Joan d’Arc
ParanoiaMagazine Website
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According to the harmonic rule known as
Bode’s Law, a planet should
exist between Mars and Jupiter - some 260 million miles from the
Beginning in 1801, tiny rock and metallic objects were
discovered to be orbiting the Sun at about this distance. Since
then, several hundred thousand large asteroids have been catalogued,
and it is estimated that there are more than a million 1 km
Stretched out at a distance of 205 to 300 million miles from the
Sun, this band is known as the Asteroid Belt.
The asteroids range in
size from Ceres, which has a diameter of about 1000 km, down to the
size of pebbles. If the estimated total mass of all the asteroids
was gathered into a single object, the object would total about
1,500 kilometers (932 miles) across - less than half the diameter of
the Earth’s moon.

Astronomer H. Olbers discovered the second asteroid, Pallas, in 1802,
and the fourth asteroid, Vesta, in 1807.
In his time, Olbers thought
these bodies were fragments of a planet that had exploded. Another
generally accepted theory suggests the asteroids are the remains of
a planet that was destroyed in a massive collision. Nonetheless, it
had earlier become evident that much of the material of this ’missing planet’ had been pulled into the orbits of
Earth, Mars and
Jupiter as either meteors or orbiting satellites.
Among catastrophists there is substantial disagreement on the matter
of the "missing" fifth Planet from the Sun, in the place of which
lies the Great Band, the debris of an enormous planet which the
Sumerians knew as Tiamat. There are various opinions on what caused
the Asteroid Belt; for instance, Tom van Flandern’s
Exploding Planet
Hypothesis in Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets, asserts
that a former major planet between Mars and Jupiter exploded about
65 million years ago.
Van Flandern believes this event is the origin
the great bombardment of comets and asteroids which ended the
reign of the dinosaurs on Earth.
However, according to
Sitchin in
The Twelfth Planet, written accounts left by the lost
Sumerian civilization state that Tiamat isn’t missing, it just moved
shop. Tiamat is the planet on which we are standing right now.
This article will discuss two anomalies that suggest the Earth was
once further away from the Sun, suggesting that prior to a grand
cataclysm described in the Babylonian
Enuma Elish, the Earth was the
planet which the Sumerians called Tiamat. According to
Sumerian/Babylonian cosmogony (cosmic genesis), the fifth Planet
from the Sun, Tiamat, was shunted to third position by a calamitous
event, one now well known by followers of Planet X Theory.
First, a
quick overview of the Sumerian/Babylonian story of Tiamat is in
Nibiru - The Retrograde Interloper
Ancient Sumerian texts indicate that Tiamat was struck by a large
planet, which moved it into its present orbit, and also created the
Earth’s moon and the Asteroid Belt.
In his books, The Twelfth Planet
The Cosmic Code, Zecharia Sitchin outlines this "celestial
battle" as described in the Babylonian text
Enuma elish.
The planet
"Marduk" (the Sumerian "Nibiru"), as it came into the solar system
on its 3,600-year clockwise (retrograde) elliptical course, struck
Tiamat, which was moving in its ordained counterclockwise orbit.
According to Sitchin’s well-known translations, one of Marduk’s
satellites struck Tiamat first, followed by two more of
Marduk’s moons. Then Marduk itself, an enormous cosmic entity, struck
smashing one half of the planet into pieces, which became what the
Sumerians called the Great Band.
The remaining half of the planet,
which was struck by a smaller moon of Marduk, was catapulted into a
new orbit, along with a chunk of material which became its moon.
According to the Enuma elish, Tiamat’s original moons were
dispersed, many changing the direction of their orbits and
There is indeed evidence of this great cataclysm in our solar system
Tom van Flandern, a specialist in Celestial Mechanics at the
US Naval Observatory, has suggested that the great rift on Mars may
be the impact site of a former moon, the moons of Neptune show
evidence of violent disruption, Mercury was originally a moon of
Venus, Mars once had many more moons, and
Pluto and Charon are
escaped moons of Neptune.
Van Flandern finds the retrograde rotation
of Venus peculiar, he believes that our moon originated from the
Pacific Basin of the Earth, and he agrees that there is probably an
undiscovered planet beyond Pluto which belongs to our solar system.

In addition, Hubble recently investigated one of the largest
asteroids, Vesta (image above), and found evidence of differentiated layers
similar to the terrestrial planets, distinctive light and dark areas
like the face of our moon, and a geology similar to the Earth,
including evidence of ancient lava flows.
Impossible Knowledge
Sitchin believes that the "impossible knowledge" of the
was imparted to them by "Anunnaki" space travelers in a series of
texts forming the basis of ancient science and religion, and was
translated into many languages, including Greek and biblical Hebrew.
According to Sitchin, all ancient mythologies stem from this
original knowledge imparted to earthlings by spacefaring ETI hailing
from this wayward bowling ball, Nibiru. According to
Sitchin, the
Anunnaki called our planet ERIDU, meaning "Home away from Home."
Sitchin also argues in The Cosmic Code that
the Anunnaki used their
detailed sky charts to group the stars into constellations, and then
honored their leaders by naming the constellations after them. Thus,
the Sumerian god EA, ("Whose Home is Water") was honored by the
zodiacal signs of Aquarius and Pisces, and the "priests who oversaw
his worship" were dressed as Fishmen.
Enlil, the strong-headed one,
was honored by the sign of Taurus. Ninmah was Virgo. The warrior
Ninurta was Sagittarius. Over time, Sitchin explains, as second and
third generation Anunnaki ’gods’ joined the scene on Earth, "all the
twelve zodiacal constellations were assigned to Anunnaki
counterparts." He argues, "not men, but the gods, devised the
The continent that the ancients called Pangea likely represents the
prehistoric truth regarding the land formation on the Earth after it
was involved in this collision. Over time, the continents then
drifted to where they are now.
As Sitchin points out, Earth’s
largest landmasses are mostly on one side and the oceans take up the
rest of the planet. Looking at the Earth’s globe from a distance, if
you took the water away, what’s left is a "cleaved planet," which is
the meaning of "KI" - the Sumerian word for the present embodiment
of Earth.
According to the Enuma Elish, the
Earth came to rest as the third
Rock from the Sun after this watery calamity. Here is where the
Biblical genesis tale picks up the story, only telling it as a
beginning, at the point where the waters of these two great bodies
separated in the firmament, the waters belonging to two worlds going
bump in the night.
Current advances in astronomy have, in fact,
corroborated certain aspects of this tale.
Planet X in the News
Mathematical irregularities in the orbits of the outer planets, in
particular, strange wobbles and gravitational anomalies noted in the
orbits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, have prompted astronomers over
the past hundred years to search for a large planetary body in the
outer solar system.
Based on mathematical evidence, astronomers have
been so sure of the reality of this planet that they named it Planet
X. The name stands for the tenth planet, as well as the mathematical
symbol for an unknown quantity. (see d’Arc, "Planet X", in suggested
reading list below)
Many articles have been written about Planet X over the last twenty
years. On June 17, 1982, a NASA press release from Ames Research
Center officially recognized the possibility of "some kind of
mystery object" beyond the outermost planets.
Astronomy magazine
published an article in December of 1981 entitled "Search for the
Tenth Planet," and another article in October of 1982 entitled
"Searching for a Tenth Planet."
Newsweek covered the story of
X on June 28, 1982 in an article entitled "Does the Sun Have a Dark
This article,
"implied that the tenth planet was a twin
sun, stating that such a "dark companion" could produce the unseen
force that seems to tug at Uranus and Neptune, speeding them up at
one point in their orbits and holding them back as they pass... the
best bet is a dark star orbiting at least 50 billion miles beyond
Pluto... It is most likely either a brown dwarf, or a neutron star."
Andy Lloyd later went on to more than speculate that we live in a
binary star system (www.darkstar1.co.uk).
The Washington Post
covered the story of Planet X on the front page on December 31, 1983
called "Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered." This story reported that
the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) detected heat from an
object about fifty billion miles away.
A NASA/ARC press release published in Newsweek on July 13, 1987
disclosed that:
"an eccentric 10th planet may or may not be orbiting
the Sun."
The article stated that
NASA research scientist John
Anderson "has a hunch Planet X is out there, though nowhere near the
other nine."
The article concluded, "if he is right, two of the most
intriguing puzzles of space science might be solved: what caused
mysterious irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune during
the 19th Century. And what killed off the dinosaurs 26 million (sic)
[actually 65 million] years ago."
This brings us quite neatly to the
first anomaly which suggests the Earth was the late great Planet Tiamat.
Anomaly One - Dinosaurs and Gravity
It is a curious fact that the antediluvian world somehow supported
350 pound flying creatures, while today’s gravity only permits
flying creatures weighing at max about 30 pounds.
Even at 25 pounds,
the great hunting eagles bred by Central Asians had great difficulty
getting off the ground.

The flying Pteranodons (an ’antediluvian predator’ in a world where
a worldwide flood ’never happened’) are now thought to have been
carrion feeders, not fishers.
How these "living gliders" could have
taken flight after gorging themselves on rotting dinosaur flesh is a
real brainteaser, according to Douglas Lawson of U. Cal. As
Holden explains in "Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem" in
The Anomalist, this flying reptile was fairly lightweight, about the
size of a modern turkey, but with a wingspan of up to 50 feet.
It has been proposed that certain flying vertebrates depended on air
currents for liftoff.
This theory would have them perpetually
perched on the edge of a cliff waiting for a breeze. Others proposed
that they took a running start and launched themselves into the air,
but a general lack of musculature likely made these vertebrates
unable to run that fast.
Even more importantly,
"wings of such an
extraordinary size could not have been flapped when the animal was
grounded," Holden explains.
These assumptions present an engineering
The Pteranodon
would have needed tall stilt-like legs to allow its monstrous
flapping wings to clear the ground.
And this is certainly not the
largest of the antediluvian flying predators. According to Robert T. Bakker in
The Dinosaur Heresies, some pterosaurs had wingspans of 60
Bakker has agreed that,
"a creature that large would have
broken its arm bones if it tried to fly."
There are other factors which now limit the size of creatures on the
Let’s consider elephants. As Holden explains, it is well
known that elephant-sized animals cannot afford to fall down, and
that even the slightest tumble can usually prove fatal, breaking
bones and destroying tissue. Yet, the elephant doesn’t even live a
predator lifestyle.
As Holden points out:
Predators live by tackling and tumbling with prey. One might think
that this consideration would preclude the existence of any predator
too large to sustain falls. Weight estimates for the tyrannosaurs,
however, include specimens heavier than any elephant. That appears
to be a contradiction...
Moreover, elephants are simply too heavy to
run in our world. As is well known, they manage a kind of fast walk.
They cannot jump, and anything resembling a gully stops them cold.
Mammoths were as big and bigger than the largest elephants, however,
and Pleistocene art clearly shows them galloping.
Saturn Myth Theory
Holden wonders if some aspect of the Earth’s environment might once
have been vastly different.

He concludes,
"There are categories of
evidence, derived from a careful analysis of antediluvian predators,
to show that gravitational conditions in the distant past were not
the same as they are today."
He concludes that the super animals of
Earth’s past could not live in our present world.
Holden ventures an
The laws of physics do not change, nor does the gravitational
constant, as far as we know. But something was obviously massively
different in the world in which these creatures existed, and that
difference probably involved a change in perceived gravity.
This solution derives from the
continuing research of neo-catastrophists, that is, followers of
the late
Immanuel Velikovsky, and is known a
the ’Saturn Myth’ theory...
The basic requirement for an attenuated perception of gravity
involves the Earth being in a very close orbit around a smaller and
much cooler stellar body (or binary body) than our present
pole would always be pointed directly at this nearby small star or
binary system. The intense gravitational attraction would pull the
Earth into an egg shape rather than its present spherical shape, so
that the planet’s center of gravity would be off center towards the
small star. This would generate the torque necessary to counteract
the natural gyroscopic force and keep the Earth’s pole pointed in
the same direction as it revolved around the star.
Holden goes on to suggest some of the consequences of such an
intense gravitational pull:
it would allow for gigantic animals like the dinosaurs
it would tend to draw all of the
Earth’s land mass into a single
continent (Pangea)
there would be no seasons because the
Earth’s pole would be
pointed at this star or binary system
In fact, ancient literature tells us that in antediluvian times
there were no seasons. Holden ventures an explanation:
"The state of
the present solar system indicates that this previous system was
eventually captured by a larger star, our present Sun. But the
pieces of this old system have not vanished. The influential small
star or binary system of the past remains, though its reign of power
has ended."
Holden suggests those small stars are Jupiter and Saturn, the two
chief gods in the religious systems of old. He writes:
"There is no
reason why they would worship as gods two planets which most people
cannot even find in the night sky, unless of course those bodies
occupied a far more prominent place in the heavens than they do
Effects of Jupiter and Saturn on Nearby Orbs
Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest
neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.
One of the most
fascinating discussions of these two spheres is contained in a 1954
book by Rodney Collin entitled
The Theory of Celestial Influence.

Jupiter has twelve known moons, four of which are visible by
As Collin explains,
"The relation of
Jupiter to the Sun
appears to follow a definite and significant ratio. The system of
Jupiter, in number of satellites, their size, distance, speeds of
revolution and so on, seems to present to us an exact model of the
Solar System." As Collin explains, "Jupiter, like the
Sun, is a
complete living entity or cosmos."
Collin, who was a disciple of
P.D. Ouspensky and G.I. Gurdjieff,
asserts that the Jupiter system is highly developed and is almost a
complete reflection in miniature of the Solar System.
He states,
"the influence or radiation produced by such a system must be an
extremely subtle one, incorporating a large number of different
frequencies in harmonic relation."
The system of Jupiter,
explains, includes 15 to 20 harmonic frequencies. Jupiter’s world
must produce "an extraordinary wealth of overtones which would put
it in the same relation to Venus as a cello to a penny whistle."
Collin also notes that both Jupiter and
Saturn support,
systems of satellites and may even be faintly self-luminous, though
this luminosity is rendered unnoticeable by the infinitely greater
brilliance of the Sun."
Collin notes that
Jupiter and Saturn "are
evidently trying to become suns."
He also notes that,
"every 390
days, Jupiter and Saturn return to a mean relation with the
and make equal angles with the Earth and Sun, and their influences
become balanced."
Thus we see, as Holden states above,
"the pieces
of this old system have not vanished."
Satan’s Fallen Angels
- The Asteroids?
According to Collin, it is interesting to speculate what kind of
influence the motion of countless asteroids might produce on the
magnetic field of the Earth.
Imagine the discordant effect of this,
"throng of particles of varying sizes, pursuing at different speeds
hundreds of separate and highly eccentric orbits."
Collin points out
the physical relationship between the asteroidal mass and individual
planets. He wonders, might this relation represent the independence
or insurrection of component units against the whole?
As Collin
"pathological conditions are caused by the independent action
or inertia of separate organs or cells of the body; while rebellions
and revolutions represent such a condition in the body politic."
Collin also calls attention to the strange affinity between the
asteroids and the idea of "corruption."
He notes the connection
between asteroids, as a throng of particles, and ancient "legends of
crime" on an angelic or planetary level. The rebellion of Satan, the
fall of Lucifer, are stories told in the context of the planetary
demiurges, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn.
As Collin
notes, the asteroids are never mentioned by name, but in every case
we are told of a ’fallen angel,’ such as in,
"How art thou fallen
from Heaven, O Lucifer, star of the morning?"
(Isaiah xiv)
ancient legends be describing as fallen angels the falling debris of
a great cataclysm as an insurrection in the solar system’s body
politic? In the Book of Revelations, visions are assigned to each of seven
planetary angels.
In the place of the fifth angel, we are told that
a star was seen to fall from heaven,
"into the bottomless pit, from
which arose clouds of smoke which darkened the sun."
The angel of
this bottomless pit was
Apollyon, who was later to be called
We must realize that the asteroids now fill the fifth place in the
planetary sequence. The fifth planet is "missing."
A further vision
"a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her
feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."
Collin describes this vision as,
"a personification of the descending
scale of worlds from the twelve zodiacal signs of the Milky Way
through the Sun down to the moon."
The woman, he explains, is about
to give birth "to a new satellite."
"Satan waits to devour the
infant and there is a war in heaven between Satan and his demons and
Michael and his angels (Sun and major planets). The
great Dragon is
cast out (of the world) and cast into the Earth with his angels.
Lucifer is the spirit of multiplicity, chaos and disorder among a
mass of disorganized individuals."
Planet X Theory is beginning to fill in the details of this
myth of a
War in the Universe.
The great Dragon could be
Nibiru (Sol
B), the Sun’s dark twin, which was cast into (collided with) the
Earth, and which indeed "devoured the infant" (taking a big bite out
of its side) and was cast out of the world for the time being.
As Collin concludes,
"at a remote time period in the history of the
solar system, some tremendous cosmic tension may have been set up
which represented ’night’ for the Earth, producing the cataclysm
which engulfed
Atlantis and made an almost complete break in human
history... The legend of the Fall of Lucifer and the war of the
other planets against him... finds itself transcribed into
astronomical language."
(Note: however, that Nibiru and its
entourage of seven moons is on a recurring 3,600 year periodic orbit
around Sol A, and the cataclysm that ended the Atlantean
civilization is not necessarily the same one that ended the reign of
the dinosaurs.)
Speculations on Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem
Returning to the dinosaur/gravity problem, as Holden notes,
"something was obviously massively different in the world in which
these creatures existed."
Could it have been a different world
entirely, one situated as the fifth rock from Sol A, and in close
orbit around a smaller, cooler binary body, Jupiter or
As Holden points out, one pole of the Earth would be pointed in the
same direction as it revolved around the small star. The intense
gravitational attraction would pull the Earth into an egg shape, so
that the planet’s center of gravity would be off center towards the
small star. Might the consequences of such an intense gravitational
pull allow for enormous flying creatures?
Within this context, we must also consider
van Flandern’s thoughts
on the matter: the peculiar retrograde rotation of Venus (was it
once Tiamat’s moon?), that Mercury was originally a moon of
that Mars once had more moons, and Pluto and
Charon are escaped
moons of Neptune. With Tiamat as a giant 8-ball, it would appear
that a cosmic game of pool has been played out. There is much to
consider now that catastrophists are finally having their day in
court. Ask questions, even if they sound absurd, for in this context
we know nothing!
In essence, the Dark Star Theory asserts that we are living in a
binary star system. We have truly been thrown a curve ball.
The Sun’s dark twin also provides an explanation for the ever-present
Christ/Satan dualism in our religious systems, an enigma discussed
in detail by Andy Lloyd on his
Dark Star section.
This brings us
quite neatly to the second anomaly which suggests the Earth was the
late great Planet Tiamat.
Anomaly Two
- Water, Water, Everywhere!
The second argument for the Earth being the Sumerian planet Tiamat
was recently suggested by
Andy Lloyd, and has to do the
overabundance of water on Earth.
As the
Sumerians claimed, Tiamat
was struck by a moon of Nibiru and was cleaved almost in half,
taking on the water of this watery world. As Sitchin points out, all
the water on the present Earth is mostly on one side. If you took
the water away, the Earth looks torn in half.
As Andy Lloyd explains in his essay "The Great Water Conundrum," the
source of the Earth’s oceanic water is indeed curious.
Where did it
all come from?
A 3/23/02 article in
Science News written by
Harder explains the problem.
As Harder explains, the Earth is too
close to the Sun to contain the amount of water it contains. The
water, so crucial to its biosphere, should have been expelled from
the early inner solar system before the Earth formed. Being as close
as it is to the Sun, the Earth should be a much drier planet.
Early theories proposed that the Earth’s water originated from
comets impacting the Earth very early in its geohistory.
But recent
data suggests that the isotopic ratios of terrestrial water and
cometary ice are quite different. Comets contain large quantities of
deuterium, an isotopic form of water that is rare on Earth. If this
is representative of solar system comets in general, then we can
attribute very little of the Earth’s water to cometary impact. Lloyd
suggests perhaps only half of the Earth’s oceans could have been
deposited by comets.
Yet, we shouldn’t be surprised that planetary scientists are intent
on working within the currently accepted paradigm, which is largely
controlled by
Darwinian gradualism and is vehemently opposed to
As Lloyd concludes:
"The solution is staring all of
these planetary scientists in the face."
He concludes:
"The Earth
has a rich mixture of volatiles, including water, because our planet
originally formed much further away from the Sun."
Lloyd looks at the
’embryo’ theory of Allessandro Morbidello, who
has proposed that the Earth formed from,
"the coalescence of
moon-sized embryos derived from various chaotic orbits in the
primordial solar system."
These "volatile carriers,"
explains, would have formed at about 4 Astronomical Units, which is
about four times further away from the Sun than the Earth. This
would put the early formation of the Earth somewhere within the
orbit of Jupiter.
Interestingly, Morbidello also notes that "the water-bearing carrier
from 4 AU would have been geo-chemically unique in the solar
system." As Lloyd concludes,
"If the Earth was once four times
further away from the Sun than it is now, then we must explain how
it managed to find itself in its current close proximity to the Sun.
Somehow, it was shunted into the inner solar system from an orbit
originally much closer to that of Jupiter."
As Lloyd concludes:
"There it encountered a watery world at about 4
Astronomical Units, and a great ’celestial battle’ took place
between these planetary ’gods’. The result was the shunting
of this Water World, ’Tiamat’, into the inner solar system, where it became
the Earth. The intruder, ’Nibiru’, spun off into an eccentric orbit
beyond the known planets, where it remains to be re-discovered to
this day."
Lloyd takes note of Earth’s "special character."
He asks,
would the current biodiversity on this planet have arisen if Earth
was still at 4 AU?
His answer,
"since life relies upon liquid
water... one suspects not."
He explains:
The paradoxical situation we currently find on
Earth is solved
either by considering the possibility that the Earth has moved
significantly closer to the Sun since its formation, or by
rethinking how planets form.
Whatever caused our world to have so
much water so close to the Sun, it may be unusual, possibly even
unique. The Earth’s abundance of liquid water may be very rare if
the action of an intruder planet is required to explain its shunting
into a closer inner orbit.
Binding Energies and System Expansion
According to Andy Lloyd physicist
Jack Hills has calculated the effect of passing stars and black or
brown dwarfs traveling near or through the planetary zone.
Hills has
noted that, given their size and momentum, stars would likely
continue on their path past the solar system, but a black or
dwarf would more likely become captured by the Sun.
Once captured,
the orbit of the captured dwarf could be highly eccentric, possibly
degrading over time.

Hills’ work indicates that if the
brown dwarf had less than 20
Jupiter masses, its temporary infringement into the planetary zone
would not necessarily cause chaos among the other planets; but there
would be an effect on the energy relationships between the planets.
These ’planetary binding energies’ are not fixed. When a "maverick
element" of considerable mass is introduced into the solar system,
the binding energies of the planets are subject to change.
research suggests that the interloper’s orbit would change the
overall energy of the orbits of the other planets. His calculations
suggest that the solar system would be subject to either contraction
or expansion. As Lloyd notes, "the very distances of the planets
from the Sun would be subject to change."
He also notes,
"the dwarf
would not need to directly interact with the planets; simply the
changing relationship with the Sun would be enough to affect other
bodies in the solar system."
As Lloyd suggests:
Jack Hills described these effects in a theoretical way. His
interest was in studying whether a body the size of Nemesis, a
proposed black dwarf, could have become captured by the Sun.
concluded that it would have caused too much chaos in the solar
system. But below 20 Jupiter masses, an interloper would not create
the same devastation. In other words, a small brown dwarf might just
have been captured by the Sun in the remote past, and the solar
system would still appear as stable as it is thought to be today.
So, if Planet X is a small brown dwarf, then physical mechanisms
have been studied scientifically that do actually allow for its
existence. Furthermore, those calculations show that the interaction
between this dwarf and the rest of the solar system might have
fundamental physical ramifications.
The distance between the Earth
and the Sun might have been altered. Not just once; but every time
the temporary orbit of the loosely bound cometary dwarf changes.
Lloyd asks,
"Has the Earth’s distance from the Sun altered? Was the
distance between the Earth and the Sun a variable that changed with
respect to the incursion, and subsequent capture by the Sun, of a
brown dwarf? Would not the actual physical displacement of our
planet have rendered sudden, catastrophic Earth-changes
What would happen to the oceans, for instance, when
the Earth suddenly falls away from or towards the Sun? Would they
not be swept over the land, accompanied by titanic volcanic and
seismic activity?"
Lloyd has argued that the shunting of the Earth from the
position of
fifth from the Sun to third had to have occurred some 3.9 billion
years ago and not 65 million years ago during the reign of the
Thus, according to his argument, the two anomalies
suggested here are incompatible with each other, since according to
the "geological column" the two events occurred at time periods very
Therefore, I have held out on publication of this paper
until such time as I could explain the discrepancy, which is as
Sitchin claims the Tiamat/Earth displacement (which
Lloyd equates
with the "late, great bombardment") occurred 3.9 billion years ago.
The Tiamat/Earth displacement has to have occurred during the early
formation of the Earth, long before mammals arrived on the scene (or
even vertebrates for that matter).
On the other hand, Tom van Flandern states the asteroidal bombardment that ended the reign of
the dinosaurs happened 65 million years ago. These two dates are
incompatible. Yet, van Flandern sees it strictly as an asteroid
bombardment, not a planetary displacement. In other words, he sees
the fifth planet as "missing," rather than "moved shop." The Earth
was always where it is.
Lloyd also discusses an extinction event which created
the P-Tr
boundary mass extinction. He writes:
"A great extinction event
occurred around the Permian-Triassic boundary some 245 million years
ago. The scale of the destruction of life on Earth was an order of
magnitude greater than the wiping out of the dinosaurs 65 million
years ago. The destruction of the dinosaurs at the end of the
Cretaceous is now thought to have been caused by a single impact
event off the coast of Yucatan, Mexico.
This asteroid or comet
impact led to the deposition of extra-terrestrial iridium, forming
the famous K/T boundary in the rock strata of that period. Can we
look to a similar cause for the more catastrophic P-Tr boundary mass
Throwing all caution to the wind, there are a few solutions that can
be suggested.
Solution 1: The dinosaurs never were alive 65 million years ago,
they were just bones at that time too. In Catastrophism you don’t
have any solid dates to hang your hat on. All the dates we have are
a mess.
Solution 2 (admittedly way out there): The prior fifth planet, known
as Tiamat to the Sumerians, is indeed gone. The present earth on
which we are standing was once a moon of Nibiru, which fell from the
influence of its own Dark Sun. The dinosaurs were once extant
(alive) on this moon of Nibiru. In this scenario, the dinosaurs are
creatures of another world.
Solution 3 (also way out there): The dinosaurs were alive on a moon
of Nibiru, which exchanged material with the Earth/Tiamat. Earth
took on the bones of these creatures which were never extant on the
Earth but were creatures of another world.
The dinosaur gravity problem is a great piece of evidence for
something; but what is it evidence for?
Perhaps other catastrophists
out there can help me put the pieces of this puzzle together.
Suggested Reading
Collin, Rodney
The Theory of Celestial Influence, Arkana Penguin
Books, 1954.
d’Arc, Joan, "Planet X: Is a Runaway Wrecking Ball Part of Our Solar
David, L. "Long-Destroyed Fifth Planet May Have Caused Lunar
Cataclysm, Researchers Say",
18 March 2002.
Delsemme, A. "An Argument for the cometary origin of the biosphere"
American Scientist 89 (Sept-Oct) 2001; pp432-442.
Drake, M. & K. Righter "Determining the composition of the Earth"
Nature 416 (7th March) 2002; pp39-44.
Harder, B. "Water for the Rock: Did Earth’s Oceans come from the
Heavens?" Science News 23 March 2002 (Vol. 161, no 12).
Holden, Ted, "Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem," The Anomalist,
Volume 1
Lloyd, Andy, "Winged Disc: The Dark Star Theory" 2001, see also "The Great Water Conundrum"
Morbidelli, A. et al "Source regions and timescales for the delivery
of water to the Earth" Meteoritics and Planetary Science 35 2000;
Sitchin, Zecharia The Twelfth Planet and The Cosmic Code, Avon.
Van Flandern, Tom, Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets:
Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated, North Atlantic Books, 1999.