by Peter Koenig
26, 2023
GlobalResearch Website
Spanish version

De-dollarization a Pipe Dream...?
During the 15th
BRICS Summit, 22-24 August 2023, in
Johannesburg, South Africa, chaired by South Africa's President,
Cyril Ramaphosa, six new countries were admitted to the bloc.
The BRICS are now called
the BRICS-11 and include the five original nations,
Brazil, Russia,
India, China, South Africa.
The new members invited
to join the bloc as of 1 January 2024 are,
Argentina, Egypt,
Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
The summit took place
with big fanfare and expectations.
Some 40 countries were
invited, all wanted to become members of
the BRICS, but just six new ones
made it.
Another group will
probably be included in the bloc during next year's BRICS
summit, hosted by Russia.
For them,
mostly the Global South, BRICS is the golden heaven to
escape to, from the predatory fangs of the west, mostly from the
US-dollar economy that can punish
and sanction right and left, all those who do not behave
according to the "mandates" of the west, also called the
"rules-based order".
Because international laws have been
abolished by western rulers,
and replaced de facto, by their rules-based orders.
As a result, no
judge will go against the elite, and the western rulers,
no matter how
many war crimes, criminal offenses against human rights, child
abuse, child- and women trafficking, they commit,
...and "they"
include the highest ranks of government, of international
institutions, are safe.
Even before the
by-now obvious was playing out,
Have you ever
seen the International Criminal Court (ICC)
legally pursuing a western elite-criminal?
One of those
multi-multi-billionaires who make their own rules?
For example,
for pedophilia?
Was the United States ever accused of war crimes, of human
rights abuses?
Despite the tens of millions killed alone since the War on
Terror started
with 9/11?
The ICC can easily
be scrapped as a representative of international law, and even as an
international organization.
Every judge
knows that his life or the lives of his loved ones would be in
danger, if he or she were to legally try one of the high-flying
western criminals... the real criminals...
Most of the BRICS
contenders want to get out from under the iron fist of the
dollarized west.
They seek
rescue in the East...
BRICS for them is
the proximity to the East - as the bloc was created and is led by
China and
Russia, two countries which rightly earned the reputation
of coexisting with the west, but in economic and monetary
independence. To some extent...
One of the BRICS
propaganda slogans is "De-Dollarization"... come hell or high
water, get out from under the dollar-based sanctions grid.
Have they been fooled? Are they aware
of reality?

Basel: Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
(Licensed under Free
Art License
Wikimedia Commons)
idea, or rather
the illusion is that this powerful bloc, the new BRICS-11, will take
down the US dollar and the private central banking cartel,
controlled by
the Rothschild clan, in the form of
the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.
The BIS is also
called the Central Bank of all Central Banks.
It controls in
monetary volume well over 90% of the world's central banks. The
Bank of China - the 'C' of the BRICS - has recently become a
member of the BIS.
The Wall Street
membership in the BIS Club, is a real Revolution"...
BIS members
are central banks of 63 jurisdictions:
34 in
16 in Asia
5 in South
3 in North
3 in
2 in
The United States
represented by two members,
Even the
Russian Central Bank is a member of the BIS but its engagement
with the BIS has been suspended since early March 2022 - since the
onslaught of western sanctions
due to Ukraine.
BRICS Central Banks are members of the BIS.
In other words,
the two founders of the BRICS are closely linked to the totally
dollarized BIS...
This dollar-based
western monetary system - the Euro is the small and younger brother
of the dollar - is backed by nothing, other than thin air, and its
revered institutions such as,
drowning the world, especially the Global South, in unsustainable
debt under false pretenses; debt which most these countries will be
unable to pay back.
Instead, they will
become increasingly enslaved to the west, politically as well as in
terms of resources exploitation.
They receive money
(debt) they really do not need, so they belong to the glamorous
organizations that exploit them, but also give them the doubtful
reputation and international credit rating of "belonging" -
being worthy of
the IMF and the WB - and some regional development
banks that pursue the same goal.
Because if they do
not belong to these predatory organizations, they have a hard time
surviving in the western monetary and banking system.
It is all an
agreed and well-orchestrated game plan...!
Of course, it
takes corruption on both sides.
politicians in so-called developing countries having been put in
place by fake elections, making sure the wheels keep spinning...
Take the current
President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, in his two
previous terms as President (2003 to 2011), his Central Bank
President was
Henrique Meirelles, a Wall Street Banker...
Meirelles was
president of FleetBoston Financials' Global Banking.
Lula was
literally praised by Wall Street as a "good boy".
The IMF gave
him the attribute of a good scholar.
And that was
before he became a scholar of
Klaus Schwab's (CEO of
Academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL).
Lula is also a
favored at the WEF's Davos meetings.
Today, the
Central Bank of Brazil is a full and key member of the BIS...
One of the 6 new
countries is Argentina.
The front-runner
to win Argentina's October 22, 2023 presidential elections is the
arch-neoliberal Javier Milei, a leader of the
Libertarian party.
Campaigning for
the primaries he promised, if he becomes President, he would scrap
the Argentinian Central Bank and adopt the US-dollar as the
country's currency.
And that after
having witnessed one of the worst economic collapses in Latin
America's history, in 2001/2022, when the dollarized Argentinian
Peso imploded.
Argentina was then
salvaged largely by the Kirchners' Presidencies and by loans
from Venezuela, just to bring that grand, rich, and recovered
country again to her knees by the US/IMF imposed Mauricio Macri
Government (2015 to 2019).
How would Javier
Milei's idea of dollarizing Argentina fare for the 'New BRICS' dream
of de-dollarizing, in case Milei becomes President?
A high-level
of London insider and whistleblower apparently warned not to be
distracted by this 'deceptive initiative' [called BRICS] of making
believe, it will find ways of breaking free from the usury-based and
criminal central banking cartel.
When, in fact, the
BRICS bloc was set up some 14 years ago (BRICS creation in 2009) to
simply foment the necessary arguments, chaos and division needed to
pursue and fast-track a single global digital currency, what in
today's parlance is called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
In his book, "A
History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind",
the late Stephen Mitford Goodson, himself a Non-Executive
Director of the South African Reserve Bank from 2003 until 2012,
and who witnessed at first hand the private central banking system
from the inside, wrote:
For any
nation/state/society/community to have full sovereignty and
independence in its affairs, absolute control over the means it
employs to exchange goods and services must reside with the
organs which represent the people, and must not be delegated to
private individuals.
recorded history periods of state control of the money supply
have been synonymous with eras of prosperity, peace, cultural
enrichment, full employment and zero inflation.
However, when
private bankers usurp control of the money creation process, the
inevitable results are recurring cycles of prosperity and
poverty, unemployment, embedded inflation and an enormous and
ever-increasing transfer of wealth and political power to this
tiny clique who control this exploitative monetary system.
Whenever these
private and central bankers have been opposed in the past by
nations seeking restoration of an honest money system, these
parasitic bankers have invariably invoked a "patriotic" war in
order to defeat the much maligned "enemy".
This has been
a feature of almost all wars during the past 300 plus years...
This says it all
in a nutshell.
the full report by Justin Walker "BRICS - Please Do Not Allow
Yourselves to Be Deceived".
The lengthy "BRICS
Johannesburg Declaration" with
its 94 points, divulge the truth: It is just business as usual; a
push by the globalists towards establishing a
global totalitarian
The original five BRICS all commit
themselves to the UN's highly deceptive '17 Sustainable Development
Goals' (SDG) and the bogus 'science' of manmade CO2-based
warming," alias "climate
Nothing in the
BRICS Declaration gives the new burgeoning Truth, Peace and
Freedom Movement any hope that some sort of change for the
common good will come out of their pronouncements.
David Skripac neatly summarized
the vitally important key points of the BRICS Declaration as
promise that the BRICS would pursue the WEF's and
the UN's
2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
urgently stressed the "need to address Climate Change"
reemphasized the importance of implementing the UN's
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
reaffirmed the vital importance of the World Trade
emphasized the "vital importance of the World Health
Organization (WHO)"
remained committed to strengthening the "vital importance of
'Pandemic' Preparedness"
stressed "the vital importance of digital transformation"
emphasized the "vital importance of carbon credits" and the
green economy...
what is there to be expected from
the original BRICS, from the New BRICS-11... and from the coming BRICS-plus...?
Again, We the People,
let us wake up
and take life in our own minds and hands.
Let us not be fooled,
confused, and divided by the deceptive strategies of the
self-nominated rulers.
They will not let go...
We must get out
from their ever-enslaving methods to digitize,
transhumanize and
control us.
We can do it.
We MUST do it...!