by Wes Penre

May 25, 2014
Edited by Professor Bob Stannard
from WesPenre Website

Spanish version


I. The Soul and the Subtle Body

In the Vedas, the soul is called the ātmā, or jďvātmā. [1]


It says that every living being is inhabited by a soul, and the soul is endowed with the faculty of consciousness. The body consists of two main elements - the physical, solid body, and the subtle body, made up by the energies we know as mind, intelligence, and false ego.

Our present-time scientific field does not acknowledge the subtle body because its existence can't be measured with its instruments. Science is, as we know, only interested in acknowledging something that can be detected within the five senses of the physical universe, or else it does not fit within the realm of science.


Because scientists will never be able to detect the spiritual world with instruments which only detect 3-D phenomena, they will miss out on approximately 96% of what the Universe is all about.


Science is all about mathematics, and it doesn't understand that the spirit world came first, and mathematics came later. This is nothing you can discuss with a mainstream astrophysicist, however. The closest to the spiritual universe a scientist would come would be the brain because the brain is physical.


The people who lived in ancient India already then knew much better, and the Hindus of today still do.

In Vedic literature, the soul and the subtle body transmigrate from one physical body to the next, and it can also temporarily travel outside the physical body. The subtle body here is, of course, what I have been calling the avatar consistently throughout the levels of learning - it's almost the same thing.


The only difference is that in the Hindu religion, the soul can be free from her avatar and attain freedom from the material world - this happens only when the being has evolved to the highest level of consciousness.

However, the avatar that I have been discussing is a different concept of the term avatar from the one used in the Vedas, as we shall see. I will do my absolute best not to confuse these two very different concepts.


What the Vedas call subtle body, I will continue to call avatar, with a small "a" - avatar. The avatar which denotes the light-body, connected with fire/soul, I will also spell with a small "a." These two terms have a similar meaning.


The avatar, which refers to the incarnation of a "Divine" being - a Vedic term which we will discuss later in this paper, I will spell with a capital letter "A" - Avatar.

At first, I intended to do the opposite, but by doing it this way, I eliminate the inconvenience of spelling fire/Avatar like this - I'd rather spell it fire/avatar. I could of course use capital letters on both (Fire/Avatar), but I'd rather not. After all, we usually don't spell the word "soul" with capital "S" either, so fire/avatar it will be from hereon.

In my papers, the soul/fire and the avatar go hand in hand even when the soul, as a non-physical being, travels through the KHAA. In fact, it's in the KHAA that the being can really take advantage of the subtle body - the avatar.


In the KHAA, the being is free to create as much as she wants and whatever she wants. She can create anything from a flower to an entire universe, which feels just as real as the one we're living in here on Earth. The only difference is that these creations are holograms of sorts, which the soul alone can erase anytime with a simple thought process - no other being needs to be involved in that process, and it requires no technology.


Also, non-physical beings can create together and have one being "see" the creation of another being, and they can coexist in a made-up world, galaxy, or universe that one being has created. They can use their avatars as bodies, just as we have our solid physical bodies here, and they can shapeshift at will to create any effect they wish.


When they are tired of a certain game or creation, they can hypothetically abandon it at any time.

In the Vedas, however, the avatar (the subtle body) only follows the soul throughout her existence in the physical universe, which in this case, means the 4% Universe that and his cohorts created as a hologram.


Then, when the "Hindu soul" leaves the material universe and enters the Realm of Brahma - the Brahmaloka - which is considered being a planet in the Spiritual Universe, the soul drops the avatar because the avatar is considered being of the physical realm.

This state of liberation is called mukti and has to do with transferring the soul to a completely transcendental realm. [2]


Generally speaking, there are two different forms of liberation, and they are,

  1. Experience of Brahman, or transcendental oneness

  2. Experience of variegated activity in the service of the Supreme in the spiritual planets of Vaikuṇṭa [3]

The Vaikuṇṭa are the spiritual planets of the "Supreme."


This is to where the Hindu soul ultimately wants to go - at least in many of the different Vedic cults - in order to meet with Brahman, the Highest of the Highest.


"Brahman" in this case could mean two things - either Mother Goddess and Father En.lil, or it could mean Govinda, Nārāyaṇa, Vishnu, or Krishna, depending on which branch of the Hindu religion we are discussing.


Who these four latter beings are, we will discuss in an upcoming paper, but the Vedas are generally referring to one of these four deities, who are - the worshippers unbeknownst - all part of the Alien Invader Force (AIF).

If a deity is hijacking the name and beingness of somebody else, it is a big deal, and I'll explain why.

Richard L. Thompson, in his book, "Alien Identities" explains:

Quote #1:

The individual souls are understood to be parts of the Supreme Being, and are compared to sparks within a great fire. They all share the qualities of the Supreme in a minute degree, and for this reason they are all closely related to one another.


The liberated souls fully display these spiritual qualities, but those who are encased in material bodies tend to display perverted qualities due to the influence of the material energy. [4]

Just as the spiritual seekers of our time are eager to reach higher realms of consciousness, so did the East Indians of ancient times.


Additionally, some of us in today's world consider ourselves being parts (or fragments) of the Supreme Being, and therefore also closely related to each other via a universal soul connection - the We are all One concept.

Albeit ancient beliefs and modern beliefs may correlate at times, and being close to the truth, the wrong deity is taking credit for all the energy spiritual searchers produce as they evolve.


For example, let's say that the Supreme Being is the Divine Feminine, and a male god, as an imposter, is claiming the title as the Supreme Being, and manages to manipulate people to see him as the Supreme one. He can then suck in all the positive, powerful energies that good-hearted, spiritual truth-seekers are transmitting.


Why would he do that? Because by adding powerful, positive energies to his own "energy bank," he becomes more powerful and hopes to be equally mighty or more almighty, than the real Creatrix.


As we can see, this is exactly what has happened since ancient times - for thousands and thousands of years.


Also, if we look throughout history, any male "deity" we have ever heard of requires that people worship him - there are no exceptions! The genuine Supreme Being would never want people to worship Her - She has no desire to suck out the energy of Her Creations.


Why would She do that? Which mother in her right mind would want to suck out the energies of her sons and her daughters?

We can also see in Quote #1 above how the Vedas talk about our souls being sparks in a grander fire. Again, the texts are giving us the correct information, except for one little piece that is missing.


Our souls are all made up of small fires - something we have covered many times in the papers - and the Goddess even gave mankind sparks of her own, Divine Fire, which is more powerful than that of any other being in the Universe, who has not been given the same sparks from the Divine Fire.


This Divine spark gives us a direct, pure connection to the Goddess.


Only Her immediate children, such as, Ninurta, and Isis have the same powerful Divine Fire. This Fire is of course something the AIF wants to keep in check. If that Fire is let loose in its full capacity, the AIF is out of here.


Of the AIF, only has the equivalence of our Fire capacity, but he is not using it in the same manner we would in our natural state because he is not overly spiritual. Technology is hopelessly junior to real spiritual fire, and he knows it.


Technology may seem to be more powerful than pure spiritual fire, but only as long as a spirit/soul is unaware of her capabilities, and such is the situation on planet Earth in these times.

As we have discussed occasionally - by putting themselves between mankind and the Goddess, the AIF Elite have been able to digest our powerful fire like the vampires they, per definition, are.


If the AIF weren't here, there would be a direct communication with the Goddess because the AIF wouldn't block the transmission.





II. The Divine Avatars of the Gods

There are two main hierarchies in the Vedic Universe - one such hierarchy is that which exists in the material universe, but there is also a spiritual hierarchy, predominated by the Supreme Being. [5]

The Vedas say that although a material and a spiritual hierarchy seem to put a long distance between the human being and the Supreme Being, all spirits/souls are intimately related with the Supreme, and the Supreme Being accompanies each soul in the form of the Paramātmā - the Supersoul.


Additionally, the Supreme Being now and then descends in person - not only to Earth, but to other inhabited worlds as well - as an avatāra, or Avatar. [6]


For example, Bhāgavata Purāna is the story of the Avatar known as Lord Krishna, while Rāmāyana tells the story of Lord Rāma or Rāmacandra, who is also an Avatar of the Supreme in the Vedic texts.


Both descended to Earth to interfere with human affairs.


Although the Vedic texts acknowledge the laws of Free Will and Non-Interference, they apparently make great exceptions when it comes to these Avatars.


For some reason, they have the right to interfere whenever they deem it is appropriate. They justify it by saying that they are the utmost Divine, and therefore, they make the rules, but how then can it be a Free Will Universe?

The reader hopefully recalls from Level IV that all the variety of beings, deities, and entities mentioned in the Sumerian scriptures can be narrowed down to only a few personae.


We basically managed to narrow them down to seven:

  1. Mother Goddess/The Queen of the Stars

  2. Khan En.lil

  3. Prince Ninurta

  4. Prince

  5. Lord Marduk

  6. Queen Ereškigal

  7. Princess Isis/Inanna/Ishtar

Enűma Eliš (the Babylonian Creation Story), and other writings from the Sumerian/Babylonian Empires literally mention hundreds of gods and goddesses, who at first glance all seem separate from each other, but in general can be narrowed down to the above few.


It is fascinating how the AIF has managed to confuse mankind with complexities, when indeed the truth is simple - just as truth is supposed to be.

In spite of the evidence I provided of the above fact, there may still be readers who think this is too fantastic, and perhaps, these readers are still pondering if this can really be true.


I need to bring this subject up at this point because if the reader has any doubts that the whole pantheon of gods and goddesses of any great importance to Earth can be narrowed down to such few beings, he or she may be shocked to find out that the myriad of characters mentioned in the Vedas can also be narrowed down in the exact same fashion.


Those who have looked into the Vedas previous to reading this start getting insights into what I am talking about.

For those who have a hard time with letting go of old beliefs, such as the stories made up by authors and researchers such as Zecharia Sitchin and others, who neglected to use syncretism in their research, I would like to provide the following, additional evidence, showing that we really are on the right track in these papers.


This is what I tried to convey in Level IV, and this is what the reader needs to come to terms with after we've dug deeper into the Vedic material (the italics are mine):

Quote #2:

Hinduism is the dominant religion of the Indian subcontinent. It comprises three major traditions, Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism, whose followers considered Shiva, Vishnu and Shakti (also called as Devi) to be the supreme deity respectively.


Most of the other deities were either related to them or different forms (incarnations) of these deities. [7]

As we can see, it is very important that we cross-check different religions and ancient texts against each other because, in Hinduism, using syncretism is imperative.


In Quote #2 it says that,

"most of the other deities were either related to them [Shiva, Vishnu, and Shakti] or different forms (incarnations) of these deities."

As we move on, we will see how very true this statement is. Now, let us return to the Avatars.

The Avatars' function is quite multifaceted, but their main task is usually to educate mankind in order for the human race to be able to evolve or to make a few corrections in their original plan for mankind when things don't turn out the way the gods had predicted.


The education could be anything from teaching us how to do farming or making us literate, to teaching us about warfare.


According to the texts, these Avatars were born into human baby bodies, which were carefully selected, so that they could carry the superior energies of these particular Avatars, who in turn were soul factions (split fires) of an imposturous supreme being (such as Vishnu and Shiva, etc.).

As we have discussed earlier, one being can split his or her fire into many different factions, and therefore, live many lives simultaneously. That is not only true for us humans, but for the gods as well.


When it come to the gods, they can incarnate on different planets at the same time, while we humans, who in general are "infused" onto this planet and solar system, can only incarnate here at the moment, until we are able to break out of the prison.


Moreover, we humans, who are manipulated into thinking in linear time and have amnesia between lives, can't easily connect with our other selves, who more often than not live somewhere else in space and time here on Earth.

Because of our amnesia and different soul-splits, who originally were all the same personality, coming from the same basic soul, have different experiences in different times, they develop different personalities. Human soul-splits all develop different personalities because each soul-split has different outside stimuli, which it needs to respond to and solve the problems that occur in any particular life.


The key here is that human soul-splits are not aware of each other's existence!


This is why you have your particular personality in this time, while "David Jones" in 1756, for example, has developed a quite different personality over time - different enough so that you and David, if you met, would not recognize that you are the same being, who originally were of the same personality.

This is precisely what differentiates us from the gods in a big way!


The gods also split their souls in order to, for example, perform different tasks simultaneously. However, they do not have amnesia, and are therefore, fully aware of their many splits and what these splits are doing. Hence, all these splits keep containing the same personality, and they affect each other and develop together as if they were only one soul, without the splits.


Taking into consideration, there are several's spread throughout the Universe. They all have the same personality but may look different, depending on how he has shapeshifted his avatars in different spaces and times.


This is complex but very convenient for the gods.


In fact, it is totally necessary to do this because if participates in a battle, for example, and someone annihilates him (which means that the avatar gets destroyed, and the fire/soul has nothing to hang onto and eventually dissolves), he still lives on because of his other soul-splits and keeps his same personality because of those.

If somebody would annihilate me right now (which is different from just killing me), my personality would be gone forever!


The "I" who is writing this would no longer exist - never again! Still, there are other soul-splits of me, who live in different times, as I explained above, but because of amnesia, they have developed other personalities.


One soul-split could be a scientist, one could be a criminal, and another could be a doctor, but no one would be exactly like me, who is sitting here in front of my computer. This is, as the reader may realize, powerful information, which helps us understand not only ourselves, but the gods as well - it all comes into a different light and takes us to a higher level of awareness.

Returning to where we were - similar to the Sumerian texts, in the Vedic texts, we also can see the Avatars of the gods, who on occasion incarnate here, being overly promiscuous with human women, whom they had no problems seducing - this is particularly evident in the Krishna story.


Because the gods had sexual intercourse with a lot of Earth females, this created offspring, and a certain god thereby put his stamp on a certain bloodline, claiming that bloodline as his.


Contrary to the Sumerian scriptures, the Bible, and other ancient texts, there are no virgin births in the Vedic texts, and the Avatars were basically born in the same manner as you and I - they evolved as fetuses and were born through their human mother's birth canal.


They could incarnate as either males or females.

These Avatars, albeit often being described as fantastic, passionate lovers, having women, figuratively speaking, standing in line to have sex with them, conversely also showed another, much more violent side. They were always, and evidently so, involved in murder and warfare, which was being justified by the "fact" that they were merely expressing their human traits - something that was, as the story goes, inevitable if they inhabited a human body.


Suffice it to say, the female Avatars, such as Kali (whom we will discuss later), were no less promiscuous than their male counterparts, using the same justification for their promiscuous behavior.




III. A Myriad of Alien Star Races - The General Confusion

Quote #3:

Wendelle Stevens mentioned a study on the origin of UFOs carried out by a think tank in Brussels called Laroratoire de Recherche A. Kraainen.


This study concluded that after reaching a certain stage of technology, a civilization will leave its home planet and live in huge 'mother-ships,' artificial worlds, of their own creation perfectly adapted to their own needs and constantly maintained and perfected by them…


The artificial worlds are entirely self-sufficient and depend on no other planet or physical body for support. They are maintained and cruise [in] space indefinitely. [8] [9]

This sounds very similar to what the so-called Nibiruans do, doesn't it?


The AIF, in general, is using hollowed out planets, planetoids, and asteroids to travel through space via stargates, wormholes, and black-and-white holes, we've been told. These celestial bodies often become both their home and their battleship. Now they are preparing humanity for a future where it's normal for an evolving race to leave their original planet and move out in space, perhaps indefinitely.

I can understand how people trying to research this jungle of ideas and contradictions may think that the alien "visitors" are fighting each other in order to get their particular ideas heard and practiced.


In this line of thinking, one faction of the AIF may want a Machine Kingdom with supersoldiers, with people living in space, constantly ready to defend themselves against some real or imaginary enemies, until it is established that the enemy is the Orion Empire.


Another faction seems to want people to evolve into spiritual and aware beings, who can ascend to higher dimensions, and this faction is ready and willing to help us. The 'pleiadians' and like-minded would fall into the latter category.

However, if we think about this a little deeper - instead of complicating the matter, there is a much simpler way of looking at it. In fact, why couldn't it all be the same "faction" wanting different things, while being in complete agreement with each other? I believe this is where people think astray, but instead, need to see the bigger picture.


It gets complicated when all these different star races get involved - we have the Orions, the Alpha Draconians, Arcturians, Vegans, Praying Mantises, Nordics, Reptilians, Dragons, Grays, and who knows what more.


I see researchers list all these races (and more) and assign different agendas and traits to all of them, as if they were totally independent from each other. This is, as 'I have explained', not the case.


I am not saying that many of the named star races don't exist - many of them do - but they are in cahoots with each other, and therefore, should be listed under the same category.


Don't let these things fool you. Lord is still holding our planet in his grip, and that means that not many beings, whom he has not approved of, are currently here on the planet.

This is why it's so dangerous when certain authoritarian researchers say that all aliens are benevolent. I can hardly think of anything that is more destructive to mankind than to suggest something like that!


It opens us up to anything that comes to us - not only physically, but equally important - we also open ourselves up spiritually and mentally, which means that we are prone to becoming possessed by the not-so-benevolent star beings, and then we are hopelessly lost. I have little doubt whom those "positive thinkers" are working for.


They are quick to attack researchers like myself and others, who try to keep a balanced view, but they also are convinced that we need to tell it as it is, regardless whether the information is "negative" or "positive."


Knowledge is power, but wishful thinking that excludes what is uncomfortable is not power - it's ignorance, and it's delusional.


Tom Montalk at has seen this as well, and he says,

"What are some common misconceptions about aliens?… that what we focus on we attract, therefore we shouldn't think about negative aliens.


The Law of Attraction only applies to synchronistic attraction. If you stop attracting, you're not blocking either. They can still enter your life if they want, and they will do so if your ignorance can be exploited for their convenience." [10]

Anyway, I think I have showed that one group of invaders, consisting of many different star races, can have different agendas but still be of one mind because the end goal is going to be the same.


All the aspects, or goals, that are presented by this group - even though some parts of them seem very positive and other parts seem extremely negative - are necessary to accomplish in order to reach the end phenomenon, which is the ultimate power of the Universe and the ultimate defeat of the Devine Feminine.

Wendelle Stevens' speech, which I recited in Quote #2, may, at a first glance, have little to do with the Vedic texts, but the Vedas also talk about self-sustaining flying cities that travel indefinitely in outer space.


These cities are described in the Śiva Purāṇa:

Quote #4:

Then the highly intelligent Maya built the cities by means of his penance: the golden one for Tarakaksa, the silver one for Kamalaksa, and the steel one for Vidyunmali. The three fortlike excellent cities were in order in heaven, sky and on the earth…


Entering the three cities thus, the sons of Taraka, of great strength and valor, experienced all enjoyments. They had many Kalpa trees there. Elephants and horses were in plenty. There were many palaces with gems.


Aerial chariots shining like the solar sphere, set with Madmaraga stones, moving in all directions and looking like moonshine, illuminated the cities. [11]

Here we may note that we have shining vimānas flying around these heavenly cities, which makes this whole excerpt sound quite similar to what UFO abductees are telling us, and from what we learn elsewhere - namely, how smaller UFOs are circling around a larger mother-ship.


There are many more examples in the Vedas of "moving cities in space" - too many to list here, but I wanted to give an example, so the reader gets the idea.

Why do I bring this up? I bring it up because this is, as we shall see, only one in a large number of examples where the Vedic literature is used as a base for the plans that the AIF seems to have for us.


When I researched this level of learning, this exact insight was what really hit me hard!


The Vedas have a lot to do with what is happening today. If we are truly astute, it's like we can almost take the Vedic texts and read them as prophecies. Still, they are none of the sort - they are just on one layer of comprehension, blueprints of what these beings are planning for us right now and in the near future. I am talking about human evolution here.

According to the Vedas, Brahma is the "self-existent God," who is considered the progenitor of all living beings in the material universe. Brahma's origin is transcendental, and he lacks material parents.


Thus, he is said to be self-existent. Under him are the Devas, whom we shall discuss a lot more in an upcoming paper, and they are considered immortal because they live millions of years. The Devas are, what we would deem, non-physicals, or interdimensionals.


All embodied beings in the material universe have a finite life span, however, which differs from race to race, and from planet to planet, but all such beings (where humans are included) must die at some point.


Fig. 1

Brahma sculpture.


Although we are only in the beginning of discussing the Vedic literature, we already can see clearly that these texts, exactly like the Sumerian scriptures, are written by males - i.e. we are dealing with the Patriarchal Regime, for certain.


Brahma is evidently a male deity, but if we read very carefully what it says, it says that he is the progenitor of all living beings in the material universe.


This statement is quite telling for those who have seen through the entrapment.


The material universe mentioned is of course the 4% universe. Therefore, the statement is not a lie. The alert student of my material may already have figured out, or started figuring out, who Brahma is, but if not, we'll talk more about it soon. He is someone, whom at one point in time, declared himself as the King of this Universe.


In addition to being in control of Earth, he declares himself being in control of the material universe, which is the 4%; the part which we can see.


The Devas sound a lot like the Minions, with a capital "M" - those whom considers being his extraterrestrial Elite soldiers - almost all of them interdimensionals, having some access to the KHAA.


Third-dimensional beings, however, whether they are living on Earth or elsewhere, are inhabiting programmed bodies, which are destined to grow old and die.


I just want to recap here a little bit, making sure that we all understand that there are other species out there, who are, just like us, under manipulation by the AIF, living in proximity of the frequency band that we do.

I can't help it, although I know that this is not really a laughing matter, but what, as the rebellious Lucifer, has done here is that of a spoiled, destructive child.


It's as if he's thinking,

"I am more powerful than you, and I will show you that I am correct!"

Then he quickly sits down on the floor with a defiant expression on his face.


When everybody in the room has left, he gets up and starts doing something destructive just to make his point. In this case, he is creating a version of his mother's Universe, and manipulates beings to live in it.


Then he declares himself King of this universe and has the beings in this universe worship him.

"See, I was right! I am as powerful as you are!" he cries out.

On and on it goes, and this child never grows up, which means that as an adult he becomes dangerous both to himself and his environment.


If it wasn't so serious and people would not suffer, I would just shake my head, sigh, and walk the other way. In no way do I feel inferior to this being or any of his Minions - planetary or off-planet. I think I have a lot more common sense than any of them do, being more spiritually inclined than they have been able to show.


Although I am living in a prison, have a limited lifespan and amnesia and have had 95% of my wires cut (the DNA), I am proud to be a human spirit, and I am honored to have been chosen by the Goddess as one of these spirits who inhabited this planet as a part of the original Experiment - Mother Gaia, the Living Library.


I hope the reader can feel the same thing as I do because I'm quite convinced that if you have read this series of papers with great interest, you must be one of the primordial souls, too, who inhabited the Namlú'u bodies.


Of course, if this does not resonate with you, please discard what I just said - I don't want to put ideas in anybody's head that are not true, or perhaps not real for the person at this moment.

Regardless, always be proud of who you are, despite whatever happens. Stand tall, without fear (or work on it), and express your pride of being human under any circumstance, but especially if faced with any of the AIF members.




IV. Becoming ONE with the Creator

Is That Really the Goal of the Species in the Universe?

Now, I'm going to bring up something that will upset many people, confuse others, anger some, and blow some people's mind, if they are ready to hear it.

In the Vedas, just as in the Sumerian texts, they talk about the limited lifespan of beings who live in the material universe, in contrast to the spiritual, non-physical universe, where the beings, according to these ancient texts, live for millions of years.


This is a Vedic concept that has survived into our current New Age philosophies.


These Vedic ideas are today often emphasized in channeled material. The Sumerian "Anunnaki" and their Vedic counterpart are said to live for millions of years, the way we are counting time. This has been rubbed into our minds, perhaps with the intention to make us jealous, but also so that we can fear the gods.


If they live millions of years without dying, they must be very clever and very powerful, some may think.


Then, just to contradict themselves in their usual manner, some channeled sources, say that we shouldn't be envious of them, and instead perhaps ponder the following:

  • Do we humans really want to live for millions of years?


  • Do we want to carry with us all the mistakes, all the evil deeds that we regret, and all the sorrow and losses we will evidently suffer if we were more or less immortal?


  • Would we even want to live for five hundred years?


  • Wouldn't we be bored after, let's say, one hundred and fifty years?


  • Isn't it a blessing to die, forget everything, and then 'start all over again' in a new body?

At first glance, all this makes sense, but if we use our discernment and put ourselves in their interdimensional shoes, can we not see a trace of manipulation here?


The 'pleiadians' have, repeatedly, told us 'straight out' that they are 'working with', and that is the good guy whom we should pay attention to and feel connected to - he is, after all, the creator of mankind, as they put it - and "En.lil," of course, is the bad guy, something that has been emphasized for ages and is of course not just a pleiadian idea.


The pleiadians' manipulation is quite subtle, and you have to have a certain amount of knowledge to see though it, but it's there!


The reader has, hopefully, come to the conclusion by now, after having read 'my' series of papers, that being a benefactor of mankind is not true, and we also know that wants us to evolve for reasons other than being in support of us. However, he doesn't want us to evolve to such a degree that we see through his agenda and escape the trap, either.


Therefore, the programming that seems to be more and more repeated these days is that we should be grateful for being here on Earth and learn how to master our challenges.


This makes us strong and wise. In other words, the AIF wants to make sure that we are fine with continuing to reincarnate here.


According to the pleiadians, we humans will be the ones to stay here on Earth, confront them, and teach them about emotions, love, compassion, and spirituality because,

"as we know," they say, "we are all ONE, and by healing the Anunnaki, we are also healing ourselves."

Well, we are going to get into this in a moment, but again, this is something the majority of today's researchers and truth-seekers would agree with.


As soon as we hear the word ONENESS, we pay attention. Therefore, this is the button they are pushing in order for us to accept the AIF presence on planet Earth and in the solar system.


Another problem with this line of thinking is that the Anunnaki do not live for millions of years - in reality, they are immortal, i.e. they don't die. For them, there is no death!

Before we go a little deeper into all this, let's take a look at where we stand today with the term "Oneness."


In Christianity, the devotee does not try to become One with God - only to share the space with him in Heaven. Christians will still keep their personality, but live in Heaven after death, and reincarnation does not exist in their religion.


Oneness is more of a term which is used in the New Age community, but also amongst the common, so-called non-religious researchers, who are very careful with pointing out that they are not part of the New Age community but are "independent thinkers."


Either way, most New Age and independent thinkers share one major belief - they believe that we are all One with the One Creator and our purpose is to return to the One Creator and merge with Him (it is mostly a "He").


They say that the sole purpose for ascending into higher dimensions is to, as soon as possible, return to Source/God and once again become One with Him. Most of us, including myself, have fallen for this idea at one point or another, and most people are still falling for it.


If you are one of them, don't feel bad - the idea has become deeply rooted in our psyche - especially if we have been truth-seekers for a while.



  • Where does this idea actually come from?


  • Is this really a new concept that somebody decided to spread into the truth-seeker community as the main goal for mankind, or does it have deeper and more ancient roots?

Let's take a look at the Vedas to see if we can get some answers.

In the Indian Advaita Vedānta, [12] we are taught that the ultimate goal is to merge the individual ego into the one Brahman, who is the Godhead.


This school of teaching follows the traditional Vedic teachings, which means that it teaches the idea that an individual transmigrates through a celestial hierarchy of inhabited realms (dimensions) - from solid 3-D matter, through more etheric realms until she reaches the Realm of Brahma, where she merges with the Brahman, the One God.


Also, both Advaita Vedanta and other Vedic texts, hold that all these realms are illusory and nothing exists but the One Consciousness, i.e. Brahman.


Fig. 2.

Adi Guru Shri Gaudapadacharya,

the grand guru of Shri Adi Shankaracharya

and the first historical proponent of Advaita Vedanta.

As we can see, the "New Age" idea of becoming One with the Creator is thousands of years old and based on the Patriarchal principle of a male God.

I mentioned earlier that much of the channeled material is based upon the Vedic principles, and it is quite evident if we compare these Vedic principles with one of the most embraced channeled material of modern time - the Ra Material.

The Ra "social memory complex" claimed that they wanted to teach us many important things, but the most important of them all was that we are all One, and this is what all beings in the Universe are attempting to become, they said.


A lot was wrote about channeled sources, but I want to bring this subject to a slightly more elevated level.


To briefly summarize, the RA people are a social memory complex, which means that they have already merged and become One amongst themselves as a mass consciousness, and they claim to be of sixth density (while we humans are allegedly of third density). The Ra people are now about to ascend to the seventh density, but before they can do so, they need to reconnect with us humans in order to set some of their own records straight.


These beings visited us in the past and interfered with our evolution in different ways (they claim to have been the builders of the Egyptian pyramids, for example).


They told us that their intention was good and that we humans, as a mass consciousness, had called out for help. Hence, RA heeded the call and contacted us. Unfortunately, they said, some mistakes were made, and things did not go as planned, and the RA people left.


In order to be able to ascend to the seventh density, they now have to communicate these mistakes to today's humans and help us ascend to the fourth density - they are one of many "collectives," or social memory complexes, who say that they intend to help us go through the Harvest process.



(As a side note: it is very interesting to me that all these channeled sources have an agenda. No one is here just in order to 'help mankind' out of unconditional love - unconditional love being something they otherwise are fast to teach us about - they are all gaining from being in contact with us and giving us their information).

Once the RA collective have cleaned up their acts, they will ascend to the seventh, and then the eight density, which is the top of the "octave" of densities (octave meaning "eight," like in eight densities), and they will become a star and begin their further advancement in a new octave of densities, which they admit they know nothing about - it's beyond their ability to perceive at this point.

The RA collective's philosophy is corresponding with the Vedic literature, and what they did when they channeled through Carla Rueckert was to further introduce the idea that mankind has to ascend to become One with God.

Now, if we go back to the time before Lucifer and his Fallen Angels took over this paradise, there was no such idea that the primordial man, or any other beings or species in the Universe, should go back and merge with the Goddess.


This idea was non-existent.


Although the religion of the Divine Feminine survived the takeover of Earth by the Alien Invader Force and has always lurked in the background up to this day, the followers of the Goddess religions are still not teaching that we should merge with the Goddess but rather continue to live and explore as individual beings.


The whole idea to merge and become One with the Almighty is a patriarchal concept.

What does this mean? Why are we taught that we should ascend so that we can return and merge with Source?


Well, the answer is already written into the series of papers you are now reading, but let's be specific about it and go through this very thoroughly so that we can see the very sophisticated manipulation behind all this. Again, let's go back to the Vedas.

Arjuna is a human hybrid - a hero in the Vedic books.


Compare this quote with the Book of Enoch, when Enoch followed the "Anunnaki" up to "Heaven" and told about it in this book, which was taken out of the Bible by the Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325:

Quote #5:

Following the Sudarśana disc, the chariot went beyond the darkness and reached the endless spiritual light of the all-pervasive brahma-jyoti. As Arjuna beheld this glaring effulgence, his eyes hurt, and so he shut them.

From that region they entered a body of water resplendent with huge wave being churned by a mighty wind. Within that ocean Arjuna saw an amazing palace more radiant than anything he had ever seen before its beauty was enhanced by thousands of ornamental pillars bedecked with brilliant gems.

In that palace was the huge, awe-inspiring serpent Ananta Śesa. He shone brilliantly with the radiance emanating from the ems on His thousands of hoods and reflecting from twice as many fearsome eyes. He resembled white Mount Kailasa, and His necks and tongues were dark blue.

Arjuna then saw the omnipresent and omnipotent Supreme Personality of Godhead, Maha-Vishnu, sitting at ease on the serpent bed.


His bluish complexion was the color of a dense raincloud, He wore a beautiful yellow garment, His face looked charming, His broad eyes were most attractive, and He had eight long, handsome arms. His profuse locks of hair were bathed on all side in the brilliance reflected from clusters of precious jewels decorating his crown and earrings.


He wore the Kaustubha gem, the mark of Śrivatsa and a garland of forest flowers.

Serving that topmost of all Lords were His personal attendants headed by Sunanda and Nanda; His chakra and other weapons in their personified forms; His consort potencies Pusti, Sri, Kirti, and Aja; and all His various mystic powers. [13]

Here the Vedic text is preparing the reader, just as the Book of Enoch did, for how it is to visit Brahmaloka, the Vedic Heaven.


Note also, that this "Heaven" has nothing to do with a Divine Feminine and the "God" of this Heaven is no one less than Vishnu himself - the Vedic Overlord.

Now, remember what I mentioned a number of paragraphs ago:

"In the Indian philosophy of Advaita Vedānta, we are taught that the ultimate goal is to merge the individual ego into the one Brahman."

This idea is of course the forerunner to the New Age idea of merging with Source.

The problem with any "new" spiritual ideas that are popping up everywhere these days is that they may sound good, but when a person does not have a clue about the real history of Earth - often found embedded in mythology and ancient religions - it's easy to subscribe to these ideas without scrutinizing them. In this case, a new mass agreement is being introduced to the Western World that the destiny of mankind is to merge with Source.


In fact, by subscribing to this, we are setting ourselves up for a new, future trap. Think about it.


Who is this "Source" we are talking about? Well, we have been taught since ancient times that God is masculine, and in the Vedas, God is Brahma, who is Vishnu, who is Lord!


Moreover, is also the Biblical Satan in the Garden of Eden, the rebellious Lucifer, the Jewish God YHWH, the Christian God Jehovah, and the Muslim God Allah!

Do you see where I'm going with this? The "Source" we are supposed to merge with is!

Seen from this perspective, who do you think is going to "harvest" us into the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions or Densities? The RA collective, who talked so vividly about the Harvest, also told us about non-physical beings, who are going to help people cross over from the Third to the Fourth Density.


Who could those non-physicals be, except and his crew? Do you think they really are going to harvest us into this dimension of bliss? Of course, this only applies if you are exceeding being 50% Service to Others (STO).


Here we have the anxiety button again:

  • Am I going to make it to 51% or not?

  • Am I worthy?

  • Am I good enough, or am I going to be left behind and thrown to the wolves together with the majority of mankind?

  • Yesterday, I did something bad - what's my percentage rate now?

  • Did I blow it?

  • Should I keep statistics?

All this leads to anxiety, fear, and terror.

Now, look at the RA collective again - or any other social memory complex, for that matter, that is being channeled today - who are they? I think the wall of bricks before our eyes are slowly starting to fall down, and we are beginning to see things for what they are.


The RA collective are individual souls who are connected to a super-computer that tells each individual how to think. Their whole mass consciousness is merged into this computer, and who is running the computer? It's certainly not the collective itself!

The Ra collective told us the same thing almost all channeled collectives tell us - that it is humankind in the future! Does a chill start going down your spine yet?

Furthermore, if these collectives are run by a super-computer, do you think they know that they are being manipulated?


Probably not! I wouldn't be the least surprised if collectives such as RA actually believe they are Sixth Density beings on their way to change octaves - it's quite clear that they believe that being of Sixth Density equals being a social memory complex, i.e. a collective. Now, perhaps without having a clue, they come back and seduce mankind into wishing to follow in their footsteps!

Strong evidence suggests that the social memory complexes who say they are us in the future are these same humans who are choosing
the Machine Kingdom in our present time!

In previous papers, we have discussed what dimensions and densities are, and if we want to number them, that's okay, but it doesn't make sense that a certain dimension or density is dedicated to a certain kind of experience; e.g. the Fourth Dimension (Density) is associated with compassion, as the RA collective and others say.


Beings are moving in and out of dimensions all the time (or across the electromagnetic spectrum - same thing) - including we humans, although most of us are unaware of it. Neither they, nor we, stay in a certain dimension as if it was an abode, and as if other dimensions "above this one" are inaccessible, unless we are evolved enough to access it - that's disinformation.


It is true that mankind is trapped in 3-D to a large degree, but this is an unusual circumstance. When we are dreaming, we explore the dimensions, and when we are thinking, we explore certain other dimensions as well.


However, we don't know what we are doing because we are kept uneducated and pulled back unwittingly into our bodies again by the programming we are conditioned under.


Once we are free from that, we are also free to explore the dimensions as we wish!


There is nothing such as "going to the Fourth Dimension and staying there," similar to that we are staying in the Third Dimension right now.


When we look at it from this viewpoint,

  • Doesn't the whole thing become absurd?

  • Are we going from one trap to another - is that what the channeled entities mean?

  • Or do they mean that dimensions are like "containers" that we jump between when we have reached a certain frequency, and then we are trapped in this new container until we've raised our frequency even further?

It has to be either/or, but none of it makes sense.


However, there may be certain "realms" that are locked, and to which beings can only get access by invitation, but I'm not even sure if we should call these realms dimensions or not. Certain star systems (or constellations, even) seem to be similar to universities, to which beings apply, in case they want to learn certain subjects.


By doing so, they can expand their knowledge base and/or their consciousness and awareness. Again, I wouldn't think that these "universities" can be considered "dimensions" any more than the Stanford University or the Oxford University can be considered dimensions.

Once the above really sank in, it was shocking for me to understand that almost everybody in the spiritual movement has been deceived, and that the majority of its truth-seekers are happily on their way into an even bigger trap.

This is profound!


Unless the reader was fully aware of all this already, he or she should be shocked and woken up by this information. If not, I strongly recommend that the reader reviews the material, until an awakening or a serious pondering over the information occurs.

I would go so far as to seriously ponder whether the awakening of the human consciousness that is currently occurring and has been accelerated a thousand fold since the beginning of the Internet is a planned setup by the AIF!

In their minds, we need to have an awakening in order to land in a world of,

It all started hundreds of years ago with what we call The Enlightenment.


That was when magicians and others, e.g. through alchemy and art, were beginning to bring humanity to higher awareness.


After that came the Industrial Revolution, which we are the ever-expanding result of today and of which AI, Transhumanism, singularity, and all the rest of it are parts. Finally, we have the spiritual awakening, which includes the disclosure of the UFO phenomenon, channeling, and communication via global networks, such as the Internet.


All these "movements" are interconnected and could all be manipulated into being and are supposed to bring us, not to elusive higher dimensions, but to the phenomenon of One People, One Mind, i.e. Singularity and a social memory complex, set up and run by a central super-computer, which most certainly will be run off-planet.




V. Freedom Through Individual Achievements

I can see how some readers by now may start getting discouraged and wonder what this really means.


Aren't we supposed to increase our awareness? Yes, of course we are!


What I am suggesting here is that the AIF is taking advantage of something that was inevitable in the first place - all species evolve to a greater or lesser degree because we learn new things every time we have a new life experience. Indeed, mankind needs to evolve or we will stagnate and no longer remain human. This is impossible because in the Universe there is no such thing as stagnation.

However, the awakening (evolution/evolvement) I am writing about is different than what we are usually being taught in the New Age and UFO communities.


From all these years of research, the following points are what we need to concentrate on, both as individuals and as a mass consciousness, if humanity will stand a chance to outsmart the forces we are up against:

  1. As a mass consciousness, we need to learn about the AIF,

    1. their history

    2. how they came to Earth

    3. how they genetically tampered with existing species and isolated us in this co-called Third Dimension

    4. how they manipulated the historical records

    5. that they are the source for much of our suffering, from the beginning up to present

    6. their future plans.

  2. We need to learn how to disagree with their manipulation and how to claim our rights as sovereign beings (this means that we need to make many changes in our daily lives - both as individuals and as a human race.


    It means that we no longer agree to feed their bank accounts by beings slaves to the big corporations.


    We need to, slowly but surely, create our own society, excluding AIF interference.


    In order to do this, it requires a very good knowledge of #1 above, so we are able to see through impostors, who will inevitably infiltrate everything we try to accomplish. I am not saying any of this will be an easy task, but nevertheless, it is necessary.


    Building a new, alternative society can't be done until we have progressed through #6 below.


  3. Scrutinize our own behavior.


    It is true that the AIF has taken advantage of humanity's naivety, but we can't blame only them for our current conditions - we need to take responsibility for our own involvement and agreements to have been manipulated in the first place and continue to do so in almost every area of life.


    We need to realize that war and violence are not justified in the new society that humanity is building.


  4. Instead of becoming One and merge with each other and the Creatrix, we continue being individuals in order to explore the Multiverse we are helping to build every single moment of our lives.


    Yes, we will, in a way, become "One" with each other as a human group. Compassion, love, and understanding will bring about a closeness that will feel almost like a Oneness, but we are still to remain individuals - everyone with his and her own mind and sovereign thinking.


    No machines or computers are going to run us and be considered equal, or superior, to the human mind.


  5. We want to continue developing spiritually and connect with the KHAA, something that is achieved by connecting with our inner selves.


    We also need to understand our body, love it, and connect with it. The body is, amongst a million other things, an antenna, which connects us to our "inner truths."


    The body has the answers to our questions, and we need to learn how to read the messages that come from our body. In the current now, people are extremely ignorant about their body because they have given their power away to doctors and others, who act as authorities on it. In reality, they know nothing about the body's potentials.


    Until we can truly connect to our Universal Heart, which is different from the hijacked heart chakra (which we will learn more about later), our body must be the sensor, which can tell us what is true and what is not and whom to trust and whom to mistrust.


  6. Until the above is achieved, creating groups and communities as alternatives to the current social structure under which we are captured will not work.


    The group members would be too ignorant to be able to expose infiltrators, who would inevitably manifest, destroy, and dissolve such group attempts. Any change that has had a positive value for mankind throughout history has originated from an individual - not a group.


    Therefore, we need to start by changing from within and share our insights with others - first through media that is already set up around the world (such as the Internet) and later by adding "inner communications," such as telepathy, to the equation. It's all a learning process and a learning curve.


    By practicing the above, there is no group to infiltrate, and even if one individual here and there would be "taken out," there are millions more. This will inevitably raise the vibration of the planet, and people will be much more aware. This is all happening right now, but it needs to develop to a much higher level before groups are even considered as a solution to the current social structure and manipulation.


    People need to understand what they really want to evolve toward and stop being naďve by feeding into the AIF's hidden agendas.


  7. When all this is achieved, we are, as a human race, ready to meet other star races out there - not the ones who are controlling the 4% Universe, but those who live in the KHAA - in what we call dark matter and dark energy.


    When we have achieved the above, the Grid will already have dissolved due to our own evolution, and if this is done successfully, the AIF will have had to surrender their control and have no choice but to leave the planet.


    The whole Universe will then lie open for us!

These are, of course, very basic ideas on how to solve our problem and not by any means complete, but the purpose is to ignite the urge to find a solution.


The truth is that the peaceful star races, living in the KHAA, will not accept humankind in our current state.


We are considered a warlike race, which wittingly and unwittingly are serving infamous and despised warlords, who are not hesitant to create more destruction in the Universe.


Unless we can prove that we are able to raise above this current state and break out of the trance, we will not be welcomed in the KHAA.


We are considered much too primitive and could potentially disrupt the peace which reigns in the majority of the VOID (yes, there are wars in the KHAA as well). The goal is to create a peaceful Universe, free from oppression, with free trade between worlds - no one is interested in bringing in another warlike race into the Greater Universe.


Therefore, we have no choice but to evolve - otherwise, someone with greater capabilities than we have will put us in a new quarantine in order to make us stay away from the universal community.

  • Is it all possible? Everything is possible!


  • Is it likely to happen? That is an open question...

However, it is the individual contribution that counts! There is no such thing as "little me can do nothing."


'Little you' can move mountains and shape new realities - not only for yourself but also for all of humanity!




[1] Richard L. Thompson, "Alien Identities, 1995, p. 206.

[2] Ibid,

[3] Ibid., op. cit.

[4] Thompson, p. 207, op. cit.

[5] Thompson, p. 208.

[6] This is the avatāra, or avatar, which I was talking about earlier in this paper, and from hereon I will distinguish between the avatar, which is our light-body, and the Avatar, which is a descended deity, by spelling the first with a small "a" and the second with a capital "A."


[8] Wendelle Stevens, 1982, pp. 77-78.

[9] Thompson, 1995, pp. 258-59, op. cit.

[10] Wising Up to Alien Interference

[11] Śiva Purāṇa, 1991, p.807, op. cit.


[13] Bhag. Pur. 10.89.51-56, op. cit. Also see Thompson, pp. 378-79.