by Dr.
Naomi Wolf
October 17, 2024
NaomiWolf Website
Spanish version

The Foreword to
our Historic, Lifesaving New
Our book,
The Pfizer Papers - Pfizer's Crimes Against
Humanity, was published October 15 and became an
immediate bestseller.
This is a book that three governments - the US,
the UK and Australia - all sought to suppress.
The story of how it came to be is extraordinary -
3,250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the
leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for
two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released
under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri.
In the process these volunteers confirmed the
greatest crime against humanity of all time.
Read on...
book in your hands is the result of
an extraordinary set of confluences. It also presents, in a format
available in bookstores for the first time, material that has
already changed history.
You are about to embark as a reader on a journey through an
extraordinary story - one whose elements almost defy belief.
The Pfizer Papers is the result of a group of strangers -
ordinary people with extraordinary skills, located in different
places around the world, with different backgrounds and interests -
who all came together, for no money or professional recompense at
all; out of the goodness of their hearts, and motivated by love for
true medicine and true science - to undertake a rigorous, painfully
detailed, and complex research project, which spanned the years 2022
to the present, and which continues to this day.
The material they read through and analyzed
involved 450,000 pages of documents, all written in extremely dense,
technical language.
This far-flung, relentlessly pursued research project - under the
leadership of DailyClout's COO, the remarkably gifted project
director Amy Kelly - brought one of the largest and most
corrupt institutions in the world, Pfizer, to its knees.
This project, pursued by 3,250 strangers who
worked virtually and became friends and colleagues, drove a global
pharmaceutical behemoth to lose billions of dollars in revenue.
It balked the plans of the most powerful
politicians on earth. It bypassed the censorship of the most
powerful tech companies on earth.
This is the ultimate David and Goliath story...
The story began when lawyer Aaron Siri successfully sued the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA),
to compel them to release "The Pfizer Documents."
These are Pfizer's internal documents - as noted
above, 450,000 pages in number - that detail the clinical trials
Pfizer conducted in relation to its
COVID mRNA injection.
These trials were undertaken to secure the
ultimate prize for a pharmaceutical company, the "EUA," or Emergency
Use Authorization from the FDA.
The FDA awarded EUA for ages 16+ to Pfizer in
December 2020.
The "pandemic," of course (a crisis in public
health that a book of mine, The Bodies of Others, confirmed,
involved hyped and manipulated "infections" data and skewed
mortality documentation) became the pretext for the "urgency" that
led the FDA to bestow EUA on Pfizer's (and
Moderna's) novel drug.
The EUA is the hall pass, essentially, allowing
Pfizer to race right to market with a not-fully-tested product.

The Pfizer Papers also contains documentation of what
happened in "post-marketing," meaning in the three months, December
2020 to February 2021, as the vaccine was rolled out upon the
All leading spokespeople, and bought-off media,
called the injection "safe and effective," reading from what was a
centralized script.
Many people who took this injection, as it was launched in 2020 -
2021 - 2022 and to the present, did not realize that normal testing
for safety of a new vaccine - testing that typically takes ten to
twelve years - had simply been bypassed via,
the mechanisms of a
"state of emergency" and the FDA's "Emergency Use Authorization"...
They did not understand that the real "testing"
was in fact Pfizer and the FDA observing whatever was happening to
them and their loved ones, after these citizens rolled up their
sleeves and submitted to the shot.
As we can never forget,
many millions of these people who submitted
to the injection were "mandated" to take it, facing the threat
of job loss, suspension of their education, or loss of their
military positions if they refused.
In some US states and overseas countries,
people also faced the suspension of their rights to take
transportation, cross borders, go to school or college, receive
certain medical procedures, or enter buildings such as churches
and synagogues, restaurants and gyms - if they refused.
The FDA asked the judge in the Aaron Siri lawsuit
to withhold the release of the Pfizer documents for seventy-five
Why would a government agency wish to conceal
certain material until the present generation, those affected by
what is in these documents, is dead and gone?
There can be no good answer to that question.
Fortunately for history, and fortunately for millions of people
whose lives were saved by this decision, the judge refused the FDA's
request, and compelled the release of the documents; a tranche of
55,000 pages per month.
When I heard about this, though, I was concerned as a journalist.
I knew that no reporter had the bandwidth to go
through material of this volume. I also understood that virtually no
reporter had the training or skill sets required to understand the
multidimensional, technically highly specialized language of the
In order to understand the reports, one would
need a background in,
sports medicine
cellular biology
...and many other specialties.
In addition to doctors and scientists, in order
to understand what was really happening in the Pfizer documents,
you would also need people deeply
knowledgeable about government and pharmaceutical industry
regulatory processes
you would need people who understood the
FDA approval process
you would need medical fraud specialists
and eventually, in order to understand
what crimes were committed in the Papers, you would need
I was worried that without people with all of
those skill sets reading through the documents, their volume and
complexity would lead them to vanish down "the memory hole."

Steve Bannon
Enter Steve Bannon,
the former Naval Officer, former Goldman
Sachs investment banker, former advisor to President
Trump, and
current host of the most popular political podcast in America
and one of the most listened-to worldwide,
He and I come from opposite ends of the
political spectrum.
I had been a lifelong Democrat, an advisor to
Bill Clinton's reelection campaign, and to
Al Gore's presidential campaign.
He, of course, is a staunch
I had been deplatformed in June 2021, before the
Pfizer documents came out, for the "crime" of warning that women
were reporting menstrual dysregulation upon having received the mRNA
As a career-long writer on women's sexual and
reproductive health issues, I knew that this was a serious danger
signal and that this side effect would affect fertility. (Any eighth
grader should be able to foresee that as well.)
Upon my having posted this warning, I was banned
from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other
I was attacked globally, all at once, as an
"anti-vaxxer" and "conspiracy theorist"; and my life as a
well-known, bestselling feminist author, within the legacy media,
No one in that world would talk to me anymore,
publish my work, or return my calls. I was un-personed...
(It turned out, upon two successful lawsuits
in 2023 by Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general, that it was
actually the White House, the CDC, and senior leaders of other
government agencies, including the Department of Homeland
Security, that unlawfully pressured Twitter and Facebook to
remove that cautionary tweet of mine, to shut me down, and to
"BOLO" or Be On the Lookout for similar posts.
This suppression is now the subject of a
pending Supreme Court decision on whether or not it violated the
First Amendment.)
In this dark time in my life, to my surprise, I
received a text from Steve Bannon's producer, who invited me onto
I brought forward my concerns about women's
reproductive health in the wake of mRNA injection, and to my
surprise he was respectful, thoughtful about the implications, and
took the issue very seriously.
I returned again and again, to bring that and
other concerns that were emerging in relation to the mRNA injections
to his audience. I was relieved to have a platform on which I could
share these urgent warnings.
At the same time, I was sad that the Left, which
was supposed to champion feminism, seemed not to care at all about
serious risks to women and unborn babies.
I recognized the irony that a person whom I had
been taught to believe was the Devil Incarnate, actually
cared more about women and babies than did all of my right-on former
colleagues, including the feminist health establishment, who had
always spoken so loudly about women's wellbeing and women's rights.
Given my appearances on WarRoom leading up to 2022, it was
natural that the subject of the Pfizer documents came up on that
show when the documents were released.
I shared my concern that they would be lost to
history due to their volume and technical language. Bannon said
something like,
"Well, you will crowdsource a project to read
through them."
I was taken aback, as I had zero skills related
to, or knowledge about how possibly to do such a thing.
I answered something like, "Of course."
So, my news and opinion platform DailyClout was deluged with
offers from around the world, from WarRoom listeners with the skill
sets needed, to decipher the Pfizer documents.
I was terrified. It was chaos. I had excellent
people on my team.
But none of us knew how to manage or even
organize the deluge of emails; we did not know how to evaluate the
thousands of CVs; and even once we had "onboarded" these thousands
of people, in different time zones, to "the project," our inboxes
became even more terrifying, as it was literally impossible to
organize 3,250 experts into an organization chart that could
systematically work through these documents.
Emails were getting tangled or went
People asked questions we could not answer.
We had no idea what structure could allow
such a huge number of disparate experts to work through the vast
trove of material.
A few weeks in, as I was in despair, Bannon had
me on again.
He asked about the progress of the project, and I
replied, more upbeat than I felt, that many people had joined us,
and they were starting to read.
"Of course, you will begin delivering
reports," he prompted.
"Of course," I answered, horrified at being
in so far over my head.
I have never had a corporate job, so it had not
even occurred to me that a series of reports was the format that the
analyses of the documents should take.
Then something happened that I can only describe as providential. We
put out a call to the volunteers for a project manager, and Amy
Kelly reached out.
Ms. Kelly is a Six Sigma-certified project
manager, with extensive experience in telecommunications and
tech project management. She is also a simply inexplicably effective
The day that she put her hand to the chaos in the
inboxes, the waters were stilled. Peace and productivity prevailed.
Ms. Kelly somehow effortlessly organized the volunteers into six
working groups, with a supra-committee at the head of each, and the
proper work began.
I can only explain the scope and smoothness and effectiveness of the
work that followed, as occurring in a state of grace.
In the two years since Ms. Kelly and the volunteers have been
working together, they have gone through 2,369 documents and data
files totaling hundreds of thousands of pages and have issued almost
one hundred reports.
I taught the volunteers to write these in a
language that everyone could understand - which I thought was very
important to maximize their impact. And Amy Kelly meticulously
revised almost all, and edited all, of them.
The first forty-six reports appeared in a self-published format that
we put out.
It was very important to us that they appear in a
published form that was physical, and not just digital, as we wanted
something that people could hand to their doctors, their loved ones,
their congressional representatives.
These forty-six reports broke huge stories...!
We learned that Pfizer knew within three months
after rollout in December 2020, that the vaccines did not work
to stop COVID.
Pfizer's language was "vaccine failure" and
"failure of efficacy."
One of the most common "adverse events" in the
Pfizer documents is "COVID."
Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials - lipid nanoparticles, an
industrial fat, coated in polyethylene glycol, a petroleum
byproduct; mRNA, and spike protein - did not remain in the deltoid
muscle, as claimed by all spokespeople.
Rather, it dispersed throughout the body in
forty-eight hours "like a shotgun blast," as one of the authors, Dr.
Robert Chandler, put it; it crossed every membrane in the
human body - including the blood-brain barrier - and accumulated in
the liver, adrenals, spleen, brain, and, if one is a woman, in the
Dr. Chandler saw no mechanism whereby those
materials leave the body, so every injection appears to pack more
such materials into organs.
Pfizer hired 2,400 fulltime staffers to help process "the large
increase of adverse event reports" being submitted to the company's
Worldwide Safety database.
knew by April 2021 that the injections damaged
the hearts of young people...
Pfizer knew by February 28, 2021 - just ninety
days after the public rollout of their COVID vaccine - that its
injection was linked to a myriad of adverse events.
Far from being "chills," "fever," "fatigue," as
the CDC and other authorities claimed were the most worrying side
effects, the actual side effects were catastrophically serious.
These side effects included:
death (which Pfizer does list as a
"serious adverse event")...
Indeed, over 1,233 deaths in first three months
of the drug being publicly available.
Severe COVID-19:
liver injury
neurological adverse events
facial paralysis
kidney injury
autoimmune diseases
chilblains (a localized form of
vasculitis that affects the fingers and toes)
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (when
more than one organ system is failing at once)
the activation of dormant herpes zoster
skin and mucus membrane lesions
respiratory issues
damaged lung structure
respiratory failure
acute respiratory distress syndrome (a
lung injury in which fluid leaks from the blood vessels into
the lung tissue, causing stiffness which makes it harder to
breathe and causes a reduction of oxygen and carbon dioxide
SARS (or SARS-CoV-1, which had not been
seen in the world since 2004, but appears in the Pfizer
documents as a side effect of the injections)
Thousands of people with arthritis-type joint
pain, one of the most common side effect, were recorded.
Other thousands with muscle pain, the second most
Then, industrial-scale blood diseases:
blood clots
lung clots
leg clots
thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a clotting
disease of the blood vessels
vasculitis (the destruction of blood
vessels via inflammation),
...astronomical rates of neurological disorders:
Horrific skin conditions.
A florid plethora of cardiac issues:
myocarditis, pericarditis, tachycardia,
arrhythmia, and so on.
Half of the serious adverse events related to the
liver, including death, took place within seventy-two hours of the
shot. Half of the strokes took place within forty-eight hours of
But what really emerged from the first forty-six reports, was
the fact that though COVID is ostensibly a respiratory disease, the
papers did not focus on lungs or mucus membranes, but rather they
center, creepily and consistently, on,
disrupting human reproduction...!
By the time Pfizer's vaccine rolled out to the
public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing
babies and significantly harming women and men's reproduction.
The material in the documents makes it clear that
damaging human's ability to reproduce and causing spontaneous
abortions of babies is "not a bug, it is a feature."
Pfizer told vaccinated men to use two reliable forms of
contraception or else to abstain from sex with childbearing-age
In its protocol, the company defined
"exposure" to the vaccine as including skin-to-skin contact,
inhalation, and sexual contact.
Pfizer mated vaccinated female rats and
"untreated" male rats, and then examined those males, females, and
their offspring for vaccine-related "toxicity."
Based on just forty-four rats (and no humans),
Pfizer declared no negative outcomes for,
"...mating performance, fertility, or any
ovarian or uterine parameters... nor on embryo-fetal or
postnatal survival, growth, or development," the implication
being that its COVID vaccine was safe in pregnancy and did not
harm babies.
Pfizer knew that lipid
nanoparticles have been known for
years, to degrade sexual systems, and Amy Kelly in fact found
nanoparticles, of which lipid nanoparticles are a subtype, pass
through the blood-testis barrier and damage,
males' Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ
Those are the factories of masculinity, affecting
the hormones that turn boys at adolescence into men, with deep
voices, broad shoulders, and the ability to father children.
So, we have no idea if baby boys born to
vaccinated moms, will turn into adults who are recognizably male and
Pfizer enumerated the menstrual damages it knew
it was causing to thousands of women, and the damage ranges from
women bleeding every day, to having two periods a month, to no
periods at all; to women hemorrhaging and passing tissue; to
menopausal and post-menopausal women beginning to bleed again.
Pfizer's scientists calmly observed and noted it
all but did not tell women.
Babies suffered and died.
In one section of the documents, over 80
percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or
spontaneous abortion.
In another section of the documents, two
newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as
"maternal exposure" to the vaccine.

Image from
Health Defense
Pfizer knew that vaccine materials entered vaccinated moms' breast
milk and poisoned babies.
Four women's breast milk turned "blue-green."
Pfizer produced a chart of sick babies, made
ill from breastfeeding from vaccinated moms, with symptoms
ranging from fever to edema (swollen flesh) to hives to
One poor baby had convulsions and was taken
to the ER, where it died of multi-organ system failure.
I will now take you to the thirty-six reports you
will find
in this book.
Some of the headlines from the reports that
follow are:
On Feb 28, 2021, Pfizer produced "Pregnancy
and Lactation Cumulative Review" showing that after mothers'
vaccination with its vaccine:
Adverse events occurred in over 54
percent of cases of "maternal exposure" to vaccine and
included 53 reports of spontaneous abortion (51)/ abortion
(1)/ abortion missed (1) following vaccination.
Premature labor and delivery cases
occurred, as well as two newborn deaths.
Some newborns suffered severe respiratory
distress or "illness" after exposure via breast milk.
"Substantial" birth rate drops happened
across thirteen countries: countries in Europe, as well as
Britain, Australia, and Taiwan, within nine months of public
vaccine rollout.
Approximately 70 percent of Pfizer
vaccine-related adverse events occur in women.
Spike protein and inflammation were still
present in heart tissue one year after receipt of the mRNA
COVID vaccine.
In Pfizer's clinical trial, there were
more deaths among the vaccinated than the placebo
participants. However, Pfizer submitted inaccurate data,
showing more deaths in the placebo group, to the FDA when
seeking emergency use authorization.
Infants and children under twelve
received Pfizer's vaccine seven months before a pediatric
vaccine approval resulting in:
There was an over 3.7-fold increase in
the number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in
vaccinated clinical trial subjects compared to placebo
The vaccine Pfizer rolled out to the
public was different than the formulation used on the
majority of clinical trial participants, and the public was
not informed of this.
Histopathologic analyses (the staining of
tissues to show disease states) show clear evidence of
vaccine-induced, autoimmune-like pathology in multiple
organs; spike protein-caused erosion of the blood vessels,
heart, and lymphatic vessels; amyloids in multiple tissues;
unusual, aggressive cancers; and atypical "clot" formations.
Following vaccination, younger patients
began presenting with cancers; tumors were bigger and grew
more aggressively and faster than cancers had prior to mass
inoculation of populations; co-temporal onset (the onset
more than one cancer at the same time) of cancers became
more common - a situation that was typically very unusual
before the mRNA vaccines' rollout. Benign tumors' growth
By March 12, 2021, Pfizer researchers
vaccinated almost the entire placebo (non-vaccinated) cohort
from the trial, though Pfizer had previously committed to
following both the vaccinated and placebo cohorts for two
Immediately after receiving the Emergency
Use Authorization, Pfizer lobbied the FDA to allow them to
vaccinate the unvaccinated cohort for "humanitarian"
reasons. Vaccinating the placebo group ended the ability to
pursue safety studies over time.
Autoimmunity cases reported to the
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) increased
24-fold from 2020 to 2021, and annual autoimmunity-related
fatalities increased 37x in the same time period.
In Pfizer's October 2021 emergency use
authorization data and documents submission for children
ages five to eleven, Pfizer investigators speculated in
writing that subclinical damages would manifest in patients
in the long term, implying that continued doses with
subclinical damages would eventually manifest as clinical
In trial studies, Moderna mRNA COVID-19
vaccine damaged mammals' reproduction - resulting in 22
percent fewer pregnancies; skeletal malformations; and
nursing problems.
There were hundreds of possible
vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) cases in the
first three months of Pfizer's mRNA COVID vaccine rollout.
Public health spokespeople minimized their severity by
calling them "breakthrough COVID cases."
Pfizer concealed eight vaccinated deaths
that occurred during the clinical trial in order to make its
results look favorable for receiving its ages 16+ EUA.
The most powerful forces in the world, including,
the White House
the staffers of the United States
president himself
Rochelle Walensky of the CDC
the head of the FDA, Dr. Robert M Califf
Anthony Fauci
Twitter and
media, including,
professional organizations such as,
the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecology
the European Medicines Agency, the European equivalent of the FDA
the Therapeutics Goods
Administration, Australia's equivalent of the FDA,
...all sought to suppress the information that
Amy Kelly, the research volunteers, and I brought to the world
starting in 2022, and that you are about to absorb in the following
Nonetheless, in spite of the most powerful censorship and
retribution campaign launched in human history - made more powerful
than past such campaigns by the amplifying effects of social
media and AI - these volunteers' findings were not
suppressed at last, and survived on alternative media,
and on our site DailyClout.io, to be shared from mouth to
mouth, saving millions of lives.
Fast forward to more recent events.
What has the role of this information
been in stopping this greatest crime ever committed against
The worst has happened.
Disabilities are up by a million a month in
the United States, according to former
BlackRock hedge fund manager
Edward Dowd.
Excess deaths are way up in the US and
Western Europe.
Birth rates have plummeted, according to the
mathematician Igor Chudov (and WarRoom/DailyClout
Volunteer Researcher Dr. Robert Chandler) by 13 - 20 percent
since 2021, based on government databases.
Athletes are dropping dead.
Turbo-cancers are on the rise.
Conventional doctors may be "baffled" by all of
this, but sadly, we, thanks to Amy Kelly and the volunteers,
understand exactly what is happening.
Our relentless effort to get this information to the world, in an
unimpeachable form, has finally paid off with results. The uptake
for boosters is now 4 percent.
Very few people "boosted" their children.
Most colleges in the United States withdrew
their vaccine "mandates."
Pfizer's net revenue dropped in Q1 of 2024 to
pre-2016 levels.
OfCom, which had targeted Mark Steyn
for "platforming" on his show my description of the reproductive
and other harms in the Pfizer documents, is being sued by Steyn.
The BBC had to report that vaccine injuries
are real, as did the New York Times.
AstraZeneca, a somewhat differently
configured COVID vaccine in Europe, was withdrawn from the
market in May 2024, following lawsuits involving thrombotic
thrombocytopenia (a side effect about which our research
volunteer Dr. Carol Taccetta had informed the FDA by
letter in 2022), and the European Medicines Agency notably
withdrew its EUA for AstraZeneca.
Three days after we published our report
showing that the FDA and CDC had received the eight-page
"Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review" confirming that Dr.
Walensky knew about the lethality of the vaccine when she
held her press conference telling pregnant women to get the
injection, Dr. Walensky resigned.
It is difficult indeed to face this material in
the roles that Amy Kelly and I play.
No doubt for the volunteers, unearthing this
criminal evidence is painful indeed. It may be hard to read some of
what follows. As I have said elsewhere, seeing this material is like
being among the Allied soldiers who first opened the gates of
But the truth must be told...!
Among other important reasons to tell these truths, people were
injured and killed with a novel technology not deployed before in
medicine, and these pages hold important clues as to the mechanisms
of these injuries, and thus, they provide many signposts for
physicians and scientists in the future, for treating the many
injuries that these new mRNA technologies, injected into people's
bodies, have brought about.
We must share the truth, as the truth saves and sustains; and
eventually, the truth will heal.
We thank Steve Bannon, and his
wonderful team at WarRoom, for being the instigator
of this entire project and for consistently bringing us onto
his show so that we can tell the world what the volunteers
We thank Skyhorse Publishing, publisher Tony Lyons,
and our editor Hector Carosso, for taking the
critical step of publishing this material in a book that
will be available everywhere.
Books matter, and this publication will
make a difference in bringing about accountability and an
accurate history of this catastrophic set of events.
We thank the volunteers, 3,250 strangers around the world
who banded together in the love of truth and of their fellow
human beings.
We thank our two hundred lawyers, who
helped us to FOIA emails from the CDC and helped us to
understand the crimes that we were seeing in the following
Many of our volunteers themselves have suffered ostracism,
job loss, marginalization, and other penalties, as a
consequence of their commitment to real science, real
medicine, and to bringing forth the truth to save their
fellow human beings, and generations yet unborn.
The battle is ongoing.
No one who committed this massive crime against
humanity is in jail, or even facing civil or criminal charges. There
are at least three lawsuits against Pfizer - two of ours, and one of
Brook Jackson's - but, to date, none of the lawsuits have completely
The litigation drags on.
Nonetheless... nonetheless. The word is out...
Amy Kelly and I get hundreds of emails from grateful
families, telling us about their healthy babies or grandchildren and
thanking us for saving those babies, or sons and daughters and
daughters-in-law, and we know this project has saved many lives;
perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives and maybe saved millions from
disabling injuries.
Steve Bannon, who started it all, saved
hundreds of thousands of lives and saved his listeners and ours from
sustaining millions of injuries. God know how many babies will be
born in the future, safe and well, because of our collective,
arduous, much-targeted work.
The story of this project is not over...!
Your own actions, upon your having read these reports, are part of
the ongoing ripples of this work.
Whom will you tell?
How will you process the information?
What will you do to avenge the crimes of the past?
What will you do to save the future...?
Dr. Naomi Wolf
reveals shocking
details in
"The Pfizer Papers"...