by State of the Nation
March 07,
StateOfTheNation Website

Globalists Put Globalism
on Super-Steroids with the
'Staged Coronavirus Pandemic'...
What else needs to be said about this transparently
staged coronavirus pandemic after
all the naked and veiled attempts to enact Medical Martial Law!
By their own actions, it's now clear that what we are all witnessing
is yet another false flag, mass casualty event staged by 'All The
Usual Suspects' known as 'OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC'...
Of course, there are many pieces to this conspiracy puzzle, but
they're all leading to the same outcome—an unparalleled lockdown of
planet Earth.
Really, is there any other way to incarcerate humanity so quickly
and efficiently than by establishing Medical Martial Law?
Martial Law pretext
There are some very obvious reasons why the
New World Order (NWO) globalist
cabal is on a very serious mission to see every nation declare
Medical Martial Law.
Not in any particular order are just a few of the NWO initiatives of
which the coronavirus pandemic will be used as a pretext to
legislatively carry out.
Medical Martial Law
could easily either provide cover for the following dictatorial
endeavors; it would also permit governments to arrogate power unto
themselves which they do not legitimately possess.
For instance, legalizing
a worldwide mandatory flu
vaccination regime can much
more easily be accomplished in the wake of this global health
Roll out a set of
draconian restrictions on Internet usage to curtail free
Enforce mandatory
flu vaccine programs and childhood vaccination schedules
Expand the global
chemical geoengineering operations unimpeded
Transition the
world community of nations to a
cashless digital currency
Complete the
military deployment of
worldwide without protests
Advance the
build-out of the
Internet of Things
wherever 5G is operational
Construction of
Smart Cities wherever 5G and IoT are sufficiently developed
Implementation of
digital identification for every human being via
Regulate all
social media utilities and blogging platforms to vastly
limit truth dissemination
Now we come to the major
reasons for this highly ambitious NWO plan to create a full-blown
Global Control Matrix utilizing a deadly pandemic as the
Again, these are not
presented in any order and some of them could be de-prioritized
considerably or eliminated altogether.
Foist a One World
Government upon the World Community of Nations
Accelerate the
Inauguration of Israel as the World Capital of a Global
Government Run from Jerusalem
Fabricate the
Conditions for the Controlled Demolition of the Global
Economic & Financial System
Foster a
Conducive Environment for the Hot Phase of
World War III and Trigger
Event for Armed Conflict
Distract Humanity
from Rampant Globalist Corruption and Criminality
Expand and
the United Nations (UN)
Powers Granted to the World Health Organization (WHO)
toward a Global Medical Tyranny
Effectuate a
Genocide in China as well as
Global Depopulation Event
threatening to become an Extinction Level Event
Advance the
Greater Israel Project by disabling Chinese, Russian and
Indian support for Iran
Infect the Entire
Global Population with
the Coronavirus so that
'future outbreaks' can be triggered via,
Enforce a
Prohibitive Worldwide Regime dictated by the
False Global Climate Change
These ten reasons
represent only some of the major NWO goals; therefore, this list is
by no means exhaustive.
The globalists will milk
this highly organized bioterrorist operation for all that they can
as everyone is witnessing in real-time wherever the coronavirus has
thus far been launched.
The fast-growing number
of carefully coordinated bio-terror mass casualty events around the
world is designed to have maximum dramatic effect.
This is why every
American urgently needs to know about a future BIO-PATRIOT ACT!
Clearly, President
Trump is being set up to
promote the future Bio-Patriot Act as a prelude to declaring
a Medical Martial Law.
This intensifying
pandemic psyop is being purposefully marshaled along in order to
provide a strong justification to pass the pre-planned
Bio-Patriot Act.
The higher the
disease and death rates caused by COVID-19 in the USA, the
greater the likelihood that some level of Medical Martial Law
will be declared.
miscalculation by
The Powers That Be.
It also reflects their
sheer desperation to effectively imprison all of humanity.
Yes, this was always their plan… but it was meant to be a
slow-motion and imperceptible process of incarceration; so slow and
well-executed that people everywhere would actually demand their own
Isn't this what
sheeple do when scared by the wolves?
But why?
Why are the globalist perps dead set on prematurely remaking the
entire planetary civilization into a permanent planetary prison…
where everyone will soon realize they're living in global
Because they've been
ousted... BIG TIME! That's why...
And, with the Internet running at full tilt, anyone can easily learn
about their multi-millennial crime spree that they've covered up and
continue to perpetrate with apparent impunity to this very day.
What's the point?
The Powers That Be no
longer feel safe.
That's because they aren't.
After all, we know who they are.
Thanks to the Internet, we know who all of them are. Well,
'almost' all of them.
Even those culprits whose
names have not yet appeared in cyberspace can be found out by simply
following the money.
Since every international
crime wave takes a LOT of money to carry out, their fingerprints are
all over the coronavirus crime scene.
In point of fact, the
signatures of their agents are also all over this staged
Yes, the decision-makers
at the very top of the world power structure are still well
concealed, but they won't be for long after every American finds out
who really did 9/11, and especially
who launched and is methodically sustaining this
coronavirus pandemic...
by James Corbett