by Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera
Exopolitics Journal, vol.
4, no. 2
December 2013
ExopoliticsJournal Website
Giorgio Piacenza
was born in Lima, Peru in 1961. At an early age he
became interested in fundamental philosophical
questions. Around the age of 12, he began to participate
in Western, esoteric and Indian mystical groups and
attempted to synthesize their knowledge.
After a UFO
experience at close range with other witnesses in 1975,
he befriended contactees and began researching the
UFO-ET phenomenon keeping in mind an interest for the
cultural, political and scientific consequences which
the presence of intelligent beings from other physical
worlds and/or realms might have.
In 1987 Giorgio
earned a B.A. in Sociology from Georgetown University
and received the Hoggson Award for Excellence in
Sociology. In 1990, he earned two business certificates
from John F. Kennedy University.
By 2000-2001, Giorgio became one of the civilian
advisors to OIFAA, the Peruvian Air Force's Office of
Investigations of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena. Through
the years, he has kept abreast of a wide-range of
interests related to his inquiry on the nature of
reality, interests such as the mind-body problem,
shamanism, philosophy, cosmology and physics.
He is particularly
interested in philosophical, metaphysical and scientific
integrative theoretical models including (since1981), of
Ken Wilber's evolving "Integral Theory."
In 2009, Giorgio
was awarded a Certificate in Integral Theory by John F.
Kennedy University and is currently contributing
culturally transformative essays on Exopolitics,
Philosophy and on the convergence of Science,
Consciousness and Metaphysics. |
The attitudes, ideals and feelings of specific Latin American
individuals allegedly experiencing contacts with extraterrestrial
beings who - judged by their actions within reasonable human terms -
clearly seem to value conscious free will or self-determination are
Qualities associated with a recurrent
"sense of the sacred" are recognized within the contact experiences
narrated by these individuals who in the past were relegated as
"pseudo-religious" and, thus, as "non-credible" by ufologists,
intellectuals, scientists and other academically educated persons
with a strict and dichotomous sense of reality.
This "sense of the sacred" (perhaps thus
far easier to accommodate in Latin American cultures) may be more
suitable for an intuitive, holistic interaction with beings living
under a more connective reality and technology.
This would make an "exo-hierology" or
study of a (shared) sense of the sacred valuable for politically
appropriate human-extraterrestrial relations.
It might show us how
we can naturally accept the extraterrestrial presence without a
falling into panic or attracting an interaction with less respectful
extraterrestrial types.
Contactees exemplifying peaceful ways to
initiate and maintain mutually respectful forms of contact can be
credible and should not be all dismissed by the same token.
Their experience may be useful to
propitiate a more easygoing, participatory and necessary
Through non-self-deceiving, yet straightforward, common sense and
critical analysis of consistent ET-human interaction histories we
realize that some extraterrestrials displaying an actual behavioral
benevolence through long term interactive activities seem to connect
more specifically with some individuals connected with a pattern of
regional, historical, cultural characteristics.
In the case of contactees with
benevolent ET groups these cultural characteristics include a marked
SENSE of the SACRED for which the pride often associated with a
sense of existence as a separate, self-affirming ego is sublimated
for a grander cause.
I also think that a minimum level this
sense is also present in one way or another in almost all other "experiencers"
that have finally grown used to what is happening to them and as
much as it is present (with various degrees) in most - if not all -
ET groups capable of transcending space-time and interacting with
Acquiring a DEEP, consciously understood
sense of the sacred would be necessary to be capable of
participating in a "transdimensional" cosmic community and relating,
interpreting and re-transmitting what a particular group of ETs is
While the word "sacred" derives from the Latin "sacrum" (meaning
things pertaining to God or the gods), it is usually associated with
the English word "Holy" derived from the Scottish word "hale"
(meaning that which is complete and unharmed).
These etymologies lead us to think about
a sacred, holy connection with the Cosmos, a connection that might
be necessary for all extraterrestrial groups (benevolent or not) if
they are capable to operate outside of the restrictions of linear
thinking and space-time.
How I'm trying to use the word "sacred" here is in the sense of a
deep, instinctive, inner knowingness for which some aspects of life
cannot be trampled upon or violated. They remain reserved to the
Source that gives us existence.
Also, by limiting our range of action
our individuated consciousness connects beyond our separate sense of
self and into the system in which we exist, a greater whole
actualized by God, the Creator or the Source's Universal
Many of the contactees with the more benign and spiritual-sounding
extraterrestrial 'guides' or 'elder brothers' tend to be individuals
sufficiently formed in Bible-based cultures which inherited a sense
that some aspects of life are specially worthy of reverence as they
are to be set apart.
Two well-known contactees in the
Spanish-speaking world expressing such a clear-cut sense of the
sacred are Sixto Paz Wells and Luis Fernando Mostajo
This particularly intense sense of the
sacred seems to be favored in Latin American nations as they still
seem to harbor a minority of individuals who (even if also living
within modernity) don't excessively emphasize a deep sense of
self-realization through individualism.

Contactees formed in these cultures often seem to relate with the
most respectful and similarly inspired extraterrestrials providing
them with lofty messages in which using the phrase "The Father" when
referring to God is not felt passé or avoided. Neither is the word
"Love" avoided.
Furthermore, quite often the important
cosmic organizing role of a universal, interpretive, spiritual
intelligence like "the Christ" (even providing a local, earthly
manifestation like Jesus) is unequivocally mentioned… with
great respect or reverence.
In a certain way this essay also deals
with an "exo-hierology" or study of the "sacred" dimensions of life
in terms of humanity's relations with extraterrestrials, God,
consciousness, spirituality and his creativity in the Cosmos.
As my (now deceased) friend scientist, alchemist and esoteric master
Juan Leal taught:
"Without the sense of the sacred,
which is an inborn spiritual sense, limits to one's actions are
In fact, he described it as real as the
need for food, shelter, sex, safety, companionship and as a
universally inborn sense or instinct which even some animals (like
the lion) possessed in order to remain in balance with other
creatures in the environment and not to exceed our exploitative
activities in nature.
In other words, to be an integral part
of the whole where we live we would need this sense and it would
inform us of our relationship with the whole. A heartfelt, pride and
ego-taming sense of the sacred would be crucial to establish a
healthy relationship with the Cosmos.
Sacredness connects us with wholeness
and wholeness deriving from God guides us to the most inclusive
levels of Creation.
It probably intensifies the downward
causation we can intentionally promote or bring into the material
and subtle worlds all the way from even more encompassing "causal"
worlds functioning with the least ego-centered awareness. Only those
beings consciously capable of giving up their self-centeredness and
to live harmoniously for the highest wholeness will be able to
escape from the constant need to manipulate others (through
technology or any other means) and be subjects possessed suffer the
Also, probably their technology would be
less limited and also reflect their easier access to higher levels
of downward causality.
While personal and cultural sensibilities associated to a great
sense of the sacred seem to relate quite directly (and in an
approximate local/regional manner) with different extraterrestrial
groups and while (in some contemporary contact cases) an integral,
esoteric sense of magic and of creation as sacred (usually combined
with the mythic and miraculous ethos of a Bible-based and usually
Catholic milieu) seems to relate well with some of the loftier,
spiritually uplifting, benevolent extraterrestrials (that not only
claim to work in association with "spiritual Masters" but with
"God's Will" and a need to restore or fulfill a major "Cosmic
Plan"), all types of experiencers may end up inspired, "reformatted"
or connected with a basic, general (even if more limited) sense of
the sacred present in all ET groups.
This may be why abductees often end up
recognizing wise spiritual quality to their experiences.
In fact any sufficiently intimate
contact with
service-to-self or with service-to-others beings
organized under the next major level of consciousness might activate
a minimum degree of the sense of the sacred (or of instinctively
knowing we belong to a larger whole) in us.
This may be correctly interpreted as a
more "spiritual" awareness and may constitute a partial awakening in
consciousness for abductees.
In my reading of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory (Wilber, 1995) and
(Wilber, 2007), "holons" may be regarded not as fundamental "things"
or "processes" but as simultaneous "part-wholes" universally
structuring any event and-or entity (eventity) in existence across
all levels and realms.
"Holons" would be the fundamental
constituents of reality and their dynamics would apply to all events
and all entities at all scales of being along with their
corresponding subjective perspectives.
"Holons" are simultaneously complete and
incomplete, and for them (for the structuring nature we share with
all sentient entities at all levels of sentience, including ETs) it
would be vital to "commune" and to connect or extend beyond with a
context that contains them.
In fact, this would be as vital as the
need to self-protect, self-assert and to establish boundaries. I
think that the sense of the sacred is in fact equivalent to that
inevitable holonic "communion" of which all entities/events (or
things which simultaneously are subjects at all levels of existence)

When humans get out of touch with a natural lifestyle their
self-preservation instincts and awareness operating with an
intelligence focused on linear terms may disconnect them from the
need to be in harmony with other beings and the environment.
However intelligent ETs capable of
thinking and organizing themselves holistically and integrally
beyond linear terms would consciously operate once again within the
natural holonic order as conscious participants within the holonic
requirements. They would know how much to self-assert without
becoming pathological.
Integral Theory would be a conceptual
bridge to help humans to consciously link (conceptually and
intuitively) with the connective order of the Cosmos which in
instinctual terms also produces "the sense of the sacred."
That would be the next developmental
stage necessary to establish a more coherent planetary civilization
and an intelligent role in the Cosmos.
In fact, I suspect that a more sophisticated understanding of the
sense of the sacred is necessary to become aware of and/or to rejoin
a cosmic community in a conscious way or as conscious participants
with a shared understanding.
Perhaps the reason why India has kept
such a lively ancient lore seemingly referring to humanity's
association with a variety of extraterrestrial beings may be that
the sense of the sacred allowing for those connections was
particularly strong in that part of the world.
This is why I think that (as the book
Alien Identities shows) some understanding of how other planets
operate has been preserved in Vedic literature (Thompson, 1993).
On the pragmatic side, according to Inca-Andean practices, a
purposeful sense of the sacred applied by a more conscious human
with effort (Llankay), depth of feeling (Munay) and knowledge that
includes a process or method (Yachay) may open portals to higher
worlds or between worlds that no amount of external technological
approach may achieve.
Interpreting various communications with
extraterrestrials received within the Mission Rahma contact group
(Paz Wells, 2000), not only the contactees act with a sense of
sacredness in their missions but also some extraterrestrial types
have a particularly profound (yet emotionally sober and restricted)
sense of altruistic, self-sacrificial 'missionary sacredness'.
These ETs also seem to want to learn
(without manipulating us in order to forcefully extract) how the
uniquely creative power of human sentiment and the human sense of
the sacred can teach them to overcome their evolutionary stagnation
and to be able to interact with the highest levels of God's
Perhaps a lofty sense of the sacred was partially lost during
attraction to technology and materialism when - in the Northern
Hemisphere - when modern Western democracies arose under a
self-generated, influential mechanistic-materialist view of life
accompanied by correlated religious persuasions (and a sense of the
sacred) as that emphasized God a demanding lawgiver which was
distant from the material world.
In this cultural environment (and
accompanying social systems) a guarded self-reliance and
individualism became the necessary model for a person's
self-realization under more formal or strict, agreed-upon laws
rather than through a shared implicit sense of willingly
participating in a sacred, living and more fluid Creation.
The sense of God as a sacred
transcendental other not limited by contingency was divorced from
the equally necessary and complimentary sense of God as sustainer of
creation and Source of life as a whole.
In other words, an influential sense of
the sacred emphasized by some religions in leading, modern Western
cultures lends itself to a non-holistic, materialist manipulation
and resource extraction of the physical world.
I just don't think that this is the
understanding which (benevolent/light emitting or
non-benevolent/light extracting) extraterrestrials capable of
getting from their particular worlds to ours reason.

The idea is that, while the most
advanced, benevolent extraterrestrials have a more obvious sense of
the sacred all extraterrestrials capable of holistically connecting
with higher dimensions in order to create "transdimensional" effects
(such as collapsing or manipulating space-time) need to have a
minimum sense of the sacred for their consciousness to maintain the
link between dimensions.
This may be one of the reasons why it is
not easy to judge "good and evil" ETs with our limited concepts.
I suppose that some civilizations not
just connect with the whole to which they relate through their sense
of the sacred with a collective, 'beehive' mentality but by
combining more of their individual free wills with that.
As is becoming increasingly clear in the worlds of Ufology and
Exopolitics today (after 60-70 years of reading leaked government
documents and considering an international vast array of abductee
and contactee, CEIV "experiencer" reports), not all ET species
behave alike towards us or appear to respond to the same
While all seem to be appalled by how we
treat our own planet (mostly because of lacking of a clear sense of
the sacred), for some ETs what could be called their "instinctual
operating systems" seems more programmed for exterior forms of
reliance on manipulation and technology while others seem to be
instinctively programmed for aligning themselves with interior,
spiritual principles in a practical manner.
However, once again, my thesis is that
both kinds of ETs (those recognizing and emanating an interior light
to serve others and those recognizing the light of others to serve
themselves) already transcending rigid space-time limitations have a
more advanced, "holistic" way of connecting their situated
consciousnesses to the Cosmos as a whole.
Whether service to others or service to
self- oriented, they would have an instinctual respect (or sense of
the sacred) for the harmonizing processes of that Cosmos as a whole
and would not transgress (even if negatively inclined) certain
limits necessary to maintain that equilibrium and respect.
If all transdimensionally functioning ETs possess a minimum level of
respect for the whole through an effective sense of the sacred, why
the more benevolent ones seem to "over emphasize it? Why do some
contactees and extraterrestrials emphasize God, the Cosmic Plan, so
For about 39 years I've also observed
that the particular type of extraterrestrials guiding (and allegedly
learning from) some of my Latin American contactee friends have
truly (from a regular, human, experiential perspective) been
respectful, encouraging, empowering and kind.
They have demonstrated their higher
physical-energetic vibrational presence to these friends only after
preparing them for actual physical contact experiences.
As far as I can tell, these
extraterrestrials belong to a large collective of civilizations
displaying different physical forms, communication and cultural and
physical densities even if associated by shared values and shared
levels of consciousness but - for extraterrestrial initiated or
human initiated contact - those with human physical appearances have
been normally assigned.
If through the gradual and respectful Mission Rahma contacts (that
also respect conscious choices) we are indeed dealing here with the
most advanced, protective and beneficent types of extraterrestrials
contacting humanity at this time (perhaps the ones we should try to
befriend the most),
Why would their mystical and religious-sounding
accent on the sense of the sacred be so relevant?
Could it be that the positive
polarization toward service-to-others is, after all, more sacred
than the polarization toward service-to-self allowed by the Creator?
Could it be that service-to-self (while
a logical complement to its opposite) sides up with the illusion of
independence from the Creator?
Could it be that, in the end, only a
return to a service-to-others orientation is more congruent with how
the Creator operates… by giving life and being to "others"
potentially existing within?
This seems to be what
The Ra Material (one of the more
credible 'channeled' books) also seems to say (Elkins et al 1984).
Re-Connecting Path

The re-connecting path to the cosmos is
about finding ways to link our parochial, earth-bound selves with a
much larger organization functioning under more expansive and
inclusive premises.
As exopoliticians, gradually becoming
more credible and thus influential to guide policies toward the
extraterrestrial presence in the "real," formal world, should we
focus on WORLDVIEWS and TECHNOLOGIES and interpret extraterrestrial
agendas according to how we already are inclined to interpret
reality based on our worldviews or should we first understand why we
want what we want and are as we are?
Worldviews and "paradigms" are
not the same.
According to Ken Wilber,
"Paradigms" = Worldviews + their associated Methods used to disclose
and modify what we experience as "reality", but both would originally
arise with particular levels of consciousness (Wilber, 2007).
Then perhaps the issues to be considered
in order to understand extraterrestrial types and ourselves as a
species are not simply about which world views would be healthier to
We would also need to question the
fundamentals of why our consciousnesses accommodate and generate the
worldviews and paradigms that excessively relate our existence to
self-preservation, disconnection, conflict and lack of trust.
Is our sense of security or of acceptance of others still too
primitive to understand how we should relate with a complex cosmic
community capable of collapsing and manipulating space-time? Why are
we so galvanized by attention-grabbing scandals and negative events?
Without reprogramming our self-centered,
fear-and-survival-based programming disconnecting our individual
consciousnesses from the whole we may not be able to access the
non-local, universal, actualizing Consciousness that physicist
Amit Goswami refers to (Goswami, 2009) and remain forced to
choose uncreatively on what our sequential memory patterns give us.
Without the sense of sacredness we
cannot relate with nor creatively actualize the fundamental
uniqueness of each experiential moment in conjunction with Universal
In the
UFO-ET field much is enthusiastically discussed (and sold)
about ETs that want to enslave us or that control secret societies;
much is discussed about an escapist "ascension" or about solutions
to human problems through advanced interdimensional technology;
the grays (whether benevolent or malevolent) and of their
reptilian overlords.
Much is blamed on financial-illuminati
interests, or on an out-of-control secret government/national
security apparatus.
While there may be some truth to these
particulars, we are still analyzing and interpreting them within the
same old win-lose, blaming game of our old patterns, under the
physicalist, materialist understandings that served us to survive in
a world limited by space-time.
Our minds and sentiments still veer too
much toward "either-or" techno-materialistic or over-idealistic (and
ascensionist?) interpretations of the meaning of extraterrestrial
presence and perhaps all of these partial interpretations (whether
they might be partially correct) are not what really matters most as
per our cosmic participation and growth into the larger scheme of
While dichotomies exist in the material
planes, perhaps that emphasis on them thwarts our moving into the
next stage.
Perhaps we need to evolve a more integral, integrative or
re-connective approach toward a much larger reality beckoning us.
Only like this we'll first become aware of our potential or still
largely unmanifest identities as participants in a planetary society
and unique species.
Our logics and sentiments need to be
guided by a larger unit in the cosmos, one represented by a higher
level of awareness in which other beings participate. The sense of
the sacred is at the root of participating within any particular
level of reality in equilibrium with context.
Perhaps we are not so much held captive by the progress of
technologies modifying our production methods, habits, social
relations, transactions and other experiential processes.
Perhaps we are neither held captive by
our particular (and seemingly mutually incompatible) worldviews (of
which there are many competing for supremacy in the world today).

Perhaps we are really 'held hostage' by
an insufficient sense of the sacred impeding us to understand
complementarities in a connective way and correlated with this we
are possessed by our attachments to old unconscious premises which
seem to "make sense" to satisfy our limited self-identities and
foregone, instinctive relationships with material reality.
Perhaps our consciousnesses (as
experiential interpretation spaces with an infinite potential) are
populated by unconsciously incorporated mental objects that possess
and freeze the possible range of our experiential subjectivities and
the levels of inclusivity or of consciousness we can achieve
(broadly defined as our perspective-taking capacities).
Perhaps these cluttered and frozen levels of consciousness
reflecting how we prioritize our pre-verbally felt, instinct-related
needs and how we adopt (willingly or adaptively), reject or modify
worldviews (now more varied and openly available due to the
globalization process) can be cleansed or, rather, "reformatted" by
a simple yet radically connecting sense of the sacred, not unlike
what is experienced
by most contactees and, allegedly, by some of
their (and our) extraterrestrial friends.
Good Examples
of Citizen Diplomacy to Learn From
What would the role of a healthy, mutually empowering relationship
with our extraterrestrial 'family' (itself promoting a sacred sense
of duty in service for the greater whole of 'The Father's' creation)
There are some contactees like
Luis Fernando Mostajo
from Bolivia, and Sixto Paz from Lima, Peru who -
through their expressed words and activities related to lofty
"missions" exude a sense of the sacred.
Others like
Ricardo González
appears to be more pragmatic and not prone to encumbered flights of
"spiritual talk") also demonstrate a highly responsible sense of the
sacred through responsible work, self-correcting critical thinking
and an unrelenting sense of mission.
What follows is a series of excerpts focusing on experiencers that
can be considered as having "positive" "respectful" or "benevolent"
It intends to show that many more
contactees other than the ones just mentioned (along with their
alleged extraterrestrial friends) also possess an indispensable
sense of the sacred even if it is expressed under different
intensities and style.
Since most references about them are in
Spanish I provide translations whenever necessary.
Pablo Hawnser
In 1998 I met in Mexico City petroleum engineer
Pablo E. Hawnser,
a contactee gentleman claiming to have had physical contacts between
1989-1990 with polite and normal human extraterrestrial 'persons'
from the Pleiades region (individuals that took him onboard a
spacecraft after meeting with them in Mexico City as Nordic-looking,
normally dressed humans capable of moving about town and even paying
with human currency).
He allegedly contacted an
extraterrestrial 'man' named "Rahel" and an ET 'woman' named "Mirza"
and after some conversations and an invitation was taken on board a
craft and to "Planet Milburbek" in which he stayed in an apartment
and received an understanding on how to combine spiritual and
scientific concepts.
He was allegedly told that God is life itself
and that the Cosmos is his (its/her) manifestation. He was told of
the need earth humans also have to understand in a reasonable way
through the intellect how spirit and matter stem from the same
source and combine.
By understanding this humans will understand
their own make-up and dispel a sense of pride by becoming more able
to contemplate God's creative grandeur and immense goodness.
According to Hawnser, Truth reunites the spiritual and the
scientific and both of them, including physical matter, universal
laws and all of the planes of existence stem from God. For Hawnser
to have 'faith' (which is light and not dogmatic fanaticism) is
about dispelling metaphysical ignorance and taking a look with the
spirit and this spiritual gaze is capable of reaching the truth.
These extraterrestrials (who live as an
ideal human society in a higher third dimensional level eat very
light and delicious meals, have non-violent sports and work) told
him that there was a community of civilizations that had reached a
basic level of understanding on how spirit and physics intertwine
and that this community was organized by more evolved beings which
allowed them to interact in a limited fashion with incipient
civilizations like ours.
In fact they allegedly told him that
these more evolved beings also "transported" them to Earth.
For them to interact more openly with us
we would have to,
"do our homework," become aware of
our "physical-spiritual duality" and learn to live with "love,
charity, justice and patience… as God the Father taught you
through Jesus of Nazareth" (The Reply, 2009),
...is really an interesting synthesis of
science and spiritual laws pointing to the convergence of quantum
mechanics and Einstein's Relativity.[1]
Portugal Alvizuri
Mr. Portugal is a Bolivian businessman living in La Paz and a
long-standing member of Bolivia's National Archeology Unit.
In 1981 he and l and a friend were led
by intermediary Aymara natives to the site of a "Chinkana" or
underground tunnel connected to a physical underground "city" near
the shores of what in the Andes is considered to be "sacred" Lake
This tunnel allegedly functioned as an
old (and longtime closed) ventilation duct for that city and he and
his friend could only go so far due to a terrible stench and lack of
However, while being back home and
planning to return for more thorough exploration he was contacted by
normal sized robed beings that came through his room's walls
displaying glowing blond hair, glowing skin and yellow-green eyes.
They transmitted to him a joyful sense
of peace and plenitude but told him not to pursue his explorations
or to give away the location of the "Chinkana" since people and
archeologists were not ready to go there for the right reasons.
After this contact experience, Mr.
Portugal was both developed
astral projection abilities thorough
which he visited physical and astral underground dwellings,
including a "Illumined City" under Lake Titicaca.
He also allegedly contacted descendants
of a civilization arriving eons ago from
the Star Sirius and which
had adapted to Earth living conditions (and avoided attacks from
ill-intended adversaries) living inside interconnected underground
cities built since the time
of "MU."
Mr. Portugal, author of Secret Cities
in the Andes mentions the word "sacred" nineteen times in that
He also mentions that spiritual masters
and advanced astral beings custody the entrances to the network of
physical and non-physical "cities" (including the "City of Light"
underneath "Wiñaymarka" or the small portion of Lake Titicaca)
preparing for a time in which humanity (perhaps after great
upheavals) will be ethically ready to receive much stored knowledge.
After being shown (in an astral state)
the entrances to other dimensions used to illumine the underground
city and for extraterrestrial space travel Mr. Portugal was also
told by his astral guides:
"Lake Titicaca is the center for the
Congregation of Underground Cities in South America and where
the Temple of the Creator of the Cosmos is found".
(Portugal, 2009, location 798)
He also briefly met with the superior
masters whom he describes as non-transparent or physical and
emitting a giant, multicolored aura sensing,
"an enormous flow of energy,
kindness and wisdom coming from them… an enormous natural
(Portugal, 2009, location 662)
Castillo Rincón
Enrique Castillo Rincón is
considered by many researchers a genuine contactee probably because
(besides the witnesses and objective evidence provided) his
straightforward style is also felt as more realistic.
He is not prone to "grandiloquent
spiritual talk;" however I also detect in him and in the
approachable human ETs he met a sense of the sacred.
For instance, during an important
contact experience with an extraterrestrial leader called "Ciryl" he
(along with an English-speaking contactee-witness called Eallyn) is
allegedly told (after a long discourse on how humanity is destroying
"Man's Spirit has a star-based
inheritance! Return to your countries and think carefully before
speaking. We are brothers. The time will come when we'll have to
appear before the eyes of the planet.
This has been contemplated but the
shifts have to be produced by you.
I bid you farewell thinking in the
good use of your intelligence and criteria to face the changes
that will lead Man to recognize his interior essence and to
learn and understand that his own essence is Eternity!".
(Castillo Rincón, 2000, p. 91)
Also, during another physical contact
experience, the 'Pleiadian' extraterrestrial "Krhamakan" allegedly
told him,
"There is no power in the Cosmos
similar to Love… Things of the spirit are led by the SOUL and
LOVE is deathless because it flows from the deepest of the SOUL…
Authentic LOVE has two great very
important allies: a loving language and tenderness.
Selfishness is a pernicious symptom
that forces Man to cling to what he has and to increase it but
that which is good in his heart reminds him that he only is one
who has been lent those properties to maintain them with
(Castillo Rincón, pp.118-123)
Roberto Vargas
de la Gala & Kandy Segovia
For several years I've known Roberto and Kandy and more than 10
years ago interviewed some witnesses that corroborated parts of
Roberto's experiences.
Roberto and Kandy are a married couple
that - after Roberto's contact experience with a very tall
extraterrestrial "guide" called GODAR in Tacna, southern Perú -
actively pursue the activation of latent genetic codes that would
turn current human beings into more spiritual and cosmically aware
Kandy and Roberto lead groups along the
"Capac Ñan" or the Sacred or "Royal" Path physically aligning Inca
temples along the "Inca Road." They do this in order to help them
activate the dormant Christ-aligned genes by interacting with cosmic
energy-connected sites in the Earth's energy grid (also connected
with higher levels of consciousness).
They also teach that through experiences
of love and empathy we can activate those dormant genes ready to
generate a more spiritually aware human species.
Moreover, they tell us that we all
possess special "mirror genes" through which each person's genetic
activation and awakening would also be re-transmitted to humanity as
a whole.
Furthermore, they teach that, by human
beings reconciling conflicting polarities in their
multi-extraterrestrial acquired gene pool, through the "mirror
genes" shared with all of the extraterrestrials that contributed
their genetic seed for us, spiritually benign extraterrestrials will
learn how to experience necessary missing sentiments to continue
evolving and negatively-oriented ones will also find out how to
connect with a Cosmic Christ promoted path of evolution.
Their sense of the sacred and of service for loving, mystical
reasons can be discerned in the following statements:
"The DNA in humanity contains
programs that were designed by the high spiritual hierarchies
and which, upon receiving information (as from cosmic energies,
contact experiences) begins a transmutation process in different
aspects (of life) such as speech, language, thinking, emotions,
feelings, discernment… this is why we can now understand that,
behind contact experiences with extraterrestrial and intra
terrestrial beings there are two basic aspects for human beings
to consider:
The first is our "action" which
through mirror DNA affects humanity and the second is
"understanding" of our role in this cosmic plan based on an
analysis that allows offering a better service with love.
Roberto and Kandy speak of (at least
some) extraterrestrials as "companions" behind our veil of
forgetfulness aiding us to remember and discover the role, task
and commitment towards the higher purpose for which we were
summoned; (aiding us to) feel that the message and the life of
Jesus is the path that as a humanity we must take to seal the
planetary redemption through a cosmic degree of forgiveness (of
the wrongdoings committed against us in the past)".
(Vargas de la Gala, 2009, pp.
99-100) [4]
(pen name Vitko Novi)
For several years I knew this
Yugoslavian electric engineer and contactee living in Perú and whose
experiences started in 1960 in the mountains by the Huallanca
Hydroelectric Plant and in nearby mountain villages.
During his contacts he observed the
sense of reverence high altitude villagers (living near Quitaraxa
River) has for the "very powerful and kind" extraterrestrials from a
planet called "Apu."
In one of my interviews he told me that
the Apunians themselves do not want to be revered but that they
revere all "cell-based life" so much that they didn't want to force
anyone to believe in them because that could adversely affect their
He also told me that Apunians like to
assist all people whenever possible as part of their sacred duty to
assist all of life and that when they greeted you they said "All for
Moreover he told me in an account
pertaining to his third contact experience:
GP - How was your third
VK - On May 15, 1960, Quispe the technician and I went
for a walk to the hills and we met with shepherds in huts near a
campfire. Out of a hut came a crying boy and a crying lady.
We asked this lady why she was
crying and she responded that a week ago one of her boys had
fractured his spine and several ribs. Then we went into the hut
to see her boy.
He was about ten years old and his
body had a deep blue color associated with gangrene.
We asked her to allow us to take the boy
to the town of Caraz for treatment.
She emphatically rejected this proposal
because "the gods will come to heal him". I was expecting them to
dance naked and invoke the spirits when suddenly a small airplane
descended vertically without any noise.
Everyone around the campfire stood up
when a woman stepped out of this craft, approached and went into the
hut. Carrying the little
boy in her arms, she took him into the airplane (a previously landed
ET craft camouflaged as an airplane). Everyone around me kneeled
down, but I remained standing until my companion told me to kneel.
She then approached and said,
"Please stand up. We don't come to
Earth to be thanked, paid, or worshipped on your knees because
we have the sacred mission of doing everything for
others." [5]
Alejandro is a contactee from México who in 2011 decided to inform
the public about his contact experiences.
He is a regular, well-educated,
professional and has only had a few TV interviews. I've befriended
him online and we have exchanged ideas. He strikes me as sincere and
He first refers to being contacted since
childhood mostly by 5 dimensional, physical
Sirians that have a
service to others or "positive"
orientation, dolphin-colored skin and are between 6 and 6'5" tall.
These are part of what may be called by us a "Galactic
Confederation of Light" but names don't really matter as
much as the intention we give to those names.
These beings with a positive orientation
seek the collective improvement of their multi-race group while the
negatively oriented only seek to benefit their own race. Humans
haven't yet reached that sense of community as a single unit.
The positively oriented Alejandro knows about also include
tall, blond 'Pleiadians' with long
Martians similar to Earth humans
but with a large head, highly protective
Arcturians (who intervene only if we ask for assistance)
and those with a fish-like skin.
He says that both those with light and
those of darkness reproduce sexually, except for the grays that have
serious problems because of having engaged in too much cloning. He
says that the latter are on the way of not being able to produce
bodies that can house souls with consciousness.
Among negative ET races he mentions
dinoids, insectoids, reptiles, dracos, and some non-physical which
are vampire-like. A reason for the conflict
in Atlantis was that some defended
humans and some - like
the reptilians - wanted to
interfere with us and adversely modify our genetics.
Extraterrestrial races cannot lie and have to tell the truth when
confronted and asked if they are from light or darkness because if
they lie cause and effect manifests for them much faster. They don't
have as much of an internal duality as we do and consider us
primitive but also know that only old, experience souls volunteer to
be born in the density of a world like ours.
Both those of light and of darkness are
waiting for humans to contribute their original wisdom to either
They are waiting for human beings to
become aware of who they are and what they can do. Humanity was
created to bring harmony to duality and was originally placed in
four living planets that once had water (besides Earth, Mars, Maldek
and Venus).
Dinoids, Reptilians and Sirians already
lived on Earth but were forced to live (at least from the surface)
and reptilians still claim the planet (and now humans living on it)
as theirs.
Some of Alejandro's messages are: The main reason for experiencing
contacts or sharing about them is to empower human beings; that we
should know we are very powerful but gifted with an internal
duality, while also being the newest race in the cosmic
ETs are part of our history as much as
we are part of theirs and that before choosing to become human
beings we lived as extraterrestrials.
Humans live seven lives simultaneously as they are
but we can hold those seven lives during one life. There is free
will which extraterrestrials and humans have and there also are
beings of darkness and beings of light and because none of them
really violate human free will those of darkness (which can be
distinguished by their vibration) pretend to be of light in order
for us to accept them through our free will.
According to Alejandro, nothing can limit our actions besides our
own consciousness of who we are and the most sacred and unique thing
in the Universe is FREE WILL. Advancement cannot be measured by
technological achievement. The least amount of technology a
civilization has the more spiritually advanced it can be.
Four dimensional ETs have a large amount
of defined polarity and many negatively-oriented ones want us to
move into their realm rather than into a more integrated 5th
dimensional one.
We have been created in order to try to solve the long history of
duality problems and conflicts which extraterrestrial races had
among themselves. Those of darkness don't have emotions and use the
energies of others if they can. Those with light have emotions but
are overly structured and are trying to learn from those who - like
us - are different from them. We are the race with the most intense
Where's the necessary sense of the sacred in all of this? Would it
include the dark races placing a limit on their negative actions?
Well, according to Alejandro those of
light and those of darkness defend and protect their home planets
and the Earth as a living entity and if she is in dire peril those
of light "the elder brothers" intervene to help her and those of
darkness do not interfere with them (the Earth is seems to be sacred
to both types).
Only humans seem bent upon destroying
the loving being that is Earth and she knows in depth each and every
human on the planet and loves even those that hurt her. Humans are
very important for creation and their relationship with Earth is
direct and like that between a mother and her children.
If her children are well by discovering
who they really are she is well. In many ways the ET spaceships are
a replica of their home planet and highly sentient humans onboard
are more emotionally affected by the energies inside the spaceships.
In the long run the principle of LOVE is
accepted even by the dark races which know that they are
experiencing a process but will eventually become of the light.[6]
All of the voices of the contactees I've briefly presented have
transmitted in one way or another the importance of a "sense of the
sacred" as an absolutely necessary element for seriously recognizing
the universal context that links particular forms of existence with
a harmonious whole.
While in the last part of this essay
I've focused on example from contactees which I consider to have
contacted benevolent or beneficent extraterrestrials I reiterate
that, to function transdimensionally, all beings (whether benevolent
or nor) must have a clear sense that leads them to understand their
This is the sense of the sacred applied
in a service-to-self or in a service-to-others mode.
Recovering that sense seems to be part of growing up as a unified
planetary species and rediscovering who we are.
Even among
negatively-oriented ETs (as described by Alejandro Gonzalez), acting
upon that consciously recognized sense might mean that they won't go
beyond a certain threshold in their actions simply because - as
previously posited - that sense places natural limits on an
intelligent range of action so that we do not disrupt the harmony of
the whole of which we (more fundamentally than and previous to our
differences) are embedded as participants.
In fact to be a four density (and-or
four dimensional) physical being one would probably have to accept
one's roles and limits in the overall scheme of things after
incorporating a holistically harmonizing and non-locally,
interconnecting sense of the sacred with all of reality.
I think that among the complex set of "transdimensionally
capable" extraterrestrials interacting with humanity right now
there's a "balance of power" permitted by a necessary degree of
respect for engagement rules and for each other's roles itself based
upon a minimally shared sense of the sacred.
The sense of the sacred would connect individuals and species with a
whole they need in order to maintain their way of being.
Both benign and non-benign ETs would
need to share different ways to go about sharing this same
characteristic. We would need to reconnect with this instinctual
sense in order to move into the next phase of human development as a
planetary species in relation with the transdimensional and complex
set of cosmic civilizations that for various reasons interact with
us (and have historically done so perhaps since our inception).
We need to grow up and to become more
sophisticated about how the Cosmos works. We need to decide what our
role in the Cosmos is and who we are going to help and exchange more
actively with.
In the case of the service-to-self ETs (barely discussed in this
essay) the sense of the sacred may be particularly geared to benefit
their own "race" as "whole." Their concept of ethics would not be as
crude as ours.
They would know their place and know their limits
inasmuch as they conform to their participatory sense of belonging
to a larger whole (or sense of the sacred).
Understanding that these ETs also
partake of a higher consciousness even if negatively oriented
(trying to take advantage of others if allowed) would give
exopolitical analysis a greater degree of subtlety.
Off course benevolent or
positively-oriented extraterrestrials may be more expressive about
their own sense of the sacred as in the case of those contactees
related to the Andean region previously mentioned and which (whether
four or fifth dimensional?) seem to hold on to an original healing
vision for which humanity was created.
That may be because through sublimating
one's ego, existence supporting light may be recognized and
channeled from the depths of one's essential being.
Whatever the case may be, a solidly
developed sense of the sacred in humanity might be a requisite to
stop "uncreatively recreating" life under disconnected patterns and
to non-locally connect our situated/embodied consciousnesses with a
vast cosmic community capable of transcending the crudest
limitations of space-time.
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[1] Mr. Hawnser's current web site
[2] Mr. Antonio Portugal Alvizuri's current web page can be
found at
[3] An English-interpreted interview to Mr. Enrique Castillo
Rincón (who has recently announced his retirement from public
outreach activities) can be found at
[4] Roberto & Kandy's blog can be found at
[5] More information on Vlado's contact experience can be found
[6] Alejandro's blog can be found at