by Dr. Michael Salla
April 15, 2024
Exopolitics Website

On April 1, Israel launched an
unprecedented attack on Iran's
Embassy compound in Damascus, Syria, that led to the death of seven
senior military officials, including two generals.
Iran promised a military retaliation, and the
world waited to see how Iran would react and whether
the Middle East
would be plunged into a devastating regional war.
In the subsequent days leading up to Iran's retaliatory strike on
April 13, there had been many rumors that,
a secret deal had been
reached that would allow Iran to respond to Israel's targeted
assassination of senior military officials without triggering a
regional war.
The deal was that Iran's retaliation would
involve it hitting military targets that Israel was informed about
in advance, thereby ensuring no lives would be lost.
This would
remove the need for
Israel to respond militarily to an unprecedented
direct military strike from Iran.
Thus Iran would preserve its honor without
triggering a massive Israeli retaliation that would lead to a
regional war sucking in the US and Russia on opposing sides.
The rumors of a secret deal were largely substantiated by an
Israeli Defense Force (IDF) statement after Iran's April 13
strike that summarized the events that day:
Dozens of surface-to-surface missile launches
from Iran were identified approaching Israeli territory.
The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully
intercepted the majority of the launches using the Arrow Aerial
Defense System, together with Israel's strategic allies, before
the launches crossed into Israeli territory.
A small number of hits were identified,
including at an IDF base in southern Israel, where minor damage
was caused to infrastructure.
Israel's military was confirming that together
with its 'allies', the US and Britain, it had successfully intercepted
up to 99% of Iran's retaliatory strike with only minor damage to
infrastructure without the loss of any lives.
The Iranian missile strike, the Israeli
interception, and the lack of fatalities all but confirm that a
secret deal had indeed been reached, as suggested by multiple
sources before Iran's retaliatory strike.
What is highly significant is that prior to Iran's April 13 strike,
Elena Danaan notified me of a message she received from
Thor Han Eredyon, a High Commander with the
Galactic Federation
of Worlds.
In his message, Thor Han shared information about
the secret deal and how this related to an Earth Alliance that the
Galactic Federation has been working with behind the scenes.
Thor Han's message gives more details about the
secret deal and how it relates to a wider struggle between the Earth
Alliance and the
Deep State over the future of the planet, as well
extraterrestrial disclosure.
What follows is Thor Han's message and my subsequent analysis:
THOR HAN April 13, 2024
On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders
from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to
discuss a plan of action against the Deep State.
The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as
Putin, some representatives from Iran, and from "secondary
power" Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance,
such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others.
The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep
State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as
Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep State's
banking overlords.
When these countries regained their
independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance
and switched sides.
This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep
and complex silver lining.
The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip
of the iceberg.
The reality behind it is about a deal.
The Earth Alliance is trading a list of
things, including:
the Deep State and its assets leaving
Ukraine and giving it away.
When diplomacy didn't work as expected, the
second step was the scare tactics.
However, the situation is more complex than
that. Iran doesn't want to get into a war; it's just playing the
threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this
multi-level deal.
If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth
Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm.
The dark institutions that have ruled this
planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather
destroy everything in their fall than surrender.
Therefore, deals have been worked out to
avoid chaos and death.
These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them
have been made by the Earth humans in charge.
We can only wisely advise and assist in
critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do
diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the
Earth's people.
Stand strong with hope in your hearts, for
this is the turning point for your freedom and your future.
You are not alone.
T.H. Eredyon
GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.
Thor Han's message reveals that
the Earth
Alliance has been slowly integrating former vassal countries of the
global Deep State to ensure a smooth transition of our planet.
Ukraine appears to be the pivotal factor in the
demise of Deep State influence around the planet as national leaders
observe how Russia's President Putin has dealt a bloody blow to the
Deep State by defeating its
NATO-led proxy
war against the Russian
Ukraine is to be given back to Russia as the
Ukrainians looming military defeat on the battlefield means the
withdrawal of all Deep State assets.
Russia's unfolding victory over the Deep State
has galvanized national leaders to abandon their Deep State
overlords, which is the silver lining Thor Han refers to in his
The pivotal role played by Russia in defeating the Deep State's
agenda in Ukraine and elsewhere globally is a fulfillment of an
extraordinary prophesy by famed American psychic
Edgar Cayce
in 1935.
Cayce predicted that a post-communist
would play a central role in liberating the planet from sinister
dark forces whom he called the "sons of Belial" that have oppressed
humanity for centuries:
In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes
termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no.
But freedom, freedom! That each man will live for
his fellow man! The principle has been born.
It will take years for it to be crystallized,
but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
As Thor Han says,
we are not out of danger yet
because the Deep State would rather destroy the whole planet than
surrender its control (Samson
Israel's April 1 attack against the Iranian
Embassy compound was a Deep State action that was intended to
trigger a massive Iranian retaliation that would plunge the region
into war.
Instead, President Putin and the
Earth Alliance worked behind the scenes with the Galactic
Federation to facilitate the secret deal to resolve, for the moment,
the Israel and Iran conflict.
This appears to have happened as the US has signaled that it will
not support Israel in retaliating against Iran's missile strike and
urged Israel's leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, to "take the win."
Thor Han's message tells us that despite Deep State efforts to
trigger regional wars and global devastation through contrived
events, wiser heads are working behind the scenes to manage such
events through secret deals.
President Putin appears to be the key political
leader in such deal-making.
This means that while we may witness more
frightening global events to come, we should not be too concerned as
secret deals are being worked out to contain their destructiveness.
These behind-the-scenes deals will lead to,
the final collapse of the
Deep State
exposure of their remaining assets
the start of crimes
against humanity trials
the truth about stolen elections
truth being revealed about the Galactic Federation and other
extraterrestrial visitors to our planet,
...along with the existence of
crypto terrestrials.
Finally, Thor Han is telling us that,
despite continued Deep State opposition, the
disclosure plan given to US military leaders at the
Raven Rock
Mountain Complex in January 2023 by Thor Han on behalf of the
Galactic Federation and other extraterrestrial organizations, is
still in play, and we can be confident that eventually, the
truth will be revealed to a startled global population after the
Deep State is finally defeated.
Many thanks to Elena Danaan for forwarding Thor
Han Eredyon's message to me.
For those wanting to learn more about Russia's recent history
concerning extraterrestrial life and technologies, I highly
recommend my upcoming May 4 webinar on "Russia's Secret Space
HERE and