by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
October 1, 2010
Examiner Website
With the premiere of a blockbuster movie
The Social Network (Tagline: “You
don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies”), social
network website
Facebook - whose approximately
517,760,460 current
members now total 7.6 % of the human race - has become the online emblem of
virtual society in first decade of the 21st century.
Facebook has, by publicly reported evidence, become a covert data mine
of Facebook users personal data and habits, at a time when Facebook’s 517
million members now number nearly 30% of all 1.9 billion Internet users on
the planet.
Facebook is more than a covert data mine.
Facebook is, by the evidence, an instrument of information warfare and
attack against Facebook users whose actions fall within specific clandestine
surveillance guidelines established by DARPA and the U.S. Department of
Defense Information Awareness Office.
Facebook has, by the evidence, also been used in furtherance of black
budget operations such as the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil spill.
Investigation has revealed that Facebook has denied its users access to
critical extraterrestrial disclosure information, and has sabotaged Facebook
groups intended for organizing a boycott against
BP, the oil giant
responsible for the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil spill false flag operation,
through the use of sophisticated spying and cointelpro Facebook software
attack techniques.
One of the cointelpro-type attacks carried out by Facebook and
documented by mainstream media newspaper Politico was against Facebook
members who attempted to organize a boycott on Facebook against BP, one
of the
corporate perpetrators of the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf of Mexico oil
spill that has devastated the ecology, economy, and population of the Gulf
These sophisticated spying and cointelpro Facebook software attack
techniques could only be employed with the explicit approval of an upper
management executive and
venture capital level at Facebook.
This Facebook upper level advertises its easy, open access to U.S. President
Barack Obama, one of the largest recipients of campaign contributions from
BP, and whose Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, received a
$500 million grant
from BP prior to joining the Obama cabinet.
Researchers such as Vishar Agarwal have demonstrated the deep
interconnection between venture capitalists behind Facebook and the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) investment front company
InQTel, whose Board
member Dr. Anita Jones was a former high-ranking official of
DARPA and of
the U.S. Department of Defense Information Awareness Office.
Facebook is the de-facto controlled Internet asset of the CIA and
Department of Defense Information Awareness Office (IAO),
"The IAO was
established after Admiral John Poindexter, former United States National
Security Advisor to President Ronald Reagan and SAIC executive Brian Hicks
approached the US Department of Defense with the idea for an information
awareness program after the [false flag operation] of September 11, 2001."
Facebook, the clandestine manifestation of
SAIC and Admiral John
Poindexter’s brainchild Information Awareness Office (IAO) that has now
infiltrated 77.4% of all 266 million Internet users in North America (all of
whom are now Facebook members), and has transformed the Internet into a
velvet-gloved virtual form of Friendly Fascism, and conditional virtual
Facebook, CIA, DARPA, and the Information Awareness Office (IAO)
Facebook's mission, as conceived by InQTel and Dr. Anita Jones, on behalf of
CIA, DARPA and IAO, is functionally identical to the original mission of the
IAO itself:
The Information Awareness Office (IAO)'s [and Facebook's] mission,
be achieved by creating enormous computer databases to gather and store the
personal information of everyone in the United States, including personal
e-mails, social network analysis, credit card records, phone calls, medical
records, and numerous other sources, without any requirement for a search
This information would then be analyzed to look for suspicious
activities, connections between individuals, and "threats". Additionally,
the program included funding for biometric surveillance technologies that
could identify and track individuals using surveillance cameras, and other
This is a functional description of the surveillance and
cointelpro mission
of Facebook on behalf of its controllers, DARPA, CIA through InQTel and
Dr. Anita Jones.
Facebook is, by the evidence, both,
single one of Facebook’s approximately 517,760,460 current users is at risk,
not only because of Facebook’s ‘public’ privacy policy (devised by
guidelines from DARPA’s IAO).
Facebook users are also at risk because of a covert spying and cointelpro
network inside Facebook’s command and control structure that will
implement a cointelpro-like attack upon any Facebook user whose actions
are deemed to contravene policies of the Central Intelligence Agency and of
U.S. Defense Department, who control InQTel, its key venture capital
Facebookcom’s public relations façade
Popular journalism on Facebook has been limited to psychological
profiles of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as a borderline sociopath, as
set out in Rolling Stone’s story
The Battle For Facebook, published June
26, 2008.
Facebook-allied venture capitalists like to sport the yuppie whiz-kid look
by accompanying Obama to the site of their space rocket launches.
Fund principal Peter Thiel, co-founder with Elon Musk of Paypal (pictured
with Obama), provided the initial $500,000.00 in development funding for the
Facebook prototype rollout.
Facebook, InQTel, and Dr. Anita Jones
The reality of most of Facebook’s capitalization, and its integration
with the mission of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Information Awareness
Office (IAO) can be seen in a video by researcher
Vishar Agarwal whose
viewership, while high for an Internet video, is less that 1/100th of
Facebook’s membership.
Key Facebook capitalization was supplied through the Central
Intelligence Agency investment front company InQTel, whose Board member Dr.
Anita Jones was a former high-ranking official of DARPA and of the U.S.
Department of Defense Information Awareness Office.
The application of covert Internet spying and cointelpro software attack
techniques on users by Facebook is in many cases a violation of U.S.,
European Union, and other laws against racketeering, invasion of privacy,
illegal surveillance, private espionage, criminal assault, and interference
with freedom of speech and assembly.
It is only because Facebook carries out these attacks covertly against
isolated users who can easily have their Facebook accounts discontinued
that this mass illegality can flourish.
Although the
privacy commissioners of various jurisdictions have spoken out
against Facebook’s privacy practices, no public authority, such as the
Attorneys General of the U.S., New York State, Ontario, etc., or public
prosecutors in the European Union, have taken direct action against
Facebook or its executives for these racketeering and criminal assaults
against the rights of individual Facebook members.
Facebook and the BP Gulf oil spill false flag operation
A recent article in the mainstream investigative
reporting newspaper
Politico by Josh Gerstein states,
“Grass-roots activists organizing boycotts
against large corporations like Target stores and BP now find themselves
directing some of their ire at another corporate monolith: Facebook.
“The boycotters turned to the popular social media site to spread word about
their pressure campaigns and keep participants up to date on the latest
developments, but those efforts became much more difficult last week when
Facebook disabled key features on the boycott pages.”
So, why would Facebook, a so-called social network that is designed to
allow its users to create online groups, “disable key features of a
grass-roots boycott” against BP?
BP along with Goldman Sachs, Halliburton, et alias, by the evidence, are
criminal perpetrators of the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil false flag operation
that so far has by the evidence done incalculable ecological, economic, and
health damage to the sea-life, plant life, and human populations in and
around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as to the loop current, the Gulf stream
and the North Atlantic conveyer belt currents.
This reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has demonstrated the above in a series
of 5 evidence-based articles on the BP Gulf oil spill false flag operation
at Examiner.
These Examiner articles have led to an exclusive TV interview of Alfred
Lambremont Webre by former Gov.
Jesse Ventura on the corporate, individual,
governmental, financial and other interests that are responsible for the BP
Gulf oil spill, scheduled to be broadcast on in the Fall of 2010.
Politico's Josh Gerstein’s research on Facebook establishes prima facie
evidence that Facebook is implementing illegal cointelpro-type software
measures at its website, in aid and abeyance of the BP oil spill false flag
operation, and the international war crimes racketeering organization behind
that false flag operation.
Facebook’s Cointelpro
...to conceal the 71 minute video of the nuclear
missile UFO whistleblowers' Sept 17, 2010 press conference
On September 27, 2010, according to one researcher,
“September 27, 2010 at
the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., six former military officers
testified that UFOs were responsible for the shut down of nuclear weapons at
various times and places. One instance occurred at Malmstrom AFB in Montana.
Those offering testimony:
Dwynne Arneson, retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel
Bruce Fenstermacher, retired USAF Captain
Charles Halt, retired USAF
Robert Jamison, former USAF Captain
Patrick McDonough, retired
U.S. Navy Intelligence Command Master Chief
Jerry Nelson, former USAF 1st
Robert Salas, former USAF Captain
All these men offered
impeccable credentials verifying their service records, and duty stations at
the times, dates and places in discussion.”
This press conference was broadcast live by CNN, and was reported on by at
30 mainstream media worldwide.
Yet, Facebook maliciously deemed a
71-minute video posted on the
Internet by Exopolitics Germany of the CNN broadcast to be ‘abusive’,
functionally prevented Facebook users from accessing this historic press
conference for 24 hours, and took cointelpro-type attack measures against
Facebook users who had attempted quite innocently to post the Exopolitics
Germany video online at the Facebook website because it was a legitimate
worldwide mainstream media event.
Clearly, Facebook - in IAO fashion - enforced a CIA and U.S. Defense
Department policy in blocking its 517 million users from access to
eyewitness evidence that an extraterrestrial or interdimensional intelligent
source was shutting down U.S. and U.K. nuclear missile sites and sending a
signal to the U.S. and U.K. governments to abandon nuclear weapons.
This September 27, 2010 cointelpro-like action took place by virtue of
Facebook’s functional identity as the controlled asset of DARPA and IAO
in cyberspace
Where is Facebook going with 30% (or more) the world’s Internet population?
Facebook is the embodiment of ‘friendly fascism,’ the covert partnership
of venture capital, surveillance technology, and military-intelligence
objectives for data-mining and cointelpro spying/assaults manipulating the
understandable public desire to connect in social networking.
Pop culture and feature motion pictures may expose the complex character of
Mark Zuckerberg (who has donated $200 million for New Jersey schools).
In a fundamental sense, Mark Zuckerberg is irrelevant to the data-mining and
illegal surveillance and cointelpro functions of Facebook, which is an
embedded asset of DARPA and the U.S. Department of Defense. Covert command
and control intelligence networks, algorithms and software within
Facebook manipulate and mine the personal data and condition the
behavior of 77.4% of North American Internet users on behalf of the U.S.
Department of Defense, DARPA and IAO.
The U.S. national security state will resist an expose and dismantling of
the CIA, DARPA, IAO, and U.S. military-intelligence's penetration and
integration with the ownership structure and the very design and ethic of
Facebook as a DOD-controlled ‘data mine’ and cointelpro spying and
attack virtual reality in cyber space.
According to one source,
“The Information Awareness Office (IAO) was
established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in
January 2002 to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying
surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and
other asymmetric threats to national security, by achieving Total
Information Awareness (TIA).
This would be achieved by creating enormous
computer databases to gather and store the personal information of everyone
in the United States, including personal e-mails, social network analysis,
credit card records, phone calls, medical records, and numerous other
sources, without any requirement for a search warrant.
This information
would then be analyzed to look for suspicious activities, connections
between individuals, and "threats". Additionally, the program included
funding for biometric surveillance technologies that could identify and
track individuals using surveillance cameras, and other methods.
“Following public criticism that the development and deployment of these
technologies could potentially lead to a mass surveillance system, the IAO
was defunded by Congress in 2003. However, several IAO projects continued to
be funded, and merely run under different names.”
Arpanet, DARPANET, Internet all morph into Facebook
The Internet was developed first as Arpanet through the U.S. Department of
Defense’s ARPA (Advanced Research Project’s Agency), and then in the early
1980s morphed into DARPANET.
This reporter still
Jim Channon of the U.S. Army’s First Earth Battalion and 'Men Who
Stare At Goats’ fame coming over in 1982 to a spiritual center in Rock Creek
Park in Washington DC, carrying reams of DARPANET printouts for all to see.
Out of DARPANET, the U.S. Department of Defense morphed the Internet in the
Out of the Internet, in the middle of the last decade, the Department of
Defense morphed the Internet into Facebook, and now 77.4% of North
American Internet users are becoming Facebook users (and addicts), and data
mining slaves of the U.S. Department of Defense, as DARPA foresaw in the
There are many Facebook users who have reported cointelpro attacks done
on them by Facebook to this reporter. For
reasons of protection of their privacy from retaliation by Facebook
these users are not named in this investigation. Facebook places limits
of 5000 friends, and 5000 persons as the maximum number of that a Facebook
group that can be communicated to at once.
These are upper-limits set by the
U.S. Department of Defense to limit the right of assembly, to restrict
social self-empowerment and social self-governance, as imposed through
These limits are part of the design and control functions for
controlled asset social networks like Facebook developed by DARPA and
the Information Awareness Office, through InQTel and Dr. Rita Jones.
Facebook entrepreneurs and investors like Mark Zuckerberg and Peter
What will entrepreneurs and investors like Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel
do when it is no longer publicly feasible to deny that Defense
Department-level data mining, spying, and cointelpro is at the core of
My guess is they will continue to reap profits and look the other way.
quick look at the Founders Fund convinced this reporter that none of these
individuals has any abiding commitment to the growth of individual privacy,
empowerment, and the end of the national security state.
What can be done
...to limit the power of this military-intelligence Trojan
Horse Monster (Facebook) that has taken over 77.4% of the North American
Public exposure
Public exposure of the penetration of the Internet by DARPA and U.S. military-intelligence using venture capital covers like
InQTel and cut-outs like Dr, Anita Jones, former director of DARPA.
The media – misdirected by intelligence psyops - has fixated on the personal
foibles of Mark Zuckerberg and the routine investment bankers like Peter
Thiel. The role of DARPA, IAO, Admiral John Poindexter, SAIC, CIA venture
capital covers like InQTel and cutouts like Dr. Anita Jones, former director
of DARPA must be publicly exposed.
Regulation & litigation
Public prosecutors in the European Union,
Canada, and the states of the United States must begin to investigate the
illegal espionage and cointelpro networks within Facebook and the
outrages they commit daily against Facebook users who are too intimidated by
the fear of losing their accounts to complain, and who are not equipped to
complain against a CIA-capitalized corporate giant like Facebook. Laws
and regulations must be enacted to eliminate Facebook’s power to act as
the U.S. Department of Defense’s covert Information Awareness Office in
Public funding for independent, public interest virtual social networks
There must be international, national and local public funding made
available for independent, public interest virtual social networks, as a
component of the United Nation Charter of Human Rights, and the
constitutional rights citizens of all nations.