6G - Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists
Won't Stop Hacking Humans
About the Pandora Papers
Español |
Acuérdate del 5 Noviembre... - ¡Recuerda
porqué No los Necesitamos!
Español |
Señales que la Nave de la Elite Global se Está Hundiendo
Español |
America Latina y La Elite
- Main File
America Plundered by The
Global Elite
America Will Lose the Trade War
because that is what Globalists Want to Happen
A Milestone for Global Capitalism
Español |
Amos del Mundo
- Las Organizaciones del Poder Planetario
Analysis of Financial Terrorism in
Anatomy of False-Flag Events…
An Elite-led 'Great Reset'
Post-Covid? - No, what we Need first is to Get Rid of
the Globalist approach that...
Apocalypse Now - The Government's
use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power
Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger
- Main File
Archons - The Secret Pact
Español |
Arcontes - El Pacto Secreto
Are Globalists Evil or
Just Misunderstood?
Español |
Así es cómo Consiguen los Hijos de
la Élite que los Contraten en Trabajos de Élite
Español |
Así es como la Aristocracia de
EE.UU. Extiende su Control Mundial
- La Verdad sobre Obama
Español |
Así se Prepara el 1% para el 'Apocalipsis'
As Inequality Soars, the Nervous
Super-Rich are Already Planning their Escapes
As International Trials begin
against the Globalists will a 'Return to Public
Executions' be necessary
Asking Questions the Politicians
and the Press Can't Answer
Italiano |
Atrocità Commesse dai Governi
contro i loro Cittadini
Committed by Governments against their Citizens
At the Point of No Return
Italiano |
Autoassemblaggio di Strutture in Tempo
Reale rivelate in 2 Anni di Studio su Iniezioni di Pfizer e
Moderna per... |
Big Brother Loves You...
- Main File
Big Government - An Unnecessary
Evil That Should Be Abolished
Bilderberg Group
- Main File
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for
COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court - Death
Penalty Sought
Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for
Global Takeover
Bill Gates - Most Dangerous
Philanthropist in Modern History?
Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and
- 'Billionaire
Climate Elites' have their Own Rules and Agenda
Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb
Black Magic and The New World Order - Satanists Rule the
World, Not Politicians, Bankers or Military Heads
 |
Blueprint for Total Control
Bohemian Grove
- Main File
Bourgeois Democracy meets 'Global
Governance' - U.S. Election 2020
Brainwashed by The 1% - Are We
Merely Puppets? - Hypernormalisation, a Documentary of
'A Fake World'
BRICS and The Mission of Reconfiguring The World |
Brief Description of The Elite
- The Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, and
Broken by Design - Why the Elites
want Everything and Everyone to have an "Expiry Date"
Español |
- ¡Busquen...!
¡Despiértense Gente...! - Están siendo "Suicidados a la
Velocidad de la Luz"
Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to
Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance
Capitalism for the Rich and
Socialism for the Poor - The Great Reset VII
Capitalism is Doomed - Without Alternatives, So Are We
Español |
Capitalismo Transnacional
Carlo Maria Viganò address at the
'Bornholm Conference 2023' - Lashed out to the WEF
CFR - The Council on Foreign Relations
- Main File
Changing The President Won't
Matter - Who is Really Running this Country?
Italiano |
Chi Governa il Mondo? - Angoli
Oscuri delle Potenze Globali Segrete
Humanity - The Global Power Elite's 'Product of the
Español |
Cinco Ejemplos de Chantaje de
Clueless Globalists
Wondering Why People are Rejecting Them
Collapse of the 2020s
Italiano |
Collasso del Decennio 2020
Colonial Elite Rules China for The
Italiano |
Come una Pandemia virale Giova
all'Agenda Globalista
Español |
Como Abortarán la Revolución
Español |
Cómo Identificar a un Criminal
Español |
- ¿Como
Opera la Élite Global en el Mundo?
Español |
una Pandemia Viral Beneficia a la Agenda Globalista
Conclusion - Private Entities are
Taking Over the World
Español |
Confirmado que lo que Sucede en
Cataluña es una Rebelión contra las Élites
Español |
Conoce a La Firma
Español |
Conoce a la Verdadera 'Docena de
La Desinformación'
Español |
Conspiradores, Mentirosos,
Manipuladores y Egoístas
Corrupt to the Core - The Fire
Power of the Financial System
Español |
Cosas que los
Conspiradores Dirigentes No Quieren que Usted Sepa
Dictators Plead for Amnesty
Español |
- "Criaturas
No Humanas Controlan el Mundo" - Ex-ejecutiva del Banco
Español |
Crímenes contra
la Humanidad
- Main File
Against Humanity
- Main File
Italiano |
Crisi Globale del Cibo - Fingere
ha delle Conseguenze
Español |
- ¿Cuánta
Evidencia hay de que el Máximo Liderazgo del Planeta Tierra
'No es Humano'?
Español |
David Icke Expone Sobre a Qué la
Élite Teme Más
 |
Deagel 2025 Forecast Population by
 |
Deagel 2025 Updated - by Craig
Dear Neocon |
Español |
Declaración de Sanya - Reunión de
Líderes BRICS |
Español |
Declaración de Mons. Carlo Maria
Viganò sobre la 'Crisis Rusia-Ucrania'
Deconstructing The Power of The
Global Elite
Español |
- ¡Despierta!
- Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo
Español |
Destrucción y el Gran Juego del
Cambio Global - Nuestra Civilización se dirige hacia el
Destino de la Edad del...
Dick Cheney - The Ultimate
American Terrorist
Did the Global Elite Meet in
Deutsch |
Die Jagd ist eröffnet beschleunigte Inhaftierung von
Digging Deeper Into Who Controls
The World
Español |
Discurso de Carlo Maria Viganò en
la 'Conferencia de Bornholm 2023' - Arremetió contra el
Divide and Rule - The Plan to Make
You Disposable
Divided Nation - President Trump "Declares War" on
Ruling Elite as Media and Protesters Declare War...
Don't Be Fooled by the Political
Game - The Illusion of Freedom in America |
Do We Have Psychopaths Misruling
Our World? - Schwarzenegger, DSK,
and Gingrich
Español |
El Actor Matt Damon Llama a la
Desobediencia Civil Global |
Español |
El Actual Encubrimiento Oligarca
de Mentiras, Robo, Muerte y Destrucción son Expuestas
como Nunca...
Español |
El Arzobispo Viganò revela los
Perversos Planes del Globalismo en una impactante
Español |
BRICS y la Misión de Reconfigurar el Mundo |
Español |
El Cementerio de las
Español |
El Comité de los que Realmente
"Mandan" en cada País - Un nuevo Cambio en las "Octavas
Español |
El Expolio de África explicado en
Modo Sencillo - Un Mecanismo que Sostiene a Occidente
Español |
El Final de La Globalización
Español |
El Futuro de la Tecnología - ¿Sólo
los Más Ricos Sobrevivirán y Trascenderán la Condición
Español |
El Gran Hermano Te Ama...
- Main File
Español |
El "Gran Reinicio" - Un Colapso Deliberado diseñado por las
Élites a través del Estado Profundo y los Bancos...
Español |
El Invisible Deslizarse de los
Invasores Serpentinos
Elite Controllers, ET/UFOs in
Washington DC and Disclosure
- Robert M. Stanley
Elite is Planning Genocide of
Two-Thirds of The World Population
- Kevin Trudeau Personally Spoke With...
Elite Openly Paying to Ingest the
Blood of the Young - No Longer a 'Conspiracy Theory'
Elite's Depopulation Agenda is Now
Elites Pushing Class Warfare is
Just Another False Paradigm
Español |
Elites Que Aspiran a Ser Los Amos
del Mundo
- Emmanuel Ratier - "Le Siècle" Es La Matriz del...
Elite Watch
Español |
Elitismo Global - Los Rasgos del
Carácter de Gente Realmente Malvada
Español |
El Mayor Truco de Todos
Español |
Pacto Rusia-China y la Conspiración Marx-Rothschild
Español |
El Papa Francisco planea 'Arreglar'
el Capitalismo Global con la ayuda de los Rothschild,
Rockefellers y...
Español |
El Plan de La Élite Para un Nuevo Orden Social Mundial
Español |
El Plan Globalista para
Echar Abajo el Mundo Entero
Español |
El Poder de las Dinastías Familiares
Español |
El Potente Ámbito
Español |
El Príncipe de las Tinieblas se Reúne con Su Élite
Español |
El Proyecto Soros y la Alianza
entre la Izquierda y el Gran Capital
Español |
El Reino Unido y el Brexit
- Main File
Español |
El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio
- Main File |
Español |
El Sistema de Control de la Élite
Gobernante Juega con Nosotros - Ya es Hora de un Nuevo
Español |
El Sistema de Control de la Elite
Gobernante versus Nuestro Despertar - Cuál va a Ganar?
Español |
En el Punto de No Retorno
Español |
Engaño Global Desenredándose
Rápidamente - Documentos del HHS admiten que CDC Nunca
Aisló "Virus...
Español |
En Grecia somos Testigos del Jaque
Mate de las Élites |
Español |
Enloquecimiento - El Mal es una
Fuerza Significativa y Real en nuestro Mundo
Español |
Equipo del Reino Unido presenta
una Denuncia por 'Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad' - Corte
Penal Internacional
Español |
Es Difícil Encontrar Satisfacción
en una Civilización que gira en torno a las Ganancias
Español |
Está Confirmado - ¡Los Tiranos
Aman a China!... ¿Pero por qué
Español |
Está Creciendo la Guerra en la
Sombra entre la Cábala Bancaria y la Alianza Mundial
Español |
Estudio Genealógico demuestra que
Hillary Clinton y Donald Trump son Primos Lejanos - Descienden de...
Evidence of The Old Order Collapsing Is All Around Us
Evil Triumphs
Exposing The Group of 30 -
Rogues Gallery
Exposing the Hidden Truth behind
Global Terror, False Flags and Assassinations - Ole
Español |
Fabricando Disidencia
- Globalistas y Elites Controlan Movimientos Populares
False Flag Operations
- Main File
Español |
Farsa Capitalista - La Falsa
Donación Post Mortem de Los "Súper Ricos"
Fifty Ways to Starve The Beast
Español |
Finalizando la 'Pandemia' - ¿Qué
nos Deja y qué nos Desvela?
- "First
Amendment Stands as Major Block" to "Govern" - John Kerry
says the quiet part Out Loud... |
Five Examples of Elite Blackmail
Food As a Weapon - The Pyramid of
Power: Chapter 8
Italiano |
Francesco, un Papa per i Poveri,
un Papa per l'Ambiente o un Papa per l'Elite Globale?
Francis - A Pope of the Poor, a
Pope for the Environment or a Pope of the Global Elite?
From 7 Billion People to 500
Million People - The Sick Population Control Agenda of
The Global Elite
 |
G-20 Bali Leaders' Declaration -
November 2022
General Flynn confirms Elite did
'Dummy Run' for Covid-19 in 2017...!
George Soros
and The Rothschild
- Main File
George Soros on The Coming U.S.
Class War
Giants - The Global Power Elite
Elite Belief in Extraterrestrial Creator Gods - Alex
Jones Has A Problem
Elite committing Crimes against Humanity
Global Elite Desperate as Their
Plans for World Government Are Exposed and Hampered
Global Elite taken to Guantanamo
GITMO by U.S. Special Forces - Full Disclosure
Global Elitism - The Character Traits of Truly Evil
Global Food Crisis - Pretending
has Consequences
Global Governance Divide
 |
Global Income Inequality in
Numbers - In History and Now
Español |
Globalistas Despistados
Preguntándose porqué la Gente los Está Rechazando |
Globalists are Now Openly
Demanding New World Order Centralization |
Globalists are 'Taking the Mask
Off' and that's a Bad Sign... |
Globalists release 'Timeline for
Health Tyranny'
Globalists suggest "Finance Shock"
and Climate Controls to launch their Great Reset
Globalists will Need Another
Crisis in America as their Reset Agenda Fails
Globalist War Against
Humanity Shifts into High Gear - Cars, Cash, Literature and
Independent News all...
Español |
Globalizacion - El Pulpo del Nuevo
Orden Mundial
- Main File
Español |
Globalización - Un Juego de Tronos
Globalization's 'Game of Thrones'
Globalization - The Octopus of The
New World Order
- Main File
Global Pathocracy - Authoritarian
Followers and the Hope of the World
Global Power and Global Government
Global Power Project - Examining the Activities and Individuals
Behind the Bilderberg Group
Global Power Project -
Institutions and Individuals Who Comprise Today's Global
Power Oligarchy
Global Reset -
Great Reset
- Main File |
Global Swamp - How Planet Earth is
being Ruined
Global Tax Scam Shifts from
Climate Change To Poverty
Global Upraising
- Main File
 |
Global Wealth Report 2014
- Credit Suisse
Español |
Gobernar para Las Élites -
Secuestro Democrático y Desigualdad Económica
Goodbye Democracy and
- It Was Fun...
Español |
Gracias, Políticos Alarmistas,
Desinformadores a Sueldo y Globalistas Mentirosos -
Mensaje del Dr. L. Fouché
 |
Grand Jury - Revealing the Agenda
for World Domination
Español |
Haciendo Preguntas que los
Políticos y la Prensa No Pueden Responder
Español |
Hallazgo de 'Nanobots' en Vacunas
Covid en 96 Millones de Ciudadanos en Japón - Estado de
Here is the Web of Technocrat
Propagandists who Silence Truth
Español |
- "Hipócritas
Asesinos" - Indignación por sugerencia de 'The Atlantic'
por 'Amnistía' para Autoritarios Pandémicos
Historical Analysis of The Global
Elite - Ransacking the World Economy until 'You'll Own
Historical Lessons from Rebellions
- Countering Globalist Strategies Post-Collapse
History Regurgitates
How America's Aristocracy Extends
Its Global Control - The Truth about Obama
How a Viral Pandemic Benefits the
Globalist Agenda
How 'Big Tech' is Becoming the
How Corporate Power Killed
How does the Global Elite Operate
in the World?
How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'...
How the General Public was Kept in
the Dark over Covid
How the Great Reset is
'Accelerating into Global Tyranny'
the Powerful Captured the Public in a 'Pandemic'
How the Power Imbalance between
Corporations, Governments and People prevents
Sustainable Solutions
How THEY Got Control
How to Identify a Globalist
Criminal |
How to Win the War Against Tyranny |
Italiano |
I Burattini del Potere
Italiano |
I Cartelli che Gestiscono il Mondo
Italiano |
- "Ice-Nine"
- Il Lockdown Finanziario Globale
- "Ice-Nine"
- The Global Financial Lockdown
Español |
las Instituciones de Control del "Poder Global"
Italiano |
I Globalisti hanno un Grosso
Problema - Dietro Bilderberg, la Trilaterale, il WEF...
Italiano |
I Globalisti si prefiggono "Shock
Finanziario" e Controlli del Clima per lanciare il loro
Great Reset
Italiano |
Il Web di Bill Gates del Dark
Money e dell'Egemonia
Español |
- ¿Impedirán
que Trump Llegue a Ser Presidente?
Italiano |
I Multimilionari Si
disfano delle loro Azioni - Cosa sta succedendo?
In Greece we are Now Witnessing
the Elites' EndGame |
- "Inside
the COVID-19 Global Coup d'état"
Interventionism and The Elites
- The Ideological Origins of The
Military-Industrial-Media Complex
Italiano |
I Retroscena dell'Inganno Globale
Hard to Find Fulfillment in a Civilization that Revolves
Around Corporate Profits
It's Time for the Elites
to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses
It Turns out Hillary Clinton and
Donald Trump are Distant Cousins
Japan declares State of Emergency
after 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Japan declares State of Emergency
- 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Just Who Exactly Benefits Most
from the Global Giving of Billionaires like Bill Gates?
Kennedy and The Nazis
Klaus Schwab 'Family Values'
Klaus Schwab's 'School for Covid
Dictators' - Exposed...
Español |
La Batalla Civilizatoria a Nivel Mundial
Español |
La Cacería Ha Empezado
- Los Arrestos del Grupo de Conspiradores Se Están
Español |
La Camarilla Criminal Está Creando Incidentes en Todas
Partes en un Intento de Empezar la Ley Marcial...
Español |
La 'Ciencia del Miedo' - Cómo la
Usan los Elitistas para Controlarnos y Cómo Liberarse
Español |
La Conspiración de la Teoría de
Conspiración |
Italiano |
La Democrazia Borghese incontra
"La Global Governance" - Elezioni 2020 in USA
Español |
La Desigualdad que Lleva
a la Inestabilidad
Español |
La Élite Bancaria Está
Comprando Todo el Agua del Mundo
Español |
La Élite Financiera y la Realeza
Europea que está Apoyando a Donald Trump
Español |
La Élite Global está Demente
Español |
La Élite Global está siendo
llevada al Centro de Detención de Guantánamo por Fuerzas
Especiales USA
Español |
La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In
Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la
Español |
La Élite paga Abiertamente para
Ingerir la Sangre de los Jóvenes - Ya No Es una 'Teoría
de la Conspiración'
Español |
La Élite son Mutantes
Español |
La Élite Tiene un Gran Temor de La
Español |
La Estafa de la Pandemia fue Muy
Grande el Año Pasado - Esto es lo que Viene a
Español |
La Federación Galáctica inició la
Limpieza Planetaria
Español |
La FED - Es necesario Detener el
Mayor Robo de Todos los Tiempos
Italiano |
La Fine dei Re
Español |
La Fuente de Nuestra Ira
- La Élite Gobernante está Protegida de las
Consecuencias de su Predominio
Español |
La Historia se Vuelve a Repetir
Español |
La Ley de la Selva es Muy Superior
a la Ideología del Globalismo
Español |
La Maldad Triunfa
Español |
La Mitad de la Población Mundial
perecerá en los Próximos 20 años - ¿Una Profecía? -
Reprint de info del 2012
Español |
La Oligarquía de Siempre
Español |
La Psicopatía de la Codicia
Español |
La Relación entre el Despliegue de
la OTAN, la Guerra Económica, Goldman Sachs y el Próximo
Español |
La Resistencia No Es Inútil... ¡Es
Español |
Las 20 Bases Religiosas de los
Señores del Dinero
Español |
Las Élites Multicéfalas
Italiano |
La Sorte di Mubarak è Segnata
Fidel Castro
Español |
Las Razones de Porqué los
Globalistas están Destinados a Perder
Español |
La Suerte de Mubarak Está Echada
Fidel Castro
Español |
La Tercera Guerra Mundial
y el Control del Agua
Latin America and The Global Elite
- Main File
Español |
La Trampa de Google - ¿Su
Inteligencia Artificial está Manipulando Cerebros?
Italiano |
L'Attore Matt Damon Incita alla
Disobbedienza Civile Globale
Español |
La Verdad detrás de la Pandemia de
Coronavirus - Bloqueo Covid-19 y Colapso Económico -
David Icke |
Español |
La Verdad Detrás del Capitalismo
Italiano |
La Élite Bancaria sta
Comprando Tutta l'Acqua del Mondo
Italiano |
La Élite paga Apertamente per
Iniettarsi il Sangue dei Giovani non è più una "Teoria
della Cospirazione
Español |
- 'Líderes
de la Cábala' van a la Antarctica para Rendirse a los
Extraterrestres y a la Alianza de la Tierra
Español |
Llamemos a Las Cosas Por Su Nombre
Italiano |
Lo chiamano il 'Good Club' - E vogliono 'Salvare'
il Mondo...
Look Up! Wake Up People! You are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed"
Español |
Lo que Hitchcock Enseñó a los 'Ingenieros
Español |
Lo que la Ciencia dice sobre la
Política |
Español |
Los Anunnaki y sus Híbridos
Humanos - La Elite Global
Español |
Los Dictados del Cambio Climático
son Autodestructivos - Pero también forman Parte de una
Agenda Mayor
Español |
Los Dioses del Dinero y Su
Proyecto de un Nuevo Orden Mundial
- El JuegoFinal Ha Empezado
Español |
Los Dueños del Imperio - El
Vaticano, la Corona y el Distrito de Columbia
Español |
Los Elitistas Globales No Son
Español |
Los Globalistas están Admitiendo
abiertamente 'Su Agenda de Control de la Población' - Y
es una Mala Señal...
Español |
Los Globalistas han entrado en la
Fase de Eliminación del Great Reset - ¿Recuerdas el
Pronóstico de Deagle?
Español |
Los Globalistas publican el 'Cronograma
de la Tiranía de la Salud'
Español |
Los Globalistas vienen por 'Tus
Coches, Tu Dinero y Tu Integridad Corporal' - Si lo
consiguen serán Dueños...
Español |
Los Líderes Mundiales acuerdan 'Etiquetar
al Ganado' del Planeta
Español |
Los Lunáticos se han Apoderado del
Español |
Los Motivos por los
cuales los Globalistas están Destinados a Perder
Español |
Los Multimillonarios de EE.UU. han
Aumentado su Riqueza en 1,3 Billones de dólares durante
la 'Pandemia'
Español |
Los Multimillonarios se
Deshacen de sus Acciones - ¿Qué está Sucediendo?
Español |
Los Papeles de Pandora
Español |
Los Papeles de Pandora - EE.UU. es
uno de los "Principales Actores del mundo 'Offshore'"
Español |
Planes de la Élite Global para Buscar Refugio
Español |
Los Políticos Como Empleados
Corruptos del Poder Económico
Español |
Los Recovecos Nauseabundos de la
'República' Francesa - La Indecente Arrogancia de Ricos
y Poderosos
Español |
Los Reptilianos y el Consejo de
Los 13 |
Español |
Los Siete Objetivos para Reducir
la Población mediante Leyes
Español |
Los Super Millonarios del Mundo
huyen a Búnkeres en medio de la Crisis del Coronavirus
Español |
Los Títeres del Poder
Español |
Magia Negra y el Nuevo Orden Mundial - Los Satanistas
Gobiernan el Mundo y No los Políticos, Banqueros...
Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW-3?
Masters of Deceit - The
Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain
Español |
Max-Neef Cree que La Economía Neoliberal Mata Más Gente
que Todos los Ejércitos Juntos
Meet The Firm
Meet the Secretive Committees that Run the Global
Meet the Secret "Rulers"
The World - The Truth About The
Bohemian Grove
 |
Meet the World Money Power
Monkeypox - Technocracy's next
wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity'
Global Elite Psycho-Attitudes
Mubarak's Fate is Sealed
- Reflections by Fidel Castro
Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers
Español |
Navegando en el 'Cuarto Giro' -
Estos son los Tiempos que prueban a las Almas de los
Navigating the 'Fourth Turning' -
These are the Times that try Men's Souls
Neo-Liberalism seems to have
Reached a Dead End
Neoliberalism - The
'Zombie Doctrine' at the Root of All Our Problems
Never Forget - For 2 Years,
Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and
Destroyed our Livelihoods
New "Dark Money" Documentary
Shines Light into the Shadows Cast by the Super-Rich
New World Order
- Main File
New World Order - The Endgame Has Begun
Español |
- "No
Confíen en las Élites - Se han Equivocado completamente
con el Covid" - DeSantis Gobernador de Florida
Español |
No Hay Diferencia entre Psicópatas
y Políticos - La Patocracia del 'Estado Profundo'
Español |
No Hay una Crisis Energética
- Lindsey Willians: "Tras Años de Colapso, Su Intención
Es Poseerlo Todo"
Español |
Nombran a los Criminales Genocidas detrás del Arma Biológica
Español |
- ¡NO
te pongas a Dormir! ¡Este no es el Fin!
Español |
Nuestra Sociedad tiene los Mismos
Síntomas que el Imperio Romano justo antes de su Caída
- ¿Colapso...
Español |
Nuestros Malévolos Benefactores y
su Plan Maestro para la Humanidad |
Español |
Sistema Alimentario Controlado' ya está en Marcha y No
se Detendrán Ante Nada para Acelerar su... |
Español |
Impulsa una Serie de Tratados Secretos que Cambiarán el
Mundo |
Occult Activities at The Elite
Bohemian Grove
- in Northern California Exposed!
One Million North American
Satanists Seeking Refuge From Expected Pogrom
On the Psychology of the 'Conspiracy
Denier' - A closer Look at the Class that Mocks |
Open Letter to Warren Buffett -
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Order Out of Chaos - How the
Ukraine Conflict is Designed to Benefit Globalists
Our 'Leaders' - Whose Sick Joke?
Oppressors are Very Frightened People' - Brian Gerrish's
Testimony to Reiner Füllmich
Our Ruling Elites have No Idea how
much we want to See Them All in Prison Jumpsuits
Our Society has the Same Symptoms
as the Roman Empire just Before the Fall - Is a Collapse
Owners of Empire - The Vatican,
the Crown and the District of Columbia
- "Pandemic
Treaty" will hand WHO keys to Global Government...!
Pandora Papers - Massive data leak
Exposes World Leaders' Offshore Millions
- 'Pandora
Papers' - New Leaks reveal how World Leaders use
Offshore companies to Dodge Millions of Dollars...
Italiano |
Papa Francesco pianifica di
'Risolvere' il Capitalismo Globale con l'aiuto dei
Rothschilds, dei Rockfeller e...
Español |
Pasos para el Dominio Mundial:
Primero, Destruir a la Humanidad...
Español |
Patocracia Global - Seguidores Autoritarios y la Esperanza
del Mundo |
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti e i Governi
sono così alla Disperata Ricerca di Tassi di
Vaccinazione del 100%?
Italiano |
Perché quest'Anno Non Cambierà
Nulla - Benvenuti ad un'altra stagione della "Sciarada"
Permacrisis - The New Normal
Plan for Mass Arrests 2012
- Memo to Wilcock, Drake, Fulford, Romanov, Daikaku
Español |
Plan Para El Control Total
Ponerology - The Science of Evil
- Main File
Pope Francis plans to 'Fix' Global
Capitalism - With the help of the Rothschilds,
Rockerfellers and Mastercard
Español |
- ¿Porqué
están tan Histéricos los Políticos y Medios Españoles
con la Victoria de Trump?
Español |
Porqué las Élites Aman los Drones
Español |
Porqué Nada Cambiará este Año -
Bienvenidos a otra temporada de 'La Charada'
Español |
- ¿Porqué
Permitimos que Bancos Privados y ciertas Familias
Controlen el Dinero del Mundo?
Possession is Nine Tenths of Your
Español |
Post Encierro Covid-19 - La Jugada
de Rockefeller
Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller
Game Plan
 |
Preventing a Disrupted
Presidential Election and Transition
Español |
Propagando el Miedo - La Munición
necesaria para Construir un 'Nuevo Orden Mundial'
Español |
Psicópatas y
- Una "Rama" de La Ponerología
- Main File
Psychopaths and
- A Ponerological "Branch"
- Main File
of Power
Putin Calls Out "The
Powers That Be" and the "Imaginary and Mythical" Threats
they Use to Control Us
Italiano |
Putin dice "I Ricchi Devono Pagare"
per il Coronavirus
Putin says 'The Rich Must Pay' for
the Coronavirus
Español |
- ¿Qué
es "El Gran Reinicio" y Quién lo Impulsa?
Español |
- ¿Qué
Pretende Realmente la Agenda 2030 y qué Podemos hacer
Español |
- ¿Qué
Saben esta Gente? - Imágenes del Bunker del "Juicio
Final" para Multimillonarios
Español |
- ¿Qué
se Necesitaría para Construir 'Un Mundo Sin Globalistas'?
Español |
- ¿Qué
son los 'Pandora Papers'?
Questions for Washington D.C.
'Swamp Creatures'
Español |
- ¿Quién
Controla el Mundo? - La Alta Cábala...
Español |
Controla el Suministro de Alimentos, Controla a la Gente
Español |
- ¿Quién
Dirige el Mundo? - Rincones Oscuros de las Secretas
Potencias Mundiale
Español |
- ¿Quiénes
Son los Globalistas y Qué Es lo que Quieren?
Español |
- ¿Quién
Está Detrás de las "Noticias Falsas" - 'Fake News'?
Q: What's the Difference between a
Politician and a Psychopath? - A: None
Español |
Reacción en la Cadena Alimentaria
- Otra "Simulación" Globalista se hace Realidad
Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures
revealed in 2-Year Study of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19
Español |
- "Reducir
la Población Mundial" - Reunión Secreta en 2009 del Club
de Multimillonarios 'Good Club'
Reiner Fuellmich's 'Grand Jury
Court of Public Opinion' - Covid-19 Crimes Against
Reptilians and The Council of 13
Español |
Retrospectiva del Atentado contra
Trump - ¿Beneficia a la Secta de la Dominación Mundial
Revealed - The Capitalist Network
that Runs the World
Revealed what the 'Totalitarian
Future Globalists' want for the Entire World
Español |
Revelación de los
Objetivos Transhumanistas de la Elite
Español |
Revelaciones de Un 'Insider' de
Una Familia Elite
 |
Revelations of An Elite Family
Revolution or World War III - The
Road Through 2012
RFK Jr. - Another 'Former
Associate' with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S.
President in 2024 - Addendums
Italiano |
RFK Jr. - Un altro "Ex
Collaboratore" con Jeffrey Epstein si presenta per
candidarsi come Presidente USA 2024 |
Italiano |
Ricchi e Buoni? - Le Trame Oscure
del Filantrocapitalismo
Español |
- "Robar
No Merece la Pena"
Robber Barons - Revolution and
Social Control
Rockefeller Admite 'El Gol de La Elite es
Controlar La Población Mundial Con Microchips'
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal of Microchipped Population
Rockefeller Internationalism
- Main File
Role of Secret Societies in
Bringing Forth the Coveted 'New World Order' |
Crony Capitalist Summit Plots Against Free Markets
Español |
Ruptura en El Gobierno Mundial
Italiano |
Russia vs. Ucraina... e gli Anglo-Americani
- La Dimensione Esoterica |
Russia vs. Ukraine... and the
Anglo-Americans - The Esoteric Dimension |
Sanctions - Cut the Globalists Off
From Humanity |
Declaration - BRICS Leaders Meeting |
Español |
- ¿Se
acerca ya el Ajuste de Cuentas? - El Genocidio del
Covid-19 clama por un Tribunal Mundial Independiente
Secret Billionaire Club Seeks
Population Control
Español |
Secretos Financieros al
Descubierto - Publican los 'Papeles de Pandora', la
Filtración más Extensa que...
Español |
Seis Problemas Fabricados que Están Detrás de Seis
Importantes Agendas Mundialistas
Seizing Everything - The Theft of
the Global Commons
Español |
- ¿Se
reunió la Élite Global en la Antarctica?
Seven Ways Republicans and
Democrats are Exactly the Same!
ShadowPlay - 911 Puppetmasters
- "Shrink
the World's Population" - Secret 2009 Meeting of
Billionaires "Good Club"
Six Manufactured Problems that are Behind Six Major
Globalist Agendas
Slavery Ahead - The Technocratic
Convergence of Humans and Data
Español |
Sobre Alienados, Soberbios y Manipuladores |
Español |
Sobre la Psicología del 'Negador de
Conspiraciones' - Una Mirada más cercana a la Clase que se Burla |
Social Fragmentation
Suits the Powers That Be
Some Implications of the World Company - A Bilderberg Document
Some Signs that the
Global Elite's Ship is Sinking
Spreading Fear - The Ammunition
Needed to Construct a 'New World Order'
Steps to World Rule: First,
Destroy Humanity...
Español |
Supervivencia de los Más Ricos -
Ellos no Creen que puedan Afectar el Futuro
- "Survival
of the Richest" - Researcher Douglas Rushkoff
Survival of the Richest - They
don't believe they Can Affect the Future
Taking a Look Inside the Secret
Leftist Billionaires Club
Español |
Techné, Terraformación y el
Impulso Trascendental - Un Imperativo Evolutivo
Techne, Terraforming and the
Transcendental Impulse - An Evolutionary Imperative
Technocratic Elite Domination via
Mind Control and Mass Surveillance
- Brzezinski called it 45 Years Ago
Thanks to 'Swiss Leaks' we Know
How Much Money Rich People are Hiding from the World
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona
Crisis - The "Great Reset", Destroying Civil Society,
Engineered Economic...
The Acceleration of A Global
Gilded Age
- Wealth Inequality Across The Globe
"Amazing Tale" of How Three Billionaires Plunged the World
into Climate Catastrophism
The Anunnaki
- Main File
Anunnaki and Their Human Hybrids - The Global Elite
The Bilderberg Group
- Main File
The Bi-polar World of Rich Bankers
- Wall Street "Take-Off" 2012-2013
The Black Nobility
- Main File
The Brookings Report
Main File
The Brotherhood and The
Manipulation of Society
The Building Blocks of
The Bushes' Clan and The New World
- Main File
The Cartels that Run the World...
The Chaos "IS" The Plan...
Clintons - America Politics
- Main File
The Coming World Government - The
Global Elite
The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy
The Criminal Cabal is Creating Incidents Everywhere in A
Bid to Start Martial Law in The West
 |
The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society
Cults of Empire |
The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism and Open Borders
Dark History of The Vatican
- Main File
The Debts Are Finally Being Called In and Those Who
Thought They Were Gods Fall to Earth
The Documentary the 'Elites' Hope
You Never See - 'Uninformed Consent'
The Doomsday Bunker for
The Economic-Corporate Oligarchy of the
 |
The Economic Elite vs. The People
of The United States of America
The Elite are Mutants
The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave
Us - Why can't Governments, Legal Actions and Protests
Stop Them
The Elite Have a Great Fear of
The Elite Plan for A New World Social Order
The Elite's Drug Management
- Main File
The Elite's Flawed Depopulation Agenda is Quickly
Morphing into Genocide
End of Excesses - The Collapse of Everything
The End of Kings
The Federal Reserve Cartel
The Fight For Health Freedom - Why Focus on Health
Freedom? Because Our Future is Worth Protecting
The Final Battle for Humanity - It
is 'Now or Never' in the 'Long War Against Homo Sapiens'
 |
The Fire Power of the Financial
Lobby - A Survey of the Size of the Financial Lobby at
the EU level
The Five Pillars of the Elitist
Parasite's Deranged Mindset
The Fruits of Elite Immunity - Fear That One Day Someone
Will 'Pinochet' Dick Cheney
The Global Banking Cartel Has One
Card Left to Play
- The Road to World War III
The Global Elite is Insane
The Global Elite - Jeff
Rense and David Icke
The Global Elite's Digital Agenda
Played Out as Censorship and Cyber Warfare |
The Global Elite's Plan for the
Future - 4IR and the TransHumanist Endgame |
The Global Elites' Secret Plan for
Cryptocurrencies |
The Global Elite - Who Are They?
The Global Hoax is rapidly
Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never
Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"
The Globalists
The Globalists are 'Making Really
Big Moves' which would fundamentally Change how our
Society Operates
The Globalists are Openly
Admitting to 'Their Population Control Agenda' - And
that's a Bad Sign
The Globalists have a Major
Problem - Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral, WEF...
The Globalist Vision - "15-Minute"
Prison Cities and the End of Private Property
The Graveyard of the
The Heart of Darkness - The Sexual
Predators within America's Power Elite
The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition
The History of The Powers And
- Of His Excellency Dr.
Ray C. Dam
The Hunt Is On - Cabal Arrests Accelerating
The Illuminati
- Main File
Kissinger Continuum - The Unauthorized History of the WEF's
'Young Global Leaders Program'
The Left's Descent to Fascism
The Lunatics have Taken Over the Asylum
The Men Who Run the World - Inside the
Global Power Elite's Quest for Domination
The Nexus of Evil
- A Pre-emptive Strike on Humanity
The Oil-igarchs - How and Why Big
Oil Conquered the World
The Original Pioneers of Mind
Control on 'Why You Must Protect Your Mental Sovereignty
The Origins of The Overclass
The Orsini Family
- The MAXIMUS Clan
The Parasitical Elite - Defining
The Shifting Enemy of The Common Man
The Plundering of Africa Explained
in a Simple Way - A Mechanism that Sustains the West
The Power behind the Throne and
the Bankers' Forever Wars
The Prince of Darkness Meets His
World Elite
The Propaganda System that has Helped Create a Permanent
Overclass is Over a Century in The Making
The Psychopathy of Greed
The Rapid Destruction of Countries
The Real 'Reset' is Coming
are No Solutions - Impossible to Change the System from
The Reasons Why the
Globalists are Destined to Lose |
There is a 'Deafening Media
Silence' on Global Protests
There is No Difference Between
Psychopaths and Politicians - The Pathocracy of the Deep
State |
The Rothschilds
- Main File
The Rulers of The World - A Project Avalon Video
The Ruling Elite's Control System
versus Our Awakening - Which One will Win?
The 'Science of Fear' - How the
Elitists use it to Control Us and How to Break Free
- "The
Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires pushing a
'Manhattan Project' for COVID-19" - A Look...
The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO
- These 13 Families Rule the World
The Shadow Government
The Shadow War is Escalating
Between the Banking Cabal and the Global Alliance
The Slithering Stealth of the
Serpentine Invaders
The Source of our Rage -
The Ruling Elite is Protected from the Consequences of
its Dominance
 |
Structure of Power in American Society |
The Tools the Elites Use to
Manipulate People
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
The Trilateral Commission and
Technocracy - A short 'Conspiracy-free' history of the
New World Order
The Truth Behind Capitalism
The Truth behind the Coronavirus
Pandemic - Covid-19 Lockdown and the Economic Crash
The Tyranny of Modern Scientism
Ultimate Doomsday Escape' - California Entrepreneur
Builds $1 Billion Bunker for Millionaires
The United Kingdom and Brexit
- Main File
The Unspoken War and Silent
Weapons - The Blueprint to Control
The Vulnerability of Elites -
Geopolitical Risk in 2013
Washington Post' told America of Globalist Plan to be
Implemented by 2025 |
World's New Order
The World's Richest 8% Earn Half
of All Planetary Income
They're called the 'Good Club' -
And they want to 'Save' the World...
Today's Oligarch Curtain of Lies,
Theft, Death and Destruction are Exposed as Never Before
Español |
lo que Contribuye a la Fragmentación facilita el
Proyecto de Soros' - Carlos Astiz
Transforming the entire World into
a Planetary Technocracy - The Geopolitics of Elite
Transhumans - Frozen Heads, New
Blood, Computer Brains
Trilateral Commission
- Main File
Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph
of the People - U.N. Agenda 2030 vs. The People
Trump and Brexit are
Retaliation for Neoliberalism and Corruption |
Español |
Trump y el Brexit son
Represalias contra el Neoliberalismo y la Corrupción |
to Contain Your Laughter - Prince Charles and Lady de
Rothschild Team Up to Talk About 'Inclusive...
Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid
Shattered World
Two Years that Trampled on
'Freedoms earned over Centuries' - 'Junk Science' in the
Service of Totalitarianism
UK Team File Complaint of 'Crimes
Against Humanity' with the International Criminal Court
Español |
Una "Doctrina de Esclavos" para
entender a Jefes y Empleados de Hoy - El Estoicismo ha
Español |
Una Larga Conspiración - La
Creación de La Tiranía Tecnocrática
Uncovering World-Tyranny and its
War Strategies - David Icke
The Ruling Elite
Español |
Un "Enemigo Común" Colectivo
acecha ahora a la Humanidad
Italiano |
Uno Studio Genealogico Dimostra
che Hillary Clinton e Donald Trump sono Cugini alla
Español |
Viejos Planes para Nuevas Masacres
 |
Violations of the Nurenberg Code -
Covid Vaccines - by Hannah Rose and Team
Español |
Vladimir Putin en Guerra contra
los "Straussianos"
War for Total Control -
Planning the Ultimate 'Big Brother' Surveillance Society
War Profiteering - A Cancer Upon America
Watch Putin's full Censored speech
to the West warning of 'Corrupt Globalist Elites'
pushing for World War
Wealth Concentration Drives a New
Global Imperialism
Wealthy Technocrats are Subverting
National Media
We are being Smashed Politically,
Economically, Medically and Technologically by the
Elite's 'Great Reset'
Well-Funded Climate Activists
waging Psychological Warfare on the Public
What do They Know? Why are So Many
of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations?
is 'The Great Reset' and who is Driving It?
What Replacing The Government of The Planet Means
What the Global Status Quo
Optimizes - Protecting Elites and the Clerisy Class that
Serves Them
What Will Happen When the Arrests
- A Futuristic Picture of Mass Arrests, Critical Mass
What would it Take to Build a
'World Without Globalists'?
When the IMF Meets - Here's What Happened at the Global
Plutocracy's Pow Wow in Peru
Who Are The Globalists and What Do
They Want?
Who is Behind the Economic
 |
Who Rules the World? - A Portrait
of the Global Leadership Class
Who Rules the World? - Dark
Corners of Secretive Global Powers
Runs the World? - Solid
Proof That a Core Group of Wealthy Elitists is Pulling
The Strings
 |
Who's Who of The Elite
Why are Globalists and Governments
so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?
Why are Most People Cowards? -
Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism...
Why are They Doing It?
Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your
DNA? - To make You Legal Property...!
Why do Some People Support Tyranny
while others Defy It?
Why do We Allow Private Banks and
Families to Control the World's Money?
Why Elites Love Drones
Why Nothing will Change this Year
- Welcome to another Season of 'The Charade'
Why the "New World Order" is
Impossible to Implement without 'Creating Mass Chaos'
Why We Must #ExposeBillGates
Will Gates, Rockefeller, Musk and
Klaus Schwab prevail in the Class War? - Activists and
Thinkers Speak Out
Working for The Few - Political
Capture and Economic Inequality
World Bank Whistleblower Karen
Hudes Reveals How the Global Elite Rule the World
Information |
12 Million Americans Are Sociopaths
2008 World Corruption Perceptions
2016 Candidates Must Build an 'Integrated' North America
9-11 - Who Really Benefited? - Fact and Not Fiction...
Academic Oligarchy - Majority of
Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies
A Deeper Understanding of
After Losing Vote, U.S.-EU Threaten to Undermine Treaty
to Prevent Human Rights Abuses by...
Agenda 21 in China and the
Technocratic Vision for Global Dictatorship
Italiano |
Stati degli USA cercano di deporre Fauci ed altri Alti
Funzionari nel Caso della Censura BigTech del...
Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth"...
- Main File
Español |
Algunas de las Grandes Ilusiones
que Nos Mantienen Esclavizados a La Matrix
Español |
Algunas Razones por las que Creer
en la Autoridad es la 'Superstición Más Peligrosa'
Alien Origins of Sociopathy
- How Bloodlines Have Been Genetically Tweaked to
Produce an Abundance...
I Want for Christmas Is The Truth
Alternative 3 - The Saga Lives On
- Main File
A March 31st Deadline Has Been Delivered to The
Committee of 300 by The Gnostic "Illuminati" Faction
Amazon Sells Out of Orwell's
'1984' as America Starts Paying Attention to What's
Really Going On
America - A Sunset Empire
American Laws Most Americans Don't
Know! - But Should Know!
An Open Letter to Wall Street
A Note of Appreciation from The
Rich of The Global Elite
Español |
Antes del 2016 Puede Estallar una
Revolución en EE.UU.
- Advertencia de un Economista
Español |
Anunnakis y Fractal Universal
Anunnaki - The Elite and The
in The News
Are these 100 People Killing the
Español |
Arquitectura para El Nuevo Orden Mundial - La Pirámide
de "La PAX y La Conciliación" |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will Serve
Humans - But Only about 1% of Them |
A Short History of The Round Table
Español |
Así es cómo Consiguen los Hijos de
la Élite que los Contraten en Trabajos de Élite
Español |
Así es La Nueva Elite -
Indignante Opinión sobre los Pobres de un Joven
Empresario de EE.UU.
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Avatar - American Terrorists Invade a New World
Español |
Avatar - Terroristas
Estadounidenses Invaden un Nuevo Mundo
Beyond The Manufactured Apocalypse
Big Tech 'Indenture entire
Populations into Servitude' to Corporations and
Governments - Snowden
Bill Clinton Was Not Even Allowed Out of The Plane When
He Arrived in Japan Seeking Money Last Week
Dumping Stocks - Economist Knows Why
Brain Dead Obama
Brussels Bombing Psyop a
Victory for the Ruling Elite and Global Police State
 |
Business Culture and Dishonesty in
The Banking Industry
Refusing to Relinquish Power, The Cabal Will Face Lynch
Cabal Resorting to Desperate Tactics As They Try to
Prevent Reboot of Financial System
Cabal Struggles Desperately to Create Fascist World
Government as Multiple Criminal Investigations...
Capitalism's New Era
Español |
Carta al Pueblo Estadounidense
Acerca de Ucrania
Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall
Street's Corruption, The Austrian School and Who's
'Really' in Charge
 |
Changes in U.S. Family Finances
from 2010 to 2013 - Evidence from the Survey of Consumer
China Lockdowns leading to 'Total
Control of Population'
Chosen Leaders, Proven
Failures and Political Debacles
The Central Intelligence Agency
- Main File
Climate Alarmist Admits
the Real Motive Behind 'Warming Scare' is Redistribution
of Wealth
Director admitting that his Network is "Propaganda"
is 'A Process', Not an Event - How does one 'Get Ahead'
during Hard Times
Español |
las Pandemias del 'Pasado y Presente' alimentan el Auge de
las Mega Corporaciones
Italiano |
Comprendere più Profondamente la
Español |
Conciencia COVID - ¿Un Contagioso
Despertar o una Realidad Consensuada?
Contact by a Rothschild's Family Descendant?
Corrupt Regimes Crumble When The
Foot Soldiers Refuse to Carry Out The Tyrant's Draconian
Could Humans One Day Live to 500?
That's what a Group of Eccentric Billionaires Believe
COVID Consciousness - A Contagion
of Awakening or a Consensus Reality? |
CPI - Corruption Perception Index
CPI - Corruption Perception Index
2020 - Global Highlights
Crashing Finances
Español |
- ¿Cuán
Fascistas son Los Estados Unidos?
- Diez Indicadores del Fascismo
Dark Rulers are Trying to Suppress
our Ascension
David Icke on Terrorism,
'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and The Coming Post-Industrial
Technocracy |
Debt = Serfdom
Declaración Conjunta Sobre Wikileaks
Español |
De La Servidumbre Moderna
Español |
Del Porqué El Gobierno Mundial En
La Sombra Destruye Su Propio Planeta de Origen
Demented Democracy
Democracy's Fatal Flaw: Us...
Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine
Deutsch |
Der Sturz der Satanistischen Verschwörer (Kabalen) ist
weiter glatt am Laufen
Español |
Despoblación y Vacunas de ARNm
Español |
Dialogo Con Un Autoproclamado
- "Hidden Hand"
Dialogue With a Self-Proclaimed
Illuminati Insider
- "Hidden Hand"
Distrust in Governments Growing - Survey Finds
Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World?
- The
Biggest Secret
Dreams of Empire Ruined
Italiano |
come Riescono i Figli dell'Elite a farsi Assumere nei Lavori
Down and the Tunnel Men
Español |
El Colapso de Los Sistemas Astral
y Físico
Español |
El Colapso es 'Un Proceso', no un
Evento - ¿Cómo hacemos para 'Salir Adelante' en Tiempos
Español |
El Covid-19 ha Envalentonado a
nuestros 'Censores' Modernos
Español |
El Covid-19 podría ser el
Detonador del Peor Sistema Totalitario de la Historia -
Afirma Yuval Noah Harari
Español |
Culto al Oro - ¿Porqué se Fueron los Dioses, y porqué
iban a Regresar?
Español |
El Ex-Agente de la CIA que Llama a
La Revolución Global - Robert Steele
Español |
El Fin de La Democracia Programada
Español |
El Fin Del Capitalismo
- Según Wallerstein
Español |
El Gran Teatro - ¿Que hay Detrás de La Falsa Pugna entre
Putin y Occidente?
Elite Panicking? -
Independent Media has More Power than Mainstream Media
Elites "Going Rogue" suggests the
Global Neoliberal Architecture is Collapsing
Elite Underground
Español |
El Jaque Mate
- Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo
Español |
El Lado Oscuro de las Irrupciones
- 'La Economía Gig' es el Nuevo Término para 'Servidumbre' |
Español |
El Mal Escondido - Medios y
Técnicas Para Desacreditar
Español |
El Mapa de La Hambruna Mundial y
Del Apocalipsis Social
Español |
El Mayor Secreto de Cambio en El
Mundo -
Jake Simpson
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial y el Gran
Español |
Elon Musk en Épico Discurso expone
el Control de la Oligarquía de los Medios de
Elon Musk just Exposed the Oil
Oligarchy's Control over Mainstream Media in Epic Rant
Español |
El Padre de la Propaganda Moderna
de la Élite Gobernante - Edward Bernays
Español |
El Poder
- La Pregunta Que Todos Nos Hacemos - ¿Por qué? ¿Para
qué? ¿Cuál es el Ultimo Eslabón?...
Español |
El Poder Político de Facebook
Español |
El por qué Fauci y la Cábala
Mundial insisten en Vacunar a tus Hijos...
Español |
El Sistema Se Autodestruye
- Señales del Apocalipsis
Empower Yourself to Fight The
EndGame - JuegoFinal
- Main File
Español |
Entendiendo y Desmantelando El
Sistema de Control Global
Español |
Estafando Al Ladrón
Español |
Esta Vez Estamos Cargándonos con
Nosotros Al Planeta Entero
Español |
Estudio muestra que los Ricos
dicen Más Mentiras y son Menos Éticos que los Pobres
Español |
Eugenesia, Despoblación y la
Mentalidad de la Élite
Español |
Eugenesia - El Sostén de la
Psicopática Mentalidad de la Élite
Eugenics and Population Control -
How The 85 Richest see The 3.5 Billion Poorest
Eugenics - Buttress of the
Psychopathic Elite Mindset
Eugenics, Depopulation and The
Elite Mindset
Expendable - Sacrificing Humanity for Corruption in
Español |
Extraño Informe Advierte
sobre "Epidemia de Disturbios Globales"
Facebook says its 'Rules Apply to
All' - Company Documents reveal a Secret Elite that's
Facts that Privileged Americans
don't want Us to Know
False East/West Paradigm Hides the
Rise of Global Currency
False Flag Attacks Part of Global
Elite's Plan for Tyrannical Police State
Flag Event in Syria - The Third Force and Exopolitics
Italiano |
Fatti che Gli Statunitensi
Privilegiati Non vogliono farci Sapere
Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet
FED Plan to Bring Private Armies Into U.S. Will Be
Financial Warfare Against Russia,
Multibillion Dollar Bonanza for Wall Street
- The Malaysian Airlines MH17
Five Reasons Obama is A Proven Stooge of The Elite
Follow the Money - How the
Monetary System is Rigged to Enslave Humanity
Food Crisis A Conspiracy?
- Silent Tsunami
For our Rulers, Smearing a
Dissident Journalist like Julian Assange is as Good as
Killing Him
Galactic Federation attacks on
Corporate Satellites and Mars Exodus - Update
- "Gate
Rape" of America
Genetically Modified Politicians
Genetic Engineering, Eugenics and The Ideology of The
Rich - Social
Control in The 21st Century
Globalists Pull Plug on KONY 2012 with Spectacular Crash
and Burn |
Español |
- Globalización
y Militarización - La Causa Raíz de la Guerra a Nivel
Mundial contra la Humanidad
Globalization and The Who's Who of
the New Ruling Elite
Global Justice or World Domination
 |
Global Leadership Project (GLP)
Global Population
- Predictions
1 |
Global Population
- Predictions
2 |
God's Algorithm
Español |
Google y La Ultima Trampa para
Proteger a Los Poderosos
Governing Elites Think
We're All Morons
- New Study
Government Protects Criminals by Attacking
Español |
Hechos que los Estadounidenses
Privilegiados no Quieren que Sepamos
Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... They Think It's All Happening by
Accident... Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha...
Hippocratic Hypocrisy - A Tale of
Two Snakes
Español |
Historia de la Educación
Obligatoria - Sistema de Adoctrinamiento
Hitler and The Banksters
- The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
How Access to Information can Make
or Break the Elite Stranglehold
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to
How Much CO²
is in a Raindrop? The Ocean? The Air?
How Pandemics 'Past and Present'
fuel the Rise of Mega-Corporations
How Real Mind Control Works
How to Run the World
- Mega-Diplomacy - The New World Order |
- "Human
Beings Have No Right to Water" and Other Words of Wisdom
from Your 'Friendly' Neighborhood...
Human Race Get Off Your Knees! |
Identity Politics =
Totalitarianism |
Español |
Acabemos con la desigualdad extrema - Es hora de cambiar las reglas
Italiano |
Il Culto del Covid e i 10 Piani di
Italiano |
Il Padre della Propaganda Moderna
dell'Elite che Governa - Edward Bernays
I'm Just Sayin...
Español |
Imperio Reciclado - Porqué Obama Hace Lo Mismo Que Bush
- Las Líneas Matrices
Industry "Weapons" for Earth's
- Main File
Español |
Información Actualizada del Futuro
- Marielalero
In The Shadow of The Dragon
Is India's 100 Smart Cities
Project a Recipe for Social Apartheid?
Is It Fear of Uprisings or
Altruistic Punishment?
Is Science Only for The
Is the WHO an Undercover Terrorist
RFK, and MLK, Were All Killed by The Same Forces
Joined Dots and Spontaneous
Joint Statement on Wikileaks
- UN and IACHR
Just How Fascist is The U.S.? - Ten
Indicators of Fascism
Killing the Biosphere to
Fast-track Human Extinction
Killing the Culture of Death
Español |
Kim Yong Il Asesinado Como Parte de La Lucha Asiática
por El Poder
Kim Jong Il Murdered as Part of Major Asian Power Battle
KONY 2012 Part 2
- License for Imperial Conquest |
KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing |
Español |
La Algo-Matrix y los ETs - La
Tierra Como una Iniciativa Extraterrestre
Español |
- La
Casta de Clases
Italiano |
La Chiave Omerica e il Grande
Segreto de il Potere nell'Ombra
Español |
La Ciencia 'Oficial' - Otra
Religión Creada por los Controladores
Español |
La City de Londres - Una Ciudad
dentro de Otra
Español |
La Clave Homérica y el Gran
Secreto del Poder en la Sombra
Español |
La "Crisis de la Democracia" y el
Ataque a la Educación
Español |
La Dictadura del Futuro - Los
Magnates Invierten sus Fortunas en Alcanzar la Vida
Español |
La Esterilización con Vacunas de
Niños Escolares Mexicanos en 1974 - Elites Quieren Eliminar a
Español |
- ¿La
Élite en Pánico? - Los Medios de Comunicación
Independientes tienen Más Poder que los Medios de...
Español |
La Extraña Casualidad de "Los 500
Días para el Caos Climático
Italiano |
La Fase Apocalittica della
Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto
Italiano |
La Fragilità della Democrazia -
Atene e i "Trenta Tiranni" |
Español |
La Guerra Global contra los Niños
Español |
La Historia de 'Usar Niñas para
Promover Agendas Políticas'
Español |
La Institución Más Ridícula del
Español |
La Manera de Superar la
Español |
La Mente Crédula Explicada
Español |
La Moda que Cambiará el Mundo
Español |
La 'Nueva Era' es una Religión de
Sueño de las "Élites"
Español |
La Reingeniería de la Vida y Cómo
Español |
Las 10 Grandes Teorías de la
Conspiración de 2014
Español |
- "Las
Crisis Están Creadas para Beneficiar a los Ricos" - Dice
Nobel de Economía 2015
Español |
Las Dos Caras de La Misma
- Obama-McCain
Español |
La Senda de la Obnubilación |
Español |
Las Llamadas Democracias...
Español |
Las Universidades del Capitalismo
y el Imperio - Entrevista a James
Español |
La Tierra Para Quien la Trabaja
Español |
La Tiranía Escondida - Entrevista en 1976 a
Harold W. Rosenthal
Español |
Trampa Está en la "Solución"
Español |
Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad - Providencia, Milagro o Lo Que
Realmente Sucedió
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - Providence,
Miracle or What Really Happened
- "Lockstep"
- Written 10 years ago Chronicles how to Bring the World Down
with a Pandemic
Español |
Lo que Piensas está Controlado por lo que Miras - Y lo que
Miras está Controlado por la Élite |
Español |
Los Bancos y el Estado
Español |
Los Juicios de Henry Kissinger |
Español |
Los Poderosos Usan el Conocimiento
Esotérico Mientras lo Mantienen Alejado de la Humanidad
Luxembourg Takes the Heat, but the
World's Worst Tax Haven - The City of London - Remains
Mainstream Science - Another
Religion Created by The Controllers
Majestic Project - MJ-12
- Main File
Major Realignment of Power Taking Place in Asia
Español |
Maneras en que la Élite Global
Manipula Nuestra Percepción de la Realidad
Mathematical Model Explains How
Complex Societies Emerge, Collapse
Meaning of Life Questions
- A Speculative Look at The Big Picture of Life in The
Español |
Medios y Técnicas Para
- El Mal Escondido
 |
Meet The World Money Power
Español |
Me he "Apropiado" 492.000 Euros de Quienes Más Nos Roban
Para Denunciarlos y Construir Alter...
Mind Control - It's All Around You!
Monsanto's 'Partnership' With The Actual U.S. Presidential
Naming Names - Your Real
Nation of 65 Million Gets Lesson
on Globalist Agenda
- Thailand Local Media Mogul Gives 2 Hour Talk...
'New Age' is a Dream Religion of the "Elites"
Freedom - Something For Everyone
Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery
- Washington Times Report
New Studies say 'Conspiracy
Theorists' Sane - Government Dupes Crazy and Hostile
York Times Says "Lack of Major Wars may be Hurting
Economic Growth"
Español |
Noam Chomsky - Contra el Nuevo
Orden Mundial
- Main File
Noam Chomsky - Top 10 Media
Manipulation Strategies
Español |
Noam Chomsky y Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación
Italiano |
Non Studierai Mai a Harvard anche
se tuo Padre può Pagare
No Privacy, No Property - 'The
World in 2030' according to the WEF
Español |
Nunca Estudiarás en Harvard aunque
tu Padre pueda Pagarlo
- "Nuremberg
Trials" for The Banksters |
Obama's Birth Certificate - Not The Issue
Culture in America - A Natural State of Psychopathy?
Old Religious Hegemony, NWO
- Jesus to the Palestinians: "Love One Another" / God to
the Jews: "Get..."
On Modern Servitude
Español |
Orígenes Alienígenas de La
- Cómo Los Linajes han Sido Genéticamente Ajustados para...
Orwell's Ideas remain Relevant 75
years after 'Animal Farm' was Published
- "Our
Politicians Are Money Launderers in The Trafficking of
Power and Policy"
- Bill Moyers
Outer Space Cult Popular
Among Tech's Biggest Billionaires
Overwhelming The Illusion
Paradigm Lost as The Western Oligarch's Lies Unravel
Español |
Periódico Oficialista advierte que
la Robotización podría conducir a Guerras de Clase y
Plan 'B' of The Powers That Were
Español |
Planean las Primeras Ciudades Solo
Para las Élites
Plato and the Disaster of Democracy
Played by the Ruling Elite's Control System - It's Time for
a New Paradigm
 |
Political Violence Contagion - A
Framework for Understanding the Emergence and Spread of
Civil Unrest
Populace of USA - Transition Into
- Predictions
Control Quotes' Show the Elites are Quite Eager to
Reduce the Number of People on the Planet
Español |
Porqué nos Desprecian Los
Gobernantes - Análisis Shock...
Español |
Nos Quieren Llevar a una Tercera Guerra Mundial...
Español |
- ¿Porqué
se Siente como si el Mundo se Hubiera Vuelto Loco? - El
Dominó y la Caída
Privatization and Land Grabbing in
- Land For Those Who Work It!
Evil Onto Russia
Putin to Western Elites: Play-Time
is Over
Racism and U.S. War - Iraq Veteran
Read Between The Lines - Hollywood
Mogul Buys 2,600 Acres of Farmland
- Moving to New Zealand
Reality Check
Regime Change at The IMF - The
Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?
Rhetoric of Change
- Among Politicians, Actors, and Preachers
Rich Americans Are Fleeing the
Español |
Ríndete al Nuevo Imperio
Sarkozy and Soros Send Negotiator to Visit White Dragon
Society But Talks Inconclusive
Satanic Cabal Threatens to Make
San Francisco and Damascus "Uninhabitable"
Satanic Reality
Scenarios for The Future of Technology and
International Development
Español |
Se Acabaron los Juegos - El
Mensaje de Putin a las Élites Occidentales
Secret Meeting of 57 Finance Ministers on Ship Charts
New Financial System
Seven Stumbling Blocks on
the Road to Higher Consciousness
Español |
Siete Escollos en el
Camino hacia una Conciencia Más Elevada
Español |
Siga el Dinero - Cómo el Sistema
Monetario está Amañado para Esclavizar a la Humanidad
Español |
Signos de que las Élites de EE.UU.
se Preparan para "Algo Grande"
Español |
Silicon Valley está Construyendo
un Sistema de Crédito Social al estilo de China
Simultaneous Military, G7 and BIS Summits Point to
Something Big
 |
Smart Cities in Mumbai
Social Transformation - The Truth
Behind Capitalism Decoded
Español |
Sólo les Importa el Costo Político
Some Grand Illusions that Keep us
Enslaved to The Matrix
Some Reasons why Belief in
Authority is the 'Most Dangerous Superstition'
Space-Based Technocracy - Asgardia
Exceeds 1,000,000 Citizens
Seek to Depose Fauci - Other Top Officials in Big
Tech-Government Censorship Case
Español |
Superando La Ilusión
Tactics Used by the Mainstream
Media to Manufacture Consent for the Oligarchy
Español |
Te Controlan Para Dominarte Mejor - Tu Peor Enemigo es Tu
Ten Reasons America Will Be Judged
as The Most Brutal Empire in History
Terrified of Freedom - Why most
Human Beings are Embracing the Global Elite's
The Algo-Matrix and the ETs
- Earth as an Alien Enterprise
The Apocalyptic Phase of
Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...
 |
- The Architecture of History
- How the World Has Been Set-Up: Proof Revision
The Ascendancy of The Scientific
The Assets of The World
The Atlantean Conspiracy
- Exposing the Illuminati - from Atlantis to 2012
The Biggest World Change Secret
- Jake Simpson
The Bilderbergers and The New World
Disorder - Lawmakers Finally Get Earful
About Global Government
The Bush Impeachment Movement
- Main File
The Class Caste
 |
The Class Pay Gap in Higher
Professional and Managerial Occupations
The Class War Has Begun
The Collapse of Astral and
Physical Systems
The Covid Cult and the 10 Stages
of Genocide
The Dark Side of Disruption - 'The
Gig Economy' is the New Term for Serfdom
The Demon-cratic Cryptocracy
"Puppet Show" Book
- How the New World Order Cult Communicates...
 |
The Economic Elite Vs. The People
of the United States of America
The Elite chose "Alternative 3"
The Elites Had to Have The Branch
Davidian Village Eliminated Because...
The Elkhorn Manifesto - Shadow of
The Swastika
- The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Med...
The End of The New World Order
The Eve of Destruction
 |
The Extortion System of The Ruling
The 'Fake News' and
'Russian Propaganda' Psyops - Censorship and Information
Control in the NWO
The Four Business Gangs That Run The U.S.
The Fragility of Democracy -
Athens and the 'Thirty Tyrants'
Game That Goes On and On
- A Swiss Bank, A President and The Permanent Government
The Gemstone Papers
- A Skeleton Key
 |
The Global Dominance Group
- 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context
The Global Protests - A Riddle
Wrapped in A Mystery Inside An Enigma |
The Global War on Children
The Gullible Mind Explained
 |
- The
Hard Road to World Order
The Hidden Tyranny - The Harold Wallace
Rosenthal Interview 1976
The History of Using Children to
Push for Agendas
The Lack of Major Wars May Be
Hurting Economic Growth
The Lesson Offered by the
Dark Ones
New World Order and The Rise of The East |
The Next Presidential 2016 Election Will Move the World
Closer to War
The Perfect No-Prosecution Crime
The Phoenix Will Arise From The Ashes of The Old World
The Piece of The Puzzle 'They'
Always Leave Out
- Post 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Remains Disconnected...
The Plan to Divide and Conquer
America at The New Madrid Fault
- And How We Can Remain Free of...
The Power Elite's Use of Wars And
The Powerful Use Esoteric
Knowledge while Keeping It from Humanity
- Empower Yourself by Awakening...
The Project for The New American Century
The Real Agenda of The Gates Foundation
The Really Creepy People Behind
the Libertarian-Inspired Billionaire Sea Castles
The Real Reason Behind The 9-11 Terror Was a Battle for
Control of The Global Collateral Accounts
The Reengineering of Life and How
to Prevent It
The Rise of Global Governance
The Road from Rome - The Fall of
the Roman Empire wasn't a Tragedy for Civilization
- The
Rockefeller Plan
The Serpentine Stealth of The Long
Range Planners
The Slow Fuse Will Keep Burning Through July
The Stone is Lifting... On "The
Group" |
The Story Behind "Changing Images
of Man" - Scientists On Acid
The Strategic Battle for Lithium -
Huge Reserves in Bolivia, Argentina, Chile
The Takedown of The Satanic Cabal Is Proceeding Smoothly
The Telltale Signs of Imperial
Decline |
The Third Force
The Third Force Begins its
Take-Down of Mystery Babylon
- Secret Space War X
The Truth Behind FED's Alarming Wealth Distribution
U.S. Dictatorship and Its White House Servant
The U.S. versus the World - A Majority of One, a
Minority of 192 in UN General Assembly Resolutions
The War Is Over... And We Won
Way to Overcome the Conspiracy
This Time We're Taking The Whole
Planet With Us
Español |
Tiranos, Cuidado - 2012 Podría Ser
el Año de Consecuencias Imprevistas
Top Secret America - A Hidden
World Growing Beyond Control |
Total Health Tyranny
- The Year's Biggest Story No One is Talking About
Toward a North American Union
Español |
Transformación Social -
Decodificada la Verdad Detrás del Capitalismo
Truth, Propaganda and Media
Tunnels to At Least 13 Underground
Bases Being Sealed Off
Two Faces of The Same Coin
- Obama-McCain Presidential Candidates of The Global
Tyrants Beware - 2012 Could Be The
Year of Unintended Consequences
Español |
Una Comprensión más Profunda de la
Español |
Una Nota de Aprecio de Los Ricos
de La Elite Global
Español |
Una Realidad Satánica
Español |
Una Revolución Increíble que te
han Ocultado y que Debes Conocer
- La Revolución del Coco |
- "Unavoidable"
Dystopian Future for World's Biggest Cities
- Pentagon Video Warns
Understanding and Dismantling The
Global Control System
United Nations "Education for All" - The Elite
Mono-Minding Global Plans for All Children
United Nations Tackles Mental Disorders
- Supervise World Sanity Via 'People's Charter for
Mental Health?'
U.S. Addicted to Oil - An Ominous
Drilling Sign for The Truth
U.S. Presidents Charged With
Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies
in Spain
U.S. to Start 'Trade Wars' With
Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops
- Leaked Information
Español |
Un Estudio de La Fundación
Rockefeller Analiza La "Década de La Fatalidad"
- Desastres Naturales...
Español |
Un Estudio Psicológico Demoledor
sobre La Mente de Los Banqueros
Deutsch |
Verschwörer Kämpfen Verzweifelt um Erreichung der
Visualizing The World's Rich |
Español |
Vocero del Clima Admite
que Verdadero Motivo del 'Miedo del Calentamiento' es
Re-Distribución de la...
Español |
Vuelve La Era de Los Politburós
- Comité Central |
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed's
Secret Loans
Wall Street Bankster Soros to Open
"Official Presence" in Myanmar
Deutsch |
Warum sind die Dokumente der
Thinktanks der Globalisten öffentlich?
Washington D.C. - The Secret
History of America's Capital
- Main File
Ways the Global Elite Manipulate
our Perception of Reality
 |
- Wealth
- Having it All and Wanting More
We are The "Delta" Types of
Huxley's 'Brave New World'
Welcome to 2030 - 'I Own Nothing,
Have No Privacy, and Life has Never Been Better'
Welcome to the Grand Tour of the
Washington Swamp...! |
Western Bankers Threatened Japan
With HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes
Western Elites and The Threat of
Mass Starvation
What on Earth is Happening to Our
What You Think is Controlled by
What You Watch - And What You Watch is Controlled by The
When Empire Hits Home
 |
Who Really Runs The World - An overview of what's
behind the "New World Order"…
Why Are Globalist Think-Tank
Documents Public?
Why Does The World Shadow
Government Destroy Its Own Home-Planet?
Don't The Corrupt Players on Wall Street and in D.C.
Show Remorse for Their Destructive Actions…
Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going
Into Hiding
Why the Revolution Must Start in
- Chris Hedges's Endgame Strategy
Why the World Feels Like It's
Going Crazy - The Dominos and the Fall
WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy
 |
for the Few - Political Capture and Economic Inequality
World Changes
- Project Camelot Interviews
World Government Chart
World of Resistance (WOR) Report
Year in Review - Our Top Ten
Conspiracies of 2014
 |
Young Blood Reverses Age-Related
Impairments in Cognitive Function and Synaptic
Plasticity in Mice
Español |
tras Los BRICS Llega el N-11
- Otra Pieza Mas en el Gran Engaño
- Main File
BlackRock-Vanguard |
Assault on Humanity - The
Corruption is Real and Sickening
- Video
At BlackRock we are Forcing
- Video
and Vanguard rake in Billions - Omicron Variant makes
Moderna and Pfizer shareholders more than...
BlackRock CEO says 'Xenophobic'
Countries with Shrinking Populations may be the 'Big
Winners' in AI-Driven...
Español |
BlackRock quita apoyo a los
objetivos "ambientalistas" de la ONU y se retira del
programa 'Net Zero Asset...'
Español |
Cómo BlackRock Conquistó el Mundo |
Español |
El Complejo Militar-Financiero que
se Alimenta de la Sangre de las Guerras y Controla a los
Estados Unidos
Español |
El Pulpo del Complejo Financiero-Digital -
Desvelando el 'Pulpo Financiero' |
JFK Exposes the Truth about the
Ukraine War
Italiano |
JFK ha esposto la Verità sulla
Guerra di Ucraina
Two Companies, Vanguard and BlackRock, Control the Planet -
While World's Richest 1% Own 82% of... |
Español |
Protestas contra Macron - En París
Manifestantes toman sede de BlackRock el Mayor fondo
financiero Mundial
Rise of the Climate Oligarchs |
Corruption is Real and Sickening
The Investment Sector - The Case
of BlackRock, Inc.
The Long Shadow of BlackRock
 |
The Same Shady People Own Big
Pharma and the Media - BlackRock-Vanguard
Who Owns the World?
Who Really Profits from the
Ukraine War?
Who will eventually 'Own
Everything' including You?
Economic Forum' was Created by U.S. Policies
Collectivism - Colectivismo |
Individuals The Property of The Collective?
Español |
La Guerra Es La Paz
- Teoría y Práctica del Colectivismo Oligarquico
The Collectivist Conspiracy
- G. Edward Griffin
The Future is Calling
War is Peace
- The Theory & Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
Multimedia: |
 |
How the "Greater Good" is Used as
a 'Tool of Social Control'
Español |
Thrive 1 - ¿Cuánto le Costará al
 |
Thrive 1 - What on Earth Will it
 |
Thrive 2 - This is What it Takes
Corporatism-Corporatocracy / Corporativismo-Corporatocracia |
Are Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia
and World Wide?
Can The Corporate Media Turn Lies
Into Truth?
- "Casino
Jack and The United States of Money" - A Look at Corporate
Money and Politics - DemocracyNow!
 |
and the Ghost of the Third Way
- A System of Control Designed by The Monopoly Men of
The Global Elite
Crunch Time for the Global
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial del Papa
Francisco - Vaticano utiliza 'Iniciativa Rothschild'
para Reformar el Capitalismo
FinCEN Files Investigations from
across Asia
From Bill Gates to "The Great
Refusal" - Farmers on the Frontline
From Global Depression to Global
- The Role of The Corporate Elites' Secretive Global
Future of Corporatism in 2016
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di Papa
Francesco - Vaticano usa "Iniziativa dei Rothschild" per
riformare il Capitalismo
Español |
La Tiranía de la Tecnocracia - La
Nueva Normalidad No Es Normal
Español |
Los Archivos Filtrados - Bancos Globales
sirven a Oligarcas, Narcotraficantes y Terroristas en medio de un...
Español |
Los Complejos Industriales del
Siglo 21 - Fascismo y el Führer™, Marcas de
Pact for the Future - A Planetary Technocracy to Manage
Global Crises on behalf of the Global Corporatocracy
Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own
Pope Francis's New World Order -
The Vatican is using a 'Rothschild Initiative' to reform
Español |
Previniendo la Tercera Guerra
Mundial - Las Fuerzas Corporativas que impulsan la
Crisis en Ucrania son...
Technocracy's Tyranny - The New
Normal Isn't Normal
 |
The Corporation - The Pathological Pursuit of Profit
and Power
The First Corporation
The Neo-Imperialist Corporatist Order and the "Men
Behind the Curtain"
 |
The Network of Global Corporate
The Real Consequences of
Corporatism, "Smart" Grid and Corrupt Government
The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'
These 25 Companies are More
Powerful than Many Countries
 |
The Spartacus Letter |
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Why it's Nothing but
A Corporate Takeover |
The United States Isn't a Country - It's a Corporation! |
The UN's "Pact for the Future"
translated from the 'Globalese' |
The Wolves of Psycho Street - America's Economic
Enslavement by the Psychopathic Corporate Elite
Español |
Veinte Realidades Sombrías
desenterradas por los Confinamientos del Covid
Welcome to 'Life Inside a New
World Order'
What Is The Basis For Corporate
 |
The Corporation
Español |
- 'The
Corporation' - Instituciones o Psicópatas
Coup d'État - Cambios de Regimen |
Coup without Firing a Shot
Are you Ready for the Revolution?
Español |
Cómo contar con un Golpe contra
'Los Dioses'
Español |
Cómo Sobrevivir a un Cambio de
Español |
El Golpe de Estado Mundial
How a 'Private Coup' in Venezuela
funded by U.S. Billionaires Fell Apart
How to Count Coup on 'The Gods'
Italiano |
Sei Pronto per la Rivoluzione?
The Global Coup d'Etat
 |
The Global Elite and The
Coronavirus Coup D'état with Patrick Wood |
Europe |
Anger Builds in Italy as Old Guard Plots Fresh
Technocrat Take-Over
- "Bribes
Are Necessary - They Are Not Crimes" - Berlusconi Says |
Britain's Royal Wedding - A Big Day For The Global
Britain's Royal Wedding Fiasco and
Its "Dirty little Secret" in Bahrain
Español |
Cuerpo sin Vida Encontrado en El
Patio Delantero Real Levanta Preguntas Acerca de Las
Vidas Perso...
Dead Body Found on Royal Front
Lawn Raises Questions About Personal Lives of The Elite
Elite Using Financial Crisis to Centralize Power
EU's Recipe for The United States
of Europe and Seizure of Our Money Through Homemade
EU-US Trade Pact Can Halt West's
Decline - Brzezinski Says
Farage Unleashed - "You Are Common
Fear of 'Nuremberg Trials' for Corrupt Italian
Former Italian PM Berlusconi Gets
1-Year Reduced Sentence for Fraud
Español |
Hologramas de La Política
Español |
Ignorancia Mortal o Decisión
Mundial - Discurso a las Naciones de Ivo Sasek |
Italy Paralyzed as Grillo Plots Exit Route from Euro
Leaked 1955 Bilderberg Document Outline Plan For Single European
Political Union In Europe -
Governance Of, By, And For The Elite
Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands
- Personal Background and His Part in Starting the
Español |
Reducen a 1 Año la Pena de Cárcel
a Berlusconi por Fraude
Italiano |
Ridotta a 1 Anno la Pena di
Carcere a Berlusconi per Frode
The British Establishment - Pedophiles Everywhere
The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal
- 500 Million Debt-Serfs
The Long Story - The British
There is No Way Out for Europe
Will Europe's Unemployment Crisis Spark a Return for
Fascism? |
Español |
España, Reino Unido y Australia a
la Vanguardia del 'Totalitarismo Global'
 |
Kincora - How an Establishment
Pedophile Ring Leads to The Monarchy, MI5 and the
Feudalism |
and the "Algorithmic Economy" - Using AI and Algorithms to
Return to Feudal Economic Models
Italiano |
I Nuovi Signori Feudali
Español |
Los Nuevos Señores Feudales |
Origin of Technocracy - Neofeudalism, Peasants and
Neofeudalism and Peasants with
Pitchforks - Corporate Power Destroys Democracy
and The Feudal System - What's Old is New Again
The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal
- 500 Million Debt-Serfs
Plutocracy-Oligarchy |
Español |
1984/2024 - La Esperanza Oculta en
la Advertencia de Orwell
1984/2024 - The Hidden Hope in
Orwell's Warning
A 'Biden Presidency' would be a
Dream Scenario for our Corporate Overlords
Español |
- ¿Amarás
tu Servidumbre?
Beware, Fellow Plutocrats, the
Pitchforks are Coming - Nick Hanauer
Español |
Bilderberg 2023 - Junto a Henry Kissinger,
los 'Dueños del Mundo' debaten la Guerra en Ucrania
Central Bankers Plan for Master
Reset into 'Green Economy'
Lockdowns are Coming
Close-Knit Financial Oligarchy
Controls All Major Corporations
 |
in America - by Zephyr Teachout
Español |
Cuidado, Compañeros Plutócratas,
las Horcas están Llegando - Nick Hanauer
in Disguise - Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our
Español |
El Dólar es una Herramienta para
Castigar a los Países del Tercer Mundo
Español |
El extraño Descubrimiento del
'Poder de las Grandes Fortunas' en la Política
Español |
El Reinado Plutocrático Mundial -
Busca mantener a la Inmensa Mayoría en un nivel de
"Pobreza Sostenible"
From Democracy to Plutocracy
- The United States of Corporate America
Grand Corruption as a
Systemic-Parasite upon Society - High Crimes and Cabals
Hegemony and Propaganda - Love
Your Servitude...!
Español |
La Lucha de Joe Biden por la "Democracia"
Español |
Las Horcas están Llegando... para
Nosotros los Plutócratas - Carta Abierta de Un
Italiano |
L'Esecuzione sta Arrivando ... per
Noi i Plutocrati - Lettera Aperta di Un Multimilionario
Message to all Plutocrats - A
Declaration of Emergence
Mission Creep - How the Police
State acclimates us to being 'Modern-Day Slaves'
 |
Of Foxes and Chickens - Oligarchy
and Global Power in the UN Security Council
- by James A. Paul
Oligarchy and The War on
 |
- by
Jeffrey Winters
Protected, Predatory Oligarchy - Dirty Secrets, Dirty Lies
Philanthropy Is The Enemy of
Plutocrats vs. Oligarchs -
America's Superrich and The Influence They Wield
 |
Prospering in the Pandemic - The
Top 100 Companies - Financial Times
Rockefeller Internationalism
Italiano |
Rothschilds pianificò il Covid-19
nel 2015 - Ufficio Brevetti degli Stati Uniti...
Rothschilds planned Covid-19 in
2015 - U.S. Patent Office...
 |
Theories of American Politics - Elites, Interest Groups, and
Average Citizens
The 5 Step Recovery Program for
The Cabal - A Geoplutocratic
"Elite" Bent On Global Domination
The Global Banking System
- Main File
The Oligarch Takeover of U.S.
The Pitchforks are Coming… for Us Plutocrats
The Purpose of War According to
George Orwell in "1984" |
Universal Basic Income +
Automation + Plutocracy = Dystopia...
U.S. No Longer an Actual Democracy
- Princeton Study
Will You Love Your Servitude...?
Español |
El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La
 |
Plutocracy - Political Repression
in the U.S.A.
 |
Plutocracy II -
Solidarity Forever
Billionaires - Space and More /
Billonarios |
Español |
Actualización de la Estructura de SC
- El Sistema de Control
Did Bezos, Branson and Musk
secretly Travel to Jupiter for Negotiations with the
Galactic Federation?
Elon Musk and Twitter-'X'
- Main File
Español |
El Poder Fáctico No se Esconde -
Elon Musk mueve sus Fichas en Latinoamérica
Four Billionaire Technocrats are
Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality
Harvard shuts Bill Gates-funded
Geoengineering Project to Preserve Climate Narrative
Officials admit Bill Gates runs the World
Español |
La Fortuna de Zuckerberg creció 6
Veces por esta razón...
Español |
Los intereses de EE.UU. y Elon
Musk en Venezuela
Español |
Millones responden a Encuesta que
Pregunta si el Foro Económico Mundial debería "Controlar
el Mundo"
No Farmers, No Food...! - A Global
Food Crisis is Coming...
Outer Space Cult Popular
Among Tech's Biggest Billionaires
Technocrat Billionaires Plot
Leaving 'Dying' Earth
Ten Reasons why Human Flourishing
has Reversed
The Names and Faces - The 150
Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to
The Strange Story of Peter Thiel |
U.S. Grounds Virgin Galactic after
Space Flight 'Mishap'
Vaccine Billionaires and Human
Guinea Pigs
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File
 |
Farmers, No Food
The Panama Papers |
Confessions of a Panama
Papers Hit Man
Español |
Detrás de los Papeles de Panamá -
La Mayor Estafa de la Historia
Italiano |
Dietro i Panama Papers - La più
Colossale Truffa del Pianeta
Fabricated Putin Link to Leaked Panama Papers
- Secret Offshore Money
Guess what Occupation is
Most Frequently Cited in The Panama Papers?
How Reporters Pulled Off
the Panama Papers - The Biggest Leak in Whistleblower
Italiano |
Non Lasciarti Ingannare -
Questo è l'Obiettivo Finale dei "Documenti di Panama"
Español |
No te Dejes Engañar -
Este es el Objetivo Final de los "Papeles de Panamá
Español |
- ¿Qué
se Esconde Realmente Tras los "Papeles de Panamá"?
Español |
Qué se Esconde tras los
Escándalos de Evasión Fiscal
Selective Leaks of The
"Panama Papers" Create Huge Blackmail Potential
The Panama Papers - Biggest Leak
in History Exposes Global Corruption
The Panama Papers - What Happens
when Corruption is Systemic
Universal Basic Income
- La Renta Básica Universal |
Finland abandons Universal Basic
Income Experiment after Two Years
Español |
La Clase Inútil - El Significado de la Vida Sin Trabajo
y una Renta Básica Universal
Italiano |
La Classe Inutile - Il Significato della Vita Senza
Lavoro e un Reddito di Base Universale
Español |
La Terrible Verdad que se
Oculta tras la Renta Básica Universal
The Useless Class - The Meaning of Life with No Work and
a Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income +
Automation + Plutocracy = Dystopia...
Universal Basic Income
Spreading Like Wildfire - Now Finland...
Wealth Inequality -
Desigualdad de Riqueza |
26 Ultra-Rich People Own as much
as the World's 3.8 Billion Poorest
Español |
América Latina Repiensa su
Desarrollo para Superar la Desigualdad
 |
An Economy for the 1% - How
Privilege and Power in the Economy drive Extreme
Inequality and how this...
 |
An Economy for the 99 %
Architects of Power - How the
Global Elite "Profit from Extreme Inequality" and
Pre-empt the Backlash
 |
At the Crossroads of Humanity's
Future - The Steps towards the Universal Human Nation
Billionaires' Combined Wealth has
reached a Record $10.2 Trillion - Thanks to Covid-19
By 2030 Richest 1% will Own 66% of
All Wealth
Combined Wealth of World's
Billionaires Now Tops $6 Trillion, and Rising Fast...
Español |
Cómo la Desigualdad está Aniquilando a la Humanidad
Español |
Cómo Nacen las 'Aristocracias'
Español |
Cómo Perú Deslumbró al Mundo al
Reducir más de 50% de la Pobreza en 10 Años
Español |
Crece la Desigualdad entre Ricos y
Español |
Crece Percepción de Distribución
Injusta de la Riqueza entre Latinoamericanos
Despite Global Economy Plummeting
into Despair, Mega Banks Boast All-Time Record Profits
Español |
El 1% Más Rico acumula casi el
Doble de Riqueza que el resto del Mundo - Crece la
Desigualdad |
Español |
El 1% - ¿Porqué Insistimos en
Mentirnos a Nosotros Mismos? |
Español |
El Círculo Vicioso de la Concentración de la Riqueza |
Elites, Not the "Ignorant
Masses", Pose the Greatest Threat to Global Society |
Elites vs. Deplorables - The US is
now a Two-tier Nation |
Español |
El País Latinoamericano que ha
Sacado de la Pobreza a 7 Millones de Personas en 5 Años
- Perú
Italiano |
Entro il 2030 l'1% più Ricco
Possiederà il 66% di Tutta la Ricchezza |
Gap Between Rich and Poor
Manipulated to be Wider and Wider |
Globalization's Few
Winners and Many Losers
Global Poverty in an Unequal World
- Who is Considered Poor? |
How 'Aristocracies' are Born |
How Inequality is Killing Off
Humanity |
How The "1%" Will Escape? |
Italiano |
Circolo Vizioso della Concentrazione di Ricchezza |
Italiano |
Il Gap tra il Ricco e il Povero è
più Grande che Mai - La Frustrazione sta Crescendo a
Livelli molto Pericolosi
Inequality's Getting
Worse - How Do We End This
In Stunning Reversal IMF
Blames Globalization for Spreading Inequality - It Causes Market Crashes
Español |
La Desigualdad Atenta contra la Democracia
Español |
La Desigualdad es Cada Día Peor -
¿Cómo Podemos Ponerle Fin a Esto?
Español |
La Desigualdad Social se Basa en
las Leyes de la Física - Según una Nueva Teoría
Italiano |
La Diseguaglianza Peggiora Sempre
di Più - Come Possiamo Mettere Fine a Tutto Ciò?
Español |
La Familia Rothschild es Cinco
Veces Más Rica que los Primeros 8 Multimillonarios del
Mundo Juntos
Español |
La Fortuna de los 26 Más Ricos del Mundo
equivale a la de 3.800 Millones de Pobres
Español |
La Globalización de los Pocos
Ganadores y Muchos Perdedores
Español |
Las Elites y No las Masas
Ignorantes son la Mayor Amenaza para la Sociedad Global
Español |
Los Hábitos de Ahorro del 1% de los
Super-Ricos exacerban la Deuda del 90 % de la Población -
Español |
de la Desigualdad muestra los Países con Más Grande Brecha entre
Ricos y Pobres
Italiano |
Mappa della Diseguaglianza mostra i Paesi con il maggior divario
tra Ricchi e Poveri
Español |
Más Ricos en la 'Pandemia'...
Millionaires Now Control Half of
the World's Personal Wealth
Español |
Empresarios Acumulan la Riqueza de la Mitad del Mundo - Reporte
Oxfam sobre la Desigualdad
Only Apocalyptic Destruction can Eliminate
the Gap Between Rich and Poor
- Historian Says
People in Financial Stress behave more
Español |
Porqué Estamos en 'Una Nueva Edad
 |
Good or Private Wealth?
Español |
- ¿Qué
está Mal con el 1%?
Español |
- ¿Quién
tiene más Empatía, un Rico o un Pobre? - Estudio
Richest 1% Will Own More than All
The Rest by 2016
The 1% - Why Do We Insist on Lying
to Ourselves?
The Gap Between the Rich and the
Poor is Larger than Ever - Frustration is Growing to
Very Dangerous Levels
The Global 1% - Exposing The
Transnational Ruling Class
 |
The Great Leveler - Violence and
the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the 20th...
- by Walter Scheidel
The History of the 'End of
Poverty' has just Begun
Open Source Revolution is Coming and It Will Conquer the
1% - Ex CIA
Spy Says
The Richest 0.1% Have Launched a
War on Us
- It's Time to Fight Back and Hold These 400
The Super-Wealthy have a Problem
The Top 1% Own... Half
The Vicious Circle of Wealth
Español |
- "Todos
vs. el 1%" - Vandana Shiva desenmascara la Agenda
Español |
Una Economía para el 99 %
Under 'Real Capitalism' Billionaires shouldn't Exist
U.S. Billionaires 'Gained $1 Trillion' since the
Pandemic Started
Wealth Gap - 10% of Americans Own
91% - But the Queen and
Rothschilds Still Own Almost Everything...
 |
Wealth Inequality - The Physics Basis
What is Wrong with The 1%?
While Poorest Scapegoated,
analysis of 25 World's Wealthiest Families a Reminder of
Inequality's Economic...
Why Billionaires Need Society more
than Society Needs Billionaires
World's Billionaires became 20%
Richer in 2017 - Report Reveals
World's Wealthiest People Now
Richer Than Before The 2008 Credit Crunch
Español |
2021 - El "Gran Reinicio" de Davos
A New Problem Emerges for The
Davos Elite
- "A
New System" - Inside the Davos Summit 2023
- 'Build
Back Better' and the Great Reset - A Respectable
Conservative Speaker slams Davos
Globalists to their Faces
Conspiracy Theories Aside - There
is something Fishy about the 'Great Reset'
in Triggering "Depopulation" and a "Fractured World" -
Prelude to the 2023 WEF Davos Meetings
Covid Failed to do 'the Job' -
Bill Gates is making a Second Run at Culling the
Dangerous Thought Control from the
World Economic Forum
Davos - A 'Family Reunion' of
People who Broke the World
Davos Attendee admits to WEF
Elites that 'Trump Won' and Globalists Lost
Italiano |
Davos e la Globalizzazione in
Crisi - Al World Economic Forum dominano le Autocrazie
Davos Elite Seeks Fixes to Defend
the System from Populists
Español |
Davos - La
Fuente de Los Problemas Económicos
Davos People - Source of Economic
Problems, Not a Solution
Español |
Davos se está Convirtiendo cada
vez más en un 'Gobierno Mundial No Electo' - La Gente
nunca pidió y No...
Defeating the Demons of Davos
Español |
El Cardenal Müller advierte contra
el "Gran Reset" promovido en Davos por los "Amos del
Español |
El Discurso de Javier Milei en el
Foro de Davos 2024
Español |
El FEM, el Gran Reinicio y sus
Cerebros - ¿Existe una Conspiración Mundial después de
Español |
El Foro de Davos 2024 incluye "Preparación para la
Enfermedad X" con presencia de Tedros Ghebreyesus
Español |
El Futuro 'Orwelliano' que los
Expertos en Tecnología Plantean en la Cumbre de Davos
Español |
- "El
Gran Reinicio" y la Revolución Post-Capitalista
Elites meet to 'Plan Your Health'
- The Role of the Council on Foreign Relations
Español |
El Peligroso 'Control de los
Pensamientos' del Foro Económico Mundial |
Español |
Estos serán los Representantes de
América Latina en Davos
Español |
Foro de Davos 2025 - Cuáles serán
los Temas este año y quiénes los Principales Invitados
Gates and Kissinger - On Same Path
to Population Control
Italiano |
Gates e Kissinger - Lo stesso Cammino per il Controllo della
Geneva - The Head of the Snake
 |
Grand Jury - Revealing the Agenda
for World Domination
Italiano |
Gran Reseat? - Putin ha detto:
"Non così in Fretta" - Il Presidente Russo ha rilasciato
un'Intervista al WEF
Great Reset? Putin Says, 'Not So
Fast' - Russian President delivers Speech at 'Virtual
Governance to 'Save the World' - Davos
2013 |
Have Authoritarians used '1984' as
a Handbook?
Kissinger at WEF Annual Meeting - Davos 2022 - Main
Geopolitical Challenges facing the World right Now
Español |
Hiperconcentración de la Riqueza y
Expansión de la Pobreza
- Actores de Davos Continúan
Constru... |
Italiano |
I Leader del Mondo chiedono più
Globalizzazione per 'Risolvere' la 'Pandemia' Globale
Ivermectin could have Saved
Millions of Lives - Why was it Suppressed...?
Español |
La Invasión de Rusia a Ucrania
¿hace parte de 'El Plan'...?
Lawyers promise 'Nuremberg Trials'
Against all behind COVID Scam
Legal Team wants 'Second Nuremberg
Tribunal' to try Global Lockdown Promoters for Crimes
Against Humanity
Italiano |
L'invasione della Russia in
Ucraina fa Parte del 'Piano'...?
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 1
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 2
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 3
Español |
No hubo 'Pandemia'
Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal
proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group
Nuremberg Trial 2.0' is in
Preparation - WHO and World Leaders will have to Answer
for 'Crimes Against...'
Español |
Pedro Castillo detenido y asumió
Dina Boluarte, referente de la "Izquierda Caviar" del
Perú aliada a Davos
Español |
Presidenta de Perú Dina Boluarte
miente en Davos 2025
Putin Blasts World Economic Forum
(W.E.F.) Big Shots at Davos Backchat
Italiano |
i Demoni di Davos
Español |
Segundo Juicio de Nuremberg -
Reiner Fuellmich anticipa una Victoria de la Humanidad
Sex, Drugs and Do-Gooders - Inside
the so-called 'Superbowl of Capitalism' at the Annual
WEF Davos Gathering
- 'Silent
Fear' - Party of Davos Founder Emergency DC Meeting to
Discuss How to Handle Donald Trump |
The Dark Origins of the Davos
Great Reset
The Dark Origins of the Great
Reset and the Fraud that is Klaus Schwab
The Davos Revolution and the
Re-Making of Civilization
- "The
Great Reset" and the Post-Capitalist Revolution
The Great Reset Snakes are
Slithering together in Davos |
Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
Español |
Carta Abierta a la 'Multitud' de Davos...
The WEF Reveals the Agenda for
Davos 2023
Italiano |
Vladimir Putin avverte sul Dominio
"Big Tech" degli USA - Davos
Vladimir Putin warns of US 'Big
Tech' Dominance - Davos
WEF-Davos 2024 - The World is
Falling Apart but the Show Must Go On...
WEF Davos 2025 - More Grotesque
than ever, Robotizing and Depopulating
Italiano |
WEF Davos 2025 - Più Grottesco che
mai, Robotizzazione e Spopolamento
Italiano |
Davos - La Nuova Sodoma e Gomorra?
Davos - The New Sodom and Gomorrah?
WEF views Trump and Putin as
'Major Threat' to Globalist Agenda - Davos Insider
Reveals |
What is the 'Global Public-Private
What we Learned at Davos 2024 -
Global Aristocracy intends on 'Rebuilding Trust' through
Surveillance and...
What you Need to Know about Agenda
2030 - The Globalist Overlords meeting in Davos
THEY Need World War III
World Economic Forum believes
People are "Useless Eaters" - Views their "Brains and
Bodies" as product...
World Leaders Call for More
Globalization to 'Solve' Global 'Pandemic'
World's Elite Discuss 'The Davos
Plan' to Capitalize on Coronavirus and Roll Out the NWO |
Italiano |
Decifrare Davos - Gioco Finale
 |
Davos - The Global Endgame
Español |
El Gran Flujo de Dinero - Como los
Ricos se vuelven Mas Ricos
Español |
Gran Reseteo - Documental
Español |
- "El
Gran Reseteo" - La Película Completa
Español |
En Busca de la Verdad - Volver a
las Grandes Preguntas
Español |
George Soros llama a "Derrotar a Putin o
No Sobreviviremos" - ¿Qué prepara la Elite Global en Davos?
 |
Inequality - How Wealth Becomes
 |
The Gap Between Rich and Poor -
The Divide
 |
The Great Reset - Documentary
 |
The Money Deluge -
How the Rich get Richer - Money in the World Economy
 |
The One Percent
Books-Treatises |
13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati
- by Fritz Springmeier
 |
A Government of Wolves - The
Emerging American Police State - by
John W. Whitehead
 |
Architects of Deception
- by
Jüri Lina
Español |
Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras
- Un Manual Introductorio de Programación
Español |
Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras
Tranquilas - autor desconocido
Español |
Arquitectos del Engaño
- por
Jüri Lina
 |
A Theory of Socialism
and Capitalism - by Hans-Hermann
 |
At the Crossroads of Humanity's
Future - The Steps towards the Universal Human Nation
 |
Brave New World
- by Aldous Huxley
 |
Brave New World Revisited
- by Aldous Huxley
 |
Changing Images 2000
- Integral Approaches to Re-Imagining and...
- by Thomas Hurley
 |
Changing Images of Man
- by Joseph Cambell, Duane Elgin, Willis Harman, Arthur
Hastings, O. W. Markley
Children of The Matrix - by David Icke
 |
Connectome - How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are - by
Sebastian Seung
 |
Controligarchs -
Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the
Globalist Plot to... - by Seamus Bruner
Español |
De la Servidumbre Moderna
- por Jean François Brient
Español |
- ¡Despierta!
- Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo -
Fernando Paz
Español |
El Capital en el Siglo XXI - por Thomas Piketty |
Español |
El Discurso de la Servidumbre
Voluntaria - by Étienne de La
Español |
Estos Mataron a Kennedy! -
Reportaje A Un Golpe De Estado
- por Robinson Rojas |
 |
Guide to Surviving and Thriving
during an Economic Collapse
- by Nick Giambruno and Jeff Thomas
Español |
Historia y Estructura Oculta del
Poder Mundial - por Fausto Frank
 |
How to Prevent the Next
Pandemic - by Bill Gates
 |
- by J.D. Morvan and Huang Jia Wei - EU Publications
 |
Killing Hope -
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II -
by William Blum |
 |
Kissinger - The Secret Side of The Secretary of State
- by Gary Allen |
Español |
La Doctrina del Shock - El Auge
del Capitalismo del Desastre
- por Naomi Klein |
Matrix of Power
- How The World Has Been Controlled
By Powerful People Without... -
by Jordan Maxwell
Español |
Nadie Se Atreve A Llamarle
Conspiración - por Gary Allen y Larry
 |
None Dare Call It Conspiracy - by Gary Allen and Larry
 |
Occult Theocrasy
- by Lady Queenborough
 |
Oneness vs. the 1% - Shattering Illusions,
Seeding Freedom
- by Vandana Shiva
 |
On Modern Servitude -
by Jean François Brient
Order Out of Chaos - Elite Sponsored Terrorism
and the New World Order - by Paul Joseph Watson
- by Edward L. Bernays
 |
RFK Jr and the Dark Side of the Dream
- by Jerry Oppenheimer
 |
Shaping the Future of The Fourth
Industrial Revolution
- by Klaus Schwab
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
- unknown author
Español |
Soy Yo - Soy Libre
- Guía del Robot Para la Libertad - por David Icke
The Code to The Matrix
by James Evans Bomær III
 |
The Contrarian - Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's
Pursuit of Power - by Max Chafkin
 |
The Corporation - The Pathological Pursuit of Profit
and Power -
by Joel Bakan
 |
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
- by Klaus Schwab
The Hidden Evil - The Financial Elite's
Covert War Against The Civilian Population -
by Mark M. Rich
 |
The Impact of Science on Society
- by Bertrand Russell
 |
The Most Dangerous Superstition
- by Larken Rose
 |
Origins of Totalitarianism
- by Hannah Arendt
 |
The Politics of Obedience - The
Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
- by
Étienne de La
Boétie |
The Power Elite
- by C. Wright Mills
 |
The Question Concerning Technology
- by Martin Heidegger |
 |
The Shape of Things to Come
- by H.G. Wells
The World Order
- A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism - by Eustace Mullins
Trilaterals Over Washington - by Antony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood
Español |
Mundo Feliz
- por Aldous
 |
Western Hostility to Russia - The
hidden Background to War in Ukraine - by
Terry M. Boardman |
Multimedia |
 |
13 Illuminati Bloodlines and Mind Control
Español |
2da Cumbre Covid-19 Global -
Líderes Mundiales dicen 'lo mismo' con un Único Mensaje
- ¿Porque será...? |
 |
2012 - Jaque Mate a La Humanidad -
Checkmate to Humanity
 |
Abolishing Capitalism
 |
Agenda 21 - The Depopulation
Agenda for A New World Order
 |
Agenda "Esoterica"
- Esoteric Agenda
 |
Amazing Speech by War Veteran
 |
An Inconvenient Death
- A Documentary on The Death of The Working Class
 |
Apartheid Did Not Die
 |
Are Spike Proteins being Released
onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt
Español |
Así Funciona El Mundo
Español |
Asombroso Discurso de Un Veterano
de Guerra
 |
Big Pharma's Nano Tech Rape of All
Español |
Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente
de los Planes de la Élite
Español |
Camino a La Libertad - El Viaje de La Humanidad desde
el 7000BC hasta el 2012AD
- David Icke
 |
Casino Jack and The United States
of Money
 |
Under Siege - How Big Business Targets Children
Español |
- La Continuation de Agenda Esotérica
Español |
Cómo Rockefeller fundó la Medicina
Moderna y Acabó con las Curas Naturales - Clip
Español |
Conectando los Puntos hacia el
Amor Propio - David Icke y las Vacuna
 |
Connecting the Dots towards
Self-Love - David Icke and Vaccines
 |
Conspiracy of Silence
 |
Conspiracy Theory - 2012
- Jesse Ventura
 |
Dark Money |
 |
David Icke - Melbourne 2009
- Human Race Get Off Your Knees! |
Español |
Deja de Ser Alimento - El Cerebro
 |
Democracy in Shambles - "Money
First, People Second... If At All" - Bill Moyers
Español |
Despertar Masivo - Manifiesto a
Favor de la Libertad de los Seres Humanos
 |
Dick Cheney and David Rockefeller
on The Council of Americas
- 2002
 |
Dirty Secrets of The Bush's and
The Clinton's
 |
Do You Hear The People Sing
Italiano |
Draquila - L'Italia Che Trema
Español |
El Banquero
Español |
El Dinero Nunca ha sido tan Barato
- El Gran Flujo de Dinero
Español |
El Fin de La Democracia
 |
Elite Undeniably Engaged in
Poisoning The Masses
- Slow Kill Holocaust
Español |
El Pacto Reptil
Español |
El Papa - Vacunarse es un "Acto de
Español |
- 'El
Plan' - Foro Económico Mundial y Otros...
Español |
El Proyecto Matriz
- Presentacion Multimedia
 |
Endgame - Blueprint for Global
Enslavement - with Alex Jones - Subtitulos en Español |
Español |
Entrevista a Rashid Buttar -
Covid-19 y el Engaño a Nivel Mundial
 |
Fall of The Cabal - The New World Order
 |
Fall of The Republic
- The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
 |
Fork in The Road - "They" Want To
Trigger World War III
- David Icke |
 |
Four Horsemen |
 |
Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk
Español |
Globalización y Globalismo - Una
Gran Diferencia - Miklos Lukacs en Radio RCN
 |
Google's Jigsaw to Be
Used to Undermine Alternative Media?
Español |
Guerra Psicológica
 |
Hillary Clinton - A Movie
 |
Historic Interview With Aaron Russo on The Agenda of
The Global Elite
 |
How the Elite Stay
in Power
 |
How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic'
- An Animated Film Explanation by David Icke
 |
Español |
Igualdad y Fiscalidad - Menos
Impuestos a los que Más Tienen
Italiano |
Il Monopolio - Chi Possiede il
 |
Interview with Rashid Buttar -
Covid-19 and Global Deceit
 |
Into The Fire
 |
Iraq for Sale - The War Profiteers
Español |
Jaque Mate - El Periódico Que Sólo
Saldrá Una Vez
 |
John Perkins "Confessions of an
Economic Hitman"
- Extended Interview 2008
 |
- A Ponerological Example in Africa |
 |
- The Sequel to Esoteric Agenda
Español |
La Caída del Cabale - El Nuevo Orden
Español |
La Conspiración del Capitalismo
Español |
La Conspiración del Silencio
Español |
La "Elite" Habla
- Lindsay Williams
Español |
La Élite ordenó Destruir España
Español |
La Pedofilia en Las Elites
- Daniel Cohn-Bendit y Sus Experiencias
Español |
La Pirámide de Poder
Español |
La Servidumbre Moderna
- Documental Alternativo
Español |
La Verdad Jamás Contada -
Español |
La Verdad detrás de la Pandemia de
Coronavirus - Bloqueo Covid-19 y Colapso Económico -
David Icke |
Español |
- "La
Pesadilla de Darwin"
Español |
Laura Eisenhower - Mensaje a 'Los
Controladores Oscuros'
 |
Laura Eisenhower - Message to 'The
Dark Controllers'
Italiano |
L'Elite Globale e il Colpo di
Stato del Coronavirus - Con Patrick Wood
Español |
Los Gobernantes del Mundo
Español |
Los Planes de La Oligarquía
- Los Banqueros Internacionales y Sus Planes Para El
Español |
Los Secretos más Oscuros de la Élite al fin Revelados -
Mario Conde
 |
Matrix of Evil
- Alex Jones
 |
Matrix of Power
 |
Metropolis - A Movie by The Elite, for The Elite?
 |
MONOPOLY - Who Owns the World?
 |
Mozambique - Life after Death
 |
Nine Eleven IS the
Español |
Nosotros Los Esclavos
 |
NWO About to Nuke The World With WW3
 |
Oliver Stone Exposes U.S. Warmongers at 'Writers Guild
 |
One of The Global Elite's Visible
- Strictly Scum Dancing...
 |
On Modern Servitude - Shattered Times
 |
Operaciones Con Bandera Falsa
- False Flag Operations
 |
Origins and Symbolism of The
European Union (EU)
- David Icke
 |
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Español |
Pepe Mujica - Montesquieu, los
Oligarcas Rusos, la Elite Global y Conciencia
Español |
Plandemia - En el Mundo de Los
 |
Plandemic - 'Indoctornation'
 |
Pope Francis "urges people" to Get
Vaccinated against Covid-19
 |
PsyWar - Wake Up!
Español |
Pueblos Despiertos =
Terror para la Elite Global
Español |
- ¿Quienes
Manejan el Mundo? - La Mejor Conferencia 2021
 |
Reality Check - Alan Watt
 |
Reclaiming Dominion
- Santos Bonacci
 |
Reflections and Warnings
- An Interview With Aaron Russo -
Subtitulado en Español
 |
Ring of Power
- The Empire of "The City" - World Superstate
 |
Rule from The Shadows - The
Psychology of Power
 |
Secret Rulers of The World
- with
David Icke
 |
Statism is Dead - True News
 |
The Anglo-Saxon Ruling Elite
- Skull and Bones
 |
Answer' - David Icke at London Real - August 2, 2020
 |
The Banker
 |
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
 |
The Capitalist Conspiracy
 |
The Elite EXPOSED!
 |
The Elite Speak
- Lindsey Williams
 |
The End of Poverty
 |
The Freedom Road
- The Human Journey 7000BC to 2012AD - David Icke |
 |
The Hollie Greig Case
- The Scottish Elite Connections to The World Wide
Satanic... - David Icke |
 |
The Madness of A Lost Society
 |
The Matrix
- True News |
 |
The Money Deluge
  |
The Most State Censored Citizen
Film Ever
 |
New Clinton Chronicles
 |
The Office of The International
Treasury Control - Dr. Ray C. Dam
 |
The Pandora Papers - How the World
of Offshore Finance is still Flourishing
 |
The Problem is Civil Obedience
- Matt Damon from Howard Zinn's Speech
 |
The Psychosis of Mind Control of
the Many by the Very Few
 |
The Pyramid of Power
 |
The Rulers of The World
 |
The Secret Rulers of The World
 |
The Sequel to The Fall of the
Cabal - Bill Gates
 |
The Story of Your Enslavement |
 |
The Trials of Henry Kissinger -
Los Juicios de Henry Kissinger |
 |
The Truth behind the Coronavirus
Pandemic - Covid-19 Lockdown and the Economic Crash -
David Icke
 |
The Truth Vibrations
- David Icke and The Awakening of The Great Spirit |
 |
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6 |
 |
The Yes Men - Subtitulado en Español
 |
Three 'City States' Rule the World
 |
Through The Eyes of A Slave
 |
Uninformed Consent
 |
U.S. Quest for Global Dominance
- Superpower - The Film |
 |
War of The Rich
 |
We Are The Plan!
 |
We Can Rule The World
- David Icke |
 |
What is Technocracy, Who are the
Technocrats and What is their Agenda
 |
What the Elite have done to
- Gaylon Ross on Alex Jones Show
 |
What the NWO Doesn't Want You to
Know About
- Kevin Trudeau on Alex Jones TV
 |
Who Controls The Web?
- David Icke |
 |
Who Controls de World - David Icke
Interview - Oracle Films - May 2021
 |
Who Runs The World? Psychopaths
and Liars - Simple Really - David Icke
 |
Will It Be World Government?
- Adrian Salbuchi
 |
World Government - Influence Networks Map
 |
You Are a Stock on The Stock
Exchange of USA
- Jordan Maxwell
 |
Zuckerberg's Virtual
Reality Photo - Our Future in the Matrix |
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