part 7
Until the last couple of hundred years a major tool in the
’programming’ of the collective mind has been the belief in dogmatic
religion. Religious philosophies generally present a picture of
Creation with humankind, even though perhaps ’chosen’ by
God, to be
very much subservient and worthless. People who consider themselves
’free’ through the pursuit of their own dogmatic religion are
amongst the most enslaved victims of
the Illuminati’s plan for total
take over of mind, body and soul.
Fear, guilt and a host of other
negative emotions have been instilled into humanity in the name of
religion – the Christian guilt due to the doctrine of ’original sin’
and fear of the final judgment; Jewish feelings of divine
punishment for failing Yahweh; Islamic aggression to convert the
masses by the sword; the Hindu caste system in which ’untouchables’
have no hope of salvation in this lifetime. Western Catholicism,
with its control over all education for centuries and its
intolerance of alternatives (usually condemned as heresies with the
proponents ex-communicated, exiled or barbarically tortured and
killed) successfully kept the masses in cringing subservience to
their vengeful, yet supposedly loving, God.
Catholic Church, in
turn, has been controlled and bled dry of wealth by an especially
sinister organization which is a combination of elements of
Freemasonry and the Mafia, known as
P2. Religions are also
answerable to the banks.
When scientific developments in the 18th and 19th centuries started
disputing the orthodox theological interpretation of ’who we are’,
people’s belief in the church started to wane and they threatened to
start thinking for themselves. The Elite consequently hijacked this
new science in order to switch the general belief from a judgmental
God (which enabled control through fear etc.) to a denial of the
existence of God and a belief that this life is all that there is
(which enabled control through science and materialism).
theories on evolution was the first major coup on the mass mindset
for the ’survival of the fittest/no God’ belief system which has
been prevalent in the last century. This theory, which did not
originate with Charles Darwin, was essentially the work of
the Lunar
Society, a revolutionary organization created to undermine
God and
overthrow monarchies, which Darwin’s family was very involved in. By
the end of his life Darwin himself did not believe the argument but
the theories had taken hold and have since been taught as scientific
fact. Once more our ideas about who and what we are have been
programmed into us – beliefs which serve the Elite and their goal of
complete control.
Ideas which challenge the now orthodox belief in evolution or seek
to publicize the eternal nature of the spirit are marginalized into
groups which are subsequently labelled as ’cults’ – a word which is
instinctively interpreted as ’a dangerous group of slightly insane
people’. The stigma has been deliberately attached to the word for
this very reason by highly publicized cults and the behavior
attributed to them.
For example, the Jonestown massacre in 1978,
which research has shown was probably a CIA mind-control experiment,
and the Waco ’mass suicide’ by burning alive in 1993 when followers
of David Koresh were attacked by the FBI and the
Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) with tanks armed with flame throwers.
Coincidentally, the BATF had contacted a local hospital before the
raid to enquire about the availability of beds in the burns unit.
Cults which promote a world government and whose belief system
incorporates the
New World Order are supported by the Elite, e.g.
the Moonies, the Church of Scientology and
certain strands of the
New Age movement. The ’opposite’ side is also funded by the same
people – the reactionary ’cult buster’ groups, like the Cult
Awareness Network set up by Dr West, a CIA asset which is heavily
involved in Nazi-style mind control experiments.
Conventionally taught and accepted history and science have a
fundamental influence on the way that we perceive the world.
Therefore, the control of education and the way that these subjects
are presented has been of paramount importance to the Elite. This
has been one of the main occupations of the Round Table, and in
America the task was given to the Rockefeller Foundation by the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to prevent American life
from returning to its pre-World War I state.
The lessons taught in the schools of today are those of
(there is no meaning), hierarchical position (envy those above,
despise those below), dependency (’success’ is measured by the
opinion of others and only ’experts’ know the truth), obedience (do
as others instruct in order to progress) and above all, conformity.
A child is simply there to be filled with System-accepted ’facts’,
regimentally hurried from one lesson to the next to be bombarded
with apparently unrelated information with any genuine enthusiasm or
interest stifled in the boredom of classroom conformity. A child’s
intelligence is then measured by his or her meek receptivity to the
systematic brainwashing and his or her ability to regurgitate these
’facts’ in examinations, whilst the teacher’s performance is
evaluated by the speed and completeness of the indoctrination.
curriculum is very carefully controlled with standardized textbooks
which teachers, whatever their personal feelings on the subject,
have to teach in order to retain their jobs. Real questions about
the nature of life, the reasons behind the contradictions in
accepted historical absurdities, the dreams of self-expression have
no part in the strait jacket of System education.
People are
’consumers’ and cogs in the corporate machine, and those who can
accept this role are what the education process call ’successful’.
If conformity is the price of ’success’, those who seek alternative
views and reject the indoctrination are made to experience shame and
a sense of failure. We are taught that the Elite system of
corporate-led consumerism has been freely created and that it
provides the only answer for a meaningful, worthwhile life.
Childhood happiness, enthusiasm and excitement for life are
suffocated as we are taught to operate within a system which denies
the very essences of humanity – love and the ability to question and
search for the truth of our current existence.
The Media
Information about and interpretation of current affairs is gained
exclusively through the media – newspapers, TV and radio.
Newspapers are presented as being independent or having a known
political leaning and TV is supposedly unbiased and independent.
This is simply not the case. Information about events come from ’official sources’ who can present the view that
the Elite want the
public to accept.
Alternatively, news stories are derived from
central news agencies (e.g. Reuters) who give everybody the same
story. Newcomers to a media company are expected to toe the
conventional line or suddenly their prospects become bleak.
Journalists who analyze and think independently are dangerous and
are few and far between.
This is not to suggest that every single journalist from the
boardroom down to the ’hack’ is involved in some massive conspiracy
and cover up. Once the framework has been set up (which it
deliberately has been over the last few centuries) the system is
self-regulatory simply through ’market forces’.
Running a newspaper
or television station is an expensive business which instantly
limits those organizations which can operate one. Such businesses
are obviously financially successful in the System, so have an
interest in maintaining the status quo. Opinions and stories which
challenge the establishment are therefore of no interest to these
companies and are viewed as subversive. The media industry is also
advertising-based with prices of newspapers kept below the
manufacturing costs by advertising income.
Multinationals will not
support those newspapers/magazines which are viewed as ’anti-business’ so such publications are
marginalized out of
existence simply by market forces. Advertiser-friendly media
companies keep their readership in a suitable ’buying’ frame of mind
by not being controversial, not presenting ’difficult’ articles or
The threat of withdrawal of advertising is generally
sufficient to ensure the media companies vigilantly filter the
stories they present but if one slips through, business
organizations often combine forces to pressurize editors into
reviewing their content. This is done through letters, law-suits and
even parliamentary bills. An example of these so-called ’flak
machines’ is Accuracy in Media (AIM) a collection of corporate
giants, including eight oil companies, whose function is to maintain
a corporate-friendly media in the US.
A look at the board members of media companies is revealing about
their alleged independence. In America a large number of the
directors of NBC, CBS and ABC all have common involvement with
Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan companies, as well as being members of
Council on Foreign Relations and
Trilateral Commission. In
Britain, the Daily Telegraph is owned by the Hollinger group who
advisors/directors include Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington,
Brzezinski and Lord Rothschild.
The current chairman of
Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, is on the board of the
Telegraph. A former board member, Andrew Knight (Bil), is now
executive chairman of the ’rival’ News International, which runs
Times and the Sun, and which is funded by the Oppenheimers and the
Rothschilds. Regulatory bodies such as the Press Complaints
Commission also have links with the same people e.g. the chairman
Lord Wakeham who is a director of N.M. Rothschild.
Most people form their opinions on the basis of newspapers whose
political stance mirrors their own. As all media organizations are
owned by companies with the same interests and have their content
dictated by the advertisers and obtain their stories from the same
sources, all ’sides’ of public opinion are easily manipulated. This
is used to divert attention away from the true agenda:
Investigators getting near to the truth are branded as anti-Semitic
so attention is focused away from their information onto their
apparent racism.
’Expose’ books, such as
Peter Wright’s
Spycatcher are publicly
opposed by those in government to give credence to their
revelations. Their ’exposure’ of what are generally innocent people
are then believed more readily.
Sensitive information is released when overshadowed by another news
story, e.g. identity cards were announced by Michael Howard on the
day of the Loyalist cease-fire in Northern Ireland.
Libya has been blamed for the
Lockerbie bombing (among other things)
to undermine Colonel Gaddafi, when all the evidence points to the
CIA and other intelligence agencies. The Libyan leader is, in fact,
one of the ’evil tyrants’ the media so love to create as a
simplistic ’bad guy’ at which the public can direct their animosity.
He is not exactly a saint but, in the 1980s, Gaddafi was responsible
for 14 deaths (mostly Libyans), as compared with the 50,000 corpses
at the feet of the regime in El Salvador – an administration
installed by the US with a US trained army.
Assassinations are blamed on a lone person with no affiliation to
any group. The murder of J.F. Kennedy, for example, was ascribed to
Lee Harvey Oswald (who was subsequently murdered himself by a
assassin’) but investigations have shown that it could not have been
Oswald but it is much more likely that the American President was
removed by the intelligence agencies because he did not follow
Elite game plan and was threatening to expose it by ’smashing the
CIA into a thousand pieces’.
Public opinion is sold the illusion of choice by maintaining groups
in apparent opposition to each other. Again, the majority will
believe that they are involved in a real battle for what they
genuinely believe to be correct, when in reality the funding and
support is derived from the same sources as their opposition. As
long as New World Order policies are being promoted it makes no
difference to
the Elite whether a group is Jewish, anti-Jewish, Left
wing, Right wing, Christian, Moslem etc.… it will be used while it
serves their purpose.
Another vital tool is instilling a belief that the goals
the Elite
are striving towards are good and necessary things. This is often
achieved by creating a ’problem’, which the public react against and
call for an official response. The ’solution’ which is offered and
which is accepted on a wave of public support is the very thing the
Elite wanted in the first place. There are countless examples of
these but I shall cite just three:
The ’problem’ of violent crime has elicited a wave of public feeling
in favor of increased police powers.
’New age’ travelers were suddenly severely harassed by the police
and received considerable media attention. When they reacted against
their treatment an apparent ’problem’ had been created which was met
with the ’solution’ of the Criminal Justice Bill. This restriction
on personal freedom sailed through parliament and the media
spotlight was focused away from the travelers to firstly give the
impression of ’problem solved’ and secondly, they had served their
Oklahoma Bomb in April 1995 in which 168 men, women and children
were killed was reported as being caused by a fertilizer bomb –
despite the absence of any fertilizer at the scene – planted by a
’people’s militia’ group. In fact, the explosion was caused by a
barometric bomb which has a security level on a par with nuclear
weapon components.
However public opinion had been mobilized against
the ’problem’ of the ’people’s militia’ movement and consequently
accepted Clinton’s ’solutions’ of increased FBI powers to infiltrate
and attack these groups, the military enforcement of domestic laws,
and a media ban on so-called ’anti-government’ extremists such as
the People’s Militia who are fully aware of the workings of
America’s secret government.
Environmental Movement
A good example of both these methods of manipulation –
problem-generating in order to have a solution accepted and control
of both sides of the ’debate – is the way that environmental issues
have been used in order to justify centralisation of power. Our
planet is in environmental crisis and the vast majority of the Green
movement is working positively for the good of the Earth, but when
environmentalists can aid the New World Order the Elite have no
compunction about leaping on the proverbial band wagon.
The Elite’s environmental stance is largely co-ordinated by the
of Rome, launched by the Freemason Aurelio Peccei in 1968. Its
purpose is to issue propaganda about the environmental crisis to
justify centralisation of power, the suppression of industrial
development in the Third World and eugenics.
Under its influence the
Global 2000 Report
was produced during Jimmy Carter’s Trilateral
administration which used untrue ’shock’ data to paint a picture of
overpopulation and food/resource shortages. The response document
called for population control and the restriction of scientific
development in the Third World. It is on the back of these documents
that the genuine environmental movement is calling for a global
solution to a global problem – a view the Elite wholeheartedly
Highly involved in these documents were bankers and
politicians who support the IMF and the World Bank which are causing
the very devastation of the planet they profess to be concerned
about. ’Debt for equity’ schemes in which ’environmentally
sensitive’ land is given by the Third World as payment for debts
(which in reality does not even reduce the debt) are the brainchild
of David Rockefeller and Baron Rothschild. The same people were
behind the Rio Summit in 1992 where the secretary-general was the
millionaire oilman Maurice Strong, also a trustee of the Rockefeller
All these ’problems’ to which
centralization and eugenics are the
proffered ’solutions’ are caused by the existing policies of the
banks, multinational corporations, the World Bank, the
IMF etc..
Create the problem, offer the solution…?
The environmental movement has also been used to prohibit the
exploitation of nuclear power. (Personally I am not in favour of
nuclear power, but I can still see how the issue has been
manipulated to serve the Elite.). The oil and
industries form the backbone of the Elite’s income and recruitment.
The oil price shocks in the 1970s were manipulated by the ’Seven
Sisters’ oil cartel and the
Bilderberg Group to massively inflate
the price of oil. Conventionally, nuclear power forms the only
credible alternative to fossil fuels so it had to de discredited.
One of the Bilderbergers who agreed to the increase was Robert O.
Anderson, owner of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co of the board of
Kissinger Associates. He channelled huge sums of money into
organizations to oppose nuclear fuel including a grant to establish
a group which developed into Friends of the Earth.
Research also
suggests that the French arm of the House of Rothschild has been
seeking to monopolize nuclear power technology and reprocessing
technology in time for the predicted exhaustion of oil and gas
supplies. The Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium
The manipulation has also occurred on an international stage. In the
1980s Pakistan, under Ali Bhutto, proposed independent expansion of
its nuclear power programme. Kissinger’s threats weren’t sufficient
to stop Bhutto so a Kissinger-inspired coup removed him from power
and the world passively looked on as he was hanged.
Mind Manipulation
Mind control experiments, so-called
Nazi science, has been on-going
for decades using esoteric knowledge about the human psyche. By
ridiculing any spiritual interpretation of life and mobilizing the
forces of conventional science the Elite have convinced the public
of the non-existence of psychic, ’higher’ levels so it is easy to
keep hidden technology which manipulates these levels.
Mass hypnosis is possible by the repetition of a basic theme until
it is accepted as fact by the subconscious and then conscious mind.
Such messages can be flashed during TV programmes or films and are
not perceived by the eyes and conscious mind.
Alternatively, the
mesmerizing and sedating effect of television puts the subconscious
mind into an ideal state to receive messages sent to the psyche via
carrier TV/radio waves. It is understood by Elite science how, by
broadcasting at certain frequencies, non-physical magnetic levels
can be imbalanced to cause physical, emotional and mental illness.
Technology also exists whereby thoughts can be induced by
stimulating brainwaves.
The most sinister and far-reaching mind control programme is
MK Ultra, run on behalf of the CIA. During
Operation Paperclip, Nazi
scientists were moved to the US and given prestigious positions at
the leading colleges, universities and NASA after World War II to
continue their experiments in which thousands of ’lesser human
beings’ – prisoners, mental patients, victims of paedophilia and
incest etc. – have been forced to participate.
Experiments have
included removing a person’s existing personality by electrotherapy
and then compartmentalizing and programming new ones by psychic
driving. This makes the ’subject’ obsessed with certain ideas and is
undoubtedly used to ’programme’ so-called lone assassins.
openly admit to having used this form of subversive technology for
use against America’s political enemies but flatly denies that it
would ever be used on home territory.
Project Monarch
An integral part of MK-Ultra is
Project Monarch – perhaps the most
damning episode in the history of mind control – whereby the minds
of women and children are brutally taken over in order to provide
pedophiles, politicians, criminals and
practicing Satanists with
willing sex slaves who could also double as covert operatives by
having their personalities and memories switched on and off at will.
(See also
Further Examples of Manipulation – Satanism)
The details of this horrific plan by
the Elite to take over the
planet through mass mind-control have come from the ex-CIA
mind-controlled slave, Cathy O’Brien, and are described in harrowing
detail in her book
Trance Formation Of America. After a lifetime in
the clutches of the MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind-control program
she became what is known as a ’Presidential Model’, a sex slave used
specifically by the presidents for perverted abuse. Her abusers
include the presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and
George Bush as
well as a host of other key US politicians.
These fiends would
routinely torture and rape her and later her daughter, Kelly, for
personal gratification whilst using drugs and electric shock trauma
to further compartmentalize her memory of such events in order to
hide their actions. Because of her status and entirely programmable
mind Cathy was used in many major political/criminal covert
operations and was used to pass on Top Secret information in such
affairs as the Iran-Contra deals.
Cathy’s life began as the victim of multigenerational
incest. Her first memory in life is being choked by her father’s
penis in her throat. This initial trauma began to cause her mind to
compartmentalize into separate personalities which could deal with
traumatic situations – as a mental survival tool – whilst her ’normal’ personality was left to deal with everyday events. Her mind
dissociated from the memory of abuse whilst developing another
personality which belonged to her father and was triggered on the
sight of his arousal. This was the beginning of the creation within Cathy’s psyche of a phenomenon known as Multiple Personality
Disorder (MPD), now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
One side-effect of MPD is the creation of a photographic memory.
Since her rescue and de-programming in 1988, Cathy has been able to
recall in stunning detail every encounter with her adversaries and
their sordid plans for world domination. These were freely revealed
to Cathy by leading US politicians and criminals over a number of
years whilst presuming that their high-tech programming could never
be interfered with and it was therefore safe to do so. Another
side-effect of the programming is the development of a visual acuity
which is 44 times that of the average person.
Subsequent abuse came daily from her father and uncles who had also
been victims of paedophile parents. Separate personalities were
created for each situation, whilst Cathy was still little more than
a toddler.
Her Uncle Bob, a regular paedophilic abuser, often boasted to her
that he was a pilot in Air Force Intelligence and worked for the
Vatican. It was Bob who first introduced Cathy to child pornographer
and head of the local Michigan Mafia, Gerald Ford (of the
Commission who investigated the death of JFK, and later became
President of the US after Nixon). Ford had begun recruiting
’Multigenerational incest abused children with MPD for its genetic
mind-control studies’, a Top Secret Defence Intelligence Agency
project. By selling Cathy into this programme, her father gained
immunity from prosecution having recently been caught selling
pornography which involved Cathy and her pet boxer dog, Buster.
Her father was soon enrolled on a two week course at Harvard where
he was taught his role in preparing Cathy for the project. He then
returned home to enthusiastically announce that the family would be
having more children. Cathy now has two sisters and four brothers;
each victims of paedophilic abuse.
Preparation for The Project was based upon continual trauma, food
and water deprivation, sensory deprivation and included constantly
slave driving Cathy into exhaustion just like Cinderella. She was
repeatedly prostituted to local Freemasons, police, a
priest, Satanists and relatives in order that she further
dissociated and enforced the realization that there was no place to
run and hide.
She was also prostituted to Michigan State Senator,
Guy VanderJagt (later US Congressman and chairman of the Republican
National Congressional Committee which appointed George Bush as
president) who gave her a Rosy Cross necklace and told her that he
and her Uncle Bob had been to
the Vatican where the secrets of other
dimensions of existence were kept. On one occasion, both he and Ford
brutally raped her in an horrific threesome backstage at a political
parade; they then took the stage in front of the crowd which
included all of Cathy’s schoolmates to present her with a US flag
which only moments previously they had inserted into her rectum.
Despite these daily horrors she excelled at her studies; due mainly
to her photographic memory. No one had any idea that any of this was
going on.
In 1968, VanderJagt introduced Cathy to the Canadian Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau who then abused her and used her for porn involving a
French poodle which he had given her as a pet.
Once Cathy reached adolescence and began to develop breasts,
VanderJagt found her less attractive and she was ’given’ to US
Senator and Ku Klux Klan affiliate, Robert C. Byrd who found
pleasure in repeatedly torturing her in Sado-Masochistic sex and
porn from which she still bears the scars all over her body.
By now Cathy was unable to tell reality from dreams and vice versa.
This was reinforced through an advanced form of mind-control known
as ’Satanic reversals’ whereby every sensory input was controlled
and words and sentences perverted to always have sinister double or
triple meanings pertaining to abuse. She was further prepared for
Project Monarch when she was taken out of school and relocated at
Muskegon Catholic Central High School, with other Monarch ’Chosen
Ones’ as they were referred to.
The final event which literally drove
Cathy out of her mind and
destroyed her one remaining ’normal’ personality happened in 1974
after a parade in Cedar Springs, Michigan when Ford brutally
assaulted her and delivered electric shock treatment in order that
she would forget the event. Now every compartment of her mind was
associated with abuse.
The programme soon began to involve high-tech military bases for
further dramatization and programming. For this they used centres
such as the MacDill Airforce Base at Tampa; Fort Campbell in
Kentucky; Fort McKlellen at Anniston, Alabama; Redstone Arsenal and
Marshall Space Flight Centre in Huntsville, Alabama; the
NASA Kennedy Space Centre, Cape Canaveral in Florida and
NASA’s Goddard
Space Flight Centre near Washington D.C..
Cathy was sold and
’married’ to her owner, Byrd in a contract which
made her father a millionaire overnight. Although ’owned’ by Byrd,
Cathy was given ’handlers’ to keep an eye on and further traumatise
her. One such person was Wayne Cox, a Satanist and serial killer
calling card is to remove one hand of his victims which he calls the
’Hands of Glory’) who had gained immunity from prosecution through
his involvement in Project Monarch.
He was introduced to Cathy
whilst playing for a country music band at the Grand Old Opry in
Nashville, Tennessee. According to Cathy, no one makes it in this
town unless they are slaves or CIA operatives. Names of
slave handlers and CIA operatives include Kris Kristofferson
(described by Cathy as a ’Vatican based Project Monarch slave
runner’), Boxcar Willie (who has abused Cathy’s daughter,
Kelly, in
three separate mental institutions) and Merle Haggard – whose song
’Freedom Train’ is the code-word for this aspect of the mind-control
Project Monarch Slaves include the singer Barbara Mandrell and
her sisters, who are also owned by Byrd, and Loretta Lynn who’s
handler is Neo-Nazi paedophile and CIA operative,
Ken Riley.
Cox involved Cathy in drug running and cannibalistic Satanism with
his mother. He also caused her to conceive six times in order to use
the foetuses in these rituals and became the natural father of Cathy’s only daughter, Kelly, who was born in 1980. During one drug
run with Cox to Tinker Air Force Base in Ouachita National Forrest
near Hot Springs, Arkansas, Cathy met, then Governor of Arkansas,
Bill Clinton. She was then cued to reveal to him a secret message
from Senator Bennett Johnson of Louisiana and then handed over a
particularly fine batch of cocaine (Clinton’s drug of choice) for
his personal use.
In 1980, Cathy was programmed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky by
Colonel Michael Aquino, a confessed neo-Nazi and founder of the
Himmler-inspired Temple of Set (Satan), who holds Top Secret
clearance in the DIA’s Psychological Warfare Division (he was also
once charge with ritual and sexual abuse of children at the Presidio
Day Care Centre in San Francisco). He used atrocious trauma
techniques using NASA technology on both Cathy and
Perversely, Lucifarian religions are constitutionally protected in
the USA and Britain!
One sex slave training camp is known as the
’Charm School’ in
Youngstown, Ohio and is operated by the ’Governor’, Dick Thornburgh
(Governor of Pennsylvania, US Attorney General and secretary for the
UN). Here he worked with Congressman Jim Trafficant using high-tech
programming techniques.
A further insight into the New World Order mentality comes from
these passages from
Trance Formation of America:
(Byrd) often threatened me that I was considered
’disposable’ because after all, "The first Presidential
Model, Marilyn Monroe, was killed right in front
of the public eye and no one knew what happened".’
…he loved to hear himself talk and would often drone on and on in
his famous long-winded recitations, while I was photographically
recording every word he said. He detailed the inner operational
structure of the world domination effort, including psychological
warfare strategies, and explained how he had and would use his
’expert’ knowledge of the Constitution to manipulate it and the so
called US Justice System, and more.
…Byrd ’justified’ mind-control atrocities as a means of thrusting
mankind into accelerated evolution, according to the Neo-Nazi
principles to which he adhered. He ’justified’ manipulating
mankind’s religion to bring about the prophesied biblical ’world
peace’ through the ’only means available’ – total mind-control in
the New World Order. ’After all,’ he proclaimed, ’even
the Pope and
the Mormon Prophet know this is the only way to peace and they
co-operate fully with The Project.’ (my highlights added)
…He adhered to the belief that 95% of the (world’s) people
be led by the 5%, and claimed that this can be proven because the
95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in government.’ Byrd
believed that in order for this world to survive, mankind must take
a ’giant step in evolution through creating a ’superior race’,
believed in the Nazi and KKK principles of
’annihilation of
underprivileged races and cultures’ through genocide, to alter
genetics and breed ’the more gifted – the blondes of this world’.
Cathy’s first position as a ’Presidential Model’ was to
Reagan – known to slaves as ’The Wizard of OZ’. One of his favourite
pastimes was perverted porn – especially bestiality. He would
instruct his personal pornographer, Larry Flynt (owner of Hustler
magazine) to make pictures to his own specifications which became
known as ’Uncle Ronnie’s Bedtime Stories’.
Reagan’s personal
attaché, Philip Habib’s favorite pastime was to sodomise Cathy
whilst electrocuting her to create the desired rectal spasm. Habib
later introduced her to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia whose tastes were
frighteningly similar.
Fahd was to fund the Contras via Panamanian Dictator and CIA
operative, Manuel Noriega for Reagan and Cathy was used as the
messenger in ’Operation Carrier Pidgeon’.
One of the most brutal of all of
Cathy’s abusers was Dick Cheney
(White House Chief of Staff to Ford, member of the CFR and later
Secretary of Defense to Reagan – despite having no military
background). He would regularly organize an event known as ’A Most
Dangerous Game’. This involved releasing Monarch slaves into the
woods and then hunting them down with dogs and guns for sport as a
means of further traumatizing victims as well as for his own
One operation, organized by Cheney and Ford was
’Operation Shell
Game’. This involved Cathy being used as a ’Carrier Pidgeon’:
He (Ford) began talking as though I were a machine and he was
dictating a message. ’Take this message to Dick Chaney, Pentagon.
The Mob has agreed to transfer the $2.3 million (porn profits) to
the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Let’s pool our money
now and we’ll be swimming in it. This operation has been an
enterprising success. Let’s keep it that way. Cease agreement with
Panama. All Mexican channels are implemented (cocaine and heroin).
Hail to the chief’.
As a replacement for Cox, Cathy was given a new handler;
ventriloquist and hypnotist, Alex Houston. (Cox now breeds goats for
Satanic rituals and runs a trade in human body parts for Satanists.)
In 1982, Houston dealt cocaine to Bill Clinton whilst
Cathy was
taken to meet his wife, Hilary Clinton. At the sight of Cathy’s
vagina (which had previously been mutilated without anesthetic to
resemble a demon’s head – the head of Baphomet which is worshipped
by the Templars and their offshoots) Hilary Clinton became aroused
and performed oral sex upon her.
In 1983,
George Bush began sodomising and electrocuting Kelly, now
merely three and a half years old. Her rectum usually bled for days
after. Furthermore, constant threats were made by Bush on Kelly’s
life in order to keep Cathy in line. He also claimed to be an ET and
could activate a holographic image within Cathy’s mind in which he
would change into a lizard-like alien creature.
Bohemian Grove in California is an exclusive club where all sexual
and satanic perversions are catered for – including necrophilia.
Attendees are referred to as ’Grovers’. Reagan’s Secretary of
Education and later Legal Counsel to Clinton, Bill Bennett and his
brother Bob assaulted Kelly here in 1988. Bennett has intimate
knowledge of Catholic/Jesuit mind-control techniques and is using
them to implement ’Education 2000’ which is ,’designed to increase
children’s learning capacity while destroying the ability to think
for themselves’. Bennett, like Bush, also claims to be an alien.
Another plan known as World Vision is a
Jesuit fund raising
operation to implement world peace through mind-control.
Order of the Rose – a Templar derivative – is very prominent
among the New World Order brigade. Many slaves have a red rose
tattooed on their left wrists. The Canadian Prime Minister, Brian
Mulroney is also part of this clique, as is VandrJegt and
Albright who, according to Bush, ’…rose in the UN through me to
implement the New World Order’.
Among the Order of the Rose,
George Bush is referred to as ’The
In 1986, Cathy and Kelly were taken to
Mount/Lake Shasta in
California under the guise of a music festival run by Merle Haggard.
This is the base for a multi-juristictional police force which will
be used to enforce the New World Order with an arsenal of
helicopters and an army of mind-controlled military personnel. Here,
Bush and Cheney played the ’Most Dangerous Game’ with
Cathy. As a
punishment for being caught, Bush (under the influence of his favourite drug –
heroin) sodomised Kelly and burnt Cathy’s thighs
with a red hot poker.
When Cathy was 29 she became aware that
Presidential Models were not
allowed to live much beyond the age of 30. Plans were formed and
agreed with Reagan that she would meet her end in a Snuff Movie
whereby she would be burned alive. At this point Senator Patrick
Leahy (Vice Chairman on US Senate Intelligence Committee and close
friend of Byrd) ’acquired’ her for a time. At his own personal
torture lab he abused Cathy which included slowly inserting a wire
into her right eye whilst forcing Kelly to watch.
In February 1988, two months after
Cathy’s thirtieth birthday, both
she and Kelly were abducted from Alex Houston by his business
partner and former CIA operative Mark Phillips – acknowledged by the
US mental health and law enforcement officials as an expert in ’the
most secret technology known to man: Trauma-based mind control’
which is ’The only form of human control that is absolute’.
managed to smuggle them out of the clutches of their captors to
Alaska with the aid of ’insider’ assistance in the ’intelligence
community’ and began an intensive de-programming which has
culminated in the recovery of Cathy’s sanity as well as the
information outlined in
Trance Formation Of America.
It was also discovered that
Kelly had been ’programmed’ by Wayne Cox
to die by using a mind-control technique known as ’hypnosleep’. This
manifested in chronic and increasingly severe asthma.
According to
Phillips the present field of mental health is so
backward that:
In the present climate, referring mind-controlled victims to mental
health professionals for treatment would be tantamount to subjecting
a patient needing delicate surgery to a surgeon who was blind-folded
and hand-cuffed.
The subsequent lives of the threesome has been one filled with
trauma, death threats and legal battles. Kelly is now effectively a
political prisoner in a mental institution because of her suicidal
tendencies and is not allowed to have contact with Phillips – one of
the few people who could help her to regain her sanity.
All requests
for legal investigations into the claims made by them to the legal
authorities have been prevented ’For reasons of National Security’,
despite the mass of verifiable evidence which they have been able to
uncover This is due to the loopholes created by the National
security Act, 1947 and the 1986 Reagan Amendment, which means that
the government can censor and/or cover up anything in the interests
of National Security.
The extraordinary bravery of Cathy,
Kelly and Mark has seen to it
that this abuse and its perpetrators will be held accountable for
their actions. Through their mass publicity attempts in the face of
death at every turn we now have a pretty clear picture of the
mentality of the
New World Order Elite operatives. It is now up to
all of us to see that such sacrifice has not been in vain.
According to my sources in Britain. The British counterpart to
Project Monarch is Project Ultra Green and was initiated by a
scientist named Grunenberg.
One US security agency, the
National Security Agency, which wields
the power behind the CIA and is heavily involved in the
Black Ops
and Black Arts has a base in England at a place called Menwith Hill
which is near Ilkley Moor in North Yorkshire. Here the Elite operate
a covert surveillance operation of Britain which includes a mass
phone tapping system (try dropping a few of the code names mentioned
in this book into your conversations on the phone and you will hear
the ’clicks’ in the background as their recording machinery is
activated by specific ’buzz words’) and high-tech satellite
surveillance operation which was developed under the cover of
Reagan’s ’Star Wars’ Programme.
Interestingly, George Lucas, the
writer and director of the Star Wars movies is named by Cathy
O’Brien as a NASA/NSA operative.
The apathy of the public towards their manipulation has also been
influenced very deliberately by the addition of chemicals to food
and water supplies. For example, this happened when sodium fluoride
was introduced into our water supply and the majority of our
tooth-pastes, supposedly to prevent dental caries in the under
What they did not tell the public was that sodium
fluoride is a highly toxic by-product of the aluminium manufacturing
process and the refining of phosphate rock (see Further
Examples of
Manipulation – The BSE Case) which was once used as
rat poison and
also pollutes the atmosphere and water environment due to overuse of
the aerosol propellants Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Fluorine is a
major component of most of today’s major sedative drugs and even new
supposedly less addictive drugs such as Prozac (Fluoxetine) and its
(Prozac also contains benzene which is, according to
the World Health Organization, ’a known carcinogen with no known
safe level’. Prozac is currently the world’s most popular
anti-depressant despite having documented side-effects such as:
suicidal ideation, violent behavior, nervousness, anxiety,
insomnia, anorexia and sexual dysfunction!)
The following statement is extracted from
’Address in Reply to the
Government’s Speech to Parliament’, as recorded in Victorian Hansard
of 12 August 1987, by Mr Harley Rivers Dickinson, Liberal Party
Member of the Victorian Parliament for South Barwon. Hence the
At the end of the Second World War, the United States Government
sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry,
biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast
I.G. Farben chemical plants in Germany.
While there he was told by the German chemists of a scheme which had
been worked out by them during the war and adopted by the German
General Staff.
This was to control the population in any given area through mass
medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride
occupied a prominent place.
Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of
fluoride will in time
reduce an individual’s power to resist domination by slowly
poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain and will thus
make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.
Both the Germans and the Russians
added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of
prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile.’
After the war,
I.G. Farben was dismantled but later emerged in the
many guises of the companies with whom they had signed cartel
agreements including Procter and Gamble, the company who
domesticated the word fluoride with official encouragement in 1958
with the ’Crest’ fluoridated toothpaste campaign. Moreover, an
adviser to the US Government on hypnotism and psychological behaviour control, Dr.
George Estabrooks, later became Chairman,
Department of Psychology, Colgate University. Internationally,
Colgate was and remains the most ardent producer and advocate for
the fluoridation of toothpaste.
Fluoride is active in parts per million and acts as a
for other drugs, i.e. it increases their effect. In 1954, Charles
Elliot Perkins, scientist and author stated:
’The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the
resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of
liberty’ and, ’I can say this in all earnestness and sincerity as a
scientist who has spent nearly twenty years research into the
chemistry, bio-chemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine: any
person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one
year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or
Interestingly, the chemical industry now has a
mass market for a
once hard to dispose of toxic waste material and
the Illuminati have
a sedated and more easily controlled population.
A Microchipped Population
In the Elite’s misguided
judgment the ideal form of control will be
a microchipped population connected to a global computer. Money
will be obsolete and all financial transactions will be carried out
via a microchip inserted under the skin used in much the same way as
a credit or smart card – swipe your wrist over the sensor to pay for
your goods.
Convenient, easy… and enables the Elite to have complete
knowledge about you and your transactions. With no cash alternative
if your ’wrist’ is refused for some reason you can be prevented from
buying anything and effectively ostracized from society.
Moves to
implement this are already underway and public opinion is being
softened up to accept it: in the 1970s Swedish hospital patients
were implanted without their knowledge; pets, new-born babies in
maternity wards and criminals are being electronically tagged; a
need for identity cards is being expressed (to combat crime);
supermarkets are experimenting with bar-coded cards to keep a tally
of purchases without the need for check-out assistants; the ’pay at
the pump’ systems recently introduced in some petrol stations; and
in 1994 the Intel Corporation was given a five year contract to
research into an under the skin microchip for identity/financial
IBM have already developed an invisible bar coding system of three
sets of six numbers which is painless and can be ’installed’ on the
skin by laser in a fraction of a second without the person being
aware of its existence and is currently in use on cattle. Watch out
for gradual insistence on personal computerization and electrical
devices which could potentially be used to control us all. Remember,
they create problems and then offer solutions.
Dr. Carl W. Sanders is an electronics engineer, inventor, author and
consultant with various government organizations as well as IBM and
General Electric. He spent thirty two years developing microchip
technology for use in medicine which resulted in the chip which he
describes as ’the Mark of the Beast’. It is a tiny chip which is
recharged by body temperature and whose prime location would,
therefore, be in the forehead, just below the hairline, or
alternatively on the back of the hand.
This chip has been tested as
a contraception device in India and as a behavior modifier in
Vietnam veterans, amongst other things. A specific identification
chip was developed which contained details of a person’s name,
picture of their face, security number, finger print, physical
description, family history, address, occupation, income tax
information and criminal record.
Dr. Sanders admits to attending many
’One World’ meetings with Henry
Kissinger and people from the CIA where it was discussed,
’How can
you control people if you cannot identify them?’ and, ’How do you
make people aware of the need for something like this chip?’ The
answer was simple, ’Let’s make them aware of lost children etc.’
CIA then came up with the idea of putting pictures of lost children
on milk cartons, a procedure which ceased when the microchip became
accepted. Bills have been put before Congress in the USA that will
allow the government to microchip children at birth. The president
of the USA, under the ’Control of Immigration Act of 1986’, Section
100, has the authority to deem whatever type of identification is
All of these sinister ploys are merely waiting in the
wings to happen, and they have been manipulated into existence with
the same problem/solution tactics which have been used for centuries
to control the world’s population.
Indeed, this interesting passage from the book of
Revelation in the
Christian Bible does appear to prophesy something similar to the
human bar/microchip coding system:
’And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is]
Six hundred threescore [and] six.’
Revelation 13:16-18
As well as messages from the chip to the computer, messages can also
be sent the other way – in much the same way as satellite TV
receivers can be programmed remotely. As long ago as 1966, a CIA
psychologist was talking about brain control through two-way
communication between an implanted brain and a computer. Once a chip
has been inserted there will be no end to the aspects of our lives
which can be controlled – birth control, programmed actions to
create more ’problems’ demanding ’solutions’, etc.
A robot society
will have been created.