by Bill Rice, Jr.
June 08,
BillRiceJr Website

My list
of things I can say and can't say...
In one of my Reader Comment threads, a reader made reference
to someone granting him permission to say X and the poster (snarkily/sarcastically
) thanked the previous poster for allowing him to say what he
"Permission" is the
word I've been searching for...
Regarding our society's
"debate" on what speech should be "permitted" and what speech should
be banned... and what speakers should be sanctioned and punished,
"permission" is the word that explains everything.
From 2020-2023, some speech is still permitted by our government and
its many sycophant cronies, but, alas, libraries worth of speech are
now no longer permitted.
If speech is labeled "misinformation" or "disinformation," this can
be "harmful" speech that might hypothetically kill people or at
least traumatize them for life... so such speech can no longer be
Speech that is permitted by government and social media companies is
speech that
Big Brother approves and allows.
At the top of the "permitted" category is any speech that supports
or agrees with statements of the public health "experts" regarding
Right here we see the power of government as government - and
government alone - gets to decide who, in fact, is the "experts."
The government
bureaucrats are the lone experts.
People who disagree
with them are not.
Not only can you say that
Covid vaccines are "safe and
effective"... if you agree with the experts and happen to own
a media or social media company,
you will actually be
rewarded with lucrative contracts (such as big advertising
spends for promoting the "vaccines.")
You will also be "permitted" to stay in business.
You will probably get to enjoy all the other benefits that come
from supporting the activities of the world's biggest bully. One
of these benefits is...
You won't get your
proverbial butt kicked (as long as you stay in line).
It's not just
the Big Guys...
It's not just the big companies and players who are rewarded for
speaking only "permitted" speech.
Just about
everyone who goes along with The Current Thing receives
The main benefit is,
these people get to
keep their jobs or social standing.
They're also allowed
to keep moving up the organizational pyramid.
Such people won't get
kicked out of the "herd," "pack" or "club."
Another benefit is,
they get to feel
morally 'superior' to the apostates and heretics who - for
inexplicable reasons - have challenged the Current Thing.
That is, herd members get
to view themselves as More Virtuous than Thou...
Add up all these psychological and sociological dynamics and one can
see why the vast majority of the world population will always
support The Current Thing.
Among other perks, this means they will always be in the "majority"
and, more so than ever in our New Normal, the majority mob
gets to rule.
(Paul Simon once wrote a catchy song where he sings that he'd
rather be a hammer than a nail. One day I'm going to write a
"I'd rather be in the
mob than be chased by the mob... Yes I would...")
As it turns out, it's
perfectly fine - even encouraged - to discriminate against a
minority if that minority doesn't agree with authorized narratives
as set forth by
Anthony Fauci,
Joe Biden and the New York Times...
That is, in the land of the free where everyone wants equity for
all, speech discrimination is perfectly legal and actually a
"virtuous" goal (at least at the moment, pending a monumental
judicial ruling in Missouri et al vs. Biden)...
So what speech
is NOT permitted?
Off the top of my head, the following statements are NOT permitted
according to government and many social media censors.
That is,
if you utter or write
these things, you do so at your own peril.
Important point in the
"For-What-It's-Worth" Category...
While most of the following statements are now labeled by officials
as dangerous misinformation or disinformation, all
these statements happen to be.... true (although, to
be clear, one is not permitted to say these things are true)...
or non-authorized speech... Covid first...
Covid vaccines are unsafe and not
"The shots are not 'vaccines' as they don't prevent infection or
"Covid vaccines have already caused millions of deaths
and serious adverse reactions worldwide."
"All-cause mortality has spiked dramatically around the world
since 'vaccines' were widely administered."
don't prevent virus spread and cause myriad negative
health, psychological and learning harms."
"Natural immunity is superior to
"The 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' mantra was a colossal lie."
"Healthy children and young adults have virtually zero mortality
risk from Covid."
tests massively inflated Covid cases and most people
who were diagnosed with Covid suffered zero or very mild
"Most people who allegedly died 'from Covid' actually died from
some other cause(s)."
killed far more people and created far more misery than these
'mitigation measures' prevented or alleviated."
"Iatrogenic deaths probably killed more people than Covid
"This virus was spreading around the world months before experts
said was possible."
"The vast majority of authentic Covid deaths occurred in the
very old and infirm population. In other words, people who were
very close to death."
"Most hospitals in the world were not 'overrun' by Covid
"Mandatory testing of asymptomatic people did nothing to reduce
spread and violated people's civil rights, was a hassle and
benefited only testing companies and the people paid to do the
"No super-spreader events occurred at sporting events or public
gatherings. Outdoor sports and concerts did not need to be
"Students could have safely attended school."
"The virus was probably created by scientists working for the US
government (and/or Chinese government), something that has been
covered up and will never be seriously investigated."
"You didn't need to stand six feet from shoppers in the grocery
"For some reason, no outbreaks occurred among grocery store
check-out girls, people who came in close contact with hundreds
of possible carriers every day for months."
and public health agencies continuously block real Covid
data, manipulate data to fit their fear-mongering
narrative and despise true 'transparency'."
These examples are
already making my fingers hurt from the pecking...
At the risk of going
overboard with said examples, I would like to add a selection of
non-Covid statements that are also increasingly not-permitted and
subject to banning, deplatforming or the loss of one's job, income
or promotion prospects.
"Climate is always
changing and man's activities don't amount to a hill of beans in
whether the oceans rise by an inch, if we have two or three
hurricanes that hit land, and have not thinned the population of
the polar bears, which has never been higher."
"I should have been able to keep the old light bulbs I like and
should be able to keep cooking on a gas stove if I want."
"We don't need 10 percent ethanol in our gasoline."
"Gas-powered cars are fine. They are also bigger, which means
they are safer (and more comfortable on long trips)."
"Speeding, red light, stop sign and toll booth cameras are
legalized government theft and don't save any
lives... They probably cause accidents by making people speed up
through yellow lights."
"Public health is worse than it's ever been and obesity is a
genuine epidemic... all of which happened in the 50-year reign
of 'America's doctor,'
Anthony Fauci."
was never a threat to straight people or people who don't share
drug needles."
Assange should not be stuck in a jail cell the
rest of his life and is not a 'traitor' for allowing TRUE
documents to be published. Plus, he's not even an American
citizen so how could he be a traitor to America?"
"Russia did not 'hack' the Presidential Election of 2016 by
either tapping into voting machines or by writing some Facebook
posts that nobody read."
Clinton and her defenders created the whole
RussiaGate scam and she should be in prison right now. So should
leaders of Congress who produced those
Donald Trump show trials
and bogus impeachment hearings."
6, 2021 was NOT an 'insurrection,' and all those
people stuck in jail without bail for years should not have been
"Elements of the government probably did help orchestrate the
events of January 6."
"Massive election fraud probably did occur in 2020, especially
in major 'Blue cities' in key swing states."
Biden has increasingly-worsening dementia and the
entire White House staff and 99 percent of the sycophant White
House press corp have been covering this up for years."
"The Department of Justice, CIA, FBI and State Department all
know Jeffrey Epstein was running an international
sex-trafficking (and blackmail) operation for decades and have
covered this up to protect all his 'Johns' or repeat VIP
"Robert Kennedy, Jr. (and Jenny McCarthy) were
almost-certainly right when they said autism diagnoses have
exploded since the number of vaccines school children had to get
was dramatically increased."
Pharma does increasingly own media and politicians."
"America should not be expanding the carnage in the
Russia-Ukraine war and Russia
did invade that nation because NATO kept getting closer and
closer to Russia's borders."
"Illegal immigration is a massive crisis and should be stopped."
"Central bank digital currencies (CBDC)
will either eliminate or massively curtail cash transactions,
which will probably be 'checkmate' for real freedom."
World Economic Forum and the
Davos Crowd are increasingly
making all the important decisions in the world."
"A few companies do control all
the media institutions."
"Many or most mass killings are committed by people on
anti-depressants or other
Big Pharma drugs."
"Dr. Atkins was probably right that low-carb diets are better
than low-fat diets."
"Anti-cholesterol drugs and anti-depressants probably don't, in
the net, save lives."
"The transgender, sex-re-assignment craze, especially, among
minors, is FUBAR and another example of medical, 'woke'
"Gold and silver markets were rigged... just like Covid data and
inflation data are rigged."
I Better Stop
Although I'm barely getting warmed up, this should be enough
examples to illustrate my point that taboo speech (speech that's
already forbidden or might soon be forbidden)... is actually true
If it's not "true," it's
at least "perhaps true" and should thus be "permitted."
Even if every statement above is false, these statements should
still be "permitted" as they are all the opinions of a genuine
American citizen.
I guess my critics could point out that I can make all of these
statements, because I just did.
But I made them on Substack.
Trust me here.
I know from
experience that I can't make such statements on my
Facebook account.
They are simply "not
permitted" and the content moderators and artificial
intelligence will flag them.
If a few are
"allowed" to be posted, these statements will "reach" maybe four
Also, if I worked for,
say, a Gannett newspaper, and made any of these statements, here's
what I would be told by my bosses:
"Mr. Rice, go clear
off your desk. You no longer work here."
So, for now, I am
permitted to write what I want on one media platform - a media
platform that not coincidently is experiencing eye-opening growth
because it does permit genuine free speech.
Still, one does wonder
how long this will continue to be the case.
My main gripe is that society "leaders" - all of whom are either
obtuse or fall somewhere on the sociopath/psychopath spectrum -
increasingly get to "permit" what speech I'm allowed to make now and
in the future.
There's a reason one of my mantras of the last couple of years has
"Post while you still