by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
January 16, 2012
Exopolitics Website
Spanish version

Andy Basiago claims
to have been recruited into
DARPA Project Pegasus
as a child.
Andy Basiago first emerged into public
life four years ago with sensational claims of discovering
life on
wrote a White Paper in 2008 with his
analysis of Mars Rover images which he claimed were conclusive proof
of life of Mars and a NASA controlled cover up. Later Basiago
publicly declared his participation as a child in
Project Pegasus, a
DARPA funded project which tested advanced technologies using
children. Among these technologies was what Basiago described as
"jump room" technology.
This allowed the instantaneous transport
through time and space. Among the places Basiago claimed to have
visited is Mars. There he saw a dinosaur roving the Martian surface
hungry for food - human residents lost on the surface being a
delicacy for such beasts according to Basiago. Basiago's most recent
claims are even more sensational.
President Obama back in 1980
also part of the Mars program and even got to travel to Mars.
Is Basiago genuinely blowing the whistle
on Mars or a crackpot seeking attention?
Basiago's White Paper on Mars was released in late 2008 and titled,
"The Discovery of Life on Mars."
In it Basiago begins by declaring:
There is life on Mars. Evidence that
the Red Planet harbors life and has for eons was discovered by
the author be examining NASA photograph PIA 10214, a westward
view of the West Valley of the Columbia Basin in the Gusev
Crater that was taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit in
November 2007 and beamed back to the Earth.

NASA photograph PIA 10214 -
a figure of
a human female?
Some of the figures in the NASA photograph are intriguing.
refers to one that,
"appeared to be the figure of a
human female… jutting from the edge of a plateau."
Critics dismissed the figure as nothing
more than a rock formation.
Basiago and his supporters claimed
otherwise. The figure, along with other figures from NASA photo PIA
10214, was conclusive evidence of life on Mars. To the dispassionate
observer, the female figure in the NASA photo was certainly curious.
It was not however the kind of conclusive evidence necessary to
declare that there was life on Mars.
Basiago's analysis of NASA photograph
PIA 10214 was interesting, but he really stretched credibility when
he claimed that in the same photo was evidence of a living
Plesiosaur roving the Martian surface.
Dinosaurs on
According to Basiago, in photograph PIA
10214 there was evidence of a dinosaur on Mars:
The life forms contained in PIA10214 include,
humanoids with bulbous
heads and elongated bodies, like those beings described in the UFO
animals still found on Earth, including lizards, frogs,
snakes, alligators, and mantises
animals that once existed on
Earth but are now extinct, including the reptile species
plesiosaur, which has been advanced as a solution in the
Loch Ness

NASA photograph PIA 10214 - a plesiosaur?
Yes, Basiago was claiming that an extinct water dwelling dinosaur
lived on the Martian surface - a distant cousin of the Loch Ness
To most observers, the so called Plesiosaur was at best a
blurry image of something interesting on the Martian surface -
probably nothing more than a rock formation. Not so according to Basiago's most important supporter, exopolitics author and
Alfred Webre.
Webre quickly became Basiago's de facto chief publicist and
supporter, and
ran a series of articles on his website and later his
Examiner newsblog, enthusiastly supporting Basiago's claims.
I was
privately approached by Webre and Basiago in early 2009 to lend my
support to Basiago's findings and comment publicly on his Mars White
Not being a NASA image expert, I told
them that they should get at least three independent experts to
analyze the NASA images that Basiago had focused on. I mentioned
Richard Hoagland as one, but Basiago declined and offered to find
others to satisfy my request.
Almost two years later, in an email
exchange with Webre
in January 2011, I wrote the following about the
alleged image experts that had been found to support Basiago's
In an earlier email in this
exchange, you mentioned Andrew R. Stec, and Lewis B. Rhinehart.
All I could find about Stec is a
webpage where he sells mars image posters for exorbitant prices.
I have not been able to find anything about Rhinehart other than
a mention on him as author/contributor on two articles on
Basiago's website.
So far, neither of the two names you
have given qualifies as an image expert despite their interest
in Basiago's Mars research.
After all this time, it appears that Basiago & you have still not found credible image analysis
experts to verify his work, even though there are many in the
field who I'm sure would be willing to give an opinion, e.g.,
Mike Bara, Jim Dilettoso, etc.
So far, the only credible image
analyst to comment on your work with Basiago has been Hoagland,
who has dismissed it as nonsense.
My experience with Basiago's
Mars Rover
image analyses was that he was prepared to make sensational claims
of discovering life on Mars without backing his analyses up with
independent image experts.
My conclusion, was that Basiago was
seeking attention with sensational interpretations of NASA images.
Webre had lost all objectivity in his uncritical support of
Basiago's claims. He began to have conflictual relationships with
myself and other colleagues wanting to distance themselves from the
sensational claims made by Basiago.
Was Basiago simply a crackpot seeking
attention, or was there a deeper agenda unfolding? We were soon to
find out.
In February 2010 Basiago came forward to declare that he was a child
participant in Project Pegasus, a DARPA program.
On his
Pegasus website, Basiago explains:
Project Pegasus is a quest begun in
1968 by Andrew D. Basiago when he was serving as a child
participant in the US time-space exploration program, Project
Project Pegasus was the classified,
defense-related research and development program under the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in which the
US defense-technical community achieved time travel on behalf of
the US government - the real
Philadelphia Experiment.
Project Pegasus was launched by the
US government to perform "remote sensing in time" so that
reliable information about past and future events could be
provided to the US President, intelligence community, and
It was expected that the 140
American schoolchildren secretly enrolled in Project Pegasus
would continue to be involved in time travel when they grew up
and went on to serve as America's first generation of "chrononauts."
Basiago was not the first to have
claimed that he had been recruited as a child participant in a
classified program using advanced technologies.
Similar claims had been made by,
There was much whistleblower evidence that some elements of
the U.S. military industrial complex were indeed using children in
highly classified programs. The children were put through trauma
based mind control so their minds could compartmentalized in ways
that could be easily exploited in these programs.
Was Basiago one of these experimental
children? Quite possibly.
Given my experience with whistleblowers
making such claims, there was much to be lost in making such claims,
and little to be gained other than ruined reputations and careers.
As a practicing attorney in the State of Washington, Basiago had
much to lose if he perjured himself publicly.
Was there any proof of Basiago's new
sensational claims of being a "chrononaut" with Project Pegasus?

National Archives:
Photo taken shortly
after Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Basiago found an archived photo of a
scene at Lincoln's Gettysburg address, that showed a blurry image of
a boy surrounded by men.
According to Basiago, he had traveled
back in time as part of Project Pegasus, he declared that he was the
figure in the photo. The boy's image in the photo was blurry,
however, and not conclusive by any means. This did not deter Basiago
and supporters. They claimed photographic evidence existed to
support Basiago's claims of attending the Gettysburg address.
As with the NASA Rover images, was
Basiago simply a crackpot seeking attention, or was there a deeper
agenda unfolding? We need to dig deeper into Basiago's claims.
In an email exchange in January 2011, where I was challenging
Webre's support of Basiago's NASA photo interpretation that
Plesiosaurs existed on Mars, Webre
With regard to the Mars Plesiosaur,
please note that there is independent whistleblower testimony on
record by persons who have been on Mars and who have personally
seen and confronted Plesiosaurs on the surface of Mars.
When I asked Webre for clarification on
who was the "independent whistleblower testimony" this is what he
Martian Plesiosaur
Andrew D. Basiago has publicly stated he has been on Mars twice in 1981,
once in the company of Courtney Hunt of the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency.
During the visit to Mars with Hunt,
Andy and Hunt were confronted by a Martian Plesiosaur a short
distance from the entrance to the U.S. underground base on Mars
where both had landed via teleporter from El Segundo,
Both Andy and Courtney Hunt made a dash for the
entrance to the underground base and reached it safely.
Reference: below video
So Webre finally revealed that the
"independent whistleblower testimony" supporting Basiago's
interpretation of Mars Rover images of living plesiosaurs on Mars
was none other than Basiago himself.
Basiago was now claiming that as part of
Project Pegasus, he had actually traveled to Mars using
"teleportation" or "jump room" technology. Incredibly, he claims to
have actually seen a Martian Plesiosaur.
This was a bizarre way of substantiating
Basiago's earlier analysis of Mars Rover images and did not help
avert the crackpot image. Aside from dinosaurs roving the Martian
surface and eating stray humans, there was even more sensational
claims to be made about participants in the Mars Program.
This time it would involve President
Barack Obama himself.
According to Webre,
Two former participants in the CIA's
Mars visitation program of the early 1980's have confirmed that
U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars
training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from
the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface
after reaching Mars via "jump room…
According to Mr. Basiago and Mr.
Stillings, in Summer 1980 they attended a three-week factual
seminar about Mars to prepare them for trips that were then
later taken to Mars via teleportation.
The course was taught by remote
viewing pioneer Major Ed Dames.
In an interview on
Coast to Coast Radio
in October 2011, Basiago was confronted by Major
Ed Dames who
disputed his alleged involvement in such a program, and told Basiago
not to involve him in "your fantasies" (below video, Part
4, at 17 minutes about):
Coast To Coast AM with...
Mars Visitor Andrew Basiago
There is certainly truth in the existence of a secret Mars program.
A number of whistleblowers have attested to such,
...and others have come forward.
The great granddaughter of President
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower even
came forward to reveal
attempts to recruit her into the secret Mars program, and
named its
head as Dr
Hal Puthoff.
So if there is a secret Mars program, is
Basiago correct in his detailed claims regarding it? Before reaching
a final conclusion about Basiago's sensational claims, I will first
examine Alfred Webre's relationship with Basiago and Project
In his former Examiner newsblog, Webre declared that he had actually
come under DARPA Project Pegasus time surveillance as a "person of
interest," back in 1971-72.
He wrote:
If in fact, DARPA's Project Pegasus
had used its secret time travel technology to go forward in time
from the early 1970s (or earlier) to 2005 (or later) and bring
back my book Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the
Universe (Exopolitics
- A Decade of Contact), then Project Pegasus also had the technological
means and motive to identify me - Alfred Lambremont Webre - as a
person of interest for
time travel surveillance…
DARPA Project Pegasus had engaged in
time travel surveillance of my life and timeline 1971 forward
and wanted to know what whistleblower role I would play is
assisting whistleblowers such as Andrew D. Basiago around the
cover-up of U.S. government secret time travel and life on Mars
deep state secrets.
So Webre claims that he was identified
by DARPA Project Pegasus as someone that would in time assist
Basiago in disclosing the truth about,
"U.S. government secret time travel
and life on Mars deep state secrets."
So are Webre and Basiago telling the
truth about Mars or again is there a deeper agenda at play?
Alfred Webre attended Yale University from 1960-64, four years ahead
of fellow Yale student
George Bush. Bush as is well known, was a
member of Skull and Bones, one of Yale's secret societies.
Researchers have found that
mind control
is regularly used at
Skull and Bones, and is part of the training of
members for similar secret societies. What is not generally well
known is that Webre was a member of another of Yale's secret
societies, Scroll and Key as privately confided to this author by Webre himself some years ago.
Scroll and Key is
described as follows:
The Scroll and Key Society is a
secret society, founded in 1842 at Yale University, in New
Haven, Connecticut. It is the wealthiest and second oldest [1][2]
Yale secret society. Each year, the society admits fifteen
rising seniors to participate in its activities and carry on its
As a former and/or current member of
Scroll and Key, Webre was no stranger to
secret societies and oaths,
and the rituals performed therein.
Some of these rituals are a form of mind
control and/or conditioning designed to make the recipient loyal
over a lifetime, this would help explain Webre's erratic behavior
over the years of his professional career and writing in the field
of exopolitics.
Certainly in my experience and those of
former colleagues of Webre during his five year tenure at the
Exopolitics Institute, Webre's behavior and claims have been
perplexing, controversial and divisive.
For example, he was "Secretary of
Justice" of an online organization,
Galactic Government actively
selling land on the moon, and representing lunar owners.
So what is the
ultimate agenda of Basiago and Webre?
In my conclusion, Basiago's and Webre's
tasks are to disclose some of the truths about a secret Mars project
but to do so in such a sensationalist way that it discredits any
wanting to seriously study such claims.
This is a classic psychological warfare
tool whereby the truth can be hidden in plain sight, and deter any
serious investigation of what is happening.
Basiago's involvement as
a child participant in Project Pegasus involved heavy mind control.
Webre's membership in Scroll and Key,
involved a degree of mental conditioning if not outright mind
The result is that both Basiago and
Webre are ideal candidates for a limited disclosure hangout
concerning life on Mars.
Being part of an officially sanctioned
psychological operation, helps explain why Basiago can still
practice law in Washington State while making sensationalist claims,
when other whistleblowers have lost their careers for doing far
My final conclusion is that Basiago is
both a genuine whistleblower and a crackpot - by design.
January 16, 2012
Alfred Webre has clarified his Yale
society membership:
"I was never in Scroll & Key at
I was in Torch & Talon, an 'underground' secret society
that met twice weekly at a beach house we rented at Branford, CT
and had 'encounter group' style meetings in the 1964 style,
where we told our life stories and supported each other.
Torch &
Talon is not longer active."
Andrew D. Basiago
...Responds to Michael Salla
15 January 2012
Exopolitics.Blogs Website
[Bracketed materials are excerpts
Michael Salla's letter to Andrew D. Basiago]
SALLA: <I have never called you a
liar Andy.>
BASIAGO: True, but you have repeatedly attacked my public
statements as untrue, despite the fact that from the beginning
they have all been true and you have no evidence that they have
not been true.
SALLA: <I think you are, without knowing it, still in a program
where you are downloaded information to disseminate to others
for an undisclosed agenda.>
BASIAGO: This is a mere supposition on your part. You have no
factual basis to allege this theory of my case. I was a
participant in two historic programs, DARPA's Project Pegasus,
about which I have retrieved and communicated hundreds of facts,
and the CIA's Mars visitation program, for which I have already
proffered one participant and for which I will soon be
proffering a second participant. I am simply sharing what
happened to me.
SALLA: <You have ingratiated yourself with Alfred who has lost
all reason and backed you to the point of discrediting himself
in the wider exopolitics community.>
BASIAGO: You have no basis to make a judgment about the nature
of my friendship with Alfred.
I have never ingratiated myself
with anybody. You don't know me.
Alfred and I are profound
friends, strategic allies, and creative collaborators. Your
assertion that you can characterize a friendship is highly
When you talk about Alfred discrediting himself in the
exopolitics community, I ask:
Is this the Michael Salla who
presented at [James] Gilliland's in 2006 about creating nature
parks for human-ET interaction and then went on Coast to Coast
AM and admitted that ET behavior has been characterized, for the
most part, by stealth? Whose wife presented a lecture about
swimming with the dolphins as a way to "channel ET"?
comparison, Alfred has had the intelligence to recognize the
significance of my experiences and has had the integrity to
support my Truth Campaign.
SALLA: <Anyone who, like you, has been through trauma based mind
control deserves support and sympathy.>
BASIAGO: Well, that's great, Michael. Problem is, I have never
been through "trauma based mind control." Why do you insinuate
that I have? I told you that I was subjected to efforts to make
us comply with the secrecy regime and to not talk about what
Your allegation of TBMC is unfounded and is an
academic conceit that you have superimposed over the facts of my
case. In fact, you have been too academically unprincipled to
explore the facts of my case. You have made a snap judgment.
SALLA: <Uncritically accepting what such individuals have to say
carries many risks as I have pointed out for others such as
Dan Burisch,
Charles Hall, etc.>
BASIAGO: In point of fact, you, who purports to be an historian
of UFO history, have totally missed the boat by not examining my
claims and realizing that my experiences reveal a whole new
chapter in the US government's covert response to the ET
In Project Pegasus, I was even trained in the ASTART
alphabet for ET-human communication and you haven't even
interviewed me. Along the way, you have made it your business to
defame a respected colleague (Alfred) and a key whistle blower
So, I have to ask:
SALLA: <It's only when Alfred began uncritically
supporting your claims that he lost all support and
BASIAGO: Alfred has supported many people with different
allegations and experiences and unlike you hasn't superimposed a
misinformed judgment over them. I will leave it to him to make
his judgments as to whose experiences he reports. I can say that
he has sought not so much to be understood as to understand.
That's why
his work has been groundbreaking and revolutionary
and yours has been pedestrian and sterile.
It's almost like
you're a gatekeeper for what the CIA wants to release about the
ET situation. I think that at this point the balance of the
equities indicates that you are an operative.
If you are not,
then I would urge you to do some soul-searching and acknowledge
that your egotism has caused you to fail to comprehend that I am
a key whistleblower from within the postwar US defense
community that was dealing with how to respond to perceived
threats posed by the ETs and the Soviets.
Having said all that,
I forgive you, just as I forgive everybody who fails to
comprehend what I experienced.