Angel Warrior Network (AWN):
Please tell us about
WHO, your experience with them, who they work for, who finances
them, how WHO was created…. And more.
Peter Koenig (PK):
Before anything else
- What we must know about is the new WHO Pandemic Treaty.
The World Health Organization has started drafting a
Pandemic Treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant WHO
absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to
implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory
vaccinations, travel restrictions, lockdowns, standardized
medical care and more.
this "The Corbett Report's", where independent journalist
James Corbett reviews what this Treaty is all about in
This Pandemic Treaty, if implemented, will change the global
landscape and strip you and me of some of our most basic rights
and freedoms.
Make no mistake, the
WHO Pandemic Treaty is a direct attack on
the sovereignty of its member states, as well as a direct attack
on your bodily autonomy.
It is a back door to Global Governance, to Global Tyranny
imposed by Fear over your Health.
Is there a WHO
meeting May 22-26, 2022 where WHO is seeking to be given
complete sovereignty over the people of the United States and of
the world, for that matter?
Yes, there is.
It's called the "Pandemic Treaty", as mentioned before.
There is a ridiculously short period foreseen for comments - 16
and 17 June 2022 - indicating that they are not interested in
receiving comments, especially not critical comments or
Then there are new debates scheduled more intermediary
presentations and perhaps again comments?
For now, the plan is that a final version of the Pandemic Treaty
would be presented to the World Health Assembly (WHA) in the
Fall of 2023 and if approved, the Pandemic Treaty will become
"International Law" (sic) overruling every nation of the world's
sovereign Constitution.
Please Note:
There is no provision of any International Law that
would give the UN, let alone a UN agency, power to override
individual and sovereign nations' constitutions.
What is being planned is totally and absolutely illegal, by any
standard of legality that humans have ever created.
traditional laws as we know them, international or national
laws, are overturned or simply ignored.
They do no longer
exist for the all-commandeering cabal, the dark cult which is
currently hanging over humanity and pretending commandeering
People must know that.
People MUST reject the US and
EU-supported/promoted WHO's planned "Pandemic Treaty".
We can still stop it - but we MUST follow the truth, MUST follow
the LIGHT.
Evil cannot survive in the Light, as a thief cannot survive in
the light; he will be caught, arrested and immobilized.
We must not be afraid;
FEAR is their weapon.
But we must be determined to work in the LIGHT and to seek the
truth, not propaganda but the TRUTH.
Who are the top
contributors to the WHO?
The largest
contributor is the US, followed by
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates
was number 2 until recently...
By now, he may have
been taken over by a number of pharmas - like the about 20 vaxx
pharmas of GAVI (The Vaccine Alliance) - housed in a modern
glass-building just next door of WHO... that speaks for itself.

GAVI is a non-tax paying NGO - maybe the world's richest NGO,
next to the World Economic Forum or the WEF, also an NGO, also
housed in Geneva and also tax-exempt.
The vaxx corporations lobbying for new
Covid "variants" more and
different vaxxes, none of them, of course as effective as they
should be, especially as far as Covid-19 is concerned.
But the Vaxx-Alliance comes along with lots of money and influence.
When President
Trump, who knew very well what's behind
WHO, took the US off WHO, Gates was for a short while the
largest single contributor to WHO; larger than any mandatory
member country contribution.
In the meantime, under President
Biden, the Globalist President,
the US is back... as a key member of WHO, and again the main
Let's look at the funding
of WHO:
Depending on the
year, between two-thirds and three quarters of WHO's total
budget comes from private contributions, most of them from
Bill Gates and the pharma industry, i.e., GAVI and others.
The balance - the lesser portion of WHO's budget funding -
comes from member countries' mandatory contributions.
This is quite
different from regular specialized UN agencies, like ILO,
WTO, UNICEF, others, where close to 100% of their budget
stems from member countries' contribution.
The proximity between WHO and GAVI, their way of being
intertwined assures a constant interchange of ideas, policy
proposals, of course vaccination ideas... as we know them,
as well as "create" diseases (yes, Covid was lab-created, as
was Ebola, HIV and many others) - real or fake, but at least
in the minds of people they are real, generating fear, and
fear generates obedience and submission.
Fear, constant
fear propaganda, creates weakness of will-power, and
willingness to survive.
This is done with hugely psychological and generously
taxpayer-funded propaganda, to serve at least two purposes,
lucrativeness of the vaxx pharmas, and
trial and
error of "emergency" vaxxes, for example the
so-called Covid-19 mRNA-"vaccination". Judging from
the tens of thousands of vaxx injuries and deaths
following vaccination.
Mind you,
vaccination started only in December 2020, so these
tremendous numbers of injuries and deaths occurred within
less than 18 months, and the numbers are rapidly increasing,
as time goes on.
One might assume that
there is another than a health agenda behind the vaxxes, one
helping to reduce the world population.
A eugenist agenda?
As we experience it today, it seems to work as country
statistics indicate.
In the US it is the Vaccine
Adverse Event
Reporting System, or VAERS. It is a passive reporting system,
meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their
On average, only
about 1% to 5% of vaxx injuries or deaths are reported. Yet,
VAERS reports way more deaths from the vaxxes than from Covid.
In Europe, vaxx injuries and deaths are reported to the European
Medicines Agency, or EMA. The proportion of reporting is about
the same as in the US.
These are estimates only, as nobody
verifies the figures.
When we listen to Dr.
Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer and
Science Officer of Pfizer, all those who have been vaxxed with
mRNA-jab, most of them by coercion or lie-propaganda,
develop potentially deadly diseases within the next 2-5 years...
Many will die - for reasons which will be difficult to trace
back to
the vaxx.
But overall death statistics will show the
onslaught and increase of annual death rates, coinciding with
the forced, coerced mass vaccination.
Such trial vaxxes, as are mRNA injections, can only be used in
an emergency.
Thus, in 2009, on the occasion of the (fabricated)
Swine Flu (H1N1)
'epidemic,' WHO changed the rules for how a
pandemic could be declared.
Today it has nothing to do anymore with the ratio of death to
disease, and the number of infections.
Declaring a pandemic
is simply based on how far spread the disease is.
Covid, for
example, traveled the world extending itself from one day to the
next over the entire globe.
Apparently most scared-to-death people don't realize, or don't
want to realize, how nonsensical such declarations are.
Because they come
from WHO and from governments, from the authorities you always
believed in and counted on them to protect you.
Therefore, it is
impossible for you to think that they miserably lie to you...
That is called "cognitive dissonance"; according to
psychologists, it is one of the most difficult mental diseases
to heal.
We know latest since Covid that propaganda can spread a disease
in a matter of hours, not even days, around the world - which is
enough reason to declare a pandemic.
Under this new rule, WHO can declare the annual flu as a
pandemic - with a vigorous vaxx mandate.
How and by whom was
WHO created?
In many ways, WHO is
not a real UN agency, like most others.
It was created in 1948 by the Rockefellers as a world health
agency, following the pattern of the PAHO scheme.
PAHO, the
Pan-American Heath Organization, was created in 1902...
The new WHO was then integrated into the UN system, at the
behest of - and with the money of - Rockefeller's Standard Oil
At that time Standard Oil had literally a world monopoly on oil
supply, it was broken up under the Anti-Trust Law in the 1990's,
but then somehow recomposed into different corporations of which
the bulk is still in Rockefellers possession.
There is more - until the mid-fifties approximately, most
medicines were plant-based. Rockefeller changed all this; as the
owner of the biggest oil production company, he knew that plant
chemicals could be replicated by petro-chemicals.
Hence, medication of all types, needed or not - more or less
dangerous ones - skyrocketed, multiplied exponentially, when
Rockefeller's idea of oil-based medicine was realized.
That's also when
Big Pharma bloomed, and with the new (since 2009) pandemic rule, and
soon - God forbid - the new Pandemic Treaty, will make sure that
the pharma bonanza continues forever.
We must not forget, Rockefeller and Gates, for that matter are
among the world's most notorious
To expand on
Henry Kissinger's infamous saying:
"Who controls the
food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can
control whole continents; who controls money can control the
Add this:
"Who controls
health, decides over life and death"...
That maybe very well
the Rockefeller-Gates reason to control WHO - and to control the
world population's health, i.e., life and death.

Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus
Bill Gates
(Source: Covert Geopolitics)
WHO is Dr. Tedros,
the WHO Director General?
The official
Wikipedia version says:
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is an Ethiopian public health
researcher, and official who has been Director-General of the
World Health Organization since 2017.
Tedros is the first
African in that role, and was endorsed by the African Union.
Tedros is (was?) also a lead-member of the Ethiopian/Eritrean
Tigray People's Liberation Front, a leftist rebel group.
He is a biologist
by training.
Dr. Tedros is also the first WHO DG who is not a medical
He was born in 1965 in Asmara, the capital of what today is
known as independent Eritrea.
But now comes the
agenda of his career:
Gates met Tedros
at Addis Ababa University when Tedros was moderating a
speech of Gates on the importance of vaccines.
Tedros was selected by Bill Gates, first as Board member of
GAVI; later Gates proposed him as DG of WHO.
Tedros eventually was approved by the WHO General Assembly
in 2017.
Of course,
why would
the WHO General Assembly not approve a candidate proposed by
Bill Gates, the organization's second largest donor...?
At one time, namely
when Trump made the US exit WHO, Gates was the biggest single
donor of WHO.
The bulk of funding of UN agencies usually comes from member
contributions, and some trust funds of private donors.
As mentioned before - in the case of WHO - the far biggest
proportion of WHO's budget comes from private sources, i.e., the
Bill Gates Foundation and the pharma industry's myriad of
"philanthropic" Trust Funds.
How does Bill Gates
tie in?
Bill Gates is
He is behind the
WHO agenda - he is the world's vaxx-czar.
He is the creator
He selected Dr
Tedros as WHO DG.
He promotes the
mRNA, experimental injections - never been approved by CDC,
nor any other national vaccine approval board as a
Gates convinced
WHO to declare Covid as a Health Emergency in March 2020, so
CDC could grant the mRNA (non)-vaxxes an emergency
He is the
"inventor of
Agenda 2021" - leading to the Vaccination
passport through a QR-coded electronic data collecting
system, that can hold up to 30,000 individual data-entry per
And more...
Gates is everywhere.
He promotes the
manmade (sic) climate change agenda.
He buys huge surfaces of agricultural land in the US and
elsewhere, so he can eventually help dictate what people have to
eat, and more specifically, what people are no longer allowed to
eat - transforming the bovine industry into an artificial meat
As to the QR code, and extension of Agenda 2021 - who controls
the QR code system, knows you better than you know yourself.
It makes you
vulnerable and manipulable...
The QR code is extremely dangerous, has invaded every corner of
our lives and MUST be stopped.
But it can be stopped only, if
people know what it is...
Bill Gates is also a notorious admitted eugenist and so was his
father, so are
the Rockefellers, and many more of the infamous
Bill Gates is also a Globalist and he defends the Globalist
Agenda, one that leads to a One World Order, to a Global
Governance, if we do not stop it.
It's the
Plan of
the Great Reset, and of the UN
Agenda 2030.
What about Population
What we are
confronted with has been under preparation for many decades -
maybe as long as 100 years.
It is a diabolical plan to control the world's population, under
many different pretexts:
manmade climate change is one of them,
it's a lie a BIG LIE.
Just as a sideline...
Climate change has always existed - you can go back to history
for millions of years; the variations of temps are between 2 to
maximum 5º C.
The main cause for temperature/climate changes is
our sun, solar
movements, solar activities.
When solar activities cease for a while - which has happened
twice, some 640 and 710 million years ago, the so-called
Cryogenian period - the world became like an ice ball, the
Snowball Earth.
Google says:
Scientists contend that at least two Snowball Earth
glaciations occurred during the Cryogenian period, roughly 640
and 710 million years ago.
Each lasted about 10 million years or
The main evidence of the severity of these events comes from
geological evidence of glaciers near the equator.
So, don't fall for the climate change LIE...
It's just another strategy to scare you, to make us feel guilty,
to instill fear in Us, the People.
The current agenda, the so-called UN Agenda 2030, in ten years
it has to be carried through. We are currently in year three.
Agenda 2030 is
identical with the WEF's Great Reset, and synonymous with the WEF's
4th Industrial Revolution.
The Great Reset's, alias Agenda 2030, three major goals are:
the eugenists agenda. This may happen partly
(largely) as a result of the mRNA-fake vaxxes, partly due to
the artificial famine being created by the Ukraine war,
supply chain disruptions, full or partial lockdowns, and
because of the abject misery that poverty will instill and
impose - leading to suicide and all sorts of diseases, some
of them indeed deadly.
It is also important
to know that nothing, but absolutely NOTHING happens as a
Transferring of
from the bottom and the middle of the
social stratum, to the top - to the already-billionaires,
and to the gigantic Financial Corporations, mentioned
BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity and
Klaus Schwab's wet
dream, the
Fourth Industrial Revolution:
Digitization and
robotization of everything
money, work processes - even
the human brain. According to Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus
Schwab's top adviser - we, humans are 'hackable animals' -
his words - and transformable into transhumans, basically
robotization. See this
CNN video (12 min).

At the end, when all
is successfully implemented by 2030, the Great Reset makes us
believe "You Own Nothing, But You Are Happy"
This will not happen as WE SHALL OVERCOME...