by David Icke
Spanish version
July 2009
DavidIcke Website
These are challenging times and we need
to stay calm and think things through - not just panic and react.
Fear, panic and emotional reaction got us into this mess and it is
certainly not going to get us out of it.

We also need to realize - here, now -
that we have long crossed the line into a fully-fledged fascist
dictatorship. It has hidden itself to most people this far, but it
is about to lift the veil.
It is no longer an option to do nothing or passively acquiesce to
authority out of fear or apathy. Or, at least, it's not if we care
about our freedoms and, most importantly, those of our children and
grandchildren who will have to live almost their entire lives under
a global jackboot of sheer, undiluted evil.
The word 'evil' is much overused and I don't say it lightly; but we
are dealing with evil in the sense that the word is the reverse of
'live'. Those behind the conspiracy to cull the human population and
turn the rest into little more than computer terminals are
anti-life. They have no respect for it and no empathy with those who
suffer the consequences of their actions, no matter how appalling.
I have been warning of what was coming for nearly 20 years and it is
not 'coming' any more - it's here. No more excuses from anyone,
please. We have to deal with it. We have to draw a line in the sand
and say no more.
Never was this more important than with the conspiracy to force
swine flu vaccination upon the global population. The swine flu
virus was created in a laboratory to generate mass panic with the
specific intention of forcing everyone to have the vaccine.
This 'natural' swine flu virus apparently
contains genes from humans, birds and pigs from several continents.

If you concoct and release a virus and
then implement a clearly long-planned mass vaccination program,
there can be only one sensible conclusion: swine flu is not the
biggest danger here - it's the vaccine.
The scale and speed of the planned vaccination program is insane
given that the overwhelming majority of those who have contracted
the virus have had very mild symptoms.
Dr Peter Holden of the
British Medical Association said that although
swine flu was not causing serious illness they were eager to start a
mass vaccination campaign, beginning with 'priority groups'. Ugh??
This is not about public health and never was.
Those administering the vaccinations have no clue what is in them or
their potential effect. They are just repeaters thinking what they
are told to think and doing what they are told to do.
Only those at
the core of the conspiracy, and those who bother to research it,
know what the game is.

'Get yer flu shot,
get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot ...'
The Austrian journalist,
Jane Bürgermeister, has filed criminal charges with the FBI against,
...over a plot she uncovered to
cull the population with a deadly swine flu vaccine.
She said that bird flu and swine flu have been developed in
laboratories and released on the public with the aim of mass murder
through vaccination. Her filed document is called Bioterrorism
She writes here about the United States,
but what she says applies everywhere:
'There is evidence that an
international corporate criminal syndicate, which has annexed
high government office at Federal and State level, is intent on
carrying out a mass genocide against the people of the United
States by using an artificial (genetic) flu pandemic virus and
forced vaccine program to cause mass death and injury and
depopulate America in order to transfer control of the United
States to the United Nations and affiliated security forces (UN
troops from countries such as China, Canada, the UK and Mexico).
There is proof many organizations - World Health Organization,
UN as well as vaccine companies such as Baxter and Novartis -
are part of a single system under the control of a core criminal
group, who give the strategic leadership, and who have also
funded the development, manufacturing and release of artificial
viruses in order to justify mass vaccinations with a bioweapon
substance in order to eliminate the people of the USA, and so
gain control of the assets, resources etc... of North America.
The motivation for the crime is classical robbery followed by
murder although the scale and method are new in history. The
core group sets its strategic goals and operative priorities in
secret using committees such as the
Trilateral Commission, and
in person to person contact in the annual
Bilderberg meeting.'
Jane Bürgermeister is a rare real
journalist, so much so that she was sacked from her job as European
correspondent of the Renewable Energy World website after she filed
the charges with the FBI. Renewable Energy? It is their backbone and
sense of decency that need renewing, but it shows how controlled
everything is.
What Bürgermeister describes in her FBI submission is a summary of
what I have been trying to get across in my books and talks for
nearly two decades. A cabal of interbreeding families is seeking to
impose a global fascist dictatorship of total human control.
Their vehicle is a secret society network structured like a
transnational corporation. The operational headquarters is in
Europe, in places like Rome, London, Paris, Brussels and Berlin.
refer to this as 'the Spider' and it dictates to the global web.

There are subsidiary networks of secret
societies in every country that answer to the 'Spider'.
Their job is
to control their country's politics, banking, business, military,
media, medicine, and so on, and introduce in their sphere of
influence the global agenda dictated by the 'Spider'. Those on the
inner levels of this structure are collectively known as
This is how they coordinate between apparently unconnected
governments, corporations, media groups etc. The
Rothschild and
Rockefeller dynasties (the same bloodline) are fundamentally
involved in this, as I have long exposed, and they dominate
pharmaceutical medicine and government 'health' policy worldwide.
The web controls governments, the pharmaceutical industry, or 'Big
Pharma', the World Health Organization and public heath 'protection'
agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the
United States. In short, they control the entire medical system.
The Illuminati cabal established global bodies like the World Heath
Organization, World Bank and World Trade Organization to transfer
power from the many to the few. Their goal is a world government,
world central bank, world currency and world army.
You have to centralize power to impose a global dictatorship and
diversity is your worst nightmare. The Illuminati network is behind
'globalization' and the creation of superstate dictatorships like
the European Union for this same reason.
Given this essential background, it was no surprise when I saw the
list of names and organizations in Jane Bürgermeister's submission
to the FBI:
'Specifically, evidence is presented
that Defendants,
Barack Obama, President of the United
David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza
Margaret Chan, Director-General of World Health Organization
Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS)
Secretary Janet Napolitano, the Department of
Homeland Security
David de Rothschild, banker
Rockefeller, banker
George Soros, banker
Alois Stoger,
Austrian Health Minister, among others,
...are part of this
international corporate crime syndicate which has, marching as
one phalanx to carry out their plan of genocide, have developed,
produced, stockpiled and used biological weapons to eliminate
the population of the United States for financial and political
Bürgermeister says there is clear
evidence that pharmaceutical companies and international government
agencies are actively engaged in producing, developing,
manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the
most deadly bioweapons on earth.
She says the swine flu virus was created and released with help from
the Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled
World Health Organization -
the very body which then said it was spreading so fast that a
pandemic had to be declared.

The symptoms of 'swine flu' at present
are pretty much the same as regular flu and it is easy to call
everything 'swine flu' to increase the official numbers.
The British
government has announced that people should no longer see a doctor
if they have flu symptoms and instead a system of diagnosis over the
phone has been introduced without laboratory confirmation.
How convenient for fixing the figures:
'Hello, I've got a cold, doc.'
'I think its swine flu, I'll tick you off.'
Jane Bürgermeister has filed
bioterrorism charges against pharmaceutical giants like,
International AG, based in Basel, Switzerland
Baxter AG, based in
its parent company, Baxter International in Deerfield,
Guess who is providing much of the swine flu vaccine for
mass inoculation - Baxter International and Novartis.
This is the same Baxter International that sent bird flu virus to
European laboratories 'by mistake' earlier this year and it was
mixed with a seasonal flu virus to create a much more dangerous
Last year at least 81 people were killed by Baxter International's
contaminated blood-thinning product, heparin, which was made in
China from, among other things, pig intestines. Isn't pharmaceutical
medicine wonderful? The contaminated heparin also seriously injured
hundreds of people and it was revealed that the factory of Baxter's
Chinese supplier had never been inspected by either American or
Chinese public 'protection' agencies.
More than 50 dialysis patients died in 2001 because of faults with
Baxter International equipment, and this month Baxter Healthcare
Corporation, a subsidiary of Baxter International, reached an
out-of-court settlement of two million dollars with the State of
Baxter had been caught inflating the cost of intravenous
drugs sold to Kentucky Medicaid by as much as 1,300 per cent.

This is clearly a company you can trust
and it is now is a major source of the swine flu vaccine that
governments across the world want to impose upon entire populations
with the most minimal safety checks.
The vaccine is being
fast-tracked through the regulatory system with safety trials
lasting less than a week.
The London Times reported:
'Regulators at the European
Medicines Agency said the fast-tracked procedure has involved
clinical trials of a "mock-up" vaccine similar to the one that
will be used for the biggest mass vaccination program in
generations. It will be introduced into the general population
while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical
My emphasis.
There is no need for 'trials' at all, except for public consumption.
They already know what is in it and its effect. The drug companies
have even been given immunity from prosecution from death or injury
from the vaccine in a document signed by Obama's Secretary of Health
and Human Services,
Kathleen Sebelius.
Baxter International said it will be shipping swine flu vaccine
worldwide by the end of July and the potential profits are
fantastic; but this is not primarily about money. It about a
long-planned mass-culling of the human population.

We are told that the drug companies and
the World Health Organization have been working at fever pitch to
develop a vaccine for the 'new' swine flu strain known as H1N1, but... wait for it...
Baxter International filed a patent for the H1N1
vaccine on August 28th 2008.
Click here to read...
Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1 says:
'... In particular preferred
embodiments the composition or vaccine comprises more than one
antigen... such as influenza A and influenza B in particular
selected from of one or more of the human H1N1, H2N2, H3N2,
H5N1, H7N7, H1N2, H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7 subtypes, of the pig
flu H1N1, H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2 subtypes, of the dog or horse flu
H7N7, H3N8 subtypes or of the avian H5N1, H7N2, H1N7, H7N3,
H13N6, H5N9, H11N6, H3N8, H9N2, H5N2, H4N8, H10N7, H2N2, H8N4,
H14N5, H6N5, H12N5 subtypes.'
The patent was published in March 2009,
a month before the virus was released in Mexico in April, but it was
filed seven months before this 'new strain' was officially known
about. It is the most blatant set-up you could ever see.
The patent includes the following ingredients and toxicity warning:
'Suitable adjuvants can be selected
from mineral gels, aluminium hydroxide, surface active
substances, lysolecithin, pluronic polyols, polyanions or oil
emulsions such as water in oil or oil in water, or a combination
thereof. Of course, the selection of the adjuvant depends on the
intended use. E.g. toxicity may depend on the destined subject
organism and can vary from no toxicity to high toxicity.'
Big Pharma corporation involved is
Novartis in Switzerland.
Chief executive, Daniel Vasella, is a regular attendee of the
secretive Bilderberg meetings that I have long exposed in my books.
The Bilderberg Group, named in Jane Bürgermeister's FBI submission,
is the creation of the Rothschild dynasty and has been administered
for decades by people like
David Rockefeller and
Henry Kissinger.
It answers to a Rothschild secret society in Britain called the
Round Table. This was first headed by the Rothschild agent,
Rhodes, who plundered southern Africa on the family's behalf. Vasella attended the last Bilderberg meeting last May, just as the
swine flu scare was being engineered, and bingo, his company comes
up with the vaccine.
I am not saying that people will die in large numbers immediately.
This is certainly possible, but it would hardly encourage others to
continue to be inoculated. The effects may be immediate in some,
probably medium or longer-term in most, to hide the true source of
their problem.
What we do know is that we are seeing a long-prepared
plan for mass vaccination by people who could not care less about
the health of the population. That says everything about the real
motivation, but only those in the shadows know what the effect is
designed to be.
For sure, it will involve targeting the human immune system. Once
that has been disabled, it's over as we see with the
immune-destroyer we call AIDS.
People don't die of AIDS, they die of
diseases the immune system would normally deal with.

The excellent work of people like the
American researcher and author, Patrick Jordan, have exposed the
unfolding plan to kill vast numbers of people through engineered
viruses and vaccines. He says that they have long perfected vaccines
that switch off the human immune system and US troops have often
been used as guinea pigs.
Patrick Jordan's research uncovers a three-vaccine system that the
Illuminati have developed.
the first inoculation turns off white
blood cells (the immune system)
the second injects viruses
the third switches the immune
system on again
In the middle period viruses are expanding around the body, but the
person doesn't feel sick because the immune system is not fighting
them. When the immune system kicks in again it unleashes such an
assault on the virus cocktail that it kills the body.
This is known as a
cytokine storm when the immune system is so
overwhelmed that it sends too many antibodies at the same time to
infected areas of the body and the body kills itself.
It is also the case that the World Health Organization has asked for
live swine flu virus to be in the vaccine and it is quite possible
that they will expand and maybe increase the strength of the virus
through the vaccine.
The WHO website says:
'In view of the anticipated limited
vaccine availability at global level and the potential need to
protect against "drifted" strains of virus, SAGE recommended
that promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that
are formulated with oil-in-water
adjuvants and live attenuated
influenza vaccines was important.'

Jane Bürgermeister's evidence has been
supported by Wayne Madsen, a former US Naval Intelligence officer
and now an investigative journalist.
He said that a top United
Nations scientist concluded that the H1N1 swine flu virus has
certain transmission 'vectors' that suggest the new flu strain has
been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare
weapon. The UN expert believed that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current
A-H1N1 swine flu virus are all biological warfare agents.
Madsen writes:
'Past swine flu outbreaks have been
spread from pigs to humans, who then passed the flu on to other
humans. However, with A-H1N1, there have been no reported
infections of pigs. In fact, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), A-H1N1 has gene segments
from North American swine, bird and human flu strains and a
segment from Eurasian swine flu.'
Wayne Madsen also says that his sources
confirm that the Centers for Disease Control and the US army
recovered the body of an Inuit woman who died in 1918 in Brevig
Mission, Alaska, from an outbreak of Spanish flu that killed 100
million people worldwide in 18 months.
Madsen was told that genetic material from the corpse provided the
basis for the development of the H5N1 avian, or 'bird flu', strain
at the
US Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases laboratory
at Fort Detrick, Maryland. This lab was the origin of the anthrax
attacks on US Congress and media targets shortly after September
11th in 2001.
All this will sound way out in the Twilight Zone to those new to
this sort of information, but what they need to understand is that
these Illuminati families are utterly insane. They don't think like
most of the rest of us, so please don't judge what they would do by
what you would do. It's not the same, because they're not the same.
The Illuminati plan for the world includes a
mass cull of the
population and the
micro-chipping of every man, woman and child.
Microchips would allow everyone to be tracked 24/7, but it goes much
further than that.
Computer technology communicating with the chips has the potential
to manipulate people mentally, emotionally and physically. This
could be done en masse or individually through the chip's unique
transmitter-receiver signal. Killing someone from a distance would
be a synch.
I mention this because, as readers of my books will know, a CIA
scientist told me in 1997 that microchips developed in the secret
government-military research projects were even then small enough to
be injected by hypodermic needles in vaccination programs.
nanotechnology, no one would know.

The fake swine flu scare of 1976 was a
trial-run for what is happening now. These events are planned way in
advance and these sick people are extremely thorough in their
The scare began with the death of an Army recruit at Fort Dix in New
Jersey which the government said was caused by 'swine flu'. The
recruit was the only death from the virus in 1976, but the
government instigated a vaccination program for all Americans
supported by a campaign of outrageous propaganda based, as always,
on terrifying people.
See below video for an example...
1976 Swine Flu Propaganda
The result was that at least 25 people were killed by the vaccine
and hundreds seriously harmed while the Fort Dix recruit was the
only death from swine flu - even if the government was telling the
truth about the diagnosis. We are now heading for a re-run on a
vastly bigger scale.
The British and American governments have ordered enough swine flu
vaccine for the entire population and other countries are following
suit. Of course, they are; the 'Spider' has demanded it.
It is clear they intend to make vaccination compulsory and threaten
parents with losing their children if they refuse to submit to this
Even before that, the pressure on parents to submit to the
dictates of the state are going to be considerably increased.

The Rockefeller-dominated Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) in the United States have said that children
who have never had a flu 'shot' may need to be vaccinated four times
in the Autumn - twice for seasonal flu and twice for swine flu.
Making up for lost time, eh? Other children will get three shots -
note the three, given Patrick Jordan's information.
The Rothschild-Rockfeller front-man,
Barack Obama, has demanded that
his 'health reform' bill is passed into law by August, just ahead of
mass vaccination. The bill was approved this week by the Senate
Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee and it includes the
targeting of parents who do not have their children vaccinated.
authorizes the Orwellian 'demonstration program to improve
immunization coverage'.
The bill says:
'Under this program, CDC will
provide grants to states to improve immunization coverage of
children, adolescents, and adults through the use of
evidence-based interventions. States may use funds to implement
interventions that are recommended by the Community Preventive
Services Task Force, such as reminders or recalls for patients
or providers, or home visits.'
'Interventions'? Home visits?
It is one step away from immunizing your
children by force or having you arrested for refusing to comply.
World Health Organization 'recommendations' are binding on its
nearly 200 member countries when a pandemic emergency is declared
under the International Health Regulations Act of 2005 and WHO
pandemic plan of April this year.
Margaret Chan, the WHO Director General, declared a swine flu
pandemic when there wasn't one so these emergency powers would be
activated and this lackey of the Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal is
going to be recommending compulsory vaccination. She's virtually
done it already.
The WHO advisory board on vaccination policy
includes executives from... Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi

Margaret Chan with
appropriate logo
Last week Margaret 'Be Afraid' Chan
warned that a global pandemic of drug-resistant tuberculosis may be
imminent with potentially 'catastrophic consequences'.
She prattled
'The situation is already alarming,
and poised to grow much worse very quickly. This is a situation
set to spiral out of control. Call it what you may: a time bomb
or a powder keg. Any way you look at it, this is a potentially
explosive situation.'
Oh, get a life woman. When will TB
'explode'? As soon as they've circulated it sufficiently, I guess.
What is happening now has been planned for a very long time.
Builders have been at work for months in a highly-secretive
operation at a council building called Westridge, just down the road
from me on the
Isle of Wight.
The builders themselves have become very suspicious as one group is
given plans for one section of the work and then a totally new group
is brought in for the next, and so on. No single group sees the
whole picture and now people in unmarked white vans are turning up
to complete the job.
I had a look through a window near a fire escape after everyone had
left and it is clearly an emergency response centre of some kind.
The builders were told they had to finish their work by mid-July
without fail and, apparently, something similar is happening all
over the country.
If you listen carefully, the dark suits tell you what is going to
happen. As I said in a recent newsletter, I kept hearing the mantra
from different agencies and countries about the dangers of a massive
increase in swine flu in the autumn and that is now their target for
mass vaccination to really get moving.
Now I am hearing that the virus could become more deadly in the same
period and it could well be that they are planning to increase the
numbers who die from swine flu to generate more panic and demands to
be vaccinated.
We should not forget, however, that 'normal flu' kills hundreds of
thousands of people a year worldwide.
Have no doubt that large
numbers of those people will now be officially designated as a death
from swine flu, whether they are or not.

It was always going to come to this and
aware people need to be strong and come together in collective
These crazies want access to our bodies and those of
our children for a reason that is nothing whatsoever to do with
Most people will line up with their children like good little sheep.
They will accept the blatant lies without question and the
authorities will use those people to target others who refuse.
You will hear nonsense like 'You are
putting my children at risk'.
In fact, it is the programmed people who stand in line who are
putting all children at risk. The authorities will claim that those
who decline are preventing 'herd immunity' when all they have done
is withdraw from the herd mentality.
This is a time for like-minded people to come together in mutual
support and to prepare a strategy of peaceful non-compliance. There
is far more strength in numbers than doing this alone.
We must not succumb to compulsory vaccination, nor pressure from
those who lack a mind of their own.
If we concede our freedom to
stop the state enforcing vaccination upon us and our children, what
the hell freedom is left?
This Video Could Save Your Life
Avian Swine Flu created by the CIA