by Moira Inness
August 02,
Metatron.Substack Website

I can't understand why the evidence that is evident when
anyone with medical training and experience of winter flu
outbreaks hasn't realized exactly what the various CDC
Dictates that were issued would cause to happen.
I can't understand why Prosecution Services world wide
aren't investigating the cause of the mass genocide of the
elderly that has occurred due to the Health Services
worldwide complying with the CDC Dictates.
I am a 70+ retired school teacher who has researched
continuously since March 2020 but I have no friends or
colleagues from the past who share my views so working in a
vacuum has been more than challenging.
My IT skills sometimes limit me in pursuing exposure of the
truth. Often felt like I was living in a parallel universe
and often wished I wasn't even in this world.
Often gave up
pursuing the truth and gave up on emailing
people/organizations that I hoped would investigate my
theory of CDC's role in orchestrating the Covid19 plandemic.
But then I come
across an article or news item and I restart my efforts.
Your posts have
been an inspiration and encouraging throughout.
I know how much
effort such research and producing graphs of the results is
very draining and thank God you have persevered your work
has encouraged me.
Moira Inness
Genocide of
the elderly and vulnerable
Recently I watched an interview with Patricia Gossman where
she discussed the alleged unlawful killing of 54 Afghanistan
A commendable stance
against such an atrocity however thousands, millions worldwide have
perished due to Governments' worldwide responses to Tedros'
declaration that there was a world wide 'pandemic' which he named as
Indeed genocide of the elderly and vulnerable has occurred on a
colossal scale yet organizations worldwide seem oblivious to this
The world has been so
psychologically conditioned that they seem to have tunnel vision to
believe a disease that has existed since time began has suddenly
The medical profession is dealing with the exact same symptoms that
present every winter and overwhelm hospitals as elderly vulnerable
people with underlying health issues become infected with FLU which
in turn weakens them leading to death from their underlying health
Governments worldwide have engaged Nudge Teams with sole access to
media outlets that have indoctrinated citizens to believe the only
narrative to be allowed of the Covid 'pandemic'.
Elderly people believe they will inevitable die as soon as they
experience cold/flu symptoms, panicked terrified patients attended
medical professionals with Covid19 tunnel vision, all of them
indoctrinated with the same fears as their patients.
Elderly terrified people worldwide, in third world to affluent
countries have died prematurely as a result of Nudge Team's
unethical, unlawful blanket cover in
using fear, bullying and misinformation to promote the Covid19
narrative, a practice that is in fact criminal in any other
advertising campaigns.
I know from orfonline.org that
HRW are familiar with Tedros' corrupt dealings in Ethiopia, his
cover up of three cholera epidemics, his renaming of the epidemics
to Acute Watery Diahorrea outbreaks in order to avoid losing the
funding from Foreign Aid if the cholera vaccines were seen to be
a man also closely associated with a known terrorist organization
during his time as a minister in Ethiopia. His close association
with Bill Gates is known to you and his appointing to Head of WHO
due to the influence of Bill Gates.
This evil man
renamed the Sars-Cov-2 disease to Covid-19 in his emotive March 2020
speech to avoid scrutiny of the covert marketing strategy to
vaccinate the world's citizens.
Bill Gates,
Klaus Schwab and John
Hopkins University produced a table top exercise,
Event 201, produced to convince
World Leaders of the
Covid 19 'pandemic'.
Currently, Tedros is
attempting to create fear using
the monkeypox as his new fear
factor, he is declaring that he intends to rename this
particular threat and declare yet another 'pandemic' situation.
When will people
realize how evil this man is and indeed the puppeteers that are
controlling him...?
For over two years
I have been researching the reaction and actions of Governments and
a multitude of organizations regarding the Covid 'pandemic'.
WHO and
FAULTY PCR TEST (prone to false
clinical proof)...
A plan to provide
manipulated evidence/data to prove
Covid-19 narrative.
A well researched
strategy by professionals, professionals that must have realized the
consequences of issuing the CDC dictates - the inevitable thousands
of premature deaths it would cause.
This was a
calculated course of action callously and intentionally carried out
covertly by the WHO, CDC and the instigators of the Covid-19
Gates, Schwab
and John Hopkins University...
Listed below is the
part I believe the WHO and CDC played in orchestrating the Covid-19
'pandemic', no, in fact not a 'pandemic' it was a carefully
calculated well orchestrated plandemic.
Their part was all
cleverly planned over many years by the instigators of the Covid-19
plandemic - Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, John Hopkins University (check
out their past the Uni's 40 year unethical New York syphilis
experiment and the
Tuskegee Experiment).
Every aspect of
controlling the Covid19 plandemic was planned, the Event
201 DVDs providing the whole strategy of how to
accomplish exactly what these evil producers had concocted was
promoted to all World Leaders.
The roll of the CDC
took calculated planning that in fact resulted in thousands of
unnecessary premature deaths.
Truth be told, what
did occur could be likened to premeditated homicide.
The experts that
planned the CDC dictates surely realized during the planning the
consequences that would result when the dictates were followed by
the health services worldwide.
Whether they acted
in ignorance, even incompetence the result was the same and they
should be held accountable for the thousands/millions dying
Dictates issued
from both the CDC and WHO, put in place, that ensured thousands
became seriously ill and thousands died purportedly due to Covid-19,
concealing in actual fact it was and is a Flu epidemic with, in
addition thousands of elderly people suffering underlying health
issues becoming ill and dying due to the stress, fear and loneliness
that Governments and MSM with Nudge Team adverts, documentaries and
false news inflicted upon them.
Indeed, Genocide
of the Elderly has occurred as a consequence of the Covid-19
plandemic and Government draconian regimes which, in my opinion,
contributed to manslaughter in the form of genocide of the elderly
through fear and isolation as well as continuous oppression and as
such prosecutions should be initiated.
CDC Dictates
In March
2020, the CDC issued a dictate instructing doctors worldwide
to close surgeries.
Who in
their right mind, when a 'pandemic' was predicted, with
deaths of half a million threatened for the UK, would close
primary health services, doctors not allowed to see
terrified, poorly people denied access to
treatment/medication from their doctors.
The result
was elderly people who suffered cold, flu or bronchitis
bouts were denied medical treatment and denied medication
early on in the disease which would have prevented patients
becoming so ill, their disease inevitably progressing to a
potentially lethal pneumonia infection, which in effect
resulted in an unprecedented number of unnecessary premature
elderly, sick people sat alone in their homes terrified by
the continuous unrelenting Nudge Team's TV adverts, too
terrified to even seek help, many sitting in their homes as
blood clots formed in their lungs due to lack of movement
adding to their already potentially lethal conditions.
Sick people
were advised to call 111 where call centre operators were
instructed to inform the sick people that contracted the
centre - 'Stay home, isolate, drink fluids, take paracetamol
and only seek medical attention if the symptoms got worse
and experienced difficulty breathing.'
The result
was that by the time sick people, in the main elderly
people, arrived at hospital they were extremely ill. Many
were very anxious, terrified, believing that they were in
all likelihood going to die from the Covid19 disease if the
TV adverts were to be believed.
Weeks of
being isolated and exposed daily to continuous, unrelenting,
terrifying, psychological conditioning scaremongering
propaganda left thousands of elderly people fearing the
The stress,
fear and loneliness the sick people endured led to their
death, both issues are well documented causes of premature
deaths in the elderly yet all causes of death misrepresented
on MCCD.
with heart attacks and strokes many patients died following
issues with intubation.
terrified, hard to manage patients received intubation
treatment from terrified, stressed, anxious and inevitably
inexperienced medical teams which resulted in many patients
dying from issues caused by intubation injuries.
The result
was thousands of elderly people died prematurely because
they were denied medication early on in the respiratory
infections. They were too sick to recover when eventually
dictate caused these deaths and as such should be prosecuted
for genocide of the elderly as the withholding of medication
during early stages of infections contributed to
An American
lady sought and was successful in getting a Court Ruling
which overruled the hospital's rule that sick patients were
not allowed
Ivermectin, a medication
that proved effective and saved the life of her seriously
ill father.
Why should
desperate relatives have to go to those measures to seek
life saving treatments for their loved ones, it is criminal!
A well planned tactic which would
result in providing manipulated evidence/data of the Covid19
Once the
seriously sick elderly people were admitted doctors, as
instructed by CDC in April 2020, discussed with the patients
their decisions regarding DNACPR.
already psychologically conditioned to expect death were
subject to even more anxiety and fear. The doctor was then
instructed to seek a signature for the DNACPR form from the
Maintaining Standards of Quality Care in
Pressurized Circumstances - NHS letter to NHS Chief
Executives, GP Practices etc dated 7 April 2020 (paragraphs
4 - 6)
The result
was thousands of elderly people were further preconditioned
to succumb to a premature death.
Fear and
anxiety causing thousands of elderly people to suffer heart
attacks and strokes as well as the intubation issues which
in their already weakened demoralized conditions led to
premature deaths.
A well planned tactic which would
result in providing manipulated evidence/data of the Covid19
were instructed by CDC to state Covid19 as cause of deaths
on the
instructions from CDC specified that clinical diagnostic
confirmation was not essential merely observation of the
patients that led a doctor to suspect Covid19 disease was
adequate to state as cause of deaths.
causes of death were disregarded leaving people to believe
the Covid19 narrative of WHO to be true.
See Google:
NVSS - Guidance Vital Statistics Reporting
The result being thousands of deaths were misreported as
Covid19 while the actual causes, heart attacks and strokes
being concealed and thus false entries for cause of death
being stated on a legal document.
Senator Scott Jenson, a practicing doctor, put his medical
career at risk by speaking out about the CDC dictate
claiming it was not only unethical it was illegal.
Twin sisters who were claimed as dying from Covid-19 had in
fact been poorly for some time also perusal of their
Facebook page revealed the sisters to be yoyo slimmers a
habit that adversely affects health yet no investigative
journalism carried out.
Why have so
many thousands of deaths stating Covid19 which on further
research reveal underlying health issues never been
well planned tactic which would result in providing
manipulated evidence/data of the Covid19 narrative?
CDC issued
a dictate to coroner's instructing them that autopsies were
banned for anyone that has Covid19 stated on the MCCD.
The result
being, that the true cause of deaths was concealed, heart
attacks, strokes and intubation injures were criminally
misrepresented but the evidence gone up in smoke on CDC
well planned tactic which would result in providing
manipulated evidence/data of the Covid19 narrative?
WHO/SAGE instigated the use of
PCR testing to reveal the
number of Covid19 cases.
The PCR test is known to produce a
high percentage of false results...
successful medication for treating severe acute respiratory
conditions were banned by the CDC. Doctors were banned from
prescribing them and pharmacist's were banned from providing
CDC must have been aware of the benefits of providing sick
people with proven medication in the early stages of an
infection if patients were to given any hope of a full
recovery from an infection yet CDC banned their use.
The result
was thousands of elderly people died prematurely because
they were denied medication early on in the respiratory
infections. They were too sick to recover when eventually
CDC's dictate caused these deaths and as such should be
prosecuted for genocide of the elderly as the withholding of
medication during early stages of infections contributed to
An American lady sought and was successful in getting a
Court Ruling which overruled the hospital's rule that sick
patients were not allowed Ivermectin, a medication that
proved effective and saved the life of her seriously ill
Why should
desperate relatives have to go to those measures to seek
life saving treatments for their loved ones, it is criminal!
well planned tactic which would result in providing
manipulated evidence/data of the Covid19 narrative?
NVSS - Guidance Vital Statistics Reporting
The result
being thousands of deaths were misreported as Covid19 while
the actual causes, heart attacks and strokes being concealed
and thus false entries for cause of death being stated on a
legal document.
Scott Jenson, a practicing doctor, put his medical career at
risk by speaking out about the CDC dictate claiming it was
not only unethical it was illegal.
sisters who were claimed as dying from Covid19 had in fact
been poorly for some time also perusal of their Facebook
page revealed the sisters to be yoyo slimmers a habit that
adversely affects health yet no investigative journalism
carried out.
Why have so
many thousands of deaths stating Covid19 which on further
research reveal underlying health issues never been
well planned tactic which would result in providing
manipulated evidence/data of the Covid19 narrative?
In the UK
in excess of 70,000 people died in 2020 on top of the
600,000 that is the average yearly death toll currently.
Because of
these figures the gullible Covid19 believers put those
excessive 70,000 deaths, indeed some see 670,000 total and
credit Covid19 alone for deaths not the actual heart attacks
and strokes caused by the abject fear everyone has been
subject too as well as those caused by intubation injureies.
Currently in the UK TV a celebrity's husband
is continually being portrayed in the MSM as suffering from
allegedly long term Covid19 symptoms when in fact all his
symptoms are exactly the same as those for someone suffering
from intubation injuries would suffer yet tunnel vision
Covid-19 medical professionals are complying with the
Covid19 narrative when it is clearly apparent that the man
was subject to extended intubation and an induced coma
during his alleged year long term in hospital.
Until the
evidence that will assure tormented citizens worldwide that
Covid19 deaths are in fact NOT COVID19 DEATHS but in actual
STROKES and other underlying health issues because continual
2017/18 winter I experienced the worst bout of FLU and
during September 2021 I PCR tested positive for Covid 19,
both illnesses were exactly the same, in fact the FLU bout
was worse and took over three weeks of medication to clear.
My husband likewise tested positive in September and was so
seriously ill that he was hospitalized for nine days. He
unfortunately believed the Covid19 narrative and had not
ate, drank very little and had been sedentary for four days
all the time terrified he may die.
Consequently he developed blood clots through his inactivity
and terrified state. It was in fact the blood clots that
were more likely to kill him not the supposed Covid19.
In April 2020 my dear 80 year old sister died from a heart
attack brought on by the fear and isolation she had suffered
during the first lockdown accompanied by daily MSM
psychological fear-mongering from her TV.
This has to end before the winter and more draconian,
terrifying measure kill off more of our elderly and
vulnerable citizens.
the MSM are quoting Covid
cases using the same faulted tests to produce the figures
that will persuade people to comply.