by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 12, 2023
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
There are clear contradictions between the World Health
Organization's directives regarding the need for COVID shots in
Africa and the actual situation on the ground
The WHO is still calling on all countries to get the COVID jab into
at least 70% of their populations, and warns that developing
countries are at grave risk due to low jab rates. Meanwhile, Africa,
where less than 6% of the population is jabbed, has fared far better
than countries with high injection rates. A large-scale survey in
Uganda also shows COVID is no longer a clinical issue
Variants have also gotten milder (less pathogenic) with each
iteration, yet the WHO warns that new variants may create "large
waves of serious disease and death in populations with
low vaccination coverage"
The explanation for the disconnect between the WHO's priorities and
what's happening in Africa can be explained when you look at the
focus of the WHO's Catastrophic Contagion exercise. It focused on
getting African leadership trained in following the pandemic script.
The WHO needs additional pandemics in order to justify its pandemic
treaty, which will give it sole power to dictate countermeasures,
and it needs to eliminate the African control group, which shows the
COVID "vaccines" do more harm than good
The WHO also has every intention of implementing climate lockdowns
once it has the power to do so. To that aim, the WHO's director of
Environment and Health has suggested combining health and climate
issues into one
In the video
below at page end,
John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired nurse educator,
compares the contradictions between the World Health Organization's
directives regarding the need for
COVID shots in Africa and the
actual situation on the ground.
As of December 12, 2022,
the WHO was still calling on all countries
to get the COVID jab into at least 70% of their populations. 1
original deadline for meeting this 70% threshold was mid-2022, but
by June 2022, only 58 of 194 member states had reached this target.
According to the WHO, jab supplies, technical support and financial
support were lacking during the early days of the injection campaign
but, now, those obstacles have been resolved.
As a result, all
countries now have the ability to meet the global target of 70%.
Low Jab Rates Threaten Low-Income Countries, WHO Claims
The "overarching challenge" right now is the administration of the
shots, actually "getting shots into arms." 3
To address that,
the WHO
suggests integrating COVID-19 injection services,
"with other
immunization services and alongside other health and social
This, they say, will maximize impact and "build
long-term capacity."
The WHO also stresses that,
"As people's risk perception of the virus
wanes, careful risk communication and community engagement plans
need to be adapted to enhance demand for vaccination."
To ensure
low-income countries get onboard to meet the 70% target, the WHO
also launched The COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership in January
This is an international effort "to intensify country readiness and
delivery support" in 34 countries with low COVID jab uptake.
Partners include UNICEF, Gavi and the World Bank...
According to the
WHO: 4
"Despite incremental success since its launch in January 2022, low
and lower-middle income countries are facing difficulties to get a
step change in vaccination rates.
This represents a serious threat to the fragile economic recovery,
including due to the risk of new variants creating large waves of
serious disease and death in populations with low vaccination
It also means accelerating the delivery of other COVID-19 tools and
treatments is a crucial priority to help the world build up multiple
layers of protection against the virus.
Concerted and urgent action
from countries, international partners and agencies, along with G20
Finance Ministers is required to increase vaccination levels and
expedite access."
In short,
the WHO is really concerned that countries with low COVID
jab rates will suffer lest they meet or exceed the target goal of
jabbing 70% of their populations...
But what is that concern based on?
Certainly not the real world...
WHO's Statements Contradict Real-World Situations
The statements made by the WHO contradict a number of real-world
For starters, while developed nations with high jab
rates struggled with COVID-19 throughout much of 2021 and 2022,
Africa avoided this fate, despite its single-digit jab rate.
Scientists are said to be "mystified" as to how Africa fared so
well, completely ignoring data showing that,
the more COVID shots you
get, the higher your risk of contracting COVID and ending up in the
Over the past year, researchers have been warning that the COVID
jabs appear to be dysregulating and actually destroying people's
immune systems, leaving them vulnerable not only to COVID but also
other infections. 5
It stands to reason, then, that Africa with its
low injection rate would not be burdened with COVID cases brought on
by dysfunctional immune systems.
Secondly, variants have gotten milder (less pathogenic) with each
iteration, albeit more infectious (i.e., they spread easier).
is the WHO worried about "the risk of new variants creating large
waves of serious disease and death in populations with low
vaccination coverage"?
What is that "risk" based on?
And, since COVID infection keeps getting milder, and has had a
lethality on par with or lower than influenza 6,7,8,9,10 ever since
mid-2020 at the latest, why is it still a "crucial priority" to
accelerate delivery of COVID treatments?
As a reminder, according to a September 2, 2020 study in Annals of
Internal Medicine, the overall non-institutionalized infection
fatality ratio for COVID was a mere 0.26%.
Below 40 years of age,
the infection fatality ratio was just 0.01%.
Meanwhile, the
estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza is 0.8%.
Report From Uganda
Campbell goes on to cite a large-scale survey by a community health
partner in Uganda, which surveyed doctors, nurses and medical
officers across the country, and,
"basically, they don't see any COVID anymore," he says.
They're not getting the jab and they're not getting tested for COVID
There's no need, because no one is getting sick with COVID - at least not to the point they need medical attention.
The Ugandan government has even stopped publishing COVID guidelines.
From their perspective, the pandemic is over. The same sentiment
appears common in other African countries as well.
Given the
situation on the ground,
is it really a pressing need to jab 30
million people in Uganda against a disease they're not getting sick
What Uganda does need is malaria treatments, mosquito nets, clean
drinking water and antibiotics.
"That is what the priorities on the
ground seem to be," Campbell says.
So, what's with the apparent
disconnect between the WHO's priorities and what's actually
happening in areas with low COVID jab rates?
The WHO's Catastrophic
Contagion exercise 12,13 clues us in.
The Disconnect Reveals the WHO's True Intentions
October 23, 2022, the WHO,
Bill Gates and Johns Hopkins co-hosted a
global challenge exercise dubbed "Catastrophic Contagion," 14,15
involving the outbreak of a novel pathogen called,
"severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025" (SEERS-25).
Tellingly, this tabletop exercise was focused on getting African
leadership involved and trained in following the pandemic script.
Participants included 10 current and former health ministers and
senior public health officials from,
Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola
and Liberia. (Representatives from Singapore, India and Germany, as
well as Gates himself, were also in attendance.)
African nations just so happened to go "off script" more often than
others during the COVID pandemic and didn't follow in the footsteps
of developed nations when it came to pushing the jabs.
As a result,
vaccine makers now face the problem of having a huge control group,
as the COVID jab uptake on the African continent was only 6%. 16
They cannot reasonably explain how or why Africa ended up faring so
better than developed nations with high COVID jab rates in terms of
COVID-19 infections and related deaths. 17
The WHO's pandemic treaty is the gateway to a global, top-down
totalitarian regime.
But to secure that power,
they will need more
The WHO desperately needs to get rid of this control group, so
they're enlisting and training African leaders how to push for
widespread vaccination using the WHO's talking points.
This, I
believe, is the only reason the WHO is still speaking about COVID-19
in catastrophic terms.
The WHO Needs Additional Pandemics to Secure Its Power Grab
At this point, it's quite clear that "biosecurity" is the chosen
means by which
the globalist cabal intends to usher in its
One World
The WHO is working on securing sole power over pandemic
response globally through its international pandemic treaty which,
if implemented, will eradicate the sovereignty of member nations.
The WHO's
pandemic treaty is basically the gateway to a global,
top-down totalitarian regime.
But to secure that power, they will
need more pandemics.
COVID-19 alone was not enough to get everyone
onboard with a centralized pandemic response unit, and they probably
knew that from the start.
So, the reason we can be sure there will be additional pandemics,
whether manufactured using fear and hype alone or an actual
bioweapon created for this very purpose, is because,
the takeover
plan, aka
The Great Reset, is based on the premise that we need
global biosecurity surveillance and a centralized response...
Biosecurity, in turn, is the justification for an
vaccine passport, which the G20 just signed on to, and that passport
will also be your digital identification.
That digital ID, then,
will be tied to your social credit score, personal carbon footprint
tracker, medical records, educational records, work records, social
media presence, purchase records, your bank accounts and a
programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC).
Once all these pieces are fully connected, you'll be in a digital
prison, and the ruling cabal - whether officially a one world
government by then or not - will have total control over your life
from cradle to grave.
The WHO's pandemic treaty is what sets this chain of events off, as
it will have the power to implement vaccine passports globally once
the treaty is signed.
The WHO will also have the power to mandate
vaccines, standardize medical care and issue travel restrictions.
This treaty will likely pass this year, which means the WHO will
either need to ramp up the COVID narrative again, or switch to
another pandemic in order to justify these kinds of actions.
The Pandemic Treaty Is the Death Knell to Freedom Worldwide
It's important to realize that the WHO's pandemic treaty will
radically alter the global power structure and strip you of some of
your most basic rights and freedoms.
It's a direct attack on the
sovereignty of its member states, as well as a direct attack on your
bodily autonomy.
Once signed, all member nations will be subject to the WHO's
If the WHO says every person on the planet needs to have a
vaccine passport and digital identity to ensure vaccination
compliance, then that's what every country will be forced to
implement, even if the people have rejected such plans using local
democratic processes.
There's also reason to suspect the WHO intends to extend its
sovereign leadership into the health care systems of every nation,
eventually implementing a universal or "socialist-like" health care
system as part of The Great Reset.
WHO Director-General
Tedros has
previously stated that his "central priority" as director-general of
the WHO is to push the world toward universal health coverage.
Prediction - Climate Lockdowns Are Next
Considering the WHO changed its definition of "pandemic" to "a
worldwide epidemic of a disease," 19 without the original specificity
of severe illness that causes high morbidity, 20,21 just about
anything could be made to fit the pandemic criterion.
This means
that once they're in power, they won't need to rely exclusively on
pathogenic threats.
They could also declare a global pandemic for a noninfectious
threat, like
global warming, for example.
Such a declaration would
then allow the WHO to circumvent laws that are in place to preserve
our freedom, and allow for the implementation of tyrannical measures
such as lockdowns and travel restrictions.
Indeed, the notion of "climate lockdowns" has already been publicly
flouted on multiple occasions. 22
As reported by The
Pulse: 23
"Climate lockdowns and other restrictions will be framed as saving
the people of the world from themselves. Who would ever disagree
with such measures when it is framed under the guise of good will?
Like we saw with COVID mandates, if climate mandates ever take place
they will be promoted as an extremely noble and necessary action.
Those who disagree and present evidence that such actions are not
useful or impactful, and instead cause more harm, will most likely
be silenced, censored and ridiculed …
What would a climate lockdown look like?
Well, if such an initiative
were to take place, governments would limit or ban the consumption
of many foods. They would ban or limit private-vehicle use, or limit
the distance one can travel in a gas powered car or perhaps even by
Working from home could eventually become the permanent norm if
special carbon taxes are put in place. Such taxes could be imposed
on companies, limiting driving or air miles, and extend to
individual employees...
Schools, especially those heavily influenced
by teachers' unions, could impose permanent online-only days."
Officials Around the World Have Suggested Climate Lockdowns
As noted by The Pulse, a number of officials around the world have
voiced support for climate lockdowns, completely ignoring the
devastating effects the
COVID lockdowns have already had.
This just
goes to show lockdowns,
were never about public health and never will
Among the climate lockdown enthusiasts we have Germany's health
minister Karl Lauterbach, who in December 2020 proclaimed that
addressing climate change would require restrictions on personal
freedom, similar to those implemented ,
"flatten the curve" of COVID...
British economics professor Mariana Mazzucato is another advocate
for climate lockdowns, who in September 2020 warned that,
"In the
near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again - this
time to tackle a climate emergency." 25
We also have the statements of Bill Gates 26 and the Red Cross,
both of which in 2020 claimed that,
'climate change' (aka
global warming) poses a greater
threat to mankind than COVID, and must be confronted with the same
urgency and resolve...
The World Economic Forum (WEF),
the United
Nations and the WHO have also published articles stating their
intent to,
"fight climate change" by shutting down society...
Notably, in "How to Fight the Next Threat to Our World - Air
Pollution," published by the WEF 29 and co-written by the director of WHO's Environment and Health Department, it's suggested that health
and climate issues be combined into one.
As noted in that article:
"We can confront these crises more effectively and fairly if we
address them as one - and foster support across all sectors of the
COVID-19 has proven humanity's inbuilt ability to rise up
and act to protect the health of our most vulnerable people. We
need to do the same with air pollution."
Recall, as I mentioned above, if the WHO has sole power over global
health, combining health and climate issues will automatically give
the WHO the de facto power to issue climate lockdowns.
Some claim
climate lockdowns have already begun, 30 with the random shutting off
of people's power even though there's no actual outage - sort of
slow-walking people into accepting that the lights won't always turn
That the WHO will jump at the opportunity to implement climate
lockdowns can also be seen in the WHO Manifesto for a Healthy
Recovery From COVID-19, which states: 31
"The ‘lockdown' measures that have been necessary to control the
spread of COVID-19 have slowed economic activity, and disrupted
lives - but have also given some glimpses of a possible brighter
In some places, pollution levels have dropped to such an extent that
people have breathed clean air, or have seen blue skies and clear
waters, or have been able to walk and cycle safely with their
children - for the first times in their lives.
The use of digital technology has accelerated new ways of working
and connecting with each other, from reducing time spent commuting,
to more flexible ways of studying, to carrying out medical
consultations remotely, to spending more time with our families.
Opinion polls from around the world show that people want to protect
the environment, and preserve the positives that have emerged from
the crisis, as we recover …
Decisions made in the coming months can either
"lock in" economic development patterns that will do permanent
and escalating damage to the ecological systems that sustain all
human health and livelihoods, or, if wisely taken, can promote a
healthier, fairer, and greener world."
This manifesto also lays out many other aspects of
The Great Reset
agenda, including smart cities, travel restrictions, new food
systems, a complete transition to green energy and more.
But again,
the thing that will really facilitate all of these changes is to
have a centralized powerbase, and that is
the WHO.
What Can You Do?
Stopping the WHO pandemic treaty will be difficult, as the World
Health Assembly may or may not even accept public comment before
making a decision.
Your best bet right now is to sign up for the
World Council for Health's (WCH) newsletter.
The last time the World Health Assembly met to discuss the treaty,
the WCH issued links and instructions on how to submit your comment.
You can subscribe at the
WCH's home
page. I and the CHD will also share details if they become
available, so subscribing to our newsletters can give you a heads-up
as well.
In the absence of instructions, you could reach out to your
respective delegation and request that they oppose the treaty. A
list of U.S. delegates can be found in James Roguski's Substack
article, "Speaking
Truth to Power."
For contact information for other nations' delegates, I would
suggest contacting the regional office and ask for a list (see
"Regions" in the blue section at the bottom of the
World Health
Assembly's webpage).
Sources and References
COVID-19 Vaccines
2, 3, 4 WHO
Vaccine Equity
5 medRxiv
May 6, 2021
6 The
Mercury News May 20, 2020 (Archived)
7, 11 Annals
of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352
8 Breitbart
May 7, 2020
9 Scott
Atlas US Senate Testimony May 6, 2020 (PDF)
10 John
Ioannidis US Senate Testimony May 6, 2020 (PDF)
12, 14 Catastrophic
13, 15 Catastrophic
Contagion Videos
16 First
Post November 19, 2021
17 Yahoo
News November 19, 2021
18 National
Review June 14, 2017
19 Wayback
Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness captured September 2, 2009
20 The
BMJ 2010;340:c2912
21 Wayback
Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness captured May 1, 2009 (PDF)
22 The
Hill February 2, 2022
23 The
Pulse November 25, 2022
24 Welt
December 27, 2020
25 Project-syndicate.org
September 22, 2020
26 Gates
Notes August 4, 2020
27 Aljazeera
November 17, 2020
28, 30 Center
for the Preservation of Humanity September 8, 2022
29 WEF
September 7, 2022
31 WHO
Manifesto for a Healthy Recovery From COVID-19