The current game is
Duality Reality, a game of opposites on
Holodeck Earth.
You are here as
Players, to grow your Soul and the collective Soul, on behalf of
the Creator Source. Through your consent you agree to the terms
of The Contract set forth herein:
Choose your avatar
and be
transported to your mother's womb,
where you will zip-up your Earth suit, take on an
id-entity and step into your role.
Reality plays out through you.
What you believe and
feel to your bones you manifest. Place your focus in love and
you will create health, wealth, balance, and bliss. Place your
focus in fear, and you will create dis-ease, imbalance, poverty,
and misery.
All is illusion. Earth is a projection,
a MATRIX. You are an avatar in
a simulation directed by your Soul positioned outside the
Your custom-designed
Earth suit allows your conscious to have a vessel to function on
Earth. This vessel is only the appearance of a physical body so
you can interact with your Soul family and create experiences to
assist each other in the healing journey using your somatic
In your physical
body, you will not have access to memories of other planes or
existences. This is for your own good.
Because of your limited physical senses, you will only see a
small fraction of who you really are. However,
as a human, you are always connected to Source, and thereby,
function under the principles of Natural Law.
As you are well
aware, Natural Law is a body of Universal Spiritual Laws that
govern sovereignty with the freedom to make choices for
yourself. Natural Law is the great equalizer. It is not written,
but intuitive. It is not logical, but knowing.
For more information,
you must go to the Creator Source.
In this game, you will experience challenges along the way that
will teach how to find balance within yourself. Prosperity is
also found within. To find clues, dig deep.
The search for your
answers is a multi-level unearthing. To remain on the surface is
to repeat patterns and keep yourself and humanity recycling
itself. At all times, you co-create your own reality. Choose
your partners wisely, since together with your Soul family, you
co-create a collective reality.
There are no winners
and no losers. There is only self-awareness.
At game's completion, should you accomplish your mission, you
will earn a star on your belt and transcend to the next level of
your Soul's growth. You will return the suit.
You understand that
you are unconditional love, that you are eternal, and that this
is only a game.
WARNING: With your consent, your memory will be wiped, and you
will forget everything.
is a construct of torsion fields in a simulated fold of
The universe is made
up of multiple layers or "frequencies" likened to a deck of
cards. Every card is a different dimension, each with its own
unique suit and own unique character, each isolated from the
other cards.
Though the cards
touch each other, no card can interact with another. Each card
is a universe unto itself.

The view of the
physical conscious self is a mask of the original consciousness,
a fractal-reflected image of the greater physical/non-physical
self, compressed down to a singular layer of self-awareness.
The human body is
designed and built to house consciousness.
This allows an
sentience to
infect, hijack, and gain access to the minds of Operators
who are willing to serve the MATRIX, as well as the minds of
weaker Players who consent.
soul essence of Players is
strengthened through the synergy of the breath, mind, and heart
under the power of the
heart's coherence pattern.
This tertiary complex
is a default system that keeps the player connected to Creator

Players are infected
with various psychological probes and implants to cause amnesia
in order to access and manipulate any open Player.
Brain wave frequencies are
generated to keep players in a suspended dream-state of
Life is but a dream.
Once consent is given, a person's consciousness can be replaced
with the programmed agenda so that soul-level awareness is no
longer active.
Nanotechnology for genetic and
mental manipulation is utilized to:
program the
erase memory
the neurological system
genetics through electromagnetic stimulation
harvest humans as a form of
This 3D simulation
operates in a binary system made up of zeros and ones for the
purpose of duality.
Duality is the glue
that holds the MATRIX together and is enforced at all costs by
Game Masters. Belief is
the tool that creates and reinforces Duality Reality.
Primary belief
systems through,
laws, politics,
education, religious, sports, and entertainment,
...are critical to
maintain control of the simulation.
Game Masters divide
players on a grid into opposing teams:
blue vs. red,
good vs. evil, knight vs. pawn, gatekeeper vs. herd.
To align with a group
means players fall into groupthink and coalesce a hive mind.
Because players are
prone to infighting, and resisting authority, Operators are
selected to protect Players from themselves. Game Masters
oversee and control both sides and can move about without
restriction and in complete anonymity.
The Game Masters seek
to homogenize and neutralize the consciousness of the individual
and its connection to Source to create a collective entity mind.
Groupthink cancels
individual identity. A prime directive is to take away that
which makes each unique, since out of differences are born new
ideas, while out of sameness, nothing new is born.
Players are
challenged to remember who they really are. To achieve this,
they must transcend the Matrix to save their souls.
Your job is to
prevent human evolution using our tools.

mind-to-machine devices organized into geometric sound vortices
are used as scalar weaponry for programming and extraction of
soul energy.
Panic and
chaos-generating "false
flag" events can be implemented to weaken human
physical connection to Source while fueling the Matrix.
Tel-A-Vision is useful.
EMF and scalar waves can alter
brainwaves to cause,
system disorders
Other mood altering
technologies utilize holographic projection for
than life" images in the sky.
Cloning technology is used to manipulate genetics to serves as
conduits for energy transfer.
Artificial intelligence (cyborgs)
serves as vessels for entities and dark energies that could not
otherwise operate on the Third Dimensional Matrix.

Nanotechnology is used as soul-level parasite to manipulate the
mind of the individual, to harvest human energy as a form of
sustenance, for neurological and temporal manipulation, as well
as genetic manipulation.
Metalizing and ionizing technologies, along with
geo-engineering are used to
alter Earths magnetic fields, electromagnetic grid system, and
Earth's atmosphere to transmit scalar waves above and EMF waves
below ground, anywhere in the world.
These technologies
are used to control global weather patterns, and to
create "natural phenomena", such as earthquakes, tornadoes,
volcanic eruptions and tidal waves with pinpoint accuracy.
Players can be infected body and mind, as well as monitored to
convince players to put down the keys that unlock the gate from
the inside.

The MATRIX is a system of systems:
public water system flows
through all systems, dispersing a chemical additive known as
sodium fluoride.
The properties of
fluoride calcify the
pineal gland and serve as
another tool to cut off connection to the Creator Source.
Its purpose is to reduce an individual's natural inclination
to resist domination.
The operatives, those with sanctioned authority, the chosen,
priests, professors, police, physicians, and presidents,
...maintain order and
hold sway over the Players.
Players are to be
held accountable for crossing the line through added
restrictions, tighter laws, and eventual elimination from the
game to become a new avatar with a new id-entity
to repeat the cycle.
Harvesting energy
from young Players, especially in the first seven years of life,
ensures the ideal frequency of the MATRIX program.
Extra points are
allocated if players are made to beg for protections.
Genetic Immunity:
Each new
generation on the planet accelerates its genetic
adaptability, which allows access to multiple planes of
awareness simultaneously.
This trait allows
certain individuals to maintain their connection to Soul and
Game Masters and Operatives should
not be seen. Those who are exposed are expendable and will be
eliminated from the game. If beliefs crumble, so too does the
simulation machine.
If players wake up,
the dream-state collapses and
Earthlings cycle off Earth to
evolve to
higher dimensions...