by Noel Huntley
excerpted from
"ETs and Aliens - Who Are They? and
Why Are They Here?"
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The Orion constellation is one of the most brilliant. In legend, it
represents a mighty hunter brought down by his own pride.
He boasts he could slay all wild animals
but he was killed by a scorpion. The constellation's most celebrated
feature is the huge nebula 1,500 light years away that lies within
the hunter's sword.
Amongst the hundreds of stars in the system are
two super giants,
Betelgeuse and
Rigel, 430 and 770 light years
away, respectively.
Germain, channeled by
Lyssa Royal, tells us that
Orions are 89% Vegan and 11% Lyran. Note that
Vega is a star in the Lyra constellation of stars, whereas the Orions we are interested in
are apparently from the Betelgeuse and Rigel star systems.
Of the Orions who are Vegan (89%) in nature, most are of the human
type - a smaller percentage is nonhuman.
Of the Orions who are Lyran stock (11%),
most are light-browned skin, and about 10% are Caucasian type with
light hair. Although their bodies are water based like ours they
have an oily, fatty content acting like a lubricant. Also, as we
indicated earlier,
the little Greys occupy a small percentage of the
Orion population; their origin, Zeta Reticuli, is a neighbor of the
Orion constellation.
Thus, overall, the genetic differences are quite marked.
have a reputation for possessing an aggressive nature and have been
involved in many destructive wars. Note that the masculine energy is
associated with the evolution of beings from the star systems of
Orion, which are related to Earth, whereas
inhabitants of the Sirius
star system, also very much involved with Earth, carry the feminine
energy or polarity.
Although there is a symbiosis between consciousness and technology,
the Orion races probably pushed this principle to the limit and
developed advanced technology (of a type) while still war-waging.
The typical scenario was the Light against the Dark; peace-loving
Orions opposed by self-serving 'aggressive' Orions.
According to Light Network there are three major players in the
Intergalactic Confederation of different star systems
throughout the galaxy
the Reptoid Federation, a conglomeration of
many reptoid species
the Orion Empire, ruled by one leader
Now within the domain of the Orion
Empire, three groups formed, the dominant Orion Empire, the Black
League resistance (to the Empire), and the victims of both these
Even though this pattern of behavior still operates it is
less widespread and many individuals have been awakened since the
incarnation in Orion of a great avatar.
The authoritarian trait, present on Earth, is not typical amongst ET
civilizations and has been acquired from Orion.
Many Orions, including the Black League,
went to Maldek and settled - this is the planet in our system
that was inhabited by many of the so-called fallen angels, who were
given the opportunity to reform.
As is well known, the civilization
failed to turn to a more spiritual path and the planet was
destroyed, leaving the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
sources indicate it was struck (or disturbed) by the
huge planet Nibiru as it entered our system in its counter-direction to the
other planets. Many of these Dark forces are on Earth at this time;
hence the authoritarian nature that pervades this planet, including
an enforced reliance on authority.
On the positive side, however, the Orions have contributed their
mental powers for the development of smoothly running systems on
Earth. They beam the yellow ray frequency to earth for the
stabilization of the intuitive powers within human consciousness.
They are the source for many
organizational structures of government, business and industry.
Nevertheless this energy is only relevant to Earthman's frequencies,
which we shall outgrow and then receive other energies from more
advanced races, such as the Lyrans.
Of the genetic percentages mentioned above, the smaller group of
nonhuman Vegans would cover
the Greys and
reptilians and
accompanying varieties.
It is not uncommon for abductees to
refer to small aliens (Greys) directed by a single tall alien
(reptilian type, or sometimes, Nordic). The Greys tend to be
servants or mercenaries for the tall reptilians.
These Greys and
Dracos are known as the Rigelians (from the Rigel star) and are
extremely dangerous.
The Orions, who have Vegan characteristics, have particularly
striking eyes. In fact their priests, who live twice as long as the
general population - about a thousand years - have bright blue eyes,
which change to that color as a result of strict spiritual training,
involving diet and psychic experience. The common color for the eyes
is brown. Their height is usually in the 7 foot- tall category.
The duties of these priests is the education in theory and practice
of all aspects of relationships for both marital and premarital
subjects, including procreation rituals, in which full intimacies
occur during a 24-hour stay in the priest's temples as a normal
custom. Appearance remains similar from young to old with no
senility. Attraction is not physical; awareness of
inner-consciousness dominates.
In spite of the spiritual implications, there appears still to
remain within the Orion civilizations the never-ending conflict
between the Orion Empire and the Black League resistance. The Empire
appears to be run mainly by the Greys working with a Federation of
Draconian Reptilians, with the aim of extending their domination to
other planets.
These Greys are mainly the ones who
negotiate treaties and secret deals with Earth governments.
The resistance group have apparently built cities in and within the
mountains. The Empire enforces controlled procreation, numbers of
children, etc. and also enforces by Orion law that it is 'forbidden
to remember'. The resistance group, however, are free from this
mental control. The priests would seemingly be either from this
category or the victim group.
Their customs are bound to rituals;
imagination is not very free and children are told of the myth of
Earth: of the freedom to be anything.
A civilization, particularly expressing what we understand by Orion
energy - more masculine - would be the race from planet Vivinau
nearer towards the the centre of the galaxy.
This is the home of the Warrior League.
The Warrior League brings order to their society, and is essentially
divided into,
the 'amenable' - people who would not rule and
are subsequently trained to be amenable (no resistance, or anarchy,
terrorists, protestors)
the 'omnipotent' - those who would
The interaction of this race with humans was considered by the
Orions to have the purpose of bringing a similarly designed order to
us claiming this is a duty on their part given by the 'Creator'.
They notice now, however, they are ineffective; their last monitors
having visited Earth in 1957 with decreasing influence to the
present. They accept that the Creator no longer requires their
assistance - their energy - on Earth any more, and that the Creator
apparently has other plans.
These warriors wonder how we will cope.
They apparently operate on the principle of destroying negativity,
criminals, terrorists, to bring order, not seemingly recognizing
that ultimately rehabilitation is the only way, or simply not
reflecting these 'negativities' into the environment from one's own
This latter, is clearly the path for humans, hence the
Creator's removal of this Orion influence.
Zoltec of the warrior league answers questions via channeling in
Explorer Race books. He states that the average height of this race
is over 7 feet tall. They have a similar body to humans but tougher
skin. They consider humans weak, physically, mentally and
emotionally - they utilize the power of passion.
Their form and means of help to Earth
has been through the so-called men-in-black (MIB).
Much has been
written about these mysterious 'emissaries'. From the Earth person's
viewpoint more negativity seems to be associated with these MIB than
But they insist that they have protected
us from the negative Sirians and also (ironically) from all such
races as the Pleiadians, who are,
'trying to get you to imitate
them... they are chaotic.'
Also the MIB influence government
decisions by advocating adherence to their successful societal model
and that societies which have used that form of government on Earth
have survived the longest.
Note that they praise and respect the
Roman Empire.
The MIB are of human size and roughly similar appearance but contain
the Orion soul essence. The bodies are cloned by the little Greys
who are also in the Orion system. These clones with Orion souls are
the MIB.
They are sent in small space capsules to Earth; a journey
taking about seven years. On arrival they are trained for a year or
so in Earth customs, etc., at an Orion station. They apparently
cannot stand our weak energy.
Zoltec refers to the anarchy from the Black League, which he states
originally brought down
Atlantis, and he likens them to our
terrorists. Prior to Atlantis they were chased from the Orion
planets to Maldek, a small planet in our solar system with an
ordered civilization according to Zoltec, destroyed by the Black
League, now a cluster of asteroids between Jupiter and Mars.
According to Zoosh a propulsion fuel was
developed to accelerate them beyond light speed for their escape.
The fuel, a 'hydrogen-oxygen combinant'
was unstable but extremely powerful. It was manufactured in large
quantities and was sufficient to destroy the planet. Many of these
destructive beings then incarnated on Earth.
When asked how they communicate with the Creator, he describes
visitations of the 'All-Powerful' in the form of a female warrior of
golden light with armor and sword. She is described as the ultimate
female; just to be touched with her sword was 'a wonderful thing.'
The above Orion warrior material is taken from the Explorer Race
Clearly the only way the Creator could communicate to these warriors
was in a form acceptable to them - virtually in their own making.
They appear to be totally blocked of feminine energy or a world in
which all problems can be solved harmoniously. In spite of their
psychical abilities, their experience, intelligence and technology,
they are stuck.
If they knew, however, what evolution
had in store for them they would misunderstand it and reject it -
simply because of the necessary feminine energy.
Hence it seems they must have more
limited perception in this area than humans. When Zoltec was asked
about the future of Orion (and they have advanced technologies for
seeing future probabilities, etc.) he replied he didn't want to
know. They didn't like what they saw; reminded them of humans -
As a final piece of information about the Orions of some interest
was the fact that they apparently created the
huge cavern under Cape
Good Hope. The Shining The Light books describe the size of this as
of the order of magnitude as Rhode Island.
Following one of the many Atlantis disasters, in which the surface
of Earth was not habitable, the Atlanteans, who survived, sent out
signals for help.
The Orions apparently immediately responded and
shortly arrived in a large ship. According to the Zoosh material
their technology was such that they built the cavern about 150 miles
under Cape Good Hope and did this in about 16 hours - primarily for
the Atlanteans.
However, their motivations weren't
without self-interest. Any opportunity to preserve a connection with
Earth was taken advantage of in case they needed to utilize it in
the future, such as for resources.
Thus they did in fact examine the
probabilities for their future which showed they did need the
connection with Earth for the next 100,000 years. They thus set up
equipment in one 'corner' of the cavern, and protected it with
fields, even of a nature to make Atlanteans sick if they came close.
After this they left for their home
planet in Orion.
It is not uncommon for extraterrestrial civilizations to spawn
rebellious members which are ostracized from their native planet.
We mentioned in the first chapter a
digressive strain from the
reptilians race called
the Drakon. Here
we shall concentrate on small pirate groups, in particular, from the
relatively advanced civilizations of,
These comprise not more than a handful of pirates who revel in
plundering planets like Earth and exploring time travel in such
linear 3D highly objective realities.
Different aliens seek
different resources whether it is sea water, sand, quartz, minerals
or genetic material, etc.
But they have apparently learned that
generally it is to their benefit to exercise cooperation with our
secret government and negotiate deals with them. Over the years the
government has acquired advanced technologies from ETs as a result
of these negotiations.
A particularly notorious renegade cabal are the Xpotaz. In the
Shining The Light books they are referred to as particularly
dangerous time travelers. They no longer have a home planet.
An example is given in which the Xpotaz, which had established
itself by force as go-between for other alien pirate's deals with
the secret government, would warn all other rebel parties
approaching Earth with a view to acquiring resources.
They would threaten them with their
'time beam weapon'; a dreaded device with which few would argue -
unless they were contacted first.
Nevertheless, along came the Zetas; their first mission to Earth,
seeking genetic material. This took place in the 1920s. There were
nine Zeta aliens in their spacecraft, which was a product of
hundreds of thousands of years of advanced technology.
Their intention was to contact Earth's
governments, which would be the secret government or
One World
Government and negotiate a deal for the acquisition of genetic
material from humans. A combination of some degree of etiquette or
ethics, and cooperation for cover-ups from the public made
government contact logical and wise.
The Zeta ship's approach to Earth was intercepted by the Xpotaz
pirates. These Zetas were given the standard warning that unless
they cooperated and conducted negotiations with the government
through, and to the benefit of, the Xpotaz they would be subject to
the time-beam weapon.
It had never been necessary to use it as no aliens were foolish
enough to defy the Xpotaz. Nevertheless the Xpotaz were quite ready
to use it to set an example to others.
Needless to say the Zetas ignored them. One must keep in mind that
the Zetas had developed unsurpassed intellect. Their ships were
constructed of the same material as their cloned bodies (compressed
light, which was a little like plastic), and could - as they did
with their bodies - bilocate: appear in two places at once.
In addition, on entering their ships, one apprehended that the
interior of the craft was greater than the outside dimensions
permitted. They were exceedingly advanced, but highly specialized,
resulting in an inordinate failure to understand others, combined
with a certain naivety and arrogance.
Thus they rejected three
warnings from the Xpotaz.
The time-beam device was directed at the Zeta spacecraft. The ship
was transported back in time half-a-billion years at a location
better described as the other side of the universe. Channel source Zoosh referred to this as a sad state of affairs. There was no hope
of them finding their way home. To this day since the 1920s they are
still lost and in fact are not expected even to be rescued within
their lifetimes of another 200 years.
Underhand deals with
the secret government were also negotiated by
other pirate aliens such as ones from Orion and Sirius but the most
treacherous are the Xpotaz.
According to the Shining The Light
series of books the Orions contacted our secret government around
1910 and in return for a small laser device, obtained government
agreement to turn a blind eye while they took over human bodies by
force - this was as per the well-known 'walk-in' procedure,
except that most walk-ins are benevolently arranged.
This means that the soul entering has
agreement with the soul leaving.
Generally the departing soul is
leaving a dying body and the exchange mechanics are quite complex.
The new personality is rarely aware immediately that they have taken
over a human body. They have the same memories, karma, ailments,
etc. The Orion's purpose in controlling human bodies was of course
Thus the government obtained laser technology from aliens. It took
them about 30 years to understand and duplicate the laser,
culminating in the development of a laser gun.
Regarding the Orion renegade's intention to take over (a few) human
bodies, it amounted to nothing more than an attempt. The energy for
humans was incompatible and the plot failed. Needless to say the
government obtained their end of the deal.
Now regarding deals from the Sirians, the renegades originally from
this planet were few in number, much less than Orion and Zeta
Reticuli. Also remember that these pirate aliens in general are
outcasts from their home planet - in particular Orion and Sirius but
also even a number from the Pleiades (in the case of the Sirians
though, these were probably the so-called negative Sirians).
The few negative Sirians apparently planned to set up conditions to
harness the Earth's core. The government allowed them to utilize
their technology involving a very small amount of the core, and in
exchange the Sirian pirates gave them a medical chamber which was
claimed to heal all ills.
The problem was, in using it discreetly in
the underground bases, it required an antenna extending above ground
level, directed at the sun. The extreme secrecy that the government
required prohibited its application. As a result it was used very
The Zetas themselves did many deals. It is difficult to categorize
them as negative or positive since as we have seen
in the chapter on
the extensive Zeta program there was a higher purpose.
The basic arrangement with the secret government was that the
government turned a blind eye to the abductions to enable the Zetas
to obtain genetic material. The Zetas were also given quartz, which
is abundant on planet Earth, but scarce in Zeta Reticuli. In return,
the Zetas were apparently almost naively generous.
The government would have accepted much
less. Again this is an example of the Zeta's over specialization,
resulting in a failure to evaluate relative importance and the
nature of other beings.
The government were given a complete space drive.
The Zetas also gave the secret government a crystal technology that
would give free energy. Free energy or over-unity energy means the
device harnesses not mechanical and chemical energy, but energy from
space, cosmic energy or sun light, etc. Every point in our space
potentially contains an unlimited amount of energy and certain
systems will extract this by resonance.
This Zeta system of free
energy was achieved by internal reflection of the Sun's rays.
As is typical, however, the secret
government did not make it available to the masses and kept it for
themselves. The government gave them quartz and sand in exchange.
The government in fact utilized the device for nefarious purposes.
The crystal technology could be used with the secret government time
machines (see
Montauk material) and genetic experiments to enable
them to synthesize the DNA of the Zeta aliens.
This technique was successful, resulting in the creation of a slave
race of cloned Zeta-type aliens.
A method was used to prevent 'normal
souls' from entering the bodies - only degenerate beings and
consciousness were attracted (note that as stated previously, 'normal
souls' wouldn't enter clones anyway).