by Dr. Michael Salla
September 10, 2021
Exopolitics Website

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation
of Worlds, Earth is undergoing a major power shift with the exodus
of the Dark Fleet and their
Draco Reptilian and
Orion allies from
our solar system.
In his latest
communication, relayed through one of his contactees, Megan Rose, we
learn more about the status of unfolding events on Earth and our
solar system, especially concerning the construction of huge motherships in Earth orbit that will serve as international
outposts, and the development of a Starfleet for planetary defense...
In a
previous article, I explained why I believe Megan's
communications closely align with another contactee, Elena Danaan,
who has also met and knows Val Nek.
One of the criteria I use to
assess the validity of information from new sources such as Megan is
if something is happening in real life that independently confirms
what is being said.
In the case of this latest intel, I was in the
midst of communicating with JP, one of my long-time sources (since
2008) who is currently serving with the US Army, and wishes to
remain anonymous.
His information,
which I will soon present, corroborated what Val Nek was saying to a
surprising degree.
Consequently, I pass on the following information
with high confidence that it is credible and worth evaluating for
gaining a big picture overview of current events in our solar
On the morning of
September 7, this was the message Megan (M) received from
Val Nek (VN).
VN: Mars has been
The Ciakahrr empire, the dark fleet, have fled Mars
completely. They are now trying to flee to other star systems, like
Sirius A, and form alliances to attack the federation and planet
This is the need for ongoing security and training personnel
from the Terran military, along with building a space fleet equipped
to handle an attack.
On Mars, most of their dark portals have been
completely closed, with the exception of a few, which the Federation
is working on. Their main portal to their headquarters,
has been closed completely.
This is a huge victory for the
Federation, as it is impossible for them to re-enter and
re-infiltrate their precious outpost on Mars.
As you know, I have
been working with US military officials to train and implement a
fleet to protect and defend Terra. I want to reiterate that we have
implemented technology to protect planet Terra.
The star fleet, as
you call it, is designed with higher density technology, making many
of the new ships undetectable to the enemy.
The enemy is unable to
track or locate these ships due to the higher frequency. The ships
have the capability to materialize and dematerialize in a lower
density when necessary.
This technology was given to the Terrans and
must be built/produced by Terrans as to be in accordance with the
laws of the Federation.
This is where the
information of
anonymous source, JP, becomes relevant.
Synchronistically, on
the morning of September 7, he was telling me that he and select US
Army colleagues were participating in multiple missions to
the Moon
on advanced shuttle craft using Nordic extraterrestrial technologies
that had been shared with the US military and built on Earth.
a previous article, I explained an incident where JP met with
one of these Nordics working with the US military, and took a photo
of the spacecraft.
JP said that while his Army colleagues were
having their memories wiped, he remembered everything about the Moon
He described the
shuttlecraft as very similar to a Nordic spacecraft that he had
witnessed in Brazil in 2008, soon after which we began
I have documentation proving
JP is currently serving
with the US Army and has completed special forces training
(necessary for covert space missions) along with the training
required for his Military Occupation Specialty (MOS 91J) as a
quartermaster and chemical repairer.
JP described the
Moon shuttlecraft as fully autonomous vehicles that were a
combination of human and extraterrestrial technology being remotely
controlled from the Moon and Earth depending on where the craft was
The principle is similar to an airport shuttle, but in
this case, the craft was shuttling military personnel very quickly
forth and back to the Moon for defense and construction projects.
Here are extracts
from my Skype conversation with JP:
Tiring moon and
back moon and back moon and back moon and back moon and back... Converting ice into water...
I never seen this craft before. Similar from the one in Brazil
sharper ends...
I remember
something interesting the floor was made to like a gel
substance... We sat around in a circle Belted in...
You feel the G force a split 2nd and
everything seems normal... A lot of people are going to the moon and
not having recollection I still have recollection. I remember
There's always construction going around. Is always new
stuff coming up…
It was kind of
funny when we left one time. Another group stayed but only speaking
French... It's like a International thing. And another time another
group. Stayed that does not even look human... Similar to
turn holding these spots down... It looks more like Nordic
It's like a mixture. Of us and them
JP's MOS 91J status
supports his claim of being sent to the Moon to install or repair
equipment that would convert ice into water.
JP's information
directly supports Val Nek's claim that
the Galactic Federation is
helping the US and allied militaries build fleets of new advanced
spacecraft for a variety of missions - a modern day Starfleet.
information also supports a
prior communication from Val Nek, who described the construction
a new Moon base, and refurbishing older abandoned bases.
I now return to Val
Nek's communication with Megan on the morning of Sept 7:
[VN] Thus the need
for the earth alliance to make agreements with large corporations.
must stress that although there is of course, in times of war, the
chance of an incoming threat, that planet Terra is secure and we are
doing everything we can to ensure the safety of the Terran people.
Do not consent to fear. It is my honor and pleasure to serve the Terran people.
M: Can you say
anything about why the Ciakars want to come back to Terra?
VN: I cannot
disclose everything.
They are interested, of course, in planet Terra
for its vast resources. They are trying to make alliances with other
species from other star systems that will adhere to their strict
code of ethics, if you can call them that.
What I mean by this, the Ciakahrr historically, are not good negotiators. They need resources
to negotiate, Terran resources.
They do not make good allies, as
they have a predatory nature and look out for their own self
interests. Their ability to negotiate, their power, has
substantially decreased since their supply of trade has been
They are rendered powerless. This is good news.
Val Nek's reference
to the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance's need to work with
major corporations, especially
Elon Musk's SpaceX, Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, and Richard Branson's
Virgin Galactic, has aroused much public criticism due to the
questionable practices of these corporate CEO's in the past, and
their links to
the Deep State...
However, from the perspective of Val
Nek and the Galactic Federation, Earth has an urgent need to defend
itself from the possible return of their former extraterrestrial
overlords with new allies.
Therefore, the construction of large
fleets of stealth-equipped spacecraft with powerful defense
technologies is a priority, and large aerospace corporations have
vital roles to play in building a Starfleet for the Earth Alliance
and the
Combined Space Commands of allied nations.
In the evening of
September 7, Megan received further information from Val Nek about
ongoing activities in space involving the Galactic Federation and
the Earth Alliance.
VN: The Federation
is working with the Alliance and their partners to develop outposts
surrounding Terra.
These outposts will be put in place for various
reasons, but the main reason being security and surveillance. There
are different sections of the satellite grid, as I mentioned, the
Space Fence, that will be monitored from these outposts.
outposts are similar to the International Space Station, but are not
the same thing.
The International Space Station is in the hands of
the Alliance and will likely be dismantled or refurbished, depending
on what the alliance decides to do.
The Federation is independent
from some of their decision making and this is one of them. I cannot
say anymore about the ISS.
The outposts will
be similar to what we call a mothership. It will be a station in the
sky that is used to monitor Terra and the fleets protecting Terra.
This technology that the station is built with will be manufactured
by the companies that participated in the
Jupiter agreements.
It is
very good news and a very big deal.
The motherships (by motherships,
I mean, there will be one main one and several other smaller
outposts, but still large, considering the size of a normal ship)
will be equipped with medical technology, living quarters for
soldiers and many other technologically advanced components that I
can reveal at a later date.
There will also be
space for fleets of ships to be docked, calibrated and checked on,
to make sure they are working properly before and after space
Please understand this is a very large operation, as you can
imagine, the Federation is helping engineers to work on, repair and
learn these ships once they are manufactured by the Terran people.
M: The Space Fence,
the satellite system, will be monitored from the Moon as well?
VN: Yes of course,
for safety reasons, Terra will be monitored from many outposts in
the sky as well as on the Moon, at the new base.
This is the most
secure way to handle operations.
M: Is there
anything else you would like to say?
VN: Not at this
time, I will give more reports at a later date, as our operations
are ongoing.
I [MS] asked Val
Nek [VN] two questions which Megan [M] relayed to him and we
received the following responses
[Note: I mistakenly thought Val Nek
had earlier referred to three outposts being built in Earth orbit in
framing my question]:
[MS] 1. I do have a
question about the three outposts that will be established, and the
decommissioning of the International Space Station.
As far as I'm
aware, the National Reconnaissance Office along with the CIA had one
or more stealth wheel shaped space stations (based on the Von Braun
Space Station design) that they used to conduct covert and intel
operations around the world that were set up in the 1970s and 80s.
What will happen to these NRO/CIA stealth space stations as the new
outposts are set up?
VN: There are more
than three and there will be one main station which is a larger
This structure is built with the same technology used to
build the new moon base for the US. It is an impenetrable technology
that uses a high frequency to create a grid in the walls of the
structure, but, also, in this case around the station as well. This
disallows any unauthorized personnel.
This technology of course,
will be built by the Terran people, thus referencing the agreements
made in the Jupiter agreements.
I would like to reiterate, it is
likely, although I cannot confirm, that the ISS will be dismantled
or at least refurbished due to its technology soon being very
outdated compared to what is being manufactured for space at this
In reference to the
NRO/CIA space stations: In the interest of Megan's safety, I cannot
completely answer this question. What can I say... our operations in
respect to some of these groups are ongoing.
There has been, as many
know, an infiltration of [an] extraterrestrial presence in some of
these organizations. The war on and under Planet Terra is ongoing.
Now that the Dark Fleet has left Mars, the military allies of some
of these groups are greatly weakened and they pose little threat.
However, in times of war, we do not disclose ongoing operations.
The security
concern over Megan's safety is entirely understandable.
A secret
space program set up by the CIA is currently run out of National
Reconnaissance Office facilities using CIA
black budget funding.
is very secretive and runs out of the "Office of Space
Reconnaissance," which is formally part of the CIA despite being
staffed by NRO personnel and aerospace contractors.
I explain how
the Office of Space Reconnaissance was set up this way in 2014 to
escape Congressional and Executive branch oversight in Chapter 7 of
my book,
Space Force - Our Star Trek Future (2021).
It's worth
emphasizing that in the Congressional legislation,
National Defense Authorization Act of 2020, which created the US
Space Force, that NRO activities would remain outside of the
military chain of command.
In short, while US Space Command would
have control of Space Force and other military assets in space, the
joint NRO/CIA space program would remain independent.
This will
prove to be a major challenge to future US Space Command operations
as my Space Force book explains.
Val Nek's response
to my second question follows:
[MS] 2.
Also, does Val Nek know about China's role for the... mothership outposts?
was excluded from the ISS due to mistrust, but due to the Jupiter
agreements, I assume it will be included in the... new outposts.
VN: China has
limited access as outlined in the
Jupiter agreements.
They are
considered by the Federation to be the least trustworthy. There is
an opportunity to gain trust with good behavior over time. I can
reveal that the US will be in charge of these stations we are
Other countries and their space programs will have
access to them as outlined in the Jupiter agreements.
There is a
code of conduct outlined in these agreements.
For example, how to
behave in space and other, what you can consider, legal guidelines
for maintaining their programs respectively.
M: Why is China the
least trustworthy?
VN: The reasons I
cannot fully disclose, but I can say... they were evaluated by the
Council of Five, a spiritually evolved organization, to be slightly
regressive and to have many self-interests.
The Council of Five had
a role in the Jupiter Agreements, and part of that role was to
evaluate the spiritual evolution of the leaders on Terra.
This was
done, of course, to ensure the safety of the Terran people, as we
know they have been under Tyrannical control for some time.
Rise of the Red Dragon - Origins & Threat of China's Secret Space
Program (2020) I explain how,
China has built a secret space
program using espionage, deception and corporate theft of advanced
aerospace technologies from the US and around the world.
China was
in the midst of building a large powerful fleet of spacecraft with
the help of negative extraterrestrial groups.
China now has to face
a new strategic landscape where its former allies have been forced
to flee, and a new extraterrestrial group is mentoring humanity in
its transition into a spacefaring civilization.
In the meantime,
China is quickly filling in the vacuum created by the exodus of the
Dark Fleet from Antarctica, as I've explained in
a previous article.
In conclusion, the
latest information received from Val Nek provides many valuable
insights into what is happening in our solar system.
His information
is independently backed by my anonymous source, JP, who has
participated in secret Army construction projects on the Moon using
hybrid human and extraterrestrial technologies, including autonomous
space shuttlecraft.
As far as
constructing several massive space stations - motherships - to serve
as monitoring, repair, and planetary defense outposts is concerned,
there are good reasons why such an endeavor is necessary.
There is
indeed a high likelihood that the negative extraterrestrial races
that have recently fled our solar system will attempt to return at
some future time, first through infiltration, and eventually through
more kinetic means using new interstellar allies.
Val Nek's
information confirms that,
we are in the midst of an
planetary transition...
Humanity is being
helped by the Galactic Federation in building a Starfleet for
Planetary Defense.
A "Star Trek Future" is unfolding right now, as
envisaged in a
2019 Space Futures Report (The
Future of Space 2060 and Implications for U.S. Strategy - Report on
the Space Futures Workshop), and presents many new opportunities
and challenges for humanity.