by wingmakerforum
January 15, 2010
Prepare4Contact Website
Not sure how much of this has been
covered in the past but from my perspective
the WingMakers materials and all
alien documentation are to be taken on a literal and metaphorical
Dr Neruda
- originally called Dr Anderson
- reference to Mr. Anderson of the Matrix trilogy - e.g.
similar metaphor involving the living within a
human reality
matrix, the apocalypse, animus, gnostic christianity,
sealing heaven from earth etc.
alien contact
intelligence organization.
“optic disc found in 23rd
chamber” - e.g. DNA found on 23rd chromosome/unstable
“access code for optic disc”
- accessing information within the DNA
“computers powerful enough
time travel” - metaphor for consciousness/DNA
operating outside of time/space
“causal energy”
also refers to soul
consciousness/group consciousness/mediated through
DNA in the 3rd dimension greys
metaphor for frontal
e.g. lack emotional
development/technological prowess/fractured
e.g. egoic in nature
in separation
communicate with telepathy
e.g. are autonomous
psychic elements
"corteum" - derived from
corteal or pertaining to the cortex

Picture showing how
the various aliens relate
to the human psyche
alien brain

5d consciousness
“In this process, it
activates parts of our nervous system that feed the
brain with a much richer stream of data from our
five senses and two additional senses that we have
yet to consciously activate.” - potentially a
reference to consciously accessing the subconscious
and unconscious components of the human psyche.
Ancient Arrow site
”Likethe state of
enlightenment as described by some of our planet’s
spiritual teachers.
“That’s only because mystics
and scientists alike do not understand this aspect of
the human DNA template. Adaptation is the primary
intelligence designed within our genetic code, and it is
this intelligence that is awakened, or triggered, with
certain stimuli.
”The stimuli can be
artificially induced, that is to say, the Central Race
has encoded adaptation to higher vibratory frequencies
within our DNA that they can trigger through catalytic
images, words, or sounds.”
“There are many
organizations that have noble exteriors and secret
interiors. In other words, they may have external
agendas that they promote to their employees, members,
and the media, but there is also a secret and
well-hidden agenda that only the inner core of the
organization is aware of”
Foreign Relations
Committee, NSA, KGB, CIA,
World Bank, and the
Reserve are all examples of these organizational
structures. Their inner core is knitted together to form
an elitist, secret society, with its own culture,
economy, and communication system”
- again a reference to
mind control; autonomous psychic elements; the human
un/subconscious exerting more control on the outside
than presently understood and being more connected
e.g. the elite of society dominated by male/left
brain restricted analytical thinking/the same
genetics - families down through generations - has
created a positive feedback downward spiral of human
civilization with unconscious people at the top
making decisions whose main concern is the
accumulation of wealth and status which has created
overpopulation, socialized capitalism for the
elites, energy shortages and climate change with
plans for globalization based on fear, scarcity and
“The agenda, as I know it,
is primarily concerned with control of the world economy
and its vital resources - oil, gold, gas reserves,
platinum, diamonds, etc”
- currently humanity is
on course to attempt to implement a
NWO based on
enforced control, e.g. outside population trying to
control the masses of humanity, also experimenting
in widespread mind control, but
subconscious/unconscious components of human psyche
also exerting control on the outside in destructive
”The only organization that
I’m aware of that is entirely independent as to its
agenda, and therefore the most powerful or alpha
organization, is the
Labyrinth Group. And they are in
this position because of their pure-state technologies
and the intellect of its members.
All other organizations -
whether part of this secret network of organizations or
powerful multinational corporations - are not in control
of the execution of their agenda. They are essentially
locked in a competitive battle.”
“I think they left behind
these time capsules as their way to bring culture and
technology from their time to ours. We also believe that
these sites represent a defensive weapon. A very
sophisticated defensive weapon.”
Believe me, the reality of the ET
situation is much more complex and dimensional than I have time
tonight to report, and if I gave you a superficial rendering, I
think you’d find it impossible to believe.
So I’m going to tell you partial truths,
and I’m going to be very careful in my choice of words. The
Martians are a humanoid race fashioned from the same gene pool as
we. They live in
underground bases within Mars, and their numbers
are small.
Some have already immigrated to earth,
and with some superficial adjustments to their physical appearance,
they could pass for a human in broad daylight.
“President Clinton is aware
of these matters and has considered alternative ways to
communicate with ETs. To date, a form of telepathy has
been used as the primary communication interface.
However, this is not a trusted form of communication,
especially in the minds of our military personnel.
Virtually every radio
telescope on the globe has been, at one time or another,
used to communicate with ETs. This has had mixed
results, but there have been successes, and our
President is aware of these.”
- reference to ET’s as
4th dimensional/astral/autonomous human psychic
elements, underground bases (depths of human
psyche)/pools of human awareness accessed through
trauma based mind control techniques, military
personnel - mind control of military
“To the extent that
information is doctored, then I think you could say that
the President is manipulated. He has precious little
time to perform fact checking and fully evaluate
alternative plans, which is why the advisors are so
important and influential.”
“This Federation has both
invited members and observational members. Invited
members are those species that have managed to behave in
a responsible manner as stewards of their planet and
combine both the technology, philosophy, and culture
that enable them to communicate as a global entity that
has a unified agenda."
“Observational members are
species who are fragmented and are still wrestling with
one another over land, power, money, culture, and a host
of other things that prevent them from forming a unified
world government.”
“This technology requires an
operative, or a team of operatives, to be able to
physically move into vertical time and be inserted in
the precise space and time where the optimal
intervention point has been determined.”

vertical time
- several meanings - alien
synthetic race/computer intelligence/male part of the
feminine unconscious/primitive component of human
psyche/intention; animating spirit/animosity/fallen angels;
reference to a component of the genetic mind/unconscious of
humanity which is well connected (hive-mind/collective
consciousness), distant galaxy (deep within the human
“why do you watch six hours
television every day”
“Elitists have always
existed since the dawn of man. There have always been
those who had more aggression and power and would
dominate the weaker of the species.”
- a hierarchical society
- dominated by male restricted analytical thinking,
leading to a controlled docile population
- de-evolution; global
suicide etc
2011 invasion
- reference to humanity
descending into fear based consciousness due to an external
stress on civilization and the increased use of mind control
technologies as governments try to exert control over their
“There are certain words
that have been purposely seeded within our language by
the WingMakers.” e.g. animus, reptilian etc.
“The Corteum technology was
designed to reduce the filtering aspects of the
conscious mind and enable the higher frequency
information packets to be fed to the conscious mind.”
“Fifteen felt that Einstein’s
theories underestimated the influence that
had on quantum objects”
“Quantum objects become
increasingly granular or refined until they become pure
light energy and cease to have mass. They are not of
physical reality, but rather of a pure-state energy.”
“Then matter, light,
consciousness, and reality are all interdependent like
an ecosystem. And like an ecosystem, if you change one
element you affect the whole. Isolating any of the
elements contained within LERM, and changing it, it can
change reality. And this is a fundamental construct of
2012 - change in human reality matrix
”Aggressive ETs, seeking to
quite literally own earth, visited our planet
approximately eleven thousand years ago. These ETs
brought their genetics to our native DNA, and in so
doing, modified our human DNA adding a more aggressive,
domineering drive to our personalities. This
predisposition divided the human species into the
conquerors and the conquered.”
”There are carrier circuits
within the DNA that transmit traits and even forms of
intelligence through a reality membrane that is
”Thus, the angels that
entered this system lost their memory of their angelic
natures and became more interested in operating as a
single collective, than as individuals.”
”You’re talking about the
Lucifer rebellion?”
”Among these beings are what
we commonly refer to as the angels, who are
intermediaries between the soul carriers of humanoids,
and the Central Race.”
in heaven” - clearly a heaven existing within the
astral realm/polarity/hierarchical in nature instead of in
5D unity/oneness. In gnostic terms the Demiurge or
Yaldabaoth has trapped
aspects of the divine in materiality, e.g. the bifurcation
of the consciousness of humanity led to a hierarchical
system of astral heaven/hell preventing humanity from
creating heaven on earth.
Wave structure of matter
- evolve the consciousness of
humanity and literally become beings of light
“In other words,
consciousness moves from non-space and non-time to
become matter, and then it orchestrates
LERM (Light-Encoded
Reality Matrix) to produce
a physical reality consistent to the encoded genetic
properties of the physical object it has become."
DNA holographic fractal
reality matrix
- responds to positive
intention/emotion/music -
DNA - Gateway to Scalar Energy based
Healing - A
Physicist’s Perspective