
by Philip Jones
Philip Jones
I am a fifty one year old British man, living in Denmark, who prior
to relocating here in 1996, had spent fifteen years in the
Metropolitan Police in London, and before that, six years in the
It was my relocation here which opened
my eyes to the reality of the world I lived in. We who are involved
in this field of enquiry generally state that we are searching for
the 'truth.'
I have found that the 'truth' is
rather elusive, as just when one feels sure that it is there, within
one's grasp, it flutters away only to be replaced by something else,
which for a short while at least masquerades as the 'truth.'
What I am trying to say is that this
is a continuous learning 'curve,' and an open, yet steadfast mind is
needed in order to continue ever onwards towards that most elusive
and holiest of 'grails:' 'The Truth.'
I bid you welcome. |
Part One
28 July 2009

Diagram by Ivor Benson
“It is almost a joke now in the Western
world, in the 20th century, to use words like 'good and 'evil'. They
have become almost old fashioned concepts, but they are very real
and genuine concepts. These are concepts from a sphere which is
higher than us. And instead of getting involved in base, petty,
short-sighted political calculations and games.
We have to recognize that the
concentration of world Evil and the tremendous force of hatred is
there and it's flowing from there throughout the world. And we have
to stand up against it and not hasten to give to it, give to it,
give to it, every-thing that it wants to swallow.”
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
It was in 2006 that I was finally able to identify those factors which had,
during the course of my lifetime, turned what we call western society into
little more than a 'virtual prison,' the true and complete nature of which
had previously been largely invisible to me. For perhaps two decades, I had
felt a 'nagging' discomforting sense that something wasn't quite right.
But like most everyone else, I had imagined the
prevailing social conditions to have evolved benignly and naturally, rather
than having been orchestrated and then manipulated into being. In truth, the
journey towards this discovery took some twenty six years, from my early
days in the Police Force in London, to my relocation to Denmark in 1996, and
then to that moment when, some three years ago, the shocking truth hit me
like a hammer across the head!
It became apparent that since the day I was born (1958), the reality of my
very existence had been indirectly controlled and dictated by a
conspiratorial group of super rich and powerful individuals, working behind
the scenes, manipulating the events which shaped all our lives, creating
chaos all around, causing reactions from the unsuspecting majority, which
then in turn enabled them to advance their nefarious agenda, by responding
with their 'ready made' solutions.
Solutions carefully designed to advance the
imposition of a Global State.
By making diabolical use of the Hegelian Dialectic, these
conspirators have slowly but surely brought us all to the point of no
return. With the much vaunted and somehow expected 'Swine
Flu' epidemic acting as thesis, and the world wide mandated
vaccination program and the resulting mayhem as antithesis,
the desired synthesis could well be the dialectical catalyst which
inaugurates the Luciferians long held dream of a
World Order: Global solutions for
global problems!
The decision is ours now. Do we simply acquiesce? Do we go quietly into the
night? Do we stand or do we fall?
For most of last year, as the information and knowledge which finally put
most pieces of the 'jigsaw puzzle' into place, came to me like an avalanche
and I strived to disseminate that knowledge by writing articles.
Many articles, which, through www.rense.com
along with some local sites, were, judging by the international response I
received, read throughout the 'English speaking world,' and to a lesser
degree, here at 'home.' My writing brought me into contact with some
exceptional and gifted individuals, nowhere more so than in Denmark, the
small Northern European Country which has been my home for eleven out of the
past thirteen years.
What may come as a surprise to many reading this article, is that of those
people here in Denmark, who responded positively to my writing, many were
muslim. Through these contacts, I was able to consolidate that knowledge of
the Islamic faith, I had gained whilst working in London, and learned to
further appreciate how the followers of that system of belief viewed the
world around them.
Of course, very many muslims are, just like
their counterparts in christianity, oblivious to what is generally termed
the 'Global Conspiracy.' But I also found among them some very aware,
knowledgeable and sincere individuals who like myself, understood that there
was serious trouble on the horizon [7].
The truth is that we have more in common than most realize, and they, (muslims)
like the rest of us, have been abused and manipulated, herded even, into
situations which suit no one except the Illuminists.
Having largely de-constructed christianity here in the West,
the Illuminati are now using the same tried
and tested methods on the Islamic world, knowing that the only thing which
stands between them and total victory, is Islam, along with those few
steadfast believers who still remain faithful to the christian faith.
So what can we do?
Edmund Burke wrote this over a century ago on the subject of State
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph
is for good men to do nothing”.
Prophetic words indeed and particularly
pertinent to the age we now live in. Have people ever been more apathetic,
more indifferent to their fate than they are today?
Locked into a 'mind prison' created by the
illusion of affluence and instant gratification, humanity, at least here in
the west, appears to have abdicated all responsibility to the
The Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, Bankers,
Doctors and Professors, and look where this irresponsibility has led us. To
the brink of a 'Fourth
Reich' [5] much more terrible than the previous
attempt at World Dictatorship, as it has been done with the apparent consent
of 'we the people' in the guise of democratic elections.
We have actually given our enemies permission to
go ahead and enslave us.
In the movie 'The
Matrix,' the Morpheous character says this:
"The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that
system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you
see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds of the
people we are trying to save.
But until we do, these people are part of
that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand most
of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so...
hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
But my point is this: the primary means by which they defeat us is the old
'divide and conquer.' By the relentless propagation of feminism, they have
divided man from his mate, and by the use of a massive anti-Islam propaganda
campaign, especially since
the 9/11 'False Flag Op,'
have set muslim against christian.
We must be ever aware that the muslims and christians I refer to here, are
not those Masonic 'fifth columnists' machinating and plotting within those
faiths, whose sole loyalty is to Lucifer and who further the Illuminist
Agenda by playing the 'Agent Provocateur.' No!
I speak of those who, with a pure heart, worship
the same creator and try to live good and decent lives, despite all the evil
which seems to pervade all of life these days.
They may call him by a different name, Allah,
Jehovah or Yahweh, and yes, there are
certain differences in doctrine. But still, these faithful men and women
have far more which binds them than which separates them. And it is that
which we have in common which we must now focus on. For the sake of
humanity, let it be so.
The famous Lucius Cassius, whom the Roman people used to regard as a
very honest and wise judge, was in the habit of asking, time and again,
'Cui Bono' or 'To whose benefit?'
Who has benefited from the turbulence and
fracture we have witnessed in the aftermath of
Certainly not those who live in the in the Islamic world, nor those of us
here in the west, who have seen our societies developing into Police States
as ever more of our personal freedoms are removed, all in the name of
national security.
The only beneficiaries that I can see are those working within the
Illuminati, in the furtherance of what
Alice Bailey [6] termed 'The Plan.'
The Clash Of
September 11th, 2001, provided the elite cabal known as
the 'Illuminati'
with the opportunity to finally put into motion the plan devised by the
Freemason Albert Pike,[3] and written about more recently
by Samuel Huntington in his book, 'The
Clash of Civilizations - A Global War Against Islam.'
As William Engdahl pointed out:
“If the Bush administration had been
unprepared for the shock of September 11, 2001, they certainly wasted no
time in preparing their response, the war on terror. Terror was to
replace communism as the new global image of 'the enemy.'
On September 18, 2001, Niaz Niak, the former
Pakistani foreign secretary, told the BBC he had been informed by senior
US officials at a mid-July 2001 Berlin meeting, that “military action
against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.”
Ultimately, the invasion of Afghanistan was a
furtherance of the initial plans devised by
Zbigniew Brzezinski to gain control over Central Asia.
In his book, 'Terrorism
And The Illuminati,' [4] Canadian author David
Livingstone writes:
“Islam does not pose a threat to the West.
It is the contrary that is correct. Islamic terrorist organizations are
hotbeds of impostors in service of the West. It is well known that there
are various dubious relationships that exist between Islamic radicals
and Western powers. The truth is far more sinister. Islamic terrorists
are connected with Western power through an intricate network of secret
While outwardly claiming to adhere to
disparate religions, the Islamic terrorists follow a heretical version
of the faith, ultimately rooted, like their counterparts in the West, in
the same occult doctrine, the worship of Lucifer, and the belief in the
use of religion as a disguise to deceive the masses.”
Many researchers believe the Illuminati plan is
to unleash a Third World War in the near future, from which will
emerge their New World Order. This projected confrontation is being
presented as a so called 'Clash of Civilizations,' between the purportedly
Democratic West and Islamic fundamentalism.
But does Islam really pose a threat to the west?
The reality is that the muslim world has been so
weakened by its own internal corruption, along with the subversive
activities of the Western powers that since the demise of the Ottoman
Empire, the muslim world has been in complete disarray, incapable of uniting
to even represent Islam, let alone defend itself.
This fact was acknowledged by the primary architect of the fabricated
threat: Zbigniew Brzezinski.
As to whether or not Islam is a menace to the
Western World today, he states:
“Nonsense! It is said that the West had a
global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn’t a global
Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or
emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion
But what is there in common among Saudi
Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian
pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites
the christian countries.”
Therefore, in order to negatively prejudice
Western consciousness against Islam, the Illuminati, through its control of
the international intelligence agencies, has artificially fomented militancy
throughout the Islamic world, by the creation of terrorist groups together
with the propagation of the illusion of Islam’s imagined competition with
the not so 'democratic' West.
Context And
In my recent five part series, 'To Kill A Tree,' [1] I outlined
and discussed
the Illuminati 'Global Conspiracy' to
create a
New World Order, exposing their 'Modus
Operandi,' and then discussing the various 'theatres' of operation within
which their plans to introduce their world wide 'prison state' are being
driven towards their diabolically illogical conclusion.
In 'Who Rules World?' [2] I introduced the reader to the
historic, mythological and scriptural background to the Illuminati's 'belief
system' and thereby, the ideological basis upon which they justify their
conviction of their own superiority over humankind. During the three parts
in that series, I hypothesized that the true ruler of the world was in fact,
the master adversary, Lucifer, and feel fairly satisfied that to all intents
and purposes, I proved my case.
In this new series, I intend to explore a new concept of Alliance between
christians, muslims and those followers of the judaic faith, who are sick
and tired of seeing their religion used as a justification for colonialist
imperialism, mass slaughter and the insidious meddling in the affairs of
sovereign states around the world, in order to further the Luciferian aims
of the Illuminati, many of whose leading members hide their true spiritual
allegiance behind the mask of Judaism.
But as always, before we can get to the solution, we must first review the
An Age Of Conflict -
The Historical Facts
There are two kinds of knowledge:
knowledge of the world outside
ourselves, the macrocosm
knowledge of the kingdom within, the
microcosm, both of which are boundless
The better we know ourselves, the easier it will
be to know the world; alternatively, the better we know the world around us,
the easier it will be to know ourselves and understand our deepest and most
enduring needs.
It is not more knowledge that we need for the purpose of strengthening our
position as individuals, but only knowledge of a kind that holds together
and makes sense. We need a coherent interpretation of the history of the age
in which we live and an insight into what it is we must have, if we are to
be physically well and in good spirits.
The following paragraph from a book by three
university historians, published in 1949, whose summations are entirely in
accordance with the prophecy of Albert Pike [3], will
serve as a starting point for an exploration of what they describe as "this
age of conflict:"
“Two world wars and their intervening wars,
revolutions and crises are now generally recognized to be episodes in a
single age of conflict which began in 191l and has not yet run its
course. It is an age that has brought to the world more change and
tragedy than any other in recorded history. Yet, whatever may be its
ultimate meaning and consequence, we can already think of it and write
of it as a HISTORIC WHOLE.”
An age of conflict that must be thought of 'as a
whole' must also be capable of being explained and understood as a whole;
therefore, it is a highly condensed and simplified synopsis of the history
of our times that we must have if the seemingly interminable succession of
'episodes' of conflict and tragedy is to be seen as a whole and understood.
The method I have chosen is to begin with a list
of categorical statements which can be developed and expanded later and
supported with an extensive bibliography.
Here they are:
Our age of conflict is the product of a
dark alliance of 'magic,' money and intellect, with intellect almost
invariably subordinate to and in the service of money, and money
likewise being in the service of magic; The infernal forces of magic
manipulating both money and intellect to it's will, with money being
since the 20th century the primary overt source of it's visible
We need to identify the changes which
have occurred in the realms of money and intellect. Changes which
have made our age so different from all others in recorded history.
The change which has occurred in the
realm of money is this: certain groupings of finance-capitalism
which had been separate and nationally oriented were absorbed into a
international 'constellation' of
finance-capitalism, serving a very different set of
long-term interests.
The change which occurred in the realm
of intellect is this: in the West, christian orthodoxy was replaced
by an ideology of socialism as the basis of a consensus intellectual
frame of reference and system of values. This socialism or secular
religion has given rise to what the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung
has described as a "psychic epidemic" now afflicting the educated
classes in the West.
The changes which heralded our century
of conflict were first seen in South Africa in in the late 1890s,
producing the Anglo-Boer war (the first of three great fratricidal
wars in the west), the beginning of the end of the British Empire
and the beginning of a new and unprecedented kind of world 'imperium.'
These changes in money and intellect
have drawn the peoples of the West into a dialectical trap, with
money as thesis, socialism as antithesis and the new imperium
as synthesis; money incessantly concentrates power, socialism
promises the total dispersal and distribution of power; the
resolution of this contradiction supplies the new imperium
with its dynamic.
The process of the transference of
financial power to the new imperium was only completed in the
1930s when J.P. Morgan and the great American pioneering
families lost their dominance in Wall Street.
The immediate cause of the great
increase in conflict all over the world: external interference with
the natural hierarchical system or 'pecking order' within and among
AMONG ethnic groups, as everywhere states were set up and regimes
established, which had no local or NATURAL right to exist. This
interference by 'third parties' is what makes episodes of conflict
in the 20th century, and since quite different from conflicts in
other ages, conferring on all of them a shared meaning.
All these developments are linked to the
moral evil of a system of money creation and debt in which the
nations of the West are at the same time offenders and victims.
We can therefore consider our age of conflict as
one historic whole, but what reason do we have to believe that it is the
product of a uniform and continuous set of identifiable causes?
Students of history can provide innumerable examples of major influences,
baffling to all at the time of their occurrence, which yielded finally to
quite simple elucidation and explanation. It is not only in history that
events widely separated in space and time can be found to have a combined
For example, a few years ago when over a period
of many months there were visitations of freak weather all around the world,
in many cases with disastrous consequences, the meteorologists were soon
able to trace them all to a single cause or set of causes: they were able at
least to show that the storms, floods, hurricanes, droughts, etc. belonged
together and had an intelligible combined meaning.
Suffice to say, these meteorologists were not obstructed in their
investigations by 'no-go' areas of inquiry, of the kind to be expected by
those who seek to understand worldwide events of freak 'political' weather.
If conflict is as easy to present and understand
as spells of freak weather, we still have no reason to suppose that we shall
find satisfying explanations, but we are encouraged to hope that where we
see globally, over many decades, a recognizable pattern of evil
consequences, we can expect to find evidence of a uniform pattern of causes.
What is required is an interpretation of the
history of the past one hundred and ten years or so, which will explain and
render intelligible the major developments and changes which have occurred -
changes which brought more conflict and tragedy than at any time previously
in recorded history.
Tragedy And Hope
Among the few history books in which any attempt has been made to interpret
recent history as a whole are Oswald Spengler's 'The Decline Of The
West,' and Carroll Quigley's 'Tragedy And
Spengler's main contribution to historiography is his theory of the
morphology of history in which he assigns to our present civilization in the
West a condition of irreversible decline. Paradoxically, he does not regard
this as a pessimistic view. One fact emerges very clearly in Spengler's
analysis: What happened in the 20th century must be seen and studied as an
alliance of money and intellect with money, rather than pure politics, as
the main moving power in world affairs.
Quigley leaves many things unexplained - he may
have done so intentionally - but he supports with a good deal of documentary
evidence the thesis that much of what has happened in our century has been
deliberately 'Made To Happen.'
He offers us a conspiratorial theory of history involving a number of secret
and semi-secret organizations like,
...all under the umbrella of what he calls an
"Anglo-American network" of businessmen, educators, politicians and
Carol Quigley, who was a Professor of History and of International Relations
at the Georgetown Foreign Service School, Washington DC, supplies much other
well documented information which no one has yet tried to fit into a general
inter-interpretation of the history of our century. His book, 'Tragedy And
Hope' was hastily withdrawn by its publishers, the Macmillan Company, almost
certainly because it was found to have contributed too much to a fully
coherent interpretation of the history of our time – much to the chagrin of
those who prefer to work under a cloak of secrecy.
The theory that much of what has happened has been orchestrated and
manipulated into being, is further supported by another consensus historian,
Arnold Toynbee, not in his monumental 'A Study Of History,' but in
his other public utterances, of which the following example is taken from a
paper read at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Institute for the
Scientific Study of International Relations at Copenhagen in June 1931
“We are at present working discreetly but
with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty
out of the clutches of the local national states of our world.
And all the time we are denying with our
lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty
of the local national states of the world is still a heresy for which a
statesman or a publicist can be, perhaps not quite burnt at the stake,
but certainly ostracized and discredited.”
Quite clearly, the denudation of the national
states of much of their sovereignty during the 20th century represented for
Quigley and Toynbee part of the progressive fulfillment of their ideal of an
elaborately planned 'Brave New World'
to be raised on the flattened ruins of the old - for Quigley a world of
'hope' with which to replace a world of 'tragedy,' a world of planned
revolutionary change to replace a disorderly world of slow revolutionary
So where and when did this 'age of conflict' begin? The three co-authors
quoted above maintain that it began in 1914 with World War I.
But there are sound reasons to believe that in
truth, it began earlier with the Anglo- Boer War of 1898-1902, which we can
now recognize clearly, as being the 'beginning of the end' of the British
Empire and the inauguration of another imperium of a far more
mysterious kind.
The Anglo Boer War
If we agree that our 'Age of Conflict' began with the Anglo- Boer War, then
it is in South Africa that we may have the best chance of seeing more
clearly the crucial historical change that was to spark off a great chain
reaction of change involving the whole world.
Prior to that time, the record of the British
Empire had been one of continuous progress, marred only by the ostensible
loss of the American colonies. Great Britain had 'out paced' all it's rivals
in the 19th century's scramble for colonial possessions, and could boast by
the turn of the 20th century to possess an 'empire on which the sun never
However, things were about to change.
The Afrikaners – or Boers, as they were called,
who had 'trekked' from Britain's Cape Colony into South Africa's virtually
unpopulated hinterland, found themselves the owners of the world's richest
gold fields. Therefore, the subsequent zeal displayed by British
'race-nationalists,' like Cecil John Rhodes and Alfred Milner,
to add the new Boer Republic of the Transvaal to the British Empire, which
when placed in context, is totally characteristic. In fact, considering the
climate of thought and sentiment prevailing at that time, not to have done
so with such a valuable prize at stake, would have been virtually
The Boer War proved unexpectedly costly both in lives and money. Britain
succeeded in adding to its empire both the Transvaal and its ally in the
struggle, the Orange Free State republic, but all this happened in
circumstances mysteriously different from those that had attended all
previous imperial conquests. The British people themselves had been sharply
divided on the issue, until the first shots were fired by the Boers.
General Sir William Butler, then
Commander-in-Chief of British forces in South Africa and one of the empire's
most loyal servants, had voiced his opposition to the prospect of war
against the Boers in the sternest of terms. It was also a war which gave
rise to a greater outpouring of false communication than at any other in
British colonial history.
In his book, 'The War In South Africa' J.A. Hobson writes:
"We are fighting in order to place a small
international oligarchy of mine-owners and speculators in power in
Pretoria. Englishmen would do well to recognize that the economic and
political destinies of South Africa are, and seem likely to remain, in
the hands of men most of whom are foreigners by origin whose trade is
finance and whose trade interests are not British."
Thomas Pakenham, in his book, THE BOER
WAR, published in 1979, concurred and had this to say about the causes of
that war:
"First there is a thin golden thread woven
by the 'gold bugs', the Rand millionaires who controlled the richest
mines in the world. It has been hitherto assumed by historians that none
of the 'gold bugs' was directly concerned in making the war. But
directly concerned they were...
I have found evidence of an informal
alliance between Sir Alfred Milner, the High Commissioner, and the firm
of Wernher-Beit, the dominant Rand mining house. It was this alliance, I
believe, that gave Milner the strength to precipitate the war.”
Among the financial pioneers were Englishmen
Rhodes, Rudd and J.B. Robinson.
These had all made their fortunes in South
Africa, but the others, "the small group of international financiers,
chiefly German in origin and Jewish in race," were wealthy when they arrived
in the country and had appeared to have access to limitless funds in Europe,
including the German Dresdner Bank, believed to be largely owned by 'Wernher
Cecil Rhodes turned to the London Rothschild's
for money with which to buy out his rivals and gain complete control of the
diamond industry in Kimberley.
General Sir William Butler was emphatic about who he considered to be the
decisive sources of power and motivation in precipitating the war, 'the
train-layers' setting the political gunpowder, as he called them.
In a dispatch to the War Office in June 1899 he
"If the Jews were out of the question, it
would be easy enough to come to an agreement, but they are apparently
intent upon plunging the country into civil strife... indications are
too evident here to allow one to doubt the existence of strong
undercurrents, the movers of which are bent upon war at all costs for
their own selfish ends."
Noticed by few, and understood by fewer,
effective control of the British Empire, at a decisive point in history, had
momentarily passed out of British hands.
Or, put another way, the centre of gravity of
real power in the world had shifted significantly. That was the 'mysterious'
change that was to inaugurate a chain reaction of more change, initially for
the British Empire and then for the whole world. More precisely, it was the
first clear sign of the commencement of a process of change in the realm of
finance-capitalism which was not to be complete before the middle of the
The other changes which occurred are less readily noticeable. One of the
most important of these being radical transformational changes in warfare
It was at this point and time in human history
that the human mind itself became a battleground for warring interests as
never before.
Political Warfare
Von Clausewitz's 'war by other means,' there has always been but never
before on the scale practised after the turn of the 20th century.
The use of 'persuasion' as a means by which a
population was made ready for war there had always been; but the world was
to encounter in the late 1890s something unprecedented in the quantity and
audacity of the lying propaganda that was used to drag the British people,
evidently against their will, into the Anglo-Boer War.
This new evil, or the reintroduction of an older evil on a massive scale,
came as a great shock to General Butler, who wrote this to the Colonial
Secretary on December 18, 1898:
"All the political questions in South Africa
and nearly all the information sent from Cape Town are being worked by
what I have already described as a colossal syndicate for the spread of
false information. South Africa presents a unique example of a large
press, owned, controlled and operated by a small body of men with the
direct aim of bringing about a conflict which shall serve their business
For the purposes of this series, we need only
mention a few of the major historic changes which ensued.
They are:
the Anglo-Boer War
the Two World Wars
the Bolshevik Revolution and the setting
up of the Soviet Union as an industrial and military super-power
the dismantling of the colonial empires
and conversion of the former colonies into new nations, few of them
economically viable
the delivery of mainland China and other
vast areas in the Far East to totalitarian socialist rule
the setting up of
the United Nations with its
innumerable agencies as the prototype of some form of world
the progressive undermining of the
national sovereignty of all the Western nations
In order to understand the forces at work which
brought humankind to it's current woeful state, we need to examine what were
those deep-seated changes in human affairs at the end of the 19th Century
and beginning of the 20th Century, which gave rise to a worldwide
chain-reaction of conflict and catastrophe.
1] http://righteousalliance.blogspot.com/2009/07/to-kill-tree-part-one.html
2] http://righteousalliance.blogspot.com/2009/07/who-rules-worldthe-origin-of-evil.html
3] http://www.rense.com/general86/pikeknew.htm
4] http://www.terrorism-illuminati.com/node/35
5] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/rise_fourthreich/rise_fourthreich.htm
6] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_lucytrust.htm
7] http://www.missionislam.com/nwo/index.htm
Part 2
August 05, 2009
Real power is achieved when the ruling class
controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholds them from
the masses as if they were privileges; as George Orwell reflected:
"From the moment when the machine first made
its appearance it was clear to all thinking people that the need for
human drudgery, and therefore to a great extent for human inequality,
had disappeared. If the machine were used deliberately for that end,
hunger, overwork, dirt, illiteracy, and disease could be eliminated
within a few generations.
But it was also clear that an all-around
increase in wealth threatened the destruction... of a hierarchical
society. In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to
eat, lived in a house with a bathroom and a refrigerator, and possessed
a motorcar or even an air-plane, the most obvious and perhaps the most
important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once
became general, wealth would confer no distinction. Such a society could
not long remain stable.
For if leisure and security were enjoyed by
all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by
poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves;
and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize
that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it
In the long run, a hierarchical society was
only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance...
It is deliberate policy to keep even the
favored groups somewhere near the brink of hardship because a general
state of scarcity increases the importance of small privileges and thus
magnifies the distinction between one group and another...
The social atmosphere is that of a besieged
city, where the possession of a lump of horseflesh makes the difference
between wealth and poverty. "
In this second part in the series, I will show that around the turn of the
20th Century, manufactured deep-rooted changes occurred primarily in two
quite separate realms:
Those of money and intellect, and how
this alliance formed a 'Nexus Of Evil,' which in it's service of the
darkest forces of magic, has in this the first decade of the 21st
Century, built a global control grid around our lives.
And how by using what is nothing less
than sorcery disguised as 'New Age Metaphysics,' it has achieved
complete hegemony over money, politics, religion, the media, big
business, and education. It has subverted culture, rewritten
history, falsified science, and by the expert use of the dialectical
trap, has manipulated and coerced humanity into abject acquiescence
and compliance, and is now preparing to deliver it's final blow
which will plunge our world into a global conflagration of hitherto
unimagined ferocity.
The precursors to this are the current financial
crisis and quite probably, the expected 'Swine
flu' outbreak, which will, if informed forecasts and predictions
are correct, open up the 'Quarantine Camps,' [7] for those
citizens who refuse the jab, and cause untold suffering for those who don't.
The Storm Centre
So, continuing on, let us begin with an examination of the great change
which took place in
the world of money.
It is highly significant that during the first
years of the 20th century, a phenomenon appeared, that was to remain a
conspicuous feature of the ensuing age of conflict, namely the concentration
camp, a symbol of an expanded savagery in which civilians were joined with
soldiers in the front line of every major conflict.
Towards the end of the 19th century, money began to acquire a new role and
meaning in human affairs as economics began to prevail over politics. The
two need to be clearly distinguished as sources of value, motivation and
control at the elite level of leadership. Politics in its pure uncorrupted
form, is a social function concerned with the welfare of a community,
long-term as well as short-term, in which the requirements of economics,
although always important, play only a supportive or secondary role.
Economic thinking, a mere department of political thinking, is concerned
exclusively with the requirements of economic prosperity and progress. It
assumes automatically that whatever is good for business is good for the
community as a whole, an attitude of mind that excludes virtually all other
considerations, and which today, to the detriment of humankind, can be
witnessed to be the primary consideration for all governments.
What happened towards the end of the 19th century was, therefore, not a
sudden occurrence; rather, it should be seen as a crucial stage, having been
reached in a process which had continued slowly during most of the preceding
Not only did the Anglo-Boer War signal the
beginning of the end of the British Empire, it also marked the beginning of
the end of national financial sovereignties across the Western world, a
process that would culminate in the 1930s, when the 'great' American
pioneering families, headed by J.P. Morgan, were finally squeezed out
of their dominating position on Wall Street.
In the relationship between politics and high finance, there subsisted a
very complex state of affairs until shortly before the commencement of World
War II, which can be briefly explained as follows:
There had existed for centuries within the national states of the Western
world families or dynasties of bankers, like
the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Montefiores,
etc. who lent to governments and specialized in transactions across national
frontiers, but these were never fully integrated as a system capable of
controlling politics on an international scale.
These concentrations of high finance, although
always influential, lacked the power wholly to control the politics of the
national states, but each remained an important part of a nationally
oriented 'constellation' of financial power.
This situation suited them well enough in the circumstances prevailing until
the turn of the 20th Century. Yes, they were able to exert enormous
influence, both nationally and internationally, but nothing like the almost
omnipotent power they would later acquire.
Paradoxically, despite the enormous lead which
the Jewish banking dynasties had gained in international commerce, it was
initially the 'gentile' financiers with their ownership and access to the
'cornucopia' of new wealth, plus their control of national politics, who
first established high finance on a fully internationalized basis.
The facts are supplied by Dr. Carroll Quigley:
"The apex of the system was to be the Bank
of International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned
and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves
private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like
Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York
Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar
Schacht of the Reichbank, sought to dominate its government by its
ability to control Treasury bonds, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to
influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to
influence cooperative politicians by sub-sequent economic rewards in the
business world."
Tragedy and Hope
Quigley explains further that the Rothschild's
had been pre-eminent during much of the 19th century, but at the end of that
"they were being replaced by J.P. Morgan",
whose central office was in New York, although it operated as if it were
in London, "Where it had indeed originated as George Peabody and Company
in 1838."
The process by which the separate national
concentrations of financial power were finally absorbed into a global
concentration was not completed until the 1930s.
This 'Coup d'Etat' of money being the prime
motor which produced among other consequences, the rise of the Third Reich
in Germany, the outbreak of World War II, the subsequent involvement of the
United States and Japan, and the construction up of a Marxist-Leninist
People's Republic of China.
Professor Quigley[6] supplies many of the facts about the final
shift in the centre of gravity of financial power, and his story begins with
these ominous words:
"The third stage of capitalism is of such
overwhelming significance in the history of the twentieth century, and
its ramifications and influences have been so subterranean and even
occult, that we may be excused if we devote considerable attention to
its organization and methods."
The 'story,' which has been assembled from a
vast accumulation of documented facts, is one of a process of change in the
United States, beginning before World War I, which Wilmot Robertson
was later to describe as the,
"dispossession of the American majority",
culminating in what Quigley calls "a shift on all levels, from changing
tastes in newspaper comic strips... to profound change in the power
nexus of the 'American Establishment'"
Since the 1880s the United States had been ruled
from behind the scenes by a plutocracy supported by the fortunes of the
American 'bloodline' families; [8] Rockefeller,
Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Mellon, Duke, Whitney, Ford, Du Pont, etc. - a power
constellation with J.P. Morgan as its banking centre.
This 'Eastern Establishment' is described by
Quigley as "high Episcopalian, Anglophile, internationalist, Ivy League, and
European-culture-conscious", and was matched with a similar establishment on
the other side of the Atlantic with Montagu Norman as its banking head.
The two worked closely together and came to be
known as the "Anglo- American Establishment."
Quigley documents the,
"decline of J.P. Morgan itself from its
deeply anonymous status as a partnership (founded in 1861) to its
transformation into an incorporated public company in 1940 to its final
disappearance by absorption into its chief banking subsidiary, the
Guaranty Trust Company, in 1959".
Quigley writes,
"the less obvious implication of the shift
in Wall Street was the realization by the Morgan group that it no longer
had the votes on the Board of Trustees of Columbia University to
nominate a successor to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, the retiring
The control of American higher education had by
stealth been taken out of the hands of America's 'Eastern Establishment'
families, described by Quigley in the paragraph above, in a manner
indicating that they were not Jewish, as Wall Street subsequently fell into
the hands of the international financiers like a ripe plum.
The battle having been fought and won in the
realm of parliamentary politics by methods which are still standard practice
in the Western world; these include the financing of party politics, the
manipulation of public opinion through the medium of newspapers, radio, the
cinema, the book trade, etc., plus the penetration, financing and
manipulation of trade union movements.
This was a take-over exercise in which America s emerging secret rulers
could draw on many centuries of accumulated expertise and experience as a
nation struggling to survive in dispersion. The eclipse of the power of the
great American Families first took the form of taxation laws, beginning with
the graduated income tax in 1913 and culminating in the inheritance tax,
which drove all the great family fortunes into the refuge of tax-exempt
Morgan and his circle lost control of the
Federal Government as one 'money-and-intellect alliance' was subtly replaced
by another. And the fact that a money-and-intellect alliance behaves in much
the same way no matter who controls it made the change all the more
difficult to detect.
The Morgan group dabbled in the politics of the radical left and lost no
time in trying to get a foothold in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution.
But at this game they were no match for their Jewish rivals. The rival
Wall Street elites may have been fuelled by the ideal and ambition of a
World Order' but there the similarity ended.
The original American establishment, like its British opposite number, was
for containing the Soviet Union and its socialist rulers, with a view to the
ultimate absorption of the Russian empire into a New World Order to be
raised on the foundations of the British Empire and which they, as
inheritors of the Rhodes dream, would control.
The other, the new Eastern Establishment. was
for building up the Soviet Union as an industrial and military giant which
would replace the British Empire as the foundation of a New World Order.
These developments in the realm of finance capitalism and power politics
came to a climax towards the end of the 1930s, coinciding with a
considerable eruption all over the Western world of a social phenomenon
misleadingly described as 'anti-Semitism.'
In his book, 'This
Age Of Conflict,' Ivor Benson quotes Professor Hannah
Arendt, who writes:
"Twentieth century political developments
have driven the Jewish people into the storm centre of events... the
Jewish question and anti-Semitism... became the catalytic agent first
for the rise of the Nazi movement and the establishment of the
organizational structure of the Third Reich... then for a world war of
unparalleled ferocity. "
'The Origins of Totalitarianism'
Henry Ford, who for many years had been a
fierce critic of the big bankers as being the natural enemies of private
enterprise industry, was quick to draw a clear distinction between the house
of Morgan, which he described as "constructive", and its rivals, whom he
described as "warmongers".
Morgan himself, like his opposite number in
London, Montagu Norman, was known to dislike the Jews. The talks of Father
Coughlin and writings of Father Denis Fahey, the frantic efforts of Charles
Lindbergh to keep America out of the war, and the activities of Oswald
Mosley and his Blackshirts in Britain, were all reactions to the appearance
of the Jewish people in "the storm centre" of 20th century politics.
What all these alarming developments mean is
that a highly concentrated Jewish financial power was suddenly seen to be
gaining ascendancy in the West.
The English Idea
Another crucial aspect of the prevailing political reality evident during
the last decades of the 19th century must now be more closely studied -
namely, the thoughts about the future that were then circulating in the
English ruling classes.
Cecil John Rhodes [4] was one of the
most potent men of action in all of English history, but he was also a
visionary and dreamer, pictured by friend and foe as a Colossus bestriding
the continent of Africa. Rhodes possessed an ability to inspire activity and
loyalty in others which was in every manner proverbial. In the realm of pure
thought, however, the unifying and energizing agent was not Rhodes but
John Ruskin,[5] a one time Slade Professor of Fine Arts at
Oxford University, who had armed a generation of young Englishmen with an
ideology of service having as its object the creation of a better and
happier world.
This was to be imagined as an extended
application of the civilizing and humanizing concept of the British Empire;
it was to be a fellowship of free and independent states held together by an
abstract principle which came to be labeled the 'English idea.'
The numinousity, or sense of magic, evoked by these ideas can be
traced to a single cause: the ideology of a 'Brave New World,' with
ostensible order and welfare for all mankind, offered as a alternative, even
replacement for a religious orthodoxy that had long since begun to crumble
under the impact of a scientific 'enlightenment;' there was in this ideal,
something to restore to the existence of the intelligentsia class and its
energetic scholars, a renewed sense of meaning, ideology, purpose and
direction, and which moreover, quite ominously sanctified British imperial
expansion and the personal advancement of all its servants.
So potent was this ideology as a secular religion that it won converts all
over the Western world; even former leaders of the conquered Boers,
including General Louis Botha, who was to be South Africa's first
Prime Minister, and General Jan Christian Smuts, yielded to its
psychic charm.
Practical measures to give effect to this political idealism took the form
of a range of operations including the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the
semi-secret Round Table movement, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, the American Council on Foreign Relations, etc.
This was definitely a 'White Supremacist' affair, invoking on both sides of
the Atlantic a racial response.
Ralph Durand, in a book about Oxford
University published in 1909, wrote of,
"Cecil Rhodes of Oriel, the dreamer of great
dreams... Believing that the preservation of the peace of the world lay
in the hands of men of Teuton blood, he made provision in his will for
the founding at Oxford of scholarships that would be open to citizens of
the British Empire, the German Empire and the United States"
published by Grant Richards, London.
The fatal flaw in this ideology does not belong
to the art or science of politics, nor to that of high finance, but to an
area of knowledge less readily accessible to exploration and discussion,
namely, 'Metaphysics' or more correctly, 'Magic.'
Quigley puts his hand on the key to that riddle:
each of the central banks in the different national states, he says, "sought
to dominate its government" and to "influence co-operative politicians by
subsequent rewards in the business world".
What this means is that something had already gone awry in the West's
national power structures all of which had by this time incorporated a
system of money creation and debt, a devilishly corrupting influence with
implications of infinite complexity. Money had become progressively the
measure of all things, with a 'bloodline' ruling elite drawn less and less
from the land and more and more from commerce and banking.
Western nations had, in reality, become
plutocracies, capable of maintaining themselves in power with a public
opinion no longer sought nor consulted as before, but which was manufactured
and manipulated as required by newspapers, patronage and other 'rewards in
the business world.'
Just such a conversion of money into public
opinion and support was accomplished in Britain by Rhodes and Milner and
their 'gold bug' partners, having a total disregard for all or any moral
considerations. Money had shown what money could do.
There was, thus, an iron inevitability about the
outcome of a struggle which the gentile financiers did not even see as a
An Alien High Finance
Firmly united by long-range political aims, increasingly influenced the
politics of the different national states and finally displayed the gentile
financiers as managers of the new international banking structure.
Those 'educated' minds, conditioned by John
Ruskin's secular ideology which called for a 'new world' to be raised on the
foundations of the British Empire, seem to have had no problems transferring
their attachment and enthusiasm to the new ideology as set out by Marx and
Antony Sutton's trilogy, 'Wall Street And The Bolshevik
Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler,[2]
and Wall Street And FDR,[3] contains a vast quantity of
information but is more remarkable for what it omits. For that Which is
omitted is precisely what Professor Hannah Arendt correctly describes as the
"catalytic agent" in the "storm centre of events", namely, the role of the
jewish people in 20th century power politics.
Sutton maintains there is and always was only one "Wall Street
Establishment", which he blames for the financing of the Bolshevik
Revolution and later Hitler's rise to power in Germany. But this
over-simplification is very misleading.
During the two preceding decades Wall Street had assumed a species of split
personality, one half symbolized by Morgan and the other by Warburg. It is
undeniable as alleged, that 'Wall Street' aiding in the financing of the
Bolshevik Revolution, but in this, it was the Warburg faction (Jacob
Schiff in particular) which took the initiative, with the Morgan faction
eventually being on the receiving end of most if not all the adverse
publicity as they belatedly tried to get in on the action.
Furthermore, there is a wealth of evidence which
supports the contention that it was the Morgan interests on Wall Street
which supported Hitler's rise to power. But at the same , it was the
internationalists who were funding the German Communist Party in those
crucial elections in 1930, in which the communists gained such spectacular
When one understands the prevailing dynamics of the times, it becomes
elementary to recognize that the fiercest political struggles occurring all
over the West during the 1930s, can now be more clearly seen as being just
so many proxy battles on behalf of rival concentrations of financial power,
culminating in World II and the triumph of the internationalists.
An American Fascist
Coup d'Etat
In Britain opposition to World War II came from what remained of the British
end of the original Anglo-American establishment, labeled the 'Cliveden
set'; Cliveden being the name of the home of Lord Astor. This interpretation
will also help to explain one of the most mysterious episodes in American
history; a reported attempt, with the assistance of the American Legion and
armed forces, to set up a 'fascist ' dictatorship in America.
News of the plot was given brief front-page treatment in the NEW YORK TIMES
on November 21, 1931; a congressional committee was set up to investigate
the allegations; but then all news of the plot faded out of the press. Those
involved included a few leading personalities in the American Legion and
another organization known as Liberty League, which together seem to have
undertaken to make available a force of 500,000 men.
Leadership of the operation was offered to
Major-General Smedley D. Butler, a much decorated military hero, but
there is no real evidence that he ever agreed to go along with the plotters.
Significantly, it is exclusively the gentile power -wielders of big finance
and big business who were identified as the culprits behind the scene, all
linked in one way or another with J.P. Morgan:
Grayson Murphy, a director of the
Guaranty Company
Jackson Martindell, associated with
Stone and Webster, allied to the Morgans
the DuPont Company
the Remington Arms Company, controlled
by DuPont
the Morgan-Harriman financial interests
It would seem, therefore, that the Morganite
financiers and industrialists, finding themselves at last out-maneuvered and
out gunned in Wall Street, were tempted to take desperate measures against
the international financiers - as had been done with some success in Italy
and Germany.
As the rivalry of separate national constellations of financial power gave
rise to the 19th century's scramble for colonial possessions, so the
consolidation of financial power on a global basis in the 20th century
required the dismantling of all the colonial empires and their replacement
with innumerable new states over which the separate nations of the West
would be able to exercise little or no influence.
A clear distinction must, thus, be drawn between
the pace and quantity of change and conflict in the world up until l939,
when the new imperium was still in the process of being established,
and the pace and quantity of change and conflict after the new imperium
had emerged as the only real victor in World War II.
In Part Three, we will examine the part played by Western 'Intellect' in the
'Nexus Of Evil' and identify it's manipulation and exploitation, and the
role it has subsequently played in in the furthering of the Illuminati's
Luciferian Agenda.
1] http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/
2] http://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/index.html
3] http://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Wall_Street_and_FDR_by_A_Sutton.pdf
4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_rhodes
5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ruskin
6] http://sandiego.indymedia.org/media/2006/10/119975.pdf Tragedy
And Hope
7] http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=8134
8] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/index.htm
Part 3
August 08, 2009
The Role of Intellect In An
Age Of Conflict
We will now look at the role played by Western 'Intellectual thought' in the
'Nexus Of Evil' and identify it's manipulation and exploitation, it's base
in the occult, and the role it has subsequently played in in the furthering
of the Illuminati's Luciferian Agenda.
In order to do so, we must now turn to and
briefly examine the fundamental changes which occurred during the latter
half of the 17th century onwards, in the realm of Western intellect, which
can be regarded as one of the main causes of our age of conflict it being
the other half of that aforementioned 'alliance of money and intellect,'
acting in the service of the forces of magic, and by that, I mean the
Illuminati and ultimately Lucifer himself.
In my series, 'Who Rules The World,' I wrote;
"I personally do not believe that human
beings, who in the majority, long for peace and happiness, are capable
in themselves of such gross wickedness. What force drives men to such
loathsome deeds, or maneuvers them into situations, where they feel
compelled to commit such atrocities?
Like many today involved in this area of
investigation, it is my contention that there is lurking in the shadows,
behind the scenes, some purely wicked, invisible power which is, through
its agents and disciples, manipulating, coercing and influencing people
to commit terrible acts of treachery, violence, perversion, and what can
only be termed unadulterated evil. If one steps outside the 'Matrix,'
and considers the 'bigger picture,' this pandemic evil can be seen as
being anything but a collection of random unconnected incidents and
To the contrary, it appears to be a driven,
systematic, controlled, and malevolent agenda, manipulating the course
of world events towards a defined 'end game."
In the three articles which comprise that
series, and which for the sake of continuity should be read as a precursor
to this current collection, I introduced the hypothesis that the ills of
humankind are and have always been the work of Lucifer, his 'Fallen
Angels,' and subsequently, the Illuminati 'Bloodline' hybrid beings,
who now through their control of all the 'seats' of
global power, are preparing their final 'Coup d' Etat' on
In this current series of articles, we will deal
with the 'nuts and bolts' of the conspiracy to dethrone God,
subjugate and degrade humanity, and enthrone Lucifer as 'Lord
Of This World.'
It is necessary to understand that the creation and eventual propagation of
the secular humanist ideals we will be dealing with in the following
paragraphs, were never intended by the Luciferians as an end in
themselves, but rather as an interim means of breaking down, and tearing out
from the hearts of Western men and women, their love of God, and
replacing it with an eventual adoration of Lucifer.
In it's final stages, this development can be
seen to have begun more than two centuries ago and to have been a major
contributing factor in the decline of christianity as the consensus religion
of the West.
The 'new' thought process and values system inaugurated as a result of the
decline of the influence of christian orthodoxy came to be known as
socialism. Socialism was however, only one of the symptoms of something with
a much more profound metaphysical implication; a condition better
represented by the words 'idealism' and 'humanism.'
Socialism is, in truth, a form of economic and
political idealism.
It is this 'idealism' and the reality of the forces behind it which we need
to understand. A pre-fabricated attitude to human existence that responds
readily to any plausible system or ideology, ostensibly proposing one or
another program, which on the surface, usually appears to be intended
towards the form of a utopian betterment of the world and mankind, but which
in essence, only serves the Luciferian agenda.
Such ideologies have included anarchism, nihilism, syndicalism, socialism,
communism, etc. This idealism supplies the base psychic foundation for a
false system of secular belief which acquires the force and intensity of the
religion which it has replaced.
There is a fundamental and most important
difference between,
A metaphysical or religious system of
A secular or humanist system of belief.
These differences can be thus defined as:
All the great religions which have
endured down the through the ages, however different in their
orthodoxies are founded on the central belief that human existence,
like everything else in the universe, is governed by immutable laws
of cause and effect which the intelligence must discover and obey.
What this amounts to is a recognition
that human freedom finds fulfillment only as Freedom Under Law.
We are free to do as we please but, if we are to avoid the
disappointment of our hopes and expectations, if we are to preserve
psychic health, we must first find out what can and what cannot be
In the Bible book of Genesis, the
seduction of Eve by Lucifer/Satan is enacted thus:
Now the serpent was more crafty than
any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
And he said to the woman, "Indeed,
has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"
The woman said to the serpent, "From
the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;
but from the fruit of the tree which
is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat
from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
The serpent said to the woman, "You
surely will not die!
"For God knows that in the
day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be
like God, knowing good and evil."
Taking the above into consideration, it is no
coincidence that fundamental to idealism or humanism is the idea that the
human intellect is fully qualified to be a law unto itself in promoting
purposes which can be visualized or imagined...
The element of error in this perception of the
intellect as being the highest source of guidance in human affairs is
extremely subtle, very difficult to detect, and even more so to explain; it
can be compared with a compass deflection in navigation which progressively
falsifies all positional and directional calculations. The ancients called
it 'Hubris,' an attitude that presupposes that the intellect can conquer
life itself as it can conquer the human environment.
Milton handles this most profound theme in the
language of symbolism in his great epic poem 'Paradise Lost.'
The Magicians
It was the mysterious 'Count Cagliostro who had been primarily responsible
for the incorporation of 'magic' into the Masonic Rite of Mizraim.
Napoleon Bonaparte's 'Grande Armee,' with its
initiates of the Philalethes, Asiatic Brothers, and Martinists, then carried
Cagliostro's Masons to Egypt, whereby they came in contact with the Grand
Lodge of the Ismailis, established in the eleventh century, and known in the
occult world, as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.
The enigmatic Comte St. Germain was reputedly the Grand Master of all
Freemasonry at the time, and is said to have initiated Cagliostro into the
mysteries of Egyptian Freemasonry.
Samuel Honis a native Egyptian, brought
the Egyptian Rite to France, and in 1815, the lodge, 'Les Disciples de
Memphis,' was founded by Honis, Marconis de Negre and others.
It soon attracted a large number of Frankists and some of its initiates (of
which Karl Marx was one), became involved in a number of subversive
movements. Marx, moved to Brussels in 1845, and together with Friedrich
Engels, reorganized the Communist League. The League having evolved from the
revolutionary French Jacobins, which themselves had been originally founded
by the Bavarian Illuminati.
In 1848, Marx published his Communist Manifesto, in which he borrows heavily
from Clinton Roosevelt's, 'The Science of Government Founded on Natural
Law,' that echoed entirely the philosophies of
Adam Weishaupt, the founder
of the Bavarian Illuminati.
In 'To Eliminate the Opiate,' Rabbi Antelman affirmed that Marx, far from
being an atheist was, like his father a Shabbatean Frankist. Paul Johnson in
his work the 'History of the Jews,' indicates that Marx's theory of history,
closely resembled the Kabbalistic theories of the Messianic Age of Shabbatai
Zevi's mentor, Nathan of Gaza.
Marx derived his philosophy of history from the
Lurianic Kabbalah, through the influence of Hegel. Like Hegel, Marx believed
that the world develops according to a dialectical formula, but he disagreed
with Hegel as to the motive force of this development. Hegel believed in a
mystical entity called Spirit.
For Marx, it was matter, not spirit.
The Blueprint
In 1870, Giuseppe Mazzini, Lord Palmerston of England, Otto Von Bismarck of
Germany and Albert Pike, each a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, inaugurated
the supreme and universal rite of
Freemasonry, that henceforth, would
centralize all the high Masonic bodies throughout the world under one head.
To this end the Palladium Rite was created as
the pinnacle of the pyramid of power: an international alliance to bring in
the Grand Lodges, the Grand Orient, the ninety-seven degrees of Memphis and Mizraim of Cagliostro, and the Scottish Rite.
In a letter written to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871, Albert Pike
graphically outlined plans for three world wars, that were seen as necessary
to bring about the One World Order. As I have covered this previously at
length in the series, To Kill A Tree, it will suffice to say here that the
two fratricidal world wars of the 20th century went entirely according to
script, and that Pike's letter predicted that the third global war would
have to be fought against Islam.
This was in effect the blueprint for the 'Clash
Of Civilizations,' scenario now being played out in Iraq, Afghanistan and
Pike then told Mazzini that, after World War Three had ended, a global
social cataclysm will be provoked that will be greater than the world has
ever known:
"We shall unleash the Nihilists [meaning
terrorists] and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social
cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the
effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and of the most
bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to
defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will
exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that
moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but
without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true
light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of
Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the
general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of
christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same
Mikhail Bakunin
The political philosophy of Nihilism, originally devised by Kabbalists,
Shabbetai Zevi, Jacob Frank and the Frankists, was further developed by
Mikhail Bakunin. Bakunin was a Grand Orient Freemason, a disciple of Weishaupt, and like Marx, an avowed Satanist. Bakunin left Russia in 1842
and moved to Paris where he met Marx.
He participated in the 1848 French Revolution,
and then moved to Germany where he called for the overthrow of the Habsburg
The most notable episode of Bakunin's later years was his quarrel with Marx.
While living in Geneva in 1868, he joined the socialist First International.
At the same time, however, he enrolled his followers in a semi-secret Social
Democratic Alliance, which had a direct affiliation to the Illuminati, and
which he conceived as a revolutionary avant-garde within the International.
The First International was opposed to Bakunin's
activities, and at a congress in 1872 at The Hague, Marx secured the
expulsion of Bakunin and his followers from the International. The resulting
split in the revolutionary movement in Europe and the United States
persisted for many years.
In the first meeting of Social Democratic Alliance, Bakunin, though a
Magician and Satanist, openly professed atheism, and called for the
Illuminati goals of the abolition of marriage, property, and of all social
and religious institutions.
Nihilism (like Satanism and the Kabbalah)
rejected all religious (read christian godly) and political authority,
social traditions, and traditional morality as standing in opposition to
Every nation thus became the enemy, and the
enemy was ferociously attacked using terrorism and assassination.
Reflecting the dictum of Weishaupt, Bakunin
"the unchaining of what is today called the
evil passions and the destruction of what is called public order," and
made the declaration, still identified with nihilism.
"Let us put our trust in the eternal spirit
which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unsearchable and
eternally creative source of all life the passion for destruction is
also a creative passion!"
It is vital for the reader to understand that
Atheism, Humanism and Idealism were cynical constructs of the Luciferian
Magicians, and only that.
Used to break down christianity, they were the
means to a Luciferian end, as opposed to 'bona fide' means in themselves.
The whole secular humanist movement is a cloak for Luciferinaism, and whilst
most of its disciples were and still are unaware of it, the elite
'provocateurs' knew it then as the do now.
The New Idealists
The almost irresistible attraction of socialism for those members of the
utopia orientated 'educated' classes, who in the nineteenth century, found
themselves without the support of their ancestral christian faith is,
therefore, at least understandable, for it provided them with a highly
plausible and ingeniously elaborate framework of ideas, which paradoxically
(considering their Satanic origin) purported to be able to solve many, if
not all of the world's evils, and to finally bring those ever so elusive
elements of human existence, happiness and contentment to all of mankind.
It offered to the educated individual a laudable
ambition and an integrated intellectual frame of reference, which promised
to infuse his existence with new meaning and purpose. Yet it is precisely
this very idealism, this attitude and this 'plausible' thinking, which has
given our world over a hundred years of terrible conflict and tragedy which
is without precedent in all of recorded history.
No manner of evil intentions in all of history, ever produced cruelty and
disorder on so vast a scale as idealism or humanism have produced since the
beginning of the 20th century. Supposed good intentions in the service of
evil have been exposed by the experience of that history as being capable of
producing the most dreadful of consequences.
It is in this area of conduct where ends are
called on to justify means, that the human mind makes mistakes of a kind
that the mind itself can not easily understand, and it is where the mind is
most exposed to the influences of the most hostile cunning, emanating from
the ultimate master of hostility and cunning.
The great mistake is to suppose that the means used can be justified by the
quality of the ends proposed, when in fact, as experience may only
demonstrate belatedly, it is only the actual results produced that can ever
justify the means.
The idea that the laudable end envisioned,
however distantly separated from the present, justifies the employment of
whatever means are required for its attainment, is thus fundamental to
idealism or humanism in whatever form it may take, whether as socialism or
as that benevolent imperialism preached by John Ruskin, and which so
captivated the mind of the young Cecil Rhodes.
An example of the above can be seen in the Illuminati's current and markedly
accelerating drive towards the 'New World Order,' there are undoubtedly many
working unwittingly and naively towards what they consider to be 'laudable
ends,' having no idea that they are furthering a Totalitarian Luciferian
Political idealism in action exhibits two major negative aspects: it
undertakes long-term enterprises which are incapable of actualization
because it finds itself in conflict with unalterable requirements of human
nature as expressed in instinct, and it produces among its 'believers' a
progressive blunting or description of what, for want of a more precise
description, we can call 'a sense of evil.'
In other words, immoral behavior in the service
of an ideal is condoned and even recommended, and any suffering that ensues
is habitually regarded with indifference as part of the price that must be
paid for 'progress.'
Socialism As A
After a long period of incubation in Germany and central Europe during the
early part of the 19th century, Socialism was accorded more scholarly
credentials in the form of 'dialectical materialism,' defined as a
materialistic interpretation of existence, by Karl Marx, which was later to
be presented in a more delusive and acceptable form by leading British
intellectuals, such as Edward Pease, George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb.
Fabian Society and later the London School
of Economics (LSE) were then set up as nurseries for the future
proliferation of socialist ideas and ideals throughout the English speaking
world, and particularly the United States.
It is significant to our story, that Julius Wernher, of the same
Wernher-Beit conglomerate that supported Milner's effort to precipitate the
Anglo-Boer War, contributed substantially to the funding of the LSE, and
socialist movements wherever they may have been, all vehemently
'anti-capitalist,' somewhat bewilderingly to the 'uninitiated,' received
massive support from the most powerful 'capitalists.'
It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the
philosophies of John Ruskin and of Karl Marx, that it was possible for the
'Brave New World' ambition, so actively promoted by Rhodes and his heirs, to
be absorbed into the socialist world-power vortex with hardly a sign that
anything untoward had happened.
In fact, the international socialists,
instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power, were able to
take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment, complete with its worldwide
network of organizations - the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute
of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals,
etc - and continue to run it as if still under its original management;
indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of
their incomparable skill in the arts of deception.
The headlong decay of christianity in its orthodox forms, and particularly
in its institutionalized form as the 'established' Church, proved to be
overwhelmingly to the advantage of the new order of financiers.
For many centuries in the West, christian
orthodoxy or Christendom, had been more than just something to believe in;
it had become the world view of a whole civilization, an interpretation of
the totality of existence and, as such, the very medium in which men's minds
perceived reality, in the same way as the open blue skies are the medium by
which birds fulfill their existence.
As that 'reality' faded, the 'shadow power' determined that the educated
classes in the west would need a new religion, or even better, a secular
substitute, one fully in harmony with the new rationalist climate of thought
engendered by a triumphant if often erroneous science (as in
This substitute appeared in the form of
socialism, an intellectual frame of reference and system of values which has
continued to dominate higher education in the West since the beginning of
the 20th century, especially in academic disciplines like history,
anthropology, sociology and political science.
Socialism can be seen to have two separate and different realities:
It is something that can be believed
It is something that can be used.
Spengler recognized socialism's double character
when he remarked that every proletarian movement, even a communist one,
"Operates in the interest of money" adding significantly "without the
idealist in its ranks having the slightest suspicion of the fact."
The damaging effect of socialism as an intellectual frame of reference, can
be ascribed to the fact that it is basically a 'con trick,' one component of
a dialectical trap with money that funds socialism as Thesis, a socialism in
which men believe in as Antithesis and "The New Money Imperium, or New World
Order" as Synthesis.
Money grabs and concentrates power into the
centre, and socialism promises the ultimate redistribution of ownership and
power; the resolution of this contradiction supplies the New Imperium or
World Order, with an almost irresistible dynamic.
The New Imperium
But the question remains; why should such an alliance of money and
intellect, albeit in the service of darkly magical forces, all ostensibly
bent on restructuring the world and reducing it to to a 'New Order' have
produced since the 20th century so much more conflict than was seen
previously, when the major nations of Europe were greedily engaged in a
competitive scramble for aggrandizement, particularly in the great land grab
for colonial possessions?
It would appear that money and intellect as
determinants in the shaping of history, had experienced a radical change to
the detriment of humankind, giving rise, among other negative phenomena, to
what Professor P.T. Bauer has described as "an undeclared, one
sided, fratricidal civil war in the West."
The shadow money power, being alien in philosophy, religion and method to
the West, and unable to flourish in an environment of national health,
strength and order, therefore committed itself to promoting and funding
policies of destruction, degeneration, deprivation and degradation.
Where there is social health, strength and
goodly order, in any part of the world, there is a resulting self
determination, and that is an intolerable obstacle to the money's global
power-concentrating purposes. Such an alien money power needs a world of
ethnic communities reduced to a condition of arrested cultural and political
development, and has up until very recently concentrated its enmity
exclusively on Western civilization, which it still sees as its main rival
for world dominion.
The 'New Imperium' finds its strength in the
weakness of all those it seeks to control.
The 'New Imperium' has spread conflict and disorder trying to rule secretly
and indirectly by means of artificially contrived puppet regimes, everywhere
disrupting the natural hierarchical order within and between divergent
ethnic groups. In other words, an extraneous power has everywhere prevented
the emergence of what we would call the natural 'pecking order' within and
between contiguous ethnic groups.
In fact, in very many instances, a reversal of
the ancient 'pecking order' has been found necessary by the world's new
secret rulers.
It is this interference in the relationships of ethnic groups, which has
created an age of conflict and tragedy which is without precedent in all of
world history. A process of unfolding history having as its culmination the
decline of the West and a century of unprecedented conflict can be traced to
many causes.
But central to all is the corrupting principle of USURY - money traded as a
commodity and lent at interest - as a component of the world's monetary
Thus, our age of conflict, like a spiders web, has many aspects, some of
them beyond our powers of understanding, but that which we need and can use
is the knowledge that the peoples of the West have only themselves to blame
for the plight in which they and the rest of the world find themselves
today; for they have themselves created the morally unhygienic conditions in
which evil flourishes as never before.
Further reading
Part 4
August 14, 2009
"The plan, I think, is the old one of
world dominion in a new form... the money-power and revolutionary
power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes
('Capitalism" or "Communism') and sharply defined citadels
('America' or "Russia')... Such is the spectacle publicly staged for
the masses.
But what if similar men, with a common
aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their
ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any
diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case."
- Douglas Reed
I believe that in order to more easily understand the multi faceted web that
is the Luciferian Conpiracy,[2] what is needed more than anything
else, is a composite overall view of the Conspirator's primary 'field of
operations,' as a corrective to the present fragmentation which exists
amongst the now numerous researchers operating in this particular field of
Too often those who fight a common enemy on
different fronts do not even know each other, each convinced that he alone
is fighting the real battle against the real enemy; some wholly engrossed
with economic and monetary issues; others with drug abuse and pornography;
some convinced that any effort outside party politics is a sheer waste of
time if not counter-productive; some see it as a purely cultural struggle;
others as a religious struggle; and others again as a struggle that will be
won or lost in the universities, etc.
On the positive side, there is good reason to believe that the problem of
fragmentation is already solving itself, as different groups and
individuals, defending various values, find themselves converging on a more
clearly identifiable enemy. The message of the above diagram should be
No matter how we see our own immediate
battle-front, let us not forget that the ultimate enemy, the fountain-head
of social and political evil in our times, is Lucifer, operating in this
earthly dimension through his 'agenteurs' in the Illuminati and an
illegitimate Money Power which can survive and expand only by exploiting the
morally poisonous principle of usury.
Creating Illusions
The theatrical struggle between Capitalism and Communism over the
inheritance of the 'bloodline' aristocracy is a diversionary front, designed
to divert attention from what is in fact an ongoing fratricidal conflict
between individualistic and socialist, egoist and altruist, heathen and
christian ideals.
Put another way, the battle between good and
evil. The 'Generals' in the make believe battle of both camps are recruited
from the
World's Secret Societies and Masonic Brotherhoods, who can all be
canopied beneath the metaphorical tarpaulin of
the Illuminati, and who are
therefore aware of the agenda and complicit in the conspiracy.
Capitalism and Communism are rational, mechanical constructs; the time of
the Old Military Caste nobility has passed. The effect of the 'synthesis,'
and it's power, namely the belief in it, along with the hope that it's time
is nearing, is now growing exponentially, and with it the audacity and
arrogance of the 'New' Aristocracy.
Through their puppet politicians sitting
furtively in National Parliaments,
The Bilderberg Group,
Trilateral Commission,
Council on Foreign Relations and the plethora of other 'front'
organizations, their 'Project' appears close to becoming a reality, the
penultimate step along the road to the New World Order.
At this point, we must examine the component parts of the above diagram in
order to first identify, and then understand how the web of various
intrigues tie together.
The Centre
At the centre of the conspiracy, at least on the the three dimensional level
is an Illegitimate Money Power which draws its main strength from the
practice of usury; a global 'Usurocracy,' which could reasonably be termed,
'The Super-capitalist-Communist-Zionist Nexus.'
The visible and discernible source of all great power since the beginning of
the 20th century has been money, as opposed to other ages, where it was the
possession of a superior fighting force which decided the outcome of battle.
Over the past one hundred years or so, the
primary gravitational source of power, garnered from all other sources, has
been the morally indefensible principle of usury, the most destructive
single product of which, is the issue of money for all ordinary purposes as
interest-bearing debt.
Up until the recent economic 'downturn,' and since the 1980's, banks and
lenders have seemingly been falling over themselves to lend money.
Now as we try to ride out our present woes, we
are told that money is scarce. Why is it scarce? Because the same people who
were lending it so willingly are no longer doing so. They 'create' money as
figures on a screen in the form of loans. It is money out of thin air,
backed by nothing other than the people's taxes, and a belief that it exists
and that it has some worth.[3]
In this way, they have enticed millions of people to sign their freedoms
away for the promise of a new home, car, kitchen or bathroom. Then when the
time was right, meaning now, they started calling in unpaid loans,
manipulating prices, raising interest rates and destroying jobs and
manufacturing production in the process.
Then, with the people in fear for their
existence, and terrified of what the future might bring, demanding naively
that something be done, they come up with the solution they had planned all
along; More centralization of bank ownership. State and Corporate mergers
through 'Government Buyout' packages and the call for a uniform across the
single global currency.
If or when the dust settles, we will see that the middle classes have been
so badly damaged, that their political and economic power base will be no
more. This is how 'fiefdoms' and servitude are established.
A falsified science of economics and a fraudulent
monetary system
In his pamphlet, 'A Century Of Conflict' Ivor Benson writes:
"The first requirement of an illegitimate
money power secretly exploiting an evil principle, advantageous to
itself and antagonistic to the interest of the millions who labour to
supply goods and services, would be a 'science' of economics so
complicated, so labyrinthine and steeped in obscurity that it remains
for vast numbers of highly intelligent and well-educated men and women
an intellectual TERRA INCOGNITA. This is precisely the current state of
affairs in the realms of finance.
This supposed 'science' has given rise to a
monetary system progressively concentrating into ever fewer hands,
producing wealth of a magnitude hitherto unimaginable, some of it in the
form of money and possessions, but most of it a most oppressive lien on
the productive powers of mankind - of which lien America's national debt
is only a tiny portion."
Political policies inspired and informed by this
pseudo-science have been carefully calculated to grind the mass of mankind
to the common level of wage-slaves, preventing by a variety of means
(progressive income tax, sales tax, inheritance tax, death duties,
inflation, etc.) the emergence of powerful, dynamic, independent individuals
capable of serving as the nuclei of a popular resistance.
The same arcane 'science' of economics prevents
those who work and produce, the real generators of value, from understanding
that inflation - the progressive loss in the purchasing power of money is
deliberate policy, being one of the unavoidable consequences of a legalized
form of theft whereby governments and those most favored by governments,
including the major banks, are in possession of a grossly unfair share of
things of real value - that is, goods and services.
"Far worse than usury on money already in
existence is fiat money, money created out of nothing, nearly always as
interest- bearing debt. The final battle for christianity will be over
the money problem, and until that is solved there can be no universal
application of christianity."
- Balzac
Mass Media
Ownership and control of main channels of access to the
public mind
(Those of you who have read my previous articles may feel I belabor this
aspect of the 'control mechanism.' To those I say that this piece in the
conspiratorial puzzle cannot be overemphasized, for without it, there would
be no conspiracy).
A further necessary requirement, for an illegitimate money power secretly
exploiting an evil, anti-social principle of conduct would be the maximum
possible control of all avenues of access to the public mind - education,
the newspapers and news magazines, communications technology, radio and
television, the book trade, access to the public platform. I think it can
fairly be agreed that has been achieved! [4]
With their unchallenged control over the mass media, the 'Lords' of money
have been able to dictate what is given to the public by way of knowledge
and information.
Through film, television and radio, they use
subliminal messaging technology to entrap and entice people into exchanging
their identities as individual human souls for that of 'consumers'. They
manipulate all avenues of 'News' reporting ensuring that the 'Third Way'
consensus is consolidated and maintained. The Internationalist Ideal is
paramount, and our children are indoctrinated into it by the most subtle and
non subtle of means.
Popular music and movies, loaded with trigger
sounds and words have created a 'dumbing down' effect across the West, a
phenomenon which is now being matched and even exceeded in some respects by
what can be found in the same media forums in countries such as China, Japan
and even India. With a owned and controlled compliant press in tow, which
simply repeats and enlarges upon the lies of the Six O'clock News from the
evening before, it is little wonder that the vast majority's idea of reality
is totally askew.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn has encapsulated the truth about the media in two
short sentences:
"Such as it is, the press has become the
greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the
legislature, the executive and the judiciary; one would like to ask: by
what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible?"
The simple answer to Solzhenitsyn's rhetorical
question is that the press isn't elected at all and is answerable only to
those who own it, nearly all of them sensitive to the requirements of the
Illuminati money power.
And how is
the control of the media exercised?
By Falsification, Misinterpretation and Suppression - the latter being
perhaps the most important of all, since it needs only a small quantity of
truth to overthrow a vast quantity of falsehood; not to mention Defamation
which is the favorite weapon used against those who challenge the monopoly
of public misinformation.
"Who ever knew truth to be put to the worse
in a free and open encounter."
- John Milton
Britain's Malcolm Muggeridge puts it this way:
"Future historians will surely see us as
having created in the media a Frankenstein monster which no one knows
how to control or direct, and marvel that we should have so meekly
subjected ourselves to its destructive and often malign influence."
The Financial Control And
Manipulation Of Politics
"Democracy - two wolves and a sheep voting
on what's for dinner."
Thomas Jefferson
So with unlimited funds and the afore stated
control of the mass media achieved, the next most important requirement for
those wishing ultimate global hegemony, would be the control of party
politics, and the parliaments which make the laws;[5] even
better, the control of chief executives, presidents, dictators, etc. the
majority of whom are in total thrall to the Illuminati money power, and who
have here, in the first decade of the 21st Century, been largely freed from
the necessity of consulting parliaments.
There are two kinds of people who do not understand that 'democracy' as
practiced in most of the countries of the West is a ruse:
Those who are so stupid and
irresponsible that they do not even try to understand.
Those who, participating in the modern
party political fiasco, enjoy the patronage of their country's
secret rulers.
The truly great mystery of modern politics, from
the turn of the 20th century onwards, has been the relationship between
Super-Capitalism, or international finance capitalism, and Marxist
Socialism, or Communism.
There are two facts of history, which although not generally known are quite
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia could
never have taken place without massive financial support from the
West, including
Wall Street;[6]
The industrial and military might of the
Soviet Union was almost entirely a creation of Western high finance
and big business, especially American.[5]
The Financial control and manipulation of
politics along with the concerted undermining of private enterprise
capitalism, combined with a progressive program of State interference in
all aspects of private commerce, and life generally, has all but destroyed
the once proud and independent feature of the Western way of life.
Throughout the so-called free or 'non-socialist'
world, insidious motives have been powerfully at work during the greater
part of this and the last century, systematically undermining the
private-enterprise capitalist system, replacing it, piece by piece, with
elements of pure socialism. Not surprisingly, therefore, most Western
governments can be seen to be implementing in all kinds of ways Karl Marx's
own ten points of policy calculated to bring the whole world under an
Illuminati controlled Socialist Imperium.[7]
What this means, quite simply, is that in the West the method of socialist
revolution by stealth had been chosen, as being more likely to succeed, in
preference to violent revolution as used in Russia and elsewhere.[8]
There can be no doubt, therefore, that those who
control finance capitalism in its greatest concentrations, often with
governments as their main clients, saw instantly in the Marxist doctrine an
ingenious method of converting great money power into political power, while
at the same time harnessing to their purpose all the energies of
super-capitalism's potentially most dangerous opponents, the intellectuals.
For Marxism gave them the means of presenting, in idealistic and ideological
disguise, motives of gross power appetite which, for obvious reasons, cannot
bear exposure.
This helps to explain why the politics of the
super-rich is invariably leftist, or socialist, and why their animosity is
concentrated against conservatives who, among other things, are dedicated to
the preservation of free-enterprise capitalism.
The Third Way
"The Illuminati's 'revolutionary goal' is
the New World Order, or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital.
It is big government in the service of big business. The Left in the
service of the Right".
Henry Makow Ph.D.
One of the fundamental objectives of those
pushing for a 'New World Order,' is the absolute social, personal and
economic control over what's left of humanity, (following any global
conflagration) in a collectivist and corporatist society.
The political philosophy behind the NWO
exemplifies a convenient (for the Illuminists) mixture of Capitalism and
Communism - a form of Neo-Marxism which owes much of its dogma to the Pre
World War II Italian Marxist Philosopher, Antonio Gramsci.
Tony Blair called
it the 'Third Way,' but it should more correctly be referred to as 'Communitarianism.'
We are talking of a dialectical trap here,[9] with Corporate money funding
Socialism as Thesis, ideological Socialism as Antithesis and Communitarianism or the 'New Imperium' as Synthesis. Money grabs and
concentrates power, whilst State Socialism promises the total redistribution
of ownership and wealth. This contradiction provides the Illuminati
architects and planners with an almost irresistible dynamic.
Communitarians want to create a post-modern, post-democratic feudal society
run by a small number of rich and powerful people with everyone else working
as peasants. In order to achieve their objectives they must destroy the
middle class and the nation state. Can anyone deny that their goals are
firmly on course.
Vaclav Klaus, the renegade (in EU terms) President of the Czech republic
defines Communitarianism thus:
"Communitarianism is a collectivist
philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely
relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile
to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than
one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for
certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a
renewed feudalizing of society."
Once the spotlight of investigation is shone
directly upon the political machinations of the 'One Worlders,' what emerges
is a Luciferian Communitarian Agenda, which on the temporal level at least
can be seen to be driven solely by corporate interests.
Monetary Profit is
to be the 'bottom line' on everything from public services to defense to the
very useful environmental 'Trojan Horse.' High sounding 'non descriptions'
precede cleverly worded specifics that determine that the one and only
benchmark be an economic one.
Nikki Raapana,[10] who has researched Communitarianism
extensively describes it's 'Modus Operandi' this way:
"The 'Communitarians work behind the scenes.
Elite communitarian 'thinkers' quietly slide their new laws inside
projects and programs few regular people will think or dare to question.
And, just so you won't look any closer, (or open your mouth to ask one
dumb question) the Communitarians mask their fascist programs behind all
kinds of lovely phrasing.
The new phrases work so well that if you do
stand out and speak up with a debatable question, it means you don't
want to live in a safe and healthy community.
And since everyone has to agree in order to
reach communitarian consensus, you will be shunned and excluded from the
decision making 'councils.' Go ahead and try, but the shifty
Communitarians will NEVER debate you because their programs are based
entirely in a lie called Communism."
Foreign Policy
"In some ways ...[Julia]... was far more
acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once
when he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia,
she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not
happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably
fired by the Government of Oceania itself, 'just to keep people
This was an idea that had literally never occurred to him.
She also stirred a sort of envy in him by telling him that during the
Two Minutes Hate her great difficulty was to avoid bursting out
- George Orwell, 1984.[11]
Governments and tyrants have ever used the
threat, whether real or imagined, of an external enemy, to justify the
subjugation of populations. Nothing has changed except the diabolical
ingenuity of the manipulators. In fact, we have entered a new 'Dark Age' of
Totalitarianism, where democratically elected governments, lie, cheat, steal
from and even bomb and murder their own people, all the time working towards
the common goal of World Domination.
Prior to the events on
September 11th 2001, it would be hard to imagine any
worldwide news blackout to compare with the suppression of information about
the transfer of Western wealth and technology to the Soviet Union during
what was spuriously termed the 'Cold War.' [5]
A few sentences from a statement made by Dr.
Antony Sutton on 15 August 1972, before one of the sub-committees of the
Republican Party at Miami Beach, Florida, and TOTALLY BLACKED OUT by the
wire services and the media, will have to suffice:
"In a few words, there is no such thing as
Soviet technology. Almost all - perhaps 90-95 percent came directly or
indirectly from the United States and its allies. In effect, the United
States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union, its
industrial capabilities and its military power. This massive
construction job has taken 50 years. Since the Revolution in 1917. It
has been carried out through trade and the sale of plant, equipment and
technical assistance".
The details, fully documented, can be found in
the massive three- volume series, 'Western Technology And Soviet Economic
Development,' which Dr. Sutton produced for the Hoover Institution, Stanford
University, California.
Another aspect of foreign policy which places an
oppressive burden on those who work and produce, mostly in the form of
taxation and inflation, is so-called "foreign aid" (or 'aid to
under-developed countries,' or 'less developed countries'), which Professor
P.T. Bauer, of the London School of Economics, has correctly
described as,
"a gigantic confidence trick which
impoverishes the poor in the developed countries and enriches the rich
in the under-developed countries."
"In this way, an illegitimate money power
further enriches itself and promotes political purposes which bring no
advantage whatever to those who work and produce. Some of these groups
envisage the Third World as a weapon in what is in effect an undeclared,
one-sided civil war in the West. Some of these groups have consistently
and effectively promoted the cause of wealth transfers from the West."
- P.T. Bauer
In September 2000, the
for the New American Century (PNAC), [12] a
neo-conservative think-tank, with strong ties to the right-wing American
Enterprise Institute, and funded by three foundations closely tied to
Persian Gulf oil and weapons and defense industries, drafted a plan for
global domination.
The project's participants included individuals
who would play leading roles in the second Bush administration: Vice
President Cheney, of the CFR and a Trilateralist, secretary of
defense Rumsfeld, a Bilderberger, and his deputy Wolfowitz,
also a Bildeberger. Several of PNAC members, including Cheney, Khalilzad and
the Bush family, all have ties to the oil industry.
These PNAC signatories represent a core group of Neo-conservatives, who are
believed to have actually dictated the policies of the Bush administration.
They are called "neo-conservatives" because many of them started off as
anti-Stalinist leftists or liberals, before moving to the far right.
Others include
Elliott Abrams, National Security
Council staffer
Douglas Feith, of the Pentagon
Lewis "Scooter" Libby,
Cheney's chief of staff
John R. Bolton, of the State Department
Outside the administration, are:
James Woolsey, former CIA director
Richard Perle, nicknamed the "Prince of Darkness"
The nation of Israel is of major concern to these neo-conservatives, and
many of them have continuing ties to it.
As political scientist Benjamin Ginsberg
puts it:
"One major factor that drew them inexorably
to the right was their attachment to Israel and their growing
frustration during the 1960s with a Democratic party that was becoming
increasingly opposed to American military preparedness and increasingly
enamored of Third World causes [e.g., Palestinian rights].
In the Reaganite right's hard-line
anti-communism, commitment to American military strength, and
willingness to intervene politically and militarily in the affairs of
other nations to promote democratic values (and American interests),
neocons found a political movement that would guarantee Israel's
Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategy, Forces and
Resources for a New Century, the PNAC report envisioned an
expanded global military role for the U.S., by stipulating:
"The United States has for decades sought to
play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the
unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the
need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends
the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."
However, it added,
"even should Saddam pass from the scene,"
the plan states, U.S. military bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will
remain, despite domestic opposition in the Gulf states to the permanent
stationing of U.S. troops. Iran, it says, "may well prove as large a
threat to U.S. interests as Iraq has."
A "core mission" for the U.S. military,
according to the PNAC, is to,
"fight and decisively win multiple,
simultaneous major theatre wars".
The "transformation" of the U.S. military into
an imperialistic force of global domination would require a massive increase
in defense spending, to,
"a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of
gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total
defense spending annually," the PNAC plan said.
"The process of
transformation," the plan further clarifies, "is likely to be a long
one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl
September 11th 2001 offered the opportunity to
finally embark upon the ultimate plan devised by Albert Pike [13],
and articulated more recently by Samuel Huntington in his book, a 'Clash of
Civilizations, A Global War Against Islam.'
As William Engdahl pointed out,
"if the Bush administration had been
unprepared for the shock of September 11, 2001, they certainly wasted no
time in preparing their response, the war on terror. Terror was to
replace communism as the new global image of "the enemy".
On September 18, 2001, Niaz Niak, former
Pakistani foreign secretary, told the BBC he had been informed by senior US
officials at a mid-July Berlin meeting that "military action against
Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October."
Ultimately, the invasion of Afghanistan was a
furtherance of the initial plans devised by
Zbigniew Brzezinski [14]
to gain control over Central Asia.
In is book, 'The
Grand Chessboard - American
Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives,' Brzezinski put
forward a vision of creating a "global-zone of percolating violence,"
leading to the break-up of the Middle East, into a mosaic of competing
factions, and weakening the authority of existing republics and kingdoms,
that could then be skillfully manipulated to inhibit the integration of the
Central Asian states.
According to 'The Grand Chessboard,' a map of this zone of "percolating
violence" encompasses all of Central Asia, extending westward to include
Turkey, northward to include southern Russia, and eastward to the western
borders of China. It includes the entire Middle East, where Brzezinski
claims it is imperative for the US to retain control, especially in the
critical Persian Gulf. And, the zone extends eastward to include Afghanistan
and Pakistan, up to the latter's border with India.
Brzezinski had, in turn, been seduced by Bernard
Lewis, into believing that Islamic fundamentalism could be played as a
"geo-strategic" card to destabilize the USSR. (The
recent troubles in
Ossetia are just the 'opening shots' of what is to come.)
This strategy would be achieved by employing all the covert means made
available through Illuminati channels, and with the CIA again exploiting the
services of the
Muslim Brotherhood
[15], to foment revolution and
thereby defame the image of Islam in the West. Despite all their posturing
as defenders of orthodoxy, the Muslim Brotherhood are using the pretext of
seeking to implement the global 'caliphate,' or muslim ruler, to seek the
destruction of Middle Eastern societies, to conspire with the Illuminati
towards the implementation of a New World Order, based on occult principles.
According to David Livingstone in his epic book, 'Terrorism And The
Illuminati,' [15] the script goes something like this:
'World War Three is to be fomented by riling
the masses of the West against the world of Islam, through the
misconception that it is a brutal, retarded medieval religion, contrary
to the values of rights and freedoms which have taken the West centuries
to hone.
The means of arousing the rest of the world's animosity against
the religion of Islam as tyrannical was orchestrated initially with the
installation of the Ayatollah in Iran.
Following the installation of the Ayatollah,
covert support of the war in Afghanistan, leading to the installation of
the Taliban regime, would contribute to destroying the Soviet Union,
thus liberating Central Asia for conquest, and leaving the Illuminati
with one final last enemy in its quest for global hegemony, Islam, as
pronounced by Albert Pike.'
"The art of music above all the other arts
is the expression of the soul of a nation, and by a nation I mean...
any community of people who are spiritually bound together by language,
environment, history, and common ideals and, above all, a continuity
with the past."
- Vaughan Williams
In his pamphlet, 'A Century Of Conflict,'
Ivor Benson asks the question:
"What more is needed to give an illegitimate
money power the security it needs?"
The Answer: 'Quite a lot,' as we shall see.
The subversion of national culture, including
literature, art, music and the undermining of institutions and traditions,
church, family and morality were considered prerequisites. Only by severing
the people's roots to these aspects of national life could the
conspiratorial goals be realized.
Organ-transplant surgeons encounter a problem
called 'rejection' - which means that the living organism is programmed by
nature to reject anything that does not truly belong; and the surgeon's
answer to "rejection" is immuno-suppressive drugs, which have the effect or
reducing the organism's vitality. Likewise, before a population can be made
to tolerate a system, or an ordering of its existence, which it is
instinctively programmed to reject, means must be found to reduce it to a
condition of attenuated vitality.
Winston Churchill showed his understanding of this when he wrote back in
1922 that there could be no World Government as envisaged by Marxists except
on the basis of an induced state of universal arrested development. Since
the end of WWII, the peoples of the West (and subsequently the rest of
humankind) have been, through various means, reduced to exactly that state.
This has been achieved via a diabolical program
of culture distortion, using subversive genre's of popular music, ever more
degrading and perverse forms of pornography, theatre and cinema themes which
distort reality and show an inverted and corrupted ideal of all that is
natural, moral and good, together with the encouragement of decadence in
every possible form. In other words, 'Culture Distortion.'
Briefly put, the substitution of a people's own indigenous culture with
toxic forms of 'entertainment' contrived to instill confusion on a mass
scale, and paralyze the collective will at source.
This undermining and subversion of the culture
is openly promoted and encouraged by
the media whores of the New Imperium,
with the most degraded, drug addicted so called 'artists' being touted as
role models for our ever more, and tragically so, depraved youth.
The falsification of science, especially anthropology and
Science itself must be controlled and manipulated if it is to be prevented
from placing obstacles in the path of the Illuminati imperialism of
illegitimate money power.
Truth in some of the academic disciplines like
mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, etc. - these the money power needs
and must have, for obvious reasons; what it does not want and must exclude
at any price is truth which explains mankind to itself, truth that liberates
and strengthens. Scientific truths about the movement of heavenly bodies in
renaissance times were never more effectively falsified or suppressed than
are the genuine products of scientific inquiry today in all those
disciplines which explore man himself: anthropology, ethnology, genetics,
psychology, history to name only a few.
The suppression and falsification, and attendant defamation of those who
refuse to submit, can be traced back to their source in the money power,
which finally decides who shall be appointed to a university teaching post
and who shall not, whose work shall be published and whose condemned to
neglect and oblivion.
Thus, instead of the honest anthropology of men
like Professor Carleton Coon, Sir Arthur Keith, Do. John Baker, we have the
fraudulent psychology of men like Carl Gustav Jung, William James, Thomas Szasz, H.J. Eysenck, along with the vindictive, anti- Western and
anti-christian swindle of Sigmund Freud.
"Modern psychotherapy is not merely a
religion that pretends to be a science, it as actually a fake religion
that seeks to destroy true religion."
- Thomas Szasz
Falsification and suppression of history
Can people be fully and accurately informed about what has happened in the
past without being strengthened in their ability to cope with the present? Of course not!
It goes without saying that
the falsification and suppression of news goes hand-in hand with the
falsification and suppression of history, especially of recent history -
since, obviously, people will lose all confidence in the media if they
discover today that they were lied to or prevented from getting at the truth
five, ten or twenty years ago. The control of written history -
historiography - has become a major feature of modern political warfare, in
which it is those who don't know or are wrongly informed who are overthrown.
Unless we know what happened in the past we cannot know what is happening
now - for it is only what happened in the past that gives meaning to much of
what is happening now. And if we don't know what happened in the past and is
happening now, we have no way of helping to determine what will happen in
the future, for ourselves as individuals and for our community.
Hence, as George Orwell puts it:
"Who controls the past controls the future;
who controls the present controls the past".
Control of the study of history in our time,
especially the history of our age, is exercised also by means of a system of
intellectual terrorism designed to suppress information of the kind that
arms us in our minds against an enemy whose great power in the world is
little more than a power to deceive.
Incitement and support of internal communist
revolutionary activity
There can be few better examples, where the nexus between the Capitalist
super-rich and a Marxist-Communist, supposedly anti-capitalist,
revolutionary underground had been more clearly established than in pre-
majority rule South Africa.
Similarly, there must be few places where it has
been easier to study that uneasy alliance of the circumcised and the
uncircumcised - the excluded, using their great newspaper chains and media
outlets, to give the maximum of sympathetic publicity to a communist
revolutionary underground that has always been overwhelmingly jewish at the
leadership level.
The support which the South relied on to give
the leftist radicals was acknowledged in one short sentence from communist
underground leader Abram Fischer:
"Our press has done a wonderful job!"
This statement, which formed part of one of
Fischer's regular analyses of the revolutionary situation, clearly referred
to the local 'capitalist" newspapers and reflected no more than what any
intelligent observer could see for himself.
The nexus between super-capitalism and communism was more difficult to
conceal in South Africa than in most other countries, for the reason that in
South Africa there was no proletariat of the kind to be found in most other
industrially developed countries, no underworld of snarling and envious
drop-outs, no proletariat as prescribed by Marxist doctrine and Leninist
revolutionary science.
Therefore, communist revolution had to take the form
of a 'Black Nationalist' exercise.
Investigations have fully exposed unbroken lines of communication and
funding between the revolutionary underground in South Africa and all the
centers of great financial and political power outside South Africa - on
both sides of the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.
In hindsight, we can regard the 'undeclared' war
waged by the Illuminists against South Africa as only one small part in what
Professor Bauer called "an undeclared and one-sided civil war in the West" -
a war which was and is aimed not only at white people in South Africa but at
all ethnic entities and their cultures wherever they may be.
"There is only one world-revolution in
progress, no matter from what quarter being promoted and directed, and
all peoples of Western European provenance, wherever they may live, are
as much the targets and intended victims of the revolution as the South
The West has been crippled by a corrosive and corrupt
ideology-morality that causes our political-intellectual elites to
declare themselves in sympathy with and in support of the very elements
that boldly proclaim their goal to be the destruction of the West."
- Richard Clark
"christianity holds at its core a symbol
which has for its content the individual way of life of a man, the Son
of Man, and it even regards this individuation process as the
incarnation and revelation of God himself."
- C.G. Jung
The faith of the West was de-constructed in part
by the Illuminati 'Money Power' providing massive financial support for
aberrant trends which have the effect of secularizing and politicizing
There can be no doubt that the greatest possible source of
resistance to illegitimate power is to be found in a people's religion,
whose central purpose it is to give the individual a spiritual and
intellectual form base from which to make relative all the pressures and
influences he encounters, and secure a deep-rooted sense of purpose and
Thus, religion, by whatever name it is called,
must always be at the core of a people's culture, nourished by and giving
nourishment to all the arts. From which it follows that religious error must
have the most destructive consequences when exploited by powers whose
purposes are anything but religious.
It is all the more so when the error is of a kind which, like today's social
gospel heresy, defeats religion's central purpose, and substitutes for inner
illumination a set of spurious brain-spun 'ideals' indistinguishable from
those which activate Marxist trade union leaders and unscrupulous
The result has been a secularization and politicization of christianity in the West, with the setting-up, at very great cost, of a
worldwide organization centered on the World Council of Churches.
To borrow an expression from the American poet
Ezra Pound,
"there is no mediaeval description of hell
which exceeds the inner filth of the mentalities of some of the
ministers and prelates for whom every species of cruelty and villainy is
condoned, even incited, if perpetrated under the banner of universalist
political objectives prescribed by the money power.
Not surprisingly,
these same churchmen can be relied on to block 'by diseased will or
sodden inertia' (Ezra Pound's words) any cleansing of a monetary
system that gives to them so much power and importance; they will quote
you the Bible on every sin in the calendar but never against the
fountain-head of every species of sin - the practice of usury."
Two world religions, christianity and islam
stand between Lucifer and his goal of world rule.[16]
Christianity has been under sustained attack for
two centuries at least and is badly mauled and debilitated. Now the flow of
evil emanating from the 'Centre' is being aimed at islam.
Freemason Albert Pike revealed how this was to be done in the letter he
wrote Giuseppe Mazzini August 15,1871, the text of which can and should be
read in 'Part Three' of this series.
I ask the reader to study every word of this diabolically inspired document.
According to Pike's military blueprint, drawn up between 1859 and 1871,
three global wars and three major revolutions were to place the High Priests
of the Luciferian Creed in position to usurp world powers. Two World Wars
have been fought according to schedule.
The Russian and Chinese revolutions have
achieved success. Communism has been built up in strength and Christendom
weakened. World War Three is now in the making. If it is allowed to break
out, all remaining nations will be further weakened, and Islam and political
Zionism will be destroyed as world powers.
The reader must not forget that the Arab world alone is made up of millions
of people, many of whom are christians; many are of the jewish faith; many
are muslims, but all subscribe to belief in the same God christians worship
as the creator of the universe.
The Quran of the Islamic faith is in spirit and
essence a divinely inspired continuation of the holy scriptures of the Old
and New Testaments, excepting that the muslim religion, while accepting
Jesus Christ as the greatest of God's prophets before Mohammed, does not
permit its members to believe in the divinity of Christ.
Those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy at the top realize only too well
that before they can provoke the final social cataclysm, they must first of
all bring about the destruction of Islam as a world power, because if Islam
were not destroyed, it might eventually ally itself with christianity in the
event of an all out war with the forces of the Illuminati.
If that were allowed to happen, the balance of
power would shift in favor of the 'Righteous Alliance' established finally,
by the coming together of christianity and islam.
It is of the greatest of importance that these facts, which explain the
political intrigue and chicanery now going on in the near, middle, and far
East, be brought to the attention of all the good people of our world,
whatever their background, so they may take action to prevent the last
phases of the Luciferian conspiracy from being put into effect.
If there is a Third World War, I believe that a likely scenario is that the
United States will be the only remaining world military power, albeit a
degraded and depleted one. Then, the remains of the world's population,
exhausted and terrorized by a war unlike any other, will clamor for, and
demand a world government, so that 'it could never happen again.'
And they will get it if the Luciferian
conspiracy is allowed to be developed to its intended conclusion. Then,
through the auspices of
the United Nations, a puppet 'Priest King' of the
'Royal Blood' [17] who many believe is already waiting in the
wings, will be made 'World Ruler,' though under the malevolent influence and
direction of the 'agentura' of the Illuminati, who will have been appointed,
not elected, to be his 'Specialists,' 'Experts,' and 'Advisors.'
The High Priests of the Luciferian Creed know they cannot usurp world
authority power before the United States is ruined as the last remaining
'superpower,' so those who direct the Global Conspiracy at the 'capstone
level' are arranging matters so the United States will, as Lenin stated,
"Fall into our hands like an overripe
This is how those events taking place today
indicate clearly that the subjugation of the U.S.A. is planned.
The Communist-Super-Capitalist-Zionist Nexus:
"The world is governed by very different
persons to what is imagined by those who are not themselves behind the
- Benjamin Disraeli British Prime
Minister To Queen Victoria.
Even a cursory investigation of the forces
shaping our current woeful situation, creating a socio-political climate
described by 'Spengler' as "Anarchy become a habit" would be incomplete,
without a more informed look at those two supposed 'arch' opposites,
Capitalism and Communism.
The key word here is Capitalism. This oft used
word actually has two very divergent meanings.
Most people make the mistake of supposing that the word capitalism means one
thing; in fact, the word as commonly used has two sets of meaning, as
different as oil and water.
If we are to understand why governments
representing capitalist states adopt the most inexplicably ambivalent
attitudes towards communism, we must first learn to separate in our minds
the two sets of meaning which that one word capitalism has been called on to
Capitalism, meaning private ownership of
property and resources and competitive free enterprise in the supply
of goods and services.
Super-Capitalism, meaning a highly
concentrated finance capitalism which is not only apart from
capitalism, but it's antithesis and which sooner rather than later
acquires the characteristic of being actively 'anti-capitalist'.
It is not possible to continue to concentrate
ownership and control of property and resources without simultaneously
reducing the number who own and control said property and resources.
Similarly, there can be no concentration of
Corporate Ownership and control, without a corresponding inhibition and
suppression of free enterprise.
What we have seen in the West is a
progressive degeneration of capitalism into a form of super-capitalism, or
anti-capitalism, which the less it resembles the original capitalism the
more it resembles socialism, or communism.
In other words, the weak and struggling capitalism that survives, serves
merely as a camouflage for an all- powerful anti-capitalism which dominates
both economics and politics. Modern super-capitalist regimes like that of
the United States, and communist regimes like that of the former Soviet
Union, have their differences and their oppositions of interest but these
are unimportant when compared with what they have in common. Both are
irreconcilably antagonistic towards nationalism. Therefore, both are
essentially revolutionary, having set themselves in fierce antagonism
towards those political forms which are essentially evolutionary.
Nationalism, a much maligned and misrepresented political credo is
inseparably connected to a people's culture and traditions. This causes it
to become the mortal enemy of the 'Supra-nationalists' whose goal is the
Since Nationalism is so inseparably joined to a
people's cultural heritage, it follows that all attacks on nationalism must
include cultural sabotage and subversion - which is what we have seen
happening on both sides of the Iron and Bamboo Curtains, promoted with equal
zeal by super-capitalists and communists.
There is only one genuine form of nationalism they (The Illuminati) support
and that is
Zionism,[18] which is an internationally dispersed Jewish
nationalism. Of course, they also support other forms of spurious models of
'nationalism' which they themselves set up and use, like 'Black Nationalism'
in Africa for example, and even these, are invariably heavily laced with
Marxism. The reason why Western super-capitalism lives in constant dread of
nationalism can be easily explained: The fundamental issue in any state is
whether or not there shall be an authority superior to economics.
Which shall rule - politics or economics? And
there can be no doubt that nationalism, in spite of all the ailments to
which it is heir, energized by the instincts and will of the population,
means that politics is the master and that economics, no matter how
important it may be, has been relegated to its proper and natural
subordinate status.
Since there is no way in which communism can be effectively resisted and
defeated except by nationalism, it follows that super-capitalism is totally
committed to co-existence with communism, and that super-capitalism can have
no other long range aim except that of ultimate convergence with communism
in the shape of Tony Blair's 'Third Way' or Communitarianism.
Likewise - and this is most important - there is
only one political weapon that super-capitalism can use against nationalism,
and that is a communist or rather communitarian ideology that marshals the
forces of the underworld and of rootless intellectualism, holding them ready
to be aimed like a siege cannon against any nationalist target.
An all-important factor with a binding and directing influence on all the
other components of the 20th century world-revolution is that of
Zionism[18], which can be described as a geographically dispersed but
intensely united and passionately motivated Jewish nationalism.
Paradoxically the Jewish people have come to the fore as a dominant
influence in world affairs at a time when most Jews attach little or no
importance to a religion which for close on two millennia was a powerful
binding force.
Professor Hannah Arendt puts it this way:
"Twentieth century political developments
have driven the Jewish people into the storm centre of events".
The developments she describes correspond with
the consolidation of Jewish power and influence on a global basis, a process
that has continued at an accelerating pace since the turn of the century.
The essentially nationalistic character of
Zionism is frankly admitted by Jewish scholar Gideon Shimoni, who
"Zionism embodies a progressive nationalism
comparable with socialism according to the formula 'Socialist in content
and nationalist in form'".
As Ivor Benson questions, "What is that,
if not National Socialism?"
"The world-revolution can thus be described
as a struggle in which one powerful nation is bent on the overthrow of
all other nations. No one must lightly dismiss the question of race; it
is the key to world history and it is precisely for this reason that
written history so often lacks clarity - it is written by people who do
not understand the race question, and what belongs to it."
- Benjamin Disrael
Conclusion To Part
In 1979 the Mullahs in Iran (backed by MI6, CIA and funded by the 'Money
Power') overthrew the Persian monarchy, one of the oldest in the world,
while at the height of its power, replacing it with an Islamic Republic
ostensibly dedicated to the implementation of the Sharia, a law of private
and public conduct prescribed in the Quran.
Since then hardly a day has
passed without news involving Islam, hitting the international headlines;
ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the conflict in Palestine, troubles in
several former Soviet republics with Islamic majorities or minorities, and a
seemingly endless conflict in Kashmir.
In the wake of the 'False Flag' attack on the Twin Towers almost eight years
ago, the world has changed so as to be barely recognisable to this writer.
The 'War On Terror,' a war without end, we are told, is the likely
precursor to a global conflagration of catastrophic proportions, and all gun
sights appear to be now aimed at islam.
1] http://www.vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres/reeedcontrov.pdf
2] http://www.scribd.com/doc/3221212/carr-william-guy-satan-prince-of-this-world-1959
3] http://www.nylonmanden.dk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=208&Itemid=43
4] http://www.nylonmanden.dk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=159&Itemid=43
5] Dr. Kitty Little - Treason At Westminster.
7] http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/classics/manifesto.html
8] http://catholicinsight.com/online/features/article_882.shtml
Frankfurt School
9] http://nord.twu.net/acl/dialectic.html Hegelian Dialectic
10] http://nord.twu.net/acl/index.html
11] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/1984.pdf
12] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/RebuildingAmericaDefenses.pdf
13] http://www.rense.com/general86/pikeknew.htm
14] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_brzezinski.htm
15] http://www.terrorism-illuminati.com/muslim-brotherhood David
16] http://www.nylonmanden.dk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=226&Itemid=43
17] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/index.htm
18] http://www.radioislam.org/zionism/