by Peter Koenig
June 08, 2023
GlobalResearch Website
Peter Koenig
is a
geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at
the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO),
where he worked for over 30 years around the world.
lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South
America. He writes regularly for online journals and is
the author of Implosion - An Economic Thriller about
War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and
co-author of Cynthia McKinney's book "When China
Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global
Politico-Economic Crisis" (Clarity Press - November 1,
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research
on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior
Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University,
Beijing. |

Artificial Intelligence
and Synthetic Biology...
These quotations taken from the following
video production,
brilliantly reflect what is going on today...
Evolution", Final Days
Worldwide Premiere, Stew Peters, Nano-architectonics explained,
(Matthew Skow, Nick Stumphauzer -
BitChute video 1:05:06 - 1 June
"The Power of Technology has already destroyed the Foundation of
"The Technological Cycle - is the progression from man to Machine."
"The 'Demonic Intent' is to weaken us on a civilizational level."
"The 'Demonic Intent' - the fine print. The true motivation."
"The 'devil' has the power to grant us material things, but only if
we accept his pact."
"Giving you some measure of material power is easy for the
because in the end he gets exactly what he wants."
"Our soul cannot be stolen, unless we give it away."
"Have you ever signed a Terms of Agreement without reading it? -
Then it may already be too late."
"There are always two sides to the
'demonic pact'. The initial and
beneficial effect, and the payment."
"The full extent of this cost is hidden. You may find out when it is
already too late."
"We are destroying the planet along with our own minds and bodies."
"It is the soul of the fool, who dares to
'dance with the devil'."
What better proof of "dancing with the devil" than true life
"Hell is Empty, The Devils are All Here".
William Shakespeare
Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2
The Gothard
Base Tunnel
Watch this 6-min video clip of the Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening
Ceremony, on 1 June 2016, in Switzerland prior to viewing "Directed
Evolution", Final Days.
This was one of the most blatant announcements of what was to come
just 4 years later. Hardly anybody noticed at the time.
Most people
in Switzerland ignored it.
They still ignore it today...
The "Luciferian
Event" was attended by high-level politicians and
celebrities from all over Europe, and some from other parts
of the world:
The event was sponsored by the Swiss Government at a cost of about
CHF 8 million (US$ 8.3 million).
The entire Swiss Government, Federal Council and some Swiss Congress
people were present at the Gotthard inauguration.
Also present were,
Germany's Angela Merkel, France's
François Hollande, Italy's Matteo Renzi, and Austrian chancellor
The European Union was represented by Transport Commissioner,
Violeta Bulc.
Most likely other European and world politicians and
celebrities were also participating.
There were around 500 VIPs and
"famous people" on the first train passing through the tunnel.
In addition, the event attracted a press pool of more than 300
journalists from all over the world, Europe, the US and as far away
as China, Russia, Kuwait, Turkey, Japan, and more.
The presumed "Death Cult" cannot succeed, nor survive, without
warning us all the time.
This is a condition of their "underworld
And warnings we have received many over the past hundred
years, or so.
We have ignored most of them.
Granted, talking about "a dark diabolical Cult", responsible for
what humanity is going through since the beginning of 2020, calling,
...an evil-spirited and inspired plan, sounds
for most like "conspiracy theory".
It is not...!
In fact, what is going on is an "evil conspiracy" of the most
extreme and potentially final form, if We the People let it happen.
But, without 'We, the People,' being aware of what is going on, we
cannot stop it.
Despite all repeated warnings that the Cult must give us - see for
example the Gotthard tunnel inauguration, video above - we have been
too complacent, not paying attention, being diverted by material
things, by little pleasures, like "catching-up" after the three
years of Covid restrictions, with spending money on consumerism,
travel, "gourmand" wishes, in short:
We deserve it...
That is what we
Do we really deserve it?
Nothing comes from nothing.
Don't you think this is part of the diabolical plan?
Giving us a retrieve after the Covid disaster?
Diverting our
attention with a trip to an exotic island... a perfect diversion from
their final plan being prepared underground or behind black
To continue deserving a decent biological life, as we have known up
to the designated "evil decade" 2020-2030, or the Great Reset -
intimately linked to the 4th Industrial Revolution, we must work for
it, for ourselves and foremost for our kids and their children.
The transformations planned by the upper spheres of the financial
establishment through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
biology, will not just rest within our generation.
They are passed
on to future generations with the deadly extermination effects, as
we are being warned about NOW. See below.
All the while we are engulfed in pleasure-catching-up pastimes, the
monstrous bulldozer of transforming the surviving humans into
controllable and manipulable transhumans continues, RELENTLESSLY.
Please, do not be fooled. Open your eyes...!
The two principal participants in this mind-boggling presentation of
"Final Days" - what may also be called "Directed Evolution" - are,
Dr. Karen Kingston, former Pfizer, employee and biotech analyst,
talking about synthetic biology
Dr. Ana Mihalcea, researcher
into nanotechnology injected with the C19 "vaxxes" during the
She talks about blood clots discovered in living patients
containing hydrogel. We are witnessing the merging of synthetic
biology with human biology, she says.
Dr. Mihalcea is also the author of "Light Medicine - A New Paradigm
- The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity" .
They are in the forefront explaining how Covid injections were never
just about
Reducing Population, but much worse than their deadly
side effects, they are about
Dr. Kingston also reveals that their plan was - and if we allow it,
still is - a lifetime of injections, a lifetime of system's
upgrades, à la Microsoft.
Do we remember, who if behind Microsoft...?

This information apparently stems from the patent itself.
Dr. Kingston and Dr. Mihalcea also reveal that AI has already much
more progressed than we thought, being already in control of people
who were injected with
Pfizer and Moderna potions containing carbon
oxides which, once in your body, become highly magnetic, thus
manipulable by
5G microwaves.
Evolution", Final Days
Worldwide Premiere, Stew Peters, Nano-architectonics Explained,
(Matthew Skow, Nick Stumphauzer - BitChute video 1:05:06 - 1 June
Digital Tyranny
It might be revealing in this Final Days video contains a 2016 clip
of an interview of
Klaus Schwab, WEF, telling the Swiss French TV
moderator that,
by 2025 we may be all chipped to become transhumans,
being able to interface with the electronic world...
The TV reporter is stunned, has an embarrassed smile, no words.
the interview with Schwab followed by Peter Koenig's analysis below.
Comments and Analysis by Peter Koenig:
Isn't it a strange coincidence that this interview takes place
around the same time as the "Luciferian" Gotthard inauguration?
Another warning, we obviously ignored...
"Evil science" is at the verge of introducing technology that mimics
biology with the intention of converting all biological lifeforms
into technological life forms.
AI is aiming at exterminating humans through Synthetic Biology. That
is their ultimate goal. The longer we close our eyes to this
reality, the faster they advance with their deadly agenda.
What is synthetic biology?
It is meat without cows and eggs without
chicken, it is all lab-made food...
Similarly, in the human body it means, our natural biology is being
transformed into synthetic biology, into nanotechnology that answers
no longer to human emotions, but to electronic impulses from
outside, i.e. 5G microwaves, soon to be complemented by 6G.
We may become manageable from outside, by the Masters-that-be,
without even knowing it.
Some of us most likely already are...
Transhumanist Agenda
These "vaxx" concoctions are genius, evil genius, but genius
nonetheless, as they change the very essence about humanity,
altering the human to merge it with the machine.
Karen Kingston
reveals that all Covid injections approved by WHO had tracking and
tracing capabilities inside the human being.
Dr. Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana Mihalcea also join Maria Zeee to expose
their correlating findings that confirm the hypothesis regarding the
transhumanist agenda.
Human beings are being replaced with synthetic biology, the strange
clots being found inside people causing them to die suddenly is
hydrogel (programmable matter), and AI may be far more advanced than
we could have imagined, already in the process of exterminating
Their interview with Maria Zeee - Zeee Media - is complementary to
Final Days:
AI Exterminating Humans through Synthetic Biology
Nobody in his right mind can believe that reputed organizations
the entire UN system, with its Secretary General,
WHO, with its Director General,
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
- both in office since 2017
GAVI, the Vaccination Alliance
World Bank
the IMF
the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Geneva
Bank for International Settlement (BIS) in Basle
Club of Rome
in Winterthur
strangely, all in Switzerland,
...plus a myriad of
international and regional organizations are following a diabolical
agenda to bring about the end of humanity as we know it, for power
and control.

Click image...
But, yes, that is the way it is....
None of these organizations has an
awakened human being at its helm, who dares defending the truth,
defending humanity against these "diabolical monsters", None...
may be threatened and/or rewarded for doing "the devil's bidding",
aka. bribes and corruption.
Nobody will believe that these "people" which oversea the World's
financial structures and institutions are non-people, that they are
"envoys of an underworld", intent upon destroying the planet's
The driving force is "profit", the destruction of sovereign nation
states and the corporate acquisition and AI transformation of the
global economy and the military industrial complex.
There is a World
Government Project behind the "Cult", controlled by the upper
spheres of the financial establishment.
For most normal living beings, such assumptions are "conspiracy
What if they are true conspiracies?
Not theories, but real
Think about it...!
Their best weapon is making us believe that we are "conspiracy
theorists", that we are sick in our brains… as the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, the all domineering Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
playing out in full, ready to kill who ever rebels.
As this video, "Directed Evolution" says,
"Our Soul cannot be
stolen, unless we give it away"...
While watching the video, you will find many historic events that
remind you of having seen them, experienced them, lived through
them, before, but never connected the dots. Now is the time.
The Great Reset is in full swing.
If we follow the UN Agenda 2030,
it would tell us, we are not even halfway through. But that too is a
We know from George Orwell's "1984", nothing is what it appears...
Everything is deceptions and lies.
Lie is truth, and War is Peace.
Agenda 2030 (the Great Reset), we do not have until 2030 to stand up
and defend our rights and our lives.
The Great Reset, with
Covid as
THE opportunity to Reset the World... in the name of the noble UN
Agenda 2030, is precipitating upon us.
Covid is THE opportunity to reset the world:
Klaus Schwab, Justin
Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and all those WEF scholars
Young Global Leaders (YGL), infiltrated in Governments around the
world (Schwab's words), in unison, is also beautifully reflected in
the Final Days video...
We are flocking, ever more running, to an abyss... which with every
day is moving closer.
Most of us, still have no clue.
Twenty-thirty is a Great Deception.
The Great Reset is advancing in
giant steps.
We do not have six years left.
We have zero time left.
It is now...!
We MUST act NOW...