by Elva Thompson
March 29, 2019
HeartStarBooks Website
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"Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days
of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming
of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called by the
wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of
gaining great power.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men
there were who delved into darkness, using dark
magic, calling up beings from the great deep
below us.
Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were
they of another vibration, existing unseen by
the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed
being. Only through man could they live in the
Thoth the Atlantean
The Grand Cosmic Year of twenty-six thousand years ended on
December 21, 2012.
The auspicious date
recorded on the Mayan Calendar when the age of Piscean materialism
gave way to the mental Age of Aquarius. In the reset from the old to
the new, the rulers of this construct have paved the way for their
vision of a new world order.
They have abolished the
remainder of our freedoms under the guise of safety and protection:
blatantly stolen
public lands for the benefit of their political oil and gas
money machine, and other anti-life interests that keep them in
Without a whimper from
the public, government officials have scrapped environmental
protection, opened up the wholesale slaughter of endangered species,
and spied on everything we write and say… and still we sleepwalk
through life thinking the future is a promise.
And, while we dream, the 'smooth savage clean-cut nice guy of TV
scenes', the psychopathic beast that is elected to represent us is
feathering its own nest and plotting our demise.
A Spiritual
It's time the cosmos knocked some sense into us… made us 'real eyes'
what's going on in a 'whirled' that seeks to divide us on every
sex, class, race and
On a heart based level,
humans are one Nation, one Archetype… So, why have we allowed the
program of Duality, and our inherited thought forms to divide
Does our path in life have a heart or are we cogs in the matrix
In the isolation of the 'special individual', we have become
polarized - controlled by our investment in self to become pawns on
the chess board of life, and at the mercy of pull and push
governments, out of control dictators, and faceless corporations…
entities that have done everything in their power to destroy our
spiritual connection to Source Creation… and trample on our hearts.
When we consider all the ways we are being betrayed by the
elected snake oil salesman that are supposed to represent us… it
is breathtaking!
...and of course
sacrificing us on the digital altar of destructive science.
Estranged from
From tribal people free to roam a world without fences and walls, we
have been rounded up and put into cities of concrete and glass -
shut off from spiritual reality and put in a box along with our
Researchers from the Douglas Mental Health Institute in
Montreal found that city dwellers showed the highest levels of
activity in the
amygdala, and
anterior cingulate cortex of the
These complex brain
structures regulate emotions, store memories and have been
associated with various mental health illnesses including,
generalized anxiety disorder
panic attacks
post-traumatic stress disorder
obsessive compulsive disorder
…in other words
mental illness.
We were all aboriginal
people at one time:
The War on
"For we do not
wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
spiritual hosts of wickedness…"
Ephesians 6:12
The managers of
the human
the royal blue bloods
and their fawning political errand boys on both sides of the
'red and blue' aisle are well aware of how we, the compromised
animals called homo sapiens operate.
They are up to speed
manipulators of our emotions, and are well aware that we as
co-creators with Source define our reality by our thinking on an
individual and collective basis.
Therefore, because our
thoughts are electromagnetic extensions of our intent, our rulers
can deliberately manipulate and program our minds with fear and
negatively charged information.
This negativity is
further compounded by blood sacrifice at the energetic centers and
sacred places on our planet.
The negative thought forms released by torture and sacrifice go into
the energy grid that bathes our third dimensional conflict driven
plane, and consequently into the 'non thinking' collective hive
This 'hateful vibration'
creates havoc and negative effects in our own lives - and in the
life of the planet. In our ignorance we have become prisoners of the
black mirror - the looking-glass of our opposite energetic reality.
The world is a scary place when we wake up to the truth about who
runs the fractal geometric construct we call earth.
The Matrix mind is blown
when we 'real eyes'… the truth about,
the manipulation of our genome
the fabrication of our history
how human beings that once
walked the path of inter-dimensionality became the blood
sacrifice, the cannon fodder for an alien species proxy wars…
battles between evil and evil...
It's hard to deal with… full bloody stop.
The Alien
secret alien agenda has always,
controlled the flow of
information on this plane
fomented wars by funding both sides
created all
patriarchal fear based
control religions
It is they who decide what we are taught as truth - it gets beaten
into us.
The bigger the trauma the
better… and many never recover from the programming - never claim
their right to live their lives. Instead, they adhere to status quo
thinking and poison themselves, and sentient reality with
unfulfilled lives, hate and resentment.
The culture of violence that has taken over the
world's stage is a direct result of social engineering.
The satanic cabal that
runs the show want humanity to turn on itself, to behave like armies
of sub-human brutes and turn the planet into a massive killing
They have turned us into
instruments of their own parasitic will, pitted,
nation against
brother against brother
mother against son...
The Luciferian agenda has attacked us on every level of our being
using fear, indoctrinated ideals and a bogeyman of someone else's
Through lies,
misdirection and waving a carrot on a stick in front of our noses,
they have led us into slavery, cashed in on our 'greed and need' for
smart everything.
They even control the music we listen to. They make sure that our
modern-day songs resonate with the devils chord. Standard tuning
A-440hz only resonates on the three lower chakras. It is heartless music,
purely third dimensional, and a war on spiritual consciousness, all
courtesy of
the Rockefeller Foundation.
Information on A-440hz
can be found at "Musical
Cult Control."
Illuminati much...!
It is no accident that the daily dose of information projected at us
by the media is inherently violent, divisive and narcissistic.
Violence is encouraged even glorified under the bloody banner of
patriotism in main stream news' TV shows, Hollywood films… and let's
not forget video games.
Definition of gamer:
a person who plays
video games or participates in role-playing games.
According to statistics
as of July 2018 there were 2.2 billion gamers in the world… are you
shocked? I was...
That is a staggering third of the population playing computer
games… games that mirror life….
Games about the picking of sides and a fight for alpha status… to be
a winner! Everyone is programmed to want to be a winner just like a
male dog pissing on a tree to mark its winning territory.
The games are designed for two things:
to waste our life in a
fantasy world - while in the name of profit, the natural world is
being destroyed all around us
secondly to stimulate
the unthinking survival mind of
the reptile brain, so we can go on a
rampage, beat up our partner, or go on a killing spree… because that
is exactly what we are being programmed to do by the media of
whatever form
And, the crime of all crimes is that these soulless creatures are
targeting children...
Children at
"As many as
97% of US
kids age 12-17 play video games, contributing to the $21.53
billion domestic video game industry. More than half of the 50
top-selling video games contain violence.
Violent video games
have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying,
and violence towards women.
Critics argue that
these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for
simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an
acceptable way to resolve conflicts."
Source procon.org
And it doesn't stop
Now we have
untested 5G to contend with...
5G and Mind
Here's an interesting piece of information from CH4 News, Feb 5th,
2001… note the date and imagine how far they have got with their zombifying tech in 2019.
"Mass UK mind control
technology and zombification of Britain's Police has been a
The British
government spent 2 and a half billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse
modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcast 17.6 Hz
into the brains of all Britain's police and anyone living near
the planned transmitters, to be used by the CIA in research in
optimal mind-control.
The TETRA system will
also flood the New York and London underground, so commuters
will regularly be exposed to behavioral modification during rush
But there is nothing to
see here for the hive.
After all, it's all for
their safety and convenience...
The New World
Order for the next Grand Cosmic Year
The cabal's end-game is to
micro chip us.
It should be easy in this
convenience now world of sheeple people. Everyone who doesn't get
the game play wants to be superman or superwoman, and will queue up
for digital enhancement and, is it possible that this old/new
technology will transform their reality into a new matrix?
Remember that to get around Cosmic Law the scum bags have to tell us
what they intend to do. Is the film the Matrix their karmic escape
If so… their agenda is
almost a faite accompli and all done in secrecy while we were
sleep walking.
The New World Order will have
created a new species of digitally controlled zombie slaves called
homo borgiensis.
Coming Out of Denial
and Cognitive Dissonance
The evil that has
taken root in our minds is energetic and its aim is to
disconnect us individually, and as a species from original
Source Creator.
1 v29: the Original Instructions before the Fall.
For those of us who still
have our own mind, it's time to stand back and take a good look at
the concept we call life.
Time to start
investigating the causes of the hateful, divisive rhetoric that has
taken hold of our thinking, and our world… and see if any resonance
in that quagmire belongs to Self, and if so, how deeply we are
invested in the game.
Go Into the
Looking Glass
Reality is
There is,
...and, in the moments of everyone's now, billions of thoughts…
good and bad are creating our reality 'brick by thinking brick', on
a personal and collective level.
Our lives, and the fate
of nations are the result of our thinking and its extension action.
Don't you think it's time to get our thinking house in order and
align ourselves with Life?

Aquarius and its ruler Uranus
Hierophant of the Tarot… the teacher.
There is a lot of hype and expectation about the Age of Aquarius, so
lets take a look.
Aquarius is the first
house in the New Grand Cosmic Year. It is ruled by Uranus,
the seventh ray planet of the violet force… the seventh color of the
rainbow. Uranus is explosive, breaking up old thought forms and
It is the spiritual
wrecking ball that leads us through the restricting rings of Saturn
with its cemented traditions and limitations into occult
understandings where the hidden is revealed.
Uranus is the planet of spiritual rebellion and redemption… Il Papa
the psychic sledgehammer...
We are in a time of transition - Uranus will rock the boat of this
world and we should expect to see our lives in upheaval, empires
rise and fall, and a new order take its place.
What that order is… is up
to us. It depends upon our thinking...
Uranus… uranium is the force of change on every level of our
spiritual awareness and physical existence. It is the cleansing wind
of Soul Creation - nothing will be left untouched, and so my fellow
travelers it is time to re-forge our links with nature and its
Rise above the petty
squabbles, the drama, the hate of the hive mind, and be sovereign
once again.
We walk this journey on our own, and at this stage of the game,
humanity in its divisive vibrational state will never rise to
ascension frequency, nor partake of the promise offered by
mystical christianity...
But we can. Let's align ourselves with life… take care of our little
space and become creators of the Beauty Road. We are on our own walk
back to Source Creation.
Follow your heart and
join the fourth dimensional rebellion...