by Preston James, Ph.D from VeteransToday Website
Secret Space War - Part V
Recently there have been well founded rumors that the USG is now in the process of setting up an official Office for Exopolitics and considering several esteemed individuals from which to choose a director to run this new office.
Exopolitics is the official, public admission by any government that that the earth is being visited by extra-terrestrial or inter-stellar alien entities and a declaration that such matters will be addressed in appropriate terms.
Exopolitics encompasses all official governmental efforts to deal with the implications of the existence of extraterrestrial or extra-stellar life and its visitation or presence on planet earth.
It is difficult to fully imagine the volcanic implications of such a complete disclosure, but it is fair to assume that it can and will affect almost every single area of contemporary human society and all public institutions including all governmental agencies as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
And some insiders have stated that the SSG has had its own internal Department of Exopolitics consisting of a committee of twelve known as Majestic 12, MJ-12 or referred to as “Majesty 12″ by some.
And some reports have suggested that there has been a deep internal split in this group, with younger members pushing hard for complete USG public disclosure followed by the setting up of an official USG Department of Exopolitics.
Only one public official has come forward and fully disclosed.
So far the only retired public officials who have come forth and publicly stated that UFOs are real and alien creatures are associated with them publicly are Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of defense and former Governor of Arizona Fife Symington.
Paul Hellyer was featured in this remarkable public YouTube video.
One of the US Astronauts Gordon Cooper has gone public about what he saw many years ago.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin also has gone public that UFOs and aliens are real:
During a recent interview (2) with former US Astronaut Edgar Mitchell published on Bloomberg on July 16, 2013, Mitchell stated:
In 2010 a public hearing was held at the Press Club in Washington DC by Steven Greer, MD’s Disclosure Project.
Dr. Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project
Dr. Steven Greer, an emergency room Physician that is well respected has organized the Disclosure Project in which over 100 highly credible former US military and DOD contractors have come forward and stated public on several occasions first hand direct knowledge of UFO’s, alien visitation and extreme USG efforts to keep such knowledge secret and from the American taxpayer.
And despite the fact that these disclosures are considered a serious breach of security agreements, nothing has been done to prosecute any these esteemed individuals who have been willing to come forward.
In fact Dr. Greer has contacted numerous Senators and Congress members repeatedly and appeared to have gained clear support for public congressional hearing of ETs and UFOs and excessive USG secrecy about such. So far all such “support” has seemed to just evaporate.
Dr. Greer’s recent efforts earlier this year involved the invitation of several Congress persons to moderate his Disclosure Project Hearings in Washington DC with the hope that this would break the cycle of denial and lead to a public disclosure of the truth about UFOs, ET’s and alien visitation.
I am happy to report that it does appear that all the magnificent work of Dr. Greer is now starting to pay off, however there are many other esteemed individuals who have been working in the background who are also helping to bring full USG disclosure about.
Deep inside the Vatican, Exopolitics has been a concern for a number of years.
Esteemed former Jesuit Malachi Martin before his death had claimed that a faction within the Vatican had gone “luciferian” and were conducting black masses in the basement of the Vatican.
He also expressed to friends that it was dangerous for anyone involved inside the Vatican to disclose such things.
The Vatican’s near-infrared binocular Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) designated “Lucifer” at Mount Graham Observatory in Arizona
The Vatican admits to alien visitation
Vatican spokesmen now acknowledge that the Earth has been visited by Aliens and is purported to have set up an internal office of Exopolitics. The former Pope went so far as to say that the Catholic Church was willing to baptize any aliens who desired to convert to the Catholic faith.
And is it common knowledge that the Vatican has been building, buying or leasing many observatories all around the world, recently being involved in the construction of a very large state of the art near infrared binocular telescope at Mount Graham Observatory in Arizona called “lucifer 1”. (3)
An updated version, Lucifer 2 is scheduled to replace it during 2013. This observatory is reported to be staffed by Jesuit Astronomers who are looking for extra-terrestrial or inter-stellar life.
Corrado Balducci of the Vatican has publicly acknowledged that alien visitors are real.
The senior members of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) have remained dramatically opposed to complete public disclosure, but their position is weakening lately for several reasons.
So far the biggest resistance to full disclosure within the USG and the real wizard of Oz (Ounce as in Oz of Gold) behind the curtain has been from the Secret Shadow Government SSG (referred to by President Ike as the “Military Industrial Complex” which he warned us about during his last days in office).
The top leaders of the SSG have believed that if the public found out the massive degree to which they have been lied to, deceived and stolen from since Roswell in 1947 and that basically the whole National Security Act and the National Security State it created are based on the biggest lie in history and a huge criminal fraud against the American people and the US Constitution.
These top SSG leaders have many personal rationalizations for why they kept the lid on, including protecting the “national security” of America, preserving the unity of the Church and religion and some have even claimed they were afraid that disclosure would lead to an all-out war against aliens which would destroy the earth as we know it.
The bottom line is that these folks were actually maintaining secrecy out of personal interest to amass and hold as much power and wealth as possible and to be able to attain weird esoteric luciferian goals to create a globalist NWO luciferian one world government where they could seat Lucifer as the new Caesar of the ages and also become Gods.
Have SSG leaders secretly developed their own “break-a-way society”?
Many who have been involved at the highest levels in the SSG have essentially created what Richard Dolan has called “a break-away society” for themselves. They fear that disclosure would quickly erode their power base and subject them to public ridicule, sanction and even prosecution for Sedition for working to undermine the US Constitution and Rule of Law.
This break-a-way society has been rumored to exist and have prepared for off-planet residence while the earth suffers an expected massive depopulation by yet undisclosed means. At that time, these folks may plan to return or set up a permanent base at some other location, perhaps a habitable planet similar to earth.
It is important to realize that Richard Dolan is a highly respected author, speaker and researcher and when he comes forth with such speculation, he should definitely be taken seriously. It can be assumed that he has firsthand evidence and reports from very high level individuals deep within the USG and/or SSG.
You can assume he suspects much more than he has gone public with. He is the type of stand-up man that can be trusted with deep secrets and will keep confidences he is asked to. Another such highly respected individual with very high credibility is Robert Dean, former US Military with very high special intelligence clearances.
You can search out and access some excellent presentations by these great American Heroes on
Some of the top few SSG folks are very old and about ready to pass on despite their numerous efforts to gain greatly extended lives or even immortality through high tech genetic injections and alleged luciferian spiritual beliefs associated with an obsession of creating a globalist NWO system and seating their anti-Christ, lucifer as the new Caesar of the ages.
Not all SSG members share these beliefs or goals either.
These top few SSG leaders had hoped to have attained success attaining their luciferian NWO plan by the year 2000, but their plans have run into major problems and their system of world control through the manipulation of centralized banking is now failing. And insiders have suggested that the Power Control Group which rules the “world hierarchy” is pluralistic with a certain degree of infighting and power struggles which have become more prominent lately.
Some suspect that other forces are at play here and perhaps the Third Force is done using these entities as primary Cutouts and has set them up to be fully exposed, dejected and thrown under the bus.
And these power struggles involve the reciprocal deployment of super-soldiers and terminations with extreme prejudice (TWEP).
The whole subject of super-soldiers will covered in a later article but some allege that the luciferian or “hex star” black arts of ancient Babylonia have been used to “soul murder” such operatives and rebuild their minds into multiple personalities which can be remotely activated, used for tweps and then wiped clean by the use of scopolamine derivatives.
The worldwide Internet is eliciting a new world populism.
The worldwide Internet is eliciting a new world populism which is beginning to demand truth and justice form all top politicians and an end to lies, cover-ups and corruption which is now known to be endemic inside the USG. So far since the assassination of JFK (a clear cut JCS coup de etat), the USG has not been able to tell the truth about any major matter and is a hierarchy of big lies and deception all designed to destroy the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and “rule of Law”.
It is now quite clear that a new and massive worldwide “conscience-collective” (Emile Durkheim) is now emerging and is a direct offshoot and emergent creation of the worldwide Internet which has true created a worldwide populism based on the desire for truth, freedom and lack of corruption.
It is doubtful that this new world populism of the newly informed masses can be stopped cold unless the leaders of the world resort to a full scale nuclear WW3 and use it as a means to further lock down every society or perhaps destroy as many nations as possible.
It has been rumored that younger members of MJ-12 want complete public disclosure as soon as possible, within 2013 and have actually been providing leaks for over twenty years, helping Hollywood writers and producers by supplying information so that movies can be made and the public can be conditioned in small baby steps to accept the idea of alien visitation.
Some younger SSG leaders have suggested that at least on treaty made between the SSG and a specific alien group, the tall Nordics, requires complete disclosure by 2015 or they will personally intervene and force it.
The worldwide Internet has created new public pressures for disclosure.
The worldwide Internet has created new public pressures for disclosure that run counter to the forces preventing it which can best be summarized as the “national security state” which is best described as the privatizing and hijacking of almost all American intel agencies by the private communication corporations owned by the IZCS or its cutouts.
First, these intel agencies were privatized giving the IZCS best access to all deep secrets plus “shoot to kill” authority and full cover-up powers to invoke national security as a false cover for every crime imaginable.
This deep access plus “shoot to kill” power under ”color of law” allowed the IZCS to blackmail, coerce and human compromise almost every top politician and USG official or appoint those they own to high positions in the USG, Intel and Military.
Then second, these intel agencies were essentially hijacked by these large communication contractors who tap all our phone under authority of the NSA and DHS, and are now in the process of transferring all control to their home offices located in Israel and unless stopped will make America a political province of Israel.
Forcing complete disclosure means taking on the whole “National Security State” and all the foreign money and City of London IZCS zionist Bankster power behind it and yet this appears to be well under way right now as the Banksters US Petro dollar system decreases its hold on humanity daily.
It is important for folks to realize that when coalitions attempt to break open all the SSG’s secrets about crashed UFO’s, alien creatures, treaties, back-engineering and technology transfers, they are taking on all the force which represents the “national security state” as best expressed through DHS and the massive USG spying apparatus and the near complete militarization and psychotronic robotization of the local police through their pulsed beam constant on soldier mounted radios. (4)
The worldwide Internet has solicited a basic populist desire for truth and justice that can be suppressed but not stopped and this is a major force pushing for complete disclosure and serves as major pushback against these major efforts by the top leaders of the SSG to block complete disclosure.
Once the genie is out of the bottle, it is too late. And that is what has happened when the long haired pot smokers at DARPA who invented the Internet conned the SSG into building and financing the Internet, selling it as the world’s greatest spying tool.
These folks had a secret agenda however, and it was their belief that the Internet was the only way to slay the Beast, that is, the SSG which they saw as the major threat to all Americans, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, rule of law and all peoples of the world.
The Internet has elicited a basic human desire for truth, an instinct that lies deep within the hearts and minds most except for pure psychopaths and criminals such as those who tend to migrate into the highest positions of government, military and corporate power because of their absolute ruthlessness and complete selfishness and appear to either been evil hybrids or have no real souls at all (take your pick).
The Controlled major Mass Media has worked hard to dispense USG/SSG propaganda and to suppress truth, but due to the worldwide Internet it is now doomed to failure and complete exposure is imminent.
Experts have known for some time that the six major mass media companies that control almost all American media are little more than propaganda dispensers for the SSG, are owned by three large offshore controlled defense contractors and three other large international media companies, which themselves are controlled by a collection off central banks.
Thus it is realistic to refer to the American mainstream media as essential the “Controlled Major Mass Media” (CMMM) which when traced back is found to be owned by a conglomerate of central banks (this should not be a big surprise to anyone).
It is now generally realized that the credibility of the CMMM is sinking like a rock in water due to the ability of the new Internet users all over the world to extract truth and to fully expose the massive lies and propaganda of the CMMM. Many have now realized that the USG and the CMMM are tied at the hip like Siamese twins.
When things get hot politically for the puppets in power, the CMMM diverts to continuing massive reporting on the size of Kim Khardiashian’s rear, Lilo’s latest rehab incident, some rare but sad occurrences like the mysterious death of Casey Anthony’s young daughter, or Trayvon Martin’s death (something that occurs hundreds of times a year in many different large urban American cities with Blacks killing Hispanics and or Whites too but is ignored by the CMMM unless it fits a political agenda of a current administration).
The CMMM’s job is to bombard any truth out of the public mind and conscience-collective.
Thus the CMMM dispenses obtuse stories which are repeated ad nauseam as attempts to bombard any truth out of the public’s minds and fill them instead with USG dispensed propaganda and lies.
This is called the displacement theory of managing the public “conscience-collective” and ever since the worldwide Internet has become popular, it is doomed to failure because its lies and its game are now so obvious to so many that it is quickly losing all credibility.
Actually it has become a despicable joke to many who have woken up and now realize that newscasters are merely paid USG propaganda dispensers and professional liars, or as Trends Master Gerald Celente has labeled them “Presstitutes”, a very appropriate description of these paid media whores and liars.
And of course the incessant news stories on all the horrible crimes rampant in society because of central banking corruption and debasement of the currency and high unemployment are designed to elicit massive anxiety in the viewer.
Advertisements for stomach remedies and other Big Pharma high profit products or marginal value of course follow such negative reports.
And without USG ads, military recruiting ads, and Big Pharma ads the CMMM would quickly go bankrupt (as they should since they are little but a huge psychopathic con job with no legitimate investigative reporting at all anymore. In fact insiders have admitted that many top stories are bought and paid for by various large corporate entities, Big Pharma, or the USG through cutouts.
Even much of your local evening news is purchased as a business promotion, but your local TV station will never tell you this.
The methodology described in the book, “Into the Buzzsaw” has been used by the USG/SSG to suppress investigative reporting, but it too is now doomed to failure with the advent of the worldwide Internet.
If you doubt the assertion that the CMMM has worked hard to eliminate almost all true investigative reporting, just get your hands on a copy of the excellent book, “Into the Buzzsaw” and as you read it you will began to understand how the USG goes to extreme lengths using cutouts including the CMMM to suppress all real news. And you can consider the worldwide Internet a direct reaction or pushback to this, and also a “perfect solution” which is now in progress beyond your wildest imagination.
And yet even then you still have the SSG using wetboys to whack real investigative reporters like Michael Hastings who was taken out by cyber hijacking of his new Mercedes Benz automobile, perhaps also hit by a drone fired missile too at the same time (witnesses heard an incoming swooshing sound approaching the vehicle as it accelerated).
Cyber hacking of late model automobiles was allegedly first tested on Toyota as a shot across the bow for the Japanese automakers.
Of course this cyber hacking of vehicles engine management systems is nothing new. Some insiders believe that this was tested on Toyota’s to create runaway acceleration as a “shot across the bow” to Japanese automakers to stop development of technologically sophisticated, cheap-to-operate hydrogen powered vehicles using water as a fuel.
A fair number of intel officers and retired military folks are now having secret cutoff switches installed which can disconnect their CPU from any cyber-hijacking attack. Some of these folks are also installing high tech motion detectors to the edges and undersides of their vehicles to indicate any kind of tampering or placement of devices.
Of course this will not protect them from magnetic bombs attached by motorcyclists or bicyclists, as done by alphabets and their cutouts successfully in foreign countries and also inside America occasionally to murder citizens and rivals.
The interesting thing about cyber hijacking is that it is quite easy to do to any 2005 or later automobile, because the circuitry diagrams are easily obtainable. And just as it is actually fairly easy for electronic experts to cyber hack almost any drones, even those running sophisticated encryption.
Morale in DHS and the alphabets is at an all time low thanks to the use of traitors and doofus cutouts appointed to run them.
As morale inside the DHS and alphabets continues to worsen as well as in the air conditioned trailers near Denver, the technology and scrambled radio and satellite controls that operate killer drones against the innocent public will become diffused to various geeks who will go to extraordinary measures to protect their communities whatever way they deem appropriate including turning these devices against those that misuse them as domestic weapons or terror.
Bet on it.
Morale of the US Soldier is at an all time low and returning vets are growing increasingly enraged at the way they are being either abused or neglected, especially those wounded while fighting what they now realize were Israel’s wars.
Plus deep inside every branch of the military that has been deployed to these illegal Mideast wars, many soldiers now realize the truth that they have been conned into fighting, bleeding and dying to fight Israel’s illegal wars which are crimes against humanity.
Many of them now realize that these wars were based on staged Gladio style terror deployed by the NeoCon dual citizen traitors and certain traitors in the USAF who instituted the 911 attacks as an inside job of mass murder against innocent Americans.
And they are bitter and growing more angry every day. Morale is at an all time low and they know that they have been purposely exposed to DU and toxic vaccines in order to make them sick, suicidal or disable them.
And they know the VA is slow to process their claims and has abused many of their fellow soldiers by tricking them into “declarations of incompetency” to own their own firearms and get any real medical care. This alone makes many of them enraged. And it grows by the day. Pay back is coming to those responsible and believe you me it will be a real bitch when it spontaneously erupts at many levels.
What goes around comes around and it will eventually come around “back at them”.
Fukushima was no accident but was a staged terror event to send a big message to Japanese automakers and Japanese leaders.
And some view the Fukushima incident as the planting and detonation of a nuke on the sea bed and the sabotage of the nuclear power plant with the insertion of a second nuke disguised as a tall security camera (Jim Stone) and with the backup cooling systems knocked out by the insertion of STUTXNET virus developed as a covert weapons of cyber war by the IZCS.
This same virus was alleged to also have been inserted into Iran’s nuclear rod development software to gum up its production of nuclear fuel for the European market, something US suppliers took a dim view of. The USG and SSG has used the IZCS, the Mossad and their communication companies as high tech defense contractors to create deniability.
For the most part American Intel has been privatized and hijacked by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country with its own ambassadors and police force like the Vatican.
Because the IZCS has obtained monstrous finding from illegal narcotics and weapons trafficking, sex slavery, murders for organ theft and transplant sales, as well as the massive financial support they receive from the central banks they control, they have been allegedly able to buy off and bribe most USG officials and Congress-folks to the point that they have privatized almost all American intel and thus hijacked it through these member IZCS contractors, many of which are not moving to Israel.
Their goal is to generate massive public debt by generating needless perpetual wars that provide the 24/7 bloodletting they desire to provide as a luciferian human sacrifice which they believe is necessary for anointing and empowerment by the “evil one”.
It is time for all Americans to stand up and take American Intel back and also at the same time take back the central bank, the Federal Reserve Corporation which is owned and controlled by wealthy Zionist families, and form their own publicly owned American Bank with “we the people” as the beneficiaries.
The 100 year contract with the Federal Reserve expires during 2013 and should not be renewed now or ever again. It’s time to give these Babylonian “money-magick” Banksters the boot forever.
The so-called National Security State continues to be exposed and is collapsing under its own corruption and slime.
As the “National Security State” continues to collapse from within due to its own deep corruption and inter-factional fighting and murders, the pressure now being brought to bear by the worldwide internet will certainly finish it off. The IZCS and the SSG are cornered rapid dogs and could become very dangerous as they enter their final death throws.
It is important to note that there are many “American Firsters” deep inside the USG, SSG and in the highest positions of the military that are waiting until the time is right to make their moves.
And numerous “Intel Cowboys” have been hard at work covertly bringing these IZCS criminal structure down by exposing it and generating internal conflicts which is what these folks specialize in doing without being seen while they do it. (5)
And of course as the truth trickles out on the Internet from the new disclosures of numerous intel agents of many different nations who have either gone rogue or been instructed to go public, many SSG secrets are now being exposed such as the NSA’s illegal Prism program and their super-soldier training program and operations, as well as their sophisticated psychotronic pulsed beam microwave and scalar mindkontrol operations inside the large urban public schools systems against young students.
There is going to be a “new Sheriff in town” at some point in the not too distant future, bet on it.
As the old boys running the SSG drift into the void and the younger ones with more common sense and a populist concern assert themselves you can expect that complete public disclosure is likely right around the corner. The SSG and the IZCS have served together as huge financial parasite on America. Full disclosure will be an immediate “kiss of death” for the IZCS and the City of London Banksters.
As full disclosure occurs in association with the setting up of an official USG Office of Exopolitics as some insiders have suggested, this would be an immediate “kiss of death” for the IZCS, the Banksters and the US “national security state” as well as DHS’s plans to set up a Bolshevik type Cheka mass murder operation to kill 80% of all Americans and eradicate all traces of Christianity, leaving only a worldwide IZCS zionist world government in place.
The IZCS has worked hard and spent trillions bribing, buying and human compromising thousands of officials and politicians to do their will. they have set up major covert social engineering programs to destroy America, American culture and the American Community with the blurring of sex roles and destruction of the family, deployment of psychotronic mass mindkontrol, massive illegal drug trafficking, massive debt slavery, free trade to export most American heavy industry and manufacturing to create,
The SSG has also deployed the hardkill of perpetual “for profit” illegal, unprovoked, undeclared, unConstitutional wars, marketing of massive perversions and porno, Hollywoodism culture war against mainstream America, political correctness and cultural Marxism, all of which is now crumbling and soon will be too weakened to stop complete public disclosure.
Full disclosure will be an immediate and total “game-changer” for all elevels of society.
As many can imagine (and some cannot), complete disclosure will be a complete “game changer” and will designate a world shift to a new populism like never before. It is likely this will end up being constructively directed to produce an end to the Sabattean, Babylonian luciferian six sided hex rule of the IZCS. It is also likely that it will soon lead to the deployment of cheap, decentralized with no transmission lines, tesla style free energy for all, and end to oil and nuclear dependency and many exciting new scientific advances, including deep space flight and a better world for all.
The IZCS is basically a huge worldwide luciferian death cult that produces 24/7 bloodletting to appease Lucifer and provide anointing and power for the OBN, its subordinate the IZCS and its branches the Fourth Reich and the Bolsheviks. The IZCS must be fully exposed and stopped from being the world’s largest parasite.
Many world leaders, ex-presidents and even a sitting US President have allegedly travelled to Africa to pay homage to an alien being allegedly called Marduk who is rumored to have landed and represents the Third Force.
These rumors which originated from highly placed sources may be a clear cut indication that full disclosure is now being mandated by the Third Force, a new world system is being set up, and the IZCS is being disempowered and thrown under the bus at this time. (6)
Exposing the IZCS has been very difficult because the Banksters, their main Cutouts own all the major mass media, the CMMM.
It has been very difficult to fully expose the OBN and its main Cutout the IZCS it because it has two subdivisions, the Fourth Reich and the Bolsheviks (who are now currently in power in America, operating out of Chicago). They are two sides of the same coin of the Old Black Nobility run Pyramid of Control (POC) and because at times they serve as each other’s enemies, it seems counterintuitive.
In order to create complete disclosure, at some level the SSG and the IZCS must be neutralized.
So far it appears that the worldwide Internet is creating a mass force of a new worldwide populism and a worldwide conscience-collective and is doing so incrementally, with more and more every day. So far the attempts of the USG to lock-down the Internet have not been successful and continued efforts could themselves easily and likely create massive revolutionary pushback at all levels.
When one understands that the Democrat and Republican parties are two sides of the same coin run by the private central City of London Banksters, one will be able to understand the OBN its main Cutout the IZCS and its two factions or Cutouts, the Fourth Reich and the Bolsheviks.
And it is from this understanding of the two different sides of the same coin that the knowledge arises to be able to end this nightmare of evil which is a parasite on the whole world. One of the few options left for this parasite besides ”going with the flow” is to attack Syria or Iran on Israel’s behalf by “kinetic aerial bombardment” which could easily lead to a nuclear exchange and WW3.
There are some which believe that the IZCS is a Cutout for the Third Force which will be throwing it under the bus as it “destroys mystery Babylon” in order to restructure the world and execute its own NWO globalist plan.
Is the Third Force, a major alien or spiritual inter-dimensional entity actually pulling the strings of the Old Black Nobility (OBN), the folks who sit at the top of the pyramid, the renowned “Council of Twelve”?
It has been hypothesized by insiders that the Third Force is an off-planet Alien or inter-dimensional spiritual entity which is attempting to create a one world government, a NWO Globalist luciferian system and no longer has any need for anyone from the IZCS who would just get in the way for their plans or pose an undue risk. (7)
Others believe that this is essentially a complete spiritual battle between good and evil and must be played out according to god almighty’s Rules of the Universe which require the preservation of human free will and the ability of every human being to exercise it by resisting evil and doing good, best summarized as following the Golden Rule, treat others as you would want to be treated.
And these folks also believe that rules of play require disclosure of what the OBN, the IZCS and its cutouts plan to do in advance allowing humans the option of resisting or not.
This means that without man’s willingness to do evil, there cannot be a complete NWO system which will last. Everyday more and more Americans are waking up and becoming “American Firsters”.
Conclusion Many Americans are gaining knowledge about how IZCS aka zionist spy agencies such as the ADL, SPLC and AIPAC and how they have illegally engaged in espionage including bribery and human compromise to hijack the American Government and the need for these dual citizen Israeli-firsters to be fully investigated for these unAmerican espionage activities designed to asset strip Americans of their wealth, their sovereignty, their Constitution, their Bill of Rights and their “rule of law” with the end game designed to be the setting up of a Bolshevik style Cheka to mass murder most Americans and create another Red Terror like this same group did in Russia in 1917.
Many folks are tired of the Israeli-firsters, aka the dual Israeli-American citizens who have infiltrated the USG and perverted and despoiled America and the American way of life that our Founding Fathers worked so hard to establish. the IZCS is a RICO freedom robbing, faith destroying, luciferian, pure evil oppressor of mankind everywhere including most non-zionist Judaics too.
It is time for this evil to be fully exposed and driven out from among us.
A growing number of Americans now want access to all the truth and are ready for complete disclosure of crashed alien AGCs, alien treaties and all the rest of the secrets including the dirtiest ones of massive USG illegal drugs and arms trafficking and illegal, and unprovoked wars of aggression to produce indecent, huge war profits for the SSG.
Your best bet right now is to assume that unless a nuclear WW3 ensues shortly, full and complete disclosure is coming soon to America and Washington DC and a new US Office of Exopolitics will be set up to deal with the massive and far reaching changes that will occur.
Stay tuned, exciting things are just ahead and you may soon see the end of the IZCS oppression and asset stripping of all Americans.
Note: A big thank you to Veterans Today Managing Editor and Director Jim Dean, Senior Editor Gordon Duff, and Mike Harris, Financial Editor for allowing this article to be published even though they may not agree with or support any or all of its conclusions.(8)