(Sky Maps:
North Circumpolar Stars ,
South Circumpolar Stars)
Short Grays
The extraterrestrial races in this group
include the ubiquitous Grays from the star system
Zeta Reticulum
and the Orion Constellation who are described in most of the abduction
research and who figure prominently in reports of UFO crashes.
Phillip Corso served in the
Eisenhower administration and
later headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army’s Research
and Development Department, and is yet another long serving military
official who became a whistleblower on the secret extraterrestrial
In his memoirs, he claims to have witnessed the body
of a dead ‘Gray’ retrieved from
Roswell in 1947 that fit the classic
description of a four foot tall extraterrestrial with a large
head, large black almond shaped eyes, thin torso and spindly arms
and legs.
A classic description is by
Travis Walton who
had an abduction experience with the Grays:
They were very short,
shorter than five feet, and they had very large bald heads, no
hair. Their heads were domed, very large. They looked like fetuses.
They had no eyebrows, no eyelashes. They had very large eyes –
enormous eyes – almost all brown, without much white in them.
The creepiest thing about them were those eyes. Oh, man, those
eyes, they just stared through me.
Many researchers agree that
the Grays are deeply involved in developing a hybrid human-Gray
race that would be a suitable vehicle for the next step in human
According to Col Corso, the Grays were involved
agreements with the Eisenhower administration that military officials
saw as a form of ‘negotiated surrender’, where the Grays gained
permission for abducting civilians and ‘expanding’ their biological
The Grays are very active in human abductions,
genetic experiments, monitoring humans through implants, mind control/programming,
cloning and creation of hybrid humans.
These contribute to systemic
global problems such as humans traumatized by abduction experiences,
genetically modified humans, implants for monitoring humans, and
an overly passive population due to hypnotic mind control/programming.
The second prominent race
in this group of extraterrestrials are the ‘tall Grays’ described
by Robert Dean as “a very large group, I say large, they were 6-8
maybe sometimes 9 feet tall and they were humanoid, but they were
very pale, very white, didn’t have any hair on their bodies at all.”
Tall Grays are described to originate from
Orion constellation, and according to Dr Arthur Horn play an overseeing
role vis-à-vis short Grays:
The short greys are overseen
within their own ranks by the taller seven to eight foot tall greys. These greys are the ones that actually carry out "diplomatic"
missions, such as secretly negotiating treaties with heads of
human governments. As mentioned the greys in general, and the
small three to five foot greys in particular, have been likened
to mercenaries.
Later in 1954 the race
of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed
at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This
race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around
a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called
They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown
future time they would no longer be able to survive there.
The meeting at
Air force base in New Mexico
has reportedly been the site of subsequent extraterrestrial meetings
with tall Grays. In 1972-73, for example, the producers
Robert Emenegger
and Allan Sandler, had allegedly been offered and witnessed actual
Air force film footage of a meeting involving tall Grays that occurred
at Holloman Air force base in 1971.
It can be inferred that this ‘tall Gray’
race is a hybrid race that represents a fusion of human and ‘short Gray’
biological material.
The ‘tall Grays’ represent a working model
of how human and gray biological material can be combined, and therefore
play a lead role in assisting the short Grays in ‘interacting’ with
humanity. They are most involved in genetic experiments, creating
a hybrid human-Gray race, mind control and diplomatic agreements
with the ‘shadow government’.
Global problems that are influenced
by the tall Grays include genetically modified humans, implants
for monitoring humans, an overly passive population due to hypnotic
mind control, influence over elite decision makers, and the infiltration
of national security agencies.
Another prominent extraterrestrial
race in this group is described by Dean as humanoids with
characteristics that are 6-8ft tall.
Reptilian extraterrestrial races have been described
to be both native to Earth, and also from other star systems.
Boulay, has extensively analyzed a variety of historic sources and
argued that there is sufficient evidence to support the conclusion
that an ancient extraterrestrial race of Reptilians inhabited the
Earth and
played a role in the creation of humanity.
According to Thomas Castello, a former security
official at,
Dulce, a highly classified underground facility involving
a number of extraterrestrial races cooperating with a number of
US national security agencies and corporations, Reptilians indigenous
to Earth work side by side with humans and other extraterrestrial
… some ’reptoids’ [Reptilians]
are native to this planet. The ruling caste of ’aliens’ ARE reptilian….
They were an ancient race on Earth, living underground…. Reptoids
rightly consider themselves "native Terrans." Perhaps
they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels - maybe not. Either
way, we are [considered] the ’squatters’ on Earth….Since I was
the Senior Security Technician at that base [Dulce], I had to
communicate with them on a daily basis. If there were any problems
that involved security or video camera’s, I was the one they called.
It was the reptilian "working caste" that usually did
the physical labor in the lower levels at Dulce.
According to Castello, the
lower levels of Dulce involved extensive human rights abuses on
captive civilians by joint extraterrestrial-human project leaders.
William Hamilton, a well respected UFO researcher, researched both
the Dulce base facility, and Thomas Castello’s claims and credibility,
and found them to be highly plausible:
It may be unpalatable to
digest or believe Thomas’ story. In fact, it seems like part of
a living nightmare. There is evidence that something strange does
go on at Dulce. Does Thomas have the answer? There may be a terrible
truth hidden behind the continuing phenomena of UFO sightings, abductions,
and animal mutilations. Our government intelligence agencies have
had an ongoing watchful eye on all UFO activities for many decades
now. This extraordinary phenomenon must have an extraordinary explanation.
We may be only one outpost in a vast interstellar empire.
In addition to
conclusion about Castello’s claims and credibility, I have written
an extensive report of the Dulce base and found the evidence is
very consistent with Castello’s claims concerning human rights violations
involving various extraterrestrials, US national security agencies,
and corporations.
Linda Moulton Howe, an investigative
journalist and UFO researcher, interviewed a ‘contactee/abductee’
by the name of Jim Sparx who claims to have met with a number of Reptilians indigenous to Earth.
According to Sparx, indigenous Earth based Reptilians
have their own unique culture and have interacted with humanity
for millennia, and both assisted humanity and used it as a resource.
Sparx’s claims are very consistent with the experience of another
‘contactee’ Ole K., who claims to have met with a
female Reptilian, Lacerta, and interviewed her on a number of occasions and distributed
the interviews as the ‘Lacerta Files’. According to Lacerta, Reptilians
who have evolved on Earth are distinct to ‘off-world’
who periodically visit the Earth.
While there is some debate over the credibility
of Ole K, the testimony is coherent and consistent with Sparx and
other research on the Reptilian species, and worth considering to
better understand Reptilian activities.
According to Lacerta,
the Reptilians disposition
towards humanity is cautious since they view humans as a primitive
species that is the ‘property’ of other
extraterrestrial races that seeded the planet. The Earth based Reptilians, according to
‘harvest’ humans in a way that does not challenge the human presence
on the planet. This suggests that the Reptilians are following agreements
‘imposed’ upon them by more powerful off-world extraterrestrial
races mentioned by Lacerta.
The most controversial ‘whistleblower’/’contactee’
reports concern an off-world ‘master Reptilian race’ described as
the Draco-Reptilians who are claimed to originate from the
Alpha Draconis star system which is 215 light years distant and was formerly
the pole star.
According to Alex Collier, the
Draconians or
Dracos have two main castes, the first of which is a
warrior caste
that are in the 7-8 foot range, who are apparently feared throughout
the galaxy for their fighting abilities.
The second caste are a ‘royal line’
of Draco
Reptilians that he describes as ‘Ciakars’ which, because of their
alleged size, psychic ability and alleged wings, might be confused
as the proverbial Dragon if Collier is correct:
The Draconians are a very
large reptilian race, otherwise known as "the Dracs".
There is royal line of the reptilian race called the Ciakar. They
range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds.
They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. They’re
extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also
be extremely sinister.
Collier claims that according
to the Draconian world view, they were the first intelligent species
in the galaxy and seeded many worlds with their biological off-spring.
The Draco Reptilians therefore see themselves
as the natural rulers of Reptilian ‘controlled’ worlds such as Earth,
and view humans as an inferior species. The Draconians are interested
in harvesting the Earth’s resources while ensuring that these resources
are efficiently exploited.
There appears to be a strict
hierarchy involving the Draco-Reptilians and other extraterrestrial
races so far described in this group. According to Thomas Castello,
Reptilians from Alpha Draconis, the ‘Dracos’, are in command of
the Earth based Reptilians.
Earth based Reptilians are in turn in command
of the ‘tall Grays’, who are in command of the
short Grays. Interestingly, Castello also describes the Draconian ruling caste as
Ciakars who
are winged and therefore could be easily confused as dragons.
Souza, a Brazilian UFO researcher confirms the existence of a hierarchy
involving the Grays and a Master Reptilian race.
All of the extraterrestrial
races described above appear to have a number of interlocking agreements
between them that have a common interface in the agreements between
US national security agencies and the Grays. The
Draconians form
the (hidden) apex of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex
(MIEC) that controls information and technology related to the extraterrestrial
The Draconians appear to be very active in
human elites, institutions and financial systems; promoting militarism;
creating a climate of scarcity, struggle and insecurity; harvesting
humans and manipulating Grays and other Reptilian races.
activities contribute to global problems such as,
concentrated wealth
corrupt elites and institutions
ethnic/religious violence
rights abuses
a culture of violence and terrorism
trade and organized crime
Sirians from Sirius
In addition to the above extraterrestrials,
there are a number of human looking extraterrestrials from the
Sirius B star system who Alex Collier describes as follows:
The cultures around
B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the humans are red,
beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B are very
arid and generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings…
The society is more obsessed with political thought patterns instead
of spiritual attributes.
Preston Nichols claims to
be a ‘whistleblower’ who participated in a clandestine
project at
Montauk that involved a number of extraterrestrial groups. An independent
investigator found Nichols “to be a very reliable and solid witness
and that for myself, his information checked out across the board--right
down the line; to the extent that it was at all possible to verify
particular information.”
The humans from Sirius B, according
to Nichols played
a role in providing exotic technology such as time/inter-dimensional
travel to clandestine government agencies involved in both the
Experiment and Montauk Project.
Alex Collier explains the
role of this group of extraterrestrials in technology exchanges
with national security agencies: “those from Sirius B have come
here and really messed with our heads, and they are the ones who
originally gave our government the Montauk technology.”
This exotic technology was provided for the purpose
of encouraging national security agencies to develop offensive military
capabilities vis-à-vis possible extraterrestrial threats. This technological
assistance even involved biological weapons research according to
Collier who claims that “the biological material that has been added
to the Ebola [virus] was given to the government by the humanoids
from Sirius B.”
According to
Daniel Salter
another whistleblower with long military service which included
a period in the National Reconnaissance Office, extraterrestrial
related issues drive human-extraterrestrial cooperation in a clandestine
organization in the National Security Agency (NSA) called the
Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO).
According to leaked information from an alleged
whistleblower on a popular website called
the Wingmakers, information
which Salter affirms to be accurate, ACIO is cooperating with a
consortium of extraterrestrials to develop sophisticated
time travel
technologies for future extraterrestrial threats.
According to the Wingmakers
Blank Slate Technology
or BST … is a form of time travel that enables the re-write of
history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points
are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the
break-up of the Soviet Union or the NASA
space program. BST is the most advanced technology and clearly
anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against
any aggressor.
It is, as Fifteen [leader of the Labyrinth] was
fond of saying, the freedom key. Remember that the ACIO was the
primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to
adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications.
We were exposed to extraterrestrials and knew of their agenda.
Some of these extraterrestrials scared the hell out of the
It is likely that this
of extraterrestrials includes those from Sirius B who allegedly
provided some time travel/inter-dimensional travel technology for
the Montauk Project, and assistance in researching biological weapons.
In conclusion,
this human
extraterrestrial group from Sirius B is mainly active in technology
exchange programs that promote military cooperation to potential
extraterrestrial threats against Earth.
The global problems that
the humanoids from Sirius B contribute to include:
covert weapons
use of exotic weapons
black budgets
Finally, there is reported to be a race
of giant humanoids who have played a role in seeding the Earth
with humans, and who periodically return to the Earth to determine
how effectively Earth’s resources have been utilized by humanity
and those extraterrestrial races playing a role in ‘managing’
humanity. These are described by the Sumerians as
the Anunnaki
from the world ‘Nibiru’ in the extensive cuneiform texts translated
Zecharia Sitchin.
These giant humanoids apparently form the chief
‘founding’ extraterrestrial race that were the gods described
in ancient mythologies and religions.
According to the accounts of the Sumerians,
the Anunnaki’s chief god is Anu and the pantheon of
Anunnaki as
described by Sitchin form key figures in the hierarchy that secretly
oversee management of humanity and the planet Nibiru which periodically
returns to the vicinity of Earth.
According to Alex Collier, this
is how the Anunnaki or ‘Nibiruans’ originated as a species:
A very long time ago,
colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were having trouble with
each other. In order to bring peace, there was a marriage between
members of each group. The woman came from the Orion Group, where
the hierarchy includes a queen – the matriarchal paradigm.
male was from Sirius B. Both members were considered royalty of
their respective line. When these two came together in marriage,
their offspring had the genetics from both lines. Because of these
genetics, the new race that was created was given the name “Nibiru”,
which I am told by Moraney [Andromedan Counselor] in the Orion
tongue means “divided amongst two”. This is who they literally
are – a cross between those from Sirius B and a race from the
Orion system. They formed a new “tribe” which has continued to
flourish for at least hundreds of thousands of years. So, they
are a tribe that has become a race.
It appears that the
mode of operation is to leave ‘primitive’ species such as humanity
to flourish on the planet’s surface while more advanced races such
as the Reptilians form a kind of ‘planetary management team’ to
harvest humanity in a way that serves the long term interest of
the Anunnaki who return periodically to assess their ‘human experiment’.
It therefore appears that the Anunnaki form a kind of regulatory
agent to ensure that the Earth’s resources, and humanity in general,
are responsibly ‘managed’.
The Anunnaki have a relationship
with the Earth based Reptilians based on whatever historical agreements
they reached over humanity will be managed. It is also likely that
the Anunnaki have some form of agreement with
the Draconians over
how the latter intervene in worlds where the Anunnaki have established
‘human experiments’. Finally, it is also likely that some members
of the Anunnaki have remained secretly on Earth and therefore have
played a role in
the creation of elite human organizations
to manage
human affairs.
These ‘agreements’ and/or secret control of human
elite groups indirectly make the Anunnaki a part of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial
According to
Sergeant Dean,
the Anunnaki are major players in human affairs and this is likely
to become more significant as their home planet, Nibiru, returns
to the vicinity of Earth.
It is the apparent return of the Anunnaki that
appears to be a wild card that concerns national security agencies
that are unaware of how this race of extraterrestrials will impact
on global humanity and the military-industrial-extraterrestrial
complex that has been created to manage extraterrestrial affairs.
The main activities of the Anunnaki are to
the long term human evolution through elite groups, systems and
institutions, and by influencing human consciousness. They appear
to be in competition with the Draconians for control of Earth.
main global problems they contribute to include
Summary Table 1
The main activities of the
various races that cooperate with the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial
Complex can now be summarized as follows in Table 1.
1. Extraterrestrial Races Cooperating with the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial