by Dr. Joseph Mercola
May 10, 2022
Mercola Website

World Health Organization has started drafting a global
'pandemic' treaty on 'pandemic' preparedness that would
grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as
the power to implement digital identities/vaccine
passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions,
standardized medical care and more
WHO is not qualified to make global health decisions. As
just one example, the WHO didn't publicly admit
SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until the end of December 2021,
yet scientists knew the virus was airborne within weeks
of the 'pandemic' being declared. The WHO also ignored
early advice about airborne transmission
importantly, a one-size-fits-all approach to 'pandemic'
response simply does not work, because 'pandemic' threats
are not identical in all parts of the world. Even people
in the same region do not have identical risk and may
not need or benefit from identical treatment
WHO will accept two more days of public comment on the
treaty, June 16 and 17, 2022, so prepare your statements
now. The World Health Assembly will also vote on
amendments to the International Health Regulations, May
22-28, 2022, which may also strip away more individual
rights and liberties
Just how Bad
the WHO
''pandemic' Treaty' be...?
The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated COVID
in an effort to cement a biosecurity grid into place is now hard at
work on the next phase of this New World Order.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has started drafting a global
treaty on 'pandemic' preparedness that would grant it absolute power
over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital
identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel
restrictions, standardized medical care and more.
In "The Corbett Report", 1,2 independent journalist
James Corbett reviews what this treaty is, how it will change the
global landscape and strip you of some of your most basic rights and
Make no mistake, the WHO
'pandemic' treaty is a direct
attack on the sovereignty of its member states, as well as a direct
attack on your bodily autonomy.
A Backdoor to
Global Governance
As noted by anti-extremism activist Maajid Nawaz in an April 28,
2022, Twitter post, 3 the,
"WHO 'pandemic' treaty serves as
a backdoor to global empire."
COVID-19, while potentially deadly to certain vulnerable groups,
simply isn't a valid justification for handing over more power to
the WHO, especially in light of its many inexplicable "mistakes" in
this and previous 'pandemic's.
As just one example, the WHO didn't publicly admit SARS-CoV-2 was
airborne until the end of December 2021, 4 yet scientists
knew the virus was airborne within weeks of the 'pandemic' being
declared. 5
The WHO also ignored
early advice about airborne transmission. 6
So, it seems clear that the effort to now hand over more power to
the WHO is about something other than them being the most qualified
to make health decisions that benefit and protect everyone.
It seems far more likely that the WHO is being installed as a de
facto governing body for the global Deep State. 7
Through the WHO, under
the guise of biosecurity, the globalist cabal who seek to own
everything and control everyone, will then be able to implement
their wishes across the whole world in one fell swoop.
With this treaty in place, all member nations will be subject to the
WHO's dictates.
If the WHO says every person on the planet needs to
have a vaccine passport and digital identity to ensure vaccination
compliance, then that's what every country will be forced to
implement, even if the people have rejected such plans using local
democratic processes.
As noted by Corbett, these negotiations are already well underway,
8 and the treaty is expected to be fully implemented in
2024 - that is, unless the people of the world wake up to what's
happening and beat back this monstrosity.
WHO Likely
Seeking to Monopolize Health Care Worldwide
Under the guise of a global 'pandemic', the WHO, the World Economic
Forum (WEF) and all its installed leaders in government and private
business, were able to roll out a plan that had already been decades
in the making.
The 'pandemic' was a perfect cover...!
In the name of keeping everyone "safe" from infection, the
globalists justified unprecedented attacks on democracy, civil
liberties and personal freedoms, including the right to choose your
own medical treatment.
Now, the WHO is gearing up to make its
'pandemic' leadership
permanent, extend it into the health care systems of every nation,
and eventually implement a universal or "socialist-like" health care
system as part of The Great Reset.
While this is not currently being discussed, there's every reason to
suspect that this is part of the plan.
WHO Director-General
Adhanom Ghebreyesus has previously stated that his "central
priority" as director-general of the WHO is to push the world toward
universal health coverage. 9
And, considering the WHO changed its definition of "pandemic" to "a
worldwide epidemic of a disease," 10 without the original
specificity of severe illness that causes high morbidity, 11,12
just about anything could be made to fit the 'pandemic' criterion.
whole premise behind this 'pandemic' treaty is that "shared threat
requires shared response." But a given threat is almost never
equally shared across regions.
Take COVID-19 for example.
Not only is the risk of COVID not the
same for people in New York City and the outback of Australia, it's
not even the same for all the people in those areas, as COVID is
highly dependent on age and underlying health conditions.
The WHO insists that the remedy is the same for everyone everywhere,
yet the risks vary widely from nation to nation, region to region,
person to person.
They intend to eliminate individualized medicine
and provide blanket rulings for how a given threat is to be
Without doubt, this can only result in needless
suffering, not to mention the loss of individual freedom.
How the WHO
Has Wielded Previous 'pandemic' Instruments
To give us an idea of how the WHO might end up misusing this new
proposed international "instrument" on 'pandemic' prevention,
preparedness and response, we can look at the International Health
Regulations (IHR), 13 which the U.S. signed on to in
The IHR is what empowered the WHO to declare a Public Health
Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). 14
This is a
special legal category that allows the WHO to initiate certain
contracts and procedures, including drug and vaccine contracts.
As noted by Corbett, the IHR allows the unelected director-general
of the WHO to simply declare a PHEIC and, suddenly, all member
states have to dance to his tune. It basically grants the WHO
dictatorial powers over health policy.
PHEICs have included,
All of these PHEICs were poorly handled and the WHO was
criticized as inept and corrupt 15 in their wake.
So, to summarize,
through the IHR, the WHO has already been
significantly empowered to dictate global health policy with regard
to 'pandemic's, and they used that power to bamboozle the nations of
the world into spending billions of dollars on countermeasures,
especially drugs and vaccines, that didn't work very well.
In that sense, the WHO is really just another wealth-transfer
The WHO's Big Pharma collaborators make billions on the
taxpayers' dime, while the people of the world are left to suffer
the consequences of fast-tracked vaccines.
Its handling of the COVID
'pandemic' in particular has been unprecedentedly bad, as they were
behind the withholding of early treatment with safe medicines
As noted by
Ivermectin advocate Dr. Tess Lawrie, 16 the
WHO has also claimed the mRNA shots as safe as conventional
vaccines, which is nowhere near the truth. Most all available data
prove they are the most dangerous drugs ever created.
Why would
anyone expect the WHO to become less corrupt if given even more
power and control?
IHR Amendments
May Also Restrict Rights and Freedoms
Now, the IHR overrode and superseded the U.S. Constitution from the
start, but in January 2022, the U.S. also submitted regulatory
amendments 17 that will give the WHO even more power to
restrict your rights and freedoms.
May 22 through 28, 2022, the World Health Assembly will gather and
vote on these amendments to the IHR and, if passed, they will be
enacted into international law.
These submitted amendments are in
addition to the WHO 'pandemic' treaty currently under discussion.
reported by Health Policy Watch, February 23, 2022: 18
"Washington wants to fast track a series of nitty-gritty, but
far-reaching changes in the existing International Health
Regulations that govern WHO and member state emergency alert and
response - for consideration at this year's World Health Assembly,
22-28 May.
The U.S. proposal 19 for major IHR rule changes, obtained
by Health Policy Watch, has been a topic of discussion in a series
of closed-door meetings of WHO member states, which are considering
ways to reform the existing IHR, as well as advancing a whole new
WHO convention or other international instrument 20 on
'pandemic' prevention and response...
The U.S. is expected to lead a parallel track of tightly-paced
'informal' member state negotiations to reach consensus on an IHR
reform resolution for approval at this year's 75th WHA [World Health
The "new WHO convention or other international instrument" mentioned
here refers to the WHO treaty currently under discussion.
intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) was established as a
subdivision of the World Health Assembly in December 2021, 21
for the purpose of drafting and negotiating this new 'pandemic'
treaty. And, as mentioned, this INB has begun that work.
However, as noted by Corbett, this is only the second time in the
WHO's history that an INB has been established. The first one was
the INB of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 22
22 years ago.
So, this is not a
well-established process, and it's hard to predict how it will play
Bill Gates
Builds GERM Team for the WHO
Another clue about what the WHO intends to do with more power comes
from its primary funder,
Bill Gates.
Gates recently announced he's
building a 'pandemic' response team for the WHO, which he would like
to be called the "Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization" or GERM
This team will be made up of thousands of disease experts under
WHO's purview, and will monitor nations and,
"decide when they need
to suspend civil liberties, force populations to wear masks and
close borders," The Counter Signal reports. 23
Of course, Gates is also the largest funder of the WHO (when you
combine the donations from both his foundation and GAVI, the Vaccine
This and other relationships speak volumes about
corruption still ruling the WHO...
At the end of the day, Gates is
basically paying the WHO to dictate to the world what they must do
to make Gates a ton of money.
As noted by The Counter Signal:
"Gates' announcement of the GERM team coincides with the World
Health Organization's drafting of a global 'pandemic' treaty...
In the
future, the 'pandemic' treaty will not only ensure that member states
abide by International Health Regulations but will also put the WHO
in the driver's seat, so to speak.
Member states, including the US
and Canada, will take their orders directly from the organization.
As Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis explains:
'The treaty includes 190 countries and would be legally binding.
treaty defines and classifies what is considered a 'pandemic', and
this could consist of broad classifications, including an increase
in cancers, heart conditions, strokes, etc.
If a 'pandemic' is
declared, the WHO takes over the global health management of the
Of even more concern, if this treaty is enshrined, the WHO would be
in full control over what gets called a 'pandemic'.
They could dictate
how our doctors can respond, which drugs can and can't be used, or
which vaccines are approved. We would end up with a
one-size-fits-all approach for the entire world...
one-size-fits-all response to a health crisis doesn't even
work across Canada, let alone the entire globe'...
It isn't unreasonable to assume that the GERM team, as a new branch
of the WHO, would oversee making sure member states comply with the
'pandemic' treaty after the draft is finalized and member states
The next question, then, is how the WHO and Bill Gates would be able
to monitor every individual in every country to determine whether
enough people are sick to justify locking a region down.
To this end, the WHO has contracted German-based
Deutsche Telekom
subsidiary T-Systems to develop a global vaccine passport system,
25 with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR
code digital ID...
Thus, there will be one
'pandemic' treaty, one GERM
team, one global vaccine passport, and one World Health Organization
to monitor every person on the planet."
Under WHO
Control, Vaccine Passports Are a Given
Indeed, while countries around the world have scrubbed their COVID
measures and backed away from vaccine passports, the WHO is still
moving ahead with a global vaccine passport program. 26
So, if the WHO is given the authority to dictate biosecurity rules
for the world, you can bet they'll insist on vaccine passports with
built-in digital identity and readiness for a centralized
programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC).
As reported by the
Western Standard: 27
"The WHO fully
intends to provide support to its 194 member states to
facilitate the implementation of the digital verification
technology for countries' national and regional verification of
vaccine status.
"'COVID-19 affects everyone. Countries will therefore only
emerge from the 'pandemic' together. Vaccination certificates that
are tamper-proof and digitally verifiable build trust.
WHO is
therefore supporting member states in building national and
regional trust networks and verification technology.
"The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between
regional systems. It can also be used as part of future
vaccination campaigns and home-based records,' said Garrett
Mehl, unit head of the WHO's Department of Digital Health and
Innovation, on Deutsche Telekom's website."
Can we stop
the international 'pandemic' treaty?
The question now is,
can we stop this "international
instrument" that the WHO is seeking...?
With short notice, the WHO
announced it would accept public comment on the treaty for a total
of five days. 28
The World Council for Health was among the few that acted quickly
enough to submit a comment in opposition to the treaty.
delivered the World Council for Health's submission. 29
"The proposal to take
control of 'pandemic's at a central WHO level is untenable and
threatens a global society ...
It is foolhardy to
even suggest that a 'one size fits all' response to a 'pandemic'
crisis across geographic zones characterized by hugely
different parameters, could possibly be covered by a
central bureaucratic process - the need for local decision making
is of prime importance."
Robert Clancy,Ph.D.
In an April 26 update on
Substack, Lawrie wrote: 30
"Despite the lack of
notice, many grassroots organizations did what they could to
spread the word and the World Council for Health's
#stopthetreaty campaign reached an astonishing 415 million
Many of you made written submissions expressing your
concerns. So many of you in fact, that I hear the WHO's website
crashed on the last day."
One person who missed the
deadline was professor Robert Clancy, a leading clinical
immunologist in Canada.
He sent the comment he would have wanted to
submit to Lawrie, who included it in her post: 31
"The proposal to take
control of 'pandemic's at a central WHO level is untenable and
threatens a global society.
I am in receipt of
the World Council for Health response, and the superbly
summarized view by Dr. Tess Lawrie. These concerns reflect the
'across the board' view of most Australian doctors...
"The failure to understand the restrictions of systemic
vaccination for mucosal infection and the dangers of accumulated
suppression that follows mindless booster programs, and failure
to interrogate the massive databases regarding adverse events of
genetic vaccines are but two of the serious mistakes perpetuated
by the WHO...
"It is foolhardy to even suggest that a 'one size fits all'
response to a 'pandemic' crisis across geographic zones
characterized by hugely different parameters, could possibly be
covered by a central bureaucratic process - the need for local
decision making is of prime importance.
"The rule of science and the rule of the doctor-patient
relationship must determine any response to a 'pandemic', and
current experience where the rule of the narrative has so
distorted disease outcomes - supported by the WHO - must make
very clear the foolishness of rewarding incompetence and
corruption with even greater powers.
"I write this as the most experienced Clinical Immunologist in
Australia, and a leading research scientist in Mucosal
Immunology with a focus on 'host-parasite relationship.'
Professor Robert Clancy
Make your
voice heard in June
While many, like Clancy, didn't get a chance to participate, the WHO
has announced it will allow for two more days of public comment,
June 16 and 17.
As noted by Lawrie:
"Please also be aware of the proposed amendments to the
International Health Regulations, to be voted on this May at the
World Health Assembly.
"Like the 'pandemic' treaty, this is another move to seize greater
powers and override the sovereign laws of individual nations.
say this is more significant than the 'pandemic' treaty:
if voted in,
it means the loss of our sovereignty from this November.
Roguski has written extensively about this on his Substack. 33
"There seems to be a concerted effort by the WHO and its controllers
to attack our sovereignty from all angles. It is important we make
it clear that we do not recognize the WHO as an authority over us
and that we will not tolerate this abuse of power.
"We are sovereign and will not be bound by the undertakings of
corrupt officials who pretend to act on our behalf when signing away
the inherent rights of the World's People.
They do not act for us
and we will not be bound."
I encourage you to make plans to have your voice heard June 16 and
Unfortunately, the WHO has not yet released any submission
details. Your best bet right now is to sign up for the World Council
for Health newsletter.
The last time, they issued links and
instructions on how to submit your comment, and are sure to do the
same for the June submission window.
To block the IHR amendments at the May 2022 World Health Assembly,
we need to flood our respective delegations with opposition. A list
of U.S. delegates can be found in Roguski's Substack article, "Speaking
Truth to Power."
For contact information for other nations' delegates, I would
suggest contacting the regional office and asking for a list (see
"Regions" in the blue section at the bottom of the
World Health Assembly webpage).
It's also possible that the World Council for Health will publish
guidance on it, so be sure to sign up for their newsletter.
The Global 'pandemic' Treaty
What You Need to
Sources and References