
by Douglas McClure, M.A.
July 2008
ExopoliticsJournal Website
Douglas McClure is a former
South African civil servant who worked at Cabinet level in the South
African government between 1990 and 2000 serving three Ministers and
three Presidents. He worked on the declassification of the South
African ballistic missile and atomic bomb projects, compiled the
President’s Council Report on Economic Literacy in South Africa and
assisted at the constitutional negotiations towards a more
democratic South African dispensation between 1990 and 1994.
Prior to that he spent nearly ten
years in radio and television and lectured at the South African
Naval Staff College and at two South African universities in
international relations, strategic studies and comparative politics.
He has a B.A. (Hons) University of Michigan (USA); Diploma in
African Government and Politics University of Edinburgh (UK); and
M.A. Political Science University of Cape Town (RSA) |
At the end of WW II with Germany vanquished and
Japan reeling from her nuclear devastation, Britain exhausted by two
consecutive global conflagrations, America stood astride the world
un-challengeable and supremely confident, as the most powerful nation on
earth. The former rebellious English colony now enjoyed unparalleled global
supremacy in her own right and with unprecedented military, technological
and economic power she could mould the world in her image, or so it seemed.
Then, in 1947, the mystique and confidence of the world dominion enunciated
by the Pax Americana, was shaken to its very core and swept away by
an event in the desert outside the small insignificant town of Roswell, New
The discovery and analysis of the flying discs
which crashed at Roswell, eventually to be immortalized as the “Roswell
incident”, suggested that alien beings from outer space did actually exist,
were not only vastly more technologically advanced than the most advanced
nation on earth, but that they were taking a keen interest in that nuclear
nation, its people and the broader aspects of the planet in general. It also
suggested, very disturbingly, that there was more than one form of ET life
form lurking in the great dark void beyond our atmosphere, that some of them
had been here for far longer than we had been here, and that not all of them
were amicably disposed towards us, nor our supposed scientific advancement
in nuclear technology.
This was not welcome news. A plethora of
sightings in the USA and elsewhere confirmed the fact. The leadership in
Washington faced a crisis of epic proportions.
Going public would rock the world to its very foundations, a world still
largely recovering from the horrors and aftermath of WW II. A world coming
to terms with its new atomic power broker and leader – the USA. It would
conclusively prove that America and her closest allies did not constitute
the epitome of political, social, economic and scientific advancement.
It would demonstrate that we humans were
incredibly backward on so very many levels including the spiritual,
scientific, political, technological, ecological and religious terrains. It
would prove that we were not only not alone in the universe, but that we
occupied a distant backwater off a fairly remote galactic highway, much
like the unassuming town of Roswell itself. By nuking each other at the end
of the second great global conflagration of the 20th century, we had caused
reverberations throughout the galaxy with far reaching ramifications, the
magnitude of which were largely beyond our crude understanding.
What were the men in Washington to do?
Under these circumstances going public was out of the question. No nation on
earth had ever in modern times contemplated a problem of these dimensions
before. There were no precedents, no parallels, no antecedents and the rule
book of standard operational procedures (SOP) could almost be
thrown out the window, well, almost……..but not quite.
The SOP for anything untoward in the security
realm, and this was nothing if not overwhelmingly in the security field, was
to classify it, preferably at the highest level with the minimum involvement
except of only the most reliable, trustworthy and resolutely committed
personnel so as to study it with the best minds and optimal talents on the
planet from which a policy/strategy for the way forward could be engineered
from scratch.
And so the decision was taken to sweep the “Roswell incident” out of sight
as though it had never existed, as thoroughly as the desert adjacent to the
town was swept clean, as ruthlessly as the civilian and military personnel
involved were briefed/warned/intimidated/ridiculed to swear by the old
Mafia oath of Omerta/silence on pain of death.
And on pain of death it most assuredly was,
whether by reputation or outright murder for this was one secret which could
not be revealed without the very real possibility of the entire
international edifice of society, government, politics, science, culture and
religion collapsing in an undignified squalid heap.
The leadership who took this decisive action
must have suspected that the longer term consequences of this decision were
to prove more sordid than all the bizarre machinations of history hitherto
combined, but the staggering shock of the discovery coupled with the
immediate desperate exigencies of the situation probably overrode any
private misgivings. . .
If the
Eisenhower Briefing Document
of 18 November 1952 is read at face value it would appear as though the
decision to keep the inter-planetary nature of UFOs clandestine was given
actual concrete expression in that year by President Truman with the
establishment of the super secret
MJ-12 group (later more obscurely
identified as PI 40) comprising officials from the CIA, the Department of
Defense, the White House and related relevant bodies. As was to be expected
the validity of the documents has been regularly challenged and never
officially acknowledged.
When Timothy Good published his definitive UFO
analysis “Above Top Secret” in 1987 he expressed the hope that by the time
his book hit the streets his labors would be vindicated to the extent that
the documents would not only be confirmed but that further information might
be released to the public including actual physical artifacts from the
Roswell incident.
This did not happen, or at least not quite in
the way he might have been anticipating. [1]
However, before exploring that avenue any further, it would seem that
Roswell may well not have constituted the first recorded recovery of a UFO
in the US. The MJ-12 documents made available for public record on the
internet and described in Ryan S. Wood’s book “MAJIC – Eyes Only” contain
intriguing details of two earlier crashes in 1942, which may have resulted
from the so called “Los Angeles Air Raid” of February 25th 1942.
General George Marshall’s Top Secret Memorandum
of 5th March 1942, worth quoting at length and written to President
Roosevelt states that,
“As indicated in my February 26th memorandum
to you regarding the air raid over Los Angeles, it has been learned by
Army G-2 that Rear Admiral Anderson, Director of Naval Intelligence, has
informed the War Department of a naval salvage of one unidentified
airplane off the coast of California [that], unlike the raid, has no
bearing on conventional explanation.
Further investigation has revealed that the
Army Air Corps also recovered a similar object in the San Bernardino
Mountain, east of Los Angeles, which cannot be identified as
conventional aircraft. This Headquarters has come to a determination
that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to
secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of
interplanetary origin.
As a consequence, I have issued orders to
Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further
investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection between
recent incidents and those collected by the Director of the Office of
Co-ordination of Information.” |
 |
But even these events could well have been
predated by the apparent salvaging of a UFO off Cape Girardeau in the spring
of 1941 and the even earlier
Aurora incident in Texas
(click below image) during April of 1897.

Evidence of the 1941 incident comes from the
testimony of the daughter of the priest summoned to deliver the last rites
to the alien crash victims and may be reflected in documentary form in the
February 27th 1942 letter from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to General
C. Marshall stating:
“I have considered the disposition of the
material in possession of the Army that may be of great significance in
the development of a super weapon of War….. Consultation with Dr Bush and
other scientists on the issue of finding practical uses for the atomic
secrets learned from the study of celestial devices…”.
In the few days available between the 1942 crash
recoveries and the compilation of this letter by the President of the United
States to his top military representative it would have been impossible for
Roosevelt at his level of government to have fully realized and appreciated
the extent of the implications arising from the crashes unless previous
recoveries had taken place and been reported to him.
It is also evident from this memorandum that secrecy would have been
paramount for a variety of the most excellent reasons. British intelligence
would have briefed Roosevelt on the fact that Germany was already engaged in
building the atomic bomb and urgent preparations were underway in Norway,
amongst other venues, to manufacture enough heavy water for the project.
Sir William Stephenson, the Canadian
multi millionaire scientist and businessman who served as Churchill’s
personal intelligence representative to the United States during WWII, made
it his business to develop an intimate relationship with the American leader
and emphasized that the British, with the covert help of the United States
were in a crucial race to develop the atomic bomb before the Germans.
The timing of this was vital to the outcome of
the war as the British had warned Roosevelt that Hitler was planning a
longer range jet powered rocket version of the V2 (itself an extension of
the V1 Doodlebug ramjet) which would soon be raining down on London, a
future super secret V weapon designed to carry
an atomic warhead and with a
range calculated to hit the continental United States!
All the stops were pulled out on developing and implementing plans for
destroying the heavy water plant in Telemark (immortalized in the slightly
inaccurate film titled The Heroes of Telemark) after a disastrous desperate
raid by British commandos came to nothing and the Norwegian underground had
to step in, eventually sinking a substantial amount of the finished product
on its way to Germany. [6]
Wherever in Europe British intelligence revealed
the possibility of German heavy water being manufactured, it was tracked,
hunted and destroyed. From a disastrous start in Holland, the British
perfected a refined information gathering service on all aspects of the
German war effort, the fullest extent of which is still, even now well into
the next century, highly classified. It is quite possible that British
intelligence knew more about exotic German research and development than has
ever been publicly revealed, including Hitler’s profound interest in
channeled information via the
Vril and
Thule organizations involving
possible UFO/ET involvement.
Consequently, Roosevelt had every reason to shroud the UFO recovery
program in the greatest secrecy to keep the Germans from knowing the
extent of UK-US collaboration on both atomic bomb manufacture and new UFO
technologies which it may have been suspected the Germans were also working
This aura of black operations and secrecy set
the standard for the post war decision by Truman after Roswell to keep the
project secret as America contended with Russia for leadership of the world
and realized from her UFO reverse engineering as revealed by Colonel
Philip Corso in 1997, just how primitive US technology really was compared with the
craft obtained at Roswell and elsewhere. [7]
Frankly, given the conditions and circumstances prevailing in the world at
the time, any other decision would have been foolhardy in the extreme. The
USSR was in direct competition with the US in recently liberated Europe and
elsewhere, the UK was heavily infiltrated with Soviet spies and struggling
to come to terms with the imminent implications of a post-Imperial world,
and the ideological struggle for China was taking a discouraging direction.
With the benefit of hindsight, it could not have been predicted at the time
that the decision to clamp the UFO and ET investigation under a heavy cloak
of clandestine operations would also carry with it implications stretching
into every conceivable aspect of human existence, including social
interaction, religion, spiritual consciousness, political intrigue and
The emphasis in those days was on technology and
primarily weapons/propulsion systems.
In retrospect it was fortuitous that
the USA developed the ability to outsource the technical reverse engineering
programs as
outlined by Corso in his book, for these “inventions” ranging
contributed to the maintenance of American global technical superiority and
that of her closest allies including the Echelon electronic and satellite
intelligence agreement nations, covering naturally the US and the UK, but
also including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and until 1994, on certain
issues, South Africa. [8]
The Echelon Agreement stemmed from the
UK/USA Signals Intelligence Exchange
Agreement negotiated between Churchill and Roosevelt during the war. It was
redirected to the USSR in March 1945 when the British and American forces
near Augsburg captured a German Abwehr Signals Intelligence unit in a nearby
schloss which worked purely on decoding Soviet signals traffic.
By the time the British had finished
interrogating them the schloss had fallen into Soviet hands, but a joint
US/UK special forces unit was sent to unearth the German’s buried equipment
under the noses of the occupying Russians and GCCS then set about targeting
all Soviet signals traffic. Tons of German decoding equipment was secretly
unearthed and slipped out of the Soviet zone to the UK where it was
successfully reassembled by the waiting German technicians now willing to
collaborate with their new intelligence chiefs.
In addition to revealing genuine Soviet post war intentions and exposing a
number of Soviet agents in the West, it would have become clear from this
quantum leap in electronic eavesdropping (which would normally have taken
years to develop), that the USSR was also exposed to intense post war UFO/ET
related activity.
Such revelations could have been expected to seriously put
the wind up the western allies.
If the USSR cracked the UFO hi tech systems
before the Americans and the British, the so called Cold War would have been
over before it had even started. This was yet another reason for the Truman
administration to ruthlessly preserve the secrecy of the Roswell finds and
the mind boggling ramifications it carried with it for American politics,
defense strategy, technical R & D, business and industry.
Indeed, the maintenance and enhancement of
America’s primacy in world affairs within the diktat of global power
politics and “realpolitik” dictated that secrecy be ruthlessly maintained on
all fronts including within the Echelon nations.
As an aside it is worth noting that no Western espionage breakthrough in the
Cold War matched the dimensions of this windfall until 1994 when a Russian
archivist called Vasili Mitrokhin, tried to approach the American Embassy in
Moscow with a full set of the KGB’s archives, to buy his way to the West.
Astoundingly, such was the paucity of trained intelligence personnel in the
post Cold War world pervading the American intelligence community, that a US
Embassy employee told Mitrokhin that he must simply go away.
Understandably perplexed by his rejection, but knowing that he had
jurisdiction over intelligence dynamite and undaunted in his resolute
determination to get out of Russia, he went, ostensibly on holiday, to the
Black Sea resort of Odessa.
Taking enormous risks, he approached a young 23
year old English receptionist at the British Consulate there. A bright girl,
with no intelligence training whatsoever, she contacted the resident MI 6
officer in the British Embassy back in Moscow, who immediately flew down and
met Mitrokhin. Vetting some samples, he instantly realized the thermonuclear
nature of the information on offer, and arranged for Mitrokhin, his family
and his complete set of KGB archives to be smuggled out to the UK.
After exhaustive debriefing and the apprehension
of several Soviet networks round the world, the British Government arranged
for two declassified volumes of Mitrokhin’s memoires to be published.
Although his books make no specific reference to the subject, Mitrokhin
informed his British and American interrogators that the KGB took the UFO/ET
challenge very seriously indeed. His archives contained passing references
to the phenomena but the matter was so sensitive that the bulk of the
intelligence on the UFO/ET subject seemed to be cloistered elsewhere.
Just as in the US and the UK, it appeared that a
special section of the KGB dealt with these highly sensitive issues. Indeed,
he allegedly threw some light on the famous comment at the Reykjavik US/USSR
Summit Meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev, where the two men had got on so
well, that Gorbachev disarmingly asked Reagan,
“Are these UFOs yours?”
“Hell no”, replied
the President. “We thought they might be yours!”
The Soviets evidently shared the same fear
expressed by NATO and given expression by whistle blower,
Robert Dean,
that a mistaken UFO on Western radars identified as an incoming missile
attack could lead to the outbreak of atomic war.
All of which brings us to the [Walter] Haut Affidavit and its relevance in
the contemporary context. It will be recalled that Tim Good had expressed
the hopes that confirmation of his Roswell reports would adopt a more
tangible shape and form. This did in fact happen, but not in quite the way
he had anticipated.
The first outstanding confirmation took the form of the Phil Corso book
published in the United States in the late 1990s. In a sense, the Corso book
is the Holy Grail of UFO researchers and like the Haut document came at the
end of his life, in a gesture to put the record straight with his family and
the public.
Corso revealed that technology had been farmed
out via super black highly compartmentalized projects involving select
administrative personnel to leading R&D establishments in the US and
elsewhere involving some of America’s closest allies.
Under Department of Defense supervision, Los Alamos worked with the
Livermore Laboratories on nuclear weapons and nuclear propulsion. Los Alamos
also worked with the materials associated with the prototype magnetic field
disrupter and the downsized reactors. Livermore developed the plasma
containment and super conductors.
The Rome Laboratories provided research on electromagnetics and magnetic field generation technology, as well as
directed energy weapons and the phenomenal quasi-crystals. The Rome
Laboratories at Griffiss Air Force Base in New York conducted research on
alien communications and provided intelligence techniques for monitoring
alien movements.
The NSA worked closely with these laboratories
to provide guidance to the National Reconnaissance Office for satellite
surveillance and Space Command for tracking UFO movements outside of the
earth’s atmosphere.
Wright-Patterson worked on the airframe and materials reverse engineering
from artifacts recovered at various UFO/ET crash sites both inside and
outside the continental United States, coupled with the development of
avionics, flight dynamics and atmospheric propulsion systems. Philips
Laboratories at Kirtland Air Force Base provided research on rocket
propulsion, ramjet and scramjet technologies as well as the advanced weapons
Over and above these items, dozens of academic
institutions and private research institutes were covertly contracted to
assist in the R&D programs. Astonishing details of these black projects and
secret programs were confirmed by Edgar Rothschild Fouche and Brad Steiger
in the novel ‘Alien Rapture – The Chosen’, a work of “faction” informed by a
remarkably well connected whistle blowing insider with the collaboration of
a sterling writer, published in 1998 by Galde Press Inc of Minnesota.
The second confirmation, made for much the same reasons as Corso had made
his revelations, came in the form of the Haut Affidavit dated 26th December
2002 (below insert) which confirms the decision by Brigadier General Roger Ramey of the US
Army Air Force to order Colonel Blanchard to cover up the truth by going
public with the news of an aerial crash by replacing the genuine wreckage
with conventional weather balloon materiel.
Haut gives intimate details of the real wreckage
which he personally witnessed from a safe distance, the bodies that were
found and the morgue that was established to deal with them.
RoswellProof Website
DATE: December 26, 2002
WITNESS: Chris Xxxxxx
NOTARY: Beverlee Morgan
(1) My name is Walter G. Haut
(2) I was born on June 2, 1922
(3) My address is 1405 W. 7th Street, Roswell, NM 88203
(4) I am retired.
(5) In July, 1947, I was stationed at the Roswell Army Air Base
in Roswell, New Mexico, serving as the base Public Information
Officer. I had spent the 4th of July weekend (Saturday, the 5th,
and Sunday, the 6th) at my private residence about 10 miles
north of the base, which was located south of town.
(6) I was aware that someone had reported the remains of a
downed vehicle by midmorning after my return to duty at the base
on Monday, July 7. I was aware that Major Jesse A. Marcel, head
of intelligence, was sent by the base commander, Col. William
Blanchard, to investigate.
(7) By late in the afternoon that same day, I would learn that
additional civilian reports came in regarding a second site just
north of Roswell. I would spend the better part of the day
attending to my regular duties hearing little if anything more.
(8) On Tuesday morning, July 8, I would attend the regularly
scheduled staff meeting at 7:30 a.m. Besides Blanchard, Marcel;
CIC [Counterintelligence Corp] Capt. Sheridan Cavitt; Col. James
I. Hopkins, the operations officer; Lt. Col. Ulysses S. Nero,
the supply officer; and from Carswell AAF in Fort Worth, Texas,
Blanchard's boss, Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey and his chief of staff,
Col. Thomas J. Dubose were also in attendance. The main topic of
discussion was reported by Marcel and Cavitt regarding an
extensive debris field in Lincoln County approx. 75 miles NW of
Roswell. A preliminary briefing was provided by Blanchard about
the second site approx. 40 miles north of town. Samples of
wreckage were passed around the table. It was unlike any
material I had or have ever seen in my life. Pieces which
resembled metal foil, paper thin yet extremely strong, and
pieces with unusual markings along their length were handled
from man to man, each voicing their opinion. No one was able to
identify the crash debris.
(9) One of the main concerns discussed at the meeting was
whether we should go public or not with the discovery. Gen.
Ramey proposed a plan, which I believe originated from his
bosses at the Pentagon. Attention needed to be diverted from the
more important site north of town by acknowledging the other
location. Too many civilians were already involved and the press
already was informed. I was not completely informed how this
would be accomplished.
(10) At approximately 9:30 a.m. Col. Blanchard phoned my office
and dictated the press release of having in our possession a
flying disc, coming from a ranch northwest of Roswell, and
Marcel flying the material to higher headquarters. I was to
deliver the news release to radio stations KGFL and KSWS, and
newspapers the Daily Record and the Morning Dispatch.
(11) By the time the news release hit the wire services, my
office was inundated with phone calls from around the world.
Messages stacked up on my desk, and rather than deal with the
media concern, Col Blanchard suggested that I go home and "hide
(12) Before leaving the base, Col. Blanchard took me personally
to Building 84 [AKA Hangar P-3], a B-29 hangar located on the
east side of the tarmac. Upon first approaching the building, I
observed that it was under heavy guard both outside and inside.
Once inside, I was permitted from a safe distance to first
observe the object just recovered north of town. It was approx.
12 to 15 feet in length, not quite as wide, about 6 feet high,
and more of an egg shape. Lighting was poor, but its surface did
appear metallic. No windows, portholes, wings, tail section, or
landing gear were visible.
(13) Also from a distance, I was able to see a couple of bodies
under a canvas tarpaulin. Only the heads extended beyond the
covering, and I was not able to make out any features. The heads
did appear larger than normal and the contour of the canvas
suggested the size of a 10 year old child. At a later date in
Blanchard's office, he would extend his arm about 4 feet above
the floor to indicate the height.
(14) I was informed of a temporary morgue set up to accommodate
the recovered bodies.
(15) I was informed that the wreckage was not "hot"
(16) Upon his return from Fort Worth, Major Marcel described to
me taking pieces of the wreckage to Gen. Ramey's office and
after returning from a map room, finding the remains of a
weather balloon and radar kite substituted while he was out of
the room. Marcel was very upset over this situation. We would
not discuss it again.
(17) I would be allowed to make at least one visit to one of the
recovery sites during the military cleanup. I would return to
the base with some of the wreckage which I would display in my
(18) I was aware two separate teams would return to each site
months later for periodic searches for any remaining evidence.
(19) I am convinced that what I personally observed was some
type of craft and its crew from outer space.
(20) I have not been paid nor given anything of value to make
this statement, and it is the truth to the best of my
Walter G. Haut
December 26, 2002
Signature witnessed by:
Chris Xxxxxxx |
The Haut Affidavit is sufficient unto itself to cause raised eyebrows, but
it is not by any criteria, a stand alone document. In his book Need to Know
– UFOs, the Military and Intelligence by Timothy Good, there appear
affidavits by Brigadier General Thomas du Bose confirming the fake
balloon story, by Laverne Maltais, a civil engineer serving in the US
Army, confirming his discussions with Grady Barnett who witnessed a crashed
flying disc at the site, and by mortician Glenn Dennis who was on the site
where the alien bodies were dealt with. [14]
In short, the confirmatory evidence is almost
overwhelming and would probably withstand cross examination in the most
rigorous court of law.
As if to put the cherry on the cake, Good quotes the
Clark C. McClelland
interview with Dr Wernher von Braun, the ex-German V1, V2 scientist
and father of the modern American space program, in which he confirmed the
Roswell incident.
The interview was only released after von
Braun’s death, a condition of its granting, and to his lasting credit
McClelland honored this to the letter and spirit of the undertaking. It is a
fitting tribute to both men, and a testimonial to the thoroughness of Tim
Good, that this edited interview be quoted in full.
Dr Von Braun explained how he and (certain of) his associates had been taken
to the crash site after most of the military were pulled back. They did a
quick analysis of what they found. He told me the craft did not appear to be
made of metal as we know metal on Earth.
He said it seemed to created from something
biological, like skin. I was lost as to what he indicated, other than
thinking perhaps the craft was ‘alive’.
The recovered bodies were temporarily being
kept in a nearby medical tent. They were small, very frail and had large
heads. Their eyes were large. Their skin was grayish and reptilian in
texture. He said it looked similar to the skin texture of rattlesnakes
he’d seen several times at White Sands. His inspection of the debris had
even him puzzled; very thin, aluminum covered, like silvery chewing gum
wrappers. Very light and extremely strong. The interior of the craft was
nearly bare of equipment, as if the creatures and craft were part of a
single unit.” [15]
Now the real challenge for ensuing
administrations is how to declassify the events of 50 years ago as the time
approaches for the acknowledgment of the UFO/ET realities.
From selective leaks down the years and the fact
that unanimity is not a human character strong point even under the most
pressing circumstances, it would seem that a section of the
group, most probably involving the US Navy in particular, genuinely desire
to see the program gradually declassified. Revelatory works in both
fictional and factual forms by Dr
Michael Wolf and
Dan Burisch seem to
confirm this. In a sense the situation constitutes “work in progress”.
Corso, Haut and others have performed a sterling
service by pulling the official curtain back. They have been indirectly
endorsed in recent years by a host of whistle blowers and more esoteric
sources including spiritual elements, channeling and remote viewing.
The fascinating aspect to all of this on a contemporary level, is that it is
the Echelon countries which have largely backed American operations in Iraq,
in the form of the UK and Australia with some tacit collaboration from
Canada and New Zealand. On the other hand, Germany, Russia and France
remained outside the net and were even regarded as potential competitors.
Notably, all three countries had collaborated
with Saddam Hussein in providing weapons, building bunkers and supplying
nuclear related know how and all three countries were owed vast sums of
money by the Iraqi regime for services rendered. This Echelon exclusivity
was not the case in the management of the NATO conducted joint military
operations in Afghanistan.
Conspicuously missing from the Echelon group was South Africa.
relations between the US and South Africa have reached an all time low under
President Thabo Mbeki, who refused along with his Foreign Minister Dlamini
Zuma (the ex-wife of the newly elected President of the ANC and thus future
successor of President Mbeki, Jacob Zuma), to even see the new Bush
appointed US Ambassador to the RSA until 6 months subsequent to his arrival
when media pressure forced a meeting.
Despite contributing more to the fight against
AIDS in the RSA than any other nation or collective of contributors, the US
Ambassador is still waiting some 18 months after his arrival in the RSA to
see the South African Minister of Health! [17]
Why the difference in strategies between Iraq and Afghanistan?
Could it be
that a type of portal or a form of ancient but still operational star gate
permitting interstellar and ET time travel exists in Iraq dating from
ancient Sumerian times?
Is it possible that this has already been identified
by the US intelligence community?
The US/UK/Australian invasion of Iraq would
ensure exclusive access via such a portal to the US and America’s closest
allies, while no such exotic apertures are to be found in Afghanistan?
Could it be that the alleged imminent
return of Planet X heralds a window
of opportunity for either hostile or friendly ETs whose access must
be controlled by the
Shadow Government in the USA?
Is the much touted new missile defense
system including
HAARP and SDI with its off planet
weapons systems designed to cater for more conventional UFO/ET
visitors who may either be amicably or less diplomatically disposed
towards our own planet and its own conventional or Shadow
governments? [18]
Are US Naval sub-surface tracking
systems (which are playing havoc with cetaceans) allegedly
designed to monitor potentially hostile submarines, actually
monitoring USOs and their dreadful impact on the warming of the
world’s oceans thereby inhibiting the great international conveyor
currents and adversely impacting on global climate change?
It is a full time occupation to discern fact from fiction,
information from
disinformation and sincerity from falsehood in this new scientific field of
Exopolitics. It takes extremely courageous people of some considerable
vision, moral fibre and spiritual substance to analyze, evaluate and assess
the data available and be prepared to come forward.
If individuals the calibre of
Webre and
others can educate a coterie of like minded people across the planet ranging
from Hong Kong to the fairest Cape, from California to London, than it is
possible, just possible, that the veil of secrecy on UFO/ET affairs imposed
at Roswell, may give rise to a grass roots global coalition approach to the
multi-faceted challenges posed in this mystical arena with its vast
The initiative would then shift from a top down
strategy to a series of bottom up initiatives all over the world on a more
tangible, beneficial and democratic basis for the ultimate betterment of
mankind and all those ET forces involved therewith of whatever persuasion.
It is truly a pioneering challenge in the grand old fashioned tradition!
[1] Timothy Good, Above Top Secret – The
World Wide UFO Cover Up (Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, London, 1987) p. 540.
[2] Ryan S. Wood, MAJIC – Eyes Only Earths encounters with
Extraterrestrial Technology (Wood Enterprises, USA, 2005) pp. 2 – 3.
[3] Ibid. pp. 34 – 43.
[4] Ibid.
[5] William Stevenson, A Man Called Intrepid – The secret war 1939 –
1945 (MacMillan, London, 1976) pp. 411 – 441. See also Sir John
Masterman, The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945 (Yale
University Press, New Haven and London, 1972), and William Stevenson,
Intrepid’s Last Case (Michael Jospeh, London 1984). For an early
biography of Sir William Stephenson read H Montgomery Hyde, The Quiet
Canadian – the Secret Service Story of Sir William Stephenson (Hamish
Hamilton, London, 1962). Masterman, a distinguished Oxford Don in his
own right was tasked with countering the German espionage offensive
against the UK. So brilliant were his methods that Britain ended up
running the entire German espionage apparatus in the UK towards the end
of the war. Thus the British intelligence community, coupled with their
embryonic electronic intelligence apparatus at Bletchley Park’s
Government Code and Cypher School (the precursor to GCHQ at Cheltenham)
reading the bulk of the German signals traffic (code named Enigma by the
British) and decoding it using the Colossus computing machine, had an
intimate insight into German research and development across a vast
spectrum of activities. The extraordinary extent to which the British
were reading the German signals traffic is given in the official British
history of the Bletchley Park operations titled British Intelligence in
the Second World War by F H Hinsley (Her Majesty’s Stationary Office,
London, 1994). See also Ewen Montagu, Beyond Top Secret U – The Inside
Story of the WWII Intelligence Operations more confidential than Ultra
(Corgi, London, 1979). To really understand the ambience surrounding one
of the best kept secrets of the war it is probably essential to actually
visit the museum site at Bletchley near Milton Keynes and witness the
area where 12 000 men and women worked night and day under super secret
conditions decoding and translating German and Japanese codes during
WWII. Phone 01-908-640404 or contact www.bletchleypark.org.uk.
[6] Professor R.V. Jones, Most Secret War – British Scientific
Intelligence 1939 – 1945 (Coronet, London, 1979). Jones was Chief of
British Scientific Intelligence during WWII and later became close
friends with Vice Admiral Sir Louis le Bailly, Chief of British Military
Intelligence in the 1970s. Le Bailly told me that during the Doodlebug
raids on London Jones worked out that the Germans were planning to put
an atomic warhead on their future beefed up versions of their V2
rockets. He made three copies of his discovery and posted them to
various officials the same night from different post boxes as the V1
rockets were raining down on London, in case his own home was hit and he
was killed. See also Thomas Gallagher, The Telemark Raid – Sabotaging
the Nazi Nuclear Bomb (Corgi, London, 1976). The thorough though
controversial British historian, David Irving, told me that, in his
opinion, if the Telemark interdiction had not taken place, Britain as
well as the US, and not Japan, would have been the first victims of an
atomic bomb delivered not by piloted aircraft, but by the first modern
inter continental ballistic missile. In fact, no one entering the
Imperial War Museum in London and spotting a real V2 rocket, the height
of a three story building, preserved in the left hand corner of the main
hall, can fail to come away from the experience without an awesome
appreciation of how close the world must have come to an ICBM nuclear
tipped exchange in the last months of the war. See also Nigel West, MI 6
– British Secret Intelligence Operations 1909 –45 (Weidenfield &
Nicholson, London, 1983) which describes the appallingly amateurish
efforts by the SIS at the outbreak of the war to recruit German
intelligence officers in Holland via a disastrous operation subsequently
known as the Venlo incident. The amateurs did not last long in
the free market of international espionage and were soon replaced by
effective, if ruthless, professionals.
[7] Colonel Philip J. Corso with William Birnes,
The Day After Roswell (Pocket Books,
USA, 1997).
[8] James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace (Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, London,
1983). See also Patrick Radden Keefe, Chatter – Dispatches from the
secret world of Global Eavesdropping (Random House, New York, 2005).
[9] James Bamford, Body of Secrets – How America’s NSA and Britain’s
GCHQ eavesdrop on the World (Arrow Books, London, 2002) pp. 11-21.
[10] Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive –
the KGB in Europe and the West (Allen Lane The Penguin Press, London,
[11] Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive II –
The KGB and the World (Allen Lane The Penguin Press, London, 2005).
[12] Personal discussions with Deputy Director-General of GCHQ in 1999.
[13] Colonel John Hughes-Wilson, The Cold War – The hidden truth about
how close we came to nuclear conflict (Robinson, London, 2006. p. 335).
[14] Timothy Good, Need to Know – UFOs, the Military and Intelligence (Sidgwick
and Jackson, London, 2006). pp. 89 – 93.
[15] Ibid. p.81.
[16] Dr Michael Salla, Exopolitics – Political Implications of the
Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, Tempe, Arizona, USA 2004).
[17] Personal discussions with the US Ambassador to the Republic of
South Africa at the Cape Town Club following his off the record address
there in early 2008. The audience appeared to be grossly shocked when
the Ambassador revealed that he had been deliberately snubbed and
insulted by the South African leadership. Such small minded, pedantic
and disrespectful conduct at the highest levels of the SA Government
does not bode well for the future of South Africa in a world still
overwhelmingly influenced by the United States of America. It is frankly
profoundly disappointing for those who have dedicated their lives and
careers to helping to build a better society, integrating SA with the
world in a positive and constructive way and striving towards a
reasonable and accountable community of nations for mutually beneficial
materiel and spiritual advancement.
[18] Johannes van Buttlar, Journey to Infinity – Travels in Time
(Neville Spearman Ltd, London, 1975). The concept of
genuine time travel, given recent
prominence by the unabridged original
Wingmakers website amongst others, is not as new nor as
revolutionary as we might imagine. Van Buttlar outlines the history of
time travel from stories related by people throughout history. Dr
Michael Salla, “Political Implications of the ET Presence –
The Failure of Power Politics as a Strategic Response to the ET Presence
– Developing Human Capacity as a Vital Global Defence Strategy,” (www.exopolitics.org
1 January 2004) p. 5.
[19] Michael E. Salla, “Political
Implications of the ET Presence – Political Spin and ET Disclosure –
Shaping Public Opinion for ‘First Contact’ with ETs,” 1
January 2005. Dr Salla combines a sound grasp of conventional
international relations (and practical hands on experience in east Timor
by all accounts) with a healthily skeptical and critical analysis of the
sources and evidence available in the UFO/ET field and is not afraid to
draw devastatingly incisive conclusions which contrast diametrically
with the constraints of conventional analysis limited to conventional
sources. To do this requires unusual guts, exceptional analytical and
research capabilities and supreme acumen. See also Navy Sonar Blamed for
Death of Beaked Whales, The Independent, London, 2006-08-07; Navy Won’t
Detail Sonar Use for Whale Endangerment Case, Fox News/Associated Press,
2007-03-21; Navy’s Use of Sonar suspected in near stranding of whales,
San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, 2004-12-13.
[20] The list of UFO/ET whistle blowers, analysts and researchers who
have met highly suspicious and sinister untimely ends is dauntingly
long. See Professor G Cope Schellhorn, “Is
Someone Killing our UFO Investigators?”, UFO Universe
Magazine, Fall, 1997.