From what region can the interbreeding bloodlines be traced to?
The middle and near east
33 U.S. presidents have been genetically related to which two
England’s King Alfred the Great and Charlemagne
What does the freemason motto ’ordo ab chao’ mean?
Order out of chaos
Who said "even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still
the truth"?
According to Sir Francis Crick, how many planets in our galaxy could
support life as we know it?
At least 1 million
What is the speed of light?
186,000 miles per second
How many light years does it take for light to cross the galaxy?
100 years
What are the
Nazca lines?
Ancient drawings on the surface of the earth in
Peru that can only
be seen in their entirety from 1000 feet in the air
When did the Sumerians live?
4000 to 2000
What are the gods called in the Sumerian tablets?
Where did the Anunnaki come from?
A planet called
Nibiru, known as
Tiamat to the Sumerians
According to
Zecharia Sitchin, what created the asteroid belt
between mars and Jupiter?
Nibiru’s collision with its moon
According to Zecharia Sitchin, what happened to the remains of
It was thrown into another orbit and eventually became the Earth
How did the Anunnaki create a slave race to do their bidding?
By combining their genes with native human genes in a test tube
What happened to human kind 200,000 years ago?
There was an unexplained
upgrade of their physical form
The Sumerian tablets name two people involved in the creation of the
slave race. Who were they?
Enki (lord of the earth) and Ninkharsag aka Ninti (lady life)
What does the caduceus, the symbol of the medical profession,
originate from?
The two entwined serpents of Enki’s emblem
Who was the original "mother goddess" after whom a slew of deities
including Queen Semiramis, Isis, Diana and others were fashioned?
Who was commander of the
Enlil, half-brother of Enki
Who wrote genesis and exodus and what are they based on?
Levites (initiates of the Egyptian mysteries); based on Sumerian
stories and accounts
What happened on earth between 11,000 and 4000
Catastrophes were visited upon the earth, destroying the advanced
civilizations of the Golden Age
When were the Anunnaki said to have arrived and who was their
450,000 years ago; the winged albino-white Draco
According to Brian Desborough, what did the wars of the
’gods’ in
ancient texts refer to?
A war between the white Martians and an advanced black earth race
Around 3000 BC, when the great pyramids were built, who were the
brains behind Egyptian civilization?
A white Martian race known as
the Phoenicians
What made the saurornithoides different from other dinosaurs?
High intelligence, separated from other dinosaurs "by a gulf
comparable to that dividing men from cows"
From what star constellation are the reptilians said to originate?
What star are the Egyptian pyramids oriented to?
Thurban, once the north star, part of the
constellation Draco
What is at the core centre of today’s global secret society network?
Brotherhood of the Snake
The R-complex plays an important role in what kinds of behavior?
Aggression, territoriality, ritualism and establishment of social
What are pheromones?
Substances secreted and released by animals so they can be detected
by members of the same species
What animal’s pheromones are a chemical match to those of
George Lucas is an operative for what two government agencies?
Nasa and the NSA
mono-atomic gold is consumed, what happens to the nervous
It increases the carrying capacity by 10,000 times, allowing a
person to process information like a super computer; also allows
them to consciously move through other dimensions and shapeshift
What is the difference between
reptilian full-bloods and reptilian
Full-bloods are reptilians using a human form to hide their true
nature; hybrids are reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines who are
possessed by the reptilians from the forth dimension
How does emotional stress lead to disease?
Our imbalanced thoughts and emotions disrupt the vibrational harmony
of the body
What are gargoyles symbols of?
What does the term "giving someone the evil eye" originate from?
The reptilian bloodline’s ability to produce an extremely powerful
hypnotic stare
According to ancient texts, who was the founder of
Nimrod, who reigned with his wife
Queen Semiramis
How were Nimrod and Semiramis symbolized and what titles were they
Nimrod as a fish, title Baal and Semiramis as a fish or dove, title
What does the shape of the Pope’s hat symbolize?
Nimrod; it is a fish head
What is the long-term world takeover plan known as to the
The great work of ages
Where did the white race and the reptile-Aryan crossbreeds emerge
from after the flood?
The Caucasus mountains
What was the original text of
the book of Enoch?
book of Noah
Who created the Hindu religion and introduced Sanskrit to India?
A white Aryan race from the Caucasus mountains who moved to India
around 1550 BC
What were the Aryans who left the Caucasus to rule India called?
Who is Prince Madoc?
A Welshman who went ashore in America
300 years before Columbus
Where did the Jewish race originate from?
The Caucasus mountains
Where is the centre of the earth’s energy grid?
British Isles
What was the swastika symbol originally before the Nazis reversed
The Phoenician/Aryan symbol of the sun meaning light and creation
Who is the hero of the freemason secret society?
Hiram Abif, the so-called builder of King Solomon’s temple
What is Silbury Hill?
The biggest human-made mound in Europe
(below image)

On what latitude were the pyramids built and why is it significant?
19.5 degrees; this is the point of energy exchanged between rotating
How many years does it take for the earth to move through each house
and how many to complete the whole cycle?
2,160; 25,920
What does a white horse symbolize?
It is the Phoenician symbol for the sun
How were massive stones moved in ancient times?
Sound and other techniques were used to throw an electromagnetic
field around the stones and delink them from the laws of gravity
What do lions symbolize to the Aryans?
The sun
Where does the name Hollywood come from?
The holly bush, a sacred symbol of the Druids
According to Icke, what are
religions designed to do?
Imprison the mind and engulf the emotions with fear and guilt
What was the basis of all ancient religions?
The sun
The sun contains what percentage of the mass in this solar system?
Texts like the bible act as a means of passing on esoteric knowledge
to the initiated while doing what at the same time?
Creating a prison-religion for the masses who are not initiated
Why is December 25th a significant date for sun-worshippers?
This is when the sun begins its symbolic journey back to the summer
and the peak of its power; it was ’born’ on that day
Why is Easter on march 25th?
It is the spring equinox, when the sun enters the sign of
Aries the
Ram or lamb
Who was queen Semiramis’ son and what happened to him?
Ninus/Tammuz - he was crucified with a lamb at his feet and placed
in a cave
What is Samson’s story symbolic of?
The sun’s annual cycle
Hitler was largely funded by which famous
’Jewish’ family?
The Rothschilds
What is the origin of the cabala?
Levites stole knowledge from Egypt and expanded it as a result
of their stay in Babylon
Why are the numbers 12 and 13 so important in religion?
12 is the number of months in the year and houses of the zodiac
through which the sun travels. 13 symbolizes god
What was the sacred language of the Egyptian mystery schools?
Where is it stated that "the
non-Jews have been created to serve the
Jews as slaves"?
The Talmud
According to Benjamin Freedman, a Jew who knew the top Zionists in
the 30s and 40s, what purpose does anti-Semitism serve?
It is used as a smear word to discredit anyone who opposes the
objectives of so-called Jews
What do Krishna of
Hindustan, Buddha Sakia of India, Osiris and
Horus of Egypt, Mohammed of Arabia and a slew of others all have in
They were sons of god who died so our sins could be forgiven, born
of a virgin mother and had birthdays on December 25th
Did Jesus actually exist?
What does a halo represent?
The rays of the sun
What are all the virgin mothers in the various religions different
names for?
Queen Semiramis and Ninkharsag
Leonardo da Vinci was a Grand Master of what secret society?
The Priory of Sion
How does da Vinci’s last supper
(image below) depict the signs of the zodiac?
The 12
disciples are divided into four groups of three with Jesus -
the ’sun’, in the middle of them

When is the Christian religious day?
In mystery school symbolism, a cross of gold=__________; a cross of
silver=__________; a cross of base metals=___________; and a cross
of wood=___________.
Illumination; purification; humiliation; aspiration
What astrological house was the earth entering around the time
was supposed to have been born? What house are we entering now?
Who were the Essenes?
fanatics who followed to the letter the Levite inventions
in the old testament and who produced the dead sea scrolls
Why do we wear those funny graduation caps?
They are called mortar boards and use the circle and square symbol
of freemasonry
What do vines and vineyards symbolized in the bible and other texts?
The bloodlines, the
’chosen people’ of the gods and the secret
The savior-god myths all rest on the same three assumptions, what
are they?
you are born with original sin and are unworthy from the day you
arrive on the planet
you can only be saved by believing in the savior and doing what
the priesthood tells you
if you don’t, you will be condemned to the bowels of hell for
Why is the letter M so important to the Brotherhood?
It means
Mary or Madonna, who means Semiramis
What family created the new testament?
Calpurnius Piso family, who were Roman aristocrats
Who created the first churches and where were they?
Pliny; in Bithynia and Pontus
Who was the Roman version of Jesus?
Christianity, like Judaism and
Islam were designed to suppress what
kind of energy?
Female energy, the intuitive connection to higher levels of our
multidimensional consciousness
What is Zoroastrism?
The sect of the prophet/mythical sun god, Zoroaster
What was agreed on in 1545 by the Roman church at the
Council of Trent?
That women had souls, and only by a majority of 3 votes
The persecution of witches, channellers, psychics and seers of all
kinds resulted from what?
The Christian assault on the balancing female energy and the
hoarding of knowledge
What are chakras?
Vortices of energy connecting our spiritual, mental, emotional, and
physical levels
What is the idea behind tantric sex?
To stimulate the sexual or kundalini energy held in the base of the
What does the term jihad refer to?
’holy war’ that Muslims are urged to wage against all who do not
accept the creed of Mohammed
Who founded the Mormon church?
Joseph Smith in the 19th century
Who sponsored Christopher
Columbus’ journey to the Americas?
A powerful black nobility family called the
de Medicis
What is da Vinci’s famous depiction of the man within the circle
symbolic of?
The golden mean geometry
Are the Windsor’s reptilian full-bloods or hybrids?
Full-bloods and they know it
What were
the Rothschilds formerly known as?
Bauers, one of the most famous occult families of middle ages
What was Karl Marx’s role in the brotherhood agenda?
He was used to create communism, one of the great vehicles used to
divide and rule the global population through fear
What is Capitol Hill named after?
Capitoline hill, a sacred hill of the
Babylonian brotherhood in
ancient Rome
Cecil Rhodes was a brotherhood front-man through a secret society
known as what?
The Round Table
What did Rhodes and his South Africa company start?
The diamond and gold mining empires called de beers and consolidated
Which 3 significant secret societies emerged in the 12th century?
Knights Templar, the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem
and the Teutonic Knights
Which secret society based in
Rome is headed by the pope?
knights of Malta, formerly the
Knights Hospitaller
Who is the Anunnaki mother goddess of the reptilian-human
Which stars do Osiris and
Isis represent?
Osiris=Orion, Isis=Sirius
According to Icke, which group did the
Templars form in order to
A secret society called the Order of Sion, later the Priory of Sion
What blow was struck for the Christians in 1099?
Christian crusaders invaded Jerusalem and slaughtered the Saracen
Muslim Turks and the Judeans living there
Black and white flags made up of two squares, the skull and
crossbones and the watchtower were symbols of what secret society?
The Templars
What kind of floor will you find on any freemason temple?
Black and white squares
What are the skull and bones a symbol for?
black magick rituals of the Brotherhood
What blood-drinking, satanic secret society based at
Yale and
established in 1832-3 have the Bushes belonged to?
Skull and Bones society
What does an obelisk symbolize?
It is an ancient Egyptian-Aryan symbol of the sun, the male energy
and the phallus; the penis of Osiris
What is the Earth’s energy grid?
The network of magnetic force lines known as
ley lines, dragon lines
or meridians
Both Chartres and Notre Dame were
centers for the worship of who?
Black Madonna
(image right)
What is the main characteristic of female energy?
It is the
creative force
What direction is sacred to female deities?
The Templars and the Order of Sion were two branches of the same
organization which functioned to protect which royal bloodline?
The Merovingians
The location of the ancient underground chamber in
Paris where the
Merovingians worshipped and sacrificed to the goddess Diana is
located at what famous car crash site?
The Place de L’Alma, site of Princess Diana’s death
What does the iris, or fleur-de-lis represent?
reptilian bloodline of Nimrod
What are bees an ancient symbol of?
The love
goddess Semiramis and a symbol of royalty
Which celebrated European monarch was an early patron of the stone
masons who later built the gothic cathedrals of Europe for the
Templars and who vastly extended the Frankish empire?
What pillar did Princess Diana’s
car strike in the Place de L’Alma
in Paris?
The 13th
What is alchemy?
The transformation of base man/woman into pure spirit; also the
transformation of base metals into gold
What secret powder is necessary to transform substances
The philosopher’s stone
Da Vinci, Botticelli, Isaac Newton, Jean Cocteau, Victor Hugo and
Claude Debussy were all members of what secret society?
The Priory of Sion
Which British occult society was
Aleister Crowley a prominent
The Order of the Golden Dawn
Adolf Hitler once said that to understand the
Nazis one had to
understand which famous composer?
What secret society is the rose and the cross a symbol of?
The Rosicrucians
In its negative depiction, what is
the goat of Capricorn called, and
what groups use him as a symbol?
Baphomet or Goat of Mendes; used by Satanists and Templars
Representations of Baphomet depict him doing what with his hands?
One hand pointing up, the other pointing down
Where did superstitions about Friday the 13th originate from?
Philippe the Fair, the Merovingian king of France arranged for all
Templars in France to be arrested at dawn on Friday, October 13th,
1307 in an effort to banish them from the country
Which French man was really behind the military campaign against the
English that Joan of Arc was said to have led?
Rene D’Anjou, grand master of the
Priory of Sion, Duke of Lorraine
How did Rene D’Anjou play a key role in the renaissance?
By helping to orchestrate the translation, publishing and
distribution of ancient Greek, Egyptian and Gnostic works including
those of Plato and Pythagoras
Which famous Rosicrusian was a major force in the creation of
freemasonry, the ’father’ of modern science and overseer of the King
James bible translation?
Francis Bacon
During whose presidency was the
CIA created?
Harry S. Truman
What about Shakespeare’s life suggests that he did not write all
those plays?
The schools in Stratford were not capable of communicating such a
high degree of learning; his parents were illiterate; he showed a
total disregard for study; his daughter was illiterate and could not
even write her name at the age of 27
During what centuries and in what area was freemasonry created?
16th and 17th;
Under the patronage of James VI of Scotland, the knowledge of what
secret sects merged and united under the name freemasonry?
The knights Templar and the Rosicrucians
What is the may pole a symbol of?
It is a phallic symbol dedicated to the goddess of sexuality and
How many levels of initiation are there in the Scottish rite of
What is New York named for?
The York rite of freemasonry
What are the blue levels of freemasonry?
The bottom 3 levels beyond which the vast
majority of freemasons
never progress
What is usury?
The charging of interest on loans
Who is the ’god’ of the freemasons?
Jahbulon, a name for the leader of the reptilians or
What is freemasonry really a front for?
worship and advancement of reptilian power
What alternative did the brotherhood create for those who reject
religion to ensure they would not realize the true nature of their
What was the Royal society?
(image below)
A group of scientists created and
controlled by the brotherhood to
limit the vision and breadth of scientific and spiritual

What did Charles Darwin’s grandfather
Erasmus outline in his book Zoonomia?
The theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest
Why did Malthus, an Anglican clergyman, assert that disease and bad
living conditions were essential for the masses?
To stop over-population and the dilution of master (white)
What doctrine does the humanism movement decry?
That the universe is self existing and not created; modern science
offers the only acceptable definition of the universe and human
values; and when you die you cease to exist
What do science and religion have in common?
They both
deny the true nature of who we are and the power we have
within ourselves to control our destiny
Where is the major operational centre of the secret society web
What do the Rosslyn Chapel stonework depictions of
sweetcorn and
cacti from the 1480s in Scotland suggest?
Columbus did not
’discover’ America

After the Templar purge in
France in 1307, where did many Templars
Who did the Aztecs believe Hernando Cortes, leader of the Spanish
takeover of central America, to be?
The return of their god Quetzalcoatl
How many native south Americans were killed after the Europeans
At least 12 million
When the great esoteric library at Alexandria in Egypt was destroyed
on the orders of the Romans in the 4th century, where were the
surviving books hoarded?
The Vatican
What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?
Jamestown, Virginia
What company, set up by King James I in 1606 owns America?
Virginia company
What did the Virginia company change its name to in 1783?
The United States
Who owns the assets owned by the Virginia company?
The Vatican
What is more important to the Phoenician language - sound or
What Satanic club was Founding Father of the United States
Franklin a member of?
The Satanic Hellfire Club

What was found under Benjamin
Franklin’s former home at 36 craven St.
in London, dating back to the time he lived there?
The remains of ten bodies (six of them children)
Who was Harpocrates?
The Greek god of secrecy and silence
(image right)
What officially triggered the American war of independence?
The imposition by the
British crown of higher taxation on the
colonies to meet the huge costs of the seven years war between
Britain and France
What did the tea act allow the
British east India company to do?
Unload its surplus tea in the colonies without paying duty, thus
destroying the market for everyone else
What group organized the Boston tea party?
The sons of liberty
Who were the ’Mohawk Indians’ of the
Boston tea party really?
Members of the St. Andrew’s freemasons lodge in
Boston dressed up
as Indians
It says in the constitution that if the president vetoes a bill
passed by congress, the legislation can be voted through again with
at least what fraction of the house of representatives and the
Two thirds
Why is Washington DC immune from many clauses in the constitution
which apply to states?
Because it is a district, not a state
What characterized George Washington’s presidential inauguration?
It was a freemasonic ritual
What relation are Bill Clinton and
Bob Dole?
Distant cousins
What determines which candidate in a presidential election
will win?
Whoever has the greatest number of royal genes
Who decides who is going to be president of the US?
The Rockefellers
Is there a law that says Americans must pay federal income tax?
What does it mean when the flag in a court has a gold fringe around
That the court is being run under Admiralty or maritime law
Bavarian illuminati are an offshoot of what secret society?
The freemasons
Who founded the Bavarian illuminati and when?
Adam Weishaupt on May 1st in 1776
(image right)
Why was Jesse James assigned by
Albert Pike to rob banks?
To further fund the civil war
What are greenbacks and which presidents used them to finance the
Interest-free money; Lincoln and JFK
What did Albert Pike change the name of the Knights of the Golden
Circle to?
The Ku Klux Klan
What is a red cross on a white background a symbol of?
It is a
Phoenician sun symbol
The Brotherhood symbol of the
flame is used after what has taken
An assassination
When was the hexagram first used by the
With the emergence of the Rothschilds
What does the Jewish star have to do with King David?
Absolutely nothing
Who created and controls Israel?
What is the official intelligence agency of Israel?
What did Karl Marx’s teacher
Bruno Bauer say about the new
That it was a synthesis of ideas between Seneca and
Josephus and
that Jesus was the creation of the writer of Mark’s gospel
When was the federal reserve created?
I’ll give you a topic - the federal reserve, it is neither federal
nor has any reserve -
What is the
Federal Reserve?
cartel of private banks owned by the 20 founding families which
today decides the interest rates for the US and lends non-existent
What bank introduced by Alexander Hamilton (secretary of the
treasury under Washington) did the federal reserve replace?
bank of the United States
Who created the IRS?
American Nazis who were funding
Adolph Hitler under the coordination
of Prescott Bush
Who organized the Boer war in South Africa in which 10s of 1000s of
people were killed and why?
The Round Table; to secure control of the mineral rights in southern
What do Rhodes scholarships serve to do?
Finance a few highly selected overseas students to attend oxford
university to be indoctrinated into the ’world government’ agenda
What illuminati bloodline was behind the creation of the
society and the Mormons and controls the illuminati private security
company Wachenhut?
What did Prescott Bush do as a member of the skull and bones
He ransacked the grave of the apache chief Geronimo and stole his
What was the excuse for the US to enter WWI?
The sinking of the Lusitania
What did the Russia revolution in 1917 lead to?
The formation of the Soviet Union and later to the cold war
Who provided Trotsky with $10,000 when he set off from
New York to
Russia and the Bolshevik revolution?
The Rockefellers
Who led the Manhattan Project and supplied data about the bomb to
the Soviet Union during the cold war?
Robert Oppenheimer
After funding the Nazis during WWII, what did
the Rothschilds use
post-war sympathy for the Jews to do?
Press through demands for a take-over of Arab Palestine
Why were reparations imposed on the
German people in 1919?
To bring about economic disaster in Germany and pave the way for
Adolph Hitler’s rise to power
What won Roosevelt the presidency in 1933?
The new deal economic package that
’solved’ the pre-arranged
depression problem
Pertaining to the us entry into WWII, who said "we face the delicate
question of diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is
put into the wrong and makes the first bad overt move"?
Henry Stimson, Roosevelt’s secretary of war
How were the terms under which the Japanese agreed to surrender in
WWII different before and after the atomic bombs were dropped?
They were exactly the same
Why were the atom bombs dropped on Japan?
To stimulate the fear necessary for the cold war by showing people
how much devastation atom bombs can cause
What was the main reason for WWII?
The formation of the
What is the world health organization a subsidiary of?
Anglo-American-Swiss pharmaceutical cartel
What does the UN environment programme use the environment as an
excuse to do?
Create international laws; take control of great swathes of land,
and steal land from developing countries under the heading of ’debt
for nature’ swaps
Who split the church into Catholics and Protestants?
Martin Luther
What was Wagner’s "the Ring" a musical expression of?
His belief in
German ’supermen’ bestriding the world stage like the
ancient Pagan gods Wotan and Thor
Who founded the theosophical society?
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
What was Horus the god of and who was his father?
War; Osiris
What 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason, agent of the
intelligence operation M16, and advisor to Winston Churchill was
made the world head of the Germany-based Order of the Oriental
Aleister Crowley
What was the name given by Lord Bulwer-Lytton to the force in the
blood which awakens people to their true power and potential to
become supermen?
What famous Nazis were members of the
Vril society?
Heinrich Himmler and Hermann
What was the inner core of the Nazi secret society network, and also
reportedly the innermost circle of the CIA?
The Black Order
According to Icke, who was
Hitler a puppet of?
Josef Mengele
What are rune stones?
A system of divination in which stones carrying symbols are thrown
or selected and the choice or combination read
What was banned in Germany in 1934?
All forms of fortune telling
What is the connection between
Nazi’s and Antarctica?
It is reported that Nazi’s established an underground base there
toward the end of WWII
which is still in operation today
Where is the centre of the Earth’s gravity and what does this imply
for the
hollow Earth theory?
400 miles down; it implies that those who live on the inner surface
of the earth are pulled to their land by gravity just as we are
Who was
Admiral E. Byrd?
(image right)
The man who flew into the inner earth at both the north and south
Standard oil is in effect the same as what company that operated the
concentration camp at Auschwitz?
I.G. Farben
Who was the director and leading light of the United/Union banking
Prescott Bush
Planned Parenthood is a
population control
organization that began
life under what name?
The British Eugenics Society
What was Thomas Malthus famous for?
His enthusiasm for
How did Nazi Josef Mengele escape Germany and who was he known as in
the United States?
Project Paperclip; Dr. Green or Greenbaum
What was the CIA a creation of?
The British intelligence
What is the inner circle of the
CIA known as?
Special Operations Executive (SOE)
Who was the first director of the
Allen Dulles (a Nazi)
What is the most important hierarchy to which all others are
The Satanist hierarchy
According to some researchers, what pharmaceutical company has
John Paul II worked for?
I.G. Farben
What was behind the creation of the
environmental movement and what
is its purpose?
Club of Rome, set up at the Rockefeller family’s private estate
in Italy; to centralize power and confiscate land
Who is the environmental industry a front for?
People who are creating the very environmental problems they say
they wish to stop
Who is the head of the
Federal Reserve and what do his statements
Alan Greenspan; the stock markets
Bill Clinton was invited by David Rockefeller to what meeting a year
before he became president?
The Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden Germany
What is the red rose a classic symbol of?
The Brotherhood
What long-time head of the Chase Manhattan bank was secretary of the
Council on Foreign Relations study group which created the Marshall
plan for the reconstruction of Europe after WWII?
David Rockefeller
Who was appointed to head the Marshall plan in Europe?
Averell Harriman
Who is the only man in history to be both Secretary of State and
National Security Advisor at the same time?
Henry Kissinger
Who has been behind every US president since
Nixon despite not being
officially involved?
Who arranged for the Watergate scandal, removing Nixon and bringing
in Ford?
Why was Kissinger given the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1973?
For stopping the Yom Kippur war which he had actually started?
Who was father Bush’s director of the national security council?
Brent Scowcroft
Who are the tweedle dee and tweedle dum of global manipulation?
Henry Kissinger and Peter Rupert Carrington
How does the hierarchy of media control work?
Bankers provide funds to buy media groups; under them are media
’barons’ or proprietors like the Murdoch’s who toe the line of the
funders and advertisers and appoint editors to make sure that the
same policy appears in the papers and broadcast media every day;
editors appoint journalists who must follow the same line the editor
has been told to
Who is the founder of Zionism?
Theodore Herzl
What was the Maastricht treaty?
A treaty signed in 1992 which turned the European community into the
European Union
How are the Brotherhood bankers conning people into believing that
countries must join a single bank and currency?
By frightening us into believing there will be economic collapse if
we don’t
What country that refused to join the European union has prospered
What will NAFTA evolve into?
The American Union
What do we have to look forward to under the
New World Order?
Micro-chipping of the global population; complete control of energy
supplies; destruction of alternative forms of healing that expose
established medicine as a fraud; global marshal law
What is the oldest known narcotic?
What has been used more than anything by the
Brotherhood throughout
history to destroy societies?
What is significant about the
Isle of Wight (image right) besides being a
beautiful place to visit?
It is a centre for Satanism
What flags were flown on all Russell Trust Company ships?
Black flags with the white skull and cross bones
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank are financial
centers for what
How were drugs smuggled into America from Viet Nam by the
In plastic bags hidden in the body cavities of dead soldiers being
returned home for burial; they were then removed and made available
to the young people of America
Who is the Greek god of dreams?
When was heroin created?
In 1898 in Germany at the
Bayer laboratories by adding ingredients
to the morphine molecule
Why is the drug trade important for the Brotherhood Agenda?
It is designed to
break down societies and stop young people
manifesting their true worth and potential (also to make vast
amounts of money)
What is much of the ’anti-drug’ network used as a vehicle for?
Distributing drugs without detection
What is Satanism?
The worship of a highly destructive negative force, given various
names over the centuries (Nimrod, Moloch, Lucifer, etc.)
What is the origin of the word
Hierodulai, the Greek word for
’Scarlet Woman’, virgin priestesses who provided menstrual
blood for the reptilian Elite to drink, was eventually
translated into English as harlot and into German as ’hores’ - hence, whore
The blood of what types of people is particularly important to the
Blond-haired, blue-eyed whites
How do Satanic rituals connect with the
lower fourth dimension of
the reptilians?
By focusing low vibrational emotions like fear,
guilt and hate
What are the main functions of Satanism?
to control the Earth’s magnetic field
to worship and connect with
their reptile masters
to drink the life-force of their sacrificed
to provide energy for the reptilians who appear to feed
off human emotion, especially fear
What is the African name for the reptilians?
The Chitauri
Who is the Egyptian version of Satan?
Who are Baal and Moloch and what Roman god did they become
identified with?
Baal is the supreme god of the Canaanites (Sun god and god of fire)
and Phoenicians, was said to be the giver of life and Moloch, an
aspect of Baal, was the destroyer of life - both demanded
appeasement by sacrifice; Saturn
What is important about April 19th?
It is a Satanic ritual day relating to fire - the fire god, Baal or
Moloch (Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing both took place on this
Who is the Greek version of Nimrod?
Where does the Passover story of
’God’ passing over the homes of
Israelite children and killing the first born Egyptians come from?
Records from 8th and 7th centuries BC describe Israelites burning
their sons on sacrificial fires outside Jerusalem in sacrifice to
Moloch-Baal; the infants were said to have been "passed over" to the
When is meat said to be kosher?
When the animal has its throat cut and dies by being bled dry
Who is Kali?
The wife of Shiva, believed to live off human flesh, depicted as
wearing a garland of skulls
Why is sex so common in
Satanic ritual?
Because at the moment of orgasm, the body explodes with energy which
the Satanists and the reptiles can capture and absorb
When do the following days/ceremonies occur?
Candlemas -
February 1/2
Spring Equinox -
March 21/22
Walpurgis Night/Beltane
April 30th/May 1st
Summer Solstice -
June 21/22
Lammas/Great Sabbat festival
July 31st/August 1st
Autumn Equinox -
September 21/22
Samhain -
October 31st/November 1st
Winter Solstice/Yule -
December 21/22
Why are the above dates significant?
They are times in the annual planetary cycle when powerful energies
are manifesting on Earth that can be harnessed for good or bad
What were the inner core of the
Knights Templar said to worship?
A demon power called
Baphomet, a black magic symbol, also known as
the Goat of Mendes (image right)
What is Saturn the planet of in astrology?
Law and authority
What is the secret password of Freemasonry and why?
Tubal Cain, known as the father of witchcraft and sorcery
Who was said to have brought human sacrifice and cannibalism into
the world?
Naamah, sister of Tubal Cain, a descendent of the biblical Cain who
was an Anunnaki crossbreed
Who was Catherine de Medici’s doctor?
Where are the highest initiates of the Satanic pyramid initiated?
At the Castle of Darkness, or Chateau des Amerois, in Belgium

Mother-of-Darkness castle of Chateau des Arnerois (Castle of
Kings) close to the Belgium-French border in Europe and
about 20 kilometers as the crow flies west from Luxemburg.
The people in
the nearby spooky village of Muno (Belgium), basically
belong to the castle.
What was Eannus (Nimrod), the god with two faces later known as to
the Romans?
When do victims of satanic ritual abuse tend to start to have
flashbacks to their ordeals?
In their 30s and 40s
What is Loch Ness?
A Satanic centre in Scotland, home of the famous reptile monster
Loch Ness, according to legend
What is the apartment block Dolphin Square in Pimlico in London
notorious for?
Paedophile activities (many members of Parliament reside there)
Who is David Steel?
Scottish former leader of the Liberal Democrats and founding member
of the Paedophile Information Exchange
According to Ted Gunderson, former
FBI agent, how many practicing
Satanists are there in the US?
3.75 million
Who is the highest ranked member of
the Illuminati that Mother
Goddess Arizona Wilder came across?
Pindar (code-name) from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France, also
known as Marquis de Libeaux
Who created the Ku Klux Klan?
Freemason Satanist Albert Pike
What Trinity is worshipped by the Process cult?
Jehovah, Lucifer and Satan
What was discovered 5 months after the files were closed on the
McMartin Day Care Centre sexual abuse scandal?
Tunnel complexes connecting to a vaulted room under the centre that
the children had claimed to be taken to and ritually abused
The Nazis studied ancient Egyptian texts for what kind of research?
Mind control
What can today’s vast network of
mind control
centers be traced back
The British Army’s Directorate of Psychological Warfare commanded by
Brigadier General John Rawlings Rees which interlocked with the
Tavistock Clinic, founded in 1920
What did Rawling Rees form in 1947?
The world federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman (Governor
of the Bank of England and funder of Hitler)
Who controlled the drug culture of the 1960s and the hippie
What Tavistock agent wrote in 1961 "There will be in the next
generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love
their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to
speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire
societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken
away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be
distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or
brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."?
Aldous Huxley
What is the Tavistock journal called?
Human Relations
After WWII the Brotherhood emphasis changed from control of _______
to control of _______ and ________.
Territory; minds; finances
Where did Josef Mengele conduct
mind control experiments on
thousands of twins under the supervision of Heinrich Himmler?
Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin
Who coordinated
Project Paperclip and what were their roles in the
US government?
The Dulles brothers; John Foster Dulles became the US Secretary of
State and Allen Dulles was the first head of the CIA
Who was the official head of
Ewen Cameron
What did Admiral Stanfield Turner, director of the
CIA, admit in
That millions of dollars had been spent studying voodoo, witchcraft
and psychics and that the CIA had been mind controlling countless
people without their consent or knowledge
What company headed by Earle H. Harbison Jr, also president of the
Mental Health Association and director of Bethesda General Hospital,
programming base for Project Monarch, is heavily involved with
genetically manipulated food?
Monsanto Chemical Company
What are sleeper agents known as in the trade?
Dead eyes
What kind of laws did Hitler introduce shortly before he began
transporting people to concentration camps?
Gun laws
Who launched the
Trilateral Commission?
Zbigniew Brezinski and David Rockefeller
Why do heavy exercise and little sleep cause people to robotically
react to commands?
Because of the overproduction of endorphins in the brain
What is a double bind?
When you say two opposites in the same sentence to cause confusion
What happens at Disney after the parks close?
Satanic rituals and trauma-based programming that make use of the
theme park illusions to confuse the minds of multiples
What story, published in 1900 by
Frank Baum, a member of the
Theosophical Society, is a mass of mystery school, Satanic, and mind
control symbolism?
The Wizard of Oz
What is the largest covert mind control slave camp of which
O’Brien is aware?
The Mount Shasta compound in California
What are owls symbols of?
Moloch or Molech, an aspect of Nimrod/Baal; also the totem of
Who was the leader of Hitler’s SS?
Heinrich Himmler
What student of Aleister Crowley founded the
Church of Satan in
Anton LaVey
What role did Jayne Mansfield play in the Church of Satan?
High priestess
What element in blood makes it addictive to Satanic initiates?
Adrenalchrome, produced by the pineal gland during periods of terror
and released into the blood
What husband and wife team managed the presidential campaigns of
both Clinton and Bush in 1992?
James Carville and
Mary Matalin
What does ’delta’ programming create?
Killers and assassins
What is the internationally recognized code name for the slave
operations of Project Monarch?
Freedom train
Why did Boxcar Willie inspire the moving of the country music
capital to Branson Missouri?
To be close to the CIA mind control and drug operations based at
Lampe Missouri
What is a common illuminati name for
mind controlled children?
What does it really mean when governments use the guise of national
security to deny justice and information?
The security of their own criminal behavior
Where was mind controlled slave
Charles Manson programmed?
The China Lake Naval Weapons Center
Why was the phenomenon of flashing lights introduced into our
culture, i.e. discos?
The flashing creates dissociation
What are mothers who give birth to a
’dark child’ called?
Rosemary - the rose of Mary
When did the
False Memory Syndrome Foundation emerge and who fronted
1992; Pamela and Peter Freyd who were both accused by their daughter
of abuse
What famous mind controllers are on the Advisory Board of the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation?
Martin Orne (University of Pennsylvania) and
Louis Jolyon west
(University of California)
What is the lighted torch a symbol for?
Knowledge and the Sun
What is the solar metal of the gods?

hat is the Statue of Liberty a representation of and where did it
come from?
It represents Queen Semiramis/Isis; It was given to New York by
French Freemasons
What is the all seeing eye
(image right) a symbol of?
The eye of Horus, Lucifer, Satan, etc., also the ’third eye’, the
chakra vortex in the centre of the forehead through which we connect
with our psychic sight
Where did the symbol of the eagle evolve from?
The phoenix, the sacred Sun bird of the ancient Egyptians and
What is the symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry?
A double eagle with a head looking in both directions - the symbol
of Nimrod
How many levels are there on the Great Seal pyramid and why?
13; this reflects the number of Illuminati degrees of initiation
What is the obelisk a symbol of?
Male energy/solar energy
What does the dome represent?
Female or moon energy
Where did the obelisk in Central Park originally stand?
Alexandria in Egypt
Under what laws are the street plans of major cities designed?
The laws of sacred geometry
What was Capitol Hill named after?
Capitoline Hill, the sacred place of the Roman secret societies
What lies underneath
Capitol Hill?
A crypt room with a pentagram star and a vacant tomb
The Star of David is the symbol of what famous family?
The Rothschilds
Which constellation was the Pentagon aligned to?
What is the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry known
The revolutionary degree
What is the Satanists’ symbol of the Devil?
What does the ancient symbol of the circle and the cross represent?
The sun’s progress through the 12 months and the 12 signs of the
What does a Black Sun represent?
The malevolent use of solar energy
What does the fish symbolize?
The sign of Pisces and Nimrod, the King of Babylon
Who was Nimrod’s partner and what was her symbol?
Queen Semiramis; the dove
Why do American presidents put their hand on their breast while
listening to the national anthem?
It is part of Freemasonic ritual
What does a double square represent?
Control of all that is right and all that is wrong
What does the Fleur-de-lis symbolize?
The Babylonian god Nimrod, and Lilith; it was used by
the Merovingians in France
(image right)
What do bells symbolize?
Aryan Sun god of the ancient world, Bel, Bil or Baal
What is a fasces and what does it represent?
A symbol consisting of rods bound together around an axe; it
symbolizes people and countries bound together under a common
centralized dictatorship
What does the Tarot consist of?
The Minor Arcana - swords, cups, pentacles and sceptres - and the
Major Arcana, known as trumps
How are playing cards like Tarot cards?
Black and red represent summer and winter, the four suits are the
seasons, the 13 cards in each suit are the 13 lunar months of the
year and the 52 cards in the deck are the 52 weeks of the year. The
total of the numbers in a deck including Jack, Queen and King as 11,
12 and 13 and the joker as one, add up to 365, the days in a year
What kind of temple is Westminster Abbey in actuality?
Who was Edward the Confessor?
The King of England who built the original Westminster Abbey in 1065
Who signed the Bank of England into existence?
William III, Prince of Orange
What is the pornography collection in the
Library of Congress known
The Delta Collection
Who is the biggest owner of slum property in
New York City?
The Queen of England
What are the ’Crown Agents’?
An organization formed in 1833 who are involved with organized crime
and covert arms shipments into Africa, used to create genocidal
wars; they also manages customs services for Mozambique and are in
charge of all economic construction procurement for Bosnia
When did Margaret Thatcher become British Prime Minister?
Where is the densest population of Freemasons?
The Square Mile of the City of London financial centre
Who is Brent Snowcroft?
Executive of Kissinger Associates, top advisor to George Bush and
Honorary Knight of the British Empire
Who introduced the policy of putting
fluoride into drinking water?
Mellon and ALCOA, an aluminum cartel, to make money from a
by-product of the aluminum industry that they were struggling to
dispose of
In addition to "saving teeth," what has
fluoride been used for?
Rat poison and intellect suppression
Who was the keeper of George Bush’s
’blind trust’?
William Farish III
What was the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey doing during
WWII and who was its president at the time?
Supplying oil and technological know-how to the Nazis;
William Farish
What was the World Wide Fund for Nature created to do?
Coordinate and fund the systematic slaughter of people and animals,
making a fortune from the illegal trade in ivory it was supposed to
be trying to stop
Why is the environmentalism movement a sham?
Because the same people who are saying that something must be done
about the environmental crisis are the ones dismantling the planet’s
ecology and killing the wildlife
What Brotherhood front-man was the first head of the UN Environment
Agency and head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil?
Maurice Strong
Who was the founder of the eugenics movement?
Francis Galton
When was the Sierra Club founded, who funded it, and what are its
Founded by John Muir in 1892 with funding from the Harrimans;
offshoots include Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth
What are the three phases of the
destruction of Africa?
invasion and overt control
rule by financial occupation via the installation of corrupt
presidents and prime ministers
the destruction of all coherent society through bloodbaths to
justify the imposition of rule by NATO and the UN
Who sold weapons to Rwanda shortly before the Rwandan genocide?
Israel under Yitzhak Rabin
The vast majority of members of the
’Rwanda Patriotic Front’ were
also soldiers in what army?
The ’National Resistance Army’ (NRA) of Uganda’s President Museveni
Jayne Mansfield was a high priestess of what Church?
Church of Satan
Who is the head of Time-Life?
Henry Luce
Who is the most powerful newspaper tycoon in the US?
Randolph Hearst
What sonic frequencies can kill you?
3-5 cycles per second
What did the terms and assassinations of
Lincoln and Kennedy have in
Lincoln elected to Congress in 1846, Kennedy in 1946.
elected president in 1860, Kennedy in 1960.
Lincoln’s assassin born
in 1839, Kennedy’s born in 1939.
The successors both called Johnson.
Lincoln’s successor born in 1808, Kennedy’s born in 1908.
secretary called Kennedy, Kennedy’s called Lincoln.
Both shot in the
head on a Friday in the presence of their wives.
What did Lyndon Johnson do when he replaced
Kennedy in office?
Reversed all the policies on Vietnam, interest-free money and the
CIA which Kennedy was implementing
Where did the name Hollywood come from?
holly bush, the holly (holy) wood of the Druid magicians
What brain chemical produces the feeling of being in love?
Why was security reduced before
Princess Diana’s last route and who
was responsible for this reduction?
Duh; Mohamed Al Fayed, via his son
What did a video taken of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination reveal?
His security
team stepped back in unison to expose the assassin’s
What significance does the Pont de L’Alma have for the
It is a sacred site for the goddess Diana
Where was Henri Paul, Diana’s driver, before the fatal crash?
Missing for 3 hours
What does Icke suggest about
Henri Paul, Diana’s driver?
That he was a mind-controlled multiple, programmed to crash the car
into the 13th pillar in the Pont de L’Alma
What explanation for the sudden
malfunctioning of the cameras along
Diana’s last route did the police give?
What happened at the same time the cameras malfunctioned?
The police communication frequencies in central Paris also went off
How much time elapsed between Diana’s crash and her arrival at the
More than an hour and a half
What is Le Cercle an offshoot of?
Safari Club
Who is the world’s biggest manufacturer of landmines?
The computer giant
What did the Safari Club begin as?
consortium of the secret police of the Shah of Iran called SAVAK,
Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Saudi Arabian
How did landmine manufacturers benefit from Diana’s campaign against
Because they made more money from clearing mines than they do making
What did the Goddess Diana represent?
The female energy also known as Barati, Britannia, Isis, Artemis,
and Aphrodite
What is significant about the place where
Notre Dame Cathedral was
It was the site of former Diana worship
Hecate is another name for what Goddess?
In ritual magick, what are bisexual acts and the wearing of clothes
of the opposite sex called?
Crossroad Rites
What symbol was the seal of infamous Satanist
Catherine de Medici?
Black swans
What are some mind controlled multiples told to do if they start to
remember something?
Cut yourself
Like religion, what does official
science deny?
Existence of infinity and the eternal nature of life
What happens when we succumb to domination by the emotions of fear,
guilt, resentment , dislike of self, and condemnation of others?
Our psyches become plugged into the lower fourth dimension to such
an extent that the reptilian consciousness can connect and
infiltrate our thought patterns
How many potential human genetic codes are there to connect us with
higher dimensions and how many are activated?
64; 20
What does the Sanskrit word chakras mean?
Wheels of light
The lower three chakras connect us to the ______, the top three
connect us to the ______.
Earth; spirit
What kind of time is Nature tuned to?
Moon time, the recurring 13 cycles of the Moon
Who introduced the Gregorian
Calendar, the fixed standard time for
the planet and what was the idea behind it?
Pope Gregory in 1572, it was implemented in 1582; idea was to
disconnect human consciousness from Moon time by removing the 13th
What does the
Maya calendar predict to be the critical changeover
point in the Earth’s energy fields?
December 12th, 2012
What is the Earth’s resonant frequency called?
The Base Resonant Frequency or
Schumann Cavity Resonance
What is happening to the Earth’s geomagnetic field?
It is dropping at an exponential rate and will soon reach
What would happen if we allowed ourselves to be
infused by high
frequency light?
Our bodies would repair themselves and we would not age; our mental
and psychic powers would know no bounds and we could live
indefinitely in our physical bodies
What is the holographic universe?
Beans of light colliding to create the appearance of 3-dimensional
Who covertly launched the New Age movement and why?
Henry Kissinger; to hijack the awakening consciousness and lead it
into another cul-de-sac, another rules-and-regulations-religion,
where it would be no threat to the brotherhood Agenda
What is Mario Brothers based on?
The idea that the dinosaurs were not wiped out by the meteorite and
in fact the impact created a parallel dimension where the dinosaurs
continued to live and thrive and evolved into intelligent humanoids
What is the main reason for the campaign for a
To suppress the awakening and disconnect us from the pulses that are
setting us free
What can happen when a person’s bed is pushed against a wall which
carries internal wiring?
They can develop back ailments
Does the educational system support right or left brain thinking?
Left - that’s why art programs are cut back
What electromagnetic frequencies can be induced to produce
500 Megahertz
What is EDOM?
Electronic Dissolution of Memory, used on former intelligence
operatives to extinguish knowledge the authorities do not want
What kind of invasion will be staged via high technology equipment
as an excuse to call a global state emergency and implement a one
world government?
How will the one-world electronic currency be introduced?
Via a
global financial collapse
What happens when we are born?
We absorb the energy pattern in the Earth’s field at the time and
place where we enter the world
What does fear attract to us?
The things we are afraid of
What must we clear our mind of in order to tap into infinity?
Rigid beliefs
How might we see the Reptilians as a gift to the human race?
They have given us the
opportunity to experience the consequences of
fear and of conceding our infinite power to another force
Who created and bankrolled the
Anti-Defamation League and B’nai
The Rothschilds
What is the purpose of B’nai B’rith?
To defame and destroy legitimate researchers with the
Who created and funded the Nazi’s?
The Rothschilds
Who funded the Rockefeller empire into existence?
What happened to the I.G. Farben and
Ford factories during the mass
Nazi bombings?
Nothing, they were not hit
How was Hitler connected to
the Rothschilds?
His father was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber who
was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild