by Newfunturistic October 14, 2023 from Conspiracies Website Information sent by MGG
- 'The Blue Dot' We will remember 2020 as the year that changed our lives.
The year we were forced to wear a mask, while the system removed its own. Call me. The wars. Prove what's in their own...
Because that's the only way we keep 1.5ºC degrees alive.
Three years ago, a COVID war began against the human population.
Big bankers, mega-millionaires, idea-labs and super-national organizations, together with politicians and media subjected to the plan. You must stay at home. Started a global psychological operation.
The objective convinced people that the inoculation of experimental substances was the only solution to end the problem they themselves created. We now know that it was the medical protocols that killed people in the hospitals.
And that similar practices ended the life of thousands of the elderly in nursing homes. And that it was the only solution to end the problem. That there was never any committee of experts. That anyone who tried to alert people about what was going on was censored.
The government asked for a bunch of things to be censored that retrospect ended up being more debatable or true. Through the leaking of more than 100,000 text messages, now we know as well that they implemented new variants to scare the citizens and lead them to the massive vaccination.
We know that the so-called vaccines had not even been tested.
Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping humanization before essentially the market? No.
We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.
Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission?
The vaccine was never tested for transmission, in other words, stopping you giving COVID to others. So what the authorities told us about stopping the spread with a jab was a total lie.
And the worst and most serious thing is that countless people in all the world are currently dying due to the inoculations.
Of course, the facts to the COVID vaccines have been reported and recorded worldwide. We can't afford to do it. We can't afford to do it. We can't afford to do it.
In the first half of the day, what would you do in the future?
We can't afford to do it. So we can't afford to do it for the past. And that's why we're not a part of the story. In their own words, the leaders of Brevard County's GOP say that,
All of this is already official information, and it should be opening the news in all the countries of the world.
Perhaps now someone will pay more attention to this message. Probably you may have noticed an unusual concatenation of global crises in the last three years. In the last three years, we have to pay more attention to this message.
Meanwhile, in silence and without involving public opinion, the country's members of the WHO are preparing us for the next pandemic.
Yes, the next pandemic. In the last three years, the pandemic has been a long time ago. COVID-19 operation was only the first part of the series of multi-actions which aimed to establish a planetary dictatorship at a global level.
Like did we actually manage to vaccinate everyone in the world?
No, water is something that people understand.
There is an agenda and process for the control of all lands, all waters, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all constructions, all models of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings living on this planet.
It is a plan of the United Nations captured by private interests, who beneath nice words wants to establish a one-world government. In the last few years, the country has a large population of people and the country has a large population. The country has a large population of people and the country is a large population.
All the skies underneath the common good concept, sound familiar?
The country has a large population of people and the country has a large population. I think there is a COVID fatigue, so whenever a new story comes out, the next thing is going to be the economy...
Where is it?
The country has a large population of people and the country has a large population. The country has a large population of people and the country has a large population. The country has a large population of people. Stabilized the population.
When I was born, so what was wrong with the population? I mean, with too many people.
That's why we have COVID-19.
This is the ideology of the elite, that use sustained fear to reach the objectives marked in the agenda. Population reduction and concentration of citizens in megacities, where they can be controlled and surveilled.
Everything under the new pretext, the new virus, the carbon crisis.
The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived. Climate change is here, it is terrifying and it is just the beginning.
The world is our role, the world is our first to look forward to a new life. The world is our first to look forward to a new life. The world is easier to learn, the world is our first to look forward to a new life.
All of this leads to the ban on cash and the establishment of a digital currency programmable from central banks. To stand, by programming CBDC.
Together with a new vaccination passport, this time mandatory, with your digital identity, your bank details, and your carbon credits. Individual carbon footprint tracker.
Ooh, they tuned, we don't have it operational yet, but this is something that we're working on. That's why the pass is green.
The control of data, especially biometric data, might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships.
By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself.
This is the most important thing in the world, the most important thing in the world, the most important thing in the world, the most important thing in the world, the most important thing in the world.
This is the most important thing in the world, the most important thing in the world. This is the fight of our generation. These are the challenges we are facing.
The future of our civilization and planet is at stake.
The blue dot, the only home we know...
Recordaremos el 2020 como el año que cambió nuestras vidas.
El año en que nos obligaron a
usar mascarilla, mientras el
sistema se quitaba la suya. Llámame. Las guerras. Demostrar lo que
hay en su propio...
Hace tres años, comenzó una guerra de COVID contra la población
Tuvimos que avanzar realmente a la velocidad de la ciencia para comprender realmente lo que está sucediendo en el mercado.
Si estás completamente vacunado, ya no
necesitarás usar mascarilla.
¿Por qué mantuviste en secreto que tu vacuna no detuvo la transmisión?
Todo esto ya es información oficial, y debería ser noticia en todos
los países del mundo.
Existe una agenda y un
proceso para el control de todas las tierras, todas las aguas, todos
los minerales, todas las plantas, todos los animales, todas las
construcciones, todos los modelos de producción, todos los alimentos,
toda la energía, toda la información y todos los seres humanos que
viven en este planeta.
¿Dónde está?
Junto a un nuevo pasaporte de
vacunación, esta vez obligatorio, con tu identidad digital, tus
datos bancarios y tus créditos de carbono. Rastreador de huella de
carbono individual.
Esto es lo más importante del mundo, lo más importante del mundo, lo
más importante del mundo, lo más importante del mundo, lo más
importante del mundo.
The Blue Dot Movie - Manuel Jesús
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