by Gaia Staff
January 05,
Gaia Website
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There hasn't been quite
as prophetic a speech from an out-going president, as the one
delivered by
Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961, during which he
warned about the future of the military-industrial complex in a
foreboding farewell address.
But Ike's
Laura Eisenhower, says there is more
than meets the eye when it comes to her grandfather's forewarning,
involving a
secret space program and an insidious agenda by
a global
elite that has long been in
contact with extraterrestrials.
Famous Speech
On January 17, 1961, after serving two successful terms as the
United States' 34th president, Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower delivered a
farewell speech to the nation.
During the speech, he coined the term
'military-industrial complex,' one that is now common in the modern
political lexicon.
Eisenhower warned against the rapidly growing relationship between
industrial arms producers and the Defense Department. He mentioned
the amount of tax dollars spent on building up the military had
started to exceed the total revenue of all American corporations.
Reading it today, the harbingers of Eisenhower's speech have eerily
come to fruition, with the portion of the federal budget allocated
to defense soaring over $600 billion.
Next year, the defense budget
proposal calls for a $54 billion increase, which is a relatively
average raise approved by both parties over the past several
But it wasn't just the interminable expansion of the defense budget
that Ike was concerned with,
he also feared the direction in which
science, education and agriculture were headed, with incredibly
accurate predictions of what he hoped we would avoid.

"...there is a
recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly
action could become the miraculous solution to all current
A huge increase in
newer elements of our defense; development of unrealistic
programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion
in basic and applied research...
...the prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal
employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever
present - and is gravely to be regarded."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
These prescient words are
all too familiar in today's socio-political climate and if Ike were
here today, he might be astounded (and horrified) with how accurate
his predictions were.
But while these words at face-value may seem relevant to our
society's situation, according to his granddaughter, Laura Magdalene
Ike was aware of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth
that had existed since his days as a General during WWII...
Ike was supposedly the last president to maintain complete control
over the U.S. relationship with an extraterrestrial race, whom
allegedly met to form a treaty in 1954.
According to Dr.
Michael Salla, during a trip to Palm Springs, Ike
was taken to Edwards Air Force Base in the middle of the night,
where two Nordic extraterrestrials encouraged him to give up the
country's nuclear weapons in exchange for access to advance
Ike supposedly declined the offer, as the nuclear
program still exists today.
Who Is Laura
Great-granddaughter of Ike, Laura Eisenhower has become a
well-recognized name in the UFO community, often giving lectures and
running workshops at gatherings, including
Contact in the Desert.

via collectiveevolution.com
Eisenhower became intrigued by the subject of ET contact after
hearing rumors of Ike meeting with extraterrestrials and his
involvement with the
Majestic-12 secret committee.
Upon further research, Eisenhower said she found corroboration of
the documents and stories she was reading, leading her to believe
the events were real and did in fact take place.
Though, she says
none of her beliefs come from her family members and her views and
theories are her own.
Eisenhower came to notoriety in the UFO community when she came
forward claiming she had been recruited to travel to Mars in 2006
with a man, named Agent X.
She became involved in a relationship
with Agent X, who she later learned was on a mission to enlist her
and her friend Ki' Lia for an interplanetary mission. She says the
U.S. government established
a colony on Mars through
black budget
programs, as a survival mechanism in the case of a catastrophic
event on Earth.
Along with the time-traveling presidential hopeful,
Andrew Basiago,
Eisenhower says she was conscripted to join the Mars colony, due to
her relationship to Ike.
Fortunately, she was able to
avoid her
recruitment and was awakened to the false matrix of reality,
blinding us from seeing the truth behind the military-industrial
complex's hidden agenda.
She has now devoted her life to spreading the divine feminine
"Gaia-Sophia" energy to free us from the faux power structures of
These power structures, Eisenhower believes, began long
before Ike came into office and were the result of a deal struck
between the government and extraterrestrials.
The outcome of this deal, according to Eisenhower, has resulted in a
shadow government with an insidious agenda to control the population
through the use of,
Instead of simply a
military-industrial complex, Eisenhower says there is an
extraterrestrial military-industrial complex that she became aware
of through an former MI-6 operative.
Eisenhower's Family Tree and Recent Revelations
Could there be any validity to Eisenhower's assertions of an
extraterrestrial military-industrial complex that has set up
colony on Mars?
Though the story may sound farfetched, there have
been a number of interesting revelations lately that could lend some
credibility to her claims.
The exposure of a black budget Pentagon UFO study over the course of
five years seems like it could potentially lead to the disclosure of
a larger cover-up; one that has possibly existed since the UFO
phenomenon began in the mid 1900s.
This disclosure portends a
revelation of
extraterrestrial technology, unlike anything on Earth,
that might be in the process of being reverse-engineered.
One of the people Eisenhower named as being involved with the secret
Mars colony was Dr.
Hal Puthoff, engineer and former member of the
Stanford Research Institute.
Puthoff is part of the team at
To The
Stars Academy, the group lead by former rockstar Tom Delonge
currently leading a disclosure movement.
The group has hinted at
exposing reverse-engineered, advanced
extraterrestrial technology.

Aside from her obvious
relation to Ike, Laura Eisenhower's mother, Susan Eisenhower has a
career history working for the government, Department of Energy,
NASA advisory council, and other esteemed institutions.
During Ike's tenure as president he created
DARPA, the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency notorious for creating military
weapons systems with highly advanced technology. DARPA is often
associated with next-generation technological advents that some
believe are reverse-engineered from extraterrestrial equipment.
Ike created DARPA in response to the Soviet Union launching the
first satellite, Sputnik, into orbit in February of 1958, during the
Cold War.
DARPA's creations have lead to some of the most profound
technology to impact humanity, including,
ARPANET, the nascent
foundation of the internet.
Autonomous, self-driving cars are
another DARPA advent that will likely revolutionize our global
is it possible this secretive agency may have some highly
advanced technology it's not ready to expose to the public?
could the agency have a sinister agenda?
Laura Eisenhower cites DARPA as the agency behind the
colonization of Mars.
Though the program ostensibly receives only $3
billion a year, which doesn't sound like enough money for a Mars
colony, who knows how much black budget funding is likely being
allocated for DARPA projects.
Could this lend Eisenhower's radical
story some legitimacy...?