Is there Life on Earth? (The Book)
Let us speculate upon the seeds of life, and what may be the reasons, or function, for human life to exist on this planet.
We shall begin by taking a Gurdjieffian approach on the matter. 1
In this, there is a chain, ray, or hierarchy of states of vibration.
That is, there are gradations of existence, with all higher emanations integrated or forming a part of all lower gradations.
But, of course,
These vibrational energies, then, flow (to use a vague and imprecise term) from less dense into denser conditions (again, a vague analogy).
Yet this movement, or trajectory, of vibrations is not linear and inevitable. In other words, if left alone, such a movement runs into difficulties. At various stages of this vibrational flow, assistance is required.
And this is where the thought experiment now turns to life on this planet, the Earth (as we named it).
The frequency emanations within this universe flow from the Absolute to all other grand arrangements or systems of Intelligence (galaxies, nebulae, etc.)
They then vibrate down to specific galaxies (such as 'our' Milky Way), and next onto stars, such as 'our' Sun.
After the star, the vibrations emanate into the further density of planets (the planets of 'our' solar system), before reaching specific planets that, for us, signifies the Earth.
Finally, after the level of a singular planet, the final vibrations reach the densest state where we would find those 'dead' or undeveloped planetoids or satellites, such as what we would call the Earth's moon.
So far, so good. But not so good, as the vibrations between the level of the planetary system and the specific planet (Earth) have a problem.
Or, let us rather say they have a situation (for every problem is likewise a situation, but not every situation is necessarily a problem).
And what is this 'situation'?
Well, it's like this:
It is similar to how electricity is usually transmitted across the planet:
If the electricity leaving the power station did not pass through a step-down transformer before reaching our homes, every fuse and device in our homes would be blown, and the house circuit would be fried.
The same applies to the Earth:
Welcome to the
entry of organic life...
And yes, you guessed correctly,
The human being, consciously or unconsciously - and the point here is that it's mostly unconscious - functions as a transmitter of vibrations that are necessary for the evolution of the planet Earth.
Humanity acts as a form of membrane across the surface of the planet and is receptive to the myriad of vibrations, emanations, and all other types of influence that are arriving to the planet from the solar environment.
No wonder then that human beings act so erratically if they are the buffer (after the Earth's magnetic shielding) to receive whatever is coming in. And, we must assume, there is a lot coming in.
And at times when the Earth's magnetic shielding is particularly diminished, such as now, there is a greater exposure to the full force of the incoming vibrations.
If we are to take this thought experiment one step further, and staying with the Gurdjieffian perspective, it can be said that humans not only transmit the incoming stepped-down energies but that they also produce energies of their own.
After all, through our physical labours we are generating energy, are we not? Where does this energy go to?
It may be that our energies are being passed along to the next level to contribute to the chain of developmental transmission. And next in line is the Earth's satellite:
And so, in this context it can be said that humans, during their physical existence, are generating energies to feed the moon. And yet, all this step-down transformer and moon-feeding energies are generated unconsciously.
Human beings are being utilized as energy transformers and generators.
And what do we get out of it? Well, we get to have the experience of a physical lifetime. Fair trade off?
The question that may next get asked is:
Because, it could be surmised, that humans would not be willing otherwise to give away these energies.
If everyone suddenly awakened to the fact that we were giving away so much potential energies,
And here comes the crux.
In order for this to occur, a few people need to 'make themselves available,' as it were, for the accumulation of energies for this use.
And this means that they are not disposed for giving their energies for the feeding of the moon.
Some may say that this is not a just or fair situation as,
Well, quite simply put, not that many people are actually striving to be conscious individuals.
The opportunity is there for all, so to speak - yet few are those who respond. So, the only barrier to inclusion is the individual themselves. And this, it can be suspected, has always been the case.
The question now to be asked in this thought experiment is:
Life upon planet Earth is an experiment, let us say, and the human species is being monitored to see how it performs in its allotted role as transformers and transmitters of vibrations.
Welcome to the rise
of the machines...
Any sufficiently advanced species visiting this planet could be forgiven for thinking that a terraforming project is underway for adapting the planet Earth for a machinic intelligence or artificial intelligence form of species.
The highly dense electromagnetic environment,
...are establishing a network - a digital architecture - that could act like an A.I. semi-sentient global brain capable of receiving the cosmic vibrations, step-transforming and re-transmitting them, effectively putting humanity out of a job (out of a purpose).
Wouldn't that be a
haunting thought?
Yet this, however,
In order to retain their 'usefulness' a certain percentage of humanity will be compelled to develop their innate psychic abilities - to activate their latent organs of perception.
Those persons incapable of turning inward will probably choose to 'merge' with the machinic intelligence in order to perpetuate some semblance of their DNA as a recombinant element with code:
This new cyborgian species would then become the 'new model' replacement to take on the function of being an energy transformer and transmitter.
Still, it seems that the transhumanist route will not be for the majority as it is largely being peddled by an elite class of techno-nerds and bonkers billionaires.
The machinic A.I. substitution could benefit humanity in another way,
That is, they are occupied with everything other than their inner developmental potential.
But once there is an A.I. substitution for the job, the human worker gets relieved of duty, so to speak.
By having a replacement or 'surrogate species' in this role, then humanity would be freed from this role necessity and can shift into a new stage of evolvement.
As suggested, this would likely mean a path of development upon the psychic state as part of utilizing the faculties of an extended mind.
Whilst A.I. and machinic intelligence take on greater roles in managing and arranging affairs upon the physical plane, human beings will be reaching out to the stars with their minds:
However, if humanity collectively fell back into a state of unconsciousness, then,
After all, there is now an A.I. substitute to keep the transformer-transmitter role operational for the planet Earth and its satellite moon.
But wait there. That all sounds a bit drastic, doesn't it?
I'm sure that humanity, being the immature and largely infantile species that they are, would at least be given a final chance, or even a push, to 'up its game' before the machines take over.
Ah, now that brings us to
the present time and the post-'pandemic' human condition.
Of course, this is just pure speculation here - a kind of mental play for the mind.
Continuing with our Gurdjieffian approach on the matter,
And when at this juncture of stuckness, requires some outside intervention to jolt it sufficiently to get it past a lingering threshold.
As human civilization on this planet, at this current time, is straggling through a period of deep materialism, cultural vulgarity, and widespread psychological malaise, it seems an ideal time to receive an unexpected jolt to kickstart a new phase of developmental activity.
It's just a thought here (as this is only a thought experiment...),
This may not be the case; yet then again, it also could be the case.
The question, as always, is whether anything will result from these potentials.
And this can lead to a serious predicament where the technological possibilities within our grasp are not fully aligned with a level of conscious awareness and perceptive ability to fully understand the situation before us.
We are overwhelmed with information, yet we lack the comprehension and knowledge to gain an understanding of how to manage our predicament.
Returning to the title of this thought experiment - Is There Life on Earth? - we may still be able to answer in the affirmative.
And will it include human sentient life in the majority,
In other words, if the 'pandemic shock' was applied to be just that, a jolt for human inner development, then,
Perhaps it does not need
to be heeded by the majority... It all may correspond to who had
ears to hear and eyes to see.
An interesting and partly entertaining distraction perhaps.
Onwards to the main
thrust and back into the fray of the great heresy...