
actually Masonic emblems, high occultic emblems you see all through it. Even
though the story eventually goes into space, it starts with these cave-men
and an obelisk comes down. There's this
black obelisk.
In the book, it's more detailed. The obelisk throws its cave-men out, one by
one, and makes them jump around and stuff. It’s testing them out to see
who's got the best smarts. He picks one of them, and one day, the watering
hole, and instead of going over and shaking their fist and screaming and
having to drink more and go home, this one picks up a bone; because the love
of the skull and the cross bones of Masonry, the pirates, right.
He picks up
the thighbone and then he smashes his enemy over the waterhole there and he
kills him; and that's telling you that's their right of might. The right of
might: He will kill a superior and then they give you religions for being
meek and mild. They teach another one for themselves.
Progress. You see they have a thing called "progress." They hate something
called stagnant civilization, “arrested” civilizations; and to them it's a
progress. Progress to them is done through those who are willing to kill and
become the top chutzpah of the king - king of the ape-men. Then it jumps from
there into the future to the year 2001, and then a space journey encounters,
supposedly, on the trail of this obelisk that they unearthed. It ends up on
Jupiter; but it's all occultic.
It's nothing to do with space travel.
There's a Masonic initiation in it. You will see the computer HAL on board
the spaceship traveling to Jupiter. It kills off two of the guys that are
with him and then tries to kill off the third guy. He outsmarts it and
disables it, meaning he overcame all the natural laws.
HAL is the son, like HALOGEN, you know, HAL-CYON. HAL and H-A-L, one letter
after each one in the alphabet is IBM, you see. IBM, you speak it and it's
I-beam, the beam from the eye, the eye of Ra. The beaming from the eye is
between the pyramid, the capstone and the rest of the pyramid.
Everything is shown to you. It's not necessary you understand. It's only
necessary that you think you understand, whatever comes out of these movies,
chomping away,
“ah it's a good movie. What's next? Have no idea what it
Then "2010" is a follow-up to the movie, and it shows you what's supposed to
happen in 2010. There's a big thing at the end, where this guy who escapes
the computer remembers in the next movie he's timeless, he's ageless, as
he's become a god, because he overcame HALCYON, you see, the sun, the
natural order.
He overcame all the laws and he's a god; and a new sun
appears in the sky, but "as above so below," so a new sun will appear on the
earth: A messiah, a being, an entity, whatever it is. They bring force to
you with much hullabaloo and fanfare I'm sure.
They're telling you their system. They show you their religion from
evolution, which is their belief system both physical and spiritual, because
they do believe in reincarnation; but they don't believe that everybody
reincarnates. There's a whole theology behind that, even though encouraged
to believe in it amongst the lesser, as they call it.
They have a different
belief system for themselves, a specialized one; well, naturally, that's a
special one.
You can't foresee what is everyone else. So there's the
physical and inbreeding which is terribly, terribly important to them
because it's part of the “spiritual recycling,” you might say, of the same
dynasties within dynasties; and that's what they claim gives them their
power and intellect and the right to dominate and so on; and they give us
Religion is to tie, to rebind, to re-tie. They tie our minds down.
you're tied, you're not free to think. We're told we're free, so that's how
it compensates. We're told we're free, even though we're crippled at birth
by a system, which is indoctrination.
Now they're getting to the stage where they're going to declare
their world
government. The scientific established elite bureaucracy to run us all, you
see massive bureaucracy. Lenin talked about it because he was in on it. He
was created by the same guys. They create all oppositions. You can't get
progress unless you have opposition to fight, because that's how you stir up
matter. You stir up the world. You can't have one law coming this way and
going unimpeded, apart from having no fun in that and the fact is it will
never succeed.
You've got to get the public to go along with it, so you need oppositions.
They give you all the oppositions and none of that comes the way you want it
to go, which are sheep dogs. Bark, bark and the sheep go this way. One sheep
dog and you try to do it, you see them run in all directions. Beautiful
really, isn't it?
They give us good shepherds, down through the ages, with this little
shepherd crook to pull you; and they are crooks. That's where the word comes
We have sun gods, all down through the ages; and we have Mary's,
all down
through the ages. There are all these virgins, and of course, there's so
many sun gods all down through the ages, who come back and tell the same
stuff; and iron crosses, because the sun crosses, you see, at the meridian
points and so on, and the sun sets highest in its crossing and we have the
cross of the sun.
WE'VE BEEN CONNED MIGHTILY. We've fought each other over
all this rubbish. We've been very predictable sheep indeed.
Always learning but never knowing. NEVER KNOWING.
Data. This data doesn't mean it's truth or anything else. We're stuffed full
of incredible data today. That doesn't mean it's true, or any of it, or even
that it's necessary to know.
The only person who could be natural today would be a few survivors in the
Amazon, today, who haven't been caught yet and handed a credit card and cell
phone, because these are called "primitive societies," and there's some left
in Borneo and different places.
They HAVE NO NEED of psychiatry or medicine
or pharmaceutical agencies.
They don't know what high blood pressure was or
diabetes or therapy or psychoanalysis. Didn't know who Freud was. Didn't
care and didn't need him or Einstein or any rest of the other rubbish,
because that's what they are. Actually, they're rubbish. They're front-men
chosen at a particular time to push a specific dogma. They even create the
These "primitive men," as they call them, really are probably more in-tune
with their reality, more than we could ever imagine. You'll see them staring
in the jungle at a tree away somewhere. They'll stare for two or three
hours. That's got meaning for the person.
To us, we'd say,
“What's the
profit in it? What the purpose? Profit, purpose.”
However, you see he's
getting some mental healing out of it, whatever it is happening; and as long
as he's doing it, live and let live. Leave him alone.
He doesn't need pills
and tranquilizers and all that star TV or soaps or anything else. This guy
can survive in his own way and all of his offspring will survive for
thousands and thousands of years if you leave them alone. We can't. We are
interdependent on the system.
The system that makes us go crazy makes you
interdependent on the system.
“Wow, we've got the pills to cure you. Well, we can't cure you, but we can
treat you for life. There's no profit in curing you, but just live for a few
more years and keep paying us and we'll make you feel happy or sad or
whatever you want, we'll give it to you.”
That's what we're told is the
meaning of life, being happy all the time. That's a new phenomena, this ego-syntonic
behavior. It didn't used to be taught your purpose in life was to be happy
all the time, like some sort of manic ecstasy.
That's all you see now, it’s marketed on every ad to you. If you're buying a
toothbrush, to an exercise machine, you have smiling people and grinning
like balloons, and you know what they are doing, they're grinning and happy
they just bought this whatever it is.
That's what we're told,
“Life is
supposed to be happy.”
Be happy, you know the song. That was the message.
That's all the message it was in that dumb song.
“Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy.”
Life is supposed to be an experience of ALL emotions, and its in-between
emotions, neither happy nor sad; but they can't have that, you see. When
you're neither excessively happy or sad, you might think; and if you think,
that could be a danger to those that RULE YOU.
That's why you're crammed with all these choices of,
“who’s going to do my
thinking today. How many channels on TV can I get, or how many radio
They've got satellite stations for radio now, there's not many of
“How many video games can I play with today, but give me someone
else's thoughts because I don't want to use my own. It's too much of a
In fact, when it comes to the brain chip time and of course, they carved
active chipped ID card, which is coming, that's only a part way gesture
towards this, is to condition you for the inevitable. Most people will
think, and of course, it will be marketed - the lies will be marketed to them,
the purpose of it.
The public will think,
“Gee, this is great. I want mine.”
They might even give you bronze, silver, gold and platinum to give it snob
Once everyone has one, the real function will kick in once that's happened,
and THERE WILL BE NO MORE YOU. This is from science meetings; world science
meetings have said this. They have all this ready to go, so they can market
this idea to the public.
It's being done through movies at the moment, in novels, characters, even
so, they think there're going to be Supermen, but they're not. They might be
physically as a good rook cyborg, but they won't be themselves. THERE WILL
was said at the Loyola University meeting, where they held one of these
world science meetings on this very subject.
We're guided like
sheep to the slaughterhouse.
Most will go willingly
because they've swallowed reality hook, line and sinker, as it's been
presented to them. Those who understand what's going on are caught in
different degrees of sides. Join a patriot side. Join a militia side. Join
this that and the other. All these sides are given for you by the same elite
who run things at the present.
Albert Pike said that:
“We always give the people their heroes.”
That's why they never lose. So you
don't follow people. These are the masters of manipulation. You really think
you can beat them by learning the law and using their law against them?
The only way you can beat this is starting with yourself, because you have
to know yourself and start to dominant yourself and think for yourself,
because we are up against incredible, incredible evil. I hate even using the
word because the whole English language is all Masonic, and EVIL IS JUST
Everything is coded this way in the English language. Even the words we're
given are a computer language for the elite so we can speak it into
existence for them.
There are other languages, too, more than just that. Other senses we can
use. They're just mental imagery, great symbols as well. They use symbols
all the time to indoctrinate us. Words, letters are just symbols although
they have occultic meaning in Masonry and higher; but, ultimately, what kind
of mind is running this whole thing that's not human obviously.
That's what
gets you yet in a loss, there are human psychopaths working for them. Clever
psychopaths and dumb ones too. The dumb ones are generally used for
executions in wartime and stuff - torture and that kind of thing.
The more intelligent ones are up wearing suits and ties and lying to you.
That's the gift that psychopath has is the ability to lie without emotion
and speak no matter what they've done - without pills. What's above all this
is they can plan all this such a long time ago, never lose control down
through the eons, is worshiped by the high elite themselves and their
strange rituals. It runs all religions, even the ones that think they're
opposing each other and the subsections of the religions that think they're
opposing each other.
They gave all these ones to the people.
What are we really up against here?
Those who are willing to open Pandora's
Box will eventually come to this big question. Is there any white knight out
there? Is there a cavalry coming at the last minute? It's all in the books
and in the novels and the movies and religions. You have to participate in
life to offset this; and participating in life, which means KNOW YOURSELF,
COME ALIVE and use your life for it; because if you don't, it's game over
for everyone.
Most people don't care about anyone else today and that's true. I've heard
it so many times.
“Well, thank God. By the time they bring the last part of
this in, I'll be dead. I'll probably be retired and I'll spend my pension,
I'll be dead, thank God,”
...because they don't give a damn about those that
come, which also means that they don't give a damn about all of their own
ancestors that came before them and suffered and slaved and so on, so that
they could relax with a pension.
Ego-syntonic behavior has been encouraged and it's very possible brain
damage has occurred as well, since
Arthur Koestler who worked at the United
Nations and wrote a book called "The Ghost in the Machine"
and who worked on
ways to lobotomize that part of the brain that gives you yourself awareness
and your critical survival capabilities.
He was working on ways to destroy
that chemically, bacteriologically, through viruses, whatever.
different segments working for the U.N. on this and he wrote about it all in
his book. He was all for it right to the end. It's a square line to you. He
said that the elite won't need - I mean that the peasants basically - the
masses won't need those instincts anymore because the scientific elite will
be making all their decisions for them.
We'll be managed, well managed you
Whereas those who manage us must keep theirs, because they must retain
survival capabilities so they could steal your planet earth into the future.
That's what the rulers at the top talk about it, of course, as they talk
about us. We must not know this kind of stuff. We're just children. It'll
give us nightmares. Don't tell the children what we're doing.
The IQ levels are dropping. It doesn't happen by
- you're born with an IQ.
When it starts dropping, something has happened to make that happen. What
can do it? Bacterial warfare? Bio-warfare techniques? Injections? They were
discussing this back in the 1700’s and 1800’s, using inoculations to do it,
at big meetings in Europe.
You'll find Jack Cousteau talking about that.
David Suzuki in Canada. Have
bring down the populations.
They don't just talk about it. They have a
Department of Population Control at the
United Nations. What do you think it
means? A wish list that they sit and dream about? No. It means that they
will implement it and they can't tell the children.
They can't tell the
“Hey, you're going to have a shorter life. You're going to come
down with crippling diseases and you'll die out there.”
They can't tell you
the truth. You don't tell the children the truth. It's scary.
There’s so much to encompass, so much, so many directions; so much of the
esoteric to explain to you. There’s so much of the exoteric to explain to
you for things to start happening. Therefore, I went through doing all of
this talk. This is just a little intro. Just gives you a petty quick
synopsis of the past and the present and where we're going in the
future - very shortly, actually.
We're getting sprayed like bugs from the sky with those who have eyes to
see. Like bugs. Just like bugs. Like you take a can of Raid and spray it
over an anthill. That's what they think of us and not one person in major
media will talk about it.
It's not all gloom and doom. It's not all gloom and doom at all, but before
you can save others, you've got to save yourself; and to do that you have a
lot of work to do, a lot of decisions to make. Most can't make those
Most will say,
"Hey, leave Pandora's Box closed. It's scary in
there. It could be dark. I might fall in,”
...but there's always brave souls
who will and that's the ones who come alive. The dead will never make
choices. The choices are made for them.
Excuse this little homemade video here, but when you're relying on a
shoestring, you can still get the word out if you want to; and I'll talk to
you again.
Thanks for listening.