January 31, 2011
Rabbithole2 Website
The Destroyer is most likely a brown
dwarf star that's too cold to be seen and in a perpetual dance with
our Sun.
So many people want to label The Destroyer as a planet, or
Planet X.
When NASA tells you that there are no large planets in our solar
system that have gone undetected, they are not lying. Any large
planet that would be big enough to affect Earth by passing us would
have been seen by amateur astronomers and would be all over the
internet by now.
A brown dwarf star, locked in a binary orbit with our Sun, would be
a whole different story.
It can only be seen with high power
infrared telescopes.
The Case For a Brown Dwarf Star
Brown dwarf stars are very hard to detect.
In fact, the first one
was not even verified until 1995:

This brown dwarf
(smaller object) orbits the star Gliese 229,
which is located in
the constellation Lepus about 19 light years from Earth.
The brown dwarf,
called Gliese 229B, is about 20 to 50 times the mass of Jupiter.
Here is a clip from Wikipedia.
1995: First brown dwarf verified. Teide 1, an M8 object in the
Pleiades cluster, is picked out with a CCD in the Spanish
Observatory of Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de
Astrofísica de Canarias.
First methane brown dwarf verified. Gliese 229B is discovered
orbiting red dwarf Gliese 229A (20 ly away) using an adaptive optics
coronagraph to sharpen images from the 60 inch (1.5 m) reflecting
telescope at Palomar Observatory on Southern California's Mt.
Palomar; follow up infrared spectroscopy made with their 200 inch (5
m) Hale telescope shows an abundance of methane.
Some more proof of that would be to
go to Google Images and search
for a picture of a brown dwarf star. They just don't exist.
You will
find many artists renditions, but, only one single image of a brown
dwarf, the one described above.
That tells us that yes, brown dwarf stars do exist, but, they are
very hard to see or image. It also tells us that we did not even
have the capability to verify a brown dwarf star until 1995.
The IRAS Telescope and the 1983 Washington Post Article
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was the first-ever
space-based observatory to perform a survey of the entire sky at
infrared wavelengths.
Launched on January 25, 1983, its mission
lasted ten months. The telescope was a joint project of the United
States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Now, going back to
the 1983 Washington Post article, we find these
following statements.
The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so
cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes
on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large
as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles.
The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it
scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the
satellite ran out of the super cold helium that allowed its
telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens.
Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its
temperature is no more than 40 degrees above "absolute" zero, which
is 456 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.
The telescope aboard IRAS is
cooled so low and is so sensitive it can "see" objects in the
heavens that are only 20 degrees above absolute zero.
Also, going back to the 1982 Newsweek Article "Does the Sun Have a
Dark Companion" you find these statements.
When scientists noticed that Uranus wasn't following its predicted
orbit for example, they didn't question their theories.
Instead they
blamed the anomalies on an as yet unseen planet and, sure enough,
Neptune was discovered in 1846. Now astronomers are using the same
strategy to explain quirks in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.
According to John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, Calif., this odd behavior suggests that the sun has an
unseen companion,
a dark star gravitationally bound to it but
billions of miles away.
Starting to make sense now?
The IRAS was launched to look at super
cold objects in the infrared range. IRAS found a super cold object
in the constellation of Orion that CAN ONLY BE VIEWED with
telescopes like IRAS...
Nothing Else.
The Great Year
Below is a wonderful documentary that is a must see for those
It explains the precession of the equinoxes and makes a
pretty clear case that we live in a binary star system. Keep in mind
that MOST STARS are in a binary orbit with one or more stars and if
the Sun was not, it would be the exception.
On a side note about the documentary. Notice how it is narrated by
James Earl Jones. James Earl Jones was also the voice of Darth
Vader. Darth Vader was commander of the Death Star in Star Wars.
From one death star to another.
The 1987 New Science and Invention Encyclopedia
Here is another piece of evidence. It shows in the image that the
Pioneer Space Probe was sent out to the "Dead Star".
Here is a scan of page 2488:
In Summary
Most likely the Destroyer in not a planet, comet, asteroid, or any
visual body. It is a brown dwarf star. The star is locked in an
elliptical orbit with Earth's Sun.
Brown dwarf stars are so cold, only a few degrees above absolute
zero, that they can not be seen with the naked eye or even
conventional high powered telescopes. That would mean that it
absorbs light and does not allow the light to reflect back. To the
naked eye it would just appear as a big super black circle.
The only
way a backyard astronomer is going to see the Destroyer is if they
notice a black circle that seems to be blocking the stars from
behind it. Once it gets much closer to the Sun, the interaction
between the two may cause it to become visible.
IRAS, a telescope specially designed to locate super cold objects,
found an object as big as the planet Jupiter in the western edge of
the constellation Orion in 1983. The object discovered can only been
seen with a telescope like IRAS and nothing else.
So, the next time someone with a forked tongue and a foul attitude
tries to deploy the usual cookie cutter reply,
"If there was a planet
out there we would have seen it by now".
...usually followed by some
sort of childish ad hominem personal attack on your grammar,
spelling, or personal life, you pull out your information on Brown
Dwarf Stars, and go to town.
Rev 12:3
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a
great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns
upon his heads.
Rev 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called
the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast
out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Where have we seen a super black circle before?
UPDATED 2/7/11
Did you know that the "Spiral" part of the Norway Spiral was only
part of the phenomenon? The second half of the event was a jet
black, and when I say black I mean black as black can be, circle
that appeared in the sky.
Going back to the 1983 Article:
The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so
cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes
on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large
as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles.
If something casts no light, that means it is black.

Notice in this video of
The Norway Spiral that the spiral disappears
and forms this outline of a super black object.

Now put that together with the ancient petroglyphs.

Of the Spirals, and Birds and Fish Dying

And Devils...
Along with Ancient Writings...
Manuscripts 5:1 ...IT TWISTED ABOUT ITSELF LIKE A COIL... It was not a great comet
or a loosened star, being more like a fiery body of flame.
Manuscripts 5:5 The DOOMSHAPE is like a circling ball of flame which scatters small
fiery offspring in its train. It covers about a fifth part of the
sky and sends writhing, snakelike fingers down to Earth...

"Which Scatters Small Fiery Offspring In Its Train"
And More Ancient Writings...
Manuscripts 33:5 ...FOUR TIMES THE STARS HAVE MOVED TO NEW POSITIONS and twice the
sun has changed the direction of his journey.
Along with mainstream news stories...
Figure it out. It's more obvious than ever...
A Brown Dwarf Star
...Explains So Many Unanswered Questions
February 08, 2011
Rabbithole2 Website
Have you ever asked yourself how scientists can know the composition
of a planet that's orbiting a star light years away, but yet, they
can not come to agreement as to what causes ice ages right here on
our own planet Earth?
Yes there are various theories, but there is by far no type of "The
World is Round" kind of consensus about why Earth goes through
cyclical warming and cooling periods like clockwork.
How about the fact that modern science can actually take an image of
an atom but can't seem to figure out how the ancient people of the
world built such monuments as the
Great Pyramid or
We can go to the moon, but we don't understand gravity.
Humans can
bring living things back from the dead, fondle an organism's DNA,
and grow internal organs in a dish, but yet, we don't know what
caused the fall of all civilizations worldwide 3,600 years ago.
Have you ever pondered such questions? If you have, maybe you have
come to the same conclusion I have, that we are being taught NOT to
learn such things.
In this article I am going to try my best to add the missing link to
the equation that causes so many unanswered questions.
It all fits
together nicely.
Why can't
modern science explain gravity?
If scientists are trying to understand gravity and they are not
calculating the mass of a brown dwarf star that is in orbit with the
Sun it will be a fruitless effort.
You have to have all the factors
of the equation available in order to get the correct answer to the
riddle. In order for the proper explanation of gravity to surface
you would have to reveal the dwarf star, and that's a big no-no. So,
with the help of well connected people, working inline with a few
scientists, certain people can poison the well of scientific
information with muddy waters in order to keep the big secret a
Thus, you come to an impasse as to what causes gravity.
What causes
the ice ages?
Some scientists think that it has to do with the Earth's orbit,
other's think they are caused by cycles of the Sun.
Sounds like the
scientists are too busy chasing their tails to ever work together
long enough to come to a general consensus. It's the nature of
government funded scientists. Governments only fund the scientists
who support the ideas the government wants to support.
Ice ages are a very cyclical event, happening almost like clockwork
with some very minor variations. If you look at the chart below you
can clearly see from the ice core data that ice ages happen in a
pattern. Something is causing this pattern. That's something is our
Sun's binary partner.
I wish I had the animation skills to put in visual form what I see
in my head. We know from the ancients that the year used to be only
360 days, compared to our 365 today. That would mean that something
pulled us away from the Sun.
To try and explain it in simple terms is not easy.
Basically the
majority of time the orbit of the brown dwarf star comes up from the
south putting the Earth between it and the Sun. When this happens we
get pulled away from the Sun a little bit each time, thus causing
the 80,000 year ice ages. Eventually after 80,000 years of getting
pulled away from the Sun a little bit every 3,600 years, things
The dwarf star now comes up putting the Sun between us and
it. The combined gravity of the Sun and the Dwarf then pull Earth
back towards the Sun, giving us the 20,000 year warm periods.
why you see the rapid increase of temperature compared to the slower
decrease because the combined gravity of the Sun and the dwarf star
pulls us back closer much faster than the dwarf star alone pulls us
We actually started our drop into the ice age 3,600 years ago
believe it or not. The temp then was 1.5 degrees hotter, the ocean
levels were 17 feet higher, and the days that made up the year were
only 360.
When the dwarf made its pass 3,600 years ago, it changed
our days by pulling us away from the Sun.
That is why the temp
dropped, the ocean levels went down, and now we have a 365 day year.

Why are
cancers up so high?
Cancer is caused by mutation of cells.
Most cell mutations are
caused when the DNA strand is broken and that cell then divides,
thus causing 2 cancer cells. Those 2 cells divide causing 4 and so
on and so on.
DNA strands are broken by radiation. Most people have a
misconception about what radiation really is thinking more on the
lines that it is a poison rather than an atomic interaction.
Radiation is basically atoms that are throwing off pieces of
themselves, protons and neutrons, into the surrounding area.
When the free flying neutron comes in contact with a human it
actually flies right through your body. On it's way through it is
going right through the cells in your body. Many times these free
radicals end up hitting DNA strands as they fly through your flesh.
That is why radiation causes cancer, not because it is some kind of
Brown dwarf stars emit loads of radiation. A star like our Sun burns
off much of its energy in the form of light and heat. A brown dwarf
emits all of its energy in the form of radiation.
Chemtrails contain high levels of Barium. Barium absorbs radiation.
The chemtrails are being sprayed to block high levels of radiation.
Without the extra barium being pumped into the atmosphere we
probably all would be dying of cancer right now from the billions of
sub-atomic particles that are reigning down on Earth from the dwarf
It's really that simple.
What causes
global floods?
It is physically impossible to flood the world with rain.
The only
way the world can have a global flood is if there is some event in
association with it. This event can be an asteroid impact, polar
shift, or a very dense object passing close by Earth that causes a
massive Tsunami Tide. The gravitational pull would grab the water
and pull it over the land on a massive scale, much like the moon
does today on a smaller scale in the form of tides.
The world spins at about 1,300MPH. Because of the rotation of the
world the water bulges out at the equator due to centrifugal forces.
If the planet slows its spin, stops spinning, or has a polar
adjustment, that massive amount of water being held by centrifugal
force will be sloshed all around the planet.
Here are some unanswered questions that could all easily be answered
by concluding that the Sun is in an orbit with a brown dwarf star.
I could sit here and go on and on and on
with question after question, but, I think you get the idea... BROWN
If you are reading this article you must watch this documentary.
It's well worth it.
For more information read the above
article "The Destroyer - Our Binary Partner and Why You Will Not See
It Coming"