Español |
7 Revelaciones Impactantes de
Shocking WikiLeaks Revelations
After 12 Days of WikiLeaks Cables,
The World Looks on U.S. With New Eyes
Español |
Algunas Revelaciones de Los
Documentos de WikiLeaks
Italiano |
e Il Futuro del Mondo
Assange Reveals Significance of
WikiLeaks UFO Cables
Español |
Assange se declara Culpable ante
EE.UU. en Saipán y volará hacia Australia
Assange Statement on the U.S. 2016
Assange Warns About Vegas Shooting
- 'Almost All Terror Plots are Created by the FBI'
British Court rules Assange can
Appeal U.S. Extradition
can Geo-locate Your Computer by Listening to Wi-Fi
Español |
Crucificando a Julian Assange
Crucifying Julian Assange
Español |
Declaración Conjunta Sobre
Español |
Deconstruyendo WikiLeaks - ¿Cuál Es
El Verdadero Objetivo de Las Filtraciones?
Did the IMF Pay-Off the Ecuadorian
Government to surrender Julian Assange to British
Did the
USSR destroy a Secret U.S. Moon Base in 1977?
Ecuador Rallies Latin America in
Assange Battle with UK
Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and
Chelsea Manning Nominated for 2020 'Nobel Peace Prize'
ET Disclosure Light -
Wikileaks and Other Admissions that We're Not Alone
Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to
Hack almost All Social Media Platforms
For our Rulers, Smearing a
Dissident Journalist like Julian Assange is as Good as
Killing Him
Generation Being Born Now is the
Last to be Free - Assange in Last Interview before
Google and The NSA - Who’s Holding The 'Shit-Bag' Now?
Google Is Not What It Seems - Assange
Español |
Guerra Espacial y el
Conocimiento de Extraterrestres por el Vaticano -
Wikileaks desvela Emails
Hackers Strike at MasterCard to
Support WikiLeaks
Hard News’ Online Value, a Small But Successful Paywall
and The War on WikiLeaks
Holy Crop! Vatican Blesses GMOs ...Though 'Unofficially'
How The U.S. Government Strikes
Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around The World
Iceland Interior Minister
Reveals Plot by Obama Administration "to Frame Julian
Assange" |
Iraq War Logs - Secret Files Show How US Ignored Torture
Joint Statement on WikiLeaks
- UN and IACHR
Assange and the Collapse of the 'Rule of Law'
Julian Assange and
the Computer Conspiracy - "To Destroy This Invisible
Julian Assange and the Fate of
Español |
- "Julian
Assange expuso la Paradoja de la No Libertad
experimentada como 'Libertad' en los Países Occiden..."
Julian Assange - 'Google
is Not What it Seems' - They 'Do Things the CIA Cannot'
Julian Assange just Destroyed the
FBI, CIA and Fake News in an Epic Tweetstorm
Español |
Julian Assange - ¡No es un Caso
Julian Assange Releases
Statement on the U.S. 2016 Election - Breaking
Julian Assange Reveals Another
2006 Western Plan to Destroy Syria
Julian Assange's Most
Incendiary Interview - "Hillary Clinton is the Central
Cog of the Establishment"
Italiano |
La Generazione che Nasce Ora Sarà
l'Ultima as Essere Libera - L'Ultima Intervista ad
Assange prima del...
Español |
La Justicia Británica Niega la
Extradición de Assange a EE.UU.
Lame "Leak" Site Nothing More Than Thin Cover For "The
Tel Aviv Tango" - WikiLeaks
Español |
Las Revelaciones de
WikiLeaks que Más Comprometen a Hillary Clinton
Latest Round of WikiLeaks Docs
Hype Manufactured Terror
Español |
- ¿Le
Pagó el FMI al Gobierno Ecuatoriano para Entregar a
Julian Assange a las Autoridades Británicas?
Live With The WikiLeakable World
or Shut Down The Net
- It's Your Choice
WikiLeaks Cable Reveals U.S. Embassy Strategy to
Destabilize Chavez Government
Español |
Numerosas Interceptaciones
Telefonicas a Politicos y Autoridades Peruanas
- WikiLeaks - Petrogate, 2008
Español |
Perú Negocia Acuerdo que Facilita
a Transnacionales Millonarias Indemnizaciones
- Investigación de... |
Predictive Software "Validates" WikiLeaks Psy-Op Attack on Syria
Stratfor Confidential Emails
Published by WikiLeaks
Sweden's Pirate Party Offers WikiLeaks Safe Haven Online
The Age of Injustice and the Moral
Corruption of Individuals Orchestrating Julian Assange's
The Cypherpunk Revolutionary
- Robert Manne on Julian Assange
The Internal Organizational
Structure of WikiLeaks - Record of WikiLeaks
Email Exchanges
The Lie Factory - CNN - is
Collapsing, thank God... |
The Spyfiles - WikiLeaks
The WikiLeaks Founder Talks to
John Pilger
- Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and The Threat from...
- "Transparent
Government Tends to Produce Just Government"
- WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange in...
Italiano |
Trionfo di Assange
all'ONU - Morale alle Stelle
Español |
Triunfo de Assange en la ONU - Con
la Moral en Alto
Español |
USAID financiaba 6200 Periodistas
en 707 Medios de Comunicación y 279 ONGs Periodísticas -
U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of
Iraq Torture Exposed
- The WikiLeaks Release - Frago 242 War Logs
U.S. Designates Wikileaks "Enemy
of The State"
 |
U.S. Embassy Cable - "The Real
Story" - 01VATICAN4258
- Comparison
U.S. Intelligence Planned to
Destroy WikiLeaks
Vatican Secretly OKs GMOs
- "Divinity" Divided No More
Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools
What Nobody Told You about Julian
Who is Behind WikiLeaks?
Who's Who at WikiLeaks?
WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy
Wiki-Gate - Julian Assange was
framed by the People who Supported Him
WikiLeaks - A Big Dangerous U.S.
Government Con Job
WikiLeaks and The End of U.S.
WikiLeaks and The Worldwide
Information War - Power, Propaganda, and
The Global Political Awakening
WikiLeaks Cable Confirms Extensive
Soviet UFO Investigations
WikiLeaks Cable Reveals Flying
"Machines" that "Obscure" their Shape Spotted Near
Military Installations
WikiLeaks Cables Expose
Washington's Close Ties to Gaddafi
WikiLeaks Cables Recount How U.S.
Pressured Allies
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound
Hatred for Democracy on The Part of Our Political
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S.
Sought to Retaliate Against Europe Over Refusing to
Allow Monsanto GM...
WikiLeaks - Confidential 9/11
Pager Messages Disclosed
Español |
WikiLeaks desvela "Vault 7" - Las
Herramientas de Espionaje Cibernéticas de la CIA
WikiLeaks Document exposes a "Secret U.S. Base on the Moon"
Español |
Wikileaks es una Operación de
WikiLeaks Exposes how Council on
Foreign Relations Controls almost all Mainstream Media
WikiLeaks Exposes Newly
'Selected' Brazilian President as Puppet for U.S.
WikiLeaks - Guardian Journalist
Negligently Published Password to Unredacted Cables
WikiLeaks Has 'Insurance Files' on
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp
- Julian Assange
WikiLeaks Honduras - State Department Busted on Support
of Coup
WikiLeaks Iraq Files Reveal
WikiLeaks is a Rothschild
WikiLeaks is The "Cognitive
Infiltration" Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Exposes
Truth About Evil Empires and Their War on Journalists
WikiLeaks List Exposes at
Least 65 Corporate 'Presstitutes' who Colluded to Hide
Clinton's Crimes
WikiLeaks - New Chargé d’Affaires
Christopher Sandrolini Lobbied Vatican on Biotech Foods
WikiLeaks Prepares Largest Intel Leak in US History With
Release of 400,000 Iraq War Docs
WikiLeaks Publishes 1000+
of Hillary Clinton’s Iraq War Emails - Read Them Here
WikiLeaks Releases Massive Set of
Afghan War Files
WikiLeaks Releases Prisoner
Treatment Manual from Guantanamo Bay
WikiLeaks Reveals IMF
Plan to "Cause a Credit Event in Greece and Destabilize
WikiLeaks Reveals USAF
General involved in UFO and Secret Space Program
WikiLeaks "Syrian Files" Obtained
by Flame to Set Up Assad
WikiLeaks - The Vatican Cables
Revisited - Just a Matter of Procedure?
 |
Transcript 19 March 2016 IMF Teleconference on Greece
WikiLeaks Tweets Army Manual
detailing how U.S. weaponized Banking Cartel to Take
Down Nations
WikiLeaks - U.S. Ambassador
Planned "Retaliation" Against France Over Ban on
Monsanto Corn
WikiLeaks, "Year Zero" and the CIA
Hacking Files
Additional Information |
A Different View of The WikiLeaks
An Inside Look at The "Hactivist"
Takedown of Visa After WikiLeaks Cut Off
Assange Arrest Impacts on
Impending Release of Classified UFO Cables
Assange Warns U.S. Communications
Dominance Threatens Latin America’s Sovereignty
A Threat Assessment For Planet
Español |
- "Big
Pharma" Atrapada Espiando a La Organización Mundial de
La Salud
Big Pharma Caught Spying on The
World Health Organization
Breaking The Chain of Command
- WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning
Cables Reveal Saudi Royals' Money
Grabs -
U.S. Messages Detail Royal Welfare Program and Royal...
Español |
De la Libertad de Expresión y la
Actual Censura de Internet
Español |
Estratega del Partido
Demócrata llamó en TV a Asesinar a Julian Assange
Europeans Accused of "Paranoia"
Over Fears of U.S. Economic Espionage
- WikiLeaks Documents Reveal
 |
Manual (FM) 3-05.130 - Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional
Free Bradley Manning!
Government Protects Criminals by Attacking
Hidden Intelligence Operation
Behind The WikiLeaks Release of "Secret" Documents?
- The Real Story of...
Hillary Clinton privately warned
France that Wuhan P4 Lab may lead to 'Bioweapon
Research' - Leaked Cable
Kicked OUT The FBI When They Arrived to Investigate
- "Internet
A Very Large-Scale Spying Machine" - Info Leaking Site
Español |
Islandia Expulsó al FBI Cuando
Llegaron a Investigar a Wikileaks
- ¡Impresionante!
Is The Crackdown on WikiLeaks and Threats of Julian
Assange's Arrest Exactly What He Was Planning?
Is The Internet 9/11 Under Way?
Microsoft Warns of 'Orwellian
Future' as WikiLeaks Exposes Participation with
More Police Raids as War on
Journalism Escalates Worldwide
Net Neutrality
- The FCC, WikiLeaks and The Future of Internet Freedom
Italiano |
Stratega del Partito
Democratico ha chiesto in TV di Assassinare Julian
The Internet War
The Privatization of War
- Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
- Beyond The...
The Snowden Effect - WikiLeaks now
Open for Business With Payment Partner Mastercard
Español |
Una Valoración De Amenaza Para El
Planeta Tierra
United Nations Mulls Internet Regulation Options
United Nations Talks on Internet
Regulation Labeled "Offensive"
U.S. Embassy Cables - The
- by The Guardian - External Link
We Searched Hillary's
Emails and her Relationship with Rothschild/Rockefeller
is Now on Full Display |
- "We
Steal Secrets"
- Alex Gibney’s New Documentary Explores The Story of
Whistleblowers vs. The State
White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering
- Obama, Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks and The Mighty Wurlitzer
WikiLeaks Bypasses Financial
Blockade With Bitcoin
WikiLeaks Cable Reveals U.S.
Conspired to Retaliate Against European Nations If They
Resisted GMOs
WikiLeaks Cable Confirms North
American Union Agenda
- No "Conspiracy Theory"
WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary Clinton
with Gigantic Release of Private Emails and Accuses
Facebook for...
WikiLeaks, Ideological Legitimacy
and The Crisis of Empire
 |
WikiLeaks.org - An Online
Reference to Foreign Intelligence Services, Insurgents,
or Terrorist Groups?
WikiLeaks says MasterCard Lifts
Financial Blockade
WikiLeaks - Whose Agenda?
Will You Pull Your Money Out of
Bank of America?
- This New World Financial Disaster Is What The...
Español |
Acuerdo Secreto de la Asociación
Trans-Pacífico (TPP)
Español |
Acuerdo Transpacífico (TPP) da Derecho a Empresas a
Demandar a los Países Latinoamericanos |
Español |
Fundador de Wikileaks Julian Assange Revela las
Intenciones Reales detrás del Acuerdo TPP |
Julian Assange on TPP - 'Mostly Not About Trade,
Regulates Internet' |
 |
Secret TPP Treaty - Advanced
Intellectual Property Chapter for All 12 Nations with
- Nov.2013
 |
Secret TPP Treaty - Advanced
Intellectual Property Chapter for All 12 Nations with
- Oct.2014
Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) -
Environment Chapter
Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership
Agreement (TPP) - Intellectual Property Rights Chapter
Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) -
Investment Chapter
 |
TPP - Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter - Consolidated Text
- October 5, 2015 |
Sacrificing the Environment for Corporate Interests |
Treaty - Intellectual Property Rights |
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange reveals Real Intentions
Behind the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) |
Books-Publications |
 |
The WikiLeaks Files - The World
According to US Empire - by WikiLeaks
 |
- Hacking, Madness and Obsession
on The Electronic Frontier
- by S.Dreyfus and J.Assange
Multimedia |
 |
Anonymous Strikes Back for
- Operation Payback
 |
Collateral Murder
 |
Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying
Tools - Julian Assange |
 |
- "Honest
Government" Ad - Julian Assange
 |
Inside WikiLeaks |
 |
Iraq’s Secret War Files - U.S.
Killing Innocent People
- WikiLeaks Special
 |
Iraq War Logs - Frago 242 - A
License to Torture |
 |
Julian Assange In Conversation
With John Pilger
 |
Secret Meeting Between Julian
Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt
- Audio
 |
Lies, Iran, Israel And WikiLeaks
 |
The Forgotten Man
- Bradley Manning
 |
The Secret Iraq Files - WikiLeaks
 |
The Subtle Roar of Online
- 2009 - Julian Assange on New Media Days Conference
 |
We Steal Secrets - The
Story of WikiLeaks
 |
WikiLeaks' Cablegate - The Truth
Is Out There
- Hillary v. WikiLeaks
 |
WikiLeaks Iraq Files Reveal
 |
WikiLeaks Prepares Largest Intel
Leak in US History With Release of 400,000 Iraq War Docs
 |
WikiRebels - The Documentary
Related Reports |
Cablegate's Search
- External Link
CIA - The Central
Intelligence Agency
- Main File
COINTELPRO - Counterintelligence
- Main File
Global Militarism
- Main File
Global Upraising
- Main File